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South Park: Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants (2001)
Season 5, Episode 9
A well deserved mockery
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"He's not crazy he's an idiot." South Park got that 100 % right.

You know, I must confess I used to be somewhat indifferent towards this episode back then.

I even considered a bit "chauvinistic" during my teen years, mostly because of the ending. But you know what? All the mockery Osama Bin Laden got in this episode via Cartman was 100% well deserved, and one of the most memorable scenes from the series.

In the past days, after Bin Laden pathetic letter has been made public, some zoomers on TikTok are now trying to lionize him, claiming he had a point and similar nonsense.

In reality, that stupid letter was your typical sanctimonous fundie ramblings, filled with not-so-subtle threats between lines (Rule of thumb: Any letter that starts quoting any religious text is probably not worth-reading) But it seems open anti-Americanism is what it takes to make people embrace with open arms theocratic fascism nonsense, showing how easily manipulable modern youth has become.

There is nothing "noble" or "admirable" about killing in the name of religion (any religion). The idea of being willing to sacrifice ourselves (or other people) in the name of a "bigger cause" reeks fascism, and has brought violence and death of innocents in the past.

Sadly, as history often teaches us, people tend to forget the past very easily, and repeat many terrible mistakes without learning anything.

Humans need to believe in anything, and need to believe in bigger things than ourselves, because we all know deep inside our existence is limited, and we find solace in the idea our lives (and eventual death) had any meaning. I can understand that.

But if there is a hell, I hope Bin Laden burns there for the rest of the eternity, as the miserable piece of garbage he was.
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For Elon Musk worshippers only
5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Preaching to the choir effect.

The only target audience for this crappy documentary are those pathetic men that have Elon Molusk as their lord and savior, believing he is some sort of "real life iron man" (Something even more pathetic that having Harry Potter or Eragon as some sort of holy grails of literature)

Iron Man is just a puerile fantasy. There is no "real-life Iron Man" just in the same way there is no "real-life Batman" or real life tooth fairy. The idea a billionarie rich heir has your best interest in mind, or that he is going to "save free speech" is something only a frustrated manchild would believe, probably with the secret hope of some day becoming just as rich as him (Spoiler: Is not going to happen and he does NOT care about you or me. He probably is into minors, like his massive creep daddy)

Unless you are part of the Musk cult, this is going to come off as a rather weak waste of time.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Great Divide (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
This episode is good, actually
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I disagree with the people calling this the "worst" episode of Avatar, or saying Aang did something wrong at the end.

If anything, Aang did the right thing. While Katara and Sokka engaged in puerile tribalism that only served to make things worse, Aang brought a solution that avoided violence and stopped an endless cycle of pettiness that ultimately would have been worse for everyone involved, ending a conflict over a story that probably was just a legend, akin to pointless religious wars.

I have become much more cynical nowadays. Shows like the original Star Trek, where racism was a thing of the past, always were way too naively idealistic for my taste, but after the last 2 years even the ending of Watchmen seems way too idealistic for me, showing once again how instead of "fighting against a common enemy", people are still wallowing in how to completely destroy "the other side"...Even if that ends causing their own destruction.

Things just keep getting worse and worse. Instead of mankind working united for our survival, it seems more likelly we will continue fighting each other until our demise as species, probably making wars for natural resources as the earth slowly becomes a barren wasteland. Which might happen sooner than I thought, due ocean acidification. (Once again, reality is slowly turning more and more like Soylent Green)

Tribalism is the bane of human existence, and it will lead us to our extinction.
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"We are on earth to reproduce" said Elon Musk's dad
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...And he said that once it was discovered he had a second son with his stepdaughter.

The whole "depopulation" myth must be the most idiotic conspiracy theory in a sea of utterly idiotic conspiracy theories, since it has zero basis in reality. Zero. Nothing. Nada.

Actually checking world population statistics will actually reveal that, if anything, the numbers have increased, not decreased in any shape or form.

So yeah, young couples not wanting to have kids, gays rights and any other stuff the depopulation goofballs had been screeching about had absolute zero impact in reducing the number of humans on earth.

But we all known that's not their real concern. I have talk enough of those clowns online to see the obvious white supremacist pattern among these people.

Their worry is not about the earth being "depopulated". Their major worry is about the "wrong" (Read: Brown and black) people reproducing and "outnumbering" white people. And because they often fantasize about commiting genocide towards minorities and the women that wont sleep with these losers, they are 100% sure the minorities are going to apply some sort of "final solution" on them.

So yeah, depopulation fear is just a whistlebrown for white supremacists, and nothing more.

Considering how exponentially the world population has grown in the past decades compared to past centuries, if there really was some sort of reptilian cabal trying to "depopulate" earth via gay brainwashing, then they are absolutely terrible at their job. They would be Skeletor-levels of incompetence.

This is why I always found Children of Men a silly movie, the premise is way just too stupid and very unlikely to happen in real life. Soylent Green is a far more accurate depiction of our modern reality, disregard of the 70s fashion.

Also, Elon Musk "fearing" (Lol, what an idiot) the world being "depopulated" makes perfect sense considering the kind of stuff his dad does. The same kind of stuff that would make Woody Allen and the mormons proud.

"The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce." yeah, sure. Typical parasite mentality from a rich depraved parasite.

And people worships this clan of buffons. Pathetic.
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Imagine trying to start a culture war...Over minions
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Funny how this people often accuse the left of trying to politicize everything, but apparently the success of a Minions film at the box-office apparently a "triumph" against the imaginary woke mob they hate so much.

Twitter and other social media (And that includes right-wing echo chambers like Gab) are not mirrors of reality. More often than not, they are just circlejerks.
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The Next Level (I) (2022)
The earth is indeed flat!
20 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The earth is indeed flat, guys! Also dragons, talking eagles, talking dragons are real! And pokemons are real too!

The bible says so!

The earth is flat! Flat i tell you!

Flat like the chest of Laura Bush! Flaaat!


Believe me!

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Dumbest conspiracy theory ever
28 June 2022
The world population has increased, not decreased in any way during the last years. The numbers keep getting higher even after the pandemic.

If there is really a reptilian conspiracy to depopulate the earth, well then those reptilians are absolutely terrible at their job.
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The answer is no
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No, sorry, the tale of Adam and Eve has as much historical value as The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Kalevala, the Popol Vuh or the Rig Veda.

Biblical literalists cling so much to the Genesis, because deep inside they do not care about Jesus teachings of compassions and selflessness (Many of them actually worship a lot of billionaries, otherwise the prosperity theology would not exist) and see religion more as a mean of control than the spiritual guide for their lives.

If they even read the Bible, they take the most shallow impressions from it. And demonize anybody who dares to have a different thinking of the scriptute than them.

In reality, nobody follows 100% what the Bible says. Not even biblical "literalists". The Bible says "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". But nobody actually does that. Not even the "true" christians like Ray Comfort or Kirk Cameron.
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Both sides are more willing to push a narrative rather than caring in who was really guilty of abuse
7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Go ahead, call me a "fence-sitter" or whatever.

It's weird how this trial has become a circus.

Some people insist that the verdict favoring Johnny Depp will only serve to "silence" all victims of abuse. Because apparently men can never be abused.

Gamergate is brought to the conversation for some reason.

Some claim mainstream media "favors" Depp, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

A lot of bandwagon jumpers who otherwise would have hated Johnny Depp for his political beliefs are now celebrating the result of the trial, because they apparently they also believe this will help to push down the MeToo movement and feminism, and in their minds this is a good thing because "woke" bad and because in a world without feminism ruled by God Emperor Trump they finally will be able to get laid .

Nonsense. Stupid nonsense.

If Amber Heard lied about being abused, this does NOT mean all women who report abuse are lying. It does NOT mean abuse should be condoned in our society.

It does NOT mean women should be deprived of rights, no matter what the incels believe.

It actually means we should reserve our judgements until finally knowing all the truth about an issue, that we should listen to evidence instead of "picking sides", as if serious, real life issues were sports events.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The women who expressed support of Depp are not just "fangirls" or suffering from "internalized misogyny". And the men (and women) who attack the supporters of Amber Heard with sexist insults are actually counterproductive for the cause of equality.

And yes, I know, a lot of Depp supporters don't really care about equality. They just want to silence any opposition.

Just in the same way the people who are accusing any gay or transgender person of being "groomers". If they really cared about protecting children from pedophiles, they would be more outspoken about the abuse committed by the Catholic and Baptists churches. They would be more outspoken against the evils of the theocratic fascism of countries like Qatar, instead of praising them for their anti-gay politics.

They would care about Trump being friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

If they really hated the elites, why then they blindly support people like Elon Musk? Suddenly billionaries are not part of the elites because memes?

Political discourse has gone backwards, being now fueled by puerile sadism and wanting to "own" the other side. There is no place for nuance. It's all or nothing. "Whoever is not with me is against me", like in the Gospel. Thanks a lot, Ben Shapiro, for turning debates into a lame meme.

And we have to support any side unconditionally. Vote republican or democrat, and ignore who is pulling the strings behind the scenery.

Amber or Johnny, pick a side.
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Both sides are more willing to push a narrative rather than caring in who was really guilty of abuse
7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Go ahead, call me a "fence-sitter" or whatever.

It's weird how this trial has become a circus.

Some people insist that the verdict favoring Johnny Depp will only serve to "silence" all victims of abuse. Because apparently men can never be abused.

Gamergate is brought to the conversation for some reason.

Some claim mainstream media "favors" Depp, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

A lot of banwagon jumpers who otherwise would have hated Johnny Depp for his political beliefs are now celebrating the result of the trial, because they apparently they also believe this will help to push down the MeToo movement and feminism, and in their minds this is a good thing because "woke" bad and because in a world without feminism ruled by Trump and Elon Musk they finally will be able to get laid .

Nonsense. Stupid nonsense.

If Amber Heard lied about being abused, this does NOT mean all women who report abuse are lying. It does NOT mean abuse should be condoned in our society.

It does NOT mean women should be deprived of rights, no matter what the incels believe.

It actually means we should reserve our judgements until finally knowing all the truth about an issue, that we should listen to evidence instead of "picking sides", as if serious, real life issues were sports events.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The women who expressed support of Depp are not just "fangirls" or suffering from "internalized misogyny". And the men (and women) who attack the supporters of Amber Heard with sexist insults are actually counterproductive for the cause of equality.

And yes, I know, a lot of Depp supporters don't really care about equality. They just want to silence any opposition.

Just in the same way the people who are accusing any gay or transgender person of being "groomers". If they really cared about protecting children from pedophiles, they would be more outspoken about the abuse committed by the Catholic and Baptists churches. They would be more outspoken against the evils of the theocratic fascism of countries like Qatar, instead of praising them for their anti-gay politics.

They would care about Trump being friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

If they really hated the elites, why then they blindly support people like Elon Musk? Suddenly billionaries are not part of the elites because memes?

Political discourse has gone backwards, being now fueled by puerile sadism and wanting to "own" the other side. There is no place for nuance. It's all or nothing. "Whoever is not with me is against me", like in the Gospel. Thanks a lot, Ben Shapiro, for turning debates into a lame meme.

And we have to support any side unconditionally. Vote republican or democrat, and ignore who is pulling the strings behind the scenery.

Amber or Johnny, pick a side.
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1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No idea of why everyone is trashing this movie, but personally I think it was a pretty decent resolution for the cliffhanger at the end of the fourth season.

I guess some people is simply allergic to musicals.
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The Oscars (2022 TV Special)
Who gives a damn about the oscars
1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, so what?

The oscars is just a boring ceremony without any credibility and zero respect for the arts, with judges that dont even see the movies they are voting for.

The jokes are boring, the "parodies" are unfunny and the "political commentary" is shallow and toothless as well.

The world is facing and economic crisis, the enviroment is wrecked, there is a war going on...In times like this, the academy awards are just a disgusting display of wealth (and bad taste) that contributes nothing to mankind.

Seriously, who is even watching this crap anymore? Is Will Smith now forced to slap somebody else in order to boost ratings?

At this point, the oscars are just the boomer equivalent of "Youtube Rewind".
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The Hot Chick (2002)
Terrible, just terrible
23 March 2022
Some review claims this "could have been stupid".

Well, guess what? This movie is very stupid, and also terribly unfunny.

I am glad the age of Rob Schneider movies is long gone, because trash like this was totally unwatchable back then and now.
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South Park: Back to the Cold War (2022)
Season 25, Episode 4
Did Towelie wrote this episode?
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The problem is not the "political commentary" or something like that.

The problem is that the plot was completely nonsensical, and not in a funny way.

The whole episode feels as something Towelie would have written after getting high.
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Idiocracy (2006)
A fun movie, but...
3 March 2022
This is a fun movie, I won't deny that.

Some of its fans, however, have made me started to dislike it a little bit.

You know who I am talking about: The same insufferable "everybody is an idiot but me" type of person. (The same type of people who thinks Bansky art is "deep" or the ones who keep accusing everyone else of being "sheeple" for not believing whatever conspiracy theory they are obsessed about)

Basically, an unisex, adult version of "I am not like the other girls" for people who should have grown out that phase already. But I guess nobody really growns up on the internet.
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16 January 2022
Why people hated this?

Quality wise, it was just as good as Space Jam. In some aspects, even better. In some ways, it was even more faithful to the spirit of the classic Looney Tunes.

Deserved a better legacy.
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ChalkZone (1998–2009)
This show is good, actually
31 December 2021
I have no idea of why so many people hates this show, but honestly is not that bad. In fact, I would dare to say that is pretty enjoyable to watch.

The animation is simple, but pleasant and the songs are okay. In many ways, this feel like a predecessor of many cartoon trends from the next decade.

Perhaps this show was way too ahead of its time.
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Nostalgia Critic (2007– )
He was never good
29 December 2021
Doug Walker videos were never good, funny, hindsightful or anything.

Y'all are just blinded by...nostalgia.

Just let it go people. We all liked some garbage at one point of our lives.
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Lindsay Ellis' Essay Collection: Mask Off (2021)
Season 6, Episode 2
Not liking a Disney movie is considered a hate crime on Twitter
29 December 2021
Is almost unreal how terminally online some people can be.

Apparently, Lindsay Ellis has decided to terminate her Youtube career over a controversy started months ago by some random comment she made on that "Raya" movie made by Disney. A lot of people (Mostly the type of Disney cultists which treat consuming media as religion) twisted her words in order to paint her like some sort of "white supremacist" and stuff like that.

A pathetic situation, but its ultimately a consequence of social media facilitating things for harrasers and bully-wannabes. These people are pathetic and should get a life.

And also should watch other thing besides of Disney movies. The garbage that company is producing during the last years is frying people's brains at an alarming rate.
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Most disliked video on Youtube
8 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before Youtube removed all the visible dislikes from that website (In order to protect the feelings of big corporations and out of touch celebrities) this used to be the most disliked video on Youtube. Never forget that.
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A ponzi scheme, nothing more
12 October 2021
Hey, imagine if one day you find some meme image on the web you really like, but instead of making a right click to save it in your computer, some guy offers you to pay thousand of dollars not for the image itself, but for a receipt claiming you own that meme.

One would have to be a moron to accept such thing, right?

And only an even bigger moron would believe in the possibility of becoming millonaire by calling dibs on some ugly jpegs.
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A show for toddlers is childish: Who would have thought?
3 October 2021
All those negative reviews complaining about a show aimed at toddlers for being "too childish" are hilarious.

Remind me a lot of the people who hated Dora, Barney, Peppa Pig and Caillou back then.
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To Boldly Flee (2012 Video)
Worse than anything reviewed by these guys.
3 October 2021
Say what you want about "The Room", at least that movie didn't last 4 hours.
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A response to sylvian review
25 July 2021
On his review, the user sylvian wrote: "Just imagine this without the oh so cute protagonists: two middle aged, hairy men gone awry staring into the sun, drifting in the water, then decorating each other with pearls. "

If that was the case, I still will like the film the same, because I don't believe gay men, lesbians or transgender people need to be attractive to be valid or allowed to express themselves.

"Stranger by the Lake" is a good example of that, a very interesting movie featuring unconventionally attractive gay men. Those exist too. Those deserve respect too.
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Much better than the previous cgi Care Bears shows
10 July 2021
This was a cute show. It could have been as big as Friendship Is Magic (The villains are kinda meh, though), but Boomerang basically let it die in oblivion, giving it zero publicity.

Such a shame, because this was a huge improvement over the previous two Carebears shows, a franchise which honestly doesnt work with cgi animation.

Just wait until the inevitable (and unnecesary) live-action film by Hollyweird, which probably will feature a lot of awful toilet humor, creepy cgi, and carebears twerking, with some awful hack actors as the leads.
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