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Maybe not the horror you're used to...
26 June 2022
I've read a lot of reviews from people stating that The Black Phone was not a horror movie. I thought about this for a while and in my own opinion, The Black Phone fit the horror genre.

Ethan Hawke, as the Grabber, made me feel instantly uncomfortable every time he appeared on-screen. I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what he was going to do next.

I would recommend The Black Phone to anyone who likes a thriller that makes you cringe with anticipation for the next scene. If you are looking for a jump scare movie, this isn't it. But, if you like a movie that will creep you out for hours, maybe days after, go see it. For me, that's what made this movie a horror film. I left the theater and kept thinking 'That,was creepy AF!" and replayed some of the parts in my head long after I got back home.

I also liked that the reason why Finney is able to 'use' the Black Phone wasn't outright explained, but there's enough background for you to figure that out. After the film I had a good time with my husband and son discussing that part of it.

The ONLY thing I would have enjoyed more in this movie, would have been some background on The Grabber. What was his motive, if any? Or was he just that much of a psycho?

I don't believe that The Black Phone will be as enjoyable watching on a regular home screen, I think the best effect will be for those seeing it in the theater on a big screen.
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Every love story is a ghost story
12 October 2020
If you're expecting a Ghost Story akin to "Paranormal Activity", then this is not the movie for you. This is not a horror story, this is a Ghost Story. The Haunting of Bly Manor is true to its title, it is a Haunting tale. You will love this film if you watch it from beginning to end all at once, in a dark room. Embrace the atmosphere of the story, and watch it uninterrupted. I don't want to go into details of the series because there is sooo much to tell and these things are best left for the view to discover.

People that like a tale to be told, flat out and quickly won't enjoy it. But, if you allow yourself to just relax and sink into the depths of the atmosphere laid out before you, I think you'll come to love this as much as I did.

This is a Gothic romance. There is the ominous sense of dread, passion, emotion, fear, and doom.

The last two episodes really did me in. By the end I was in tears and as I stopped to reflect about what I'd just watch, I was reminded of this ...."Every love story is a ghost story" And it's fitting here.

If you're not looking for a jump-scare, blood, gore, down-right horror-filled show, then give this one a go. You may love it too.
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V-Wars (2019)
Not "Perfect", but Highly Entertaining and Fresh
8 December 2019
A fresh take on Vampires vs. Humans war.

Let me start by saying that I am not sure why it got so many low reviews to be honest. I didn't know what to expect when I started watching and I was not a huge fan of Ian Somerhalder. But I really enjoyed him in this series.

For me, the series had everything I like : Vampires/virus born, horror, creep factor, entertainment value, and good acting. Of course there are flaws, and some cliches , but for me it didn't ruin the show.

For a Netflix series I think this is a job well-done. I can't wait for the next season. Oh by the way....CLIFFHANGER!! OMG!

Now watch it!!
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Knives Out (2019)
Clever and Entertaining Throughout
1 December 2019
If you're looking for a movie to pick apart, stop reading and don't see Knives Out. But, if you're looking for an entertaining, clever film that will have you thinking and on your toes, then go see this movie.

First of all, the cast is great! So many faves and all fit their respective roles very well.

The movie starts out quickly and gets right to the point. After that you will be strung along on a ride that makes you wonder who the culprit is, and when you may have thought you figured it out, it proves you wrong.

You are taken on a fast ride of twists and turns with a ton of chuckles tossed in the mix. In the end, it is all explained and neatly wrapped up for you.

I enjoy films that are entertaining, make me think and try to guess whodunnit, and then gives an explanation that makes sense. If you want to be entertained for 2 hours then please set this film. I think it's highly underrated and was definitely under advertised.

9 stars for me with a star taken away due to a poor choice of accent given to one of the characters/actors. For me , it was annoying and took away a little bit from the film.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Better than I expected, but not the movie I was hoping for
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the very first trailer for the Joker movie, I was disappointed. At first I thought it was going to be modeled after The Killing Joke, but that wasn't the case. I haven't been a great fan of Joaquin Phoenix before this movie, but I really feel he gave an Oscar worthy performance. He was the best part of the movie for me.

I wasn't really a fan of the trailer for the movie, but going in with low expectations I was pleasantly surprised that the movie was better than expected. I really loved the tie-ins to Gotham City and Batman, but I am not sure if they were meant to add to the story or just to provide some storyline connected to Batman.

Speaking of Batman, how could this Joker be the same one in the Batman storyline? At this rate, the Joker would be a feeble old man by the time Batman came into the picture. There also seemed to be a few messages being made here. Rich people are bad people. Poor people are hated by society. And society in general sucks.

I felt that this movie could have been a character study for any person with a traumatic childhood experience, then having several more bad experiences throughout life that push one over the edge of sanity. I kept asking myself, Is this a movie about the Joker, or any one who has been shunned by society while burdened with family issues.

When the movie was over, I sat in my seat trying to figure out if I liked the movie or didn't like it. To be honest, I am still undecided.

I'm not sure why, but there were people with young children to see this movie. I must warn that it does earn its R rating so please consider whether you want to take your kids to see this film. It is very dark and violent at times.

Overall, I would encourage people to see the movie. Joaquin's performance is so masterful, that it needs to be see onscreen.

I am scoring an 8 for this film because the music was very dramatic and helped create the atmosphere when needed. Also for Joaquin's performance. I gave points for being artful and for entertainment value. But, was it a movie that I would say is "Outstanding"? Sadly no.
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IT had me laughing more than shuddering in fear
7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of the book and also enjoyed the original IT movie. Tim Curry was a great Pennywise and the movie itself had enough creep value to make me not think about the ways it strayed from the book.

However this 'remake' is lacking in several ways. From part one to this film Pennywise is hard for me to watch. The "sing-song" voice of Pennywise reminded me of Winnie the Pooh on a few occasions . I also felt that the CGI presented in this movie of things that were supposed to be scary, weren't. Big, misshapen heads with googly eyes were portrayed in different variations and seemed to be the main horror theme. But, they made me chuckle at the absurdity of them.

The references to the movie The Thing, including a line from the movie also made me chuckle in a scene that should have been more frightening. There's also a Shining moment....

I was excited when the film finally referenced the Ritual of Chud but was then let down. And the ending...the way they defeated Pennywise was lackluster and ridiculous.

I love love love Stephen King books. He is a masterful story-teller, and his books are horrifyingly frightening and delicious. It's sad that for me, only a few book to movie translations remain as 'good' movies in my mind.

If you want to see a few, they are Salem's Lot (some younger people may not even bee familiar with it) and The Shining.

I recommend seeing this film as it has a few moments that make it worth it, and a bunch of Easter Eggs. But see it on video/blu-ray/etc, don't waste a movie experience, it's just not that worth it.
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Am I in an alternate universe??????
10 March 2019
I have read so many bad reviews of this movie I have to wonder if I am in an alternate universe. I went into it with such low hopes and really enjoyed the film. I wasn't bored for a moment and it tied in with other films. I didn't think this was the BEST of the BEST, but definitely held its own.

I hope that people don't judge the film solely on other reviews. I really have no idea why someone would score it as a one or two. Go and see it for yourself. There are a few scenes at the end you want to hang around for, and a nice little tribute in the beginning to Stan.
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Am I The Only One Who Understood This Movie?!
5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many bad reviews here that say "We kept looping back to "x" point in the movie until we made a different choice..." and for that reason they found it boring, and lengthy, etc. This was not about having the novelty of an interactive movie. That was not the point at all.

The point is that Stefan references so many times that he feels that he is being controlled by some force (which is us). But, all the looping and replaying of scenes if we don't choose certain options is what the movie point is about. We, like Stefan are being controlled. If we do not make the correct choices, we are brought back until we do. We are controlled. Maybe it's Pax, maybe it's not. We are supposed to feel the helplessness that Stefan felt at being controlled by our choices. Now our choices were taken.

I can't believe how many 1 star reviews there are because people simply didn't understand this point of the movie. I actually found it quite clever and when I got it, I smiled. The movie itself isn't the best, but I give it a 9 out of 10 based on the cleverness of it all.

Don't go by the 1 star reviews. See it for yourself and don't get wrapped up in the fact that you can make interactive choices in the movie. That wasn't the point at all.
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3 October 2018
I am not a fan of Jack Black, but was a fan of the trailer and wanted to see this movie for the longest time, regardless of the actor.

This was a FUN ride! I went into the theater expecting to be entertained and I WAS! I actually think this was a very good role for Mr Black. He was able to be goofy, but it fit in with the movie.

This is the type of movie you should see in a theater to get the full effects. The CGI was cool, the acting was okay, the plot was fun, and the movie was not too scary.

I would recommend this as a family movie in the style of Harry Potter. Good for children around 10 and up. Younger children might get too scared. One thing I can say is that this will likely keep yourself and the kiddos engaged for the whole movie.

Go see it, it's a great deal of fun!
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Hell Fest (2018)
3 October 2018
This movie was entertaining enough for what it is... a slasher flick. I'm not sure slasher type movies would ever earn 10 stars because there's usually not much acting, just a lot of screaming and running. LOL.

HellFest was a good flick to see in the theater. The misleads were fun, the graphics and style reminded me of 80's horror. You don't expect to see an Academy Award winning movie, you expect to have fun. And this was a fun ride.

I would recommend seeing this movie if you like campy, fun, slasher-horror movies. Not sure why it would only get 1-2 stars, saw the trailer and knew what to expect for the most part.
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