
10 Reviews
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Ghost (1990)
Who You Gonna Call?
8 August 2006
This film has always been one of my favorites. From start to finish it just takes you on a roller-coaster of emotions. The heartfelt passion and symbolic love-gestures taken on by the characters and expressed in deeply profound and moving ways just makes my very flesh electric with giddiness. When the first ghost appeared in the library I was genuinely frightened, but with timely doses of humor, the fabulous cast of actors got me through it just fine. My favorite character in the movie would have to be Peter Venkman. Played by a charming Bill Murray, Venkman handles the responsibilities of friendship with three coworkers and Dana Barrett, his love interest with startling believability. I to wish I could have friends as whimsical and intelligent as Spengler, Stantz, and Zedmore. It must be difficult to run a ghost-catching service and still have time for the little things in life like romance and everlasting friendships. When I first saw this film Slimer the ghost really spooked me out big time. Now I see he is just comic relief, and he like us the moviegoer are just along for the ride, and what a ride it is.
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Aliens (1986)
IMDb Payed Me To Write This Favorable Review
5 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off my review like everyone else who thinks they are special because they are familiar with the works of a particular director. You know the types, those that like to mention the director just because they are famous. Those who badmouth them because they are well known. "James Cameron is a good friend of mine cuz I saw four of his movies, so I have so much important insight that I must share with you. I saw Aliens before most of you people ever did, I saw it back in 1990. That was before James Carmeron was famous so I'm kind of a long-time fan of his I guess, because you know, I really liked Aliens way back in 1990 before he or the movie was popular. He's not as good a director as he used to be sez me the world's biggest J. Cameron fan. That's right, I call him J. Cameron cuz we're close friends and all. Now onto my review which is really important for you to read because I'm an American from America. Burke is evil, he is upsettingly evil. End Spoiler. I will continue this review by pretending that I am writing this while being trapped in a 24 foot deep well in my backyard. This is the last message I will ever have for my family and friends as I have been trapped in this well for three days now and am surprisingly dying of dehydration because this well was empty, oh just my luck to fall into a dry well. Anyways, from what I can remember of the James Cameron film Aliens, I remember enjoying it greatly, oh so thirsty. I hope this package of skittles can tide me over until help arrives. Aliens is truly a Cameron tour de force, oooh I like the lime ones, delicious, back in 1990 when I saw this film I thought this Cameron character is really going places, who the hell has a well in their backyard now a days, I mean come on. The suspense of this movie puts my senses in maximum overdrive, which reminds me of the movie Roadhouse which I am not familiar with. Don't wells usually contain mushrooms, bats, or roaches, there's nothing in this well but pea gravel, this sucks. And that's why the ending to Aliens was so surprising. Lance Henriksen steals the show. feel dizzy, power loader battle sequence felt tacked on...., mouth ,so dry, James Cameron save me.......tell my family about Lance henriksen.ek,.qegu;////////////
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King Kong (2005)
Extra! Extra! King Kong Carcass Responsible For Traffic Jam
23 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so disappointing. I was expecting at least another half hour of Kong enjoying other people's antics for his amusement, but boy was I let down. Then I expected to see some more back-story about Jimmy. Like who were his parents, where did he go to school, what made him decide to become a sailor, and how has his relationship with Hayes evolved over the years. I also don't feel like I know enough about the ship itself. I can only imagine how many remarkable voyages it has been on. Now to the point. This movie is easily 45 minutes too long. I don't care about Hayes and Jimmy, OK. They are unessential elements of the story. I get it, the writers feel the need for deep, rich, and meaningful characters, but at no point in this film does that pay off. When Hayes died I wasn't balling my eyes out, even though I guess I was supposed to be. The Jimmy and Hayes relationship was forced and awkward, and caused the movie to drag along slowly. This movie would have benefited more from delving deeper into Adrien Brody and Jack Black's characters because they are more important. This movie also lacks a real sense of adventure which in its essence is what it's supposed to be, an old fashioned adventure movie. Just because we are on a strange island with fancy CG creatures doesn't mean we have instant adventure. That is where it fails because we all know adventure movies should be equal parts thrilling and compelling, but this movie favors a slower pace too often. Now I appreciate a slow pace, but only if it's to serve a meaningful purpose that reaches some sort of climax and pay off. This movie of course is no standard, mindless action film, which is much to it's credit. It does try to go beyond the trappings of being just an ordinary, big budget mess, and for that I commend it. You can't blame filmmakers for trying to create complex popcorn flicks. At least an hour and a half of the film is solid entertainment, but the other half is just pure boredom, well-made boredom, but boredom none the less. I never found the whole King Kong story to be that interesting in the first place, and this movie did little to change that in my mind.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Come On People! Pixar Doesn't Always Equal Pure Genius
22 February 2006
Aww gee golly gosh kids pile into the mini-van cuz we're gonna go see that cute lookin' new Pixar film, you know the one where that adorable little fish is lookin' for that other fish, you know little Nemo, gosh darn is that Nemo ever cute. And you know it's a Pixar movie so it'll be fun for us grownups and you kids too. Aww look at little Nemo, he's got a disablility kids, but that missin' fin doesn't stop him from doin' the things that those baby fish just hafta do you know. What a powerful message for my young children. Oh Ellen Degeneres is the voice of a fish in it, ya know you could do a lot worse than Ellen Degeneres. Surfs up dudes, those surfer turtles were sure some kinda fun for me and my kids. What a happy ending, that was pleasing. Admit it people this movie treks on some heavily traveled ground. It wasn't original at all, and not to mention would only be funny if the only thing you've ever seen were a few old Full House episodes. Sure kids may enjoy it, but it seems like very little effort was put into making this movie besides the top notch animation. Too many people seem to blindly give high ratings to animated features just because they were made by Pixar. Bottom line is this movie is for kids and humorless adults.
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Serving Up Some Acting With That Comedy
20 February 2006
The Meaning of Life is not that funny a movie especially if you compare it with the other Python films, but what it does highlight is some of the finest comedic acting you'll ever see. Great comedic acting doesn't necessarily mean that you'll laugh until your stomach hurts, but it does mean that you will be reasonably entertained. It seems that with this movie even during the dull sketches the talented members of this comedy troupe can still keep you engaged because they are all marvelous actors. Take for instance Michael Palin in the Marchin' Up And Down The Square sketch. It is a one joke sketch, but his performance makes it seem so much more dynamic. When Death visits the dinner party each Python is fully portraying an original character and they pull it off so well. The Pythons were a funny lot and great writers to boot, but they could also act, which is something they never receive much credit for. So right here on IMDb I'm announcing the winners of the first ever IMDb Postie Award For Outstanding Achievement in The Art of Comedic Acting. And the winners are Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, and John Cleese for their performances in The Meaning of Life. They are taking the stage now and are about to thank everyone, but they instantly cut to a commercial, booooo award shows, boooooooo.
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Clifford (1994)
Martin Short is Funny..........Isn't He?
20 February 2006
Am I one of only a handful of people who think Martin Short is hysterical? The only way a goofy plot like the one in this film could possibly work is if the lead actor was a true genius of comedy, a man among Canadians, a charming elf-like creature I like to call Martin Shortman. Martin Short relies heavily on facial movement and voice tonal changes to make his character Clifford funny. Through the annoyance of his dear Uncle Martin surely we all can get along and laugh together as a family of opinionated movie viewers just looking for a good time, a few chuckles now and then to make us forget that we have low paying jobs and live in shoddily built ranch-style homes overlooking well built but poorly placed sewage treatment plants. Bottom line is that if you really like Martin Short then you will think this movie is hilarious, if you don't then don't waste your time because you can't have it back.
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Tombstone (1993)
They Fought For Justice And For Billy Zane
20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever happened to Billy Zane? I mean that guy was going to be huge, Macaulay Culkin huge. Well anyways, Tombstone is the classic western tale of the Earp brothers seeking an early retirement in the SouthWest I think, and upon finding it decide to clip on their badges one last time in the name of justice. The evil Curly Bill (that doesn't sound so evil) and his red rag gang run amok in the Earp's newly found retirement heaven. Soon things get out of control, a few deaths are involved, and vengeance is sought, then found, then forgotten just in time for retirement #2, which costars Dana Delany. Crazy run-on sentences abound and commas come flyin' from out of nowhere. The movie itself is very solid and tells a cromulent story that is sure to embiggen the hearts of all who witness it. The acting is darn good especially Russell and Kilmer who definitely steal the show. Billy Zane however is still missing. If you have any information on his whereabouts please contact the Unwanted Actors Outreach Center, Gary Busey will be standing by to take your phone calls, and yes he will try and talk to you for a long time because he has been forgotten by the general public and needs your attention. Tragic isn't it.
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The Best Zombie Movie With "Land" In The Title....... Ever!!!
20 February 2006
I love Romero's zombie films save for the somewhat boring Night of The Living Dead, so when I heard this film was being made I was excited, but doubtful it would be any good. To my surprise it was quite decent so now I give it a 7. Its major flaw is that it has nothing new to offer in the zombie genre, which leaves you feeling that the film while good was not very memorable. Dawn of The Dead is nearly perfect, and Day of the dead is flawed but has great atmosphere and memorable moments. Leaving the theater after having seen this film I knew I had enjoyed it, but I couldn't pin-point any one moment that I thought was great. If you like zombie movies then this one is quality, but if you're looking for something special in that genre or even the horror genre, look elsewhere. Viewer Beware You're in For Some Mildly Enjoyable Zombietainment.
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Christine (1983)
Just Get Off Of The Street You Idiot!
12 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I am a John Carpenter fan. I think John Carpenter does a terrific job directing this picture, but let's be honest here, a murderous automobile isn't the best premise for a horror movie, and in my opinion the thought of being chased down by a renegade Ford Fiesta with a taste for blood doesn't exactly shoot terror pains throughout my body. Given this ridiculous concept though, Carpenter makes the best of it. As the movie progresses our main character Arnie goes through some major personality changes thanks to Christine The Love Car. This is charted nicely by Carpenter with the help of some overacting by Keith Gordon. The rest of the thirty something's portraying Arnie's high school friends do a decent acting job given the subject matter. Overall I think this is as good as car killer movies can get, which is saying a lot. Oh and by the way, if you ever find yourself being chased by a driverless demon car, don't run in the middle of the street, go where cars can't follow, like the other 95% of the planet that aren't streets.
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Shock Waves (1977)
Aqua Super-Nazis Are Our Superiors
12 February 2006
I first saw this movie on USA Up All Night back in the early nineties when I was about nine or so. Back then I thought the movie was scary, but now I appreciate the movie on a different level. I now see what great atmosphere it has. I'm a sucker for deserted tropical islands, and Nazi ghost stories. This is just one of those classic late night movies that you can relax and fall asleep in front of your TV watching. To get down to the point, it is a low budget movie, it does contain Peter Cushing, and it's not really very scary, but it's well filmed and memorable. It's better than watching your sweaty neighbor mow his lawn without a shirt, I can't believe my neighbor's doing that right now, gross.
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