Dr. Giggles (1992) Poster


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Is there a Doctor in the house? **1/2 out of 5
pumpkinhead_lance21 April 2005
Not that bad of a schlock 90's slasher. A good way to 'kill' a couple of hours. Larry Drake of 'Darkman' fame, plays the title role and he's great. The rest of the cast features the usual bunch of teenagers. If you like gore and a ton of one liners, this film is for you. The kills are as creative as anything that used to be done in the Friday the 13th series. Some creative set pieces, including a unique chase through a fun house filled with mirrors. Some good creativity here and there amongst some not so great film-making. No horror masterpiece, just some good fun.

Watch this film and call me in the morning. Doctor's orders.
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Larry Drake is fun as the titular slasher, but Dr. Giggles is a very middle of the road slasher without much to distinguish itself
IonicBreezeMachine19 February 2023
After escaping from his imprisonment at the insane asylum, nameless and murderous schizophrenic inmate nicked named "Dr. Giggles" (Larry Drake) returns to his childhood town of Moorehigh where it's revealed he is actually Evan Rendell Jr., the son of notorious serial killer Dr. Evan Rendell Sr. (William Dennis Hunt) who was killed by a mob of Moorehigh residents after word of his crimes came to light. Deciding the town is "sick", Evan dons his father's doctor attire and tools to "cure" the town as payback for the death of his father. This puts him on a collision course with teenager Jennifer Campbell (Holly Marie Combs), who carries a possible heart defect and soon becomes an obsession of Evan's.

Dr. Giggles is a 1992 slasher film and is notable for being the first ever film production by comic book publisher Dark Horse Horse as part of an initiative by Dark horse head Mike Richardson to build relationships within the film industry to adapt their stable of comic properties, with a deal eventually signed with Largo Entertainment with Dr. Giggles the first such venture under the deal. While Larry Drake was initially hesitant to take on the role of Dr. Giggles not wanting to get type cast as a "horror" actor, director Manny Coto convinced him by saying it wasn't a traditional horror film comparing it more to a comic book movie with shades of the dark humor of Tales of the Crypt. With the film given distribution by Universal and a prime date on October 24, 1992, Dark Horse and Largo had every intention of turning Dr. Giggles into a new franchise to serve as a successor to the dormant Friday the 13th and Halloween films as well as the recently "ended" Nightmare on Elm Street films with Dark Horse intending to publish prequel comics as well as an adaptation of the film based on the shooting script. Upon release Dr. Giggles opened in 7th place behind several holdovers including Clive Barker's Candyman which had been in release for two weeks and had support of both critics and audiences. While many critics praised Larry Drake as Dr. Giggles, the general consensus was the film itself was very standard slasher fare and did little to differentiate itself from a later era Elm Street film. The film ended up making $8 million against a $7 million budget, and while there was hope for franchise continuance provided home video sales and rentals came through the film ultimately fell by the wayside. Dark Horse would later experience success with The Mask and Timecop a few years later. Dr. Giggles is enjoyable on a purely superficial level, but if you're looking for something that adds to the slasher formula, Dr. Giggles follows established conventions to a "T".

If there is one thing that Dr. Giggles does well, it's definitely in Larry Drake's central performance as the titular character. Drake has always been a reliable character actor and you can tell he's having fun with this performance very much playing into the "comic book" spirit the filmmakers are going with. While the film itself is never all that scary, Drake does create an oddly compelling murderous lunatic who does invite some comparisons to Freddy Kruger, but in a way where it's still very much his own and if he were to play a actual comic book villain like The Joker you could see him fitting nicely into the role especially with his "giggles" that are sometimes a little unsettling. Manny Coto does play into the high camp aspects of the film going for a bright color palette and exaggerated stylish setpieces with one sequence set inside a carnival's Hall of Mirrors a really stylish and fairly intense scene that shows a lot of ambition to it. Outside of Drake's performance and some of the style of the filmmaking, most of the other characters really aren't that interesting as they fall back into well worn slasher archetypes with not much to distinguish themselves to the point I routinely forgot their names. Holly Marie Combs is fine as Jennifer Carpenter, but it's the kind of role anyone could've played with relative ease. The character I resonated the most with was probably Keith Diamond as Officer Joe Reitz, and what Ken Foree was to Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, Diamond very much is to this film and if the film had been more centered around him investigating Dr. Giggles' killings that probably would've made for a more engaging experience than following the typical slasher fodder.

Dr. Giggles is pretty standard for the type of slasher film you'd expect to find during this lull in the genre before Scream reinvigorated it not matching the novelty of Candyman or Child's Play but being above the quality of a Leprechaun or Children of the Corn sequel. It's maybe worth a one time viewing for Drake's performance or fans of the genre, but it's not going to be super memorable outside of that.
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wonderful and terrible at the same time
Quinoa198424 October 2018
What a glorious pile of trash. Why can't we have more movies where every single line is a cliche (literally, "the Doctor is In!") or a pun (take your pick) and is acted by one or those "oh THAT guy!" actors -Larry Drake (you know, from Darkman?) and features so many many grisly kills involving all manner of medical equipment and so on?

Well... It'd get tiresome pretty quick. One is enough. And even at 95 minutes it's almost 15 minutes too long (near the end it feels like Coto is biting a bit more than he can chew - spoiler, the pre-Neve Campbell lead finally gets a few lines she can dish out). But Goddamn if this ain't a lot of fun, and a treat if you want a simple low-down mother of a slasher. Special gore and horror effects by way of Kurtmann and Nicotero from KNB help a great deal.

Hmm... How did this all take place in real time (like, how is the amusement park still going on once that thing happens at the Dr's house? I thought it was like 4 AM by that point!) Also, that fun-house mirror sequence is a) the most bats**t homage to The Lady from Shanghai I can remember seeing, and b) trumps anything in Hell Fest.

Look for ADR credit to Cherie Curie
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Its actually pretty good.
liamstanbury17 March 2000
What can I say about a film with the title Dr Giggles. All I can say is that it is not that bad. It is actually well made and the story line is adequate. Though the best thing has to be the different variety of deaths involved. Another good thing is the fact he is not cap handed and tries successfully to kill most people. A pleasant surprise, not a bad film at all!
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Sloe21 January 1999
I let myself get talked into seeing this instead of The Last of The Mohicans.....I should have stood my ground. With free movies passes all the way around, we *way* overpaid.

I'm surprised to see this listed under "Horror", but not "Comedy" - although it's neither funny, nor scary. It tries to be a spoof....but doesn't succeed. I didn't connect with any of the characters, and left bored.

Don't waste your time.
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One horror that defined my childhood . . . frighteningly enough.
Shattered_Wake12 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The son of a mass-murderer doctor escapes from the asylum and begins to take revenge on the hot young teens of the town that took down his father. Giggling all the way (in the creepy way, not like a schoolgirl), the 'Doctor' seeks to complete his father's work by performing the world's first heart transplant (even though the first was actually performed 25 years previously).

Review: The film that taught me not to look through keyholes, 'Dr. Giggles' was a staple of my childhood. Before I hit the double digits, my dad showed me this movie and I absolutely loved it. Even today, as an adult, I ignore all of the flaws (and there are plenty) and still totally dig it. It's kind of a more perverse, hilariously cheesy, and brutal 90s attempt at a 'Les yeux sans visage'-type film. . . only, without the care, love, and beauty. 'Dr. Giggles' is full of some fantastic one-liners ("Hello. This is your new doctor and I'm standing right behind you." / "If you think that's bad, wait till you get my bill." / "Have a heart." / "I know. It sucks."). While it certainly isn't an Oscar-winner, it's still a fantastically funny and violent cheesefest that really helps to define the '90s B-movies many love to look back on.

Final verdict: 7/10. I can't resist.
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Jason goes doctor as he returns home on Halloween.
Tics8 February 1999
Dr.Giggles is a movie about a crazed doctor who escapes from a mental hospital to take up his practice in his home town. We soon see that his ways of helping people is bumping them off. Especially teenagers, oh, it's Jason goes doctor. What can I say, it's just another slasher movie with different theme. First time I saw it, it was pretty scary, when I see it today I just laugh. There is no scary stuff, no intelligent plot, nothing that really horrifies but you can see this guy killing teenagers with one-liners to it.

Good things with this movie is a) some of the actors is good (Larry Drake in the lead role is pretty good) b) it is Brian Eno that has made the sound. c) we got a lot of murders (and when I say a lot I mean a lot) d) to all murders we get a nice one-liner. e) some of the murders is not nice.

Horror rip-off but at least honest about it (Not like Scream or I know what you did last summer).
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...Take two of these and call me in the morning!
Hey_Sweden8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes right down to it, the slick, stylish "Dr. Giggles" is really no more than your usual 80s style teen-oriented slasher, with a gimmick. The good news is that it's mostly done in a strong tongue-in-cheek manner, with its villains' dialogue often consisting of clichéd lines associated with doctors. It does get serious at some points, but never too serious, and damn if it doesn't deliver some enjoyable kills and one hell of a great "I gotta rewind that and watch it again" money shot.

Evan Rendell, Jr. (Larry Drake) is a demented "physician" determined to get revenge on the citizens of the town of Moorehigh, on behalf of his dearly departed dad, a doctor who'd similarly gone crazy. Now he's out to perform all sorts of unauthorized surgery. When he discovers that a potential victim, Jennifer Campbell (Holly Marie Combs of 'Charmed'), has a heart condition, he takes pity on her, and because he does consider himself a doctor, changes the theme of his murder spree to supposedly help her out.

Nicely shot (by Robert Draper) and effectively paced, "Dr. Giggles" (so named because of Evan Jr.'s nervous habit) makes the most out of its medical theme with its merry antagonist utilizing all sorts of doctors' tools to off his mostly unsympathetic, typical slasher movie type victims. And Evan always has just the right quip for every occasion. However, one of the brightest moments doesn't involve a kill, but rather Evan examining a glassy eyed little boy as he monotonously obsesses over a video game; his subsequent line is priceless. And that aforementioned money shot, when it's shown how Evan Sr. smuggled his son out of the family house, is wonderfully creepy / cool stuff. The KNB group supply the excellent gore.

The under-rated Drake is hilarious; he delivers his one-liners perfectly and clearly can play insane very well. The lovely Combs is very appealing and the supporting cast features a bunch of well chosen, familiar faces: Cliff DeYoung as Jennifer's father, Michelle Johnson as the father's girlfriend, Richard Bradford as a veteran cop, and Nancy Fish as a nosey neighbour. The late Glenn Quinn plays Jennifer's boyfriend and Keith Diamond is great as the ultimately heroic Officer Joe Reitz.

The final portion of the movie is a little too predictable, with more than one ending, but that had already come to be a standard aspect to the slasher film. Taking everything into consideration, die hard fans of the sub genre should be amused.

Seven out of 10.
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Horror movies can be fun
jfgibson7321 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The story is about a mad doctor who gets out of the asylum and starts killing teens who get too close to his childhood home. Larry Drake from L. A. Law keeps the tone light with ridiculous one-liners that let us know the movie is winking at us. There were some truly memorable moments, which you can't say about every b-movie horror film you see. For me, the most unforgettable was the punishment he gave the woman who simply happened to eat some ice cream with "all that sugar...all that fat." Another one I have to mention is one of the first deaths, in which an injection is administered through a keyhole. And for the gore hounds, these aren't even the bloodiest moments--the centerpiece comes in a flashback that shows us something that happened with his mother that probably led to him being so unhinged.

So to list what this movie has going for it: goofy humor, a sense that it isn't taking itself too seriously, and some original horror moments. Light fun, but I can't really give it more than a 5.
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CHEER! - (7 stars out of 10)
BJG-Reviews16 December 2021
The stage curtains open ...

"Dr. Giggles", starring Larry Drake as the psychopathic doctor, is a fun throwback to the classic monster movies of yesteryear with a modern twist. It is clearly over-the-top and doesn't take itself too seriously with campy horror comedy that might even make you omit a giggle or two. Larry Drake was the obvious choice for the infamous doctor, delivering the perfect performance for such a dubious role.

Set against a modern day town with your usual group of teenagers, Dr. Ev.an Rendell, who is our Dr. Giggles, because of his propensity for giggling, has managed to escape an insane asylum and return home. He blames the town for the death of his mother and father, therefore, it needs his special brand of healing. While he gets re-established in his abandoned family home, we follow along with Jennifer, a teen girl, who is dealing with her new step-mother and a health condition. And, as you have guessed, their two paths invariably cross leading to the film's ultimate climactic conclusion.

If you like your horror movies to be serious, dark, ominous and unforgiving, then this movie is not for you. With Dr. Giggles spouting every known one-liner from the medical field or associated with doctors, this is as campy and comedic as they come. This is an absent minded film where all you have to do is check in, sit back and enjoy for 96 minutes. It won't blow you away, but it is entertaining. I saw it when it first came out back in 1992, and I have it in my own personal collection now as well.

I would recommend "Dr. Giggles" at a solid 7 stars out of 10. I don't know if this was ever intended on being a franchise, but even so, as a standalone movie, it delivers what it sets out to do. Don't expect too much, just expect to hear a lot of screaming and giggling.
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Dr. Giggles (1992)
fntstcplnt17 September 2019
Directed by Manny Coto. Starring Holly Marie Combs, Larry Drake, Glenn Quinn, Richard Bradford, Keith Diamond, Sara Melson, Cliff De Young, John Vickery, Michelle Johnson, Darin Heames, Deborah Tucker, Nancy Fish, Doug E. Doug. (R)

Drake is the whole show here, playing an escaped mental patient known as "Dr. Giggles" (though he never earned a medical license; apparently one can simply "inherit" the title from one's slightly less loony father) who rampages through a small town, picking off lots of young, horny teens and dim-bulb adults. Freddie Krueger-style wisecracks aplenty from the murderous M.D.--its corny sense of humor is about the only thing to set it apart from a hundred slasher flicks before it--but only a couple of the kills are all that creative, and at least one (the giant Band-aid) is ridiculous even by these low standards. Pedestrian direction and an uninspired, by-the-numbers screenplay underpin the negative prognosis for this second-rate slice-'n'-dice effort.

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A Surprise: 'Dr. Giggles" Is A Funny Guy
ccthemovieman-13 January 2007
This was a surprisingly entertaining B-type film with a lot of good lines by "Dr. Giggles" (Larry Drake). "Dr. Giggles" is a mad doctor who has this high-pitched giggle when he kills people, which is frequently.

It sounds hokey, and it is, but it's done with great tongue-in-cheek humor. Actually, that's what I think this is: a takeoff on grisly horror movies. Drake's Ines, mostly doctor clinches, are very funny and his face is strange enough so that he fits the part. The rest of the cast is Hollywood-typical teens.

This movie is well photographed, too and with nice color sand some good camera angles. Nothing outstanding but definitely a "sleeper," something much better than anticipated.
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Very good fun campy 90s horror made by Larry Drake.
b_kite18 August 2022
A cable tv favorite of mine when I was a young kid this is campy as all hell and at times feels like an overlong episode of Tales from the Crypt which makes sense considering the director did helm an episode of that series. Larry Drake's over-the-top performance is what makes this really worth the watch, that some fun kills and some hilarious early 90s looking teens. Would make a good double feature or triple feature with Brian Yuzna's The Dentist movies as it's about the same quality.
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Not one of the classics.
raceblakhart16 April 2020
I knew this film was garbage when I saw it in the theaters at 11 years old. It's a poor attempt at what could have been a wonderful horror film. The acting isn't horrible. It's the movie as a whole. The corny one liners, the poorly thought out plot, the huge let down of an ending...just bad.
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Very dated, but entertaining and creepy
Nympho327828 September 2003
I rented this movie one night from the B-list video store in town, more or less for lack of anything else to do. I expected it to be really lame, and boring, but was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually quite good.

A mental patient who believes that he is a doctor escapes the psych- ward, and returns to wreak murderous havoc on the town that he escaped from as a child after the "townsfolk" stoned his demented physician father to death.

Typical of the horror genre, there is the young, innocent heroine, who saves the day, and her not-so-innocent friends who aren't so lucky.

What sets this film apart is that it is original and creative, considering it came out before the Scream flicks. There are some really good, unusual death scenes. Not gory, but unique. It is also very creepy, and it moves fast, and never really drags. Holly Marie Combs is very good in this movie, and you actually care what happens to her character.

Bottom Line: A fun, humorous, creepy film to watch.
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Some fun involved
Sandcooler3 December 2005
This movie starts out as an over the top slapstick effort, but then bails out on that and gets surprisingly serious. It's the start of yet another straight-forward slasher, which is pretty unwelcome. Stalk and slash, boring dialogue, more stalk and slash. There isn't much excitement in the plot, but I appreciate the variation in weapons though, that kept the mood lively. The ending isn't too bad either. But throughout I was just wondering who the hell makes a slasher in '92. I don't think people ever cared less. A re-write wouldn't have hurt, perhaps bring in more comedy because this is not really working out. I'm not saying this movie totally blows, there are some cool scenes, but it's so incredibly redundant it can vanish into thin air every second.
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frankwhat1 November 2004
This was a simple and stupid movie yet it offered a lot of fun to go with it basically because of all the mindless killings and the extremely funny one-liners. Larry Drake is such an awesome actor! It's a shame that this and the first two "Darkman" movies are all he's really been in film-wise. I'm sure he has a great range but yet because of his oddball looks he's typecast as either a sadistic villain or an insane madman which he can carry out perfectly nonetheless. If you're expecting to gain something out of a movie then this probably isn't for you but if you're looking for a slightly comical flick with some scary instances this'll certainly be a good way to kill some time. The supporting cast wasn't great but for a horror movie they were definitely above average. The quotes were great from the doctor himself especially right before he'd off someone. I'm surprised this didn't really catch on and have a cult following because it'd seem like the kind of idea that'd attract people to it. Oh well, still very glad watched it!

Final Verse:

Movies: Well...I wouldn't go that far.

DVD Purchase: Not available as of yet.

Rental: I enjoyed it.
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Prescription:avoid this movie...and call me in the morning
disdressed1213 October 2007
there are not too many good things about this horror movie.one good thing is the performance of Larry drake as the psycho.he really puts his heart into the performance.you can tell he really has fun with the role.the only other good thing is that in the last 25 minutes or so,the movie starts to get good.the last 15 minutes in particular are really good,and there is one scene near the end which is priceless.unfortunately the first 70+ minutes are pretty lame.there really aren't enough positives are enough to make the movie worth watching.that's my opinion. anyway,this movie is part of the Twisted Terror Collection also sold in a box set also entitled The Twisted Terror Collection.there are 5 other horror movies contained in the set.as for this movie itself,i'm afraid it's terminal and the prognosis is not good. 2/10
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Carl the Critic: Dr. Giggles
gustafsoncarl10 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it's because of the needles, maybe it's because of the masks and gloves they wear, maybe it's because I grew up in a family of doctors, but I find that doctors can be quite scary. I guess that was what triggered my interest in this film to start with. Never before have I ever seen or heard of a horror-comedy film whose main villain is an insane doctor who wants to preform open heart surgery on a girl so that he can finish where his father had started. It's unusual for two reasons, for one it is hard to make that subject both scary and funny at the same time, and two,it's humor comes mainly from his insanity (usually horror-comedies get their humor from the theme of family values.)

It is not what you expect it to be at all, looking at the cover, it looks like your average crappy B-movie, but it is actually filled with clever dialogue, decent acting (with a few exceptions), and a very well done job on the presentation of the film (with it's direction, photography, and editing.)

The only problem I had was the ending. Although the dialogue was still very clever and witty, the return of Dr. Rendell Jr. after being burned to a crisp was long, predictable, and disappointing. That was my biggest issue with the film, but really if you do not like horror film with a dark (and sometimes perverse)sense of humor, I strongly advise for you to watch a film where you don't need to hide under your pillow every 10-15 minutes.
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My House Call With Dr. Giggles
Kittiko19 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I first came across this film on the Chiller network during the summer of 2008. My mother and I were flipping through the channels when our eyes were caught by not only the title, but the current scene that we had stumbled upon (which one I cannot recall). I watched the movie in full the next time it aired…and honestly, I wasn't sure if I should've been completely horrified or entirely amused.

Dr. Evan Rendell (Larry Drake) is a seriously disturbed mental patient who intends to exact revenge on the town that 'murdered' his doctor father. Jennifer (Holly Marie Combs) is the unfortunate girl to catch Dr. Rendell's eerily-squinty eyes with the heart problem she is born with. Rendell's psychotic fascination with medical expertise has him prowling around for her, while leaving in his wake a grisly trail of tortured teenagers and mangled next-door neighbors (of which he uses various surgical implements on). Rendell ultimately meets his end at Jennifer's hands, but not without enduring some truly laughable circumstances first.

The plot was interesting at best, if not a little weird in the medical-fetish department. Some of the dialogue and the scenes that contain said dialogue are so derisory that you forget that this is supposed to be something of a horror film. The acting isn't terrible, but could've been better; Combs is probably the best of them all, but Drake's Rendell is just too creepy to really have a viewer-character connection with. The supporting characters…well, let's just say that I guess it was appropriate that most of them were killed off, considering their roles were way too small to go any further with in the 95 minutes this film was shot in, and the number of them was just too many to grip. The simple and low-rate CG effects in the beginning of the film are giggle-worthy and not good enough to be taken seriously. Then again, I don't think this film is meant to be taken seriously at all.

Long story short: it isn't a bad movie, but it certainly isn't Hollywood gold either. If you're looking for blood and guts mixed with the occasional humor-laden one-liner, then this movie might be for you. Other than that, just a typical low-grade horror flick that barely succeeds in achieving the reactions it clearly wants from viewers.

My grade: C, 5/10
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The doctor goes over the top !
Coventry30 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Dr. Giggles is a film you certainly won't regret watching. That is IF you're fond of absurd and over the top humor and if you can handle quite a share of blood and gore. Larry Drake is Dr. Giggles. A brilliant yet pretty disturbed man who's not too shy kill a large amount of people. Above that, he knows all the typical medical clichés and he's not afraid to use them. I don't believe any existing "doctor-quote" or aspect isn't used here. He can't kill anybody without saying something funny. This becomes pretty rediculous after a while but hey, the gore is there. Do not expect a scary thriller with some good plot twists or anything. You can point out exactly who'll die and won't. No surprises there.

Usually, doctors or scientists gone mad provide the genre with some of the best films. Anyone remembers Dr. Phibes and Dr. Orloff ?? Even Dr. Herbert West and Victor Frankenstein fit in this category. All these characters have great motivations for killing and they have fascinating background stories. Dr. Giggles doesn't, but please don't let that spoil the fun for you. He's the son of another crazy doctor and he's more than happy to follow into his footsteps. Therefore he returns to the town where his old man had its practice and start killing random teenagers and any other persons who stand in his way. He sure loves his job and he slaughters in the most creative and disgusting ways. As usual, true love survives and the villain returns a couple of times before he's really dead. That's about it. Filled with clichés and very predictable but fun nevertheless. Excellent stuff to watch with a large group of people with a huge amount of beer and popcorn besides you.

Honorable mention certainly goes out to Larry Drake. This guy is a very underrated actor. He's very well cast here and he lives up to that other good performance of his...Darkman.

Favorite "rewind"-moment : Through a flash-back, it becomes clear who Evan ( Dr. Giggles ) escaped from his father's house. In a very bloody scene, he is re-born through his dead mother...Good stuff
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The doctor is out…of his mind
cactuscab7 October 2007
That was the tagline, wasn't it? Maybe I'm misremembering but I really think that was the tagline not the one listed on the mainsite. Anyways, Dr. Giggles comes at dead end of the initial slasher age that started in the late 70's. They obviously had the formula down pat: the madman with a gimmick (the high pitched giggle fit doctor), the small town setting, the innocent final girl. Total formula played straight down the line. But by the early nineties the slasher genre was DOA (only to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of irony in the form of Scream). As it is, Dr. Giggles is a yeoman's effort. Nothing to ring the dinner bell about, but if you appreciate the genre you could do worse. The dirty old man in me really thought highly of Holly Marie Combs but you know, we were the same age back in '92 so that makes it alright, right? Five decidedly average stars.
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HumanoidOfFlesh22 October 2001
Dr Evan Rendell or Dr Giggles from the title wonderfully played by Larry Drake is,along with officer Joe Vickers(Bobby Ray Shafer)from "Psycho Cop" series,one of the funniest psycho killers ever created on film."Dr Giggles" is an enjoyable slasher film filled with gore and black humour.The film is well-directed and acted and is simply fun to watch.It's quite suspenseful at times,and some of the killings are rather unpleasant(like when he castrates one guy)and grotesque.Recommended for horror fans.
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rcavellero26 October 2003
I have to admit the only probably real reason I love this movie so much is because it's just happened to be one of those films that defined my childhood. A film that me and my friends would sneak out to see and than after making it's debut on video we'd rent it and have sleepovers all the time. Although the direction and cinematography are quite clever and the performances are pretty first rate considering the material. especially from Larry drake as the infamous Dr. and Holly Marie Combs(of TV's Charmed) as the innocent heroine. The story and it's pace are a little shallow and slightly absurd. The film lacks any real scares. And it's quite obvious that all they wanted was a new franchis villain. So what, Dr. Gigles was pretty personable and the film was just fun! A couple of months ago me and my friends saw the trailer to the film in the sunshine theatre at midnight for a midnight screening of The Shining. We totally freaked out but we're still waiting for it make it's big screen debut again. However with all the new remakes and sequels why not throw back ones for the fans even if it's straight to video. I can guarantee you a couple of rentals and some dvd purchases.
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Subtle as a clown fight
behavedave668 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It truly pains me to give this such a low score out of ten, but please bear in mind that this does not tell the whole story here...

Dr Giggles is a B movie slasher pic which takes every opportunity to deliver a gruesome death by involuntary medical procedure, accompanied by a feeble hospital related pun.

Being honest, this film deserves no more than 3 out of ten on a good day, but THAT IS NO REASON NOT TO SEE IT!!! It's just one of those films that you have to be in the right mood and with the right people: so maybe it's not a "Christmas Day after the Queen's speech" type film, but at 2am after 9 pints and a pickled egg, Dr Giggles truly comes into its own.

Dr Giggles is a bit like eating at KFC really. Not very original and surprisingly poor quality, yet it leaves you feel dirty and ashamed for enjoying it so much.
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