
11 Reviews
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The Day After (2013–2016)
Scifi/Medical Horror Thriller: Surviving the Disaster
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This one works as a "zombie" disaster survival movie for seasons one and two. For season three, it becomes a scifi thriller that will have you watching the episodes back to back. Excellent acting all around, and a strong script, gives this series a vivid reality that Walking Dead never achieved. In third season, the character playing the mercenary should get an award for projecting a monstrous character who makes Hannibal Lector look like a teddy bear by comparison.

I give this show 9 out of 10 because of the depth of the script. The characters interact, pair up, part, and struggle to cope with the horror around them. Sure, the budget for the show wasn't very good, and it shows with the endless reuse of the same stock shots, but the writers and the director made the very best with what they had.

Interesting moral messages in this one as well. The refusal of the Murania Queen, Nadya, to abort, or otherwise permit her developing baby to be harmed, certainly sends the message that the developing baby is not just " a collection of cells". Real bravery on display here as well: the IT guy, Sasha, shows as much bravery in the face of horror as the alpha male/quasi "Rambo", Valera. The female characters are all strong in their own way in this one but are still women who are different than the males in the series; compare to the remake of Battlestar Galactica with the Starbuck character .

* The last few episodes of season three have graphic scenes of torture so be prepared with an empty stomach as needed*. Good news is that the torturer gets his in the end.
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The Brutal Face of War in Vukovar
14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Heart wrenching documentary, made with input from both Croatia and Serbia. Chronicles the fall into anarchy, then war, followed by the merciless siege, of this Yugoslavian city touted as a triumph of multiculturalism before the war. Even handed, as far as assigning blame for the battle and the (moderate) atrocities. All sides have their say. People suffer from all ethnic groups because of politicians far from the scene and from hate-filled bigots of other ethnicities. The ending is understated, but appalling; worth two tissues for anyone.
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Agitprop, But an Actioneer of Brave Men, and Woman, at War
14 September 2019
P First, I have distant relatives who suffered due to Serbia elsewhere in the Balkans so I am no fan of Serbia. And my eyes hurt, from rolling, at the frequent lies, and revisionism, by all the parties in the Balkans-Serbs most of all. P This movie is no more an accurate account of the real world Pristina Airport I ncident than ZULU was an accurate account of the Battle of Rourke's Drift. Or for that matter the Spanish movie on this conflict, GUERREROS. As with all too many films these days, "The Narrative" is front and center. P What distinguishes this movie is the excellent acting, pretty realistic combat scenes, and the leitmotif of The Last Stand. Strong character development and, unlike in ZULU, the opponents here- the Albanians-have real faces, emotions and lives outside the battle. Plus the line later in the movie when a character observes that of the Magnificent Eight" only one is Russian, the rest are diverse, even two Muslims with the "Eight". Want to watch a documentary-accurate account of the Incident? Skip this one for sure. Want to see a good actioneer that highlights the martial values of loyalty, bravery and honor (for BOTH sides)? The watch this one. Accuracy: 2*; Action:: 8*; Pathos:: 8*.
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A Kitten Named Woof (1976–1982)
Adorable, Cheerful, Cartoon for All Ages
19 February 2019
What is not to like? Pure innocent and joy are on display when Gav and Sharik go on adventures. Suitable for sharing with grandkids to show them positive cartoon happiness and demonstrate healthy values . Had a bad day? Watch an episode. Better than antidepressants. ;-)
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Classic Fairy Tale Structure, Bumpy Execution
19 February 2019
I'd like to rate this one higher but it suffers from overkill for the climax and some dragging parts in the middle. A good effort to adapt a classic fairy tale motif to modern times though. I'd certainly watch it again as the director sketches sympathetic leads and supplies real,suspenseful, scares.
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Texas Zombie/Vampire Actioneer
19 February 2019
Long on entertainment and short on deep characterizations, this one is a Texas grindhouse flick. Mashup Road Warrior with 28 Days Later, add decent gun action and you have this post Event pleaser. Lots of plot holes but this is pure, quality, 80s style grindhouse.
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Giallo, Meet Film Noir
25 October 2018
A good plot, coupled with good editing, makes for a good noirish giallo. Direction drags at times, hence a lower rating. Woman-in-peril film with all of the standard giallo tropes. Becomes a little surreal once she arrives in the UK. An entertaining Ercoli effort, albeit slow pacing at times.
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Lyubov s oruzhiem (2013– )
Minseries w Best Elements of The Crow and Death Wish
25 October 2018
The acting is excellent. The director makes a revenge/vigilante movie that is both filled with empathy and action.

The Lyuba character is well played, and believable. The media frenzy about the mysterious vigilante, coupled with how she becomes a legendary boogie-man for criminals is both funny and satisfying in a Death Wish way. Also, the way the police blow her work out of proportion is also humorous. Downside of her character? She shows lousy situational awareness, getting jumped several times in the course of her 'skimming scum' task.

Surprisingly low on the blood and gore factor except for the final confrontation. Would be suitable for teens and up. Certainly worth seeing by fans of good police procedurals, or fans of vigilante films.
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Deep Red (1975)
Giallo Horror Masterpiece
13 August 2018
Directed by a true master of film, Dario Argento, this one has it all. The weirdly beautiful staged murders-the death of the psychic at the beginning in particular-mixed with the usual giallo quirky characters make this one a journey into profoundo rosso horror. Bizarre imagery, the usual Argento use of light and color, as well as good acting, make for a film for horror connoisseurs.

A giallo for those who have never seen a giallo. Sure, some plot discrepancies such as the final showdown when the two main characters split up, knowing that the killer is in the building with them; don't you just hate it when characters have not made an effort to study the rules for surviving a horror movie?

Good pacing and script make for an enjoyable horror classic.

Cat lovers beware. The scene with the informant at the monastery is not for cat lovers.
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Excellent Soundtrack, Z-Grade Movie
13 August 2018
First the good: the soundtrack is very good; with instrumental surf and "film noir jazz". Shame that the movie doesn't reach any real heights at all. I only give this one five stars because of the good soundtrack. The movie itself rates a four at absolute best.

Thin plot with a bizarre motivation for the monster. Very mild horror with some fairy tale elements such as an evil, nympho, stepmother and the crippled genius.

Watch for the music and, of course, the Sixties gogo dancing teens. Ignore the movie going on around the good music.
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Time Travel Lessons For Russian Millennials
13 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Four Millennial buddies make money scavenging battlefields for medals and other collectibles. They start out superficial and materialistic. They end up maturing a decade or so in the course of a few days spent in the middle of the Patriotic War in 1942.

Only flaw in this fine film, IMHO, is that the director does not show the group giving the cigarette case to the old woman whom they wronged at the start of the adventure.

This is mainly an intense war film with some scifi trappings. The four friends rapidly learn that loyalty, patriotism and courage count for more than the latest game or nihilistic hanging out. Very good acting all around though the individual roles are from Central Casting: the ultranationalist, the nerd, the puer aeternus, the potential-to-be-a-leader, the brave female.

SPOILER FOLLOWS The action proper begins when the group is approached by an old woman who asks them to find out what happened to her son who was MIA in 1942. The group laughs at her and shines her on-why, oh why, don't we teach our kids to never ever wrong and old woman whom they meet in the wild? Yep, she sends them back to 1942 on the eve of an offensive. Some temporal paradox here but the director crafts such a fine film that these are easily forgotten.
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