Bulletproof (1996) Poster


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Underrated for sure
clairamarie26 March 2019
I thought it was pretty good. It had good action, decent story and there was some really funny parts. I bought it cheap at Walmart and I'm glad I did. I will watch it again for sure.
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I thought it was funny
Thornfield218 June 2001
This movie, I think, is one of Sandler's best and I laughed my A off. I've watched it probably 15 times and I still laugh. I think the characters were well formed and the comedic chemistry between Sandler and Wayans was really entertaining! I think Archie Moses was a cute and fun character(especially when he used this Budweiser dog as a hostage and then out of guilt he lets the mutt go).I also love it when he and Keats are at each others throats one minute and then best buds the next. My favorite line in the whole movie is when Keats and Moses are pulled over by the cops and Moses has to pretend he's mentally challenged and while pulling a dopey face he says "Disneylaaaaaaaaahhhhhnd." Hillarious. James Caan made a brief cameo as Sandler's notorious boss, Coulton and that was cool too.This movie is no Academy Award winner, but so what! It made me laugh and dispite other reviews it is my favorite Sandler, tied with The Wedding Singer and Happy Gilmore off course. Very, very humerous.
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Great Timing and Pace, Full of Twists and a Great Entertainment
claudio_carvalho26 March 2006
The criminals Rock Keats (Damon Wayans) and Archie Moses (Adam Sandler) are best friends and have been stealing cars together for one year. Archie invites Rock to join the gang of the drug lord Frank Colton (James Caan) without knowing that Rock is indeed the undercover detective Jack Carter, assigned to get evidences against Frank. During the police raid against a heroin shipping of Frank, Archie accidentally shoots Jack in his head. Once recovered, Jack declares Archie his enemy, and arrests him. But the former mates have to join forces against Frank's gangsters and many dirty cops.

"Bulletproof" is a very funny police story, with a great timing and pace. There is a great chemistry between Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler, the good story has many twists and jokes, the cast is charming, especially the gorgeous Kristen Wilson and this is the second time that I watch this film and I still like it. This movie seems to be underrated in IMDb, with some very unfair reviews, and it is a great entertainment. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "À Prova de Balas"("Bulletproof")
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Half action, Half comedy, TOTALLY ENTERTAINING!
Lethal_K_MMX23 March 2003
Bulletproof is one of the funniest and action filled movies I have ever seen in a long time, and Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler are a great team, and James Caan is also good as the drug boss Frank Colton. The whole cast kept me laughing, and the action kept the adrenaline running.

4 out of 5
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Wasn't that bad.
elvylanda4 September 2019
Not a bad action film featuring two comedians. I wish Adam Sandler worked out when he was younger and maybe he could have carved an action movie career for himself. He always had the quick wit, he just needed the brawn. So, BulletProof is actually very good action film.
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a good buddy movie
barb-71 April 2000
I didn't think I would like the movie. but I found it pretty good. Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler were pretty good buddies. It reminded me of the buddy movies of the 70' and 80'. There were some stupid parts like the gunman hiding in the sunflowers in the desert. Come on. How did those flowres get there. I like the dog. neat pit bull. The ending was good. I would recomend renting it. forget buying it.
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Not one of Adam Sandler's best movies
The-Sarkologist5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about friendship and betrayal. Both of the major characters in this movie are betrayed by their closest friends, and come to understand what it is really like to be betrayed. One of them is an undercover cop while the other is a criminal, but also quite timid, but has joined forces, and then earned the emnity, of a major drug lord.

The movie opens with the cop and Archie Moses as best friends stealing a car, but we quickly learn that the cop is an undercover cop who is trying to bust a drug dealer who owns a huge car dealership. Moses then brings the cop to the factory and it is discovered that he is a cop and the police raid the place. The cop wants to protected Archie, but due to an accident, Archie shoots him in the head. Months later, the cop has fallen in love with his therapist and Archie is running from the drug lord. He is found by the police but requests that this cop return and escort him back.

There isn't much to say about this movie other than how they begin as best friends, but after the truth is revealed, Archie cannot trust him anymore. The cop in upset because Archie shot him, but does not want to believe that it was an accident. We also know that somebody else is tipping them off, but we do not know who, but the movie is about the friend's betrayal, and is summed up in Archie's comment to the cop, "now you know how it feels to be betrayed by a friend." The drug lord is interesting because he also owns a used car yard and we always see his advertisement on television. It is as if this guy is flaunting himself in front of everybody, and those who know the truth about him are frustrated because they cannot get at him. Archie has the evidence, but the guy wants Archie dead because of his relationship with the cop.

This is not a bad movie, but Adam Sandler has done far better. It is not really a comedy, more of an action movie, and though Sandler does act weirdly, this movie does not stand out in my opinion.
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"Mom, are you high again?"
PredragReviews12 May 2016
Adam Sandler does it again, with another fun movie! This one is action-packed, and a great buddy movie. Damon Wayans is excellent in this film as well, and the two together make for a fun memorable show. Bulletproof is a silly comedy with some pretty bad acting over all. Despite that, this will go down in history as one of my favorites. This was Adam Sandler's first attempt at making a more serious role.

But it's a really fun easy going movie at a running time that couldn't offend anybody. It a load of old cobblers plot wise, and the buddy buddy thing was dying a death, but the two leads are amiable enough and Caan wasn't too bad as the villain. It's not very memorable though, and it's full of clichés, but for Sandler fans and Wayans fans, this will suffice.

Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
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Wayans and Sandler are funny and talented - but not in this movie
AlsExGal27 March 2013
This has to be one of the worst movies I ever saw. I should have known by it's release date - September - I was in for less than a treat. That's after all of the summer blockbusters have been released and before the academy award possibilities start cropping up in October/November. And remember, 1996 was the year that the word "blockbuster" was defined by unwatchable schlock such as Independence Day and Twister.

Jack Keats (Damon Wayons) is an undercover cop posing as a car thief in order to get information from a real car thief, Archie Moses (Adam Sandler). The two have actually developed a kind of friendship during the time they are working together. After gaining his trust, Moses offers to introduce Keats to his boss, drug kingpin Frank Colton (James Caan). Keats jumps at the chance to home in on bigger criminal game. Thus as Keats is meeting Colton for the first time, the police appear on the scene to make their arrests in the case. In the resulting chaos, Keats is shot in the head. Keats has a slow but sure recovery. On the bright side, he falls in love with the woman who helps him recover. On the negative side, he now has a metal plate in his head. Afterwards, when he is back on duty, Keats is assigned to escort Moses back to testify against his former employer Colton, a situation neither one is looking forward to. Keats is angry because thanks to Moses he has a metal plate in his head, and Moses is angry because Keats lied to him over the entire year that he thought they were friends and colleagues. This movie seems to be going for the buddy/road film angle, with the exception of the fact that Keats and Moses run into a series of attempts on their lives since Colton, the big drug kingpin, is out to kill them both. This forces them to work together to figure out why their every move seems to be known by Colton before they even make it.

Both Wayans and Sandler can be very funny if given the right material, but neither has anything particularly funny to do or say here, since the material they are working with is totally lacking in the imagination and genuine humor that could have exploited the talents of the two leading men. Avoid at all cost. The only reason I remember this movie over ten years later is (a) it is incredibly bad even for a "man movie" and (b) my husband insisted we go see it.
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I'm not sure
Quinoa198430 April 2000
Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler team up in this film about betrayal, loyalty, friendship, and getting a gun in your a**. I actually found some scenes funny, but this type of film isn't really made for Sandler (or Wayans for that matter). But, they try, and they succeed, sort of. James Caan is good as a villain boss. B+
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Sandler and Wayans Present: A Surprisingly Not Very Sandler Buddy Cop Movie
questl-185926 August 2021
The Sandler-thon continues with this weird entry. Sandler trying to get into the buddy cop action flick genre and... This is a weirdly enjoyable movie. Don't get me wrong, it's not great and is actually pretty stupid at times but it seems like the sort of thing that would fit these characters. Wayans brings a nice sense of intensity and charisma to this but Sandler never quite feels realistic in this role. He's too much of a loser to feel like he'd be this important in a criminal enterprise of this magnitude.

Also, there's a decent chunk of this that revolves around a porn-laden cabin in the woods and that just feels weird and unnecessary in the worst ways.

Overall, it's a pretty average thing. The lack of believability in Sandler's character counteracts what Wayans is bringing to the table and the whole thing ends up feeling like a B-movie that's trying too hard to be legit.
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Very Underrated Action Buddy Film !
BloodyPredator23 March 2019
Bulletproof is a Fun Movie with nice Action Scenes ,Funny Jokes and a Great Buddy Duo with Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans. They are tons of funny Jokes and both Actors played very well. I don't get the low rating for this very Underrated Action Comedy Gem from the 90s. It's a Fun Movie and clearly one of the best Roles from Adam Sandler. I can Recommend it !
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Not original, but not the worst movie in the genre either.
philip_vanderveken30 October 2004
I'm not a big fan of Adam Sandler and I normally don't appreciate all those buddy / action comedies. But I have to admit that this movie wasn't even the worst in the genre. Yes from time to time it can even be quite enjoyable. However, there's already a huge list of this kind of movies and "Bulletproof" certainly isn't the best of them either.

Damon Wayans is an undercover cop who works with an unsuspecting criminal, played by Adam Sandler, to catch the big boss of a drug cartel. What happens next is a mix of a lot of action and some fun parts. The action sequences are nice to watch, but not every joke in this movie works very well. Still, in the end it isn't too bad, but like many action comedies, this one is very predictable and sometimes also very much over-the-top.

I guess this movie will be loved most by the people who like the genre or by the great fans of Sandler's work. Since I don't belong to any of these two groups, I give it only a 5.5/10.
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I don't like your God. Your God scares me.
hitchcockthelegend27 December 2016
Starring Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans, the former a criminal, the latter a cop, plot sees the mismatched pair thrust together to bring down a criminal kingpin (James Caan). So it's all set up nicely for a high energy action comedy from the realm of buddy buddy bonanza. Sadly it has energy to burn but the execution of the comedy is weak to the point the makers have to resort to the base level of comedy writing to try and get laughs.

The odd line raises a chuckle, but quite often this is followed by a period of inanity, which in turn is followed by a ballsy action sequence (the makers very aware they quickly need to keep the demographic genre fans back on the clock). All this while a budding bromance - that's coupled with some lame homophobic undertones (a revolver up the butt gag? Seriously?) - threatens to turn it into the Brokeback Mountain of the buddy buddy action genre of film. Hell! the screenplay even has the whiff of misogyny about it.

The stars are badly served by poor writing and direction, but they themselves are guilty of offering up a chemistry free movie that dulls the senses during all the interim talking sequences. It's hard to believe this is the same pair of actors who have The Wedding Singer and The Last Boy Scout on their respective curricula vitae. This is a waste of talent and a wasted opportunity for something fun and exciting. A pic only marginally saved by its shoot-outs and fisticuffs (for the so inclined of course). Oh and what was James Caan thinking? Working for food or what? 5/10
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funny and thrilling
ShortCuteBlonde1 October 2002
i liked this movie a lot, it was probably one of my favorite adam sandler movies of all time, it was funny and exciting, the acting wasn't the best but it was still a good movie and i hope anyone who hasn't seen it watches it,its a great movie for everyone i give it a 9/10
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Dumb but funny
fresh_6 July 2005
I think Adam Sandler and his films are really underrated... They're not supposed to be masterpieces or films of an intellectual nature, they're just dumb comedies, but they still make me p*ss myself laughing every time I watch them. Sandler is great in my eyes, no matter how much he gets slated. I thought the acting in this film was fairly good, as were the action sequences. I mean if your looking for something deep, meaningful, or intelligent, avoid all Sander films, but if your just looking for a cheap laugh then Bulletproof does the job (as do Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Airheads and Little Nicky). Speaking of Little Nicky I was surprised to see it got nominated for worst actor, worst screenplay, worst director, worst film etc. etc. I think that's a tad harsh. Anyway give the man a break, he's a really under rated comic.
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Some funny bits
Rumples7 February 1999
I have to say I'm surprised this film has attracted so few votes. With Adam Sandler pretty 'hot' comedy property at the moment, this movie must be a bit of a sleeper. Damon Wayans also has some comedic talent and, between the two of them, they manage to produce a moderately amusing movie. Of course, it is not at all taxing on the brain, and far from Oscar winning material, but for a bit of light-weight fun, it's alright. My vote 7/10 (mainly because I'm a bit of a Sandler fan).
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Weak very weak...
RosanaBotafogo13 June 2022
Definitely Adam Sandler's comic works do not appeal to me at all, always derisory and bland, little fun, not at all exciting, the charisma of the character of the characters until they try, but it's not enough, bland...
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damianphelps6 February 2023
This is a pretty funny movie, although it has aged somewhat.

Both Sandler and Wayans are riding high in their careers at this time, so they come across with a natural confidence that really works for the movie.

Plenty of good laughs, especially at the love motel!!

Caan is the perfect badguy and also the only cast member who can really act. So he adds a certain richness to the movie that helps promote the humour.

I never would have imagined how many time one of my family, me included, would end up saying Disneeeeeelaaaaaaaand.

Haha makes me laugh even now. A funny cop type buddy movie that will give you a good time :)
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Weird film
count_skogg25 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a really weird mixture of genres - toilet humour and action in one. It doesn't really pull it off - it should have stuck to one genre. The best thing I can say about the movie is that the dog in it is cute.

The most disturbing sequence is in the middle of the film when Moses (Sandler) and Carter (Wayans) decide to stop off at a hunting lodge/motel. I'm not quite sure what the point of this sequence is - it just seems gratuitous in the extreme. The proprietor of the hunting lodge ("Charlie") is a very nerdy looking guy. For some reason, Moses starts a conversation with Charlie about porno, jacking off, homosexual sex, sex in a threesome... Charlie's photo of his "wife" appears to be Charlie dressed in drag. There is no reason for this really juvenile dialogue and scene. Anyway, the whole scene seems to be directed to the moment when a naked Moses ends up with Carter's gun up his butt and Charlie sees them through the window. It all reeks of school boy humour about homosexuality - horrified and titillated all at the same time - which I don't find funny at all.

I have a friend who is always raving about Adam Sandler movies. This is the first one I've seen - after this, I'm not sure I want to see any more.

BTW, this is my husband's account - he's seen Happy Gilmore, and he tells me it's quite good - maybe I should give Sandler just one more chance.

Countess Skogg
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Funny And Entertaining
HabibieHakim12310 June 2021
"Bulletproof is just a typical Adam Sandler movie, which in terms of a perfomance was alright but it's very entertaining and watchable, yes there is some cringy moment and meh moment, but Bulletproof is still fill with a good comedy, it's funny and entertaining, it's a movie that you just need to enjoyed it"
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Far too short
CWP-9 July 1999
My age: 13

Keats, played by Damon Wayans, and Archie Moses, played by Adam Sandler, are the best of friends and have been for a year. What Moses doesn't know is that Keats is really Jack Carter, an undercover cop, who is waiting for the right time to bust Moses and Frank Colton, a major criminal who Moses is involved with. When Colton and Moses find out that Keats is a cop, Colton wants to kill Moses, but he gets away after shooting Carter in the head, which does not kill Carter. Moses is found by the cops and is taken for proof of Colton's wrongdoing. But when the cops, including Carter, are about to escort him across the country on a plane, all the other cops are killed and Moses and Carter are alone in the desert. Carter has to stay alive as well as take Moses in.

A fairly average action-comedy, Bulletproof has a fair plot but a lot of the film is just plain stupid. For a comedy, I found most of the jokes entirely unfunny. But as an action movie, it has a few fairly good action scenes. Not being a good fan of either Adam Sandler or Damon Wayans, I found the acting and therefore, the characters, well below par. The climax isn't really great, and the film is so unrealistic. It is not entirely bad, but also not too good, and it is far too short. Running below 85 minutes, I though there was another 15 minutes left before it ended, but there wasn't, and the film felt too short. Overall not a complete waste of time, but I still wouldn't recommend Bulletproof.

Australian Classification: MA 15+: Medium Level Violence, Sexual References, Medium Level Coarse Language

Rating: 56 out of 100
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Laugh Out Loud!
superboy47822 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Bulletproof is one of those movies that the critics are obviously going to give a blow and thumbs down, but in reality, I really had a good time watching Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler dodging bullets, cussing each other out, just basically getting on each others nerves.

An undercover cop named Rock Keates (Damon Wayans) is planning to arrest long time friend Archie Moses (Adam Sandler) on drug accounts. When the bust goes terribly wrong, Keates is ACCIDENTLY shot in the head by Moses. Days later, Moses is arrested by the survived Keates and both are put into a danger situation with an airplane. After the plane crashes in the desert, Keates and Moses annoy each other the whole way down.

Damon Wayans (My Wife and Kids) and Adam Sandler (Big Daddy) star in this hilarious comedy that will have you laughing!
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I Like This Duo
view_and_review24 September 2020
Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler aren't a bad combination. Rock Keats aka Jack Carter (Damon Wayans) was an undercover cop trying to get close to a man named Colton (James Caan) through a man he befriended named Archie Moses (Adam Sandler). Archie truly loved Carter as a friend and even though Jack was doing his job befriending Archie, he grew to like him as well. When a big bust went wrong Archie accidentally shot Carter and slipped away. Archie was far from safe because the police as well as Colton wanted him. To ensure that he'd at least live he decided to turn state's evidence on Colton, but he'd only be brought in by Carter. Bringing Archie would be no walk in the park because Colton still wanted him dead and Carter was extremely sour on him as well.

Primarily, this movie was funny. The action was nothing I hadn't seen a thousand times before, so that wasn't going to be the deciding factor. Both Wayans and Sandler were hilarious and that's what set this movie apart.
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widzhit12 April 2002
I haven't for a long time seen such a horrible film. I hoped that at least Adam Sandler could be funny... hopeless. Seems, like some teenager have written it's script and he's daddy pushed this so far, that someone agreed to shoot it. (Movie)World could be better place without this, whatever it is.
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