
21 Reviews
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The Road Home (1999)
A love story like no other
3 November 2020
A simple love story that transcends all time and boundary. There is so much heart and soul in the movie and even the landscape in the movie was splendid. Yet another amazing movie from the legendary famous director, Mr. Zhang Yimou. He really takes the viewers into the lives of these simple country folks (brilliantly being portrayed by Zhang Ziyi as the main lead), but with so much real connection and love in it. It is a real shame that China doesn't really make such movies anymore. These days, it all crappy CGI with lousy movie plots. Bunch of pretty faces but no real acting talent whatsoever. UUUggghhhhh......
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The Witches (2020)
Not half as bad what most reviews are saying here....
24 October 2020
Yes it is a classic being remake again & yes the storyline is predictable & the execution might be somewhat questionable. However, I find myself couldn't take my eyes off the screen & keeping watching the movie till the end.

Overall, I think is entertaining & the CGI isn't as bad as what some of the critics are saying here. I have seen much worse. People just need to chill, this is afterall a KID's movie!
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Disappointing to say the least...
17 October 2020
Compared to the Haunting of the Hill House, this series is no way near as good & as captivating. The storyline got really muddled towards the middle, with no real explanation until the last few episodes where you finally know where everything is going. Find myself really looking forward to finish the entire series. Just one of those things that you feel so invested in the beginning & want to go through with it anyway. Disappointing that's all I can say.....
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Popeye (1980)
Movie rendition stays true to the Original Popeye Cartoon Series & that just pretty much that
14 September 2020
Born in the 70s & growing up in a time period where the Popeye cartoons was so popular back in those days on the mainstream TV, I am definitely familiar & in love with the cartoon series. The movie rendition has definitely stayed true to the cartoon series, from the movie sets to the characters' portrayal of their individual characters. Even the little nuance to the movements and sounds made by the actors were closely resembled to their cartoon characters. It was definitely refreshing & interesting, having an opportunity to see the cartoon series, being brought alive on the movie screen (or TV screen in this case). This movie also brought back a lot of memories for me, when I owned the Nintendo "Game & Watch" Popeye version of the game in 1982. Back then, as a child, I was so crazy over the games, playing it at home & in school, whenever I had some free time.

However that being said, I soon find myself losing interest after 30mins or so. I actually find it quite torturing to sit through the entirety of the movie, which runs for about 2 hours. I do appreciate the fact that the entire movie is actually made up of a few story lines being linked up together to form the entire movie. It will make sense as the normal cartoon series is usually about 30 mins or so per episode.

Also, I finally has the chance to watch this movie in the year 2020, forty years after when the movie was first made. It soon become clear why Popeye has lost it relevancy in today's modern society. All the characters are pretty one dimensional. You get the Popeye (i.e. the good guy), Bruno (i.e. the bad guy) & Olive is just the whining & pretty much useless & somewhat irritating girlfriend (or wife, which I am still unsure of up till now), that is constantly waiting for Popeye to save the day. There is no layers to the story line or character development whatsoever.

As I am writing this movie review, I am pretty much halfway through the movie. Not even sure whether I would like to sit through & finish the entire movie. Hmmmm......
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Mulan (2020)
Pleasantly surprised with the 2020 rendition, as I was expecting worse.....
7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From some of the worst remake from Disney in the recent years with "Aladdin" and "The Lion King", I wasn't really expecting much with "Mulan" as well. However, all I could say after watching the movie, that I am quite pleasantly surprised with the finished product.

Sure there are some contrive moments with how the plot developed, especially towards the end when Mulan single handedly defected the enemy to save hundreds of soldiers and how she again single handedly rescued the Emperor from the evil Bori Khan. I just feel that the ending parts were a bit rush, without much of a proper lead up to how she got there.

Nevertheless, there is definitely heart and soul in this movie with the main characters development (unlike the last few Disney remake movies, which is really a whole pile of mess, relying plainly too much on just the CGI & special effects). Mulan played by Liu YiFei is definitely the right choice for the role. She plays the main protagonist with enough restraints and yet at the same time, as a viewer, one could tell that there is a lot of internal dialogues and turmoil going on in her life (especially with the choices and decisions that she has had made along the way, to lead her to where her final success is being brought about). Even the evil witch role played by Gong Li has her own peaks and valleys in the character, narrating her own story in her own way. She is just not a clear cut evil person, but just someone trying to live her own mark as a women living among the men in a Man's World. As much as she was the evil witch in the movie, I can totally see her be acceptable and probably be label more of a gifted new age psychic in today's modern context. It is clearly shown in the movie that Mulan is the new wave of leading female role, taking over the destiny of her own life, as compared to her predecessors in which this case, the evil witch or even her own mother have had failed in the past.

As someone coming from an Asian Chinese background, I can definitely relate to how the whole filial piety means to one's family growing up and in this case also the entire country as such. Obviously the world has changed in leaps and bounds, in terms of some of the older fashioned ways of thinking that the female is of a weaker sex. As such, I can truly see that this new 2020 rendition is especially catered to a new generation of female growing up in today's modern world. On the side note too, this movie is directed by a female director and that certainly helps to bring the narrative across too. Somehow, after having seen quite a few movies, being directed by female directors, there is just some extra "je ne sais quoi" elements in their movies that most male directors just fail to bring.
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Probably one of those "feel good" horror movies I have ever seen for a while.
7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the first one and I actually like this later version better than the original version. When I saw this sequel to the first movie, it really ties everything together & we see more character development in the main cast. Both 'Richie' ( starring Bill Hader) & 'Eddie' (starring James Ransome) characters really stood up for me, as they were both really funny.

I especially like the ending part, where the Losers Club destroyed Penny Wise, by not giving in to his scary appearance & antic, eventually diminishing him to nothingness. This is such a poignant statement in the movie, where we can sometimes giving in to bullies & people who were mean to us, but once we realize that we don't always have to give in to them & fall for their traps, their control over us would no longer have any effect on us.
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Tanna (2015)
What's the value of a female life born in a tribal land as such?
19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure how much this movie is based on real life. If that is so, the depiction of how the females are treated in this movie is certainly a very sad way to live. In a nutshell, the female lead was chosen to be married off to another tribe, when she has reached her age of adolescence, ready for pro-creation. This arrangement was to prevent her as a peace offering, to prevent any war between both tribes (which in this case, they already had tension of some sort to begin with). However, this female lead fell in love with her own tribe leader's grandson & both lovers decided to elope the tribe for good. Despite their efforts, their own tribe decided to hunt them down like animals & the couple decided to end their lives.

After watching this movie, I feel that it is kinda of a joke for a bunch of half naked strong men running away in their loin sheaths, being the masters in their tribe, to use their women as their shields. One would imagine they would try much harder to defend their own tribal freedom & protect their own women. Even more absurdly, the men decided to come together & share "Big Lofty Talk" & do their "Macho Dance", upon burying the couple in their graves. Blar Blar Blar....

Other than that, the movie feels like a National Geographic documentary, which wasn't done too shabbily in it's defense. However, not something I would rave about, also probably explained why this movie didn't win the academy award for best foreign film.
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Movie is so slow that I just lost interest after 30 mins or so....
17 September 2019
You kinda of know the overall premise of the movie & just waiting for the story to act out, but the pace is just so slow. After 30 mins or so, I just lost interest in the movie. That being said I saw this movie in 2019. Movies were definitely a lot different back then. These days, I just find that is a waste of time sitting through a long out drawn movie that just keeps going on and on, with nothing really happening.
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Angel of Mine (2019)
Simple storyline, but took too long to get there......
8 September 2019
Despite the fact that it is a relatively simple movie plot & the entire movie is only a little over 90 mins, I find myself getting really bored in between the screening. There is really not enough substance, to carry the entire movie through, thus creating the feeling that the movie seems to be a lot longer than it should. That being said, Noomi has always been one of my favorite actresses & she rarely disappoints. I guess an actor can only do so much with the material that they are given.
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A Day (2017)
A story about regrets & revenge
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Three grieving men over the lost of their loved ones, stuck in a time loop trying to change the histories of how their loved ones passed on. In the midst of their groundhog day experiences, their lives are more intertwined than they knew.

Interesting story plot, but somehow I have a feeling I have already seen a familiar story line being played out in some other movie.
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Is actually not half bad as all, as compared to some of Adam Sandler's past movies
18 June 2019
Was thoroughly entertained from the start to the end of the movie. The chemistry between both Adam & Jennifer in the movie, as husband and wife was great. The jokes were quick witted and funny, not as forced or lame as some of Adam Sandler's past movies.

The twist towards the end of the movie finally revealing the murderer was pretty surprising. I didn't see that coming.
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Hotel Mumbai (2018)
Good story line but poor editing. A 120 mins or so movie can be shorten down to 90 mins max!
13 June 2019
As much as the intention is there & this movie is based on a real life account that actually took place in India in 2008, the movie is just too long......

Some parts are just dragging on & pretty unnecessary & I find myself soon lost interest & empathy with the hostages & the situations that they were in. I just want the movie to end soon!!
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Girl (II) (2018)
Following a pre-transition teen going through her ballerina journey
9 June 2019
Is interesting to really know how a transgender person would feel & experience going through their transitioning journey. The actor playing the role of the transgender girl did a wonderful job in this movie, as he really embodied the psyche of one such individual. This movie would really serve as a good educational platform for the mainstream society, who have very little or no understanding about the transgender community.
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Mirage (2018)
Too many twists and turns to the plot makes the movie convoluted
3 June 2019
The director/witer to this movie has been one of my favourites so far. I have seen his 2016 movie entitled, 'The Invisible Guest' & 2010 movie entitled. 'Julia Eyes' & I really like both movies. Somehow, he has a flair of creating thriller suspense movies with multiple layers to the characters & story lines as such. As a viewer, you really do not know what you are getting, until you sat through the entire movie.

However in my opinion for this movie, there are just too many twists and turns to the story line, making the entire movie sometimes convoluted & a little messy. Some of the added twists in the movie are just really unnecessary & the viewers watching the movie really has to sit through the entire movie & pay close attention to the story line, as the movie unfolds. Else they might get lost or even sidetracked in the story plot.

That being said, I still feel that this movie makes a pretty decent suspense thriller, thus me giving it a 7 stars rating for my review. Perhaps a suggestion for the same group of writers, creating similar future movie genre, to tone down on the telenovela aspect of their movie plot (so to speak), making these movies more plausible for the audience. As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the soup. Sometimes being less might actually be better.
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Definitely a crowd pleaser with really heart felt messages behind the movie!
18 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Although the premise of the plot seems relatively simple, I really enjoy watching this movie. There is heart & soul; sadness & humour; & most importantly hope, being played out throughout the entirety of the movie.

In summary, a man tried to kill himself by jumping off a city bridge, ended up surviving & got stranded on a deserted island right in the heart of a metropolitan city. After several failed attempts to get back to civilisation, he decided to stay on the island & started building a new life for himself. One day, he discovered a packet of throwaway black bean noodles on the shoreline, with a packet of unused soup stock in the packet. Thus started his desire & determination to grow his own crops, to make himself a bowl of noodle with the unused soup stock. When he finally harvested his own crops, to the preparation of the noodles & then finally taking his first bite of the delicious hot bowl of generous noodles, tears were streaming down his eyes. The look on his face with a sense of pride & fulfilment was priceless. Just think for a moment, when was the last time we desire something so badly for ourselves & when we finally worked all our way to get it, that was the moment the main character was experiencing then and there.

Unknown to him, a reclusive woman (with facial disfigurement on her forehead) living in her own room for years, started watching & observing his life daily through her long distance telescope. Through the lens of the telescope, she began to find hope & purpose in life & started opening herself up back to her family once again. Somehow or another, they finally made contact & establish a genuine & yet peculiar friendship, both stranded alone in their own unique world.

To me, the movie is trying to relate a simple message about how we can be so caught up in our own lives, that we have forgotten to communicate & relate to each others like how a caring society would be. Often we would take things or those around us for granted, as we go on with our daily lives. This point is particularly poignant, when the main character got stranded on the tiny island, every piece of rubbish he scavenged from the river started becoming a precious piece of commodity. When he finally witness a tiny baby corn right in front of his eyes, (i.e. after months of hard work trying to grow his own food), the pure joy shown on his face was indescribable.

Also a big shout out for both the main actors for really roughing & toughing it out in the movie, to present the story in its most raw & authentic self. Overall, a highly recommended movie!
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Prefer the original Italian version hundred times better!!!
17 May 2019
As my headline stated, the original Italian version is far far better than this Spanish one. Somehow, the chemistry between the Spanish actors in this movie is just not there for me.

Go watch the original Italian version, if you haven't done that.
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Another remake by a different country yet again......
17 May 2019
The original movie was done by the Italian, which in my opinion is the best. The Spanish then did a remake a year later & then this Korean version came out, yet another year later. I actually prefer the Korean version to the Spanish version, as I feel that the chemistry between the Korean actors are much better. My verdict being the Original Italian version being the best, followed by this Korean version & lastly the Spanish version. Go check out the other two versions of the movie, if you haven't done so.

1) Italian version - Perfetti sconosciuti (2016) 2) Spanish version - Perfectos desconocidos (2017)
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SOOOOOO......slow & after a while it gets really boring
26 April 2019
First and foremost, the plot is just too slow. The whole movie totally lost me in the first 15 mins or so. Nothing really happens, until towards the tail end of the movie & by then, I was just just totally over the movie.

The american remake version was so so much better. Those who haven't seen this original one can perhaps give this a miss & go straight to the remake version called "The Uninvited".
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Never see the twist the coming......
9 April 2019
All I can say that kudos to the writers for coming up with the story. Captivating story and when you think that you figure out the story, the movie takes you yet to another direction. The only downside for me to this movie is that perhaps some the twists are little redundant and only adds on to more confusion to the story. However, if you as a viewer is observant enough to the cast, you will soon unravel the plot towards the last 20 mins of the movie or so.
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Hot Pile of S**t!!!
4 April 2019
Stinky Stinky Bad!!! Keeps dragging on & on & on & on....blar blar blar......Finally the great finale when she was thrown into the well alive! Surprise, surprise... Not!!!
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Not sure whats the hype all about?
24 February 2019
Amateurish, like watching a high school production. The humour is forced & the shaky camera man makes my head goes dizzy...

Pretty bad....UUGGGHHH!!!!
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