
8 Reviews
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Wonder Woman 1984 has delivered my expectations!
27 December 2020
After watching Wonder Woman 1984 two times in a row just to make sure that my opinion/review of the movie is genuine. This was by far the best performance that Gal Gadot has ever given. She was absolutely fantastic as Wonder Woman, and Chris Pine was also amazing. Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord and Kristen Wiig as Barbara Minerva were also terrific.

The story centred around greed, and how having too much power can corrupt even the most innocent of people. That was such a profound message, and Patty Jenkins directed the narrative in a completely engrossing way. There wasn't really a straight-up villain of the film, which I liked. Maxwell and Barbara were easily corrupted because they weren't happy with the lifestyle that they had and they were willing to do anything to change it.

There was a scene towards the end that really hit me on an emotional level, far more than I would have expected from a comic book film. I won't spoil what happens, but it involves a choice that Diana had to make in regards to not letting greed overcome her and making a sacrifice in order to retain her humanity. This wasn't something that I expected, and it elevated the film for me. In other words, I was completely amazed by Wonder Woman 1984. It exceeded my expectations and I call that a huge win in my book. So yeah if you get the chance please watch Wonder Woman 1984 for your enjoyable entertainment because whether you like this movie or not. I'm pretty sure that this movie would still be worth the watch and I'm 100% confident that more positive reviews for Wonder Woman 1984 will come soon in the future (Hopefully)!
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The Quiet Man (2018 Video Game)
A bit decent but still disappointing
19 June 2019
This game was a bit decent but overall this game still left me disappointed and not only that. This game had so much potential into becoming a best-selling game of 2018 but instead, it just left me a bitter yet confusing feel into it.

  • Live Action Cutscenes are decent and it makes you feel like you're watching a decent budget TV Show so you pretty much can get into the cutscenes very easily if you want to know more of the story and what's going on.

  • Sound Design including audio and sound effects are fantastic in the updated version of the game because it makes the combat even more satisfying when you beat the crap out of your enemies.

  • Music/Soundtrack of the game is a bit decent enough.


  • Repetitive Combat System leaves you pretty much almost bored throughout the entire game and not only that it makes you feel like you're button mashing the entire time and it gets mentally exhausting.

  • The silent/muted cutscenes are pretty annoying and it makes you want to beg for sounds in the cutscenes.

  • Background Lens Flares are too much

  • The Graphics are not as realistic as I was hoping for because the graphics in this game left me very disappointed and I was hoping that it'll change once the game releases after being developed in production but overall it didn't go as I was expecting it too.

  • Boss Fights and enemies are too bland and too predictable.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Iron Fist Delivers
19 November 2017
All I gotta say is that Iron Fist had a really good Kung Fu movie kinda vibe to the series and it makes it both unique and interesting at the same time. So in conclusion I'm just gonna say that it's fantastic. For example like the fight scenes because it brought so much Martial Arts in a traditional way, and the drama scenes really did capture every time about the story.
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Best Bruce Lee Like Movie Ever
19 November 2017
All I have to say about Birth of The Dragon is that it really did capture Bruce Lee's martial art skills, performance, and attitude and even the story made it feel like it was real. Because during the movie I got so into it that this movie made Bruce Lee 10X more cooler than he ever was. For the fight scenes it was really enjoyable to watch and it was both epic and inspiring at the same time. Overall I give this movie a 10/10 because it really did capture the true nature of Bruce Lee and this made it feel like it was honoring him in a way that so pure to do.
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Fantastic Four was okay but did not deliver the way we wanted it to.
19 November 2017
When I was watching Fantastic Four I was so excited but until when it came to the first half of the movie I was a bit bored because I already know what happens. So I just wanted to get to the part of the Fantastic Four crew using their powers, fight enemies with it, and get to Doctor Doom. But anyways the movie was not what I was expecting it was just a whole movie of them talking and nothing else. The only good things about the movie was the Casting Choices, Special Effects, Doctor Doom, the fight scene, Human Torch and that's pretty much it. But for the bad things about the movie was that it felt extremely slow and the story was just a repeated origin story of the Fantastic Four. So overall I give this movie a 6 because I don't know what to think about the movie besides of me being so confused about it.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Another good DC Movie
19 November 2017
I watched Suicide Squad with my friends and the both of us said that this was a good movie. I really don't know why people are hating on this movie including some critics but what they need to do is shut up and appreciate it. The good things about the movie was the cast, characters, story, soundtrack, humor scenes, and fight scene. For the bad things there is really nothing bad about the movie
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Batman V Superman Delivers the movie everyone has been waiting for.
19 November 2017
The whole entire Batman V Superman movie was great and yes even though it felt slow to the majority of the people who watched it but to me I enjoyed every part and every scene of Batman V Superman and when it got to the fight scenes both batman VS Superman and the Doomsday fight it brought so much drama, intensity, and epic performances. So with that being said I give this movie a good 10/10 because it really did go to my expectations and it brought a powerful performance and a powerful yet epic introduction to the upcoming Justice League.
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Best DC Movie Yet
19 November 2017
Screw the critics and the haters because when I saw Justice League this movie was an epic ride because the characters were amazing, actors did a great performance, story line was excellent, fight scenes got me at the edge of the seat, humor scenes gets you every time, and many more. I can ramble on and on. On how great this movie was and not only that Justice League is the movie you should watch with your friends and many DC Comics Fans in General. So in conclusion I've gotta say that Justice League is a big success and it's a solid 10/10 for me and the Critics or the people who rated this movie an awful one. They probably don't know what they are talking about and I'm guessing that these people are probably not big Superhero Fans at all they are probably just fakers who think they know everything about DC Comics.
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