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It had potential, but it never quite realises it.
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I sit here, recovering from Covid and pretty bored. I load up Amazon Prime and this movie is there telling me it's free to view. It has the piratey bloke from Game of Thrones so figured I'd give it a watch.

So... Toxic white masculinity is a demon and it hunts women at night. When it's not, then it's keeping the world running the way it wants to and if you try to fight it, you will die. The lead defeats it by running away, gets people who are trying to help her killed by it and then meets feminism who is an angel who tells her a few things and puts her in a Karate gi to go off and fight it.

The demon is lightning fast, kills with ease, uses telekinesis, and indestructible. It can also break the fourth wall and make the camera look away... He tracks his prey by the smell of her blood, which would make you think that someone covered in their own blood would be easy prey right?

Nope, there's always some poor sod in the way to die first. Like a house full of friends who she doesn't seem overly worried about, a car full of students who save her from some dudes who she doesn't seem to care about and a dog (specifically a bitch) which the demon is afraid of for some reason?

Anyway, against all odds she survives the night and lures the demon into a glass building where the glass is broken by stones and the demon crawls away leaving a black flammable liquid behind him to be set on fire to kill him.

The women then goes home to her daughter who she didn't seem overly worried about at all during the entire movie - The End.

It's actually not badly made, it has some genuinely tense moments and decent enough acting and effects but it seems to want to side line this to tell you women are strong and we all need to smash the patriarchy. A little more effort on the story and character development and this could have been 8/10, but nah - lets watch a woman having a period.
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Like punishment to watch
23 September 2022
I don't know how this series got approved for inclusion in the MCU? It's not entirely without charm, but it's like people got together on Twitter and wrote a script using popular Tweets and hot takes.

The main characters aren't funny or likeable and when you get an episode without cameos in it then that 30 min run time feels like an hour - it really drags.

I'm watching because I hope it gets better, but if not then I won't be watching the second season.

Final note - the CGI. It's bad. Sometimes it's just not great, other times it's really jarring and takes you out of the scene. There are moments when She Hulk is walking around in a suit and it looks like it's been ripped from a PS3 game - how? It's motion capture, but the textures on the suit are so flat and bland, it looks awful.
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Needs more humour
13 February 2022
I really really wanted to love this.

The first movie Kingsman was, and still is, a fantastic movie; I'd not really heard much about it before watching and the fun mix of action, comedy and oddly graphic scenes and at times risqué script really makes it stand out as something special from the last 10 years.

The sequel was good, not great, but good and I think it was an acceptable follow up.

I never went to see this movie at the cinema, Disney snuck it onto Disney + and I found it unintentionally. I think I possibly expected too much? It's good a great cast, it's a prequel to two good, exciting, fun movies... but they missed the comedy. It was really lacking in offbeat jokes and really felt that despite the subject of the war being covered - it was still possible.

It was an ok watch, it was interesting to see how it all began, it's just dry and a bit dull. That's all.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
Not too shabby
30 January 2022
Ok, it's not the 'Train to Busan stopping first at high school' that I had hoped it would be but I quite enjoyed it. It might benefit from there being a bit of a lull in good stuff being released right now though(?).

It basically follows the progress of a couple of groups of kids (most focus being on the the one, larger group) as they try to escape the zombie infested high school.

Along the way, stuff happens - some more interesting than others, some of it is really quite stupid and there are times when I felt like switching off but am glad I didn't. The first episode or two in particular are a bit... iffy...

Watch it expecting a Young Adult horror series and you'll enjoy it more than if you go into it expecting it to be outright horror.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Fantastic series let down by a slightly meh finale
4 October 2021
Ok, I have to get this off my chest. It really annoys me when people just don't give a realistic review of movies and tv shows because giving something 10 and saying 'best thing ever!' or a 1 (or even 0) and saying 'worst thing ever!' serve no purpose except to feel the gap some people have in their life for a hobby... I find it especially annoying when people rate something zero and say 'I was bored after 10 minutes so turned off' - hey buddy, don't review it then if you're not mature enough to invest some time! Go watch some Tik Tok videos instead!

Ok, rant over lol.

I put this on for the sake of having something in the background while I worked from home. It was a huge mistake as I kept concentrating on the show with work in the background! Sorry boss :) I did however change it to other "stuff" when I realised it was a show I wanted to watch.

The basic premise is simple - people with huge debts and nothing really to live for are offered a part in 6 games and the winner gets huge amounts of money. Simples. What they don't know is that they might die...

I don't know how they do it, but Korea just nails it when it comes to creating characters that are fallible but likeable. They even make bad guys, real a-holes, somehow relatable and fleshed out so they're not just one dimensional villains.

Anyway, I won't spoil anything for anyone except to say it's really very good :) It doesn't glorify the deaths, they're grim and matter of fact and as the series progresses, because they've developed characters and you've invested in them then their deaths hit pretty hard :( I sort of assumed that more would survive but this feels like it's completely self contained like they didn't expect a second series.

Watch it, enjoy it - or not - just don't come in and review it like a child afterwards.
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Candyman (2021)
Slightly below average, non scary horror...
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the original Candyman movie when I saw it years ago, less so the sequels which were, to be frank, garbage.

So, I thought that I'd give this a go and see if it could provide a proper follow up to the events of the first Candyman and deliver something tense, creepy and actually scary - the trailers showed promise, hence me going to see it.

Sadly, what it delivers is a couple of decent effects, no real scares and a whole lot of exposition.

This movie really wants you to know that the police are murderous white people who just like killing black people. It also wants you to know that white people are "bad" as it proceeds to show you a series of vapid, wealthy white people being killed - less than a few minutes in and the main character is talking about about society being run by white supremacists and when corrected with "you mean white people" he just says "yeah" - expectations set right there... Groan...

So we get a dull series of events, a few mostly dull murders, a confused and largely pointless scenes of 'stuff' which was really too dull to remember and then the police show up and murder a guy who is laid on the floor being propped up by a woman who moments before was about to be killed. Then we get to see what the film really wants to show - white police officers being murdered.

Honestly it could have been done worse, but only it would have taken some real effort to do so. It isn't a worthy successor to the original, personally I'd recommend people just skip this.

On a positive note, it looked nice. The camerawork was done well in the most part and I can only assume that the mix of obnoxious characters were intentionally obnoxious so they did that well...

One thing which left me puzzled (and annoyed) all the way through the movie was; why would a young up and coming artist not be more concerned about their hand and arm slowly starting to rot? It was literally dropping to pieces but all he did was pick at it a bit and wrap a towel around it. His livelihood and career literally requires the use of that hand but he only went for medical help when his entire arm was rotting and the rot was creeping up the side of his face!

All that said, I'm sure it will do well and win several accolades because of diversity etc. Having the overrated Jordan Peele won't hurt either.
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Fun story with a deadly dull middle act
4 September 2021
I was actually borderline giving this a 7 out of 10 but can't quite bring myself to do it because the middle is so booooooring!

I did however, on the whole really enjoy this but I did think that it was more about the whole cast rather than an origin story of Shang-Chi because an awful lot of attention seems to be given his sister and his friend Katy which seemed odd to me?

But sort of odd in a good way because they managed to flesh the characters out enough to make them seem like 'characters' rather than expendable supporting cast.

The first third of the movie was for me, the strongest and seeing the full fight scene on the bus shown in the trailer made me appreciate the choreography that went into this. The final third was fine... I wasn't bored... The middle though? Nah :(

I preferred this to Black Widow because it's part of the new phase and not some remnant carry over and just felt fresh!

There's also some fairly ok humour in there (a lot which misses the mark too though)... yeah, it was good, you should go see it if you like the MCU.
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Looks good, but it's not really the Master of the Universe.
23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know much about this series other than from what I saw on the amazing trailer.

Honestly, if I wasn't spending so much time at home these days then I wouldn't even have bothered to watch this but having enjoyed the show as a kid I thought I'd just succumb and let myself enjoy a bit of nostalgia.

The first episode started strong, I thought 'yes! This is so much fun' and captured how it made me feel as a kid which I never thought it would even come close to.

My initial enjoyment then dissipated however in the final quarter of the first episode when - they kill He-Man.

Not only do they kill He-Man, they also kill Skeletor! That's right, the two main characters are killed of early... What follows is a dull trudge through three episodes which I'll be honest, wasn't interested because the pay off with MOTU was always He-Man showing up and saving the day after a bit of mild peril and then a bit of a skit at the end from Orko. Oh, did I mention they kill off Orko at the end of episode 4?

Episode 5 is a bit better, by this point Eternia is a complete dump after the forces of evil have waged an unending war on the forces of good but Teela is able to bring Adam back from the dead! Hurrah!

All is starting to look promising, Adam holds aloft the mighty sword and says... Nothing.

He's stabbed through the chest from behind by Skeletor who, rather than die, hid in Evil Lynn's staff... Like really, wtf? Then Skeletor picks up the sword of power and says "I have the power!" and the changes into super Skeletor... The end.

During the (very short) mini series we see Teela become the new Man at Arms, King Randor snidely tell Adam that one day he hopes to be proud of him Duncan (the original and real) Man at Arms is of Teela, Teela throw a strop at not being in the group of people to know He-Man's secret identity, King Randor go all 'toxic masculinity', several fan favourite characters get killed off unnecessarily, and all the women (good and evil) come together for the good of the world because erm... men made them do all the stuff they did in the past?

I'm just disappointed that the makers missed the point of the original show so badly. It's meant to be a fun 'monster of the week' feature with the hero showing up to save the day at the end. This is not that. The story isn't very interesting, the voice acting isn't great (barring the ever excellent Mark Hamill as Skeletor).

I just don't know who this is for? Fans of Masters of the Universe want He-Man. That's the bottom line. What next? A Superman movie where Superman is killed in the first 15 minutes and the rest is about how he'd always held Lois Lane back?

I watched the whole series, I wouldn't watch it again and won't be watching any future series.
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It's not bad actually
17 July 2021
I went into this not knowing anything about it beyond it being a young adult horror movie.

As far as a horror movie goes, it's pretty generic but is done well enough to be engaging and fun. Of the three movies, this is probably the strongest although it's a close tie with part 2 (1978).

This reminded me a lot of a film from a couple of years ago - Tales to tell in the dark which again, wasn't too bad and pretty enjoyable.

One thing which I felt was a bit... off... was the creepy stalker vibe which the lead actress has. She's crushing on a girl she used to have a relationship with who has started to see a guy. I don't know if the director was going for cute rather than creepy?

Watch it, it's alright if you've a free couple of hours.
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Black Widow (2021)
2021 it's ok, back in 2017 it would have been better (probably)
11 July 2021
I only watched this to see what it added to the MCU, I wasn't excited to see it but was optimistic about it adding to what we already knew about the character.

I'm glad it's not an out and out 'superhero' movie because Black Widow isn't a superhero so they were right in the setting of the movie but it was too light weight and it didn't feel like she was the star of her own movie.

The supporting cast was a mixed bag. I liked Florence Pugh as she did deadly killer/little sister very well, Olga Kurylenko needn't have been in it, Ray Winston (who I love usually) was an odd choice and was under used, Rachel Weisz seemed bored and David Harbour did well with what he was given but was basically an idiot.

The story was fine, if a little silly and the first half was a lot better than the second half.

Overall, it was an entertaining (if not gripping) way to spend a couple of hours and feel that if it was released 4 or 5 years ago then it would have had the benefit of the MCU hype but as this is now in essence a stand alone movie it was very average.
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Great Summer sci-fi action movie
7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I need to get this off my chest first... IMDB need to take a serious look at how their reviewing system works because it's being abused. It's becoming hard to take the ratings seriously when you have dozens of first time reviews for a movie giving it one star and referring to politics, wokeness, actors political leanings and saying "this is the worst movie ever made". I get they're entitled to an opinion, but this isn't Twitter.

Now, on to the movie...

I'd not heard much about this movie, it sort of landed out of nowhere for me so I had no expectations. It's straight to Prime so I assumed it was probably going to be bad. I was wrong.

What you have here is a big dumb blaster which throws in a bit of pseudo science to legitimise itself! It's perfect for the Summer, I'd have been happy if I'd gone to the cinema to see this.

The alien design was... ok... They're sort of like the Geiger alien mixed with a Chinese dragon? I always wonder how they manage to get from one world to the next as they're more animal then advanced alien race - the movie addresses this (to an extent) which I loved!

The concept of going back in time and taking people who are already dead by the time the aliens arrive... I like that, also the way the time travel works and it's limitations too, quite interesting.

The action scenes are very good, with convincing cgi and a couple of moments which made me laugh inappropriately (people cheering at the sight of 'rescue Humvee's only to have them immediately destroyed in a graphic manner for example).

I plan to watch this again on Friday with friends and a few beers and pizza :)

If I have one gripe, it's the glaring plot hole surrounding the idea that the original plan was to kill the aliens in the future and not even try to save the 8 billion people who were killed when the war started??? Meh, who cares...
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Well made, just very very dull...
3 July 2021
I had no expectations of this movie, I'd heard nothing about it and it just sort of 'appeared' so I thought I'd give it a go.

The good: It's nicely directed and shot. It looks good, the cast are good at what they do... It's very inoffensive which makes it ideal for a world where people want to be offended so they can shout about it. It's very diverse...

The bad: For a comedy horror, it's neither funny or scary... It's also not as witty as it thinks it is. During the 1 hour and 40 minutes or so run time I smiled a couple of times but didn't quite laugh. Nothing happens until the last 10 minutes and when it does, it's pretty inoffensive and meh.

Based on the title and the cover art alone, I had hoped it would be closer to Dog Soldiers, what it offers is something closer an episode of SNL (the new stuff, not the old funny stuff). I can't justify telling people to watch this because it's just not worth the effort.

Oh, and the reveal at the end... was about as surprising as finding your pen has stopped working.
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Could have been better...
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so I'll start by saying that I did enjoy watching this movie.

I'm a zombie movie fan, I also like Dave Bautista who is fast becoming the new. Dwayne Johnson, it's surprising how likeable they come across and seem to have a better range than some other supposed actors.

The good. It's bright, it's fast paced, it tries to establish each character and give them personality, the settings and zombies look great and some decent jokes.

The bad. It's too long, there's too much procrastination where people are talking but not doing, 30 mins could be cut from this and it would probably help the movie. It feels like characters are set up but then just thrown away unnecessarily. This isn't really a zombie movie, it's not a horror, it's not a comedy... It's a sort of hybrid action movie and I wasn't expecting that. Can the camera man not maintain focus!!! The shots often blur to bring your focus to a different character onscreen and I found it quite distracting. Too much of the daughter, she's annoying and too 'goody goody' for my liking.

I did like the way that the zombies had started to evolve, there are some good ideas, I like the zombie animals. I really liked how the zombie king/leader fella was smart enough to create a metal mask to protect his head and brain. I liked the hierarchy suggested but none of it goes anywhere.

It's worth a watch, it's not a movie I'll be watching over and over again though.
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3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched both the original movies when they were released, they don't hold a 'special place in my heart' by any means but I do have fond memories of sitting down with family and friends and having a laugh watching it at various points in my life.

Both films were fairly basic but were fun, well played through and had a good supporting cast who we were allowed to develop an understanding of their character, even if they were kinda d*cks - Napoleon at Ziggy Piggy for example.

Here we have an ageing Bill and Ted who are basically pointless and clueless chasing around through time visiting themselves to steal their own song while their copy cat kids (both young women in their mid 20's acting exactly like Bill and Ted in the first movie only smarter) randomly collecting people which, started promisingly then it felt like the writers felt a pang of injustice in their Twitter account and.lost the plot bringing back a stoneage drummer, a Chinese flutist and people who are honestly so dull because they never bothered to develop ANY of them that it's all irrelevant.

I genuinely wish I'd not bothered. It's not the worst film I've ever seen by a long stretch, but it just feels like a cash grab mixed with a virtue signal. It's not Bill & Ted Face the Music, it's People who used to be Bill & Ted cash in with Diversity.

C'mon producers, you need to do more than copy ideas from past films and through in women and minorities to make a movie!
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Vampire Virus (2020)
An American vampire movie... Set in the UK with no Americans in it?
22 January 2021
I quite like the (very) basic premise of this, but I don't know why?

It's hard to see past the bad script, acting, effects and low budget... Oh, and bad attempts at humour and erm... everything else really.

Actually, I don't know why I'm not marking this lower because it's really not good. However, it has something going for it and I don't know what? It might genuinely be because it's so naff.

This is the only vampire movie I've ever seen where the vampires lair is the grotty basement of a local pub with a few candles and curtains hung around the place - becos it's earotiiicccc...
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Much better than I expected...
14 January 2021
Just finished watching this and I have to admit, I quite enjoyed it.

It's not scary in the slightest, it's also not brilliantly acted, the script is pretty simple and you guess their predicament about 20 minutes into the movie but it looks pretty and the storyline isn't just a rehash of typical horror movies.

The characters are actually quite well portrayed, and also fairly likeable too except the baddie in it but you'd expect nothing else and his reaction at the end of the movie was pretty satisfying.

It reminded me a lot of Dyatlov Pass (which is a found footage movie, this one isn't) which I also enjoyed.

I've given this 7 stars, it's actually about 6.5 but thought I'd be generous rather than mark it down.
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The Sighting (2016)
Proof acting is probably harder than it looks...
4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I watched this on Prime.

Flippin' awful haha.

So the story goes... some lads go into the woods and meet some shadows in the road which attack them. One gets kidnapped, the other gets away but goes back later with a friend. They have a civil war pistol and a pump action rifle which lights a room up red or blue when fired. Needless to say they find the 'sasquatch' and run away from them to a wooden shed... with lots of windows... Obviously our heroes stick together; one runs away while the other shoots aimlessly and dies probably. The police speak to the guy who ran off and some nonsense goes on.... Honestly, who cares? There some police theory which is based on nothing really

Oh and there's a guy who quit his job to go hunt sasquatch who goes a bit mad.

It does have a gruesome scene where a guy gets his tongue ripped out. not cut out, pulled out like is was a post-it note stuck to an apple.

Genuine garbage, mildly amusing, but garbage all the same
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Blood Quantum (2019)
Not half bad actually...
31 December 2020
I only watched this because I signed up to a cheap trial of Shudder and have been working my way through their titles out of boredom...

I reached this title, read the description and thought 'meh, sounds ok' and clicked play.

I was expecting something low budget, low quality and low entertainment but what I got was a pretty decent zombie survival movie. It is (as far as I know) low budget but some of the performances were good enough to keep me engaged and the grandad was in my opinion very cool.

It's a movie I'd happily sit through again.

The downside is that the plot seems to be a bit... random. One minute you have a group of people pulling together and then - not so much. I won't say more because it is entertaining and is worth a viewing but it's a solid midrange movie to pass a couple of hours with.
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I was disappointed...
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been looking forward to this movie since it was announced. The concept sounded fun, the style and visuals seemed novel and (in the trailer) had a bit of a Thor Ragnarok vibe to it so this coupled with the best adapted of the DC heroes in the recent movies (and Gal Gadot looking super fine) I thought this couldn't fail.

It's very long, very twee, very sentimental, very... dull. Not so dull that you don't hope it will get better, I think goodwill generated from the movie kept me going to the end here, but it felt like the production team sat down and said 'ok, we've had too many action packed superhero movies, lets make one which is intentionally meh'.

The acting was good, the direction was fine, the special effects were... reminiscent of the first movie... but the storyline was just lacking in anything close to excitement.

The end battles (plural as we have two villains here) are for one none existent (literally a chat) and the second lasts for about a minute or so and consisted more of flying around on ropes than actual fighting.

I just don't understand what the point of this movie is as it doesn't seem to fit in with the recent movies and it's not strong/interesting enough to be a reboot! Heck, even Wonder Woman spends most of the time just walking around and talking with reduced powers and needing help from a man? And what a man, it's (as everyone knows who has seen the trailer) Steve who was last seen being blown up whose spirit returns to possess some random guy and nobody seems worried about that lol. Steve then proceeds to not be the hero he was in the first movie and just becomes a normal bloke.

I didn't hate this movie, I just wish I'd not bothered watching it as it sort of lessens my opinion of the character in recent movies somehow.
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It's worth a watch
14 November 2020
I only really watched this because of the people saying it's like The Greatest Showman... It's not. The story is pretty dull - although it had a promising start. It's pretty well acted, the cast is likeable, the song and dance routines are ok while on screen but instantly forgettable. The trailer made it look like this was going to be some sort of Christmas buddy movie with the girl and her robot but the robot is barely in it. It's fine, the kids will enjoy it but it's not destined to be a classic which is a shame as it could have been so much more! And more should of been made of Mrs. Johnston and her backing singers who are great! My guess is that a lot of people will really enjoy and rate it highly for it's diversity of cast...
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Not especially surprising but fun with unexpected comedy!
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I'm not sure if the comedy was entirely intentional but in the latter parts of the movie I got some real Evil Dead vibes from this and I loved it!

I thought I knew where this was going from the outset, overzealous priest turns out to be a monster but then the second half arrived and it finally got more interesting - in my opinion.

The girl in this is very sexy, and oddly enough she remains very sexy when she's in demon mode lol. But I like her demon, it's a wise cracking 'naughty' one and I honestly expected her to say at one point "I'll swallow your soul!".

This is the sort of movie which will probably get an American remake but it really doesn't need it (although I could imagine an English remake being quite fun but again unnecessary).

I really enjoyed it :)
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His House (2020)
I was hoping for better...
30 October 2020
I like the idea, the concept is sound (no spoilers, sorry) but it's execution is flat. It feels like a half baked BBC drama more than a Horror on Netflix.

The cast is fine, downtrodden but likeable in a 'not entirely likeable sort of way' I think it probably wants to be more of a social commentary than an actual horror...

And it's this which I think is part of the problem, it wants to show the horrors that people are fleeing from and the perils and loss of the journey but that (if done properly) would be enough, better even than what we wind up with here.

People will review it well and say it's the best movie of the year etc, but it isn't, if it is then they need to watch more movies... It could have been so much better, it's a shame they wasted the opportunity.
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Darlin' (2019)
A real mess...
15 September 2020
I really enjoyed The Woman as I'd never heard of it, it was low budget and didn't pull any punches - it revelled in being horrible and then you got a satisfying sense of revenge at the end of it. It was because of this, that when I found this movie I wasted no time in watching it... It started ok...but then for some reason they made The Woman put on clothes and wander around in plain view covered head to toe in mud with knee length hair flapping around behind her and just grunting and snarling every now and again. To be fair, she wasn't the focus of the movie and for her part, the actress playing Darlin' put in a decent effort but at no point did she really feel like a feral girl rather than a slightly posh kid asked to glower and frown and snarl a bit with mud on her. The whole religious thing was a mis-step, it never really got going (although it had a few moments where it had the potential to) but to me me it felt like a cheap attempt to have a dirty old priest. Final nail in the coffin was the gang of misfits which The Woman started to hang out with... Really, no. What a stupid idea. I've given the film 3 stars because it had some potential and I've seen a lot worse but they've gone from giving you a a rare Tomahawk steak to a cold McDonald's Big Mac
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Stick with it, it's not what you expect...
9 May 2020
Ok, so I'll start by saying I really enjoyed this series. It's also a reminder that it pays to stick with somethings you find a little dull but have an obvious quality to them.

I actually watched the first couple of episodes of this when it first came out, it came across as being a teen 'diversity' show and assumed it was going to be a bit preachy and SJW. The first couple of episodes definitely have this vibe...

I then left it until today when, bored in lockdown, I thought I might as well give it another go and not leave a series partly watched and I'm so glad I did!

Each episode is very well produced, acted and has an authenticity to it which I think most people who remember being at school (I'm 44 and English and a lot struck a chord despite it being American and present day). More importantly each episode is well paced and teases story points out to keep you interested.

And it's genuinely interesting. It's actually very well grounded too despite the plot, you can imagine it actually happening and the responses from the kids in the show are how I think I would probably have responded too.

I refuse to give spoilers, I tend to waffle a lot so I'll probably give too much away. So listen to me when I say watch it!

I considered giving this an extra star, only the first couple of episodes were a little bit of a turn off and each episode is a little short - I want more goddammit!
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Dull, uninteresting and MIB in title alone...
24 April 2020
I'd read the negative reviews but having enjoyed the previous three movies (MIB2 less so) I thought I'd give it ago. They appear to have changed the shady MIB folks into a bunch of accountants and idiots for some reason? Enter stage left; Agent M who doesn't really need to prove her abilities which is fine as she's better than everyone else - easy to do when everyone is an accountant and their hero is a stupid misogynist push over in the shape of Agent H (H for Hemsworth?) I don't know who this is aimed at but at least it's lead actors are good looking and the special effects are nice.
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