
31 Reviews
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I hope they got paid well.
3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, all the props to the men for the role they actually played in the real life event. I would never take anything away from that. But this movie was a long, boring look at three school buddies, with only a passing nod to the actual event (the 'action' of which took about 15 seconds).

The first act is mostly their early life, where they accomplished, which shows them to be below-average children that may or may not have ADHD (this diagnosis was quickly dismissed by both mothers (one using religion and another by attacking the teacher. This diagnosis actually continues to make sense as you look further into their history, but I'm not a psychiatrist, just someone who actually -has- ADHD diagnosed later in life.)

The second act is the vacation trip that the three men take across Western Europe, starting I believe in Italy. The men don't speak the language and don't really understand the culture, looking for what single American young men look for in the modern age: Instagram shots, pretty women and beer. Again, the movie seems to take pride in showing that the 'heroes' are average or less.

The final act is the takedown of the lone gunman, who is portrayed as a one-dimensional figure with no past, no future, no name and very poor skills. He has an AK and a backpack (which we found out later was full of ammunition). He strips off his shirt (rationale totally ignored?) and comes out of the washroom, where the gun is immediately grabbed by the person just outside (this is itself pretty heroic, but again, ignored by Eastwood.) In fact, if this part of the film is accurate there's two American heroes (but only one of them was a main in the story), the person who grabbed the gun immediately (and got shot for his troubles) and the person who ran at the shooter (Incidentally, he would have been immediately gunned down if the weapon hadn't misfired). The other two hid back in their seats until the fight was well joined. Nobody was an expert, and the fight itself was poorly done by all involved.

Overall, this film seemed to be a clap for all those lonely sub-par men who never do much of anything in their life. It could have been so differently and so much better, if it absolutely be done at all. I'm guessing the movie was only made as a personal 'hurrah' to the fading-but-stellar career of Clint Eastwood.
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Luke Cage (2016–2018)
Just another teen 'superhero'
10 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have restarted this review about five times now, because it usually devolves into a rant about Hollywood and the crap they feed us now. I'll try to avoid that..mostly. :) Just the basics.

This show is a tired repeat of many of the shows out there right now, just with cosmetic changes. (black skin instead of white, Harlem instead of Metropolis, etc.) The same slow, naïve handsome man who believes that everything will be OK, regardless of how deep the @#$^ is, usually his own fault.

And when I say slow, I mean that many ways. He is always behind the ball mentally, trying to catch up (and never succeeding.) And he also is just plain slow, likening him not to a speeding bullet but a leisurely cement truck.

And a bullet magnet! Bullets can't seem to miss him, but that's rather a good thing, as he isn't very careful about how he carries anyone in his hands at the time. (You can see the people he's 'protecting' clearly, even when someone is shooting a machine gun at him)

All in all, if you are bored it is mindless entertainment. If you want anything more, you will be woefully disappointed.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
What is left to be said?
6 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After having now (on a thoroughly bored and sick week) watching this both as a movie and as a TV series, I have to conclude that this must have been just a terrible series of books. And after having 4 (now grown) children I have watched some pretty bad ones. Some over - and over - and over.

This series seems to assume that your last cell of intelligence just turned and ran out of your ears (either before or) after seeing the pilot. Nancy Drew would have given them a thorough drubbing, and I read her when I was 7. The acting was terrible, the sets were disastrous and the plot ...was there a plot? The main characters just seemed to race from scene to scene without anything seeming to resemble a plan.

I don't know what age bracket this is supposed to target. Everyone has tattoos (that take no time and just barely hurt) that the mundanes can't see - and they do talk about sex in a scene or two so I guess this is meant for the brain-dead teen in everyone's back yard. *sigh* Yes, anything at all can be turned into a no-budget TV series nowadays, and here is your proof. Instead, why don't you go watch the dryer on spin cycle? It will be much more entertaining.
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Royal Pains (2009–2016)
Of two viewpoints
3 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
On one hand, this is actually quite an engaging sitcom, about a doctor (not a surgeon as was reported in the primary review, but an ER doctor, but who cares?) who is to medicine what MacGyver was to ...everything else in the 1980s. (The joke was MacGyver could make a nuclear weapon out of chewing gum (with the foil wrapper! The wrapper was always important.) and a pineapple. Well, Hank is the same for medicine, coming up with incredible (and incredibly silly) miracle cures to the most bizarre medical maladies to ever roll of the tongue in Latin.

On a more serious note, Hank is sometimes a pill-pushing drug mule (he regularly gives of a litany of medicines that will somehow cure these incurable conditions. Amazingly, some of the names of these medications come up again and again. For example, listen for Prednisone (actually a synthetic steroid used for allergies, rheumatic conditions and leukaemia) which he uses for a great many things other than those. He directs all of his patients into as many costly, unnecessary procedures as possible (I think every single patient Hank has ever had has needed a C-T (a much more expensive type of X-Ray), an MRI or both (because he has his own portable MRI. They are only $25-40,000 per MONTH). He alternates on different seasons as being an altruistic medicine man and a money-grubbing shyster (which begs the question: As I can't imagine his practice would do anything less than make money hand over fist (concierge doctoring to the ultra riche), how does he keep being on the verge of broke? Perhaps he needs to sell that portable MRI machine? Anyway, after Season 5 he gives in to the corporate overlords (But only the nicest of overlords? Because we know that US hospitals and HMOs really only have the best interests of their patients at heart. (Sorry. Sarcasm got away from me there :) Anyway, I haven't finished Season 5 yet, because it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe they don't go through with it, because I would think that as soon as it becomes a corporation, then all the joy of the series would bleed out of it.

One final note about cast: Hank is enjoyable, Divya is incredible, Evan is ...miscast? and Jill is missed (Hank seems to lose part of his character without her around? *sigh* Maybe he finds another love later? Wait, don't tell me!)
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Jane the Virgin (2014–2019)
Great ... start. Generic finish.
27 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Good: This show started out really well, from my standpoint. A little bit corny, a bit campy, but it didn't shy away from it. In fact, it embraced the fact that the dad Rogelio is a telenovela star. I loved the fact that it mixes with the unique blend that is Florida...a bit English, a bit Mexican, and a bit Cuban. The romance is in the air, and the language flows naturally between English and Spanish, with subtitles that allow you to carry the conversation. (I also love that every once in a while they DON'T provide the subtitles where it isn't essential. It makes me want to learn Spanish, and I don't live anywhere close to the Mexican border!) The plot follows the growing relationship between Rafael and Jane, and I wanted them to find their way together!

The Bad: About Ep. 16, I started to get a bad taste in my mouth. Jane suddenly can't keep away from Michael, (who is suddenly a good guy again) Rafael starts to close up and act like an idiot for no apparent reason, and I started to curl my nose up as I saw where it was going. Rather than stay original, the show is becoming yet another generic love triangle. And here I had such high hopes for original entertainment for the show, for the growth between Jane and Rafael and how they were going to try and manage the pitfalls of real life. But the way it is going right now, it's just another generic telenovela (soap opera). Anyone know anything else new, original and a bit romantic? I think I'm going to need to find a new show to watch. :P
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The Keeper (I) (2009)
Oh, Steven, how far you fall...
11 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...and you never were much of an actor in the first place.

This movie features a much older, chubbier Steven Segal hashing out the same basic threadbare plot lines he has become known for, with no facial animation and (NEW) no real action (but there is some really quick camera-shot gimmicks?) Come to think of it, he doesn't really move quickly at ANY point in this movie. (In the outtakes I would expect to see many shots of Segal zipping around, climbing in and out of in those little lot buggies?) The amazing thing is how they somehow were able to burn through a $10,000,000 budget. What did they spend it on? Even Segal drives around in a '80s era truck, and most of the other vehicles were little better. One modification my boyfriend would like that was on that truck: that windshield that can stop multiple bullets?

Anyway, disappointing all round.
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Two hours you will never get back.
9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me say I've never been a Woody Allen fan. I find his movies wooden and boring.

But this movie was the exception, not the rule! Plenty of turns kept my interest. The plot was intriguing. The dialogue was interesting. Even the subtitled portions (sorry folks, I speak English and French, not Spanish) added to the film.

Why, then would I rate this title so low? The ending. Wow, the ending was terrible. Ruined the whole movie, and made the watching of it two hours of stupidity that solved nothing.

** SPOILERS AHEAD ** The ending made the whole movie useless. In the end, not only are the main characters in worse shape than they started...they now KNOW their lives are meaningless and terrible. Vicky is now in an unhappy marriage. Christina is single again, and knows exactly what she missed.

THIS is why I dislike Woody Allen movies. Because they aren't happy unless you feel terrible at the end.
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The Last Time (2006)
I suspect something better existed...
22 March 2008
...before this film hit the production level.

I SUSPECT that this script was well-done. (though I couldn't find a copy of it anywhere.) The acting is what we would expect from top-tier actors. The directing seems excellent. But I suspect that somewhere between the film getting in the can and getting out the doorway...

...someone went at it with scissors. Or a blow torch. Either way, the race to the ending seems rushed and convoluted. Parts seem to be missing. Other parts don't seem to follow in order. Some parts are just plain missing.

Gotta hate those movies that end with you shaking your head and telling yourself "What the *@$ was that?" I felt sorry for those people that worked on the movie.
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Vacancy (2007)
Shock and Awe
7 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As in 'Shockingly Awful'.

This movie was predictable, trite, and just plain not enjoyable.

Anyone that has seen 'Psycho' has seen a much better movie than this ever could be, on the same premise.

Luke Wilson's character is an idiot, though every horror movie needs one, and most get killed at the beginning. Luke's character was supposed to be dead, and then when I found out he wasn't I was disappointed.

If I had been in this position, I would have solved the dilemma in about three minutes, but of course that wouldn't make a good movie and I'm ex-Army. No, not saying I would have killed everyone or anyone, I just found it a very thin premise that they couldn't escape.

Without beating a tired horse to death, this was NOT a good movie. Not even a half-decent horror flick. I got up and made nachos half-way through, and didn't even bother to pause the movie.
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The Descent (2005)
The best horror movie of all time???
14 July 2007
Start off by saying that 'horror' is not generally a genre I go to see in theaters. I rent them, as I did with this one.

'The Descent' is not the worst horror movie I have ever seen. But it is far from the best.

It is trite, predictable, confusing, and...not overly scary? I realize that it is in a dark cave, and dimly lit. But when I have to have rewind and watch a scene several times to figure out what is actually happening and why I should stops me from actually getting into the movie. Not to mention the is loud, speech is almost inaudible. And it is never explained why this movie is set in North Carolina but the actors have British accents?

The ending made absolutely no sense at all??? (something sadly common in cheap horror flicks.)
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Post Impact (2004)
Oh, woe is me (for having to watch Dean Cain)
21 January 2007
There is some part of me that always reminisces about watching 'Lois and Clark'...I loved that show.

Which is why I keep watching every stinker put out by Dean Cain...some part of me still sees him as Clark Kent, and wants to like him.

But this is another example of a terrible acting job by Mr. Cain. I mean, he was terrible! The other actors in the movie weren't much better. And you kinda lose respect for his character about 10 minutes in, as he screws some woman he doesn't even know, knowing that his wife is still out there, waiting for him.

All in all, a thoroughly terrible movie. The writing was bad, the directing was bad, and the acting was TERRIBLE!
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Scoop (2006)
Err...Did I watch the same movie???
24 November 2006
Err...this movie sucked. A LOT.

I have been reading some of the other reviews. Apparently there are a lot of people that think that anything Woody Allen writes or stars in is automatically good...

I have watched several of his films, in the vain hope that I'm missing something. But no, they just suck. Poorly written trash. The characters are all very stereotypical (not to mention rather stupid). The plot is...I think it is supposed to be mysterious. Not sure on that. Mr. Allen's character is...Woody Allen, on any other film you have seen of his.

If you are a fan of Woody Allen, go see this film. If you are under 50, don't bother. (If you are a fan of Woody Allen AND you are under 50...well, you are atypical. I don't know what to say.)
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Closer (I) (2004)
A disappointment.
16 October 2006
When I first watched this movie, I wasn't even sure why I didn't like it.

So, I watched it again. Then I knew.

The directing is good, the actors are good...but the characters they portray are not.

The problem, for me, with this movie was that I didn't identify with any of the characters. We have adulterers, liars and ...well, I don't know what to even call Clive Owen's character. He's just not likable. Kind of an emotional idiot. And the relationships in the movie, to me, made very little sense.

So, that's why the poor rating, from me at least.
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Total trash
29 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is crap. There's no nicer way to put it.

The main character is a totally dis-likable character. He's supposedly just turned 18...though by his 5-o'clock shadow, he clearly is not. Not to mention he's a chicken that repeatedly fails to live up to his friends, his family...and everyone else.

The movie starts with the revelation that he's already destroyed his mother's life. Then he goes to work on his father's. The whole point of this movie is apparently about racing...regardless of your friends, the property damage, or....anything else.

Lets not forget the race at the end, where the movie producers decided that 'American muscle' would beat out Japanese supercars. Not only is it nauseating pampering to US viewers, its totally untrue...except in a movie. Japanese cars corner like these corner like they are on rails. Its all they were built for. On the other hand, American cars like the old Mustang shown corner like...tanks. Don't get me wrong, on a flat stretch they are hard to beat. But in a drifting battle...? I love the old Mustangs...but a corner machine, it isn't.

All I can say is...if this were my child, I'd ship him back home. Maybe some time in jeuvie is a good cure for stupidity.
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Dark Town (2004 Video)
A new low in American cinema
26 September 2006
There is bad. Then there's really bad. Then there's 'Warriors of the Wasteland' bad.

This movie falls in the last category.

One wonders if there was EVER a script for this movie, or if the director was just winging it as he went.

I make no secrets about liking vampire movies. But this one...I'm not sure it gets much worse than this.

The acting was bad. The plot was non-existent. The directing was bad. The production made no sense.

How was this movie ever made?

And worse, released?

Luckily, I rented this movie basically for free. Because I'm so glad I didn't pay money for it.
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Not as bad as it first appears.
19 September 2006
This movie is not great, by any stretch. It is the story of Beauty and the Beast retold from a vaguely new perspective.

Having said that, its not as bad as it first appears. Sure, the costumes is obvious that this is a film with a very low budget.

But the acting is decent, and there were even a few that stood out. The writing is decent. And the directing was obviously quite good. He/she did quite a bit with very little money spent. Even the production was decent. Not spectacular, by any means. But certainly could have been worse.

So, does it top my A list? Not a chance. But if you are looking for a movie that is a pleasant diversion, this may be the ticket.
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Dogville (2003)
A tribute to vote-stacking
12 September 2006
Sorry for the spam, but this film is classified as being voted highest by the 18-29 Male/Female brackets, and in the under-18 brackets. Isn't it strange that this movie was rated highest in the demographics that are of most interest to people that fund these movies?

However, I have yet to meet a SINGLE 'average' person who liked this movie. And I worked in a video store. In fact, the demographic I found most likely to dislike this movie...was 18-29 year-olds. And my 15-year-old son and his friends laughed when I tried to put this on. I did tell them that it was highly recommended by others in their age group. I believe the group consensus was 'No way. Total junk'. They turned it off after 10 minutes. I have an incredibly hard time believing that ONE child under 18 has watched this movie all the way through, let alone almost a thousand. Like my title says, a tribute to vote-stacking.

The only thing I can say about it, was it must have been cheap to make. Like other reviews have said, it is very much 'art theatre'. I think the point of this movie was supposed to be to show off the acting talents of fairly big-name actors. What I don't get is...why would anyone except casting directors watch it? Its a 'movie pretending to be in a theatre', without anything but a blank warehouse for a set, and lines drawn with tape on the floor. I thought movies were supposed to be a visual medium? Heck, there is even written text telling you what is supposedly the point of the scene. So, the producer thinks the audience won't get it?

After reading some of the other comments on IMDb, I am willing to concede that this movie MAY have a good plot. Somewhere. But its ploddingly slow, and I'm sorry, my life is too short.

A totally disappointing movie. To bad I own it. I've tried to give it away, but no one seems to want it, go figure. Even the pawn shops won't take it...they have too many copies already.
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Birth (2004)
The Nicole Kidman conundrum.
12 September 2006
I find that I love Nicole Kidman, and not just how she looks (which is nice), but also her acting skills.

However, either she makes some awful choices in direction, or production, or she just plain picks awful movies. Birth is no exception.

Without making any spoilers, what is with the many, MANY closeups on someone's face that last several minutes? Not to mention the music.

The movie has a very interesting premise, and sounds like it could have been a great movie. But someone decided to be artistic with it, rather than telling the story.

But in the end, it sucked.
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Seven years later...
5 September 2006
I just watched this movie last night, in amongst a marathon of 'sensual thrillers'.

I would have to say, that amongst all the Stanley Kubrick films I found this by far the least.

It wasn't so much the plot, which was thin but ...ok, I can go with that. The direction of the piece...I didn't understand, which made the movie hard to follow.

On top of that was the music. What was with the piano plunking?!!?!!? On many scenes you hear a (highly annoying) one-finger-plunking on a piano. It makes absolutely no sense in relation to the movie, just leaves you annoyed and not really paying attention to the film. This movie really brings home what music can bring to a script...and how BAD music can ruin it.

Granted, I also didn't really understand the ending. But the piano plunking had annoyed me to the point that I just wanted it to be over.

4/10, for the production more than the script or acting.
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The Detonator (2006 Video)
A interesting movie
3 September 2006
Unlike some of the reviews written here, I didn't hate this movie. It is a movie that COULD have been much better than it was. Not Oscar material, true, but much better than it was.

I thought the plot had a good hook and through line. Granted, this movie was badly written. And TERRIBLY directed and produced. I mean, how many irrelevant flashbacks can you have? Why were we there? What exactly is the point of the opening sequence? It seems like the producer(s) watched American Beauty a few too many times and thought 'I'll use that in an action movie!' I thought the movie wasn't that badly acted. Wesley Snipes did a credible job, he just ran afoul of some bad direction. And once this movie hit the production room, things just got worse. The main actress, I think, had the same problems. Some of the other acting was suspect, yes, but it was a low-budget flick. Again, I would say it is the director's job to pick that up and correct it.

As an overall recommendation, I would agree with the first review I read that this movie is not worth seeing. Or maybe it is worth seeing, if you are a film student and want to see what NOT to do.

3/10, and that's giving it praise.
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This movie has my vote.
26 August 2006
This movie definitely has my vote as the worst movie I have ever seen. There may be worse movies out there, but I have never seen them.

It has been quite a while since I saw this movie, but certain parts of it are hard to forget (Trust me, I've tried.) From pathetic acting to shameful special effects (is that tin foil he's wearing? What's it supposed to be? Oh, a space suit. You'd think they would at least hide the lines...) to homoerotic violence to...well, it just gets worse from there.

The most entertaining thing about this movie is reading the reviews. I don't think I have laughed quite that hard in a while.

I cannot stress this strong enough...if you haven't, do << NOT >> see this movie!!!!
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A different type of movie
26 August 2006
This is a different type of movie. And I never thought that the first '10' I ever gave out would be for a black and white documentary about a long-dead journalist.

I don't even like documentaries. Most sensationalize aspects of the characters life, to make them the 'hero' of the story. But I didn't think this one did.

Edward R. Murrow was one of the pioneers of television journalism. I already knew this. In fact, this movie didn't tell me much I didn't already know, because he was already a TV icon. Go into any library, and you can find books written specifically about his brand of journalism. A quick Google search while writing this review came back with over 1.8 million hits on his full name. That isn't including derivatives, misspellings and use of just his last name. In the TV age, he is a famous man, though he didn't really try to be.

But this movie told his story in a very real, very personal light. It didn't give you every detail, or try and give you an overview of his entire life. Again, because much of the story that is told is public record, it could have been warped, distorted, or told differently...but it wasn't. I got what I think was a real sense of who Edward R. Murrow was, a real person who was not entirely sure that what he was saying was the 'right' thing. But he felt it was his responsibility to tell it.

In short, this movie doesn't try to do everything. It tells a this case, a true story, or someone who died 6 years before I was born.

And it does an excellent job of it. Well written, well directed, well cast, well acted. Kudos all around.
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Wicker Park (2004)
Wicker Park tries to be dramatic...but isn't
26 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tries very hard to be suspenseful, dramatic, and/or mysterious. But it tries too hard, and ends up being none of those things.

The actors are not good. I had higher impressions of Josh Harnett than this...definitely not his best work.

The plot is see-through and predictable. Every step of the way, you see a 'dramatic' element that is entirely, blindingly obvious.

The direction is not good. In fact, at times the movie falls over itself, with accidental exposures that seem out of sequence. At one point, we see Josh's character driving around in a car. Several scenes later, he asks to borrow the car from his friend, and his friend gives him the the same did he get it the first time?

Again in the blindingly obvious, still using the car sequence, the friend tells him that he can borrow the car, if he has it back by 6pm. You KNOW he won't have the car back on time...and he doesn't. Wow, a surprise that isn't, because we already know Matthew is unreliable. It would have been more surprising (and perhaps make us like the character better) if he had made the effort to get the car back on time.

It is easy to predict when you meet the second 'Lisa' that she's a psycho. Of course, Matthew ends up falling for Alex's (the fake Lisa's) machinations, and even ends up sleeping with her. Of course, he is in love with one girl, engaged to another, so we like him even less. Sadly, by that point you dislike both characters, so you don't really care what happens to them. Alex is stringing along Matt's friend...but he's a pathetic loser, so you don't care about him either.

We find out just how psychotic Alex is...through a thoroughly unbelievable set of circumstances, she keeps the two love interests apart.

And thus, the entire movie drags on. Right to the scripted end where the main 'love interests' keep missing each other (using more coincidences), just to meet at the very end and fall in love again, in true movie fashion.
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The New World (2005)
Artistic ...crud
18 August 2006

I just forced myself to watch this, hoping there was some sort of redeeming factor at the end. I was mistaken.

For those that are very into 'The Arts', this is probably what you want, and I would recommend it.

For Joe Average...this movie will bore you to tears, with photography that has no sense of purpose (if I have to look upwards at another set of trees for an extended shot...), a soundtrack that would put my grandmother to sleep, and a plot that meanders all over the place, without seemingly any rhyme or reason. More than once I thought this film was intended for the 'TV movie of the Week' because of pauses that seemed to have no purpose. Supposedly this movie is about Pocahontas, but if you expect a script like the Disney version, you will be sorely mistaken.

Not that I blame the writers/orchestra/actors/others for any of this. It is the director and the producer's fault, I know this. They decided to make a movie with Artistic Value, which has no value to anyone else.
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Not as good as I expected
28 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I did like this movie...up until the last half hour or so.

Call me a sap, but I like movies with happy endings. I want Will to end up with Elizabeth. Will is a 'nice guy' and through the first film and the first part of the second, Elizabeth stands by her man. The ending, however, indicates that she basically now has the hots for Capt Jack, who has revealed himself so far to be a thoroughly despicable character. Sure, at the very end he does make one valiant sacrifice to head back to the ship...but in the end this does nothing for the ending. In fact, it is very atypical of him, and rather hard to believe. Will, being the nice guy and true friend (although Jack has backstabbed him repeatedly), agrees to go after Jack even knowing that Elizabeth has a thing for him, having seen them together.

Who knows...perhaps they will wrap it up in the third, and this will just be a mediocre chapter in the middle (think Matrix 2). I'm not the writer or the director, but part of me hopes so.
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