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The reason why Musicals are a rare breed...they've become pretty darn silly
24 March 2018
Musicals dont come around often and for a good reason. Granted they get good ratings on sites like imdb and good reviews by professional reviewers but do they get much of an audience besides families with kids? Don't think so. Oh and nominations...yep a lot. Actual wins not so many. In the end normal moviegoers/ watchers get a bit tired of 2 hours of sickly sweet rhymes all of which demand a suspension of belief.The X man going syrupy? Okay... Another one in this genre? La La Land. Goodness...the taciturn Ryan G soulfully singing..yikes. Yes, see why these musical fantasy types are so rare?
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
Terrible watching Ians' wrinkled face, sad waste of time
10 November 2015
Okay, this is a different take on the old classic. Sadly its a bad one, which will easily and quickly slip into oblivion. Its not just watching the intensely wrinkled supremely forgettable demeanour of Ian, he's completely unsuited for the role. You will be watching, from beginning to end, his slow shuffling with a walking stick, his amazing ability to see clues at 93 years of age without an eyeglass, a smart alec kid whose lines and acting come across as forced and overacted, and a Laura Kinney who is - well - Laura Kinney,dour, frigid and overbearing. No need for her to have done much acting there..and did I mention the weak, weak plot? Well there have it. A new take on Sherlock which has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever, unless you count the lovely English countryside. I know I sound harsh and sarcastic...but that's what I think of this silly movie. Go ahead, watch it and regret later.
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RoboCop (2014)
Good story Bad execution
16 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Slickly made, remains reasonably faithful to the original story, but wrong choices of actors mark it down. Samuel Jackson as the news caster is so wrongly cast,and Michael Keaton just doesn't come across a a billionaire - more an eccentric scientist- and the leather clad immaculately made up (even when hubby is on his death bed)Abbie Cornish isn't convincing. In fact trouble shooter Jackie Earle Haley is the best cast.It starts of pretty well in Iraq(or is it Iran)but dithers as it moves on.Also the special effects, considering the excellent effects in the 1987 movie aren't that outstanding 27 years later. All in all, an entertaining action movie that isn't going to linger in your mind for too long.
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Superb, subtle, this-is-life-as-it-is-out-there acting by Michelle and Ryan
7 June 2011
This is as real life as it gets. Underplayed, natural acting by both Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling ought to have got at least one of them (Michelle?) an Oscar. Alas, the Academy committee had other plans. Or maybe I should be handing out the kudos to the director Derek Cianfrance. After all he directed the movie, probably had a say in the actor selection and more. All in all, its a very well directed, very well acted 'love or thereabouts' movie. You'll leave with mixed emotions - the posters are a fair bit misleading - and the ending was a wee bit abrupt - but you'll have to agree that its well made and rings true. What didn't go down so well was noticing that Michelle Williams was a co producer...don't know why, just somehow made her into a more commercial entity than that hurtin' wisp of a woman we just sympathised with a minute back...(before the credits started rolling, I mean)
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Passion Play (2010)
Four words: Don't Waste Your Time
25 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The 3 rating is only because Megan Fox tries so hard to do a decent job of a serious role, and because Bill Murray is okayish as the bad guy. Not for Mickey or for the sad script. Its such a pity to see Mickey looking so bloated, ragged and dysfunctional. Anyone who watched Angel Heart or 91/2 weeks will only shake their heads in pity at the ravages time has wreaked on Mickey Rourke. I read somewhere that its due to him doing plastic surgery to his face...whatever the reason...well, there's really no reason to watch a movie of his anymore, especially one where an 'angel'ic Megan Fox is forced to act like she's fallen in love with him. Man, you'd feel queasy watching them kiss. I kid you not. Sad. He used to be my cool, so easily handsome, so sexy. Sigh.
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Matthew McConaughey was el perfecto for the role
20 May 2011
The name is a bit of a misnomer, because there really isn't much happening from the Lincoln, except for a few add on scenes - its seems more a gimmick to promote the car...not that it detracts from the overall quality of the film, not at all. A gripping drama right from minute one onwards without any letup. Excellent direction and dialogues, MM was just perfect for the role, and mind you he was laid back and smarty pants in just the right proportions...and no, at no time did he come across as a manipulative weasel as some reviewers have suggested. Just a street smart criminal lawyer, but not a crooked one. Ryan Phillipe was excellent as the accused but what was missing was a pretty face to add the obligatory glam factor to the otherwise fast paced script. Marie Tomei looked a bit peaked (a euphemism for haggard). All in all, well worth a look see.
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Cairo Time (2009)
A quiet understated tale of companionship
24 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Its a misnomer to say that this movie is about romance or a love affair. I'd presume 'affair' would need some physical contact to be thus termed. Here you have one brief 1/4 of a second meeting of lips that could even be construed as unintended. However, there is no argument about the elegant laid back script. Patricia is perfect - typical well bred western woman a bit out of place in a place thats a world away from hers. Quiet, never giving offense, soft spoken...and sexually aseptic. But thats why the movie is so captivating. The subtle development of a friendship between two temporarily lonely persons,the exotic environs - so common on vacations - leads...well nowhere really. Just as its getting up and going, hte hubby comes along and ends everything, including the movie. In ending, I'd say while this is not everyones cup of tea, its well worth a watch. You'd remember it for a surprisingly long time.
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Please Give (2010)
meandering take on two small families in NY
28 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Lets see...first of all there is no story really, no 'plot' to speak of, no clear direction of where the movies' going, no real humor, no reason to go especially to see it in a theater...if it comes up on TV, watch it until you fall asleep. Though I have to say that it started out in a positive fashion where you are 'treated' to an array of breasts on display in the cancer monitoring clinic! Couldn't accept Amanda Peet getting the hots for a fat porgy Oliver Platt and kissing him within 5 minutes of being alone. Don't know why they threw in the teenage daughters quest for jeans and clear skin - easily omitted and not relevant to the movie.

Its a slow meandering movie that shows in detail the boring lives of two rather mundane families going about their mundane lives, though the pretty Amanda seemed miscast as the uncaring granddaughter...

All in all, avoidable. And if seen, quickly forgotten.
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Angel Heart (1987)
Angelic Mickey
27 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
And here folks is Mickey R at his finest, here is where he looks the most handsome of all his movies, including 9 weeks, and his acting is el perfecto.Crumpled jackets, ever present cigarette dangling from those sensuous lips, yessiree he's the man! Effortlessly, he carries the story, almost as if it was made for him. And yes, its one of Alan Parkers best, thats if you can overlook the not so subtle voodoo/satanic bits. Here is where I thought Parker could have been a bit more subdued,leaving more to the imagination of the viewer rather that going a bit over the top with the devilish parts especially the ending. Having said that, its an eminently watchable film. If you're one of those that is intrigued by Harlem (New Orleans) and Cult, you'll enjoy this 'un!
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Two Lovers (2008)
Glyneth Paltrow's brief topless moment!
1 October 2010
As a fan of Paltrow, and having seen quite a few of her movies, I must say I cant remember having seen any where she exposes her top (or half of her top) as in this movie. Guess its her first. Alas, it was far too brief a display....but one hopes that now that she has gone thus far, perhaps some time in the future she might go the whole hog...! I rather surprised,pleasantly, I must add, to see some of the biggest stars nonchalantly going about stripping when the role calls for it - Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kideman, Penelope Cruz, even Anne Hathaway...happy that some misplaced sense of prudishness hasn't deterred these big names from doing the topless number. Have I missed any? Denise Richards?? Cant recall seeing her strip - and would love too!
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The Losers (I) (2010)
A decent action movie and Jeffery D Morgan was surprisingly good
13 July 2010
Yep, a pretty decent action movie that'll keep you entertained for the duration. Not as polished as say, Mission Impossible, but acceptable. Jeffery Dean Morgan was well cast in the lead role - suited him to a T - though I thought that Jason Patric as the villain was a bit over the top, especially towards the later part of the movie when he got even more and more...well, over the top. I've never been a very big fan of Zoe Saldhana, so I'll refrain from commenting on her. All in all, its a good evening movie either in the theater or with your Home Theatre set volume up. Even better, just download the hi def version(8GB min)so if you don't really care for it, well at least it hasn't cost you anything!
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3A (average story, average movie, average acting)
7 April 2010
I watched this movie in three sessions, with a day apart between each..perhaps thats the reason I could find no coherence in the story. I have this sneaking feeling that people tend to overrate movies for reasons like a famous director, a plot that many would struggle to fully comprehend (so if they couldn't fully understand it, therefore it must be a high brow movie deserving of a high rating!), a famous actor and so on. Truth be told, this movie, if honestly rated by persons to whom neither Sorcese of Di Caprico names meant nothing, would have got a far lower rating. The plot line, while reasonably original, just doesn't ring true. Also, without a strong female lead, the onus of carrying the 2hours + story fell upon the otherwise capable shoulders of Mr. di Caprico...all in all, not a movie thats going to further the reputations of either Socrese or De C. Watch it if you will, but don't go and make an evening out of it, rent a bluray and watch it if you must. Average story, average acting, average ending...a bit reminiscent of One flew over the cuckoos nest - now THATS a movie that you'll remember for years....
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Pandorum (2009)
Sci Fi movie yes, good Sci Fi movie? No.
19 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Now don't get me wrong, I have a weakness for SciFi flics, the traditional ones, I mean (traditional sci fi - contradiction in terms...)Alien, Cronicles of Riddick, minority report, surrogates, fifth get the drift. Now about this movie:1.Dennis Quaid is wasted, with the least screen time of all the characters (a grand total of four!)

2. The entire movie seems to be shot within a single studio location, with almost no scenes of the ship from exterior except in the beginning and a bit at the end. Seemed a bit of a budget made flic to me. 3. Just four characters - leaving aside the alien creatures,who are not very imaginative, pretty yawn stuff. The main star is an unknown (Bill Foster), the female star is pretty enough, but somehow she doesn't fit in, and Dennis Q, as I said,is wasted in this role. 4. Weak plot, far-fetched and unbelievable. 5. For the year 2152 too many items and too many similarities to current years, like the torches, the style of talking, the computer keyboard, the lighting...hey, this is supposed to be 150 years or thereabouts in the future, but judging from the ship interior, their languaqe style etc it would seem to be only a few years ahead in the future. All in all, a movie you can safely give a miss. Watch if your'e bored and got the bluray free.

George Menon, Goa
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The Box (I) (2009)
Safely avoid this one - and Cameron Diaz is totally unglamorous
15 January 2010
This is a flic that you can safely avoid. childish plot and poor acting from Cameron (she really shouldn't take on these serious roles - they don't suit her)Besides she looks most unglamorous, Lets face it, shes' great in Charlies Angels and She was superb in There's Something about Mary... The Pope wouldn't be a good President of the USA and vice versa, my point being that there are some actors/actresses who are suited to a particular type of character and Cameron is most unsuited for this serious housewife type - there are a dozen other actress' would have done a far better job. The movie itself is rather unbelievable and juvenile in its plot (did I spell Juvinile right??) I noticed a comment from another reviewer who has given The Box a 10 rating, who was derisive in his comments on other reviewers who gave the movie a 1 or 2 rating and couldn't spell. I mean whats spelling got to do with a movie review? Does he mean that persons who spell perfectly could appreciate this movie more that the ones who couldn't? C'mon 'professor.
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Hero Wanted (2008)
Cuba Gooding not suitable for the role
23 June 2009
Now don't get me wrong - cuba G is a versatile Oscar winning g actor, its just that this role was completely unsuited for him. Cant figure out why the director/producer/promoters shortlisted him for this role that needed a far more intense almost brooding character. Otherwise the movie is,as they say over here, Good Time Pass! Pretty violent and fast moving, with a rather confusing plot that unravels itself towards the end. found the 'bad' guys rather good actually, and the good guys, well, not so good, not even Ray Liotta who is also wasted in the smallish part that he plays. Ben Cross' also smallish role is played with the panache that ben does to all his roles. Hes; one of those actors who can play Victor or villain with equal ease and effectiveness. George Menon, Goa
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