
8 Reviews
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Great movie, only one criticism.
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved this movie my whole life. So innocent, so beautiful. To grow up and be in a place where politics, corruption, war and all the other horrible aspects of "civilized" life don't's everyone's fantasy.

I only have one criticism. The part where old Arthur Lestrange, who has obviously spent his whole life looking for Richard and Em, is looking at the couple playing in the mud on the beach, and says "no....that can't be them" I find that part so incredibly stupid. He is out in the middle of nowhere, an uncharted island....there is a young couple that would be the right age.....they are probably the only people he has seen out in the ocean in the middle of nowhere.....but of course it can't be duh.

Other than that it's an awesome movie. It's just too bad that #2 didn't stay true to the first one, because Richard and Em supposedly were not dead at the end of this one.
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Gingerclown (2013)
Bad acting covered in cheese
25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst acting jobs I have ever seen. It's very hard to believe that big names like Tim Curry and Brad Dourif would be a part of something as nasty and cheesy as this. Everything from the over acting football jocks, the excessive and inappropriate use of profanity, to the unrealistic rubber puppets. This movie was a complete waste of time effort and money. Except for the big names, there actors and actresses need to go back to acting school. The dialogue was just 10 year old could have done better writing. I feel ripped off for even paying to see this. Steer clear.
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Has always bugged me
6 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Still watching this so many years later. Excellent movie for a laugh, but there as a couple things that still bug the hell out of me.

#1 the sleeping arrangements. Why have 2 kids that hate each other in a double bed together and a married couple sleeping separately in bunk beds?

#2 why would Clark sit there and freeze to death after being locked in the attic and falling thru the ceiling, when the hole was big enough to crawl down thru and get back into the house?

Yeah I know it's supposed to be whacky comedy, but those two things have always drove me nuts LOL.
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RV (2006)
Awesome movie
18 August 2020
This movie is good when you need a funny feel good movie. However if it had been up to Cheryl Hines to make it work, it would have failed miserably. She has got to be, in my own opinion, ONE of the worst actresses out there. And OMG, please, don't give her another singing roll. It was the strong acting of Robin Williams, Jeff Daniels, and Kristin Chenoweth that really made this movie a success. As well as putting a comedic spin on the disrespect a parent gets from their children (something so many of us can relate to)
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
This isn't the way to end it.
13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While children growing up and losing interest in their toys is a natural part of life, I really think that Pixar should consider one last sequel and end this epic franchise on a happier note.

Children who have followed this story from the very beginning were probably devastated about the parting of woody and buzz.

Of course it's just my opinion, but wouldn't it be nice if Andy, years later, all grown up and with a family of his own, decided to seek out and try to find all his childhood friends. Or even just stumbles upon them one by one. Have it end with all the toys reunited in Andy's home with Andy's children. Basically ending with it coming full circle.

Children could then imagine all the toys happy, together, forever. To infinity and beyond.
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I Am Mother (2019)
10 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am getting so tired of these new movies coming out that seem like someone ripped out the last few pages of the script but the producers thought "that's ok we will make it anyway"

Great movies that have you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire movie.......then that god awful moment when the credits start rolling, your sitting there going WTF, feeling like you were just cheated out of 120 minutes of your time. And, knowing that you will be trying to figure out what happened for weeks.

Come on.....get it together. The endings are just as important as the rest of the movie.....
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Very nice adaptation except.....
16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not quite the same without the tear jerking song Charlotte sings at the end of the animated version. We all know Julia Roberts can sing beautifully, too bad they didn't let her show off her talent to the fullest.
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Enough (I) (2002)
Lots of stupidity (spoilers)
8 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am giving it a 5/10 for the reasons I am going to list. If you watch the movie without picking it apart it's an enjoyable movie that portrays domestic violence and how fast a relationship can change for the worst. Having been in many abusive relationships in my life I feel her pain and frustrations. Her man is rich, he feels like he can have his cake and eat it too with no consequence. He wants to have his beautiful trophy wife to cook and clean and look after his house and child, but he also wants to go out and fool around with any woman he chooses on the side....He has the money, the contacts, and the motivation to make his wife's life a horror story if she doesn't just sit back and take it.

I found the acting and the plot in this movie pretty good, and worth the watch.

However......there are quite a few things about this movie that drove me nuts. This really was a horrible job of directing.

First of all this woman is lucky to have friends that are so supportive and willing to help. But why leave in the middle of the night instead of waiting till the daytime when he is at work? To count on him sleeping through her leaving in the middle of the night was just silly.

She is seen trying to rent a hotel room, supposedly in the middle of the night, but when her credit card is denied she is seen in broad daylight trying an ATM machine for money, AND going into a bank to try to make a withdrawal. Then it's nighttime again when she gets a room.

She then runs off to Joe's house, and after Mitch's goons leave it shows her packing all her stuff up. This is a woman on the don't completely "move in" to places your temporarily staying. You would always have your stuff packed and ready to go at a moments notice.

You also would not take up residence in a house and spend all that time setting up booby traps instead of moving into a high rise security apartment. Not to mention, any woman in her situation who should have been in a heightened sense of paranoia would not be living in a house with sheer curtains, and open windows.

At one point it shows her getting all upset because her dinner "wasn't good" why has she all of a sudden forgotten how to cook? She was cooking for years for her husband prior to the cheating and abuse.

Throughout all of this, she didn't even try to get a divorce and arrange a custody agreement before deciding he had to die for her to get out of the relationship. I in no way shape or form support male dominance and violence......and a small part of me enjoyed seeing the abusive cheating ***hole die.....but even with his money he would not have gotten away with kidnapping the child while under a custody order. Killing him seemed a bit extreme.

Lastly, if you think about the final battle and the modern police investigative skills.....she would never have gotten away with it. There would have been a full out investigation into his death whether it seemed like self defense at the beginning or not. It never shows the aftermath, but when slim broke into Mitch's house she seemed to know the full layout and where to hide even though she had never been in there before. She cut (not disconnected) the phone lines, which would have been spotted by any greenhorn police officer in the investigation. Ginny called the police, but slim still had time to gather up and throw all the equipment (still in the bright yellow gym bag) she used for the break in and the fight (including rings that would have both hers and Mitch's DNA on them) into the shallow water just off Mitch's balcony, this surely would have been discovered a few days into the investigation.

And lastly....she is sitting outside when the police arrive, she barely had a mark on her, where Mitch looked like he had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, he is dead......and the house looks like it had just survived a hurricane. I am sorry but that doesn't look like a fair fight to even a novice.

All in all I enjoyed the movie, I would, and have watched it many times. However it seems like the script was written overnight, never questioned by anyone, and the director was paying little to no attention to any continuity.
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