24 Reviews
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Moody Neo-Noir thriller
3 April 2023
Reminiscent of the film Drive - TOXIC IMPULSES is a very stylish neo-noir thriller set in Los Angeles. The film is visually stunning, with plenty of saturated cityscape shots and shadowy night scenes. Story wise, it grips you right out of the gate and does a great job on keeping the foot on the gas I enjoyed the use of narration in the film, it gave a true noir vibe without every feeling over the top. With twists you won't see coming and a layered and palpable score, this is a thriller that will get you excited. One scene in particular, involving a bank teller was absolutely gripping and a great example of how to ratchet up tension.
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Charlie (I) (2022)
19 April 2022
This movie gave me "Blackcoat's Daughter" vibes in its stylistic approach. Incredibly moody and atmospheric. It's a very well handled film that puts trauma under microscope and at times gives you no choice other than to sit with characters in their plight, as uncomfortable as it may be. It's a very effective indie film and I absolutely recommend.
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Fraught with tension and paranoia
15 April 2022
Very well directed paranoia stressed me the F out, most thrillers usually do. This one had me stressed, it did its job well. Very naturalistic performances and some wildly uncomfortable scenes. It does a fine job of capturing the dark territory a relationship can find itself in when doubt and paranoia take over. A very well done (and beautiful) indie film.
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Your Color (2019)
Good and sad
23 March 2022
The beginning of these character story reminded me of when I was a lot younger and when it felt like the world was at your fingertips and the possibilities endless. I've had a friend go down a similar path that Albert found himself on. It's a devastating thing to witness and one that was captured well in this movie. One thing I really like about this movie was its use of home videos, it really packed a punch.
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A thriller that deserves to be seen
23 March 2022
I love watching films with subtitles. I don't want to give anything anyway with my review because the story takes many twist and turns and will keep you guessing. I very rarely believe that a movie needs to be close to the two hour mark, so the slim running time of this movie is perfect. I never felt bored or checked my phone. Excellent cinematography, acting and story.
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Feel good movie
15 March 2022
You never know what kind of indie movies you might stumble upon on streaming platforms. I love finding movies like this. It's a fun romantic comedy with the opposites-attract storyline, and it's freaking cute. The leads both do a great job and the main chick often reminded me of Dakota Johnson. I'd watch it again.
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Maysville (2021)
Director Goyette is one to keep an eye on
14 March 2022
What a very well done film! In its opening sequence, I was reeled in to not only how beautiful the aesthetic of the film is, but how natural and talented the young actors are, particularly the lead. I repeated out loud to my friend that was watching with me, more than once, how surprisingly good the young actors were. We watch a ton of indie content and it's always hit-or-miss with young talent, often because people cast children they know (who most times are not actors) All that aside, the pacing of the movie is on point, and the score is great! It is obvious the film is directed with a confident hand because the music flows wonderfully. It doesn't come off as an afterthought but more like something that was integrated purposefully. I would definitely recommend this movie.
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When people say "a movie with heart"....
7 June 2021
...this is the type of movie they are talking about. It's awesome what this crew pulled off on a small budget. My only (small) issue with the movie is that it could have been a little bit shorter, but that's it. And that's just me being picky. I recommend.
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Night Shift (I) (2021)
So much charisma
7 June 2021
The leads in this are hilarious. All around awesome movie with a ton of talent in front of and behind the camera as well. Awesome Friday night movie.
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7 June 2021
For such heavy subject matter, this movie made me want to explore the world! Very well made and super intriguing as well as informative. Would highly recommend.
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A+ for an outstanding buildup
7 June 2021
What a unique little movie this is. Had my attention the whole time.
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I love security guard horror films!
23 October 2020
This movie was reminiscent of the film "Mirrors", which I loved. Obviously with a smaller budget, but they pulled off what they were going for with the budget they had. Setting the movie in a clinic was a smart move. The main actress carries the film well and fits the role of a security guard very well, while staying beautiful and charismatic. Not that security guards can't be pretty....but often times in movies (especially indie) roles like this are cast with someone who is so beyond unbelievable in that part. I found a lot of this movie to be winks and nods to 80's horror films, particularly the sound design anytime a baddie is seen. The lighting was terrific and really helped create depth and layers to the real life sets. It's obvious that this movie has a lot of hard work and heart in it.
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Nostalgic, Supernatural, Incredible work of art
20 October 2020
When I first started watching this I was like......wheeeeen was this filmed? Did they do an outstanding job of making this seem like 80's Berlin? Was this filmed in the 80's? Started in the 80's? As the minutes ticked on, any type of reason or plausibility went out the window and I was lost in the hypnotic, almost Lynchian mood of this film. At times it reminded me of Hitchock....and others it reminded me of Kenneth Anger. This is not a traditional narrative film. I don't even want to comment on the story line other than it is about men who start collecting parts of a mannequin around Berlin. I found it both hypnotically relaxing and haunting at the same time. I look forward to more pieces like this.
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Effective indie horror
20 October 2020
I'm loving seeing more of the lgbt community represented in horror! The lighting in this movie was moody and nuanced. Bravo on that. The house itself became a role and I loved a riveting pool sequence towards the end of the movie. Buckle up for some twists and turns!
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Checkmate (II) (2019)
Pleasantly surprised!
9 October 2020
Exceptional fight scenes and a plot that keeps you engaged from start to finish. One issue I usually have with action driven thrillers like this...is the camera work. It's often super choppy and shaky and all over the place. The director and camera op knew what they were up against here, and really did the story justice.
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Amazing flick!
9 October 2020
This artist is one to look out for! I laughed hysterically, several times and also got a bit emotional. If you are an artist or have even the slightest interest in expressing yourself artistically, you will be sucked in. Life without art is boring.
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This movie will resonate if you..
8 October 2020
This movie will resonate with anyone who has experienced addiction in any form, whether themselves or watching a loved one. Watching this movie is a very accurate portrayal of what it can do to relationships and those around you. What a great indie film with a huge heart. The two leads are fantastic. I recommend.
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A film for this time in our country
7 October 2020
This movie is thrilling and hilarious. Great direction and performances all around. The "politician" made me want to throw him out the window in his final scene. Great mashup of throwbacks and retro style going on here. A defined artistic vision and one that was executed well. I had several laugh out loud moments.....and an equal amount of thrills. There is a particular stand off scene that really got me. Very solid and well made indie film.
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Movie with a massive heart
4 October 2020
I hate doing reviews with spoilers....but MAN is there a victorious moment at the end of this film that PACKS A PUNCH if you know what I'm saying. Solid performances all around. I love how the movie was pumped full of great country music. It reminded me of A Star Is Born...but not in a rip off kind of way. Really well made all around. Great writing, direction and casting. I'd love to see some kind of sequel!
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Older (2020)
Charming from start to finish.
4 October 2020
What a refreshing, relatable and FUN movie. "Older" will surely develop a cult following. The leads, Guy Pigden and Liesha Ward Knox, are both wildly charismatic and perfectly capture the connection two people can have without realizing it. Pigden's direction is incredible and nuanced I can't wait to see what he does next. When I first noticed in the opening credits that he wrote, directed and starred in the movie....I was not sure what I was in for. Too often you see that combo end in narcissistic drizzle. This is far from that. His vulnerability and charm are real and raw. I definitely recommend this. A+++
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Purdah (2018)
3 October 2020
From the second this starts, it is clear what you are in for - a very well made film. Technically, I was immediately drawn in with very minor details...the like the punctuation of the beats in the opening song that matched with the striking of the balls. The song design was IMMACULATE. Tech stuff aside....the actual heart of the matter....these girls and the struggles they are up against to simply do what they love. Incredible. You honestly can't turn it off until it's over. I don't want to give anything away so watch for yourself and enjoy the show!
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The Stalker (III) (2020)
Super tense climax
2 October 2020
For the most part, THE STALKER takes place in real time. You are right there with this family through their ordeal, over a period of days. The climax is massively tense and stressful, which is due to the performance by "the stalker" once he is revealed. Great cast and performances. Well done.
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Possession with a.....much deeper meaning?
2 October 2020
Watching the descent into possession/madness was palpable. There were so many uncomfortable moments that felt very real, which is a testament to the writing and directing. Great cast and very well done all together. The scene that made me most uncomfortable was the car ride with the mom, dad and daughter. Whew! I think there are connections to what terror and stress that alcoholism can have on loved ones of a person going through it. Beautifully shot and great performances, particularly from the mom and dad. Horror with layers.
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Incredible documentary story telling. Powerful.
2 October 2020
Henry is fascinating to listen to. What an incredible example of forgiveness. As a doc - it flows so well and has incredible moments. Very, very well done and something everyone should see. Bravo.
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