Leprechaun 2 (1994) Poster


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"Kiss me, I'm Irish!"
Hey_Sweden17 March 2014
It's truly amazing how much life that this "Leprechaun" series has had. It's endured for over 20 years; there's even a remake in the works. Then again, I suppose there's something to be said for this kind of dumb fun. And make no mistake, it *is* dumb. But it's also genuinely funny at times, and is not without a clever moment or two. The makers of these movies know that they're not making Shakespeare, and create agreeable horror comedies that may have some viewers groaning, shaking their heads, and struggling to get through them, and others having a fine old time. Making a difference is star Warwick Davis (it is nice to have seen him so gainfully employed), whose enthusiasm is hard to resist. He's obviously enjoying himself.

In his second performance as the gleefully sadistic Leprechaun, he attempts to snag himself a hot young wife. But his slave interferes (the girl that the Leprechaun selects is his daughter), and 1,000 years later the Leprechaun resurfaces to amorously pursue his slaves' descendant, a girl named Bridget (sexy blonde Shevonne Durkin). Naturally, Bridgets' boyfriend Cody (Charlie Heath) isn't going to sit idly by and watch a demented fairy take his lady away. So Cody teams up with his irrepressible drunken uncle Morty (veteran comedian Sandy Baron) to do battle.

Baron is a real scene stealer, and in addition to the attractiveness of co-star Durkin and the performance of Davis, does provide some justification for sitting down to watch this. The movie does get tiresome at times - and, for something running just under 85 minutes, it does drag a little - but it's amusing often enough to make for decent entertainment. At the very least, it does find the time to feature cameo appearances by the legendary Clint Howard and Kimmy Robertson of "The Last American Virgin" and 'Twin Peaks' as a pair of tourists. Also showing up are Al White (one of the jive talking dudes from "Airplane!"), Tony Cox ("Bad Santa"), and Billy Beck ("The Blob" '88). Production design, lighting, and visual effects are good, but there won't be enough gore for some tastes, especially considering the fate of one character. The music by Jonathan Elias is actually damn good.

This is about as enjoyable as any movie titled "Leprechaun 2" could be.

Five out of 10.
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Good. But not amazing like Leprechaun 1.
dawsonswenson623 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun 2, lacks the kind of humour that was in the original. I find that it makes up a bit in horror, but it tries to hard to be funny! And when it should focus on letting the funniness just happen itself. Warwick Davis again is great in the part, I especially like the part when he gets drunk and tries to use his powers, but fails! Another creative kill is when the guy thinks he is making out with the girl he wants, but is being tricked by the Leprechaun and really kisses a fan and his face is cut to pieces and he dies. That being said, this movie lacked the good acting from the original. I did not care one bit for the acting of the young actress that played Bridget and I did not care for acting of the guy that played Cody. The only really solid acting is from Warwick Davis himself, as he does a good job working with such bad work. The major problem I have with this movie is just that it completely misses the comedy! For Leprechaun with Davis to work it needs comedy, but like I said it tries to hard.And when you try to hard to be funny, you fail altogether. THe only really funny part in this movie is when the Leprechaun is drunk and tries to rhyme. That actually made me laugh pretty hard. But other that the, the film was a total bust. Chartacter and writing wise. Overall, if you want a cheap laugh, go see Leprechaun 2. Its not amazing like Leprechaun 2, but its not terrible. Its a 5 out of 10.
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Not Bad
departed0726 March 2005
I remember catching this film on UPN back in 2001, and it was surprisingly more scary than the original. Don't get me wrong, the original wasn't as scary or as a nightmare as this one; this time as the trailers said, "He's Back!" This time Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) is on the search for his bride after his latest 1000 birthday and wants to breed more leprechauns. Like the first movie, he wants his gold after it has been stolen or has been retrieved by the main hero of the film. Most of the death scenes are more violent than the last film, but than, again, its just a movie. On a lighter note, you get to see Clint Howard as a tourist; Sandy Baron (Seinfeld) as the hero's partner; and Michael McDonald (MadTV) as one of the Leprechaun's victims.
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Pretty Boring.
jonflottorp20 March 2022
It's the second movie in the franchise, but unlike the first movie this was pretty boring.

My negatives about the movie is the acting, the acting is awful and Shevonne Durkin sucks as Bridget and she's just annoying the one good actor in the movie is Warwick Davis.

I hate the characters none of them expect the Leprechaun are bad ecpecially Bridget, the plot sucks, but i didn't expect it to be.

There isn't anything special about the leprechaun except that he's allergic to iron.

My positives is that Warwick Davis is in it, the kills and scene in the pub.
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Leprechaun 2
jboothmillard8 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There was a small part of me that kind of enjoyed the awfulness of the first movie, I obviously found out the amount of sequels that followed it, this was the first, and last, of them to be released in cinemas, I wasn't expecting any improvement in quality, I just wanted a different sort of scary movie when it was coming up to Halloween. Basically in medieval times, William O'Day (James Lancaster) is chased by a nasty Leprechaun (Warwick Davis), after he attempted to steal his pot of gold, he locks the young man in a collar and threatens to kill him if he tries to escape. The Leprechaun tells William that today, St. Patrick's Day, it his 1,000th birthday, this means he can choose any woman to be his bride, provided the woman sneezes thrice and no one says "God bless you", he promises to release William once he is married. But the woman he chooses happens to be William's daughter, the Leprechaun uses his magic to cause her to sneeze, but William intervenes saying "God bless you, my child", therefore denying the Leprechaun his bride. William tries to run, but the Leprechaun uses his magic on the collar to lift him up and break up neck, but not before cursing him, saying he will marry his descendant in in a thousand years, his daughter discovers his corpse. In present day Los Angeles, the next descendant of the O'Day bloodline sixteen-year-old Bridget Callum (Shevonne Durkin), she is dating Cody Ingalls (Charlie Heath), who with his alcoholic scam artist uncle Morty, also his legal guardian (Sandy Baron), runs a rip-off celebrity ghost hunting tour. The Leprechaun is brought into present day by a homeless man with a gold tooth, which the Leprechaun pulls out, and he steals his bottle of whiskey, he also bites off the finger of talent agent (Mark Kiely) to steal his gold ring. Following an argument with Cody, Bridget flirts with and goes on a date with sleazy Ian (Adam Biesk), after which he shows his true colours and tries to seduce her outside her home, but she refuses and punches him. Ian is about to leave, then suddenly the garage door opens, Bridget walks forward and apologises, she then seductively lures him into the garage, she slowly removes her clothes, the Leprechaun is there watching, in fact he has used his magic to trick Ian into thinking Bridget is seducing him, he leans forward to kiss the invisible Bridget, unaware that he is actually leaning into an overturned lawnmower with the blades spinning, blood splatters everywhere as the blades make contact with his face. Shortly afterwards, Cody appears at the door to apologise and give Bridget a bunch of flowers, this causes her to sneeze, as she is about to sneeze a third time, he is about to say "God bless you", but Leprechaun stops him, strangling him with a telephone cord. The Leprechaun grabs Bridget and takes her to his lair, Cody notices that he dropped one of his gold coins before leaving, the Leprechaun invites her to be intimate with him, but she refuses him, he tells her that he will modify her body in order to force her into bear his children, either by rape or sexual intercourse if she will ever consent. The Leprechaun tries to seduce her with his gold, but notices one coin is missing, and sets out to find it. Bridget begs him to let her go and says she wants to please him, he summons a red dress and instructs her to be wearing it when he returns, he licks her face before leaving, and tells her any attempt to escape is hopeless. Bridget tries the numerous passage ways to find a way out of the Leprechaun's lair, but she finds it is enchanted, it is a maze with no exit unless the Leprechaun wills it to be so, she finds the magic toying with her, and rocks she lays to mark her steps disappear, so she saves an awl to try and kill the Leprechaun for later. After being questioned by police, Cody tells Morty what happened, Morty initially thinks he is crazy, but believes him when they escape the Leprechaun trying to attack them. Morty and Cody go to a bar, filled with many little people dressed as leprechauns to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, while there an African-American Leprechaun (Tony Cox) offers him a golden chocolate coin. The Leprechaun appears, Morty challenges him to a drinking contest in honour of his wedding, while the Leprechaun drinks pure whiskey, Morty is actually drinking soda and water, the Leprechaun becomes extremely drunk, allowing Morty and Cody to escape. The Leprechaun sobers up in a coffee shop and murders a waiter (Michael McDonald) making fun of his size and speech, he scolds him to death using hot steam from a coffee machine. When the Leprechaun returns, Morty and Cody manage to trap him inside a wrought iron safe, this is the only thing that can harm the creature, Morty takes advantage of the opportunity to claim three wishes and locks Cody in the store room. His first wish is for the Leprechaun's gold, his stomach suddenly grotesquely stretches, the gold has been put inside him, for being greedy, Morty wishes the Leprechaun out of the safe to help him, and his third wish is for the gold to removed from his stomach, so the Leprechaun tears open his stomach, killing him. Cody manages to break out of the store room, a security guard enters, but the Leprechaun tricks him with his Bridget impersonation, he is killed by being run over twice by a go-kart. The Leprechaun demands his gold coin back, but Cody realises that as long as he holds it, the Leprechaun cannot harm him, leading him to run to the Leprechaun's lair to rescue Bridget. The Leprechaun returns to his lair and anticipates Cody's arrival, Bridget in the red dress pretends she has accepted her fate, she attempts to stab him with the awl, but it is not made of wrought iron, so it breaks. The Leprechaun is enraged, as it was favourite awl given to him by his father, he is about to punish Bridget, but he hears Cody's car approaching, so he puts a collar around her and bounds her to a tree. The Leprechaun chases Cody, while Bridget breaks the collar using the broken awl, she and Cody eventually reunite and try to escape, but are still running in circles due to the enchanted passageways. Bridget convinces Cody that giving the coin back to the Leprechaun will stop him chasing them, Cody is reluctant as it is the only keeping him alive, she kisses him, and he hands to her, but this is not the real Bridget, the Leprechaun has tricked him. The real Bridget appears and tells the Leprechaun she will go with him if he does not Cody, he agrees and knocks Cody across the room, he then starts to lead her to his wedding bed. Suddenly Cody stabs the Leprechaun through his chest with an iron crowbar, Cody points out that the gold coin he gave him was in fact made of chocolate, as the Leprechaun dies, his magic over the lair dies, revealing the exit for Cody and Bridget. They escape the lair, and the Leprechaun explodes behind them, Bridget questions how he knew it was not her kissing him, he tells her she kisses differently, and he decides it is not worth keeping the gold coin, he throws it away. Also starring Clint Howard as The Tourist, Kimmy Robertson as Tourist's Girlfriend and Samantha Davis (Warwick's wife) as Bar Patron. Davis again relishes being the mischievous Irish monster, he is still very protective of his gold, and does some shoe polishing, and still makes cheeky quips and talks in rhymes. Apart from Davis, the rest of the actors are naff and given dreadful dialogue, this time the story is a little less about the gold, it is about the creature going on a killing spree while finding himself a bride, hence why it is sometimes referred to by the title One Wedding and Lots of Funerals, as it came out the same year as Four Weddings and a Funeral, you can laugh mostly at how bad it is, there is slight fun to be had, but it is another lacklustre horror comedy. Pretty poor!
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So bad it makes the first one look like a masterpiece.
gridoon6 January 2003
This isn't really a sequel to the first "Leprechaun", it's more of a "Nightmare on Elm Street" wannabe, as the title character appears to possess magical powers that far exceed those he had in the original. It's a meaner and gorier film, but at the same time an even more boneheaded one; there are some insultingly stupid moments (particularly the two "red herrings", which may make you stop watching it right then and there). Overall, even bad-movie lovers may have some trouble with this one. (*1/2)
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Top o' the morning to ye! Unlike Lucky Charms Cereal, 'Leprechaun 2' has never been magically delicious. It always been horrible
ironhorse_iv17 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The original 'Leprechaun' movie might had a lot of flaws; but the film had a few things going for it; that this sequel directed by Rodman Flender is lacking. One of them is Jennifer Aniston. While, her acting ability at the time was super green. Her premise in the film, gave a good reason for modern audiences to look back and check it out. After all, her television series 'Friends' (1994-2004) has be off the air, nearly two decades now, but that hasn't stopped us millennials from continuously watching reruns of it. There is something about her, that fascinating, beside her good looks. She seem to radiate charisma and charm. She has that 'it factor', the je ne sais quoi. Sadly, 'Leprechaun 2' also known as 'Leprechaun II: One Wedding and Lots of Funerals' does not have her character, nor any other from the first film. None of the original characters get even a mention, in this movie written by Turi Meyer & Al Septie. We know, nothing on what happen to them. The sequel also abandoned any continuous storylines from the first movie, instead, focusing on a really disturbing angle, in which, the sadistically evil leprechaun (Warwick Davis) tries to force a nuptial on a woman, Bridget Callum (Shevonne Durkin) in order to consummate; while her off & on, boyfriend, Cody Ingalls (Charlie Heath) tries to prevent it. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I hate this plot; as it goes against everything, the leprechaun folklore is known for. Leprechauns are solitary creatures, whom avoids human beings in fear of them, stealing their gold. They are not horny little dwarfs looking for offsprings. Not only that, but adding the threat of rape, kinda undermine the comedy shenanigans, & sucks the fun out of the room. It's stinks, because normally, most of the time, the performers playing the main leads, are so utterly poor in acting ability & charisma, plus their characters so unlikeable, that I find myself cheering for the leprechaun. Sadly, I can't root for him, here. Not only that; but the whole threating to rape somebody, kinda ruin the fan service. The appearance of obvious badly done body double boobs make everything seem more in poor taste. Plus, 'the damsel in distress force to wed' trope has been done to death. It's a horror trope that seem out of place in today's world. Plus, it has been recycled, way too much. Even, the direct to video "Leprechaun 4: In Space', use this. That's how generic, it is. Not only that, but the marriage plot doesn't make much sense. Why is the leprechaun trying to get revenge on a dead theft, by marrying his descendant in a thousand years-time on St Patrick's Day!? I don't think, the theft cares! Seeing that he been long dead by then. So, what is the point? Also, why does the Leprechaun need children? That's just more gold to share. It just doesn't add up. Another problem with this sequel, is the fact, that the leprechaun cannot hurt anybody that holds his coin. Yet, in the first movie; he was able, too. Even, if this is a completely different leprechaun who just happens to be in Los Angeles, and look like the original who was burn up and toss in a well in North Dakota. That 'can't kill the person holding the coin' gimmick still doesn't make sense. The reason why, is because the leprechaun was able to kill, another character holding a pot of gold, later in this same film. Having this gimmick, felt like a really lazy ex Machina to keep the hero, in the same playing field. Along with the wrought iron. It really doesn't seem well plan out. As for the action scenes. They were still highly unbelievable & silly. However, they didn't stand out as much as the first movie. Much of it, seem like rethread; such as the case, with the Leprechaun riding a mini Go-Kart. Nevertheless, the deaths were a lot better than the first film, even if some of them, lack the gory special effects like the lawnmower scene. Although, much of those sequences, was uncalled for, as it didn't move the plot, along. If anything, it slow the movie, really down, like the Barista scene. The movie already had enough filler scenes. It was dragging so much. Mostly, involving the love triangle between the two leads and a secondary character. Despite that, the movie still has plenty of scenes of Warwick Davis hammy it up, as that is what the audience pay to go see. Nevertheless, I still wish, he did better films. Davis has a wonderful voice. He really didn't need to do a series of offensive Irish stereotypes in make-up. He would had done, better. Overall: This is my least favorite movie of the film series, besides the 2014's reboot 'Leprechaun: Origin'. In the end, there isn't enough booze in the world to make me, watch this film, again. There is a good reason why this was the final entry in the series to be released theatrically & it shows. This movie is not a pot of gold. It's a pot of shite. Avoid at all cost.
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Sucks compared to the first
Dr_Death6667 May 2009
I thought this was going to be a solid sequel to the first Leprechaun, but I was wrong. Very wrong. Instead, it is a horribly done, poor poor sequel to what was originally a great film. This installment is about the Leprechaun, who falls in love with this blonde girl. Sounds stupid already right? The movie is even worse. Everything in this one seems poorly done, the acting, the scenery, the plot. It just doesn't seem like it should be in the Leprechaun franchise. Watch the first one instead, that's the one you will get any joy out of. This one is just a pitiful waste of time.

2/10 or: D
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Warwick nails it
bowmanblue20 August 2023
I don't know why the 'Leprechaun' films don't seem to be held in such high regard with horror fans as others like 'Nightmare on Elm Street' and the 'Friday 13th' series. It's definitely up there with the latter 'Freddy movies' as from part 2 of the 'Leprechaun' franchise the 'horror' is definitely tuned down and the humour is cranked up.

That's not to say there isn't a fair amount of gory deaths, it's just they're now played for laughs with a witty one-liner from the titular supernatural killer.

It doesn't matter if you haven't seen the first film. You don't need to. All you need to know is that there's a psychotic leprechaun lose in an American city on St Patrick's Day and that he doesn't take kindly to people trying to steal his gold.

I can't help but liken 'Leprechaun' to the 'Elm St' films as you don't really watch one of them because of the human characters. They're just fleshbags who you know are destined to be clawed to death by Freddy in all sorts of hellish fashions. It's the same here. The humans who we're supposed to (begrudgingly) root for are all pretty bland and one dimensional. It's Warwick Davis who we come to see. He makes the movie what it is and steals every scene.

In this outing, he's trying to marry a local American girl - much to her and her boyfriend's disapproval. In terms of 'heroes' the film-makers really scraped the bottom of the barrel with these two. They are the definition of bland and forgettable. I doubt you'll remember either of the characters' names by the time the credits roll. However, I should at least give a nod to Sandy Baron who actually puts some effort into his performance and is a likable addition to the human cast, trying to thwart the Leprechaun's plans.

If you don't take your horror too seriously then you definitely need to give this - and all the 'Leprechaun' franchise - a watch.
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"Gimme Me Gold!!"
anxietyresister13 January 2006
A leprechaun is revived on St Patrick Day by a hobo's bottle of liquor, and then tries to claim the bride he promised he would marry 1000 years ago. She is captured and held prisoner inside his tree-house home, with her slacker boyfriend and con-artist uncle quickly coming to the rescue. But can they outsmart this creature, who makes up in cunning and sadism what he lacks in height and strength?

A sequel to an original notable only for an early appearance by Jennifer Aniston, this is about on a par with its low-budget predecessor. The lead lovers are so utterly lacking in anything approaching acting ability or charisma you'll find yourself cheering on Warwick Davis all the way. He, as the Leprechaun, is about the only component that keeps the film going, and his witty one liners and nasty methods of disposing of anyone who stands in his way are a constant delight. It's just a shame that his restricted growth has firmly pigeon-holed him into roles like this, he deserves more than to play Ewoks and Dwarfs his entire career. Eventually though, even his talents (including a fantastic Irish accent(!) ) cannot save a duff script, and the end result is a entirely forgettable film which is only worth watching as a last resort rental. And there's another four sequels to go after this. Oh, joy.. 4/10

P.S Gets my award for most obvious body double ever used for a nude scene. Watch it, and you'll see what I mean..
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So leprechauns can fall in love. Aww!
Smells_Like_Cheese24 November 2003
Leprechaun 2, aka 4 funerals and a wedding, the leprechaun is back and he wants his bride for his 2000th birthday! I know it's silly, but I love the Leprechaun series so much, it's just so enjoyable and fun to watch. Especially if you love horror films as much as I do. Warwick Davis also reprises his famous role as the leprechaun, which is a major plus, since he's really the only one who can do it. You also notice some other "little" stars in the bar sequence that Warwick has made famous throughout the years. Yeah, the story is a little gross, but I think that's why I loved it.

Leprechaun is back to reclaim his bride, she sneezes once, she sneezes twice, she'll be his bride when she sneezes thrice! And he's gonna love her... to death! In today's world, her name is Bridget and she has a relationship with a cute young orphan, Cody, he is taken care of by his alcoholic con artist uncle. When Cody and Bridget get into a fight, Cody comes back to Bridget's house to apologize, little do they know that a friend of their's has just been splattered by a lawn mower, thanks to our friend, the leprechaun! He also makes Bridget sneeze three times and takes her to his haunting layer, but Cody has a piece of his gold! The leprechaun must have it back!

Leprechaun 2 has much more great humor, like the scene where he and Cody's uncle are drinking, and it was just so hilarious to see a leprechaun drunk. "Drink all you want... drink all you can... you can't beat me... 'cause I'm a lepre-can! Mmmph! Chaun!" LOL! I loved that line, please, watch this movie if you are in the correct mood or enjoy the series. Don't take it so seriously, otherwise, you're looking for the wrong kind of movie.

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A fun campy sequel. Better then the original.
b_kite30 March 2022
Fun sequel. Better then the original, I have fond memories of watching this as a kid on the Sci Fi Channel back in the day. The kills are great, the lawnmower blades death has always stuck with me.
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Warwick Davis helps keep the film alive
FilmFanInTheHouse18 March 2008
Leprechaun 2 (1994, Dir. Rodman Flender)

In search for his stolen pot of gold, the Leprechaun left a bloody trail wherever he went. That was a thousand years ago. Now, a thousand years later, the Leprechaun is back in search of a wife. He finds someone he likes the look of, but when her boyfriend steals one of the Irish monster's precious gold coins, things begin to turn ugly. In order to marry his new bride, the Leprechaun must do whatever he can to get his coin back. Even, if it means killing a few people.

I'm not sure how famous the 'Leprechaun' series is, but the original film has spawned one theatrical sequel and many straight to video sequels. This movie is the first sequel and is currently the last movie which was theatrical. The fist movie wasn't exactly a great horror movie. It did however have its moments and was actually entertaining. The second instalment encounters the same problem. The script would never win any awards, and the same goes with the acting (with the exception of Warwick Davis), but the movie is still entertaining. Also, for a low budget film, the effects were actually quite well made, although at times did look rather silly. Warwick Davis reprises one of his most famous roles and successfully continues with the character. This is when the fun in the film comes from. The actions and quotes from the character have been designed so well, that you just can't help but laugh. Definitely is one of the better 'Leprechaun' sequels.

"I'm not an elf and I'm not a dwarf. I'm a leprechaun." – The Leprechaun (Warwick Davis)
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** out of ****
clay-814 March 1999
Why couldn't this movie pick up where "Leprechaun" left off? I was confused and disappointed to see this film start off with a completely different leprechaun who just happens to look like the original. Although this film is flawed and not as imaginative and atmospheric as the first, it still remains watchable. It helms a slightly decent plot, has a few genuine "jump" scenes, and features crisp, bright costumes and sets. The problem with the leprechaun series is that it takes the leprechaun to new and uninteresting heights when it should try recapturing the atmosphere and fear the original was able to deliver.
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Boy, was that stupid
ericstevenson22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I've seen for Slasher Month, not that I had high regards for most of these films anyway. This movie features the leprechaun claiming a girl to be his bride because a slave of his promised a descendant would be his bride or some stupid thing like that. This film is so idiotic as it doesn't even make sense within the context of the first film. The first movie shows the leprechaun being blown up at the end, but here he comes back with no explanation. I really miss Jennifer Aniston. Sure, it was awful she was in the first stupid movie to begin with, but at least they had an acclaimed actress in it.

The leprechaun still has no name. This movie takes place at Saint Patrick's Day. I guess it's weird to watch this for a Halloween Month but with all the people the leprechaun kills, it's more appropriate here. There's apparently a lot of midgets who dress as leprechauns in this movie. Wouldn't that be demeaning? There's this long weird pointless scene where they try to get the leprechaun drunk to beat it or something. This movie is surprisingly boring. In the first movie, the leprechaun's weakness was a four leaf clover. Now it's instead lead for no reason.

The leprechaun's killed by being impaled by a pipe which once again blows him up. In one scene, the leprechaun makes all his gold materialize in one place. Wait, if he can do that, why can't he just teleport his last gold coin? And how come in the first movie, the guy who swallowed the last coin wasn't immune to him like in this movie? Leprechauns can apparently teleport, imitate voices, shapeshift, levitate things, become invisible, and create illusions. Okay, this leprechaun is just too powerful. They can also grant three wishes, but I thought that was a genie. This movie is a stupid violent piece of garbage and I hate it. *
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Leprechauns in love
TheLittleSongbird12 November 2018
It took me a while to get round to watching the 'Leprechaun' franchise, with so much going on and having a long watch and review list. Saw the films mainly for curiosity to see whether they would be guilty pleasures or deserving of their dubious reputation. Also appreciate horror, and ones with splashes of comedy, and had gotten into watching a few horror franchises that had interested me for a long time.

Watching 'Leprechaun', while understanding why people would find it a guilty pleasure it didn't do it for me. Saw the sequels as a franchise completest (just in case why anybody is wondering why if the first film didn't it for me why the rest of the films were watched too). While it was still not a good film 'Leprechaun 2' for me was a marginal improvement, with a couple of assets done better while containing pretty much all the faults that the first film had.

Davis is the best thing about the film. He is both amusing and creepy and does do the best he can, successfully, with an again goofy look, terrible lines and less than tasteful horror which must have been hard to do and shows how conscientious and talented he is.

There are sporadically mildly amusing moments that don't come anywhere near enough. It starts off relatively unsettlingly, again not enough to be a redeeming quality. Where the second film improves is in the pacing, the second half is nowhere near as uneventful or draggy, and with a bigger budget the film looks less cheap with a more expansive location and slicker photography, while still not being exactly high art because the effects are weak.

On the other hand, the rest of the cast is very poor, with insufferably bland leads and an assortment of irritating supporting roles. The characters display very little personality when they aren't being insufferably annoying with their dumb antics and illogical decision making.

'Leprechaun 2' is just as lacking in the script and story as the first was. The dialogue is pure repetitive childishness, with an overload of cheese and nothing funny, and the humour and whimsicality are forced. Having gratuitous gruesome gore was not enough to cover up for the complete lack of scares and suspense, nothing bit my nails, nothing made my heart pound or skip, nothing made my palms or forehead sweat, nothing made me jump. It's not just because it is so intelligence insultingly dumb, excessively predictable and unintentionally comical, but the story, while an improvement, is still thin and meanders in the latter stages. The kills are neither creative or scary, a few distasteful, and the direction is pretty leaden.

Altogether, a marginal improvement but still below average. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Even being drunk won't help you to enjoy this movie
atinder20 March 2013
Is back again!

This movie was no were near as decent as first one, which was just about decent with fun factor put in there.

This movie did not have any of fun factor that first movie had, The lead girl in this movie, which wide eyes and Scream, . Which was way over the top.

After that, I knew I was in tough ride. As ^ That was first scenes, as the movie went on, I got bored of it.

I left the movie on and started doing another things as well, I Don't think there was one scenes that I actually liked in this movie.

The acting was really bad in this movie as were the effects and the dull plot!

1 out of 10 (This is were series stopped for me. Even had 3 Beers before this movie, was drinking my 4th beer while it was on, that didn't even help!)
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Disappointing sequel to a decent original.
poolandrews19 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun 2 starts in 'Ireland Once Upon A Time...' where it's the 17th March, St. Patrick's Day & evil little Leprechaun's (Warwick Davis) birthday, tonight the Leprechaun intends to take a mortal woman as a bride, however he is thwarted by her Father, William (James Lancaster). Cut to 'One Thousand Years Later' & Los Angeles where a young man named Cody (Charlie Heath) & his partner Morty (Sandy Baron) run a low rent tour of Hollywood. It's St. Patrick's Day & the evil little Leprechaun shows up to claim a new bride, namely Cody's hot girlfriend Bridget (Shevonne Durkin) & kills one of her friends, a guy named Ian (Adam Biesk), in the process. The Leprechaun has a fight with Cody & Bridget but eventually manages to kidnap Bridget & take her back to his underground lair in preparation of their wedding night, however the Leprechaun becomes angry when he discovers a piece of his gold is missing & realises that Cody must have it. The Leprechaun puts the wedding plans on hold as he ventures into Hollywood to find Cody & reclaim his gold using his sinister magic powers along the way on anyone who tries to stop him...

The first of 5 (so far) sequels to the '93 comedy horror film Leprechaun this was directed by Rodman Flender & was nowhere near as good as the original. The script by Turi Meyer & Al Septien rehashes the first film pretty closely with the wise cracking invincible Leprechaun searching yet again for his pot of gold, the only difference being this time is he wants a bride as well. Everything that worked for me in the first film fails here, the dialogue is forced, the jokes are poor with some really unfunny running gags, the story is very silly again but it doesn't seem to know that unlike the first & as a whole it just didn't work anywhere near as well as the original. Leprechaun 2 is easily as dumb as it's predecessor from a stupid drinking contest to the idiotic revelation that the Leprechaun is vulnerable to wrought iron for some bizarre reason but has nothing to compensate unlike the original & while it moves along at a fair pace I never got into it or particularly cared what was happening, there is even a predictable & clichéd 'wish with a deadly twist' scene, having said that on a basic level it entertains for 85 odd minutes & the Leprechaun himself is still fun to watch.

Director Flender takes over from Mark Jones for this sequel & doesn't do anything with the bigger (more than double) budget to speak about. The comedy & horror elements don't mix as well this time & the film is rather flat, lifeless & lacks any atmosphere being set in Hollywood. Again the gore is very restrained with a low body count as we get a pulled off finger, a tooth pulled out, a bit of splattered blood & a pot of gold appearing in someone's stomach!

With a supposed budget of about $2,000,000 compared to the original's $900,000 Leprechaun 2 doesn't make the most of it as you would be hard pushed to tell the bigger budget film. It's competently made but nothing spectacular. The acting is rather flat & nothing to get excited about, average. Durkin looks hot though.

I much prefer the original to this sequel, however if your a big fan of the Leprechaun series (I doubt too many of those exist) then this is an absolute must, as for anyone else this isn't really worth bothering with unless your desperate. I love the British alternate title of 'One Wedding and Lots of Funerals' (the 'Lots of Funerals' bit is a bit of an exaggeration though).
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Leprechaun 'n da fischitty sequel
If it wasn't for those terrible "In Da Hood" sequels, this would be the worst of the franchise. Warwick Davis is the only reason to watch this, the other actors aren't worthy to share the screen with him.

Our evil Leprechaun is celebrating his 1000th birthday and chooses a bride in the sexy, but talentless Shevonne Durkin. Obviously the bombshell isn't attracted to the ugly magical midget, and she uses her "boyfriend" to assist her in keeping him away.

Her boyfriend, portrayed by Charlie Heath, should have saved himself the grief and let Warwick have the good-for-nothing hussy. Like a true blonde, she flirts with everyone, even when Heath is near her, but expects him to come hither when she snaps her fingers. I know exactly what I would have done in Heath's shoes.
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Pretty good fun
jewbo2314 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Leprechaun is back only this time its a different one even though this isn't really explained but it must be a different one because the film starts 1000 years ago. It's the Leprechaun's 1000th birthday and as we all know (of course we do) a Leprechaun gets to pick himself a bride every 1000 years (hmmm are they making up legends here?). So the little guy promises his slave that he will set him free after he has his bride. Little does the slave know the Leprechaun choice of bride is none other than his daughter. All the Leprechaun needs to do is get her to sneeze three times, and he does this. The slave then runs off gets killed and the Leprechaun says he ruined his chance. Now I don't get this bit. He got her to sneeze three times so why then wasn't she his wife? All the slave did was run away, how did that stop him marrying his daughter? But anyway, we cut o 1000 years later and low and behold that's today. It's the Leprechaun's birthday again and he has his eyes on a new bride. This films seems to completely disregard the first film as some of the rules have completely changed. For instance in the first film it was a four leaved clover that killed the little guy, in this one its iron. But in the first film he came out of the safe in the shop just before he killed the guy with a pogo stick. In this one they put him in a safe to try and kill him, what's going on there? There are some really good scenes in this film that I liked a lot. Seeing the Leprechaun getting drunk was great. All the little people egging him on was superb. Some of the acting was terrible though. most noticeably by the girl that played Bridget. The guys that played Cody and Morty were OK and Morty was a great character, and of course Warwick was great as the Leprechaun despite his constant terrible rhyming. There was a bit more gore in this one but not really enough for the sort of film it is. Low budget horrors like this need gore if you ask me. The directing was OK with some strange shaky angles and the whole cave place where the Leprechaun lived looked pretty good. On the whole it probably wasn't as good as the first but was still an enjoyable little B movie.

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Worse but watchable (barely)
FiendishDramaturgy15 January 2005
This attempt was far more wretched than the first installment of this run, but somehow the story seemed better. At least this time around, there ~was~ a story!

The make up effects for the Leprechaun were much better also, but Warwick Davis is the only actor in this farce to pony up professional performance. Too bad, he has to do it with dialog as trite as this drivel. At least he's earning a living.

The scenes of the Leprechaun's domain were freakish and haunting; all in all not a bad combination. They weren't anyplace ~I~ wanted to be. Let's just put it that way.

This one was more fun than the first, but only at the expense of the viewer. I really cannot recommend its viewing. Sorry fans of the franchise, but this one was a time waster. A fun time waster, but a time waster.

It rates a 3.8/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Very clever and hip horror film you'll love which will leave you feeling good
Catherine_Grace_Zeh11 August 2008
LEPRECHAUN 2, in my opinion, is a very clever and hip horror film you'll love which will leave you feeling good. The only things about it that scared me, like the first two, were some of the blood and gore and when the leprechaun (Warwick Davis) suddenly appeared or jumped out from somewhere. Other than that, I didn't get scared at all. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that everyone involved in this film did an outstanding job. In conclusion, to all you horror film lovers that have not seen this very clever and hip horror film you'll love which will leave you feeling good, I highly recommend it! You're in for a good time as well as some pure chills and thrills, so go to the video store, rent it or buy it, turn down the lights, lock all your doors and windows, and enjoy!
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Bad, Yet Strangely Compelling
maxouv28 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film and its predecessor "Leprechaun" back-to-back whilst feeling unwell at Christmas. I have to say that the quality of the production of the sequel is far better than that of the first film, presumably because of a larger budget. The quality of acting is better than in the first film (with the exception of Jennifer Aniston, it couldn't be any worse), the story is slightly better too although there are a number of continuity issues between the first and second films, especially considering that the Leprechaun himself is the same character/actor in both films. The second film is also much more bloodthirsty than the first and the Leprechaun seems to harm more people - whether or not they have any of his precious gold. There is something about the film which is appealing - but I have no idea what it is.
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