Nemesis 2: Nebula (Video 1995) Poster

(1995 Video)

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ProfessorX31 December 2002
Albert Pyun is the writer and director of many a straight-to-video action movie (just look on the bottom shelf of your local video store). Generally dreadful, his films are cocktails of bigger, better ones, but this one does stand out from the crowd. I first rented this a couple of years ago, and I actually quite enjoyed it. It's about Alex (body-builder Sue Price) who was adopted by a tribe in Northern Africa, after her mother was killed by theives. Raised by the way of the warrior, she's a tough kind of cross between 'Alien slayer' Ripley and 'cyborg dodger' Sarah Connor. However, she's completely human either. She is in fact genetically modified (as explained in an introductory voice-over) and can jump and run and fight much better than anybody else. So, when a cyborg (the Nebula of the title) is sent back from the future to kill, she has her work cut out. Yes, it is like T2; yes, the cybergenetic villain is basically the PREDATOR; and yes, the budget was about £2.50. But, it is very entertaining in a half-drunk, don't-quite-know-what's-going-on state of mind.

The action scenes are a tad flat, and of course there is a whole encyclopedia of cliches, but if you except if for a low-budget action movie, which it most definitely is, then you just sit back and enjoy it.

It's crap, but it's good crap, and at least it can admit it.
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Weaker than the first, but not overly bad....
gridoon18 August 2001
I have a certain affection for the first "Nemesis" film. I know that everyone considers it to be pretty bad, but at least it was fast-moving and enjoyable. This first sequel doesn't have the original's non-stop action and narrative force, and it's awfully reminiscent of both "The Terminator" (in its "messianic" myth) and "The Predator" (in the look of the monster that pursues the heroine). But as B-movies go it's still somewhat above average, and Sue Price, the starring female bodybuilder, is not only impressively built but very appealing, too. (**)
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Nemesis 2 Nebula: More of the same, again
Platypuschow23 December 2018
Though only the 2nd Nemesis movie this is the 6th movie in the Cyborg (1989) franchise and I still don't understand the timeline at all.

It tells the story of a genetically altered child created in hope of combating the cyborg threat. All grown up and with no knowledge of who she is she finds herself hunted down by a cyborg mercenary.

If you've seen any of the previous movies you'll know exactly what to expect here. The film has a desert setting, generic action and a female bodybuilder as the lead who actually does a competent enough job.

These movies are bad, it'd be hard to argue against that but maybe I'm simply not the demographic. I get what they're going for but the fact these movies have such a funky timeline and are connected in obscure ways doesn't help matters.

Great for fans, lackluster for everyone else.

The Good:

Lead is passable

The Bad:

Standard cyborg nonsense

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

People are expected to have memories from when they were a baby

Accents are hereditary
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THE worst movie ever - a real gem!
Susikovski30 July 2004
Naming the absolutely most pathetic piece of crap in cinematic history is not an easy task, candidates being so abundant, but Nemesis 2 has been my personal favorite ever since I saw it. It was so funny we had to rent it again the next day, and again I laughed so hard I was literally rolling on the floor. (This usually only happens when I see Monty Python's "Scott of the Antarctic".)

Throughout the whole movie, an overwhelming what-the-heck-feeling firmly grasps the viewer. I'm utterly confounded that this clumsy home video ever made it to production stage. It's supposed to be a sequel, yet has no apparent connection whatsoever with the first film. The hero has the same name, but this time "Alex" is female, although it took us half way into the movie to stop guessing, what with all the muscles and the barbarian-nomad outfit!

There is really no plot at all, it's merely a prolonged chase scene, only it's so slow-paced and senseless that calling it a chase scene makes it sound way more interesting than it really is. There is almost no dialogue, which is just as well considering the quality of it, and then the film suddenly just comes to an abrupt end after a blatant action scene with lots of gasoline explosions, without ever really explaining what it was all about. Luckily, it never gets boring, because there's something silly and phony going on at all times!

Terrible movies are usually just tedious, but Nemesis 2 is such a perfect mixture of over-seriousness and utter nonintentional wackiness that it's truly entertaining. Rent this film, or buy it even, you won't be disappointed!
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Huge step back
jellopuke17 July 2020
The first one, while not great, was decent and this is a massive let down. A new actor who's even worse than the previous one and a meandering plot that's just a Predator rip off crossed with a bit of Terminator.
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Dirty Harry meets Terminator meets Predator
earthlad14 June 2002
This film has it all ... mainly because it unapologetically borrows from several other films, including "Dirty Harry," "Predator," and "Terminator." For example, the final battle scene looks like it was set in the exact same locale as in "Dirty Harry." They battle in some kind of rock-crushing mill, complete with conveyors, and a big fall from the top of a metal tower.

Of course the alien cyborg bounty hunter is a cross between Bobba Fett, the Terminator, and that alien guy from "Predator." He even has that partial invisibility screen that looked much cooler in the former film.

Speaking of "Predator," theres even one scene which is an hommage (rip-off) of when Schwarzenegger is escaping from the alien and gets all muddy and wet from trudging through the Amazon river.

Sue Price is stone cold in her acting, and you're never sure whether she's angry, sad, happy, or whatever. I'm not sure what else she's done, other than the rest of the Nemesis series, but I'll bet she's a much better weightlifter than actor.

All things considered, I've seen better episodes of "Sheena".
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Pumping Iron-y
WestMike6 January 2008
I first saw this film a decade ago hidden in the nite program of a cable network. Only got half of it as I tuned in while it was already running and fell asleep before it was off. But that muscle babe kept me interested in seeing the whole thing. So now with the full DVD box of Nemesis I-IV available I could enjoy it in full.

On the contrary of many receptions here I am not in favor of Nemesis I. It is over ambitious and still crap. But Nemesis II catches what I would expect from a good action flick w/o budget - short introduction of persons, setting of characters and scene and then: Action! Not much suspense but a good laugh from time to time about plot holes so big even Sue Price could push through her broad shoulders . So for example the Cyborg first tries desperately to kill our hero whereas later revealing he would like to kidnap her alive.

Sue Price is really a feast for the eyes if you're into strong women. About her acting: if I had so many big muscles to co-ordinate I doubt I would find the time to control the small ones in my face to give it different expressions.

By the way Mr. Pyun had a wise choice of putting the storyline into African desert as only here our female hero can be densely clad to show mostly all of her beautiful body.

So all in all well entertaining and worth the time watching. I look forward to pt. III and IV in my DVD box with anticipation.
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The nemesis of my enemy is also my nemesis...
fmarkland3225 February 2007
Years have past since Alex Rain (played by Olivier Gruner in the first movie) stumbled onto the horrific plot that involved replacing humans with machines however since then a war between cyborgs and humans has emerged and we lost, now a superwoman of sorts who is the daughter of Olivier Gruner's character (She also inherits only half of his minimal acting ability) which I think is the films minimal connection to the first, however when the superwoman is created she hides in 1980 while a bounty hunter from the future hunts her down in this confusing sci-fi clunker. Nemesis became a cult hit, that I can see why people liked even though I was no fan of said film. Nemesis tried very ambitiously to come up with different ideas, develop a beautiful look and provide tons of action, it almost worked. Nemesis 2 doesn't even have that ambition, it's a cheap rip off of The Terminator with a muscled female who is so low on acting ability she makes Olivier Gruner seem like a master thespian and the action sequences lack the explosive scope that was the main selling point of the original. I'll admit I was no fan of the original but it deserved a better follow up than this. The original also featured a good cast like Tim Thomerson, Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa, Thom Mathews, Brion James, Thomas Jane and yes Jackie Earle Haley this one features nobody and this time it's just a dull movie with a pretentious vibe. In fact after I saw this, it inspired to add a half star to the original.

* out of 4-(Bad)
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Nebulous ?
Phroggy10 March 1999
I saw this movie in a theater in Chicago and should have enjoyed it, since I love Nemesis… but if the first half an hour is skillfully done, the rest is just sub-Predator video fodder, a long chase through those post-modern empty factories Pyun affectionnates. My girlfriend fell asleep. I still like Pyun though, but not this
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Years do go by
Venomly_Carnage7 April 2005
i was about 10 years old when i first saw this movie, and to be a kid at that age i thought this movie was great, but i cannot remember much about this movie, except that their was a dark blue android after a body builder woman i think her name was Alex. But i thought it was a good movie and i would like to see it again sometime, i have only seen the movie once and really enjoyed it, i watched it with my older sister at the time and their were a few good moments like where the dark blue thing "Nemesis" i take it was running after Alex and no matter what Alex did "Nemesis" could not be stopped - really cool!. But some people have put this movie on a down why!? give it a chance, but then again i could be very very wrong since as a child these movies seem unstoppable. if anyone has got this movie id love to know please contact me. and i have tried E-Bay, but no luck :(
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It came from the sales bin
tomimt12 July 2006
And that is the only reason I posses this DVD. Now I haven't seen the first Nemesis film, but I did check the info out of it and I here by say: What? Why? Because in the first film Alex was male. But then again the first one was set in the future, so maybe this Alex is brand new one and the scientist just happened to make Alex female this time. Who knows, at least it wasn't addressed in the film in any way.

Here's a quick summary of the plot: Alex, still a baby then (or how ever you want, as it was, is, in the future) escapes with her mom using a special time vessel and ends up in the 80's Africa. There mommy gets killed and Alex (Sue Price) grows up in a African tribe. Then the tribe gets slaughtered by a cyborg from the future and Alex then runs and hides and finally she kills the cyborg. So there. Does sound familiar, doesn't it?.

Terminator isn't the only film being ripped here, Predator gets its fair share too and I think the first Fly movie, the Vincent Price one, gets special nomination for giving a solid base to build up your cyborgs head from.

Lets see, what else? Okay, the film was quite standard small budget flick, but it did have bad special effects for a mid 90's film. It would have looked okay for a 80's flick how ever. Biggest problem is the plot. Things just happen and the viewer is barely interested. Nemesis 2 isn't the crappiest piece of cinema I've had pleasure (?) to watch but it does come damn close.

I won't say a thing about acting, because let's be honest here: did anyone expect Oscar worthy performances here? Oh well... at least I did find Sue Price hot in that amazonian warrior way.

A "real" movie rating: 2/10 There isn't a lot of pros about the over all quality. And despite of the very basic plot the film it self makes very little sense.

A camp movie rating: 4/10 I did get occasional laughs from the sheer badness of the film, so it does have small merits in it.
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'In Cyborg America only the synthetic will survive!'
Weirdling_Wolf3 March 2021
73 years after the humans lost the cyborg war, mankind has been totally enslaved by the despotic cyborgs and the only hope of survival is a covertly developed DNA strain to vastly increase physical strength and advance cognitive powers. The initial female test subject gave birth to a super-DNA assimilated child and after the mother and newborn hijacked a Cyborg time-jumper they alighted in barren, war-torn Africa circa 1980 where Pyun's thrillingly oddball adventure begins in earnest!

I can, grudgingly, accept some of the negativity levelled at the marginally disappointing sequel to what was arguably one of the most kinetic, super stylised, ceaselessly pyrotechnical Cyberpunk actioners of the 1990s. If enjoyed for its very own bizarre, hyperreal theatricality, the deliciously outlandish Nemesis 2 remains another exquisite example of versatile genre filmmaker, Pyun's enviable ability to explosively execute slam-bang entertainment from even the most penurious of budgets. While the loss of, Olivier Gruner certainly stings I sincerely feel that the dynamic, physically commanding replacement, Alex (Sue Price) most definitely has her very own uniquely steely screen presence, and is energetically forthcoming with her distractingly well-developed Amazonian charms!

The film's not uninteresting premise has baby 'Alex' adopted by a proud, indigenous warrior tribe, the infant, Alex waxes strongly into a fierce, generously muscled, enticingly oiled, dangerously fleet warrior goddess. An extraordinarily adept fighter who utilizes her preternatural strength and resilience in order to survive innumerable violent travails. Very soon, the battle-hardened heroine's fiercest challenge will be to confront deadly Cyborg assassin, Nebula, a pitiless, relentlessly brutal harbinger of death that has been sent to Africa to terminate her!

Much of Nebula 2's boundless pep comes from the entirely zesty performance of striking body builder, Sue Price who single (big) handedly carries the film on her deliciously broad Promethean shoulders, tearing alacritously across the sun blasted African plains in order to do ceaseless, laudably athletic battle with all those who are unfortunate enough to cross her indomitable path!

Not without flaws, Albert Pyun's heroically hyped up, Sci-fried, sword and sandals shoot 'em up has much gonzo grist for B-Movie maniacs to savour! The muscular, cyborg decimating action is packed tighter than our primordially-ripped heroine's bulging, blood-spattered vest! The strikingly steel thewed, Susan Price makes one thing abundantly clear, her Beretta blasting barbarian goddess, Alex could splatter, Red Sonia into a redder dollop of crimson goo without ever mussing a single blonde braid on her handsome head! Given Nemesis 2's severe budgetary limitations, the excitingly tumultuous climax between, Alex and the monstrously destructive, fiendishly fluid-draining assassin Nebula proves to be a satisfyingly bellicose one!
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A cyborg in Africa
unbrokenmetal11 January 2009
In 2077, the cyborgs have won the war against humanity which they started in the first part. Baby Alex is sent back in time to 1980, so she can safely grow up in the 20th century - and become the star of part 2. Stranded in Africa, the girl is raised by a native tribe who is one day attacked by Nebula, a warrior from the future. Her enemies did obviously discover Alex finally, and she has got only a knife at first to fight the heavily armored cyborg. So she is mostly on the run, also attacked by human enemies, (a rebel army), and on top of that, she also tries to rescue 2 American girls. Sounds like a mission impossible, doesn't it? But Sue Price in her first movie is quite a show with her muscles. Pyun dared giving the Stallone/Schwarzenegger role to a woman, and then look at the locations: a fight against a robot - that's something you'd expect to happen on a space station or a dark rainy city a la Blade Runner. Instead, Pyun takes us into a bright, sunny Africa (shot in Arizona, though) and the first third of the movie is just about Alex' initiation as a warrior, with dialogs in the tribe's language and subtitles. Strong colors and wide angle shots of barren landscapes make it look really good. The remaining two thirds of „Nemesis 2" are less remarkable: a constant battle, you can't get some popcorn before the next grenade explodes. Since the hunter has got a lot more technical options (radar, infra-red, audio scanning, laser, whatever), his prey stands no chance normally, but has a strong survival instinct. The ending titles already announce „Nemesis 3: Time lapse". I watched the 4 Nemesis movies (which I watched first in the 1990s) again now in chronological order for my reviews and voted 7/7/5/5.
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The future is dangerous...and dull
Tito-810 November 1998
If this is the first of the "Nemesis" films that you have seen, then I strongly urge you to proceed no further. The sequels to "Nebula" prove to be no better...hard to believe considering this entry is bottom-of-the-barrel. This movie tries, but it's just not worth your time, folks. Take a nap instead.
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ghostfacekillah2003200422 January 2005
This Film was Great when i first seen it, that was about 10 years ago. i cannot hardly remember this film but i can remember that cyborg (nemesis) i just call him or it "Arnie", and if it had a woman who was a body builder who played Alex i think her role name was then this is the film i want to watch one last time! if anyone out their has this film could they please get in contact? i know i have a really slim chance of finding anyone who even commented on this but its a shot I'm willing to take! but this film was great when i watched it, i mean a cyborg that cannot be killed following and trying to kill Alex it was great when i was little, but the scenes seemed enclosed and cramped, I've never seen the first but i have been told its better than this one if its true then maybe i was wrong and my little mind played tricks on me, anyways thanks
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Predator on a shoestring budget...
paul_haakonsen28 March 2024
I remember enhoying the 1992 sci-fi action movie "Nemesis" quite a lot back in my teenage years. But having returned to it not too long ago, it was actually not all that great a movie. And I do also remember having seen the 1995 movie "Nemesis 2: Nebula" once or twice, back in the day. However, I have entirely forgotten about it, aside from the big, muscular woman that was starring in it. And I remember always being somewhat repulsed by her physique.

And as I had the opportunity to sit down and watch "Nemesis 2: Nebula" once again here in 2024, of course I did so. However, it wasn't with a whole lot of great expectations though.

The movie is set to take place in 2077 in what is known as Cyborg America, yet they are still using weapons we have in our times today and even 30 years ago, that made very little sense. Wouldn't such weapons be considered archaic by that time? The storyline in "Nemesis 2: Nebula" deviates so much from the 1992 movie "Nemesis" that it hardly feels like the same franchise. Just exactly what were writers Rebecca Charles and Albert Pyun thinking when they concocted the script and storyline for this movie?

Needless to say that there wasn't a single famous or familiar actor or actress on the cast list. But then again, a movie such as "Nemesis 2: Nebula" would hardly draw in great talents, now would it? I have to say that I am still put off by the physique of Sue Price (playing Alex).

The character gallery in the movie is flaccid and superficial. You don't really get to know any of the characters, as they are either just extras or briefly passing by without much of any influence on the narrative (not that there was much of that either).

The special effects in the movie are exactly that; special. For a movie made in 1995, the special effects were quite dubious and laughable. A sci-fi movie such as this needs proper special effects to fully come off as being believable and creditable. And the props and wardrobe department didn't really manage to make the movie have a believable futuristic feel to it, which spoke well against the overall impression of "Nemesis 2: Nebula".

This is essentially a movie where you just disable your brain cells, lean back and enjoy the dubious sci-fi action, whilst munching on whatever snacks you have readily available. The movie requires absolutely no particular focus or concentration on the storyline.

"Nemesis 2: Nebula" is a futuristic sci-fi action movie without much of any actual sci-fi feel to it. It was, at best, a cheap knock off based on the "Predator" movie.

My rating of director Albert Pyun's 1995 "Nemesis 2: Nebula" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.
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Excellent film for female body-builder fans!
felekspi-24 April 2006
This is an excellent film for female body-builder & female action fans! I think that Sue Price did a great job in this film series (Nemesis 2,3,4) and proved to be a great fighter. She has a very striking appearance and a will of iron to resist the powerful Nebula (Nemesis 2). Though not a film of great value and Sue Price's acting skills not the best to have met in my life, the movie itself was something awesome, a priceless gem for fans of female body-builder action! Well, some parts of Nemesis 2 have been copied by other famous sci-fi films, such as Terminator or Predator, but that's not the point. The point is that A.Puyn casted in that film a very talented body-builder who put all of her energy and body talent to show us the best she can do. I really enjoyed that film and watched with the same enthusiasm Nemesis 3 (a rather boring sequel) and Nemesis 4 (a much more interesting sequel than 3). What a pity it hasn't shown yet on DVD :-(
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Well done straight to video cheapo
asgard-521 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bodybuilder Sue Price plays Alex, a girl who grew up in an African tribe. Everybody lies to her about her true origins, but once she passes a toughness test and beats her main tribe bully to a pulp, the main man finally lets her see the time machine she came out of 20 odd years ago. Meanwhile a cyborg called Nebula who looks like a cross between The Fly, Predator and the evil alien wife from the Outer Limits episode, zeroes in on Alex and sets on a path of total annihilation. That's how this film starts and it's relatively well made for a video feature. The rest of the movie is non stop Sue running around in little clothing, kicking, stabbing and shooting Nebula and various goons and that's it. But, to Albert Pyun's credit, he's smart enough to blow up as many buildings as he can on camera. What this movie lacks in plot, and it really does lack in plot, it makes up for with explosions. And Sue Price, who's quite feminine looking despite being ripped as hell.
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Sue Price is the Perfect Warrior-Woman in Albert Pyun's " NEMESIS 2 " !
timodo12 September 2020
Incredibly Beautiful Sue Price's Perfectly Chiselled Body & Athletic Skills make Her the Consummate Fit for the Role of 'Alex' , the Genetically Altered , Time-Traveling Potential Savior of Mankind ! I honestly Don't think that anyone else could have enveloped the Role as She does . Even Her Methodical Speaking just Adds to the Character's Sternness & Intensity ! Extremely Attractive Karen Studa plays Alex's Mother 'Zana' , who takes her daughter back in time to Save Her & Possibly All of Mankind . Alex is taken in by an African Tribe fighting a Civil War in the 1980's , Grows Up , & twenty years later emerges a Warrior ! Along Her travels , Alex runs into the Particularly Reprehensible 'Emily' portrayed by the Irresistible Tina Cote & the equally Lovely Traci Davis playing 'Sam' , who's just trying to Stay Alive . Chad Stahelski pulls Double-Duty as both the Voice of 'Nebula' , the Robot seeking to Kill or Capture Alex , & the Narrator of the Story . The Story may sound Complicated ; but it's easily followed as a Result of Great Acting & Powerful Directing . There's enough Fighting , Blood-Letting , & Explosions to Satisfy the Staunchest of Action Afficianados ! There's a Fitting & Proper Ending which leads right into : " Nemesis 3 : Prey Harder " , which is Exactly what I'm going to Watch Now !
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Nemesis 2: Nebula
phubbs18 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The original film is a bit of a cult classic in the B-movie genre, trashy sci-fi hokum that somehow just kinda works with its gritty low budget feel. This sequel is more of the same accept Mr Pyun merrily rips off two classic sci-fi films left right and centre.

Humans have developed a new DNA strain that could put a stop to the cyborg threat. Its injected into a pregnant female who then escapes back in time to Africa 1980. There she is killed by hunters but the child is saved and raised by natives.

Now comes the copyright infringements, the cyborgs send a killer cyborg back in time to terminate the child who is now a very muscular adult female with a great ass. So that's a certain sci-fi flick ripped right there, then for the duration of the film another sci-fi is ripped off completely as we follow this bounty hunter predator as it hunts this female. I might add this cyborg bounty hunter has its own light bending camouflage, it growls like an alien creature, it has some kind of body armour suit and mask, its own HUD in its mask giving it various tracking and voice analyzing tricks and it has its own shoulder mounted laser...ring any bells yet?

But that's not all, what really amazed me is it took around 12 minutes before we get to see the films title. It took a further 25 minutes before we even get a word of English out of the main heroine! the film is spoken entirely in a native African language (I think, could be gibberish) by everyone for a good chunk of the film. So basically I had no clue what was going on, guess that's why there is a bit of narration at the start and those handy bounty hunter screen readouts.

As we delve deeper into the film we are given plenty of running action, plenty of chase sequences, then more running, and some more, and yet more! Most of the latter half of the film is watching the heroine run for cover whilst explosions go off around her. There is some kind of plot involving treasure and some guerrilla type fighters but to be honest I'm not really sure what all that was about. The main plot seemed to be our muscle bound heroine running from the Predator rip- off creature. I've never seen so much running in a film! running from things getting blown up, so many buildings, so many missed shots by this so called top cyborg bounty hunter Nebula. All this and hardly any dialog I kid you not.

Anyway it all ends as you'd expect surprise surprise. Despite all this it actually looks OK in places, Pyun isn't too bad at slow motion high octane action, a low budget John Woo if you will. The location isn't too bad either really, meant to be Africa but filmed in the US, it does the job though, not too shabby. Its all utterly ludicrous of course, some of the back flips and somersaults through the air are insanely daft, and she firing a gun at the same time! Thing is the film starts off reasonably sensible but just sinks into this overblown over the top nonsense...still its somehow quite enjoyable. Sue Price all greased up as the lead heroine helps of course.

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Dumber Than The First One, But Almost As Good
nutsy11 January 2005
I enjoyed Albert Pyun's "Nemesis" for its cheesy action and semi-complicated script. A lot of people complain about the "confusing" plot to the first film, which is probably why "Nemesis 2: Nebula" has a dumb as rocks plot with the same super-action to carry it through.

This one gives the name of the first movie's hero, Alex, to a bulked up super-female sent to the past to save the future. She is raised by a tribe in Africa. A good portion of the film only has dialogue in an African tongue without subtitles, which I liked because it made it seem somewhat authentic (how often do movies in this genre really try to do that?). It doesn't take long for the evil cyborgs to time travel back in time to find her and try to kill her.

Don't get me wrong, this is a piece of crap (not that the first one was anything great). There are subplots involving Africa's political unrest, treasure hunting, and tribal combat. The picture is very short on brains, so none of these things gets a very good treatment. The picture is basically a drawn out fight with some chases that boils down to muscle-babe vs. cyborg. It has its entertainment value, just don't expect quality, or anything of the first movie.
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Please not another one
penguys6 February 2001
Ok the first one of these movies was bad but making a sequal is going to far. One the other hand it had nothing to do with it's predecessor. The first 1/2 an hour is all spoken in an African language and isn't subtitled. It is impossible to tell what anyone is saying and after about 30 seconds you stop caring. The "alien effects" were done by smearing vasaline on the camera when ever they filmed Nebula (the bad guy). The only thing worse than this movie was Nemesis 3 which was pretty much just footage from the second one scrambled out of order. I think they were supposed to be flash backs. The only notable thing about this movie is it had a member of the production crew with the unfortunate name Yolanda Squatpump.
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For The 10000th Time, Predator Meets Terminator
DavyDissonance4 April 2019
Some butch lesbian runs around in Africa battling some cyborg from the future. Pyun movies are a guilty pleasure. I'm into these mundane dark and cheesy sci-fi action movies. I understand that they're stupid as hell but I like Pyun's style. Well, sort of. Anyways I like this movie for its action primarily and the cyborg was really cool. Although the concept of this movie taking place in Africa rather in the future to where we have more cyberpunk elements is caca pee pee poo poo but I kinda sorta understand considering the fact that I don't think this movie had much of a budget in the first place so you can have to roll with the punches. For what it's worth it is a good straight to video action movie with plentiful of explosions and all sorts of other meaningless crap.
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Sue Price Rocks,Way Better Actress Than Rachel McLish Or Cory Everson
rbswrds19 July 2021
I agree it seems like T-2 meets Predator. If anything,this makes it great. Sue Price shows more acting range than Everson who never got anything beyond bit parts thankfully. Certainly much better also than McLish who showed her blandness in Ravenhawk. Here,as a genetically enhanced warrior living in a remote part of Africa,Sue shows she can do pretty well. I would say definitely this is worth you time if you like Albert Pyun movies and sci fi movies too.
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another crazy Pyun Movie
marc24227 January 2004
Well, what can I say? While the first "Nemesis" Movie with non-actor oliver Gruner was very entertaining,this one is not. It features the female bodybuilder Sue Price as the orphan "alex". She lives with an african tribe somewhere in the desert and is tracked down by a Predator-like Cyborg (Nebula).

What kind of a story is this ? The setting in africa alone is ridiculous. Why africa? Pyun`s movies are truly cinematic time-bombs, movie geeks beware. Sue Price as the "star" ist really a strange view to behold. Albert Pyun really tries to sell this muscle-babe as something "sexy". Oh,Albert. What were you smoking,when you made this one ?
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