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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
Underrated Doctor, Underrated Episode
14 April 2024
For some reason and it's not because of the scripts or the acting, but some disgruntled fans decided they didn't like this Doctor or the writing or the show and made it hard for the people who enjoyed it. They gave bad reviews for stories that weren't bad at all. This story, case in point, is not that bad. Rich with atmosphere and good special effects including the monster. So if Tom Baker or David Tennant was running around everybody would love it, but for some reason Jody Whitaker doesn't get the love. If you really are a Doctor Who fan watch this episode, it's pretty damn good. Ignore the armchair critics, they don't know what they're talking about. I give the fans that dislike this a 4.5 I give the episode an 8. Descent special effects some and witty dialogue encased in the usual Doctor Who suspense. Good characterization. My only issue with the 13th Doctor is in the TARDIS where I didn't really like the design of the inside. That was my only complaint. I feel most of the stories were decent stories. Watch it with fresh eyes and you decide.
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Arctic Void (2022)
3 February 2024
There was absolutely nothing wrong with this I don't know what they were expecting for an ending but I thought the ending fit the story pretty well especially when the plot twist was revealed. The acting was spot on. What's up the ending was perfect for the type of movie this was. It held my attention all the way to the end. They could have even slipped in a sequel if they wanted to. They left it wide open for more mystery and the script was good. I'd never seen these actors before but they did really well and I like the fact that it was filmed in this location because everything fit it wasn't cgi'd or fake and there is a little something at the end that if they wait till after the credits it might explain a little bit more. Give it a chance despite the negative comments.
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Alaska Daily (2022–2023)
This is an awesome new series
16 October 2022
It's about time we've got a great series. Top Notch cast of Hilary Swank at the lead. Great stories, great writing. I've been waiting for this for a long time I hope it has many seasons ahead of it and doesn't get canceled. In a world of superhero and overblown crime shows this is a great change back to the days of Lou Grant and other shows about the newspaper business which is a dying breed. This is Top Notch for Hulu and definitely worth viewing. If you get a chance don't miss it. Newspapers are a Dying Breed now and after watching this you wonder how they pack so much information in their issues. It's definitely worth seeing life working at a daily newspaper before it disappears all together.
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Lackluster horror film offers nothing
18 September 2022
This is a very boring movie. Cliched and everybody mopes around instead of acting and I think that's because of the script it has no energy, it's not scary. Watch it only if you can't sleep at night. It'll put you to sleep in about 10 minutes. The cast is made up of mostly unknowns that really don't seem like they've ever acted before. And Jake Busey is really wasted in this, he must have needed a paycheck. There was no real special effects and it looks like most of its day for night shooting. There's no real Direction. Maybe the director fell asleep while the movie was being made. That would explain a lot Nuff said.
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Komodo (1999)
Don't bother not worth it
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give it no stars I would but they won't let me. This isn't worth it it's a copycat and predictable and they kill a dog at the very beginning. I know that's a spoiler, but what the hell, if they do that for cheap thrills I'm not interested I watched the first 10 minutes and I was out ... I'm done. They should have spent the money on a good movie or just not make a movie at all. Bad special effects I guess they were trying to cash in on Jurassic Park and they didn't even come close. Should be a straight to video release even though I heard it played some places theatrical, but suckered people wasted their money. Total trash.
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Kimi (2022)
Old Plot New Generation
20 August 2022
Not a bad Thriller but falls into the genre of movies like Rear Window and Blow Out. Zoë Kravitz is goox and peppered with lots of angst. Not a complete waste of time in a good time keller. Bring your own popcorn. Some suspenful moments including a helpful AI named Kimi, sprinkled with some Hitchcock flavoring. Enjoyable for what it is.
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Old (2021)
Better than the reviewer's state
19 August 2022
Creepy tale based on a graphic novel. A lot of people don't understand M. Night's style but this is very reminiscent of his past work. And it's very very interesting and eerie. Definitely worth the watch. There is suspense and some scenes are disturbing. It works on many levels.
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Spides (2020)
15 August 2022
This is a worthwhile show. I think some Americans have the problem that it's German and is translated but it's a great escapism good camera work lots of Mystery and paranormal suspense. I'm hooked. I'm on episode three and it just keeps getting better. I don't know why there are negative reviews evidently it's not everybody's cup of tea but it's very good and special effects are good and the acting is good and the script originally translated from German into English works for me. Give it a chance you won't be disappointed.
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Entertaining Ghost Hunter flick
12 August 2022
I saw this under the name House of Ghosts. It's actually pretty entertaining and not meant to be more than it is : A haunted house mystery. It has some very interesting plot twists and is more interesting than it is scary but definitely pleasing. Give it a shot. The basically unknown actors do really well and they're very convincing.
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Hell Trip (2018)
Standard Generic Slasher
29 July 2022
Nothing to see here... move along. Just the standard slasher with a masked killer killing people one by one with bloody gore. No redeeming cinematic value, nothing new. Uninspired direction in Africa. Watch it if you're totally bored. Or if you can't sleep at night. Horror snoozer. Nuff said.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Actually good with its own continuity and what could happen.
21 July 2022
This is actually a good program I don't know what people are whining about. I guess they're used to the movies, but this is a little more in depth of what could happen in the world with other people in the umbrella universe. So chill and watch the show and quit being a wanted to find them to arguments troll. Acting is great and the script is great and there are some familiar faces. You know what they say about opinions.
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Nero Wolfe: The Golden Spiders (1981)
Season 1, Episode 1
So much better than the newer one
16 July 2022
This version is so much better than the newer 2000 one with Timothy Hutton as Archie Goodwin. William Conrad plays a much better Nero Wolfe than Maury Chaykin. And the script is more intelligible in less running time. This show should have ran two more seasons at least. Worth a look if you're a Rex Stout fan.
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The REAL Miss Marple
11 July 2022
Joan Hickson was the embodiment of Miss Marple. Many actresses have played Miss Marple but none of them have surpassed Joan Hickson's portrayal. This is the first story of Miss marples debut not counting the short story that was previously published. I think if Agatha Christie was alive when this was out she would have been pleased. Excellent who done it. I miss those days.
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Excellent actioner
10 July 2022
Love it for what it is. If it gets a review less than eight then the person that's watching it doesn't like science fiction or is a complete bore. This movie is awesome. Lots of fun if you love westerns, lots of fun if you like aliens and lots of fun if you like gunplay. This movie has it all, including ugly fearsome alien beings. Give it a shot... no pun intended. Plus you can't go wrong with Harrison Ford and Daniel craig. You even got Sam Rockwell, Clancy Brown, and Keith Carradine.
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Bad version of a good book and movie
24 June 2022
Homogenize version what a Down by television. All the suspense parts have been removed, and turned into a lackluster drama. Could have been good because it's longer but bad writers bad everything. Not worth the time even if you're bored. Better off reading the book or seeing the original movie. Skip it.
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Age of Tomorrow (2014 Video)
This is an Asylum film...nuff said
17 June 2022
The short stick is: this is an Asylum film. No Asylum film is good, they are watchable if you got time to kill other than that maybe you should ride a bicycle or have a picnic, dance in the rain. Anything but watching this. Robert Picardo is wasted in this. But hey, a paychecks a paycheck.
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11 June 2022
I don't understand the negative buzz. It seemed like a James Bond movie to me. I don't know maybe those are Bots trying to mess it up, but it was a good action flick and it WAS classic James Bond all the way. Yes there's going to be updates but hey that's our life now, but it's a good flick so ignore the naysayers. If the reviewer Estates honest review in the headlines most likely it's a faker. Maybe they've been force-fed too many over produced superhero movies, blah. Ian Fleming would like this outing, I believe. I'm right and they are wrong. Ha! Craig's Swan Song.
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Boring Trek Wannabe
10 June 2022
Putting Trek in the name of this movie doesn't help. It has lousy sets, I've seen better backdrops on high school productions, bad costumes, plastic actors, not to mention boring special effects. The script is a semi-good idea but the actors fail to make it believable. A waste of resources and it doesn't look like they had much to begin with. Watch it only if you got nothing else to do. Or if you need something to help you sleep. BOOORRRIIINNNGG!!!!
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Baker does a wonderful Sherlock Holmes
3 June 2022
Despite the naysayers Tom Baker does an excellent and more than possible portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. In a bit of an overused story he brought a freshness to it. If you get a chance watch this and you'll see what I mean. Pity it wasn't hailed as one of the better Sherlock Holmes outings.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Here we go again!
25 May 2022
It's a slasher movie and a reunions movie. It's okay, it's a time waster and it's good to see the original characters again, but don't expect anything special. If you missed the surviving originals and want to watch it for nostalgic reasons there's no reason you can't. Or if you want to watch a bunch of snobby new kids get massacred, then this movies for you.
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All the critics are wrong
23 May 2022
I don't think most of the critics on this page actually saw the movie or at least not all of it. A lot of people are just jumping on the bandwagon. I've seen alot of Sherlock Holmes movies, funny ones, serious ones and this one is humorous and has its moments. Sure some of the ridiculous jokes are little overboard but it's still funny. People need to relax and enjoy for what it is. The scenery is good the acting is good, the costumes are passible. It's just an evening romp with good old Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The game is afoot.
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Better Than People Say
7 May 2022
Has a great supporting cast. It is a parody. And I have seen the worse, especialyl lately. Don't take any of it seriously, just sit back and watch the nonsense. There are some very funny gags if you'll just stick with it. And the pairing between the two leads as a comedy team really does work. Watch it without guilt. Maybe some people don't understand British humor. I still find it hilarious. And I'm a Holmes and Conan Doyle fan.
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Not the Jules Verne version
27 April 2022
Production values are great, the acting is good, the story is just depressing and downbeat. I was hoping for a little more action and maybe some more lighthearted fun after all it is supposed to be a Jules Verne adventure. A bit too dramatic for me. But I stuck through it. Watch it and judge for yourself . I feel the David Niven version was so much better.
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Q.E.D. (I) (1982)
Great Series was Underrated
21 April 2022
This is a great series I just found some of the episodes on YouTube and I'm sorry I missed them when they came out. He's like a Sherlock Holmes type character but an inventor. Even has his own Moriarty. And his own Boswell. Was really done well. Watch it if you get a chance.
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The Bubble (2022)
Not hilarious but offers some fun
1 April 2022
Viewers seem to be a little upset that this isn't a belly laugh a minute but hey it is a pandemic and we're lucky to have even this film. It's not that bad, just watch it. Good special effects. It's fun to make fun of the pandemic since we're all in it together. Chill out people, enjoy the film for what it is and watch all the cameos and it's an enjoyable ride.
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