The Missing Corpse (1945) Poster

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Easy going mystery-comedy is hard to dislike
csteidler10 May 2012
Wealthy newspaper publisher Henry Kruger (J. Edward Bromberg) can't get served breakfast—he sits at his morning table but the servants just carry the trays right on past. His wife Alice takes breakfast in bed and sends down a note asking him to check her overdrawn bank account; son James takes only tomato juice due to today's hangover; daughter Phylis is "indisposed" but her photo is featured in the rival newspaper's story about last night's nightclub brawl. Mr. Kruger is understandably fed up with his family.

He also does not get along at all with that rival paper's publisher: a crook and blackmailer named McDonald (Paul Guilfoyle). McDonald has plenty of enemies—there's Kruger himself; his chauffeur Hogan (Frank Jenks) who claims to have a score to settle; and even McDonald's muscle man Joe, who discovers his own motive for murder.

Yes, we can see it coming…but the murder is not the surprise here: rather, it's the way the dead body keeps jumping around, from car trunk to wood box to numerous other locations. Who moved it now? and who will stumble on it next? Rapid dialog and one silly situation after another add up to a pretty funny picture.

Bromberg and Jenks lead the cast well; their boss-and-chauffeur act clicks nicely as each assumes that the other did the murder and eventually has to be enlightened.

Momentum builds as the rest of the family and numerous others gradually congregate at the vacation lodge where Kruger and Hogan (and the corpse) are holed up. "Why, Henry, we'll have a family reunion," says the wife on her arrival; "Won't that be nice," is Kruger's quietly bitter reply.

It's a good natured if not particularly inspired murder comedy. Totally ridiculous—but fast moving and unpretentious.
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Pleasingly Done Example Of A "B" Film Hybrid.
rsoonsa16 October 2006
PRC produces an enjoyable item here with little funding, a comedic melodrama that successfully incorporates both verbal and visual humour, along with a dollop of suspense, in creating a picture notable for its rare featured performance by veteran supporting actor J. Edward Bromberg, skillful direction, and especially effective scoring, in addition to a clever scenario that benefits from perfect pacing to smoothly advance the action. A whimsical plot requires that scripting, acting, and editing combine equally to avoid mere giddiness, and that is the case here, with Bromberg cast as Henry Kruger, an ethical newspaper publisher who threatens Andy McDonald, his counterpart upon a rival big city (Los Angeles) tabloid, with physical harm after McDonald splashes a nightclub escapade involving Kruger's daughter upon his journal's front page. After the blackmailing McDonald is murdered by one of his victims, his corpse is chased from the unsuspecting Kruger's automobile trunk to a series of makeshift hiding places, with humorous perplexity resulting from Kruger's attempts to avoid being implicated in the homicide. Director Albert Herman, for his final feature film commission, ably leads his actors in the briskly gaited affair, and manages in fine fashion to balance comedy with sequences of suspense, aided throughout by a splendid score contributed by classically trained Karl Hajos, who adds pages to his prior work from studio stock, seamlessly blending the total into the narrative. Acting is of variable merit, with Frank Jenks winning the Thespic laurels in the role of Kruger's chauffeur and companion, a typically sharply defined performance from him, capitalizing upon his impeccable sense of timing.
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Delightful B murder/comedy
Paularoc26 August 2013
I usually don't expect much from PRC movies. What a delightful surprise this was - it was funny, face paced, and entertaining. Also helping was that the print I saw was very good, from Amazon Instant Video. Henry Kruger (Bromberg), an honest and well-to-do newspaper publisher is ignored by his wife, son and daughter. Added to this is his ongoing dispute with a rival publisher who is a crook and a blackmailer. Angry over a photo the rival has published of his daughter, Kruger threatens him. Talking things over with his chauffeur, Mack Hogan (Jenks), Kruger decides to take a vacation and go to his hunting lodge. Unknown to him, the rival publisher is murdered by one of his victims and the murderer puts the body in the truck of his car. After arriving at the lodge, Kruger finds the body (thanks to the antics of a cute dog). There is a nosy highway patrolman hanging around and Kruger and Hogan struggle to keep the cop from finding the body. When the wife, son and daughter show up, the body is moved from room to room. Interestingly, Kruger's family keeps their knowledge about the body from the cop. Given this, the ending was a bit of a twist. I don't recall ever seeing Bromberg in a comedy role. He was excellent in the role as was Frank Jenks as the chauffeur. This movie is a lot of fun.
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The dead still have legs....
mark.waltz26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The audience knows from the start who the killer is in this above average B comedy from Producers Releasing Corporation. It is a very funny murder mystery where the neglected head of a wealthy family (character actor J. Edward Bromberg), cast against type, finds himself on the run when he discovers the corpse of enemy Paul Guilfoyle in his trunk. The audience knows that "Slippery Joe" (Ben Welden) killed Guilfoyle, and in his attempt to frame Bromberg forgot to pick up the evidence that would convict him of a crime Guilfoyle had locked in his safe but slipped into his jacket before Welden shot him. Up in the mountain inn, the body keeps disappearing, and to make things worse for Bromberg and Welden (finding out where Bromberg is thanks to a nosy convenience store clerk), Bromberg's dizzy wife (Isabel Randolph) and ungrateful children (Eric Sinclair and Lorell Sheldon) show up, only to prevent the family from becoming involved in any scandal rather than to help him get out of this jam. More mayhem has the corpse going from car trunk to crate to closet and seemingly back again, and Randolph's cute pooch becomes involved to help expose the killer.

I would have to call this perhaps PRC's very best comedy as well as one of the best comedies of 1945. It keeps you glued for its hour running time, and how can you not help think of Hitchcock's "The Trouble With Harry", made a decade later? Another comedy, "Stella" (1950, with Ann Sheridan and Victor Mature, had a similar plot). Charles Coleman is delightfully droll as the butler. A funny bit of character development as Bromberg basically the forgotten man in his own family even though it is he who brings home the bacon. At the end, the family is grateful and apologetic to Bromberg, but a funny twist at the end is well staged. PRC did a great job of making us believe this family was that daffy and wealthy (very much out of the "My Man Godfrey" school of screwball comedy), and the sets for both the family mansion and mountain inn are very well designed. Bromberg, best known for playing hard characters and villains, turns a complete 180 degrees, playing the type of part that Lloyd Corrigan had always been typecast in, and steals the nose right out from everybody, including that missing corpse and the cute pup.
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Entertaining Little Crime-Comedy
dougdoepke28 December 2019
Body, body, where's the dead body. Seems a non-breathing one gets around better than a breathing one. Then too, the murdered corpse is never where you'd expect it to be. And so, for better or worse, a nomadic corpse just about amounts to the plot. Good thing the narrative's full of colorful characters, and a fast moving director who never lets things drag. I like the way the amusing parts are under-played such that the acting never gets sappy. Cast-wise, It's a paunchy Bromberg, a smirking Jencks, a fluttery Randolph, and a sinister Weldon; together, they lift the skimpy narrative into a pleasantly entertaining programmer. Seems Bromberg's business rival turns up dead and the newsman's got to hide the body before others pin the murder on him. But can he, since new people keep turning up and turning things over in his mountain lodge. And when was the last time a paunchy, middle-aged short guy got the leading part in a flick. It does happen here and no camera tricks try to hide it. I guess my only gripe is the relative absence of shapely girls in that nifty 1940's attire. All in all, the flick's the kind of fun escape meant to ease wartime audiences. And dare I say it, fun too, even for a new millennium.
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amusing game of who hid the body
dbborroughs11 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Publisher who's family pays him no mind decides to run off on them and his paper on the spur of the moment and go hunting with his Man Friday. What he doesn't know is that a rival publisher, who has been trying to embarrass him, has been killed and his body placed in the trunk of his car. Upon arriving at his his country home Our hero discovers the body about the time the police come to call which then begins a game of hide the body as more and more people try to cover up the crime. Amusing comedy mystery moves along at just the right speed so that things keep moving and we never lose interest. Of course, as a police officer remarks toward the end had the police been called none of this would have had to happen but then there would never have been a movie. High art its not, mildly amusing it is. An amusing time passer thats worth a look if you run across it.
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What to do with a body?
bkoganbing26 July 2019
For a PRC film with limited production values The Missing Corpse isn't too bad of a film. It also stars the tragic J. Edward Bromberg in one of the films you'll find this character player top billed.

Bromberg and Paul Guilfoyle are rival tabloid publishers and Guilfoyle has printed some nasty stuff about Bromberg's daughter. Reacting like an outraged father, Bromberg promises to do him harm if any more should be printed.

Then Guilfoyle winds up dead and in Bromberg's car trunk. They discover it when Bromberg goes up to his hunting cabin for a short vacation. They being Bromberg and chauffeur Frank Jenks.

Not much suspense here since we know who killed Guilfoyle. Still a few laughs from the cast especially Bromberg and Jenks.

Not bad considering it's a PRC cheapie.
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The Trouble With Andy
boblipton11 March 2024
Newspaper publisher J. Edward Bromberg has a running feud with fellow publisher Paul Guilfoyle. Bromberg doesn't like Guilfoyle publishing pictures of his daughter at nightclubs, and threatens the man, whom he calls a blackmailer. The next day he is to go duck hunting, and so spends the evening practicing with a rifle. The following morning, he is packing supplies in the car chauffeur frank Jenks will drive him in, and discovers Guilfoyle's corpse in there.

It's from a story by Harry O. Hoyt (best remembered for directing the silent The Lost World), and it's a pretty amusing comedy as Bromberg tries to ditch the body with Jenks' help, and keeps failing. Bromberg's reactions are funnier for not being particularly jittery in the face of the nitwits he encounters, from wife Lorell Sheldon to cop Archie Twitchell. It's a nicely layered performance by one of the founders of the Group Theater, and director Albert Herman lets him have his head.
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Leofwine_draca29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE MISSING CORPSE is an entry in an unusual sub-genre, that of the murder mystery comedy. A man with a hundred enemies is murdered and his body ends up in a trunk, which then keeps turning up in unexpected places. A bumbling cast of idiotic characters then accuse each other as they bid to find out who committed the crime. Goofy dialogue is the order of the day here, but the whole thing is more irritating than amusing; for a similar, classier attempt at the same genre, check out Hitch's THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY.
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Slapped together slapstick
Bernie444421 March 2024
This is an Alpha Home Entertainment DVD. It looks worse than a VHS copy, if you remember or herd of VHS, with that Blair Witch steady hand. Everything is really scratchy. You will recognize most of the actors such as J. Edward Bromberg from "Charlie Chan on Broadway" (1937). The story at least the presentation had those holes that you can drive a truck through. It gets slapstick at all the weirdest times.

A newspaper owner, Henry Kruger, threatens to dispatch a rival newspaper owner over an article. The one mistake making this threat was right in front of his chauffeur/friend, Andy McDonald, and the other newspaper owner's assistant/patsy 'Slippery Joe' Clary.

And you guessed it a corpse turns up in Henry's car trunk. Then it is not there. Then it is here and there and not here and there. Now each person sees it and is kind enough not to tell everyone. We know he did it, but no one listens to us.

Mack Hogan (Frank Jenks) as the cabin caretaker is the comic relief as if we needed relief.

The story sorts of works around Egbert (Charles Coleman), a snickering butler that seems to know something but never tells.

Anyway, the film is worth a quick look. If you miss this one you will not be missing much.

If you love bodies being moved, then two better movies are: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944).

And The Trouble with Harry (1955).
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Body, body....who's got the body?!
planktonrules13 February 2018
PRC was a tiny studio that rented space at larger studios and made their films on a shoestring budget. Generally, when I see a film was made by PRC, I either avoid it or expect it to be, at best, a time-passer. Imagine my surprise when I found I not only liked "The Missing Corpse" but would highly recommend it. It's hard to believe...especially since there are no big name actors and the film is clearly a B-movie, clocking in at only 62 minutes in length!

Henry Kruger owns a newspaper and his greatest nemesis is a rival newspaper owner who takes delight in slandering Kruger. Because of this, Kruger has been known to threaten the guy if he didn't stop harassing him. Imagine Kruger's surprise, then, when he discovers the guy in his trunk...dead! Who did it and how is Kruger going to get rid of the body? Watch this clever film and find out for yourself.

As I said, I really liked this one. This was helped by having Frank Jenks in a supporting role. While few would remember his name, he was very adept at this sort of film and helped make it fun.
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Fun and cute
dlcc-5338911 November 2021
Great old movie....if you want humor and a twist in the story, this is a movie to see! Clean in todays standards. Not a waste of time. A peek into the past. A treasure!
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