
4 Reviews
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Howl (I) (2015)
Solid Addition to Werewolf Cinema
20 January 2021
"Howl" honestly surprised me. I wasn't sure whether to expect a Christopher Smith-esque, straight laced horror, or something more akin to Neil Marshall's coal black humour. Interestingly, it fell somewhere in between the two. The central conceit of "Howl" is a little daft, but then again, what ISN'T daft when set against the backdrop of British banality? Taking its central premise seriously works in the film's favour as the tone never shifts away from being perfectly appropriate to the events unfolding on screen.

No real scares, but a good atmosphere, and the practical effects look pretty great when considering that it was more than likely a low budget affair. Top notch lupine based horror.
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The Devil Craps Out
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When you call your movie "The House of the Devil", and begin said movie with a title card that more than heavily implies that it's going to involve Satanism, you'd probably be well advised to bring something new to the table. Unfortunately, Ti West seems to be blissfully unaware that Rosemary's Baby already exists, and fails magnificently in displaying any kind of originality whatsoever as a result. Don't be fooled by the retro style credits and zoom-ins; it's a stylistic concession which is dropped less than 15 minutes after the movie has started, giving you the distinct impression that Ti West once saw a horror movie from the 1980's but couldn't quite remember it.

With respect to the pacing of the film, a slow-burn set up does not a great movie make, especially when the pay-off signals itself from over three quarters of a mile away. I found myself more bored than tense, and entirely unable to muster any kind of empathy for these blank-slate characters spewing out inane dialogue.

Ponderous and completely devoid of tension or satisfaction.
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Glass (2019)
Quick Capsule Review: Glass
4 January 2020
Pretentious, dumb-as-bag-of-spanner's garbage from the same guy that (somehow) brought you the truly wonderful "Unbreakable".
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: Quick Capsule Review
26 December 2019
Meandering nonsense about an over-the-hill actor and his stuntman best buddy. Didn't even contain the usual self-aggrandising dialogue one comes to expect from Tarantino, so it's not even like I could hate it for that. Film ppl will endeavour to fool you into thinking that you just don't love "cinema" enough to get it.

Painfully dull and unappealing, albeit with some good performances.
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