Back to the Future Part II (1989) Poster

Michael J. Fox: Marty McFly, Marty McFly Jr., Marlene McFly



  • [Doc and Marty in the time machine are about to depart from the Alternate 1985] 

    Doc : Time circuits on.

    Marty McFly : What do you mean "Time Circuits on"? Doc, we're not goin' back now!

    Doc : Yep.

    Marty McFly : Doc, What about Jennifer? What about Einstein? We can't just leave 'em here.

    Doc : Don't worry, Marty. Assuming we succeed in our mission, this alternate 1985 will be changed back into the real 1985, instantaneously transforming around Jennifer and Einie. Jennifer and Einie will be fine, and they will have absolutely no memory of this horrible place.

    Marty McFly : Doc... what if we don't succeed?

    Doc : We *must* succeed.

  • Marty McFly : Where are we? When are we?

    Doc : We're descending toward Hill Valley, California, at 4:29 pm, on Wednesday, October 21st, 2015.

    Marty McFly : 2015? You mean we're in the future?

    Jennifer : Future? Marty, what do you mean? How can we be in the future?

    Marty McFly : Uh, Jennifer, um, I don't know how to tell you this, but I... you're in a time machine.

    Jennifer : And this is the year '2015'?

    Doc : October 21st, 2015.

  • Marty McFly : What about the police, Biff? They're gonna match up the bullet with that gun.

    Biff Tannen : Kid, I own the police! Besides, they couldn't match up the bullet that killed your old man.

    Marty McFly : You son of a...

    [Biff cocks the gun] 

    Biff Tannen : I suppose it's poetic justice - two McFlys with the same gun.

  • Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015 : [shouts]  McFly!

    Middle-Aged Marty : Fujitsu-san, Konnichiwa.

    Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015 : McFly, I was monitoring that scan you just interfaced. You are *terminated*!

    Middle-Aged Marty : Terminated? No, no, it wasn't my fault sir! It was Needles, Needles was behind the whole thing!

    Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015 : And you cooperated!

    Middle-Aged Marty : No, I didn't, ah, it was a sting operation.

    Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015 : It was illegal, and you knew!

    Middle-Aged Marty : I was - I was - I was setting him up.

    Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015 : McFly, read my fax!

    Middle-Aged Marty : No! Please! No! I cannot be fired, I'm fired! Oh!

    [Fax comes out saying "YOU'RE FIRED!" on three different machines, In concern, Jennifer takes one of the copies] 

    Middle-Aged Marty : Oh, this is heavy.

    [crumples a copy of the fax against his forehead] 

    Middle-Aged Marty : What am I gonna tell Jennifer?

  • Marty McFly : [seeing a holographic ad for "Jaws 19"]  Shark still looks fake.

  • Marty McFly : [arriving in 1955]  Oh, this is heavy, Doc. I mean, it's like I was just here yesterday.

    Doc : You were here yesterday, Marty.

  • [Flying above Biff in 1955] 

    Marty McFly : There he is, Doc! Let's land on him, we'll cripple his car.

    Doc : Marty, he's in a '46 Ford, we're in a DeLorean. He'd rip through us like we were tin foil.

    Marty McFly : So what do we do?

    Doc : I have a plan.

  • Marty McFly : I don't get it, Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in Hell or something.

    Doc : No, it's Hill Valley. Although I can't imagine Hell being much worse!

  • Doc : They're taking her home, to your future home! We'll arrive shortly thereafter, get her out of there and go back to 1985.

    Marty McFly : You mean, I'm gonna see where I live? I'm gonna see myself as an old man?

    Doc : No, no, no Marty, that could result in a-


    Doc : Great Scott! Jennifer could conceivably encounter her future self! The consequences of that could be disastrous!

    Marty McFly : Doc, what do you mean?

    Doc : I foresee two possibilities. One, coming face to face with herself 30 years older would put her into shock and she'd simply pass out. Or two, the encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe! Granted, that's a worse case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.

    Marty McFly : Well, that's a relief.

  • Old Terry : [Terry is holding a device that uses your thumbprint]  Save the clock tower!

    [to Marty] 

    Old Terry : Hey kid, thumb a hundred bucks will ya, help save the clock tower?

    Marty McFly : I... Sorry, no. Another time.

    Old Terry : Come on, kid. That's an important historical landmark. Lightning struck that thing sixty years ago!

    Marty McFly : [Where Goldie Wilson III's advert was earlier, a "Sportsflash" holo-announcement starts. It says that the Chicago Cubs beat the Miami Gators in the World Series]  'Cubs win world series... against Miami'?

    Old Terry : Yeah, it's somethin', huh? Who woulda thought? 100 to 1 shot! I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season, put some money on the Cubs.

    Marty McFly : I just meant that Miami- What did you just say?

    Old Terry : I said I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season, put some money on the Cubbies!

    [Terry turns around and walks away] 

  • [answering the phone] 

    Middle-Aged Marty : Hey, Needles.

    Needles : So, did you take a look at that little business proposal of mine?

    Middle-Aged Marty : I don't know, Needles.

    Needles : What are you afraid of? If this thing works it'll solve all your financial problems.

    Middle-Aged Marty : And if it doesn't work Needles, I could get fired! It's *illegal*! I mean, what if the Jitz is monitoring, huh?

    Needles : The Jitz'll never find out!

    Middle-Aged Marty : Oh, ha, ha.

    Needles : Come on... Stick your card in the slot and I'll handle it. Unless you want everyone in the division to think you're *chicken*.

    Middle-Aged Marty : [angrily]  Nobody calls me 'chicken', Needles. Nobody!

    Needles : All right, prove it.

    Middle-Aged Marty : All right, all right Needles. Here's my card. Scan it, I'm in.

    Needles : Thanks McFly, I'll see you at the plant tomorrow.

  • Western Union Man : Kid, you all right? You need any help?

    Marty McFly : There's only one man who can help me.

  • [last lines] 

    Young Doc : No! It can't be; I just sent you back to the future!

    Marty McFly : No, I know; you *did* send me back to the future. But I'm back - I'm back *from* the future.

    Young Doc : Great Scott!

    [Doc faints] 

    Marty McFly : Doc! Doc! Doc! Oh, fantastic.

  • Marty McFly : [Reading the newspaper from 2015]  "Within two hours of his arrest, Martin McFly Jr. was tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years in the state penitentiary."? Within two hours?

    Doc : The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers.

  • Marty McFly : Nice shot Doc! You're not gonna believe this, we gotta go back to 1955.

    Doc : I don't believe it!

  • [after leaving Jennifer on her front porch swing in the Alternate 1985] 

    Marty McFly : I don't remember bars bein' on these windows...

  • Marty McFly : [showing the two boys how to play the shoot 'em up video game]  I'll show you, kid. I'm a crack shot at this.

    [shoots a perfect score with the electronic gun] 

    Video Game Boy #1 : You mean you have to use your hands?

    Video Game Boy #2 : That's like a baby's toy!

  • Marty McFly : The almanac. Son of a bitch stole my idea! He must have been listening when I- It's my fault! The whole thing is my fault. If I hadn't bought that damn book, none of this would have ever happened.

    Doc : Well, that's all in the past.

    Marty McFly : You mean the future.

    Doc : Whatever! It demonstrates precisely how time travel can be mis-used, and why the time machine must be destroyed, after we straighten all of this out.

  • Marty McFly : [referring to Alternate 1985 Biff]  How could he be your husband? How could you leave dad for him?

    Old Lorraine : Leave dad? Marty, are you feeling all right?

    Marty McFly : [shouting]  No! No I'm not feeling all right! I don't understand one damn thing that's goin' on around here and why nobody can give me a simple straight answer!

    Old Lorraine : Oh, they must have hit you over the head hard this time.

    Marty McFly : Mom, I just wanna know one thing. Where's my father? Where's George McFly?

    Old Lorraine : Marty... George... Your father is in the same place he's been for the past 12 years... Oak Park Cemetery.

  • Marty McFly : That's right, Doc. November 12, 1955.

    Doc : Unbelievable, that old Biff could have chosen that particular date. It could mean that that point in time inherently contains some sort of cosmic significance. Almost as if it were the temporal junction point for the entire space-time continuum. On the other hand, it could just be an amazing coincidence.

  • Biff Tannen : That's about as funny as a screen door on a battleship.

    Marty McFly : [under his breath]  It's "screen door on a submarine," you dork.

  • [Biff has chased Marty to the roof of his casino/hotel] 

    Biff Tannen : Go ahead, kid! Jump! A suicide will be nice and neat.

    Marty McFly : What if I don't?

    [Biff points gun at Marty] 

    Biff Tannen : Lead poisoning.

  • Marty McFly : [on walkie-talkie to Doc]  Doc! Biff's guys chased me into the gym and their gonna jump... me!

    Doc : [on walkie talkie to Marty]  Then get outta there!

    Marty McFly : [on walkie-talkie]  No, Doc. Not *me*, the *other* me, the one that's up on stage playing "Johnny B. Goode."!

    Doc : [on walkie-talkie]  Great Scott! Your other self will miss the lightning bolt, you won't get back to the future and we'll have a major paradox!

  • Marty McFly : The answer's no, Griff.

    Griff Tannen : No?

    Marty McFly : Yeah, what are you deaf and stupid? I said "NO!"

    Griff Tannen : What's wrong, McFly. Chicken?

  • Marty McFly, Jr. : [in background watching TV]  Oh great, the atrocity channel!

  • Marty McFly : Are you two related?

    Biff Tannen : [knocking on Marty's head]  Hello? Hello? Anybody home? What do you think? Griff just called me Grandpa for his health?

  • [Marty and Doc have just arrived back in 1955] 

    Doc : Sometime today, old Biff will show up to give young Biff the Almanac. Above all, you must not interfere with that event. We must let Old Biff believe he succeeded, so that he'll leave 1955 and bring the DeLorean back to the future.

    Marty McFly : Right.

    Doc : Once Old Biff is gone, grab the Almanac anyway that you can. Remember, both of our futures depend on this.

    Marty McFly : You don't have to remind me of that, Doc.

  • [repeated line] 

    Marty McFly : This is heavy.

  • Doc : What's this?

    Marty McFly : Uh, it's a... souvenir.

    Doc : "50 years of sports statistics." Hardly recreational reading material, Marty.

    Marty McFly : Well, hey, Doc, what's the harm in bringing back a little info on the future? You know, maybe we could place a couple bets.

    Doc : Marty, I didn't invent the time machine for financial gain! The intent here is to gain a clearer perception of humanity. Where we've been, where we're going, the pitfalls and the possibilities, the perils, and the promise. Perhaps even an answer to that universal question, "Why?"

    Marty McFly : Hey, Doc, I'm all for that. What's wrong with making a few bucks on the side?

  • Marty McFly : [reading a newspaper]  1985... it can't be...

    [shotgun cocks behind him] 

    S. S. Strickland : Drop it!

    [Marty drops the newspaper] 

    S. S. Strickland : So you're the son of a bitch who's been stealing my newspapers.

    Marty McFly : Mr. Strickland! Mr. Strickland. It- it- it's me, sir. It's Marty!

    S. S. Strickland : Who?

    Marty McFly : [terrified]  Marty McFly! Marty McFly! Don't you know me, sir? From school, sir!

    S. S. Strickland : I've never seen you before in my life, but you look to me like a slacker!

    Marty McFly : Yeah! That's right! That's right, I am a slacker! Don't you remember, you gave me detention last week!

    S. S. Strickland : Last week? The school burned down six years ago! Now you got exactly three seconds to get off my porch with your nuts intact! One!

    Marty McFly : [screams]  Oh, please! Mr. Strickland! I just wanna know what the hell's going on here!

    S. S. Strickland : Two!

    Marty McFly : [covers groin]  Ahhhhh!

    [gang members in a truck round the corner] 

    Gang Member : Hey, Strickland!

    [they do a drive-by] 

    Marty McFly : [covering his ears]  Ah! Ah! Oh! Oh!

    [jumps over porch] 

    S. S. Strickland : [fires two rounds]  Eat lead, slackers!

  • Skinhead : You're coming with us upstairs!

    Marty McFly : [struggling to get free]  Let me go!

    Match : [grabbing Marty]  Sonny, we can do this the easy way or the hard way!

    [3-D hits Marty over the head] 

    Miscellaneous voice : The easy way.

  • Lorraine Baines : [frowns at a stuttering Marty]  Are you all right?

    Marty McFly : [stares at his mother's obviously enlarged breasts]  I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that you're so... you're so... big.

  • Old Biff : Tough break, kid. Must be rough bein' named after a complete butthead.

    Marty McFly : What's that supposed to mean?

    [Biff knocks on Marty's head with his cane] 

    Old Biff : Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think! Your old man, Mr. Loser?

    Marty McFly : What?

    Old Biff : That's right. Loser with a capital "L".

    Marty McFly : Look, I-I happen to know George McFly is not a loser...

    Old Biff : [interrupts him]  I'm not talkin' about George McFly. I'm talkin' about his kid! Your old man, Marty McFly Sr.? The man who took his life and flushed it completely down the toilet.

    Marty McFly : I did? I - I mean - I mean he did?

  • [first lines] 

    Young Jennifer : How 'bout a ride, mister?

    Marty McFly : Jennifer! Oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes; let me look at you.

    Young Jennifer : Marty, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week.

    Marty McFly : I haven't.

  • Marty McFly : Nobody calls me chicken.

  • Marty McFly : Jesus, you smoke, too?

    Lorraine Baines : Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother.

    Marty McFly : Yeah, right.

    Lorraine Baines : When I have kids, I'm gonna let 'em do anything they want. Anything at all.

    Marty McFly : Yeah, I'd like to have that in writing.

    Marty McFly : [his future self sneaking past]  Yeah, me, too.

  • Marty McFly : [watching his son getting bullied by Griff]  He's a complete wimp!

  • Biff Tannen : Start talking, kid. What else do you know about that book?

    Marty McFly : First, you tell me how you got it. How, where, and when.

    Marty McFly : All right. Take a seat.

    [Marty doesn't move] 

    Biff Tannen : Sit down!

    [he sits down] 

    Biff Tannen : November 12, 1955. That was when.

    Marty McFly : November 12, 1955? That was the date I went back...


    Marty McFly : That was the date of the famous Hill Valley lightning storm.

    Biff Tannen : You know your history. Very good. I'll never forget that Saturday. I'd just picked up my car from the shop, 'cause I'd rolled it in a drag race a few days earlier.

    Marty McFly : I thought you crashed into a manure truck.

    Biff Tannen : How do you know about that?

    Marty McFly : My father told me about it.

    Biff Tannen : Your father?

    Marty McFly : Before he died.

    Biff Tannen : Oh, yeah. Right.

  • Marty McFly : [seeing two cops with Jennifer]  What the hell are they doing, Doc?

    Doc : They used her thumbprint to assess her ID. Since her thumbprint never changes over the years, they simply assume she's the Jennifer of the future.

    Marty McFly : Well, we gotta stop 'em.

    Doc : What are we gonna say? That we're time-travelers? They'd have us committed.

  • Marty McFly : I had a horrible nightmare. It was terrible.

    Lorraine Baines : Well, you're safe and sound now. Back on the good old 27th floor.

    Marty McFly : 27th floor?

  • Biff Tannen : You're supposed to be in Switzerland, you little son of a bitch!

    Marty McFly : My father?

    Biff Tannen : Did you get kicked out of another boarding school? Damn it, Lorraine, do you know how much perfectly good dough I blow on this no-good kid of yours, huh? On all three of them!

    Lorraine Baines : What the hell do you care? We can afford it! The least we can do with all that money is provide a better life for our children!

  • Marty McFly : Tell me about my future. I know I make it big, but do I become, like, a rich rock star?

    Doc : Please Marty. No one should know too much about their destiny.

  • Marty McFly : Okay, everybody let's back up now, huh? Let's back up... let's everybody back up, give him a little bit of room, okay? A little bit of air. It's okay, I know CPR.

    [to CPR Kid] 

    Marty McFly : I know CPR.

    CPR Kid : What's CPR?

    Biff Tannen : [coming to consciousness]  YOU!

    [Marty knocks out Biff and takes the Sports Almanac] 

    Marty McFly : It's fine.

    CPR Kid : Hey? Did you just take his wallet?

    [to the crowd] 

    CPR Kid : He just took that guy's wallet!

  • Biff Tannen Museum Narrator : Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Biff Tannen Museum! Dedicated to Hill Valley's #1 Citizen. And America's greatest living folk hero. The one and only Biff Tannen. Of course, we've all heard the legend, but who is the man? Inside you will learn how Biff Tannen became one of the richest and most powerful men in America. Learn the amazing history of the Tannen family, starting with his great-grandfather, Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen, fastest gun in the West. See Biff's humble beginnings and how a trip to the race track on his 21st Birthday made him a millionaire overnight. Share in the excitement of a fabulous winning streak that earned him the nickname "The Luckiest Man on Earth." Learn how Biff parlayed that lucky winning streak into the vast empire called Biffco. Discover how, in 1979, Biff successfully lobbied to legalize gambling and turned Hill Valley's dilapidated courthouse into a beautiful casino-hotel!

    Biff Tannen : I just wanna say one thing! God Bless America.

    Biff Tannen Museum Narrator : Meet the women who shared in his passion as he searched for true love. And relive Biff's happiest moment as in 1973, he realized his life long romantic dream by marrying his high school sweetheart, Lorraine Baines McFly.

    Biff Tannen : Third time's a charm.

    [forcefully kisses Lorraine] 

    Marty McFly : NOOOOOOOOO! NO!

    Skinhead : Hey, hey, you're coming with us upstairs!

    Marty McFly : Let me go!

    Match : Sonny, we can do this the easy way or the hard way!

    [3D knocks Marty on the head] 

    Miscellaneous voice : The easy way.

  • Marty McFly, Jr. : [re: the tiny pizza from Pizza Hut]  Grandma, when it's ready, could you just shove it in my mouth?

    Middle-Aged Marty : Don't you be a smart-ass!

  • Marty McFly, Jr. : [to young Jennifer]  Hey Mom, nice pants.

  • Old Lorraine : Aren't you and Jennifer getting along?

    Middle-Aged Marty : Oh, yeah, great Mom. We're like a couple o' teenagers, ya know?

  • 'Ronald Reagan' Video Waiter : Welcome to the Cafe 80's, where it's always morning in America, even in the afternoo-noo-noon. Our special today is mesquite-grilled sushi...

    'Ayatollah Khomeini' Video Waiter : [interrupts]  You must have the hostage special!

    'Ronald Reagan' Video Waiter : Cajun style.

    'Ayatollah Khomeini' Video Waiter : You must have the hostage special.

    [they keep repeating over each other, talking faster and faster] 

    Marty McFly : Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! All I want is a Pepsi.

  • Marty McFly, Jr. : Hey, hey! I'm walkin' here! I'm walkin' here!

  • Marty McFly, Jr. : [to the TV]  Art off. OK, I want channels 18, 24, 63, 109, 87 and the weather channel.

  • Marty McFly : The future. Unbelievable. I gotta check this out, Doc.

    Doc : All in good time Marty, we're on a right schedule here.

    Marty McFly : Tell me about my future. I know I make it big, but do I become like a rich rock star or something?

    Doc : Please, Marty, nobody should know too much about their own destiny.

    Marty McFly : Right, right. But I am rich, right?

  • Doc : Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything.

    Marty McFly : I don't get it, I thought you said this has something to do with my kids.

  • Doc : [8:54]  In exactly 2 minutes you go around the corner into the café 80's. One of those nostalgic places but not done very well. Go in there and order a Pepsi. Here's a $50 Then wait for a guy named Griff.

    Marty McFly : All right. Griff.

    Doc : Biff


    Doc : is going to ask you about tonight: Are you in or out? Tell him you are OUT! Whatever happens, whatever he says, say, "no", you're not interested. Then leave, come back here, and wait for me. Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything.

    Marty McFly : I don't get it, I thought you said this had something to do with my kids.

    Doc : Look what happens to your SON!

    Marty McFly : [looking at the next day's paper]  My son? Gosh, he looks just like me. Within two hours of his arrest, Martin McFly Jr was tried and convicted in the state penitentiary? Within two hours?

    Doc : The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers.

    Marty McFly : This is heavy.

    Doc : Oh it gets worse. Next week your daughter tries to break him out and she gets sent up for 20 years.

  • Marty McFly : [trying on a pair of Nike shoes with self-laces]  Power laces, all right!

  • Texaco announcer : Welcome to Texaco! You can trust your car by the system with the star. Checking oil. Checking landing gear.

    [a holographic shark advertisement for Jaws 19 emerges out of movie theater and heads for Marty] 

    Texaco announcer : .

    Marty McFly : Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

    [the holographic shark bites him and then goes back in the theater] 

    Marty McFly : Shark still looks fake.

  • 3-D : [In the Deleted Scene, after Biff's men throws Dave McFly out of the hotel]  And don't ever come begging for drinks in here again! You freaking lush!

    Dave McFly : Can't you guy's take a joke!

    [Dave throws the beer bottle and smashes it on the sidewalk] 

    Marty McFly : Dave? Dave!

    Dave McFly : Marty! What's happening bro? Say you're looking kind of ragged there. Did you sleep in your clothes again last night?

    Marty McFly : Dave! Dave My god! What happened to you? What happened to the town? What the hell is going on here?

    Dave McFly : So when did you get back?

    Marty McFly : Back? Back from where?

    Dave McFly : If you don't know, I don't know. Say, let's go have a drink.

    Marty McFly : Dave, I've gotta find mom and dad.

    Dave McFly : Dad? Gotta find dad? Say what's the matter with you anyway? And since when are you and mom on speaking terms again?

    Marty McFly : Speaking terms? Where is she Dave? Tell me where I can find mom!

    Dave McFly : Same place as usual I guess! In there!

    [Points up at Biff's Hotel] 

  • Western Union Man : Mr. McFly?

    Marty McFly : Huh?

    Western Union Man : Is your name Marty McFly?

    Marty McFly : Yeah.

    Western Union Man : I've got something for you.

    [Marty flinches as he takes something out of his coat] 

    Western Union Man : A letter.

    Marty McFly : A letter for me? That's impossible. Who the hell are you?

    Western Union Man : Western Union. Actually, a bunch of us at the office were kind of hoping maybe you could shed some light on the subject. See, we've had that envelope in our possession for the past 70 years. It was given to us with the explicit instructions that it be delivered to a young man with your description answering to the name of Marty at this exact location at this exact minute, November 12, 1955. We have a little bet going as to whether this Marty would actually be here. Looks like I lost.

    Marty McFly : Did you say 70 years?

    Western Union Man : Yeah. 70 years, two months, uh, 12 days, to be exact. Here, sign on line six, please. Here you are.

    Marty McFly : [opening it]  It's from the doc!

  • Marty McFly : Doc, is everything all right? Over.

    Doc : 10-4, Marty, but it's pretty miserable flying weather. Much too turbulent to make a landing from this direction. I'll have to circle around and make a long approach from the south. Have you got the book?

    Marty McFly : [taking the almanac out]  In my hand, Doc! I got it in my hand!

    Doc : Burn it!

  • Marty McFly : Doc, I'm in trouble. I blew it.

    Doc : Where's the book?

    Marty McFly : I don't... Biff must still have it with him. All I got is the damn cover.

    Doc : And where's Biff?

    Biff Tannen : [outside in the background]  All right, McFly, you're asking for it, and now you're gonna get it.

    Marty McFly : I don't know!

    Doc : Don't you have any idea where he is?

    Marty McFly : No! I mean, he could be anywhere by now.

    Doc : Marty, the entire future depends on you finding Biff and getting that book back!

    Marty McFly : I know! I just don't know where...

    Lorraine Baines : Stop it! Stop it, Biff, you'll break his arm. Stop it!

    Marty McFly : [looking out the window]  Of course! I gotta go! I got one chance! My old man's about to deck Biff!

  • Marty McFly : [after George punches Biff, he sees his past self approaching]  Talk about déjà vu.

  • Marty McFly : Doc, listen, my kid showed up. All hell broke loose.

    Doc : Your kid? Great Scott, the sleep inducer. I was afraid of this. Because I used it on Jennifer, there wasn't enough power left to knock your son out for a full hour. Damn!

    Marty McFly : Doc, Doc, Doc, look at this! It's changing.

    [seeing the newspaper headline change, Doc takes a hand-held viewer out and looks at Griff being arrested] 

    Griff Tannen : I was framed!

    Doc : Why, yes! Yes, of course! Because this hoverboard incident has now occurred, Griff now goes to jail. Therefore, your son won't go with him tonight, and that robbery will never take place. Thus, history - future history - has now been altered, and this is the proof! Marty, we've succeeded, not exactly as I planned, but no matter. Let's go get Jennifer and go home!

  • Doc : Here's some binoculars and a walkie-talkie so we can keep in contact. I'll stay here and try to repair the short in the time circuit. That way, we don't risk anyone else stealing the time machine, and I won't risk accidentally running into my other self.

    Marty McFly : Your other self?

    Doc : Yes. There are now two of me here, and there are two of you here. The other me is the Dr. Emmett Brown from 1955, the younger me that helps the other you get back to 1985. Remember the lightning bolt at the clock tower?

    Marty McFly : Yeah.

    Doc : That event doesn't happen until tonight, so you must be very careful not to run into your other self. Let me give you some money.

    [opening his briefcase of emergency cash] 

    Doc : I have to be prepared for all monetary possibilities. Get yourself some '50s clothes.

    Marty McFly : Check, Doc.

    Doc : Something inconspicuous!

  • Doc : Marty, what happened to you? I went to Biff's house and you weren't there.

    Marty McFly : You must have just missed me. I'm in the back of Biff's car. He's on his way to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.

    Doc : Marty, listen, we may have to abort this entire plan. It's getting much too dangerous.

    Marty McFly : Don't worry. The book is on Biff's dashboard. I'll grab it as soon as we get to the school.

    Doc : Marty, you must be extremely careful not to run into your other self.

    Marty McFly : My other self?

    Doc : [behind him, his own younger self goes about preparing for the lightning experiment]  Yes. Remember? Your mother is at that exact same dance with you. Yeah!

    Marty McFly : Right. This could get heavy, Doc.

  • Doc : [returning to 1985, they bring Jennifer home]  Let's put her in the swing. Then I'll take you home, and you can come back in your truck and wake her. When she awakens here at her own house and it's dark, you should be able to convince her that it was all a dream.

    Marty McFly : Wait a minute. We're just gonna leave her here on the porch?

    Doc : The disorientation will help convince her that it was all a dream.

    Marty McFly : How long do you think she's gonna be out?

    Doc : I'm not quite sure. She received quite a shock. Could be for a few minutes. Most probably, a couple of hours. You'd better bring some smelling salts back with you.

    Marty McFly : Hey, you're the doc, Doc.

  • Doc : This stays here. I didn't invent the time machine to win at gambling. I invented a time machine to travel through time!

    Marty McFly : I know. I know. I know, Doc.

    [Doc throws the almanac away and they leave; after a moment, Biff comes out of his hiding spot and picks it up] 

    Old Biff : So, Doc Brown invented a time machine.

  • Marty McFly : So we go back to the future, and we stop Biff from stealing the time machine.

    Doc : We can't, because if we travel into the future from this point in time, it will be the future of this reality, in which Biff is corrupt and powerful, and married to your mother, and in which this has happened to me.

    [he shows Marty a newspaper with the headline "EMMETT BROWN COMMITTED"] 

    Doc : No. Our only chance to repair the present is in the past, at the point where the timeline skewed into this tangent. In order to put the universe back as we remember it, and get back to our reality, we have to find out the exact date and the specific circumstances of how, where, and when young Biff got his hands on that sports almanac.

    Marty McFly : I'll ask him.

  • Doc : Obviously, the time continuum has been disrupted, creating this new temporal event sequence resulting in this alternate reality.

    Marty McFly : English, Doc.

    Doc : Here, here, here. Let me illustrate.

    [drawing on a chalkboard] 

    Doc : Imagine that this line represents time. Here's the present, 1985, the future, and the past. Prior to this point in time, somewhere in the past, the timeline skewed into this tangent, creating an alternate 1985. Alternate to you, me, and Einstein, but reality for everyone else.

    [retrieving something from the time machine] 

    Doc : Recognize this? It's the bag the sports book was in. I know because the receipt was still inside. I found them in the time machine, along with this.

    Marty McFly : It's the top of Biff's cane. I mean, old Biff from the future.

    Doc : Correct. It was in the time machine because Biff was in the time machine, with the sports almanac.

    Marty McFly : Holy shit.

    Doc : You see, while we were in the future, Biff got the sports book, stole the time machine, went back in time, and gave the book to himself at some point in the past. Look, huh. It says right here that Biff made his first million betting on a horse race in 1958. He wasn't just lucky, he knew because he had all the race results in the sports almanac. That's how he made his entire fortune.

  • Antique Store Saleswoman : [showing Marty the sports almanac]  Now, this has an interesting feature. It has a dust jacket. Books used to have these to protect the covers. Of course, that was before they had dust-repellent paper.

    Marty McFly : Ah.

    Antique Store Saleswoman : And if you're interested in dust, we have a quaint little piece from the 1980s. It's called a DustBuster.

  • Doc : First, you've gotta get out and change clothes.

    Marty McFly : Right now? It's pouring rain.

    Doc : [realizing Marty's right, he checks his watch]  Wait five more seconds.

    [the rain instantly stops and the clouds clear] 

    Doc : Right on the tick. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Too bad the post office isn't as efficient as the weather service.

  • Marty McFly : [Doc uses his sleep inducer on Jennifer]  Doc! What the hell are you doing?

    Doc : Relax, Marty. It's just a sleep-inducing alpha rhythm generator. She was asking too many questions, and no one should know too much about their future. This way, when she wakes up, she'll think it was all a dream.

    Marty McFly : Then what did you bring her for?

    Doc : I had to do something. She saw the time machine. I couldn't just leave her there with that information. Don't worry. She's not essential to my plan.

    Marty McFly : Well, you're the doc, Doc.

  • Doc : You see? This one event starts a chain reaction that completely destroys your entire family.

    Marty McFly : Hey, Doc, this date... wait. This is tomorrow's newspaper.

    Doc : Precisely. I already went further ahead into time to see what else happens. I backtracked everything to this one event. That's why we're here today, to prevent this incident from ever happening.

    [his watch beeps] 

    Doc : Damn! I'm late!

    Marty McFly : Wait a minute. Where are you going now?

    Doc : To intercept the real Marty, Jr. You're taking his place. Around the corner at the Cafe '80s. Guy named Griff. Just say no!

    Marty McFly : Hey, what... what about Jennifer? We're not just gonna leave her here.

    Doc : Don't worry, she'll be safe. It'll just be for a few minutes.

  • Marty McFly : [returning the hoverboard he borrowed]  Hey, little girl, thanks.

    Hoverboard Girl #1 : [holding up Griff's board]  Keep it. I got a Pit Bull now.

  • Marty McFly : What the hell was that?

    Doc : Taxicab.

    Marty McFly : What do you mean a taxicab? I thought we were flying.

  • Dad : What are you doing here with my daughter?

    Marty McFly : [shouting]  Hey listen, I'm just in the wrong house.

    Dad : You got THAT right, you little son of a...

    Marty McFly : [Marty ducks and he smashes her trophies]  Hey, LOOK! I made a mistake!

    Dad : [rants and raves at him]  DAMNED RIGHT YOU MADE A MISTAKE!

    Marty McFly : AAH!

    [he smashes her makeover] 

    Dad : [runs out of Loretta's house]  I'M GOING TO TEAR YOUR ASS UP!

    Dad : [Marty looks up shocked and runs away]  That's right. You keep running, sucker! And you Tell that realty company that I ain't selling you hear! WE AIN'T GONNA BE TERRORIZED!

  • House Computer : Welcome home, Marty.

    Middle-Aged Marty : Hey, hey, hey! Dad's home! That's right, he's home. Dad's home!

    House Computer : Lord of the manor.

    Middle-Aged Marty : Hello, hello!

    House Computer : King of the castle.

    Middle-Aged Marty : [Nobody answers]  Hello? What the hell is this?

    House Computer : Lithium mode on.

    Middle-Aged Marty : That's better. Damn kids.

  • Young Biff : What's wrong, McFly? Chicken?

    Marty McFly : What did you just call me?

    Young Biff : Chicken!

    Marty McFly : Nobody! Calls me... chicken.

  • Biff Tannen : [watching A Fistful of Dollars in a hot tub]  Bulletproof vest! Great flick! Great frigging flick! The guy is brilliant!

    [Marty turns off the TV from behind Biff] 

    Biff Tannen : Hey, what the hell's going... Hey, you! What the hell are you doing in here!

    Marty McFly : Party's over, Biff. Sorry ladies.

    Biff Tannen : How'd you get past my security downstairs?

    Marty McFly : There's a little matter we need to talk about.

    Biff Tannen : Yeah, money, right? Well forget it!

    Marty McFly : No, not money. Gray's Sports Almanac.

    Biff Tannen : You heard him, girls. Party's over.

  • Old Lorraine : I can't believe this window's still broken.

    Marlene McFly : Well, when the scene-screen repairman called Daddy a chicken, Daddy threw him out of the house. Now we can't get anybody to fix it.

  • Marty McFly : What the hell?

    [climbs on his wall] 

    Marty McFly : [jumps on his window cell and saw a young black girl screaming]  Ah! Hey, hey, hey! Wait. Wait a minute. W-W-W-What are you doing in my room?

    Loretta : [she cries out loud and Marty startling]  RAPE! MOM!

    Marty McFly : Okay. Okay. Okay.

    Loretta : Dad, help!

    [comes into her room with a baseball bat] 

    Dad : [shouting]  FREEZE, SUCKER!

    Marty McFly : Hey, Hey, it's okay, I don't want any trouble.

    Loretta : [crying]  HELP, HE KILLED ME!

    Dad : Well then, you got trouble now, you piece of trash.

    [charges and trying to kill him] 

See also

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