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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Mixed bag
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I have so much love and respect for the original animated series; it still holds up beautifully and is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I like many other fans were blown away by how bad the M. Night Shyamalan movie was, and I was worried we'd be getting the same treatment here, especially because the original creators left the project. I can definitely say it is infinitely better than the movie, but this iteration has its problems that make it fall short of the gold standard that is the original series.

The main problem I have is the script. So much dialogue doesn't feel organic at all, characters just flat out tell you how they feel or deliver exposition. Show don't Tell is fundamental to writing and the original show does it so well, so I don't understand how they didn't here. A prime example is Aang going to the southern air temple, where he doesn't know that his people are truly gone, and he is trying to understand what happened and see any sign of them, but Katara and Sokka know but don't want to tell him because he's so happy to be home. But here he was already told what had happened by Katara's grandma, losing the emotional moment of the original show. The beginning was also something I found weird and unnecessary. I have no problem at all with new scenes or changes as long as it is in service of the show, but I wasn't a fan of seeing the fire nation's attack on the air temple and Aang's past where he's told he's the avatar and how he got in the iceberg. These are questions we should learn as the show goes on.

So far I'm fifty-fifty on this version of Avatar. I like the cast, sometimes the visuals are great and the bending is brought to life really well. But there are so many problems holding it back, and a major thing for me is that it just doesn't capture the charm of the original.
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Gen V: God U. (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
A new perspective
29 September 2023
A really strong start to a show that I had low expectation of.

The trailers for the show felt poor and I was particularly worried that the Boys brand was being taken in a direction I wouldn't be a fan of. But with Amazon consistently producing the best superhero content in the tv space with Invincible and the Boys, I should have had more faith in them.

Where the Boys was a play on the Justice League/The Avengers, Gen V feels like a play on the X-Men and the school for gifted youngsters. I really like how we're shown a different side of the Boys universe and this is a great way to build the world. I'm a fan of the characters and there's a central mystery that has me invested. Also I'm surprised how many powers we see showcased, more so than the Boys, all of which are visually convincing. I find it funny that people are mad at the character which turns into a boy and girl (they don't understand satire).
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The Sopranos: Kennedy and Heidi (2007)
Season 6, Episode 18
Not sure how to feel
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No matter how shocking Christopher's death is, I think I have a right to say it was underwhelming and unsatisfying.

It does make sense in the context of what was happening; with Christopher using and drinking again and the relationship between Tony and Christopher becoming ever distant, Chris became too much of a liability to Tony. Chris ultimately dying because of his drug use does make sense. But it just didn't sit right with me.

What frustrates me about this show is how characters never grow, they're always regressing. It might be what the show is trying to say, but it's not satisfying to watch because it feels like we're going in circles. It's not unreasonable to say that people can change. Chris had the most potential of all the characters to change for the better and have some sort of redemption for all he's done. It looked like the whole show had building to a conflict between Chris and Tony. I wanted to see the hatred Chris was brewing against Tony come into play, with everything that happened to Adriana I saw the potential of maybe avenging her death. He sided with Tony and it's suggested that he regretted that choice. Sure dying in a car crash is realistic, but it just didn't do a character, who I've followed for 6 seasons, justice.

Seeing AJ following in his fathers footsteps is interesting to see. It's funny how he's doing exactly what Tony does, he does a terrible thing and then complains about it in therapy.

Not sure how the show will end. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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What we've been waiting for
8 March 2023
Finally a solid episode. I haven't been a fan of the Mandalorian in a while; season 2 wasn't great and the first episode of season 3 had me fearing for the worst.

But this episode perfectly captures what Star Wars is to me - adventure. This is just an all round really well realised episode with planets and environments we have never seen, new creatures and species and characters I've always enjoyed.

Grogu is starting to come into his own with the Mandalorian teaching him about the ways of his people and we see that those teachings come into use and have a payoff.

If this season continues to capture that Star Wars magic, it should be a good one.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
A welcome change
30 January 2023
Hearing beforehand that there was going to be changes regarding Bill had me a little worried. However, in my eyes these were actually important changes that managed to see a side of Bill that we never saw in the games through the exploration of his relationship with Frank. If they did a one to one adaptation from the game I think it'd hurt the show because games and tv are two completely different media. The Bill section of the game was a move from point A to point B mission to get the car battery and that's fine for the game because it's interactive. But we had that play out in the last episode going from the QZ to the capital building and if it were here again the show could potentially become repetitive with the way it presents it's story. So this was a much needed change.

Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett were really great as Bill and Frank. It was interesting to see how Bill started on day one and to see his progression living through the apocalypse. This episode prioritises the drama over the zombies and it's important to realise that in The Last of Us the drama and characters come first. There was also interesting parallels between Joel and Bill that is mentioned towards the end. Overall really strong episode.
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Continues to amaze me
29 December 2022
As a kid I never really got into the show, but over the years I have appreciated it more and more and rewatching it now has revealed how truly extraordinary it is.

Firstly, the world building is phenomenal. The four nations are distinguished by their elements and each of the nations is distinct, with different appearances and cultures. Also the way each nation lives makes sense, with the air nomad temples in the skies, the water nation in the poles, the earth nation surrounded by walls and the fire nation having progressed more compared to the other nations, like they're in the industrial era. Character traits can also be linked to the qualities of the element they bend, which I find really interesting. The bending of elements is also so well realised with each bending style being based on a different martial art. When we look at great worlds in shows, such as Middle earth and Westeros; all these worlds feel lived in and there is history to draw upon and Avatar does that really well.

The characters are also great. I love all these characters and each have character journeys that come together to satisfying conclusions. The care of these characters is what makes the show stand out to the rest and that care is maintain throughout the show, right to the very end.

The level of maturity is also what amazes me. Heavy themes are explored throughout the show; war is the basis of the show going so far as to show the genocide of a people. Abuse is also explored in the context of a father and son relationship. These themes are handled with care and really well.

Animation and music are both to the highest level, and I love all the voice casting. Action is also really well executed and realised, where there is so much creativity with the bending of the elements so it never becomes stale. I cannot praise the writing enough, and something to mention is that the show is really funny; the comedy lands like all the time which I find really rare today.

Avatar: the last airbender is a show I can't recommend enough to people of all ages. The quality and the depth of the show still blows me away. Manages to become one of my favourite shows, a close second to Breaking Bad.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
A New Reign
24 October 2022
Whatever your feelings towards season 8 of Game of Thrones, don't victimise this show for the mistakes of another. House of the Dragon is a chance to revive the Game of Thrones IP; not a cash grab or lazy work but everyone behind the scenes is pouring their heart into this project and it is visible on screen. This first season manages to reach the heights of early Game of Thrones - something I thought could not be done.

The hardest thing for House of the Dragon was getting fans back into the world of Westeros to give it another chance. The creators of the show knew it would be an uphill battle from the get-go. The first episode was phenomenal and got me hooked straight away. And episodes seemed to only get better and better, ending on a finale that sets up the war to come beautifully.

The pacing of the show is one of the strongest things about it; no time is wasted, every scene is vital and pushes the story forward with a building momentum. The events of the story happen over a long period of time and something I was worried about was the time jumps, with actors and actresses changing. But everything is handled so well; of course I'm going to miss Milly Alcock and Emily Carey as Rhaenyra and Alicent, but I have so much faith in Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke who have proved themselves these past 5 episode to carry these characters forward.

The main standout of the show is Paddy Considine as Viserys, who is clearly up for an Emmy win. Matt Smith as Daemon was also really great. The acting across the whole cast is great, which helps complement the really well defined characters they each play. The writing and dialogue are all to the highest standard along with the production design, costume design and soundtrack.

I had so much fun with this first season and if the quality of storytelling is maintained for the future seasons, this could truly be great.
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House of the Dragon: The Green Council (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
The Dance of Dragons begins
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I hate when misinformation is used as a storytelling device, but here it is used really well. Alicent truly believe it was Visery's wish to put Aegon on the throne, but to everyone else it looks like she's usurping the heir. Alicent is ultimately innocent because she has good intentions; and what makes this tragic is that the collapse of the family and the civil war to come begins as a result of an honest mistake.

In this episode we get a look into Aegon and what makes him tick. Even though Aegon is a bad person the show manages to make us have some sympathy towards him; he has never felt love before, not from his father or anyone but he finally has a glimpse of what it feels like from the crowds.

Rhaenys makes the first move in this war. She could have ended the conflict right there, but spared the Hightowers. I think she was fully intending to kill them when she burst out from under the dragonpit, but when she looked Alicent in the eye she couldn't bring herself to do it. A mistake that will lead only to more bloodshed.
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House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
No more, my love
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My heart pounding and tears building as Viserys ascends the Iron throne one last time. Goosebumps. What a powerful scene from Paddy Considine and Matt Smith. An Emmy winning performance from Paddy.

Viserys has been my favourite character in the show; a good man trying his best to keep peace in the realm but holding onto a promise that will ultimately tear it apart. Seeing him in that state was heartbreaking, but seeing Viserys try so hard to bring everyone together, leading to a few minutes of him being able to experience the family being happy was beautiful.

Even with some amendments between Alicent and Raenyra, tensions are still high, especially now that Viserys is no more. I can't wait.
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Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons (2015)
Season 5, Episode 9
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where desperation turns to horror and faith can almost be seen as delusion.

A scene that competes with the brutality of the Red wedding, only in Game of Thrones can something this painful be shown. Stannis has always been a character I was interested in and his journey has been full of greys, but something that always kept him grounded was his relationship with Shireen, who from the moment she was born Stannis was fighting for her. Only Shireen could change a cold man like Stannis into something else; a father, which we see through the previous seasons. This is the climax of Stannis's story where he must make the most awful sacrifice for what he believes is for the greater good.

It's really interesting to depict this version of God (the Lord of Light) as a cruel god, almost evil. Shades of Abraham and his trial with his son Issac are present; but here Stannis's ultimate test of faith and commitment builds up to one of the hardest scenes to watch in the history of tv.

This is where Stannis falls into darkness and is truly a monster, and by the end he comes to realise what he has become. What a scene.

If the rest of the episode was to this caliber an easy 10.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is great; the past episodes have been great and this one further proves the point.

I love where this show is going, a fight for succession and climbing the social hierarchy. All the characters are really well defined and strong, Viserys and Daemon being standouts. Paddy Considine shines in this episode; he is able to see how everything around him is so fake, where no one is really there for his celebration but to peruse their agendas. Viserys is much like Ned Stark where he wants to do the right thing and be a good man, but he struggles to do what is required of him. Daemons fight for validation and to prove himself to the realm was really good. The crabfeeder was nothing but a plot device, much like the white walkers, to further the story and I don't mind that. The fight itself doesn't have the polish of something like 'Battle of the B******s' but still good.

I have full faith that this will be a really good season.
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Nowhere near as terrible as people say
2 September 2022
The hardest thing for this show from the get go is having to compete with House of the Dragon, which had the head start with a phenomenal two episodes.

This first episode is decent. The promotion of the show was selling the visuals of the show and they definitely don't disappoint. The way Middle-earth is presented visually is amazing, you really see every dollar that was spent on the screen. There are so many different environments presented here, all of them distinct and memorable. Everything feels tangible and lived. The CGI is seamless which is a huge praise. The costumes, production and music is all to the highest standard. All of this adds to make a Middle-earth that still feels like Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.

The characters aren't that bad either. Everyone feels distinct and different. My only problem is that the Galadriel we know in Lord of the Rings is nothing like this. If she was called something else I would have no problem but the way she is here is going against all we know. I like the half-foots and the way their community is presented, reminding me of the Shire in the beginning of Fellowship.

I hope we get more from these characters, that's all I'm hoping for.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Hit after hit
16 August 2022
How have Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould done it? Having one of the best shows out there, Breaking Bad, under their belt wasn't enough; they just had to do it again.

Better Call Saul is great all the way through. Obviously, we were all hesitant of a prequel about Saul Goodman who was really interesting in Breaking Bad, but a show about him seemed too much. It was wrong of me to doubt these creators. Not only does this show stand on its own two feet and able to be it's own thing but it also manages to bring more to the table and richen the world of Breaking Bad. This is a prequel used to its advantage where we are introduced to great new characters and some familiar faces; all used to put together a show that it some aspects is an equal to Breaking Bad.

If you somehow haven't watched it, then obviously watch it if you're a Breaking Bad fan or not. Sad to see the end of this show and the world Vince made. It's been a lot of fun.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
After a lot of thought
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been really thinking about this and after watching the show through a couple times, here's what I have to say. I don't mind the ending. Sure there is definitely a better ending out there, but what we have is no where near as terrible as people say.

There's no question the show was rushed; there's no breathing room for these story threads. At least 3 seasons worth was cramped into this one season we call season 8. But I think the end we got was always what was planned; I think on some level this is George's ending. The problem is that without the time needed, everything seems so jarring.

The Starks were treated the best out of the characters; Sansa belongs in the north, Arya journeying west of Westeros and then Jon. Jon belongs in the Night's watch and in the north. His place has always been with the wildlings and that's pretty obvious when you look at the seasons past, with his love of Ygritte and ultimately dying for the wildlings he saved. He is also bound to the Night's watch by his vows. His heritage amounting to nothing is what makes most people frustrated with this ending and I see why. But I think that's the point, that's the tragedy. And I'm fine with Bran being on the Iron Throne.

Dany is where most of the problems lie. Her rush to madness was careless and again I'm fine with her falling into madness but time was needed to make it reasonable and believable. Dany has always been about breaking the wheel and looking out for the lower class, but this was a total disregard of what made her character.

The Lannisters were handled okay. Tyrion being hand makes sense. Cersei I'm fine with but a lot more could be done with Jamie. By the end Jamie wasn't willing to change and abandons Brienne and goes to Cersei knowing full well that she has always brought the worst out of him. It could have worked the other way but I'm fine with it.

Personally I'm satisfied, a little frustrated at what could have been but I'm alright with it. The end in no way affects the rest of the show; I could still happily enjoy seasons 1 through 4 and have a good time. And don't attack Dan and Dave; they are still responsible for bringing the seasons we love and don't deserve the hate.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
2 July 2022
The Duffer brothers haven't done anything new, but they don't have to. The show brings together elements we have seen before, but what's important is that the show does them well.

The one word that sticks out to me is fun. The show is a lot of fun. Charismatic characters is what sells the show; the cast is strong across the board and the writing helps compliment each of them. The Duffer brothers know how to write fun characters, which are sprinkled across the seasons. The horror element was always something that was to be desired, but I think season 4 has utilised the genre the most.

Visually the show is really strong; the Duffer brother have strong direction behind the camera and I like seeing their style showcased.

There's nothing really major to complain about, only a few nitpicks here and there.

What surprised me was the amount of content and the quality of the content, putting Disney plus to shame.
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Game of Thrones: Kissed by Fire (2013)
Season 3, Episode 5
Redefining a character
10 May 2022
Rewatching the show has reinforced the greatness of the earlier seasons and pointed out the lack of care that went into the latter seasons.

The bathtub scene with Brienne and Jamie is maybe one the best scenes in the show, next to another in season 3. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is actually phenomenal, revealing a grey area in Jamie Lannister's past and showcasing so much depth to his character. Gives me chills.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
1 May 2022
We all know how great James Gunn can be, with both his Guardians of the galaxy movies being some of the strongest entries in the MCU. But with Peacemaker this is James Gunn's style cranked to the max, which might not be for the best.

The strongest aspect of the show is easily John Cena; he is fully dedicated to the role of Peacemaker and whenever he's on screen there's always something to appreciate. Peacemaker's relationship with his father is the centre of the show and by the end he has undergone a strong character arc.

The main problem with the show is the writing; the show is trying so hard to be funny and it's borderline unbearable at points. The show does this think where a joke is said and then they beat you to death with that same joke. It's painful to watch at points. Constant references which I just can't stand. Side characters like "dye beard" and Adebayo are unbearable as well (I don't know if it's the performances or the writing that's to blame). Rarely can the show take itself seriously or let a moment breathe. The writing really got on my nerves.

The first episode is somewhat strong and the last episode brings it back up, but that in between was a struggle at points. The show does have its moments in the in between but it's overshadowed by insufferable writing.

The action is great and has energy. James Gunn is a master at choosing appropriate soundtracks and the music here is fitting. The intro is also great.

Maybe the problem is James Gunn's writing doesn't fit a tv show. The central drama and plot is what held me and the show does have a lot of potential. With a tighter script for season 2 there's still hope for Peacemaker.
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
On your own terms
26 April 2022
This is Michael Mando's episode. Phenomenal stuff from him; ranging from tears and genuine heartbreak to pure rage and hatred.

The Jimmy and Kim stuff has me excited and on my toes. Teeming with excitement.
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Succession (2018–2023)
A drug
9 April 2022
What can I say? I love this show. Easily one of the best shows made in recent times.

A main complaint from people is that there are no likeable characters. That's kinda the point. All of the Roy's are so far gone from the real world, each of them have selfish motivations and step on one another to try and achieve their goals. Kendall even tells Roman that "he isn't a real person". The power dynamics and struggle is what drives the show. However the brilliant thing about this show is that it still manages to make you care about these characters in some way.

Acting is phenomenal across the board. Cinematography, editing, writing and score is all great.

What more can I say? The shows great.
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The Batman (2022)
Loved it
7 March 2022
It's everything I hoped for and more. Matt Reeves' Dawn and War of the planet of the Apes are both very well crafted films, but The Batman has solidified his position as the best franchise filmmaker working today.

Rarely are films of this budget made so intricately and with such care. The strongest element of the movie is the filmmaking and style which is phenomenal. Every single frame is gorgeous and deliberate, giving the sense of a clear vision throughout. The movie is edited and paced perfectly. Sound is used so well; the weight of the bat suit can be felt as Batman walks from the shadows. Gotham feels alive and lived in, a city that no matter how hard you scrub and clean will always be dirty. A city submerged in darkness and a never ending rain. I was fully immersed in the movie from beginning to end.

The casting is also great. Robert Pattison has proven himself to be a great actor from "Good Time" and "The Lighthouse"; dare I say he's the best iteration of the Bat. Here Bruce Wayne isn't the playboy, instead his trauma still lingers to the point where he doesn't socialise out of fear of losing people close to him. Bruce Wayne is a natural extension of Batman, but it's all he has. There's even narration, which could easily bring down a scene but it's used so well and puts us in the head of Batman in a way that's not been done before. Robert Pattison's eyes are what make him standout from previous versions of the character, so much weight is felt behind them and every action from him is purposeful. All the supporting cast is great as well; Zoe Kravitz's Catwoman, Paul Dano's Riddler, Jeffery Wright who embodies Jim Gordon and Colin Farrell who disappears into the role of Penguin. Not to forget Andy Serkis' Alfred.

The plot is reminiscent of the work of David Fincher. It's a carefully planned slow burn that's focused on its characters. It defies conventions of superhero movies; it's a small stakes serial killer movie with Batman as the detective and not purely an action movie. Sure there's some actions sprinkled around and those scenes are great, but it's not the focus. This is a take on Batman we haven't seen before and watching the story unfold was such a joy.

My only minor complaint was a tease towards the end that I felt wasn't necessary.

The Batman was a mesmerising experience and showed what a blockbuster can be in the right hands. One of the finest superhero movies I've seen.
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What did I expect
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Boba Fett was never an interesting character; in the original trilogy he has only a couple lines, but he looks cool and that was enough. He did look cool here; some really cool moments but that's all the episode amounted to. This was a criticism I had with the Mandolorian season 2 and it's here - great CGI but ultimately hollow. His whole plot here was uninteresting so of course the conclusion would be lacklustre.

I took the past two episodes for granted; they were Star Wars in its purest form with episode 6 ending with a conflict with Grogu that I wanted explored further. But the conclusion to that conflict was rushed, leading off to season 3 of the Mandolorian that feels really open ending and aimless. I have no idea where the show could go from here.

Something that remained great throughout the show was Ludwig's score, bringing a whole new energy compared to the John William's stuff that we all know and love.

Also, what a waste of Cad Bane.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
We don't deserve this
8 February 2022
A little late to the party and I know this show has been ripped apart for it's last season, which I definitely have problems with. Nevertheless, it amazes me that a show of this caliber was ever made; it's a show that defies all expectation and tropes we are so used to seeing, showing us a truly unique take on a medieval fantasy-like world. This is easily the most popular show out there, changing what a tv show is capable of. There isn't anything like it.

Seasons 1 to 4 are perfect, there's no question about it; seasons 5 and 6 great but having problems. I still enjoyed seasons 7 and 8 because of the characters I'd fallen in love with, each cast member is doing an amazing job and committed to their roles. Jamie Lannister is my favourite character; someone I never imagined caring about in season 1 turned into the most empathetic, complex characters in the show. Season 8 does kinda ruin his character which is such a shame. I couldn't name one bad character in the earlier seasons, they are actually all great. The set design and costume design blew me away; so much effort was put into making this show look great. I can't commend the production team enough.

The show does get progressively worse but I won't lie and say I didn't have a great time with the show and these characters. Dan and Dave did a phenomenal job adapting the books and I wouldn't blame them for the later seasons since they ran out of books to adapt and coming to a satisfying conclusion with so many threads open was an impossible task. In the end this is George's story and was his task to finish the books; he himself is struggling to finish Winds of Winter, and the last book won't be seen in an even longer time. Dan and Dave don't deserve the hate they get; the amount of work and commitment they put in the show each and every season deserves praise. Without them we wouldn't have the highs of the first couple seasons.

Every other aspect of the show remains constantly great throughout - production design, consume design, the score and the acting especially.

The end we have is still somewhat satisfying, definitely rushed but I wouldn't call it bad. It could have been as great as the rest of the show if the writing was better.

I see the problems but goddammit I loved the ride, even if it was a bit bumpy. Breaks my heart that it's all over; the end of an era.
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Attack on Titan: From You, 2000 Years Ago (2022)
Season 4, Episode 21
7 February 2022
The uncovering of Ymir and her backstory is one of the bleakest things shown in Attack on Titan; it answers a lot of questions that I never even thought about in such an interesting way, never relying on an exposition dump.

Bringing a show with such momentum to a satisfying conclusion is a monumental task and I'm eager to see what will happen.
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Attack on Titan: Memories of the Future (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
30 January 2022
Not an episode of physical conflict, but one of emotional. The clashing of beliefs of two brothers who look into the past of the one who started it all - their father. I'm still try to wrap my head around the genius of this episode. I can't praise this show enough for how it handles it characters; Zeke and Eren are two fully realised, fleshed out characters who's motivations we sympathise with because we've seen the lives they've lived. Grisha is the root of both of these character's journeys and having them look into his past and into familiar events in a new light was great. Perceptions were challenged, secrets were revealed; I thought I'd seen it all but this show still manages to amaze me.
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Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An hour has past and I'm still haunted by the events that occurred. It's been a while since a scene of a tv show has hit me this hard.

This isn't bad or lazy writing by any means, it's far far from it. This was a consequence of Robb Starks's decisions and everything in the past was leading up to it. If you felt unsatisfied, that's the point; Robb never got the satisfaction of dying a noble and honourable death. An episode like this changes the game, and changes how I watch the show moving forward.
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