
2 Reviews
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Blindsight (I) (2006)
This movie is absolutely amazing
12 June 2008
Just got out and cannot believe what a brilliant documentary this is. Rarely do you walk out of a movie theater in such awe and amazement. Lately movies have become so over hyped that the thrill of discovering something truly special and unique rarely happens. Amores Perros did this to me when it first came out and this movie is doing to me now. I didn't know a thing about this before going into it and what a surprise. If you hear the concept you might get the feeling that this is one of those touchy movies about an amazing triumph covered with over the top music and trying to have us fully convinced of what a great story it is telling but then not letting us in. Fortunetly this is not that movie. The people tell the story! This does such a good job of capturing every moment of their involvement while we enter their world and feel every second with them. There is so much beyond the climb that makes everything they go through so much more tense. Touching the Void was also a great doc about mountain climbing and showing the intensity in an engaging way but this film is much more of a human story. I just saw it today but I will go and say that this is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen.
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Juno (2007)
Marketed to the mainstream? Good thing!
19 December 2007
I saw this movie and left with the feeling I saw something good. I had not previously seen Superbad and didn't know it stars one of the actors nor anything about the way the movie is being marketed. I have seen reviews now that have described the film as a new generation of movies trying to be the next Napolean Dynamite/Garden State "popular" Indies. I honestly don't care in this case since this movie was very funny and it came off fresh. Ellen Page might not be the average 16 year old but she works so well on screen and in my opinion was able to make the sometimes over the top dialogue convincing. I am very exited to see more of her and hope that she and the writer will make more collaborations in the future. I felt the same way after seeing Hard Candy and think she will come far as an actress. There is something about her that is different and it's really exiting. The whole cast was great also and there are some memorable scenes that should stick for a while. Let's do hope that there will be more movies like this marketed to a mainstream audience. I haven't seen a movie with so much energy and spark in a while and it's nice.
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