
82 Reviews
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In the Fade (2017)
Good Acting - Slow Boring Story With Weak Ending
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good Acting - Slow Boring Story With Weak Ending. Wife's husband and son killed by nail bomb. Lots of wasted time showing wife's interaction with her mom, and in-laws. Lots of wasted time with wife grieving and interacting with pregnant sister. Lots of wasted time with wife trying to commit suicide. Police solve crime but no time spent showing how they did it. Finally get to the trial which was the most interesting part of this very dull movie. Of course the killers are aquitted. So, finally we get to the revenge part which consists of wife attempting to blow up the killers, chickening out, then finally blowing herself up with the killers. Whole movie could have been done in 30 minutes with a few commercials tossed in. Good acting wasted on a terrible script.
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Trust Me - It Stinks
22 December 2022
Okay, it has 8 stars so it has to be good, right? Star power so it has to be good? So, it starts out slow and boring. That's okay because it's going to get better, right? A lot better. Mid-way through it still boring. But, it's going to get better because, hell's bell's, it has 8 stars. Guess what. It never gets better. It stays boring. What movie were the people who gave this boring tripe a rating watching? It wasn't this one. Might have been Pulp Fiction or Alien but it sure as hell couldn't have been this one. A supposed black comedy but without the black or the comedy. I'm proud that I had enough sense to finally skip to the last 5 minutes which were also boring. You've been warned.
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The Trip (2021)
Violent Hilarious Home Alone For Adults
21 September 2022
Noomi Rapace does not disappoint. This movie at its core is an over-the-top violent black comedy. Although it is played straight by the actors the situations and sight gags are hilarious. Although there is no nudity it is made for adults inasmuch as there are scenes involving sexual attack, crude sexual references, excrement and extreme bloody violence. Despite all this it is farcical and very funny. The movie works because neither the writers, director nor the actors held anything back. Too many movies fail to fulfill their potential because they give the audience a PG scene when a hard R was called for. If you like this type of movie give it a look. If you are squeamish or easily offended give it a pass.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Excellent Across The Board
22 August 2022
Mostly fast paced. Solid action, production values and acting. I seldom give 9 stars but this series is a easy 9. R rated for violence and nudity. Not for kids.
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Halo (2022– )
Writers Should Have At Least Played The Game
19 August 2022
Miserable excuse to use a good video game by idiots who obviously never played it to push a woke agenda. Master Chief showing his face was stupid and unnecessary. Two stars cuz the action scenes are okay.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Blah - Not Particularly Good Or Bad
7 August 2022
I assume this movie script was pitched on the basis that it would be cheap to make since the entire movie takes place outdoors with the exception of a couple of scenes inside a teepee. I liked the original Predator movie which was almost entirely filmed outdoors too. This movie was not terrible but it lacked the feel and tension of the original. The various characters were cartoonish and generally unbelievable. The Predator was kind of stupid and cartoonish too. If you like the Predator franchise you are going to watch this movie no matter what anyone says just like I did. Lower your expectations and you might enjoy it.
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
Good Werewolf Movie
7 August 2022
It is hard to make a good werewolf movie that has not been done in some form before. I liked American Werewolf In London and I liked this movie. It was an interesting take on an old theme and had a fair amount of action. The production values were not top notch but the lent to the overall funky feel of the movie. I do not generally give high reviews, unless a film is truly excellent in all respects, but when I have low expectations and I am pleasantly surprised by a low budget movie I rate it accordingly.
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Old Henry (2021)
Gavin Lewis' Character Ruined It For Me
5 August 2022
I am a Tim Nelson fan and watched this movie because he was in it. Gavin Lewis' character was a whiny, obnoxious, bratty, idiot that ruined every scene he was in. I know it was not Lewis' fault because he did not write the script and played the part extremely well as it was written. But, holy smokes, to have a movie plot be driven in great part by such an unlikeable and stupid character is enough to make your head explode. The same movie could have been written with a far more likeable and intelligent character with little to no effort. Further, once Tim Nelson's character is fully revealed it makes him having raised the Gavin Lewis character as his son completely unbelievable. Yeah, bad repentant guy wants to raise a good son. But, that does not have to mean a stupid whiny wimp like Gavin Lewis' character.
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Almost Got There But Missed The Mark
5 August 2022
When one person does pretty much everything on a film he better be really good at all of it. The acting was okay. So were the action scenes. The story concept was a rehash but one that has worked for other movies in the past. I am not commenting on the production values but they are about what you would expect from an indie movie. Where this movie really missed the mark is the writing. Blank paper could have been fed to the dog in the movie and he could have crapped a better script.
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The Gray Man (2022)
So Many Things Wrong With This Movie
1 August 2022
The story line is ridiculous. The action scenes are over the top and unbelievably cartoonish. The sound track is annoying and way too loud. Worse, it never lets up. The ending was laughably predictable. Basically, it's a poor man's John Wick. It's watchable if you turn the sound down to lower the crappy music and use subtitles to catch the dialogue.
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Mish Mash Writing But Solid Acting
31 July 2022
This is a very weird series. Although the story ties together and clearly was thought out from the first episode it still felt like each episode was written on the fly. A lot of it could have and should have been eliminated to make a tighter story. 4 episodes instead of 8 would have been more than sufficient. Also, the ending is unsatisfying. The acting was good so it's a 4.
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Ida Red (2021)
Major Plot Hole But Otherwise Mediocre
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Big robbery is a plane with $10 million in unreported cash. After robbery the police are chasing them. So, victims must have reported the robbery. See the obvious disconnect? Who wrote this crap?
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A Vigilante (2018)
Solid Lead Performance
2 July 2022
Not bad but not great either. Solid five stars if you like a strong female lead by a decent actress. She whacks some people around who are not nice people.
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Laughably Bad
25 June 2022
This movie can only be watched to laugh at how bad it is. First watch the opening credits to see how many "producers" are listed. It took about 20 people to produce this steaming pile of dog excrement. They each must have contributed about 10 cents because it was almost 90 percent shot outside. If this were a student film all involved would get an "F" and be told the world needs farmers too.
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Better Than Most Movies I Have Seen Lately
20 June 2022
Good tight script. Good acting. Good pace with no filler or unnecessary side stories. No over loud music soundtrack. Okay cinematography. Some good shootouts and fight scenes. A little humor. I promise you that you have seen worse.
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Domino (2005)
Disjointed Fantasy Pretending To Be Based On Fact
19 June 2022
Despite some decent actors this film is a disjointed unbelievable mess. Bad camera work, back sound, bad script, just plain bad. Three stars because the actors did the best they could with the tripe they had to deal with.
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Watched it a second time after many years.
12 June 2022
Something I seldom do. It held up. Entertaining. Definitely worth watching if you have not seen it. Strong performances by Snipes and Harrelson. Has a good pace.
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Slow Boring Dull
11 June 2022
The only reason this steaming pile of boredom didn't rate one star is that there are worse movies out there. After suffering through about one half hour I skipped to the last five minutes. After watching the ending I realized that this mess even has a dull ending. Even the description of the so-called most interesting poker hand was just a one-outer coming on the river. If you have spent any time playing poker you know this happening is not that big of a deal. Don't waste your time. You have been warned!
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Incognito (1997)
Soundtrack Is Excruciating
17 May 2022
Movie is a 5. The soundtrack is a 1. I generously gave this a 3. Far fetched story with Hitchcockian overtones. Check your brain and the ability to hear at the door and it's barely watchable.
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The Assignment (I) (2016)
Okay - Not Great
9 May 2022
Not weird enough to be campy. Not so bad as to rate lower than a 5. Not well done enough to be a 6. My biggest complaint is the long-winded dialogue scenes between the rogue doctor and the psychiatrist. Shorten them and develop the action parts and this might be a 5.5. The acting was not great but I've seen worse. If you find the premise of the movie interesting & have some time to kill you might want to give it a watch. Otherwise, you can undoubtedly find something better.
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Outer Range (2022– )
The High Reviews Make No Sense
8 May 2022
This disjointed mess is like a nonsense dream brought to life. Did anyone actually read the script before green lighting this tripe? This is a terrible attempt to blend a western with a nonsense time distortion sci fi. The result is a failure on both parts. Pure garbage.
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Sushi Girl (2012)
Entire Plot Driven By Stupidity
5 May 2022
Contrast the movie Alien with this turkey. In Alien the characters tried to make and generally did make intelligent decisions. Despite that they were killed by the alien. Here, only ridiculous decisions by the characters drives the action with predictably stupid results. It does not help that the "actors" are so bad they could all benefit from lessons in how to not overact. Maybe William Shatner is available - lol. Mark Hamill was particularly terrible to the point of being laugh out loud campy. If that was actually his intent then kudos to him. I gave it 3 stars because there are worse movies out there more deserving of 1 and 2 stars.
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Arsenal (2017)
Tony Clifton Revisited
25 April 2022
Tony Clifton was Andy Kaufman's alter ego. Nickolas Cage's character is a direct copy of Tony Clifton. The show is worth a look just to see Cage ham it up as a Tony Clifton clone.
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Good Street Fighter Movie
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers in this review. The old 1975 Charles Bronson movie Hard Times is a really good street fighter movie. This one is pretty good too. Most fight movies have the hero start losing a fight then make a comeback to win it. This movie doesn't bother with this cliche. My biggest complaint is the movie leaves unresolved the villain's threats against the hero and the people he cares about even though the villain survives losing the money he bets on the hero's final fight and his paramour and gets his hand cut off. Keep in mind he made his threats before all that happens. Yet the movie ends with the hero just walking away leaving everyone he cares about unprotected from the villain. Aside from the implausible ending it was a pretty good action movie.
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The Watch (I) (2012)
Not Funny, Not Gross, Not Worth Your Time
6 April 2022
I read some reviews and thought i would give this movie a try. I ended up fast forwarding through big chunks of it. Not only did it not make me laugh it did not even make me smile. The acting was nothing special but was "okay". However the script was terrible. A dog could have eaten some notebook paper and crapped a better movie.
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