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I'm with John Waters on this one: this movie is great.
Hey_Sweden11 December 2011
This cult favourite seasonal picture is writer / director Lewis Jackson's interesting, offbeat take on the holidays, focusing on a pathetic figure named Harry Stadling (Brandon Maggart), whose mind has been warped ever since seeing something as a child that he ought not to have seen. He's grown up with an obsession with Christmas; the decorations at his place have a Christmas theme, for one thing. He's dismayed at the attitudes displayed by co-workers at his place of employment, a toy factory, and goes so far as to catalogue the naughty or nice activities of children in his neighbourhood. When he learns that his company plans on donating toys to a local hospital, but expects all employees to make any financial donations, that's when he truly becomes determined to spread his own brand of Christmas cheer.

Now, this is not really for hardcore horror fans. True enough that Harry does end up murdering a few people, but this is not about racking up the body count. This is ultimately about one man's mental and emotional deterioration, and nowadays some folk might even insist on giving it the common "psychological thriller" label. Jackson takes aim at the crass commercialization of the holiday, a common theme in Christmas fare, and comes up with some very striking images, notably the police line up of Santas, and the homage to the Fritz Lang classic "M" with angry torch bearing citizens hellbent on getting their hands on Harry.

Talented star Maggart came in cold for his audition and delivered the exact performance seen in the movie; it's truly something to see. Fellow character veteran Jeffrey DeMunn ('The Walking Dead', "The Green Mile", etc.) is also effective as Phil, the younger brother frustrated over having to look out for Harry for many years rather than being able to look up to him. The cast and crew is filled with a number of people who did very well for themselves afterwards; the actors include future 'Home Improvement' wife & mom Patricia Richardson, as well as Peter Friedman, Mark Margolis, Raymond J. Barry, Robert Lesser, Bill Raymond, and Rutanya Alda; the crew includes "presenter" and producer Edward R. Pressman, cinematographer Affonso Beato (who would shoot "The Big Easy"), and the late editor Sally Menke, who cut all of Tarantino's directorial efforts. Fun sequences feature Harry partying hearty with some strangers at a Christmas party and delivering toys to the children at a hospital. Seeing Harry spy on the kids, however, does create a fairly creepy vibe, no matter how good his intentions are.

One thing is for certain, and it's that this amusing low budget flick is fairly memorable, right down to its ending.

Seven out of 10.
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Better Watch Out... Better Not Cry... Or You May DIE!
Pet_Rock27 December 2006
A young boy sees mommy having sex with Santa Claus (this seems to turn a lot of people crazy in these movies) and grows up Christmas-obsessed. He has his own "Naughty and Nice List" and takes Holiday cheer seriously...very seriously. If any adults are mean to Santa, they get a punishment a little worse than coal.

This movie was definitely odd. It was odd because of one scene, in which the psycho Santa brings toys to kids in a hospital. It actually... warmed my heart. Yes. Christmas EVIL warmed my heart. I felt horrible for the killer, as the director intended. It's like a Christmas Slasher version of Frankenstien, where the villain is tragic and just in his killings. Plus, both feature a town of mobbing people with torches. But there were little scene scattered about, the end scene, the toy scene, that actually... made me happy. So it manages to scare AND celebrate Christmas at the same time.

Oh boy, what am I saying? All in all it's a weird ass film that's pretty entertaining. 7/10. HO HO HO! MERRY Christmas!
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An Inspiration for "Joker?"
mbrahms2623 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The similarities between this 1980 film and the 2019 "Joker" are striking. Both deal with a mentally disturbed man in a serious and thoughtful manner. Both men come to be identified with fictitious characters; in this film, it is Santa Claus. In both films, the main character kills three people to begin his mayhem. In both films, there are extended narrow escape scenes. In both films, a man is killed with a sharp object embedded in his face, with blood gushing out. In both films, not all of the killings are justified. In both films, one of the victims is a co-worker of the killer who has been very nasty to him in different ways. Finally, in both films, the killer eludes justice and merges with his adopted identity at the end in spectacular fashion. "Joker" is the better film, but "You Better Watch Out" is worth watching. It is not your ordinary horror film.
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Strangely moving
anselm1122 September 2002
This is a strange film. It has good acting, yet bad editing. One longs to fast forward it; it could use some cutting--yet, by the time it's over, one is curiously moved. The anti-hero is strangly moving; he is not your usual B-film slasher. He has a genuine, though insane in a world like ours, moral sense. The ending makes it more like a dark fairy tale. I did not enjoy watching it; yet, when it was over, I remember it fondly. It was really trying something different. Its shifts of tone may be its problem; yet it is a worthy effort.
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He's making a list, He's checking it twice.
ajack-1978323 November 2019
Well I finally got round to seeing this film and although not a classic it's not as bad as some have made out. At times you cant help feeling sorry for Harry which is credit to Brandon Maggart. I have seen worse films than this that have had a lot more money spent on them and are not as good. If you want a slice (no pun intended) of Christmas horror try Back Christmas 1974 or Silent Night, Deadly Night 1984.
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You better be good for goodness sake!
BA_Harrison5 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's less trashy than Silent Night Deadly Night, less influential than Black Christmas, and less sleazy than Don't Open 'Til Christmas, but You Better Watch Out (AKA Christmas Evil) is certainly no less worthy of your time if you dig seasonal horrors.

In fact, it fully deserves to have something of a cult following thanks to its quirky sense of humour, and a wonderful turn by Brandon Maggart as crazy Harry Stadling, who as a child, spotted his mommy doing more than just kissing Santa Clause, and who now takes Christmas a little too seriously, deciding for himself who has been naughty and nice, and dealing with them accordingly.

With such fun scenes as Harry (in full Father Christmas costume) dancing his heart out at a Christmas party, getting stuck in a chimney, and imagining his van is being pulled by reindeer, plus a police identity line-up consisting of a motley looking collection of Santas, You Better Watch Out might be more amusing than horrific, but it is still very twisted at times; certainly what little graphic violence is shown is surprisingly nasty, such as when Harry attacks a group of church-goers, poking an eye out with a toy soldier and then axing a couple of guys in the head.

As Harry's murderous rampage continues, and local people begin to eye anyone in a Santa costume with suspicion, it's not long before our jolly psycho is confronted by an angry mob, who chase him down the streets with flaming torches (in an homage to Universal's Frankenstein, perhaps). Finally, Harry winds up driving his van (which is painted to look like a sled) off a bridge; however, rather than plummeting to his doom, his vehicle flies off into the night sky (presumably showing us what is going through Harry's mind in his final moments).

It's a suitably surreal ending to an enjoyably off-the-wall entry in the Christmas horror sub-genre.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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You Better Watch Out: Meh!
Platypuschow29 October 2018
You Better Watch Out otherwise known as Christmas Evil is essentially a Christmas version of Falling Down (1993) just not as clever, interesting, thought provoking or even remotely good.

It tells the story of a man tormented by the memory of discovering that Santa Claus isn't real. Overworked and underappreciated, taken advantage by work colleagues and witnessing the selfishness of his company he finally snaps and goes on a killing spree dressed as santa (As you do).

It's one of those films where though you can't fully empathise with the antagonist you can understand his plight to an extent and even feel a little bit sorry for him. Arguably a tale of mental illness it certainly has a passable premise but the execution is more than a little shoddy.

If you take it for what it is you may find a level of enjoyment, but nothing is likely to prepare you for the more than a little odd finale.

The Good:

I get what they were trying to do

The Bad:

Delivery is lacking

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I'm unsure whether that ending constitutes as good or bad
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This is more fun to watch than good
kevin_robbins2 December 2021
Christmas Evil (1980) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a man who was scared as a child when he discovered Santa Clause wasn't real. He now works at a toy factory as an adult until he discovers his employers are more worried about profit than creating fantastic toys for the kids. He embarks on a killing spree to gain revenge on the factory owners on the children's behalf.

This movie is directed by Lewis Jackson (The Transformation: A Sandwich of Nightmares) and stars Brandon Maggart (Dressed to Kill), Jeffrey DeMunn (The Mist), Dianne Hull (Girls on the Road), Peter Friedman (Single White Female) and Patricia Richardson (Home Improvement).

The storyline for this picture was actually fun to watch unfold and reminded me of a Santa themed Child's Play in some ways. The man losing his mind and his family dynamic was well depicted and a little like Maniac. The sets and settings do a great job of setting up the scenarios and circumstances. The kill scenes themselves are a bit disappointing but has some good use of blood and props.

Overall this is more fun to watch than good and I'd score it a 5.5/10. I'd recommend seeing this once.
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Christmas Evil
HorrorFan198426 December 2020
One Christmas Eve 1947, two parents decide to surprise their kids (Harry and Phil) by having the father dress as Santa Claus and come down the chimney. All goes well, until later that evening when Harry sees them making love. Seeing that apparently traumatizes Harry as a child which leads into his adult life. Fast forward to present day 1980 where we meet an adult Harry who is clearly unhinged, all stemming from that night as a young boy. Harry has a job at a toy factory and spies on the children in the neighbouring apartment complex, keeping a naughty and nice list on all of them. We see that Harry isn't respected at all at work, with his coworkers constantly poking fun at him either to his face or behind his back. His own brother Phil even thinks he's a loser.

Harry handles all of his stresses and traumas the same way - bottling them up in public and then blowing up at home. After we see Harry dive deeper and deeper into a psychotic state, Christmas Eve arrives and he starts to believe that he is Santa Claus. Harry fills up a sack with toys he stole from his workplace and starts wandering the streets of New York looking to leave presents to only the good and deserving children. On the way, he decides it's time to kill anyone who is on the naughty list...

I was not a huge fan of this one, which surprised me. I love holiday horror and 80's slashers, so this should have been right up my alley. But I just found it to drag on and on to the point where I lost interest in a lot of the middle frame. A few things save it from being a flop. The acting by Brandon Maggart, the gore, and the last 20-30 minutes or so when Harry starts killing.

Overall, a very average holiday horror movie that is loved by many. I just wasn't a fan for some reason. I'd recommend giving it a watch and see what you think

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Not a Total Waste of Time
epeteet13 December 2008
Being a big fan of dated horror movies i found this low budget holiday horror to be quite entertaining. It starts off with a kid watching his mom getting (mildly) jiggy with ol Saint Nick which totally trips him out. 40 years later he's a total loser on a full on Christmas trip. He watches kids to see if they've been naughty or nice, makes a list, checks it twice, and goes totally crazy. Dressed as Santa he brings presents to nice kids and kills a bunch of people who aren't so nice. There's a couple rad kills but most of the movie a pretty tame. It's definitely not as good as SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT but it is pretty funny watchin homeboy flip his wig. It also can be a little boring at times but it's got a really cool (extremely cheesy) ending that i was definitely not expecting. All in all it's a decent piece of crud that lacks in violence. Definitely check out SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT before this one. You also might want to give the much more gruesome MANIC a look.
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You Better Watch Out (1980)
fntstcplnt10 October 2019
Directed by Lewis Jackson. Starring Brandon Maggart, Jeffrey DeMunn, Dianne Hull, Joe Jamrog, Burt Kleiner, Scott McKay, Peter Friedman, Patricia Richardson. (R)

After witnessing mommy kissing (among other acts) Santa Claus as a child, Harry (Maggart) grows up to become a toy factory employee with a pretty unhealthy disassociative disorder, eventually thinking he's the real Saint Nick and going on a murder spree. Atypical, slightly above average slasher focuses almost entirely on the killer rather than a parade of victims-to-be; Maggart gives a good performance, but his character's psychology/motivations become awfully thin when given so much scrutiny (or is it supposed to be campy parody?). Either way, the movie would have benefited from heightened style, better pacing, more polished production (the seams really start showing when it comes to the all-too-evident fake snow); not particularly scary either. The most interesting aspect--besides Maggart--is the unusual, sometimes surprising bends in the plot/mood (it even borrows a page from "M"); the riotously outlandish ending needs to be seen to be (dis)believed. A favorite of cult director John Waters; later released under alternate titles like "Christmas Evil" and "Terror in Toyland."

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Non dumb slasher alert
samax_895 October 2010
oddball seasonal slasher that has more characterisation and less gore than many of its contemparies.After witnessing his mother getting it on with his father in a santa suit as a boy,a now deeply disturbed and grown up harry standling (Brandon Maggart) decides to celebrate Christmas his own way by metering out punishment to those who have besmirched the season of good will.

'Christmas evil' succeeds due to the film's emphasis on showing harry as a three dimensional character and for conjuring up a generally oppressive and Eerie atmosphere throughout,the fact that the death scence's are sporadic and often off kilter add too this 1980 slasher's unsettling nature.

'Christmas evil' will be far too off-beat for your average stalk and slash fan,but for those open minded and adventurous enough,'Christmas evil'is a one of a kind,genuinely original treat.
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Many levels of messed up and yet I suggest its smarter than your average awful B-Horror
Robert_duder21 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Christmas Evil is no feat of film making. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone convince me of that. That being said there are some things about this film that make it stand out from other slashers that came after or even before it. It has a distinctive Psycho vibe to it and it is clear that the director actually cared about this film and was trying to make a good solid horror flick. I didn't find it nearly as campy as other B-horror 80's flicks I have seen and the performance by our lead actor is downright disturbing. Certainly it borders on being comedic in some sort of twisted way but so much of the style, scenes, sound effects and acting is just too weird and creepy to be funny. I absolutely understand why this has become a cult classic in certain circles because as far as I know and can tell this was really the first movie to turn everything sacred about Christmas into a terrifying idea. Yes, Black Christmas was set at Christmas time but our killer is literally obsessed with Christmas, children, Santa and having his dreams shattered as a child. I'm not a film expert and I rarely notice things like camera angles or specifics in cinematography and yet I couldn't help but notice some of the smart and equally creepy shots in this movie.

Perhaps in the most disturbing concept Sesame Street 70's alumni Brandon Maggart who has also had a lucrative Television career is fascinating in this movie as the completely deranged killer. I know many of you that hate B-movies will scoff and wonder if I'm crazy but Maggart is excellent in this. He displays his very best Norman Bates given the very shallow character development he gets. His mental breakdown and obsessions drives this movie and honestly his performance is far better than a movie like this deserves. I anxiously awaited his snap when he would finally lose it and he is actually a very good actor who makes such a ridiculous film concept seem viable. Its almost a one man show for him because every other person in the movie are small supporting roles so the main focus is squarely on him and it actually probably makes the film that much better. How incredible he is from the time he puts on the suit for the first time through delivering the gifts to the hospital (just a jaw droppingly disturbing scene) to his murderous spree. Not the kills are where the film really starts to get campy because they are ridiculous and poorly shot with dollar store special effects. But thanks to (once again) the music and the camera is just disturbing. Jeffrey DeMunn (a recognizable character actor) plays Harry's brother and does a solid job. Same with Dianne Hull as his sister in law. They don't get a ton of screen time and they are there strictly to show how far Harry falls from humanity.

I have honestly never seen a horror film like this. I mean, it didn't just freak me out but it legitimately got under my skin. It just felt wrong...the killer is completely sadistic and his descent is terrifying to watch. As a horror fan I would never add this to my collection because I simply don't think I could watch it a second time and yet I have to give it kudos for style and just the sick dark nature of it. Writer and director Lewis Jackson has virtually no other credits to his name and I'm actually surprised because I keep emphasizing there is some talent here. The problem with the movie is the story is incredibly weak. I mean, it would have made a great difference to have something other than Harry spotting his Dad dressed as Santa and fooling around with his mother to leave a disturbing impression on him. If some aspects of another B-Horror Christmas classic Silent Night, Deadly Night mixed with this they would have had a real terrifying movie on their hands. I have to call it like I see it and this is brilliantly crafted in so many ways. It drags and dawdles a lot but its like a horrifying car wreck that you can't look away from. His Santa suit is so well done and every time you see a child on the screen you feel sick to your stomach because this guy is truly so messed up. Watch this but with caution because it is something really sick. Only horror fans looking for something outside of the box should watch this one. The last half hour of the film turns into a bizarre homage to Frankenstein and just about nearly de-vilifies our killer and makes him an anti-hero. But I would argue with anyone who says this belongs in a "campy horror" film section. It is a bizarre and twisted film that needs to be seen to be believed. 7/10
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Not what it purports to be
Leofwine_draca23 June 2015
Christmas Evil is a rather uninteresting black comedy about a homicidal Santa Claus who takes his role to murderous levels. It start off promisingly enough as a kid witnesses his mother engaged in a rather intimate situation with Father Christmas and later self harms. Years later, he goes on a rampage at Yuletide.

The problem with this low budget production is that it's very slow and not much happens. It's a full 50 minutes before we get any horror scenes and even those are weak in the extreme. The acting is poor and the tone is off too - half of this seems to be designed as a black comedy, but the problem is that it's neither funny nor interesting.

Christmas Evil didn't do anything for me at all, and that cheesy joke ending is the sour cherry on top. It's probably the worst Christmas-themed "horror" movie in existence.
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The greatest killer santa claus movie of all time!!!!
ranger-3511 March 2000
This is the greatest killer santa claus movie of all time!!!! A killer disguised as santa claus is haunted by A 1947 christmas after seeing his mom being fondled by his father(who by the way is dressed in A santa claus suit)and finding out there is no santa claus.Now as an adult,he keeps records of boys and girls who are good and bad and kills the people who are mean to him and those who uses christmas as profit making.Although this movie is low budget,it still has great acting and A surprising (and funny)ending.It's A must for horror buffs.
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Santa Clause meets Norman Bates
sol12184 January 2009
(Some Spoilers) Off the wall slasher film involving this not so stable toy factory manager who got the shock of his life when, as a little boy, her saw Santa and his mom getting off on Christmas Eve. The fact that Santa was young Harry Stadling's father didn't seem to be noticed by Harry who became obsessed with Ol' Saint Nicholas his entire life. Going on a one man crusade Harry was intent to prove the existence of Santa if it was the last thing that he did. Harry went so far as living a secret life as the man in the red and white suit using his disguise as Santa as his personal and secret identity.

Harry keeping tabs on all the kids in his neighborhood, by spying on them, had a list of who was naughty and who was nice among them and as Christmas approached he was to make sure that they all got, good or bad, everything that they so rightfully deserved. It was really the adults who didn't believe in Santa and the giving spirit of the Chistmas holidays that Harry really had it in for. And it was them who in the end had to pay, in Harry's mind, for their unforgivable sins! It was when Harry flipped out, on Christmas Eve, that he turned the joy of Christmas into a night of horrors.

Touched by the horrible conditions at the local Willowy Springs-a take of on the notorious Willowbrook state school in Staten Island NY- State Hospital Harry tried to get his fellow workers at the Jolly Dream Toy Factory to chip in and give the unwanted and discarded, by their families, kids there some toys for Christmas. It's When he was laughed at and made to feel like a fool,in his wanting to give away loads of toys for free, by his bosses at the factory that something snapped in Harry's head having him go ballistic! Besides Harry taking all the toys, from the factory, to give away as Christmas presents to the children in the city he also plans to give his Scrooge-like bosses a Christmas that they'll never forget!

Harry's rampage in the movie was motivated by those who looked at Christmas, and Santa, as nothing but a money making, not giving, time of the year. Even though he didn't like kids who didn't listen to their parents and elders and looked at dirty pictures, like Penthouse Centerfolds, Harry felt that they can be made to see he evil in their ways and be straightened in time. It was the adults who made a mockery of Christmas, and Santa Clause, that Harry really had it in for in that they should know better but don't. which in Harry's mind was unforgivable and needed to be, by him, taken care of with the utmost urgency!

Hard to take serious slasher/horror movie in that the villain, Harry Stadling, was so lovable that even when he did in his victims you just couldn't dislike him. Harry was so believable as the lovable Santa Clause that even the children of the people that he murdered looked up to him, with Harry giving them expensive presents, as if he were the real McCoy, Santa, himself!

During the entire film Harry was always on the outs with his younger brother Philip who, since they were little boys, never believed in Santa and let Harry know it in no uncertain terms. It took a while but in the end even Philip became a believer. Not that Harry proved to Philip that the legendary Santa does in fact exists but, in the final moments of the movie, that Santa is actually his own brother, Harry Stadling, in the flesh!
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Christmas Horror Flick Worth Checking Out
ryan-1007515 August 2020
This is an entertaining Christmas horror movie that in the end is about much more than just old Saint Nick running around with an axe as the movie poster suggests. I saw this under the title CHRISTMAS EVIL and it starts in 1947 where a young boy Harry watches his mom get it on with Santa Claus. Thing is Santa was actually his dad, but poor little Harry didn't know any better. It messes him up pretty bad. We then jump ahead to 1980 and Harry (very well played by Brandon Maggart) has almost an extreme obsession with Christmas. He even has a list of who's been naughty and who's been nice. Quite interesting and very creepy as he watches the children and he appears at people's windows a few times in the film watching their lives.

Not the first to have a homicidal Santa, but was done four years before the more popular SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT. To me it is just as good as that movie, but they are quite different to the point where the killer in this film garners more sympathy.

So, if it's Christmas time and you are looking for a Christmas themed horror flick I would suggest giving this one a try. Also starring Jeffrey DeMunn as Harry's older brother Philip.
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Pretty pathetic
preppy-322 November 2007
Stupid and just plain weird movie about some kid who becomes traumatized when he finds out Santa isn't real (???). He grows up and becomes an adult (Brandon Maggart) who makes lists of people who are naughty or nice. One Christmas Eve he snaps and sets out to kill the naughty people--dressed as Santa of course.

Boring and just plain bad killer Santa movie. It's not really a horror movie--it's more of a character study--a very BAD character study!If you're looking for gore, it's not here. Only a few of the murders are shown and they're not that gory with VERY fake effects. Most of the movie just contains Brandon Maggart talking to himself and slowly going crazy. The script is trite, the acting is terrible and it leads to an ending which had me staring slack-jawed at the TV. Seriously, I had to rewind the tape and watch it again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating! Really REALLY poor ending.

If you want a scary Christmas flick rent "Black Christmas" (the original 70s version---NOT the terrible remake). Avoid this one at all costs.
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Ho ho whah
BandSAboutMovies22 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I learned about this movie from John Waters and if there's one thing I know, it's that John Waters has never let me down. He said of the film, "I wish I had kids. I'd make them watch it every year and if they didn't like it, they'd be punished."

Christmas Eve 1947: Harry Stadling (played later in the film Brandon Maggart, who is the father of Fiona Apple) watches his father - dressed as Santa - get sexy with his mother. He gets so upset that he smashes a snowglobe and uses it to slice up his hand.

Fast forward to 1980: Harry wants to be Santa. He sleeps in costume, his home is constant decorated for the holidays, he works in the Jolly Dreams toy factory and keeps a book of who is naughty and who is nice. Of note, the toy factory was owned by the family of producer Edward R. Pressman and were known for making the board games Triominoes and Mastermind.

Harry notices an employee that called in sick is at the bar, even after he had to fill in for the man on the assembly line. He gets so mad that he smashes one of his dollhouse figures and cancels Thanksgiving. There's a bright spot, though, as his boss announces that if they increase production, they can give toys to the kids at a hospital.

Harry realizes that everyone sees him as a loser, so he has a nervous breakdown and becomes Santa. He starts making toys in his basement and steals toys from the factory to give to the hospital. But he also does some insane things - like leave dirt on a bad kid's door. And oh yeah - he murders a bunch of young adults who make fun of his costume, an act which his co-workers witness.

Harry goes full nutzoid, destroying his nephews gifts and replacing them with toys he's made and killing a co-worker and leaving more toys behind.He attends the company Christmas party and dances to an increasingly faster an more frenetic version of "Here Comes Santa Claus" before threatening to put people in his bad book.

Then, Harry activates the assembly line and makes more toys before getting his van stuck in the mud. He escapes a mob who recognizes him as a killer before making it to his brother's house. A battle ensues between the two, but Harry escapes and he's forced to drive his van off the bridge by the mob. But in his mind, the van flies off like Santa' sled to the words of "The Night Before Christmas."

Obviously, this is not the movie to share with the kids. But if you're an adult who has had it up to here with the holidays, by all means, this is the tonic you're seeking.
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A Bit Slow For a Slasher
gavin694227 December 2016
A toy factory worker (Fiona Apple's father), mentally scarred as a child upon learning Santa Claus is not real, suffers a nervous breakdown after being belittled at work, and embarks on a Yuletide killing spree.

I had a copy of this movie on my desk for over a year (thanks, Vinegar Syndrome) but somehow never found the time. Finally, in December 2016, I put it in and gave it a watch. And, sadly, despite a few good scenes and the possibility of this being the first killer Santa movie, it runs a bit too slow and too long to be a really strong slasher.

On the bright side, it has Jeffrey DeMunn before he really became a horror icon through his work with Frank Darabont.
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This is not a horror/slasher movie
Roseybaby6318 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I know this movie was marketed as a slasher/horror flick, but it's not and if you go into it expecting that, you'll be disappointed. I saw this under the title "Christmas Evil". It is the psychological study of a man losing his mind. You are literally watching him go insane. I was a little bored at the very beginning and almost considered turning it off, but then I was drawn into the story. Harry, as a young child, saw his mother making out with Santa (obviously his dad)and this apparently scars him. I know, that may sound sort of lame, but if something like that really does start a whole psychological problem, well...there's something else wrong with that person. Harry becomes obsessed with Christmas. He keeps tabs on the neighborhood kids and has naughty and nice books. All this just shows you how screwed up this guy is already. His mental decline is interesting, scary and sad. Harry's not really an evil man. He's just going crazy. I felt sorry for him. I found it unsettling to watch him lose his mind. It all comes to a head on Christmas Eve. He makes a kick ass Santa suit and glues a beard to his face. His van is painted with a lovely Christmas sleigh. He swings between kind and killer. He never kills a child...only some adults...and not very many at that. The kills are interesting, but not the point of the movie. It's all about Harry's descent into madness. I know there's a lot of people writing that Santa's van magically flies away at the end...well..I don't think that was intended to be taken literally. It's what poor crazy Harry is seeing in his delusional head. In real life, the van hit the bottom of a very long fall and Santa, no doubt,was dead. Do they actually have to show the van crashing to get that idea across? Anyway....I thought this was really good. I knew what to expect though. I read some "non spoiler" reviews on this site before I watched it. So...I'd recommend this movie for those who enjoy psychological studies or can simply leave themselves open to the experience.
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the hohoho-job that changed Harry
trashgang27 December 2012
Now that Arrow Video brought this out on DVD it was time again to pick up this horror. We do all know the classics Black Christmas (1974) and Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984).

It all starts very silly with two children and their mother sitting on the stairs seeing how Santa comes down the chimney to give some presents. Harry does believe in Santa but his brother tells him that Santa is his dad. When they all go to bed Harry goes down again to see Santa again but what he sees changes him forever. Santa is giving mommy a lickety-clit.

Back forward a few years and Harry works at a crummy factory as a toymaker but deep inside he only wants to be the real Santa. Shaving gives him a joy with the white foam giving him the Santa beard feeling. Once it's Christmas he's out as Santa.

Sadly that's all that we do see here in Christmas Evil. It's low on gore and even blood. The only thing we see is an eye-stabbing and an axe going into a skull. He even gets stuck in the chimney. He do becomes a deranged Santa but it's really camp and the end scene is really cheesy with the last words coming out of The Night Before Christmas and just look what happens, cheesy isn't it?

Kleenex lovers will think that the licking of Santa is erotic, well let me tell you there is nothing to see, no nudity at all. Christmas Evil as a title is misleading thinking you will see a good old season slasher, it isn't, it's more a drama. Horror buffs will discard it, I'm sure of that. It wasn't my thing neither. Coming out in the glory days of gore and blood this is a really bad Santa flick.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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Terrifically offbeat and unique seasonal horror gem
Woodyanders12 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Meek middle-aged toy factory worker Harry Stadling (superbly played with heartbreaking pathos and conviction by Brandon Maggart) has a decidedly unhealthy fixation on Santa Claus: He lives in a home adorned with a motley array of St. Nick-themed items, tries to get his indifferent coworkers to take pride in the toys that they manufacture, and even spies on the neighborhood kids with binoculars and keeps tabs on their behavior in a series of ledgers. However, one fateful Christmas Eve Harry has a severe mental meltdown and goes dangerously off the deep end with his Santa obsession.

Those expecting a typical and conventional slice'n'dice body count opus will be seriously disappointed; instead writer/director Lewis Jackson offers something much better and more ambitious: A quirky, vivid, and often darkly humorous psychological character study of a deeply tragic and troubled soul who elicits from the viewer a complex blend of fear and pity. Best of all, Jackson not only grounds the premise in a thoroughly believable workaday blue collar reality, but also provides a handy helping of spot-on stinging social commentary on the crass commercialization of the yuletide season. Moreover, this film delivers a wonderful wealth of inspired oddball moments: A raucous Christmas office party that degenerates into a drunken fracas, Harry marking a bratty kid's house with muddy hand prints, Harry happily dancing at another Christmas party (Harry's speech to a bunch of little children at this particular party is an absolute loopy hoot!), Harry getting stuck in a chimney, Harry being chased by an angry torch-wielding mob, a police station line-up of sidewalk Santas, and a truly bonkers magical ending that's probably all in Harry's unbalanced head.

While Maggart clearly dominates the movie with his top-notch portrayal of a fascinatingly sincere and well-meaning, yet still lethal and unhinged individual, he nonetheless receives sturdy support from Jeffrey DeMunn as Harry's fed-up long-suffering younger brother Philip, Dianne Hall as Philip's more sweet and tolerant wife Jackie, Joe Jamrog as lazy and irresponsible coworker Frank, and Peter Friedman as callous executive Mr. Grosch. Philip Cosnoff does a wickedly dead-on caricature of Geraldo Rivera as preening television reporter Ricardo Bauma. Popping up in small parts are such familiar faces as Mark Margolis, Patricia Richardson, Rutanya Alda, and Raymond J. Barry. Kudos are also in order for Ricardo Aronovich's lustrous cinematography and the wonky electronic score by Joel Harris, Julia Heyward, and Don Christensen. A marvelously singular treat.
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An atypical, decent, even touching slasher.
Toddangel12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Christmas Evil is different from those typical 80s slasher films, which gives me a lot of surprises. As a matter of fact, it's strangely similar to Joker 2019. Compared to other holiday-themed slasher films, Christmas Evil doesn't contain many brutal killing scenes, but concentrates more on Harry's mental conflicts. There are no silly victims throughout the film, only annoying adults. In the end, local people chasing Harry reminds me of M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder 1931. The ending of this film is oddly touching, and I feel sorry for Harry. Give credit to Harry's actor Brandon Maggart for making the film decent. In summary, Christmas Evil is quite unique and impressive. I definitely recommend watching it. 7 out of 10.
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An odd movie
getconedproductions0920 December 2018
Christmas Evil: Written and directed by Lewis Jackson

I read about this movie a long time ago. A psychological breakdown movie where a guy truly believes he is Santa Claus. This movie came out several years before the most famous Killer Santa movie. It is considered one of John Waters' favorite Christmas movies. Well damn I believe I'm intrigued. I need to see this film. Shudder was kind enough to help me with this.

This movie is an extremely unusual and interesting movie. It explores this guy who has such a connection to the spirit of Christmas and mainly the spirit of Santa Claus. It caught him at such a young age and he never left that mindset. As an adult he is stuck in that mindset and the manipulation and deception of adults when it comes to Christmas drives him off the deep end. He has already been acting like Santa Claus before by watching the neighborhood children and listing off their activities.

The thing about this movie is it wanted to be this in depth examination of this sick mind. But knowing the movie business, they insisted audiences would only be interested in this film if they added a slasher element. That element was very out of place. He does show sick tendencies but not in the homicidal variety. He has a damaged mind but he's not a killer. This aspect of the movie appears out of nowhere and confuses you.

This is an oddity of a movie. I can recommend in that regard. Definitely check it out to see what kind of evil Christmas movie they tried to make. I give this movie a C. I can't go higher than that. The reason for that is because you feel put off by the other characters and you spend almost all of the time with this Santa Claus guy and it tries to use easy psychology to explain away the problem.
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