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Night Swim (2024)
As soon as they introduced the cat......
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I knew it was a goner! Seriously, people, I'm so sick of this "tool", or whatever it's called, to bring more fear into the movie! If there's a family pet, you can rest assured that it will die before the movie is finished! And NOW, it seems that writers are killing CHILDREN, as well as animals! What IMAGINATION Hollywood has, don't you think?

SERIOUSLY, Hollywood, what storyline will you use after killing animals & children is blasé? When your audience craves more violence, what will you give them? I'm sick & tired of Hollywood using the cheap trick of killing animals - and now, children! The movie had barely begun when a child dies!

I really don't think Hollywood today is able to keep up with the Hollywood of yesterday. Is it the schools pushing out blasé writers? I don't know, but I DO know that horror movies were better written 20 yrs ago & earlier. And they CERTAINLY were more fun - back when they didn't hire animals & children in movies just to kill them.

Maybe that's why our country - our world - is getting more violent. I wouldn't doubt it.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Ho hum! More animals die...
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
WHY do horror movie makers think that killing animals ADDS to the story? It DOESN'T. I hate seeing animals injured or killed in movies. It doesn't add a thing to the plot. Writers include it so much now that it's just assumed. As soon as I saw the movie showed an annimal introduced, I knew it was a GONER. It was just a matter of time! Please, Hollywood! Stop using this! What's next? Killing children?

Up to now, children have never been killed in horror movies - but is this the beginning of watching children get killed as well?

Maybe I'm too much of a softie, but I don't think so! Leave kids & animals ALONE! Otherwise, you're going to lose your audience. People want to be entertained. Scared to death, yes! But we don't want to be SADDENED!

Honestly, you don't need to use these to make a good horror movie! "Rosemary's Baby" scared the crap out of me, as did "The Exorcist" way back when, as well as did the movies based on the famous exorcist couple, the Warrens.

Seriously, lay off the kids & the animals. It RUINS the the thrill of watching.
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God, send us more Alfred Hitchcock! Movies today are crap!
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
ALAS, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Romero, & William Friedkin, we MISS YOU!!! Lord, send us more cuz this film sux!

HORROR film writers use ANIMAL & CHILD ABUSE for suspense more & more. Why - does the general public really want that?? I can't believe they do.


1: You work to ENTERTAIN ME, not gross me out. You make money when you make me feel good. That makes me want to go to your movies. THEN, & ONLY THEN, YOU MAKE $$!

2: KILLING PETS, ANY ANIMALS doesn't scare me; it ANGERS ME because it ENTICES sickos to do it!

3: I get angry watching movies that SHOW child abuse, as IT entices pervs too!!

This cheap way of "anxiety building" in your movies has gone on too long; it doesn't entertain me or coaxes me to watch your MOVIES!!!

You use the same old chestnuts:

The protagonist can't EVER start their car when trying to escape an attacker, OR...

The female ALWAYS FALLS! (And WHY is it always the FEMALE who always FALLS???) OR...

Now, in this film, we not only must sit through the same old chestnuts of..

a family moving into a haunted house and.. the pet is not only FOUND dead, oh no..

THIS audience must endure NEW & THE IMPROVED:

*SOUND EFFECTS of killing the dog with what sounds like a mallet..

*Then hearing the "dumpity dump" of the poor creature's body in the clothes dryer! (I hope it didn't DIE that way, dear God!)

But wait! There's MORE! IN THIS FILM....

* We must endure even MORE nausea by CHILD RAPE & TORTURE.

*And, just to PROVE to us the scene truly is THAT NAUSEATING, the character who finds his dog VOMITS, allowing us to watch THAT! (Yum.)

I'm so SURE that this is going to be a first quality MASTERPIECE of OSCAR material! DONT YOU? (Oh, Lord, hopefully not!!!

In fact, it reflects how famished you movie makers are today of generating anything entertaining; this messy film proves it! 99% of Directors & Screenwriters have NO IMAGINATION!! NO METHOD TO AMAZE!!! The only "Method of Amazement" that you seem to have is "BLOOD, SEX, GORE, & ANIMAL/CHILD ABUSE.

The only AMAZEMENT this joke erupts within me is WHY the ASPCA hasn't raised HOLY HELL to REMOVE films like this from public viewing. It's one of the most OFFENSIVE, CRUEL films I have EVER watched in 68 YRS!
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Wiener-Dog (2016)
One of the CRUELEST animal movies I've ever seen!
22 May 2022
If you love dogs, DONT watch this movie! It builds you up and then. At the end, it shocks & hurts you to the core! And then tries to make a JOKE out of the tragedy!

I need to be pickier about what I see. It seemed so comedic; instead, I cried for hours and couldn't get the last 10 minutes of the movie out of my head.

What kind of society do we have that thinks crap like this deserves a 5.9 rating?
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Horrible, Disgusting, & Totally Senseless Movie!
25 January 2022
Motion pictures have tremendous potential and power - they can entertain, teach, inspire, influence, uplift, frighten, warn, and motivate. They can arouse emotions like disgust, nausea and outrage within us - as when exposing the horrors and insanities of war crimes and racism; our health care system's Gordian knot of endless red tape; the injustice & hypocrisies of our justice system, and the inadequacies of our child protective & family services - all done in the spirit of philanthropy.

Movies depicting such harsh realities can still have redeeming qualities; unfortunately, I cannot think of one single redeeming quality in this movie. In fact, I'd very much like to ask the producers behind this extremely disturbing film, "WHY? WHY ON EARTH DID YOU MAKE SUCH A SICK, CRUEL AND DISTURBING FILM? The images and sounds inflicted on the audience in this film cannot EVER be easily UNSEEN, UNHEARD, or FORGOTTEN! Furthermore, I feel this film borders on Audience Abuse.

For almost half of the 20th century, the society of mankind has been undergoing a steady process of ENTROPY that is continuing on today, of which the motion picture industry has been a major contributor. Films depicting the sadistic slaughter of men, women, children, even BABIES throughout, along with severe levels of vulgar language is no small obscene contribution to the downfall & destruction of our society. Moreover, it isn't pleasant to experience. Even more baffling is WHY ANYONE would want to show their NAME as a contributor to such trash. As a result of what I experienced watching this revolting, PAINFUL & SADDENING "oevre de merde", I won't patronize ANY future film by the contributors of "Monsters of Men".
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The Manor (I) (2021)
16 October 2021
Because of my age, this one scared me to death! I can't think of a worse place to die than in a rest home! But the reason it was perfect to me:

1. No tortured or mutilated animals

2. The family pet doesn't get killed.

3. No bloody rape, abortions (with unborn torn from the womb, induced miscarriages where the unborn fall out of the woman.

4. No bloody gore, PERIOD, i. E. Showing eyeballs plucked out, etc. (You get it!)

5. No loose endings, left up in the air.

6. An excellent plot.

7. No gratuitous sex scenes & nudity that go in and on and on.

8. And finally......And a happy ending!!!

I wish there were more horror movies like this made! Fine, they may seem like "Movies of the Week" to some, but the usual, type of horror since the year 2000 has people's sensitivities so deadened, they feel like they need all the sick bloodshed & perversions to make it exciting. But you really don't need all that. Not really!!!

So thanks, Blumhouse! Thanks for FINALLY making an old-fashioned horror movies for us hyper-sensitive yet lovers of horror genre none the less!
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Making a film not an excuse to kill an animal!!!!!!
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ellen Page talks about having to butcher a pig in this movie - the pug had no "double", either. She really killed it on screen. But even though she was trained on how to butcher a pig, she didn't do it correctly, and so, the pig endured minutes of agony while Page tried to butcher it correctly. Yeah, it's true.

Wow. Page must be a damn good actress to do that in a film. What talent! Not!

What's next? I'm afraid to ask what we'll have to endure during a movie next time for realism.

Trash this. It's not worth seeing, and you'll never get that time you wasted back again. That sight of a helpless animal being gutted for "special effects" will never leave your memory, either. Wish I could've rated it a "below zero".
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Brightburn (2019)
Film is not the kind we need right now.
30 September 2021
If I wanted to see cruelty, depravity and endless suffering, I could just read a newspaper or turn on the news! One thing I know is I'm sure as HELL not PAYING to see it! This movie has proven that the film industry has nothing to offer anymore, except for the smaller production companies who are bucking the system to make uplifting movies again.!

When film first began, it was something for the public to go watch to keep their minds off of wars, depression and crime in that time. Now, film makers offer nothing else BUT that to their audiences. Why? Moreover, why would the PUBLUC choose to see it?

I'm sick to death of these movies! There is nothing redeemable or redeeming about this movie - unless you're a sadist.

Save your time and money! Read a book instead. At least you'll build a better vocabulary and become a faster reader. This movie is trash and time wasted.
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Prey (VI) (2021)
Horrible! A waste of time!
15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For reasons of all the previous reviewers!!!!! And they show a child's brains shot out! Reall brilliant!? I wish I could take back the time I lost and the very MEMORY of that little girl lying dead. Some things should NOT be allowed in film!!!
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If everyone gave it a 1, how's it a 2.9?
9 September 2021
This is one of the WORST movies I've ever seen. A bunch of people staring - at various people, (???) Okay well.... .
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Relic (2020)
A 7 for the effort & great acting
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what this was about when I watched it - that it was about dementia; even with that information I don't think I would have tagged it as dementia because the four people I knew - two paternal grandfathers, a sister & a preacher's wife who was and still is a dear friend of mine - suffered, and is STILL suffering from Alzheimer's, just ONE form of dementia. Neither of them have gone into that deep, dark beyond in the way the grandmother did in this movie. Their mind's memories were much quieter, gentler in their processing into the darkness. They both are now non-communicative. They suffered no occult, demonic, murderous or self-inflicted injury themes -at least while they were still here, in this world. And if they had those experiences as the grandmother does in that "OTHERWORLD", or even in that stage where they live in both our world and the dark one.....well, none have been able to come back to us and tell the tale.

It was for that reason that I found myself feeling angry and offended by the end of the movie. My loved ones fell into a gentler dementia than these characters. Had the synopsis been described as "a grandmother who dabbled in the occult in her younger years falls into dementia; and then, the occult dabbled into her", I wouldn't have had the emotions I experienced in the end. This movie didn't portray MY loved ones' dementias. I couldn't decide whether I felt violated or I felt my loved ones were violated with such a misrepresentation.

However, the actors were excellent, give or take a few scenes where they just seemed to want to "JUST AHHHKT", which showed just a lot of EMOTING instead of BEING the characters they played. Those seemed a bit "hoity-toity".

At least an EFFORT was made to SHOW what dementia can lead to, if one had unhealthy interests.

Thus, for the not terrible, but EXCEPTIONALLY talented actors and a brave attempt at bringing dementia into the spotlight, I gave the movie a 7. Those two components allowed me to forgive the stereotyping of this sad, horrible, cruel and unjust disease. This movie took a lot of work and imagination, which I admire. I look forward to this director's movies in the future. This Director is indeed a fine one.
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Oh wow! This is F+horrible!!!!!
19 August 2021
Just save your soul & time - DON'T WATCH!!! It's F-DOUBLE-MINUS-HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It REALLY SUUXXXXX!!! I'd give it a minus 10 if I could, no.....a minus 20....wait... OH NEVER MIND! JUST SKIP THIS ONE!!!
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
When will this stuff stop
15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoying the movie in the beginning....so far, so good....until Odumba collapses. That's it...I'm done, movie is over. Just ruined it for me. WHY do the dogs always get killed??? That's the worst, unimaginative trick there is today! There are some pretty sick moviemakers out there. What's next? Killing CHILDREN?? That's the QUICKEST way to get a 1 rating from me. Make better movies!!!!
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1BR (2019)
Sick and tired.....
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of seeing pets (or ANY animals for that matter) used as horror tricks. I don't give good ratings to movies where animals are killed by human hands with the added realistic sound effects and "after shots" of bloody corpses anymore!!! What will be next when blood and gore lovers get bored? CHILDREN????? Directors need to clean up their movies because it's chasing a lot of movie lovers away! Where are all these "animal loving" actors who preach to us? If they believe what they preach, they shouldn't even TAKE a movie that has this garbage shown! I'm really done over it! MOVIE MAKERS, CLEAN UP YOUR ACTS!!!!
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Okay....slow to develop
29 May 2021
Maybe it's me, but I just couldn't get into this movie. Hubby & I considered turning it off, but had too much faith that it would pick up eventually. It didn't.

However, there was a nice break from boredom when Danny Glover & Kathy Bates showed up in their scene.

The writer & director simply did not use the plot twists they could have! So many rich jewels in that movie, but they stayed with the drab boring plot. Actors were fine, just the storyline killed it.
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Eden Log (2007)
I'll be brief.....
22 May 2021
Slow, boring, ........ it really sucked. I still don't understand it.
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Existence (2012)
Worst movie ending ever because there was none!
25 March 2021
A total waste of time! Took forever to figure out the plot and get interested. A V e r y s l o w p l o t!!!! It's like they finished all but 10 minutes, then packed up, went home, and sent the film to theatres as is! Horrible plot, horrible acting, horrible pace! Just horrible! I would NEVER RECOMMEND!!!!!!! Grade F-
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Scare Me (I) (2020)
Total waste of time
5 March 2021
Watched 45 minutes of total boredom until I turned it off!! Horribly dull and just stupid plot, not to mention the time wasted!
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The Vanished (2020)
So sick & tired of pet murders - totally unnecessary!
27 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why!? Why does every suspense movie now kill the family dog?? This doesn't make the movie better, PETER! I love suspense, but just once I'd like someone to write & produce a suspense film without kids or pets killed and having a happy ending! After all, people go to films to be entertained - or at least they used to! Trash!! Pure TRASH!
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Perfect (II) (2018)
What in God's name did I just watch????
6 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well. The best way that I can explain my rating is:

(1) The pace is TO SLOW. I mean very slow. At first, I wondered if they even HAD a plot.

(2) I don't like being high-jacked into watching a live, newborn baby being eaten alive!

Pushing the envelope is ALWAYS Hollywood's goal in making movies, for some reason, but this has got to STOP! The whole point of watching a movie is to be ENTERTAINED, NOT grossed out! Unfortunately, that's all Hollywood has been able to give us to demonstrate "imagination", It seems.

And oddly, for the last 10 years or so, all Hollywood wants to do in just about EVERY horror movie is to kill off the pet dog (except for that movie where a woman wakes up in the middle of the night to a strange smell coming from the kitchen and finds her pet cat broiled in her oven.) People have obviously complained about it, so THIS writer (or director?) decided to take it even further and show a live baby eating scene. And oh wow...they show it for over a minute; even showing the crazy man chomping on the baby's arm hanging out of its mouth. Now THAT takes real imagination right there!

I'm really very tired of watching sick stuff! Iit's not entertainment -it's just SICK, DISTURBING, and BEYOND GROSS! And should any other directors in the future consider throwing baby mutilations or animal cruelty into their plots, just know: you aren't being clever; your only exposing your sick, twist psyche. But I guess when everyone around you is a blooming nutcase (as Hollywood very much is), it's easy to forget that the majority of the country isn't as twisted and depraved as you are. And finally...

3. That Horribly SICK ending! What the heck WAS that? It was one of the WORST endings of any movie I've ever seen! No explanation of the deformed child in the doctor's arms, so explanation for the scene after that! And NO EXPLANATION for what is wrong with this young man! Just a terrible ending giving the viewer any explanation for what we've sat through at all! What a freaking MESS!

Do better next time, Hollywood film director!
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Cold Skin (2017)
Ah!!! How this touched my heart!!!
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot stand cruelty of any kind towards any living thing, do I quickly began to sympathize with Aneris - a beautiful creature - with such a heart tending face!!! Aneris didn't need lines; her eyes told everything! She truly touched me!

And the young man who must live with an older seaman who has clearly gone mad from loneliness (because he could never take comfort in the sea creatures because he thought them beneath him and not worthy of even kindness!

The seaman was clearly delusional. His fears of abandonment, loneliness and racism had painted him into a tight corner and he was trapped in his own isolation. In the end, I pitied him, too, but I really wanted to put some screws in his head before I left the movie!

I wish the movie were longer! That's my only gripe! The actors were superb in getting across their characters - even their character's subconscious was shown - a side the characters probably weren't even aware of. The scenery was stunning, the story was breathtaking, rendering such empathy for these islanders. The directing was very hood. Yes, I'd highly recommend this movie to ANYONE!!!
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The Prodigy (2019)
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is no reason for it! For me, it ruins the entire movie to show animal abuse, animal mutilation and animal killing in a movie. Enough! That's not scary! That's SICK!!! Before long, it will be CHILDREN!
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Black Garden (2019)
Some things are best NOT FILMED!!
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What is it with movie directors now - filming actors using the toilet???? That is NOT something I care to see. However, ever since Kidman sat on hers in "Eyes Wide Shut", seems like everybody does! Enough!
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Demon (2015)
Too many questions left unanswered!
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We find the grandfather didn't build the house, as often believed. So there was a family living there before the grandfather took ownership? Who was the family? The family of Hanne? Then, were the two little girl spirits the sisters of Hanne?

What did the dybbuk wish to do by taking possession of the groom? Why couldn't the dybbuk count back and realize that the groom wasn't her "geliebte" after all? What did she plan to do with him?

And why was the groom/dybbuk digging in the cemetery? What was he looking for?

Why did the groom push his car over the cliff? Or was that still the dybbuk?

And WHAT was the significance of the FUNERAL PROCESSION???

Where was the bride going at the end?

The film action was so slow! Surely the director had more than enough time to answer these questions, or at least give the viewer a hint?

Maybe the director killed himself because, after seeing it on screen, he realized his mistakes? The movie had SO MUCH POTENTIAL!! He must have been under an incredible amount of stress. Poor soul.

Yes, the film was almost good - but I cannot rate a movie with no answers to so many questions!!

I'm sick and tired of these movies being made now that cuts of without a resolution! It seems to be the fad now, but I detest it, and I'll give every movie like that a poor rating until they stop! I'm just glad I didn't spend money on it!
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2 October 2020
This movie is the reason why ALL movies' full synopsis should be posted on the internet! I watched this -even some scenes more than once - and I STILL didn't work out the ending! I've heard it called another "Sixth Sense", but I swear, I just don't see it! This is driving me crazy! Would I watch it again? Yeh, probably will - but only to figure out what was going on!

The difficulty, I think, was all the back and forth from past to present. The actors often wore the same clothing in both time settings, so it was very confusing.

The Spiritualist was good in some scenes , then others acted as if she didn't know what she was there to do. But one of her high moments was when she was discussing the man's dead twin brother. The man's reactions to her description were so touching, heartbreaking, yet encouraging.

Perhaps, if I figure out the "mysteries" in this film, I'll find more scenes like that. I hope I can. The worst thing a filmmaker can do is to drop the story, leaving it unfinished and untold.
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