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Unexpected Thought Provoking Film
19 December 2023
I really don't get the low reviews. Must be the fact that you have to be willing to be patient. You also have to be willing to admit that what happens in this film could actually happen. Nothing is far fetched. It is scary for this reason alone. The distrust and division in this country could indeed cause us to destroy each other particularly if these kinds of terrifying things happen. (No spoilers)

My critique is with the director. He was obviously influenced by Hitchcock. He way overdoes the weird camera angles and eerie and scary sounds. It was over the top. It could have been cut way way back, especially the camera angles. They took away from what was happening in the scenes and put focus on the camera instead. Hitchcock was a lot less obvious with what he did to create tension.

It built tension, but slowly, hence the need for patience. We liked it and feel it's worth watching and thinking about. How would any of us respond if this happened?
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Genie (III) (2023)
Cute, but...
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bernard is a goofball workaholic who is unappreciated by his miserly boss. He's too much of a mouse to quit and doesn't prioritize his family, leading to a bad result.

Flora is a genie who somehow has been in a box for 2,000 years when Bernard shines it up. And chaos ensues.

We always enjoy Melissa McCarthy. But, this movie is just so silly. And they left holes, many holes in the script. It's nice that the workaholic learns the error of his ways, but how didn't he wish for his own successful business at some point, and what happened to the mystery note toward the end? They left that completely dangling.

I enjoyed the other actors a lot. Just wish they'd all had more to work with.
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Not the original story, but enjoyable.
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I went to Florence in April. On the south side of the Arno River is the Pinocchio Store. The proprietor has been selling all things Pinocchio for 30 years. He had several versions of the book, including Disney and a few editions by Carlo Collodi, the original author. He steered me to one printed with the original illustrator, so probably the closest to the original 19th century book.

The only resemblances to this film are the carnival and the sea creature. Pinocchio has to go through a lot more to learn his lessons in the book.

The film delves deeper into backstory, changes the time period, and, the arc of the relationship between Pinocchio and Gepetto.

The made-up first son of the woodworker is named Carlo. Must be a tribute to Carlo Collodi.

It changes the mystical aspect, as well. And, there are some holes in the story.

All that said, the film is really well made. The stop motion animation is amazing. Except for the holes in the story, it's well written and directed. Can't beat the star power, either.

Even my husband, who is not an animation fan, thoroughly enjoyed it.

It's dark, but so is the original. So are many of the old folktales. They were written to teach life lessons.

Today's children's stories are, in my mind, too sanitized and they talk down to kids. This film doesn't do that, one reason I liked it.
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Lots of holes
7 July 2023
I'm trying to figure out the point of this episode. So disappointing. There is not enough backstory to support it, at least not clearly, and the quick, painless resolution made no sense. They spent almost the entire episode on the problem, and no time on how they get out of it. It was poorly written. This isn't Doctor Who, where you expect that things won't always make sense. Star Trek is supposed to have a point. This episode's only sense is its ties to the importance of emotion, but it's vague. The actors seem to just flail around with complete loss of control. Then, suddenly, they're all better. C'mon, they can do better. I've seen them do it. The previous episode was SO much better than this one.
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Suits (2011–2019)
Perfect blend of reality and humor
13 May 2023
We discovered this show while on vacation in Italy. Our Airbnb had a small TV and Netflix. And we aren't clubbers. So we watched TV at night. But it wasn't the same. Only one of our regular shows had all seasons. So we searched, and found Suits. We were hooked from the first episode. When we got home, it wasn't on Netflix, but was on Prime. We watch an episode or two every night.


The only kind of politics, at least by the beginning of season three, is office politics. Anyone who has ever worked in an office can identify. There are intrigue, lies, corporate and legal shenanigans, soap opera relationships, sex, growing friendships, and humor. Lots of it, to create a great balance. There aren't just intelligent theater, opera, and pop culture references, but yes, even physical humor, too.

The writing is great, the acting superb. It's elitist, yes. But it also holds the elitists hostage to their own constructs. There are always scripts that keep your attention.

This 9 season show was on the USA Network. I never knew about it except as a footnote for one of its lead actors, Meghan Markle, now member of the British Royal Family. Yes, she's probably the best known character. And she's really good. But the leads are even better. The characters are all growing as we watch. Can't wait to see where they go.
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Thoroughly engrossing
23 March 2023
We weren't sure what to expect. Reminiscent of other stories of characters moving differently through time. Still, it is a story unto itself. Neither the script nor the actors projected what was coming, though we of course anticipated and were generally wrong. Surprise is good! It kept us guessing and engaged with the story.

It's always great to see Harrison Ford. And the actor who played him as a young man had his character down! Ellen Burstyn, too, is great to see again.

Michiel Huisman is nice to look at, and Blake Lively was good. Not great, but she pulled it off. Solid.

No more to say.
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Stars do not make a good movie
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love most of the actors that are in this film. My husband and I enjoy romcoms. We literally look for new ones to watch. But this is the second new streamer-produced romcom we've seen lately that flops. Honestly, Prime's Shotgun Wedding is worse. We couldn't even finish that one.

No wonder the streamers are losing money. It's not just about the stars. It's not about the premise. It's about the writing and directing. In the case of Your Place or Mine, I agree with other reviewers that this is a poor use of Reese Witherspoon's talents. It's true of the other actors, as well.

Netflix and others need to look past the premise and the stars and READ the script before green-lighting. If they had, perhaps they'd have noted that it's disjointed, not particularly funny, and that the characters themselves aren't at all real. There is no depth or logic to any of the characters. It doesn't have to be a lot for a romcom!

The leads are both supposed to be inherently creative types. She is supposed to be a repressed editor.

Ashton Kutcher is supposed to be a clandestine writer and avid reader. Yet, his apartment is barren. Even his books are on the shelf by color, presumably decorated by a professional designer. He is revealed to be a marketing consultant who can't commit to a company nor to a woman. Marketing is often a creative career, and I don't know a single marketing person who would have an apartment like what they portray for him. That apartment would suit a techie, perhaps, or, indeed, a math whiz. The Porsche works, and his sense of humor work. The fact that he reads a lot works. But that's it. His character isn't complete. Kutcher does the best he can with this, but it just doesn't connect.

Reese's character is supposed to be like an old hippie. Long skirts, jean jackets, bohemian. Her house fits that. However, the screenwriter has her in a completely nonsensical career in math. Math? She reads voraciously. She was probably an English major in college. We don't really know if she's ever edited, but it's what she wants to do, just doesn't think it's practical. Why did the writer put her in some kind of math class? And for what job? That's never revealed that I saw. Why wasn't SHE in marketing for a career? Sales, even? Those and others would make more sense than some indistinct job in math for everything else about her character. Plus all of her week-long shenanigans in LA wouldn't have given her time to study to actually pass a test. Is she naturally a math wiz? I didn't see the evidence in her personality as written.

No, romcoms aren't typically in-depth. But the good ones do better than this. The best in class is When Harry Met Sally. It not only had good acting, but an excellent script for them to work with.

And, in good romcoms, there is chemistry. I didn't see that among any of the characters. It was as if they were all independently floating through the movie, especially Steve Zahn's character of the neighbor. What exactly was the point of his character? The only character with any depth was the kid, Wesley Kimmel, and his scenes were fun. This was also a poor use of Tig Notaro. She's naturally funny, and some of her lines worked. But again, no depth, no engagement.

Netflix, stop scrimping on writing. If a new writer needs a chance, at least get someone with more experience to help them hone good, worthy scripts. Please!
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I don't give 1 star lightly
4 February 2023
We really wanted to enjoy this movie. We like JLo. This character is what we like for her. The smart, sexy, problem-solver. Unfortunately, that's the only character that the writer actually seemed to understand, and even then, there was literally no depth. I don't think the writer thought through any back stories. Beyond JLo, was a vast desert of cardboard. I have rarely seen a movie with so little going for it.

We made it to about the 45 minute mark. We both had to go to the bathroom. When we got back, we just said, "enough." We switched to another movie on Prime and it was 1,000% better than this. Maybe more. No wonder streaming services are losing money. Perhaps they need some actual thought into what they produce before spending millions of dollars! Perhaps they need to read a script and know what's good and bad. I'm surprised any of these actors signed up for this. They must have been given a ton of money, that's the only rationale I can come up with.

We love a good rom com. This is not that...It's just a waste of time that could be spent on almost anything else...
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
4 February 2023
Extremely well written story about a writer and the unfolding podcast story of his career. He gets pulled into the funeral of a woman he barely knew, in a part of the country completely foreign to him. He comes in as the journalistic observer, in his head. But the people, the environment, the story, even he himself, change everything.

We watch Ben IN his story, how it evolves. How HE evolves. It's about so much of what is current in the country right now. The drugs, the conspiracies, the country/city perspectives, the things that divide, and the things that unite. There's mystery, humor, drama. Amazing story arc. Just watch it.
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Keeps you guessing
3 October 2022
I really don't get the critiques on the minutiae. Just looking at it as a season-long mystery, we see all that the lead character is up against and still prevails in solving the mystery. I suspected several characters along the way, and had a feeling about who it was, but the circumstances kept us guessing until the end. It was entertaining, and we looked forward to each episode. That's what is important. I hope it's renewed. There are still some missing pieces that another season could help solve. Keep it going, Amazon. The scenery is fantastic, it's well costumed for the period, and the cars are great. I want to see her solve more mysteries.
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6 Underground (2019)
So disappointed!
31 August 2022
We almost made it to the halfway point. Couldn't take anymore. Just goes to show that high speed chases, lots of gross deaths, and a bad script don't hold attention nor do they make for a good film. The screenplay's feeble attempt at compassion fell totally flat. The first, what? I'm guessing 20 minutes is just crash after crash after hanging eyeball, after the grossest possible shootings. For what? Nope, not watching til the end to find out.

The idea had potential. The execution was terrible. Even Ryan Reynolds can't save this.

Special effects alone does not a movie make. None of these characters are particularly likable or identifiable.

Save time. Skip this one.
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Wonder Boys (2000)
One I'd missed. It's not too late.
8 May 2022
What a gem! A great cast, good story, great soundtrack, and well executed. And, oh the awful weather! A professor with writer's block, gifted students, an affair, a crazy publisher, a dog, and marijuana. What could go wrong? Lots. So what if much of it is predictable? It's fun to watch these wonderful actors. Sometimes an audience just wants a break from reality.

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If you think you're never growing old..
5 May 2022
...then don't watch this movie. If you instead understand that you will grow old and that often people plan but life has different ideas for you, you will enjoy this.

Doris has spent her life caring for her mother. Her brother and his wife have taken advantage of her good nature, never helping, just waiting for their mother to die in order to get money from her house.

Doris is freed once her mother dies, but other than focusing on her dead end job, not even interacting with the others in her office, life has passed her by.

The transfer of a new art director to her office has the effect of awakening her. Her fantasies are those of a younger person, but this is understandable. She hasn't had her own life for decades.

Sally Field is a perfect Doris. Tyne Daly is a perfect best friend. You don't have to be older to watch this. If you have perspective and compassion, you might just smile and enjoy it.
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Good script, Great acting
16 April 2022
Do not expect a CIA action movie. This is cerebral and emotional. The acting is excellent.

This film is a bit of My Dinner With Andre, a bit of Romeo and Juliet. Add a hijacking and the CIA. No spoilers. If you go in with the right expectations, you'll be in for an absorbing time.
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
Funny, and still could have been better
1 January 2021
Great choices of actors. I especially enjoyed Lisa Kudrow, High Grant, and Samuel L Jackson. All truly were 'into' their parts. The scientist character's frustration with the filmmakers' distractive videos was actually a unique view and insightful about the media's role in the public confusion about the virus. Since the virus started in China, and Asian countries in general did a better job at dealing with the virus, I'm actually disappointed that they had no Chinese and other Asian actors. There was great opportunity to look at the ways in which Asian countries handled the pandemic, and there were lost comedic opportunities. I can't help but wonder what genius Bowen Yang or Helen Hong might have contributed, as examples. As others have said, this was focused on the U.K. And U.S., and to some extent, it's understandable, since it's a British/American show. Still, they could have cut back on some of the characters to make room for other voices. Other than that, we laughed, and that's hard to do when thinking about 2020, so good job overall.
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This Generation's When Harry Met Sally
15 June 2019
Loved this movie. The writing, acting, timing, all top notch. Great one liners. The Millennial characters are relatable. And I'm a boomer! The writing and acting team of Wong and Park need to make more films! There is real chemistry there! I'd heard Ali Wong interviewed when the film came out on Netflix, but wanted to watch with my guy. We finally did, last night. Don't wait! Watch this movie! I want to watch it again to remember the best lines!
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Rise (2018)
My favorite network show
21 May 2018
Just heard it's been canceled and I'm very upset. This is a great show, that tried to bridge societal gaps with great voices and a really good story, taking place in a dying steel town In Pennsylvania. I love all of the actors, especially Josh Radner. I hope he perseveres and finds the show or movie that succeeds, because he is an amazing actor. Rosie Perez was nuanced as the assistant director. All the kids were amazing. All of them. I'm so bummed this is done. Hoping Netflix picks it up. It's just probably too real for a commercial network that is too dependent on the farce that is Nielsen ratings. And I know how unreal those ratings are.
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5 May 2018
Definitely in the vein of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but not as funny. I'm surprised Jeff Garlin didn't do more with this. I get the irony, the super dry humor. However, it's very predictable, and the jokes are cheap. But, it kinda grew on me, as I watched, and I see the potential for more episodes. If I have the choice, I'd rather watch CYE, but I like Jeff Garlin, so I'd probably give in and watch more if they produce a series.
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Come Sunday (2018)
It Feels Real Because It Was
20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Come Sunday, to me, is an amazing film. It is a look inside the belief system of fundamentalist Christians. This is not the belief system to which I have ever belonged. So watching Carlton Pearson's transformation and how he was ostracized for his revelations, moved me greatly and kept me riveted. They assembled some truly great actors for this film, from Chiwetel Ejiofor, to Martin Sheen. Based on a true story. It was apparently difficult to have this film made due to the subject matter and fears of protest. I'm personally very glad they were able to get it done. Not to put down those who sought to punish Rev. Pearson for abandoning their tribe, but because it was so uplifting how he found his true path and offered hope for others. I look for transformation in characters as I watch serious films. This film and it's actors transformed as few films do. I highly recommend this.
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Looked Lip Synched
2 April 2018
I was hoping for so much more... I love the original movie, where there was true emotion and acting. As many have said already, the crowd and musicians were too loud to hear the leads well. The balance was off. NBC should have been more like PBS with this and run the sponsors at the beginning and end. Too many interruptions breaks the continuity and impact. It's odd to me that the sound was so off, and yet the lips didn't synchronize with the voices much of the time. Most of the players are not actors, notably John Legend, who I love as a vocalist. But his acting needs work. All that said, Brandon Victor Dixon was great! He was the complex character of Judas. Hope to see him do more! Sara Bareilles was good, And Alice Cooper as Herod was fine comic relief. I don't know Ben Daniels' work, but he is obviously an actor. He showed the conflict of his character, unlike Mr. Legend. The ending sequence was good, but the production lost its power due to the commercials. NBC, I love that you want to bring theater to television, but with something like this, you really need to change the business model.
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Captures the tone of the books
20 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I first discovered the books while in South Africa for a cultural exchange 4-1/2 years ago. I've read many of them, as they've been released in this country, since. I had high hopes for the series, and actually decided to keep HBO because of it! Other than some modifications in plot (the hairdresser is not in the books, neither is Grace Makutsi's brother) the series keeps the tone of the books. This program is not filled with suspense. It is not a thriller.

To me, this is wonderful! Everything doesn't have to raise your blood pressure! The reason I love the books and the series is because it is gentle. The character of Mma Ramatswe uses both the principals of detective work and her intuition to solve the mysteries of Gaborone, Botswana. It is a feel-good series, that, at least so far, is appropriate for families. It is my favorite show right now!
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A Timeless Treasure
22 May 2006
I just watched Harold and Maude again on HBO. It had been years. I was about Harold's age when the movie came out. Then, the movie represented my generation from both Harold's and Maude's perspectives. The rebellion of Harold, the optimism of Maude. As a 50-something Baby Boomer now looking back and watching the movie from this perspective, it is such an affirmation of life. A reminder that no matter what, you can always find something new. A reason to live life beyond the mundane, beyond what is expected. One of the best films ever made, not because it is great literature, but because it is so alive and human. It cuts to the chase. It doesn't need a lot of words or intellectual chatter. It just "is," and that is what makes it so wonderful.
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The Impostors (1998)
Relax and enjoy this tip of the hat to Woody Allen and to Laurel and Hardy
20 January 2006
I saw the film a few weeks ago now, so my comments will reflect my overall impression, rather than detail. There were so many similarities to a light Woody Allen film (in the vein of Manhattan Murder Mystery), and, seeing Woody Allen appear in the film, I believed this to BE a Woody Allen film that I had somehow missed. That was, until a few minutes ago when I looked it up on this site! Two actors find themselves in trouble. No matter how hard they try to free themselves from the entangling web, it draws them in tighter and tighter, to our inevitable smiles and cringes.

Stanley Tucci does a decent job of honoring both Mr. Allen and Laurel and Hardy films at the same time. Much was predictable, but this is still a fun film to watch - you don't have to engage your brain too much, just relax and enjoy how it unfolds. There is no need for depth here, all parts are caricatures, and that is fine for this genre. Sometimes, it's just nice to relax and enjoy.
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