
11 Reviews
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Funny and Entertaining!
4 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
O.K, so it's not Shakespeare, it's not meant to be! You just have to take it for what it's worth, go with it and have many laughs along the way! I think you actually forget that they are men, well, maybe not, but it's an enjoyable film, to say the least! Most of the scenes are funny and I think all of the actors do a great job in their roles! I do have to say that I bought the movie because Ron Mathews is a personal trainer at my gym and my friend and I are hot for him! Even though he's straight, I think he has a wandering eye for my beautiful friend, who is also a trainer! It's nice to know that, even if Ron is in reality all straight, that he is comfortable with himself doing a movie like this and kissing men! And, that one scene will give me enough to fantasize about in the gym, especially since he's always fully clothed! Anyway, you won't be disappointed here! In the sense of "Too Wong Foo" and "Priscilla", you'll enjoy this one!
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Captivating and Special!
28 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a high school German teacher and my kids absolutely love watching this movie! They always ask to watch it over and over when I can't be there and they have to have a sub.

I have learned some A.S.L. and can say that there are similarities but A.S.L. and German Sign Language are definitely different! I can appreciate the struggles Lara goes through and she does a good job, for her, at trying to balance in all 3 worlds. Deaf, Hearing and Music. It's only when outside factors cause tension that spill over into one or more of her worlds that she has trouble coping! There is that one sad moment in the film that gets me every time, something I can relate to but, overall, the entire film is captivating and leaves you wanting to know what happens with Lara, her career and her relationship with her family and Tom afterward! I'll never tire of this film!
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One of the Best!
4 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw it alone last night and am glad I did! My friend saw it alone and said he experienced it better emotionally so I'm glad I did that as well! I am still haunted by the movie, couldn't sleep last night and, when I left the theater, I had chills and had to take a few hours to process what I had seen! All of the characters in this film are wanting to be loved and something keeps it at a distance from them! Even Lureen wants love, even though she comes across as a cold, businesswoman! I identified the most with Jack, simply because he would do anything on Earth to be with the man he loves, drive across State borders for countless hours, just to have a few days or a week with Ennis! I would do the same thing for the man I love, give him everything I have emotionally and spiritually and hope that he one day takes it from me and gives it back to me! I can relate to Jack big time and my favorite 2 scenes in the movie are: 1: When he leaves Ennis after he surprises him and he chooses his daughters and Jack drives away crying. That scene is so touching and telling that he wants so desperately to be with him but he can't, either because of the time, family or other people.

2. I also love the scene where Ennis drives away, actually the last time they see each other, and Jack flashes back to 20 years earlier when he rode off to go up and tend the sheep. A simpler time where the 2 of them were undisturbed and together.

I really felt for Alma when she discovered the 2 of them kissing and loved Michelle Williams in the role! Great, great, poignant film!
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31 December 2005
I was probably one of the 6 people in the country who went to the theater (God knows why) in 1993 to see this film. Well, I was in Grad. School and loved, still love, anything Madonna does, so I had to see it! I saw it with 2 friends who were also as skeptical as ever-after all, we had seen "Shanghai Surprise" and "Who's That Girl," so who could blame us! I think my friend Stacy summed it all up quite frankly and bluntly after the lights came up at the end of the movie, "She can't act and this movie just proves it!" Terrible script, acting and no sensuality for me at all! And, "Wilem Dafoe?" He's some sort of sexy leading man? Please! That man is frickin' ugly! A fun idea for a "bad movie night" might be to rent this, the aforementioned 2 films and "Swept Away" and try and see in which movie she's the worst!
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Desperate Lives (1982 TV Movie)
I Remember This
25 December 2005
I remember that it was quite bad acting, typical for those ABC After school Specials; however, we get to see a young Helen Hunt and Diana Scarwid (post "Mommy Dearest"), in all her over-acting! It doesn't come across quite humorous and unrealistic at many points. I mean, you knew kids were doing drugs in high school but for the counselor to go through all their lockers during an assembly, then emotionally storm into the assembly and light the drugs on fire was way over the top! As far as the poster who mentioned Helen Hunt and her scene being deleted during her better times, actually, I remember when she hosted "Saturday Night Live" in the early 90's, after she had her comeback hit with "Mad About You." She did a clip where she was doing something and then she walked over to a window, then the next shot was the inserted footage from this movie where she has her "PCP freak-out scene" and goes through the window! It was pretty hilarious! Anyway, those Afterschool Specials always meant well!
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Good Thriller
25 December 2005
I thought this movie was well done and don't read too much into it! The actors were convincing and I didn't expect what was to come, although when I watch it again, I do see clues that I hadn't seen in the theater when I originally saw it! I LOVE Michelle Pfeiffer, so I was happy that she was in a thriller and she did not disappoint! Harrison Ford usually bores me but I thought he did a good job! The film even had an even more grown up "Christina Crawford" (Diana Scarwid), who is always fun when she overacts! I still remember "Mommy Dearest" and that ABC Afterschool Special she did where she confronted kids doing drugs after Helen Hunt OD's! Great movie, period!
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Elf (2003)
Brought Back My Christmas Spirit
23 December 2005
I have to say that I hadn't seen this movie when it first came out and my friend has seem it thousands of times and always said how good it was.

Well, I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit at all this year and I watched this with my high schoolers that I teach and I have to say that I am now in the holiday spirit! For anyone down or depressed, watch this movie! This just makes me feel good and I couldn't care less how far-fetched it might be! People take things too seriously and there is enough suffering out there, so we should just take this film at face value and let it make us laugh, though the sheer silliness of it! Will Ferrell definitely can put a smile on my face!
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Fearless (1993)
One of the Greatest!
19 December 2005
What is schmaltzy to some people is great to others! Well, I am one of the others because I think this is one of the best films I have ever seen! Although I haven't seen it in a while (I just bought the DVD, though), I remember being shocked at how good the acting was and how the plot was believable! I always liked Jeff Bridges and Isabella Rossellini but could never stand Rosie Perez until this movie! I could never take her twang but I learned to appreciate her after having seen this movie! She deserved the Oscar nomination, but Jeff and Isabella should also have been nominated! I love "Schindler's List" but, hey, Hollywood is Hollywood and the Academy always goes for those types of films to nominate! I do agree that it takes on another perspective after 9/11 and that one would not want to watch it before a plane trip but I think it makes those who see it really think about immortality and what one would do, should he live through such a catastrophe! I am an emotional person as it is but this one definitely brings those emotions out again! (or it will once I watch it again and again)! Great film!

Well, I bought it and have watched it several times and it gets to me every time, especially the ending. It's beautifully done, the music really captures the intensity of the situation. It's definitely one of my all-time favorite movies!
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Great Film!
19 December 2005
I love this movie and don't care whether or not people call it a chick flick! As a man, I can appreciate it just as much as the next person! It is special, however, because of when and where I saw it and the circumstances that surround the first viewing of it! I was at UCLA at the time and we always got film premieres before the theatres and sometimes they would invite actors/actresses after the showings! After we saw it, they said, we have the "great, up and coming actress you all just saw" and it was Julia Roberts. She was there to answer any questions we had. First of all, no one went to the mic to ask questions, then she said, "Come on guys, I flew in from Dallas for this!" Then everybody got up and went to the mic to ask questions.

Most were basic questions but it's funny looking back today at some of those questions, like "What movies are next for you?" She replied, "I've finished a comedy called 'Pretty Woman' , which I hope people will like and I'm beginning work on a film called 'Flatliners' next week." She was friendly, affable and very kind to us all, long before she became the superstar she is today! Hopefully she's just as nice but I know fame and Hollywood sometimes take their toll on people!
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Good or Bad?
15 December 2005
Well, it's not exactly a masterpiece like "White Chicks" or anything (just kidding), but I love Kelly Clarkson and would jump at the chance to see her in anything! O.K, so she and Justin have admitted that they had to do it because it was in their contracts and that they know they're not actors, so just take it for what it's worth.

It's a goofy, low-budget homage to those "Beach Blanket" movies of years past with Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello-it's not like they were great actors or had great plot lines, either! Hey, I love it for the sheer campiness of it, the terrible acting, the hot guy dancers in the background, the bitchy blond "friend", whom you just want to slap across the face and the tacky songs! It did give us "Timeless", which, in my opinion, is a great song! "The Bounce" is also a pretty sugary number , too! Oh, just buy the DVD people-you know you want to!!!!:-)
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For the Love of Aaron (1994 TV Movie)
11 December 2005
I saw this with friends and, although it is a serious story, I remember we just laughed our heads off in some scenes because it was just so hokey. Meredith calling herself "Baby Lady" was just hysterical. I know it's nothing to laugh at but it came across that way and not dramatic at all.

I remember the child was a good actor in this movie though. Still, I love Meredith, dating back to "Family", so I can't totally dis this movie.

I haven't seen it since it came out but would probably want to see it again, since it's been awhile.
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