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A crafty mystery thanks to Claude Chabrol and Philippe Noiret, with a satisfying last line for game show hosts
Terrell-431 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
With Claude Chabrol's Masques, we have mystery in the country manor with, perhaps, murder in the country manner. But was there a murder and, if so, who did the murdering? Chabrol leads us to the easy conclusion, reassures us, then let's us consider the thought that there might be other possibilities.

It's far better for a director's reputation that he or she turn out turgid serious films than well- crafted entertainments. Claude Chabrol is a case in point. Although his more serious films are scarcely turgid, it is his many films over the last 35 years or so, most of which can easily be called entertainments, at least by me, that sometimes cause a condescending sniff. It's nearly impossible to read comments about a Chabrol film without seeing yet another reference to his "French New Wave" credentials -- of over 40 years ago -- or to that tired old cliché of Chabrol being France's answer to Hitchcock.

I admire Chabrol for one simple reason. In a long career he has continued to make movie after movie, year after year, and good ones. While most of his peers have died, or took themselves too seriously, or wandered about, or didn't produce much, Chabrol has just kept busy making movies...all kinds of movies, mysteries, murders, comedies, satires, dramas. He can be serious about serious things, if it suits him, but more often he can be amusing about serious things. His movies are literate and nearly always depend upon the mood Chabrol creates around the plot. It's clear that he's not impressed by authority figures or the conventions of smooth-running society. He's not above a bit of gruesome shock. Occasionally he can be unsettling, even sad. Occasionally he'll produce a dud or a half dud. Through it all, he keeps making movies. It seems to me that if one accepts that motion pictures are above all popular entertainment, then having one's films praised as entertainment -- literate entertainment -- should be seen as high praise.

Chabrol is one of the great craftsmen of movie making, one with a point of view, and one with whom some fine actors want to work. And that brings us back to Masques, another of Claude Chabrol's literate entertainments, this one with that great actor, Philippe Noiret.

Christian Lagagneur (Noiret) is the ebullient host of a popular television game show. On a pink set with a ricky-tick band playing ricky-tick music, Lagagneur hosts elderly couples who must perform a song or a dance, and then they're voted upon to see which couple wins the trip of a lifetime. He agrees to have Roland Wolf (Robin Renucci) write his biography. He invites Wolf to a weekend at his country manor where they'll work together. At the manor are Lagagneur's secretary, Colette, a smiling, watchful woman, along with his live-in masseuse and her husband, who looks after the wine. The cook is also the chauffeur, a man who is mute. "Max had tongue cancer which metastasized into his ears," explains Lagagneur to Wolf. There also is Catherine, a pale, thin young woman who wears dark glasses in the house. Catherine is Lagagneur's ward and godchild. She is a minor but just barely. We know something's up when Wolf, unpacking in his room, removes a revolver from his valise and hides it away in a closet, and then discovers a lipstick. He looks at it carefully, and then writes a large M on the mirror. He murmurs "Madeleine" and then wipes it off. It's not long before we discover Madeline was a houseguest, too, who left suddenly in the night. We witness Lagagneur's solicitude for Catherine, his insistence that doctors not see her because of the damage they caused earlier, his concern that she take the pills Colette crushes and mixes in her tea. We also witness Catherine's instability, her mood swings and her unexpected passions. Wolf interviews Lagagneur, records everything, and at night discovers secrets. Whatever is going to happen in this manor house over the weekend, we can be sure death will be involved.

Philippe Noiret dominates the movie just as his character, Christian Lagagneur, dominates the manor house and the game show. Lagagneur is relentlessly full of bon homme. His overwhelming small talk gives nothing away. His charm at first can seem genuine. Noiret, whether prancing about the television stage embracing an old woman dressed in her best, glancing at his cue cards and mouthing aggressive patter about the delights of old age, or playing chess in a dark room while measuring with drooping eye lids the possible motives of Wolf, is sheer pleasure. Noiret has played so many indelible characters it's impossible to say which are best. Among my favorites are Lucien Cordier in Coup de Torchon, Major Delaplane in Life and Nothing But, Alfredo in Cinema Paradiso and D'Artagnan in the amusing Revenge of the Musketeers. And if you like stick-it-in-your-nose detectives who must have paprika on their eggs, try Claude Chabrol's Inspector Lavardin in Cop au Vin and Inspecteur Lavardin.

Masques is a clever, misleading mystery with some sharp edges.
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Chabrol puts on his Chabrol mask.
dbdumonteil24 January 2003
The eighties were not that much a great time for Claude Chabrol.Most of the works of this era ,either have not worn very well (les fantômes du chapelier,poulet au vinaigre) or were not themes for him anyway (le cheval d'orgueil,Patricia Highsmith's "le cri du hibou")

"Masques " is probably his best since "Violette Nozières" (1978) and nearly matches the brilliance of the late sixties/early seventies heyday.

Completely unpretentious,it's full of humor,suspense and of course gastronomy (is there a Chabrol movie where they do not eat?).A marvelous spoof on these numerous TV shows which take dumbness to new limits, a detective story,this movie is much fun to watch.

Philippe Noiret,overplaying as hell -and he's thoroughly enjoyable-,plays the emcee of a broadcast for old people who sing songs of long ago,("les roses blanches" ,the most maudlin song of the whole French repertoire,crooned by an old man, can be heard on the cast and credits).By no means a caricature, because, we've seen worse on French TV.

And to crown it all,the host uses "HItchcock presents " music to enhance his horrible show.And that's not all!Philippe Noiret's character is Mister LEGAGNEUR (GO-GETTER)

The emcee is so full of himself he asks a young novelist (Renucci) to write his biography.They are to work in the country in Legagneur's desirable property,complete with court and chef .A delightful gallery of weirdoes hangs around:A couple,Roger Dumas ,a wine connaisseur, and Bernadette Laffont,who enjoys reading someone's cards and less commendable things -to think that Laffont was featured in Chabrol's very first ,"le beau Serge" ,in 1958!-;a deaf and dumb chauffeur;two strange servants, one of them relishes with Charlotte Armstrong's detective stories-like Chabrol ,who adapted this writer twice :"la rupture" (1970)and "merci pour le chocolat" (2000)-;and,last but not least,a strange girl (Brochet), Legagneur's goddaughter(sic).She seems very sick,or maybe someone helps her to be sick?

Actually nothing is what it seems .Everybody hides himself behind his mask,including the director ,who puts on his Chabrol mask this time.
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Where does Chabrol find them ... ?
snoozer119 February 2005
I have to hand it to Claude Chabrol. He certainly has an eye for casting his leading ladies. For 'Masques', here we have Anne Brochet in her first feature film. From the moment we first lay eyes on her, she comes over both mysterious and enigmatic. Chabrol cleverly does not allow us to see her eyes -- she is wearing sun glasses due to still convalescing from a past medical condition. When her eyes are finally revealed, we indeed see Chabrol's casting astuteness. Oh-La-La ... such wonderful peepers. Brochet is very reminiscent of Emmanuelle Béart here.

This is one of the more conventional mystery/thrillers from Chabrol. Essentially a detective story of Roland, who's sister has disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His investigations lead him to her last known whereabouts -- the country home of game show host Christian Legagneur. Roland poses as a journalist under the pretext of interviewing Legagneur for a book. Here he meets, and falls in love with, Legagneur's god daughter Catherine. Is it she who holds the key to the disappearance of Roland's sister? Watch the film to find out.

'Masques' is probably not one of Chabrol's finest but interesting none the less. Certainly worth a look for both Anne Brochet as the child like Catherine and Philippe Noiret's wonderfully over the top performance as the game show host. As in all Chabrol films, people are never quite what they seem. Unfortanately, the villain of the piece is revealed a tad too early in this one. To be fair tho, Chabrol does salvage the film in the final act.

Full of the usual fair of fine food .. fine wine .. and a few cigars smoked. Worth a look.

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A thought-provoking thriller from a master of suspense
jameswtravers24 June 2000
At a time when skeletons were being found in the cupboards of a number of well-known celebrities in France, Chabrol created this film which asks the simple question: what lies beneath the mask of an apparently pleasant and sugar-sweet public figure? Can such a person be utterly wicked, capable of fraud, deceit - even murder - and get away with all that unnoticed? How far can the public image and the private reality differ?

For the subject of his analysis, Chabrol could hardly have chosen a better actor than Philippe Noiret. In his role, Noiret is so successful that it is virtually impossible to believe that his character could harm a fly - until the truly disturbing scene when his daughter shows him a bird in a cage, triggering a phobic reaction that causes the mask to slip - albeit for just a moment. After that, the mask stays firmly in place, until the last possible moment. But when the mask does fall, as it has to, and Legagneur turns on his television viewers, we see the truth in an instant and ask ourselves: how could we have been so blind? More disturbingly, we begin to question - as Chabrol intended we should - whether any real-life TV presenters have similar dark secrets.

Whilst not quite in the league of some of Chabrol's other thrillers (most notably the superb La Cérémonie), Masques is a film which does have some gripping moments and some sparkling dialogue. The ending is as funny as it is tragic, and, as a thought-provoker, it achieves its objective a little too successfully. I for one will never be able to watch a silver-tongued TV presenter again without thinking: what lies behind this mask?
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MASQUES (Claude Chabrol, 1987) ***
Bunuel197620 May 2010
Intriguing, somewhat old-fashioned thriller where no one is quite who he seems to be (though the revelations in themselves are hardly astounding); for what it is worth, I had to make do here with a TV-sourced version sporting French subtitles! In any case, the film virtually hinges on Philippe Noiret's excellent central performance as a larger-than-life TV presenter with a weakness for luxury. Evoking Walter Matthau to a striking degree, he manages all of the protagonist's various facets (transmitting in this way his talent for manipulation) – going from the charm he exercises on audiences and collaborators alike, to the tenderness he demonstrates towards his young female charge (whom he ostensibly took on out of compassion after both her parents perished in a car crash), the ruthlessness he eventually adopts in order to achieve his goals, and ultimately the breakdown he suffers 'on air' exposing him for the contemptuous bully he really is.

The plot sees a young reporter apparently approach Noiret for the purposes of writing his biography (he is actually investigating the disappearance of a woman who had been the old man's guest). At the latter's country-house, he meets and is attracted to the girl (leading a sheltered life due to her 'delicate' health), who even reciprocates his feelings – to Noiret's obvious chagrin (incidentally, Chabrol resists making him a lecher since he is only after the heroine's money). Bland Robin Renucci is only adequate as the amateur detective, but Anne Brochet's classical beauty (looking quite a bit like Emmanuelle Beart!) is ideally suited for the rather melancholy girl he determines to save from the evil clutches of her guardian. Also involved is Bernadette Lafont (middle-aged but still looking good and with hair dyed blonde) as a hanger-on at Noiret's estate who professes to tell fortunes.

MASQUES basically resolves itself in a battle-of-wills between Noiret and Renucci (and eventually the former and Brochet, when it finally dawns on her that what the young man – and the lady who went missing – had been telling her all along was true). In its expose' of bourgeois double standards and numerous scenes of carefully-built suspense, then, the film emerges to be extremely typical of its director (as well as being reasonably representative of his vast body of work).
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Neglected Chabrol film
gridoon202420 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Masks" is probably one of Claude Chabrol's most accessible films, and also one of the few with a happy ending. It's slow to get going, but once it does it turns into a quite (and relatively quiet) suspenseful cat-and-mouse game. There is one truly great sequence that changed my opinion of the movie from "fair" to "good": Phillipe Noiret in the background slowly walking towards Robin Renucci and Anne Brochet, who are in the foreground of the shot, talking about things that he must not hear. This is done in one shot, without trick editing. All three leads are well-cast, but my favorite performance in "Masks" is the one by Bernadette Lafont, who is fun as a quirky masseuse. One complaint: the music score sometimes gets too loud over dialogue scenes. *** out of 4.
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jotix10015 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The popular television presenter, Christian Legagneur, is a man loved by his millions of fans. He is famous for the prizes given in the program to older contestants who are rewarded with exotic trips to faraway places. As any celebrity worth his fame, Legagneur is flattered when Roland Wolf decides to write his biography. The emcee proposes to do it in his country estate.

Nothing prepares Roland for what he is about to find in the château-like setting. There are some other guests who seem to be part of Legagneur's coterie of friends. But Roland in reality is in pursuit of someone who disappeared a long time ago. Finding Catherine, a mysterious young woman afflicted with a strange nervous disease at the estate poses a lot of questions Legagneur is not ready to answer.

"Masques" directed by Claude Chabrol was shown recently on cable as a retrospective of his work. The film was a collaboration between the director and Odile Barski, who contributed a lot to his work. The film plays like an English mystery. It is elegant, and nothing seems to be what it appears. There are things Legagneur did not want to reveal, much less have a snoop among his household.

One good excuse to watch "Masques" is Philippe Noiret, who as Christian Legagneur, is sly, as well as amusing. This man, a product of the media, has secrets better left untold. His collaboration in his own biography backfires on him. Robin Renucci is fine as Roland. The great Bernadette Lafont, who worked with M. Chabrol in many films, adds a bit of fun to the proceedings. Lovely Anne Brochet has the most difficult part of Catherine.

"Masques" is mildly entertaining, but it is not in the same league of of of the best work of the great Claude Chabrol.
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"We can only help those who have the strength to fight."
DoorsofDylan6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Placing this in my watch list on Mubi along with the other title by film maker Claude Chabrol currently on the site: The Flower of Evil (2003-also reviewed) I originally planned to watch them near the end of the month,until I saw a post on Dan Murrell's Discord which mentioned that this title was about to leave the site, which led to me rushing to put on the mask.

View on the film:

Merrily having the band on the TV show within a film play the theme tune to Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and pouring an (intentional) syrupy love score by his son Matthieu over Wolf's romantic embrace of Catherine, co-writer (with occasional collaborator Odile Barski) / directing auteur Claude Chabrol & The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964-also reviewed) cinematographer Jean Rabier serve up a mischievous atmosphere, scanning over the luxury meals Legagneur presents to his family and guest every day, (food being a major recurring motif in Chabrol's works) and landing on close-ups of the residences dressed in colour coded fashions, reflecting the flashy lifestyle of those in the household.

Listening in on a conversation between Wolf and Legagneur with an excellent crane shot that runs across the vast courtyard of the household, and goes through a window in order to eavesdrop, Chabrol continues to expand on his distinctive, fluid camera moves, via gliding arc shots and elegantly composed reflective shots in mirrors, shining on the doubts Wolf has over the discreet charms of Legagneur.

Lapping up cheers from the crowd, Philippe Noiret gives a tasty performance as Legagneur, whose grin is half wide-smile,and half murderous snarl, whilst Robin Renucci gives a great calm, introvert performance as Wolf, whose shell Renucci snaps open,as Wolf's questioning of Legagneur becomes more inquisitive.

Reuniting with Chabrol round the dining table, Bernadette Lafont gives a delightful performance as a masseuse, who Lefont has jump about between the gossip exchanges with Wolf and Legagneur, whilst in her debut performance, Anne Brochet gives a wonderfully hazy performance as Catherine, who Brochet has become increasingly visible with fear,as Legagneur needles her with his deadly plan.

Following Wolf wearing a mask as a reporter in order to hide his true identity from Legagneur, the screenplay by Barski and Chabrol builds on Chabrol's major recurring theme in his works of exposing a decaying, viciousness barely hidden behind the decadent livelihood worn by those who partake in the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie, which the writers strike here with a wicked comedic streak in Legagneur's growing passive-aggressive dialogue towards Wolf,who once he uncovers the mystery, decides to leave everything unmasked.
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The pike rises to the surface
robert-temple-123 August 2010
This Claude Chabrol film is notable for being the occasion of the film debut of 21 year-old Anne Brochet. She does an absolutely brilliant job, but that was but a prelude to her magnificent performance in the later TOUS LES MATINS DU MONDE (ALL THE MORNINGS OF THE WORLD, 1991), where she was unforgettable as the daughter of Saint-Colombe, the viola da gamba composer. The word brochet means 'pike' in English, so that if she were English or American, she would be Anne Pike. I cannot resist pointing out that my mother's best friend at school was named Annie Pike. A pike is a very large fresh-water fish, for those who are unacquainted with such matters. I wonder how Anne Brochet would get on with the British actress Rosamund Pike. They are opposite types, but equally inspired. It seems to me that in an ideal world, all pikes should swim together as friends, but then a pike can be a ferocious fish which not only eats up all the small fish, but will fight great battles against rival pikes. However, back to the film. This film features a powerful tour de force performance by Philippe Noiret, but I do feel that he went slightly over the top and that Chabrol might have held him back just a bit. Nevertheless, as an egotistical and exhibitionist television game show presenter on French television, the character was meant to be well over the top, so maybe it was OK to emote with such force. The film is about a writer (played excellently by Robin Renucci, who specialises in bemused and quizzical looks) who pretends to write a biography of Noiret, whereas he is really interested in investigating the disappearance of his sister Nathalie, as she had been living in Noiret's large house and then vanished suddenly. The story is very hackneyed in that something like it has been made into a film so many times, especially in Britain, and the basic tale goes back to the Victorian 'Uncle Silas'. Noiret is the guardian of pale, innocent and waiflike Brochet, her parents having died in a car crash when she was 5. (Noiret may even have caused that.) She is very rich, or was, before he systematically began stealing all her money. Soon she will 'come into her majority', i.e. be 21, so things are reaching a climax and he is feeding her poison slowly. She is thus the imprisoned victim who is being killed off by her ruthless guardian. Brochet had been close to Nathalie. Renucci and she become close, and Renucci discovers what the dastardly Noiret is really up to and the struggle is on to save Brochet from being murdered, and Renucci from being killed as well. Will evil win? Trust Claude Chabrol to know.
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Style Over Substance
jcappy7 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Style Over Substance 7 I think Chabrol's decision to opt for the comedic in his sleuth in "Masques" undermines what might have been a much better and stronger movie. One of the big deficits it creates is the silencing of Roland's sister, Madeleine who, since she's central to his risk-taking, devoted work, and plotting, is the motivating force of his investigation. In fact his pursuit of justice for her demonstrates real and pretty remarkable devotion, and a love which should make her death pivotal to the film.

So, how is it that Chabrol's lengthy ending vanishes her? Shouldn't her presence, in terms of justice done, have taken center stage. What we get instead is a way over the top cynical confession and a featherweight romance, which is not even in line with the film's own content.

Why not end with Catherine bravely and independently testifying at Christian Legagnier's trial rather than all fluff in the arms of her friend's brother. Why can't she stand on her own on behalf of a murdered woman whose life she shared as an inmate in a bluebeard asylum which is run by the very man she can now finally destroy. Why can't her gagged life end in speech? Sisterhood is what the movie cries out for, but what we get is sister-in-law-hood with the mediator being the rather feckless brother who has nothing to offer but a nerdy smile and a Hollywood embrace, and who played chess with her tyrant while her own life was nearly being snuffed out in a junkyard--perhaps the same destruction that Madeleine experienced.

An actual trial would also mean the victory of justice and reason over all the lustful and greedy emotion that the movie spirals into as we are taken from a bourgeois estate to a bluebeard dungeon. The actual ending is just more of the grotesque--a grossly staged drama, and a sugar-coated love, both of which are totally unconvincing in terms of the movie's actual development. Catherine's victory is not for her at all, although she does certainly deserve it, but for the extension of her own dependency on males. In fact, one must ask oneself in the end, whether Roland Wolf and Christian Legagnier were but members of a joint enterprise for property control? In any case, nothing resolves properly and worst of all Madeleine is disappeared forever.
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A cat and mouse game
gbill-7487714 July 2023
A writer comes to a TV personality's country estate ostensibly to write his biography, but seems to take a special interest in the man's goddaughter, as well as another young woman who had lived there before disappearing. He's brought a gun and snoops around from the beginning, setting up a cat and mouse game between the two men played behind the politest of French manners. Chabrol is a bit by the numbers in the sense that this plays out as expected and could have done with a twist or two, but the tension with some of the scenes involving the goddaughter is pretty good. I wasn't as convinced about the love story which develops, which didn't seem realistic or even necessary to tell the story. It was fun watching the mask fall during the TV show though, with Philippe Noiret really leaning in to the performance.
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another Chabrol
Vincentiu30 September 2012
precise option for cast. not original policier. but the unique art of characters definition. and a nice story. the vulnerability of Anne Brochet, new version of Audrey Hepburn, the charm of Philippe Niret, the flavor of mysteries old tales are pieces of a very interesting mechanism. nothing surprising, nothing complicated, only visual crime novel created in the limits of classic rules. image of each character - little jewel in Chabrol style, delicate intrigue and the precious details are elements of fine clock. and inspired ingredient for atmosphere. an old fashion movie and little more. maybe, a delight or just provocation for public.that is all.
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