
32 Reviews
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It's an ok movie...
17 May 2024
It's totally fine, however here and there it feels like a TV show, not a movie, It looks low budget, shaky camera. Sparks and pointless explosions too. Sure, it's an action movie, but it has that late '90s feel, not that classing '80s action movie feel. The script could be better too, also, way too many goofy moments, sometimes it feels like a comedy. They could build the love story better too, it just happens for no reason, really. In the first movie it was developed slowly, but in this movie, it's just there.

But other than these, it is an action movie, it has action, it has kicking, hitting, explosions too. So, it's alright. 4/10, entertaining.
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Is it a kids' movie?
7 May 2024
This movie looks cheap, the acting is mediocre, some parts are serious, but most of the movie is waaay too goofy. Like 5 years olds goofy, a movie for little kids, but some scenes are kind of serious and they are kissing and flirting or the dad and the kid are arguing, that's for adults. So the movie is just confusing, I guess...

The fights are also strange. Sometimes it looks cool, other times the footage is sped up and looks like a slapstick comedy. What is going on with that? I have no idea what was the concept.

The characters are often behave weird, their actions don't make any sense.

But again, the movie is probably ok for 10-12 years old kids who are interested in martial arts.

For adults it's a 3, for kids it's a 6 or 7, I'll just give 5 stars for it...
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Communists made but entertaining
25 November 2023
The movie is made in the worst communist years, but the movie itself is about sport for the nation, some football game and a love interest.

The acting is good, there is some goofy humor too, made me smile a few times.

The story has some conflict, but it gets resolved, there is a happy end too. It's a feel good movie.

The main character is likeable, because of the actor.

The message of the movie would be honor and friendship over money.

I would say if someone likes old movies with some romance, it's worth watching. Nothing legendary about it, however it's pretty nice, and has some happy energy. If you watch it, it probable makes you smile.
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31 October 2023
I don't know about today's standards, but by 2002 standards it was a 10/10 game.

The first game I ever paid. I had to order it from a computer shop, took them a month to get it for me.

Got action, the graphics was great too. The game's story, excellent.

Beside the story mode was other single player modes too.

The game generated infinite ! Number of random maps. For both single player and multiplayer. Today's games not doing such. You have like 5 multiplayer maps, then you have to purchase more of them. In SoF2 you got infinite maps.

The multiplayer was perfect, no clumsy shooting, the guns in the game had great sound, and they "felt" real.

The game was moddable too. I made many skins for multiplayer. I even made maps for single player.

Nowadays they make a kind of unfinished game with full of bugs that they fix or not, they release a few additional maps, 6 months later something DLC but the game becomes irrelevant, as next year the next game comes from the same company.

SOF 2 came out and people were playing it 10-12 years later. A few years ago did check it, people were still playing deathmatches.

Sure, by today's standards it's old and not looking good. However the technical factor of the game is still better than today's FPS games.
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Jericho (2006–2008)
Expected a post-apocalyptic story, I got way more
26 July 2023
This show is one of the best I have ever seen. The characters are developing, the story too, the acting is great, there is one story for the town and another one for the whole country.

This show is full of moral questions too, the characters have to make really difficult decisions.

I can't really imagine this show being made in 2023 though, the political situation is different. Yet, I'm still puzzled that this show was not on Fox, but on CBS.

The show has a patriotic message, but not about loving the government(s), but loving the country itself. It's actually pretty critical of the government's actions, even critical towards the military, taking orders without thinking about it. Even the soldiers get a moral question they have to answer to themselves.

It has love stories too, family topics, so it's not only about the main storyline.

I really recommend this show to pretty much everyone.
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Woke, woker, wokest
13 February 2023
The first movie was alright, had some little bit of agenda in it, but not too much. The 2. Movie was kinda woke. The 3rd one got full woke.

It had everything, evil rich white people oppressing poor peaceloving minorities. Anti-Constitutional message, with anti-NRA speech, nonsense political propaganda. It got a sprinkle of religion hate too, of course. Plus, a group of sw-stika/wlte p0wer patched did bad things only for money.

The movie is so racist, it's almost unbearable. The producers and the crew got an agenda and they projected their own feelings onto the side they hate.

For example at the very end, they say the pro-purge ones are burning cars, breaking windows, loot and hurt police officers... (pretty much saying that "evil white conservatives are like that". Well, It's literally that happened in 2020, except the other side did it.

The movie is pretending to be peace-supporting, but in fact, it's just trying to generate hate in it's audience and divide them by race.

Since this movie was so racist, now I'm afraid of the 2018 and 2021 movies. Are they going to be even worse than this?

I rate the movie 2 stars out of 10. It could be an okay movie, but the political propaganda totally ruining it. (BTW I'm not even a right winger, I'm a centrist libertarian.)
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Hellraiser (2022)
A pretty good reboot
8 October 2022
I have to admit, the journalists mislead me, with all the articles about "the female Pinhead", "the feminism is here", etc. Pinhead's character is not stolen. It's a new Cenobite, her name is "The Priest", so, don't believe the journalists, they didn't ruin Pinheads character.

Also, it's not a remake, it's a reboot.

The new cenobite is scary, and her team too. The special effects are looking great, even the CGI is good looking. Gore, blood, things you need in Hellraiser, this movie has everything.

The main character is a woman, the actress doing an excellent job. There is some character building, but not much, the movie is focusing on her and the story itself.

There are a couple twists too.

The box works different then in the other movies, however it changed in the past 10 movies too.

I wish the movie would explain the rules more, as some of them changed, like they want blood, and they go after anyone who get scratched/stabbed by the box, but sometimes they don't, or they give some time for one, but no time for others. Maybe they are going to clear up the rules in the "sequel". (Or can we say in movie number Xll.?)

I would rate this movie 7/10. Worth watching.
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Screamers: The Hunting (2009 Video)
I was expected worse
22 September 2022
The production is a B-grade movie, so it looks cheap, however the story is ok, the acting is fine, and the gore effects are surprisingly good, they didn't hold back the bloodbath. For a horror-scifi it's a must.

A several scenes reminded me of Alien, the story also has parts that is "Alienish".

The guns looked real, not something you would take from a sci-fi movie. (I think they shot Tavors.) So that looked real, even though the. However when they shot at the screamers, the sparks looked pretty goofy.

The title doesn't make sense, they didn't hunt for screamers, they had a rescue mission.

The ending had a cliffhanger, but I guess they didn't make a 3rd movie. As it would play on Earth, it would probably need a higher budget, so I guess that's the reason we didn't get another sequel.

Overall, I think the movie worth watching, It's a 6/10.
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Command 5 (1985 TV Movie)
An almost perfect TV movie
1 September 2022
A high ranked military person gets hired and he is building a team to fight dangerous criminals. He got a fat guy, a funny guy, a handsome guy... and a woman.

Obviously, it's an A-Team wannabe TV film, but a really good one. More violent, more shooting, it got interesting main characters, there are jokes in it, etc. The badguys are scary, not goofballs like in A-team, and it gives this movie a more serious tone.

It's not B grade, but maybe C grade action movie, but it's done right.

Really liked it as a kid, and 30+ years later I still like it, and re-watching Command 5 every couple years. I would say anyone who likes '80 action movies should give a chance for this movie too.
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In the Line of Fire (2007– )
Watchable, but not a masterpiece
18 June 2021
I did finish the 1st season.

There is some action, some mystery. The story is complicated at first but gets better later. It made me watch the show.

The acting is ok, however the script makes the characters say nonsense things, sometimes.

The hero of the movie is not too friendly, in fact, I don't know if I could name 1 character that is really nice. Maybe the young roma officer and the blond cop...

The child character is annoying, however he only has a few lines, barely in the show.

There are multiple things in the 1st season that makes no sense, fortunately just little things, maybe most people wouldn't even notice them.

One thing I disliked a lot: the show is really dark. Not the story, the scenes. Daytime at a police station, pitch black in the offices. Why?

Let's say, it a 6.5/10 . The show flaws, but I got entertained by it, I cared about the story. Worth watching.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
Pure entertaining
17 April 2021
The movie has no heavy message or anything, but it's really entertaining.

The basics were not explained well enough, but it was ok. The main character is likable, the others too, even though the villain is probably too dumb to run a technologically advanced online show, so that was not believable. He is like a not too smart enemy in Joker. He is scary though, so that's a plus.

The movie is full of action, and the dark jokes are pretty good too.

If you are bored and you don't want to think hard just have fun, this movie is for you.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Outsider's opinion?
28 April 2020
I don't like Star Wars, I guess the old movies are ok, but I'm not a fan at all. I thought I'm going to feel the same way about The Mandalorian, but oh boy I was wrong. I can say that I'm a fan of this show.

It's not goofy, there are serious moments in it. No agenda is pushed, the story is simple, but great. The episodes feel like Fallout quests in space/planets. Some characters are reminding me of Fallout characters too. Like Cara Dune is totally Sydney from Fallout 3.

I worried because of the CGI, but the computer graphics/animation is perfect.

I also thought the "baby Yoda" thing is going to be cheesy. It's not.

The show has action, serious tone, some jokes too, adventure, nice moments, etc. Everything that a show needs.

Even people who doesn't like Star Wars can be a fan of this show.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
2 March 2020
When I turn old I'll make a list of the worst disappointments in my life.

The last 3 episodes of Game of Thrones are going to be on it.

The show built up all the main characters, but at the end, pretty much all characters became crazy, dumb, weak, boring, irrelevant or just annoying.

If you feel bad as a fan about this, imagine what the actors and actresses felt during playing it.

Cersei Lannister is the evil queen? Well, at the end she is the only one I didn't dislike. Looking at the ending, I would even like if she takes the Throne. I kinda wanted that, because of the irony. At least she fought for it non-stop. Yet, someone else got it, who never even mentioned that he wanted it. Dang...

I give 3 stars for the last episode, 1 for the visuals and 1 for the acting, but the writing killed this show and the last 3 episodes nullified all the seasons. It's a crime against humanity.

(They should remake the last 3 episodes, but as soon as possible, before the actors and actresses get noticeable.)
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Day of the Dead (2008 Video)
Not a bad one
29 December 2019
It's a movie that was cool to hate, but the reality is, it's not bad at all. Sure, there are a several issues with it, like in a scene there is a zombie, running in the ceiling like a spider. That's just horrible CGI and it makes no sense. The action scenes are ok though, the characters are alright, you feel sorry when they die. There are a several coincidences that are just impossible, there are unexplained things too about character backgrounds, but overall, I think the movie is better than average. I re-watch it from time to time.
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Die Hard (1988)
25 December 2019
I love this movie, but I can't give a 10, I give a 9.

The reason I take away 1 star, because if someone shoots a gun, you can hear it miles away. Yet, in the movie, people are shooting guns on top of a 500 feet tall building, and no one hears it on ground?

Just imagine when someone uses a firework and it blows in the air. You gonna hear it from miles and miles.

But other than this, the movie is pretty perfect. I keep watching it over and over every few years.

Great acting, excellent action scenes, the plot is not that complicated on a good way.
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Art movie
24 December 2019
People dislike it because they expect a happy, fun movie, but it's somewhere between art and drama.

The story makes no sense, there is no way to tell who the main character is, what's the message of the movie? Who knows. Why the characters are so insane? I don't know. None of these matters though.

The visuals are fantastic, the colors, the slow motion, the ambient music is chilling with the monologues in the background.

Confusing, and I love it.
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
It's a 10
24 December 2019
I can't really point out any Cons in the movie, so it gets a 10.

The acting is great, the action scenes, the car chase, all perfect. The story is simple, but in a positive way.

I did watch this movie a several times in the past few years and I'm planning to watch it again. It's just an excellent movie.
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Billionaire Ransom (II) (2016)
Better than expected
19 December 2019
I thought it's going to be a weak "B" movie, but I guess I was wrong.

The Cons:

A few minor issues in the and the "badguys" make some really rookie mistakes. The CGI is problematic when they shoot their guns. With blanks and fake blood, the movie would get even better. Too much shaky cam.

The Pros:

The acting is pretty solid, I think there is 1 famous actor in the movie, but the others are also played their roles excellent. I liked the plot too. Even though the movie is about spoiled rich kids, their characters become likable pretty fast. There were a few surprisingly shocking scenes, like the broken arm scene, the practical effect looked really convincing.

If you are bored and you have 90 mins to pass, give the movie a chance, it's worth watching.
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Excellent show
6 November 2019
I don't like TV, but when this show was on, I did watch this show. Great characters, story, visuals, action. Even romance. It had everything. Yet, they only make like 1 and a half season because the Terminator Salvation movie was coming out, so they quickly ended the show in favor of the forgettable movie. I was really disappointed.
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Low-budget action-horror
4 October 2019
I'll give it 4/10, but it's a REALLY generous rating...

Cheap looking set, weak CGI. The acting is okay I guess. The action is not good, but not horrible either. The characters are kinda weak.

The story should be just a side-quest in the Doom universe, not an origin story. It should be just the making of teleport, maybe a mix between The Fly/Zombie movies. They could just do that, get some ok ratings, buff out the budget for the origin story movie. But that's not what is happened. They had no money, but they made an origin story anyway, and it didn't work, of course.

The fact that the movie crew mocked the Doom fans, didn't help their situation, for sure. Now they are getting 1 star ratings all over their movie.

If you find the movie at Walmart for 1 dollar or something, or if it's on TV watch it.
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Death Wish (2018)
A solid remake
2 October 2019
The movie has a really different tone than the original, but I think it's a good thing. It's not a shot-for-shot remake. The original was mostly a drama, this one is more like an action movie.

This movie got undeserved hate for political reasons, but the negative reviews are invalid, as this movie is a solid 7/10. If you like action and revenge movies, give it a chance, probably you are going to like it.
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I enjoyed it
2 October 2019
Even though only 1 character's background was revealed, and the main story barely exists, the visuals of the movie look fantastic, it's like digital art. It's just beautiful. And even though there is no story, really, but it's action from start to the end, so you'll be entertained if you don't mind watching eye-candy / action.

It has a tiny bit of horror vibe too, but not that much. It did fit in the post-apocalyptic surroundings.
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The Class (2007)
A must watch
17 May 2019
Just finished this movie. I would give it an 8/10, however there is a +1, as the movie is brave enough with the story. A movie by Hollywood would just blame gun owners or something, but this movie did not do that. This movie showed the motive, the cold hard reality of school bullying, harassment and violence, the disgusting thug/mob mentality.

I would also give another +1, as everyone should watch this movie.

You need a strong stomach for it. I had to stop the movie a few times.

The movie shows what's wrong with the school system, and how ignorant parents can be.
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Zena za pultem (1977–1978)
Excellent show
3 February 2019
A funny innocent show with old style humor. Some drama, love, family, difficult decisions.

I can't really point out any problem with it, maybe some lines sounds rude, on the other hand I guess it was the case back in 1977. Personally I also found the kid annoying, so maybe I take away 2 stars from the 10.

Worth watching, it's really entertaining and addictive. Watched all 12 episodes in 2 day.

My favorite character is the store manager. :-)
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Not bad at all
3 January 2019
When I heard about this movie, I got angry. People said it's going to be a remake and it's an insult. Well, it's NOT a remake. It's a prequel.

The story is pretty much the same as the original one, except the alien-UFO part is getting explained more.

The acting is good, there are a few familiar faces in the movie.

The CGI is not that great, but they used practical effects too. The alien scenes are scary, so I wouldn't complain about that.

I see the movie didn't even earn back it's budget. Well, I would blame the title and the rumor that it's a remake. The title should be "The Thing awakens" or something like that. Or "The Thing 2". Or anything but "The Thing". It's confusing and it makes people believe that it's just a copy-paste of the '80-s movie.

I think it would rate this movie a 6.5 / 10. Not perfect at all, but a little bit better than average. Definitely worth watching at least once.
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