Killer Tongue (1996) Poster


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Below average Spanish/British horror comedy with lots of gore , blood and guts
ma-cortes12 November 2014
Silly terror picture with a myriad of weird and unimaginative scenes . This horror story is set in New Mexico when something falls from space onto Earth , it involves two delinquents , she is Candy (a beautiful Mandy Clarke) and he is Johnny (Jason Durr) , they flee with the loot from a hold-up , but the latter is trapped and does prison time . Later on , Rita hiding out with four pastel colored poodles in a desert gas station cared by a group of nuns . Everything trembles and an asteroid crashes onto Earth . As a meteorite crashes near the station transforming the young girl into an alien being with a gigantic voracious tongue and the puddles have become people (now very famous Jonathan Rhys Meyers , among others) , in fact into four Drag Queens . The whole thing grows even weirder as her fiancé getaways from jail and also encounters the meteorite , and Rita (Mapi Galán) , a mute novice who is become into a sexy drum majorette , but the guards are after him . While , Johnny being chased by the jail officials led by a nasty Prison Director (Robert Englund who along with Doug Bradley as Wig are two terror myths) , and even the chief warden has its own portable toilet . After that , the Drag Queens/poodles dance in front of the wardens and the prisoners, then the wardens shoot the dancers ; meantime an old nun (Mabel Karr who married the great Spanish actor Fernando Rey) is tied down in their car . The whole bunch eventually comes into conflict and the events go wrong .

This is a hilarious horror parody , surrealist , extreme spoof and gross-out but also with some brief moments being bold and fun . This is a slightly funny film , including entertaining events , giggles , profanities , and amusement but also very embarrassing as well as absurd . The main starring results to be the ¨killer tongue¨ , it delivers the goods , adding some acceptable FX , as when the tongue slaps Candy when she tries to cut it with an electric knife ; furthermore , the tongue writes on her forehead and makes many other fantastic things . The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind, and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few ridiculous . The flick is realized in ¨Troma¨ and ¨Frank Henenlotter¨ style , plenty of quirk roles , amazing transformations , abundant make-up and strange situations . The characters are all odd , grotesque and weird and the film races on at incredible speed . Dirty humor turns out to be sometimes cheesy and gross-out with numerous naughty and picaresque situations such as sex jokes , bad taste and adult scenes . However , it also contains uneven comedy , piggy humor , abound sexual scenes , profanity and grossed issues . A few of the scenes are amusing , they are elicit chuckles but no very enjoyable laughters . It is nicely starred by Melinda Clarke , she is gorgeous playing as a possessed thief who wears an eye-popping transparent dress ; Melinda starred known terror movies as Mortal Zombie and Spawn . The picture contains loads of fun as well as gore here and there and a passel of cameo appearances or brief interventions such as Jonathan Rhys Meyers , Doug Bradley , Stephen Marcus and Spanish actors such as Alicia Borrachero , Jose Truchado , Alicia Garrigues and Mabel Karr .

Colorful and brilliant cinematography by Denis Crossan , a good cameraman who has photographed several successes such as The Hole , I Know What You Did Last Summer , Pink Panther , Agent Cody Banks and World Without End . It was shot in Almeria (Spain), where in the 60s and 70s was filmed many Spaghetti/Paella Westerns . The motion picture well financed by the great Spanish producer Andres Vicente Gomez was regularly directed by Alberto Sciamma . He was born in 1961 , Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain . He is a writer and filmmaker especially known for 2002 Anazapta , 2003 Las Mansiones de Jericó and this 1996 La Lengua Asesina ; his last one results to be ¨De Alaska a Fangoria¨ (segment "Descongélate") whose band Fangoria and leader Alaska composed the musical score for ¨The Killer Tongue¨.
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Wildly uneven attempt at a tailor-made cult film
capkronos12 May 2003
Here's a horror version of PRISCILLA: QUEEN OF THE DESERT (they wish!) starring Melinda/Mindy (RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 3) Clarke as Candy, a desert dweller who pulls off a bank heist with boyfriend Johnny (Jason Durr). He ends up in a South-of-the-border prison run by the sadistic Chief Screw (an overacting Robert Englund in a toupee). She and her beloved pet poodles end up in hiding at a gas station convent until they're transformed by a newly fallen meteor. The dogs turn into obnoxious drag queen "bitches" and Candy develops a VERY long, talking, killing forked tongue she can't control. Thugs looking for the stolen loot and other assorted numbskulls add extra complications.

First off, Clarke is fantastic and makes what there is to make of this movie. You watch her and see someone very funny during the slapstick scenes, very convincing during the horror scenes and VERY sexy in various wigs and disguises, including an eye-popping, skin tight latex bodysuit...and wonder how come this actress isn't a huge star. It's too bad the rest of this cult attempt doesn't live up to her promise.

Blame director/scripter Sciamma, who thinks the outlandish premise alone is enough to sustain laughs...but his vulgar gags, annoying supporting characters and stupid dialogue are no substitute for a real sense of humor. Another nail in the coffin; the film looks cheap, lots of garish colors and sets are strangely muted by muddy photography and the dusty desert locales. Luckily for Sciamma that Clarke is in his film, because she alone keeps you watching.
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the idea
EyeAskance30 October 2003
"...OK...I have an idea for this movie, OK? This really sexy chick is waiting at a middle of nowhere desert house for her man to be released from a prison where this gay overseer is giving him a really "hard" time, get it? OK...anyhow, this sexy chick sits down to eat some soup, and a chunk of METEORITE falls into it from the sky! Great, huh? But wait, I'm just starting...she turns into this freaky, but even sexier sort of monster...and her TONGUE DEVELOPS A LIFE OF IT'S OWN! It talks kinda like Harvey Firestein, see, and has a real sorta nasty disposition, always wisecracking and all...and it eats people!! Sound good? Wait, there's more! Her dogs turn into flamin' gay drag queens! Hahaaa! So....that's my idea, in a nutshell, and it's sure fire! Now, all I need from you guys is about five grand to get it from the drawing board to the screen...."
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Some have praised this film for being unpredictable; psycho killers are unpredictable, but you wouldn't voluntarily spend an hour and a half in their company.
BA_Harrison21 April 2011
In his calculated bid for cult status, director Alberto Sciamma makes Killer Tongue as weird and wacky as possible, throwing in such outlandish ingredients as a talking extraterrestrial tongue that inhabits the mouth of a female bank robber, a group of poodles transformed into drag queens, a nun given a sexy make-over by the aforementioned poodle people, a fascistic wig-wearing prison guard with a pet dove, and all manner of bloody deaths including lots of full body explosions; the result is a predictably garish, gaudy, gory and extremely camp exercise in cartoonish excess (think John Waters' films/Earth Girls Are Easy/Priscilla, Queen of the Desert mixed with any other outrageous nonsense that crosses your mind), but it is one that frequently falls flat on its outlandish ass, not just by being dreadfully unfunny and extremely irritating at times, but for simply for trying TOO hard.

The cast, clearly believing that this film would become a favourite with the B-movie crowd, thus immortalising them in the pantheon of cult cinema, put in embarrassingly OTT performances, desperately trying to inject a manic sense of fun into proceedings but failing spectacularly. Robert Englund is particularly cringe-worthy in his role as the jack-booted guard who leers at photos of hunky men in the john, but everyone else gives him a good run for his money. Meanwhile, Sciamma ladles on almost every vulgar and ostentatious camp cliché possible, only drawing the line at delivering a musical number involving gay dwarfs in sequined tutus and a troupe of fire-breathing gimps.

About the only people who deserve any praise for this mess are Bob Keen and his Image Animation team, who don't let the inanity of the whole project prevent them from providing some impressive animatronic tongue effects and quite a bit of nice splatter.
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My tongue is everything you never were!
lastliberal22 November 2009
This was Alberto Sciamma's first film, and it won him a Best Director award at the Fantafestival. I don't know what he was aiming for, but he hit something.

While her boyfriend (Jason Durr) is in the cooler, Candy (Melinda Clarke) hides out in a nunnery. Not your ordinary nunnery, but one that runs a gas station in the New Mexico desert.

After some alien magic, Candy grows a long tongue and her poodles are turned into flamboyant drag queens (one is Jonathan Rhys Meyers). This are certainly getting interesting because this isn't just a long tongue, it's a killer tongue. It craves meat! While Candy is getting used to her new tongue, her boyfriend is being tortured by none other than Robert Englund, who is the Chief Guard at the jail.

The nuns don't go away from the story after Candy leaves. One (Mapi Galán) is wandering the desert and comes on some alien rock that gives her healing powers, and another has been transformed by the transvestites.

The huge tongue - we are talking 6+ feet here - transforms and talks! Candy tries to commit suicide, but the tongue heals her just like the nun in the desert heals her boyfriend.

That nun was doing some special healing to Johnny later on, and they barely escaped with their lives after Candy caught them.

Anyway, Candy finds out that a six foot tongue can do things that Johnny can't.

This is one strange movie. It would have been more interesting if the only nudity wasn't two men's butts.
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heres a spoiler......avoid this stinker at all costs
HerMrBubbles16 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
first of all let's start out by saying that Robert Englund Doug Bradley and Melinda Clark should be commended for having to be associated with this piece of drivel. i had to give this a 1 it wouldn't let me give it a zero. wanna know how bad this movie is? my mom calls me from across town and tells me "son, i just watched the stupidest movie ever. i responded as saying "the killer tongue huh?" she was like how did you know that? that's how bad this movie is. i mean it looked like a good movie at first Freddy pinhead Melinda. okay i'll give it a chance. i sat through the rest of this movie only because i wrote a column for reviews of horror movies. i implore you, don't waste your time money or even brain cells on this ludicrous piece of crap. run away. far away. if you see it on the shelf at Hollywood video blockbuster or even your local video store, turn it around and walk away....and i still want my two hours back dang it
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nogodnomasters13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a comedy-cult horror that misses on all cylinders. A space meteor/alien lands in soup as "boring as nuns" that is ingested by a woman (Melinda Clarke). She is taken over by an alien tongue and her 4 pet poodles are turned into flaming homosexuals (I didn't write this.). She is awaiting her boyfriend to get out of a Mexican prison, where Robert Englund appears to be the only guard. The movie lacks in horror. The dialogue is bad and lacks the humor and style needed to create a cult plot.

F-bomb, adult situations, no nudity
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appallingly bad
jazza92316 January 2004
This has to be one of the most outrageously stupid movies I have ever seen in my entire life. Just when I think I have seen the stupidest scene in history, along comes an even dumber and more bizarre scene. I think the transvestite poodles did it for me, or better yet, her talking tongue...or perhaps the guy getting the virgin mother statue mounted to a jeep windshield caught in his throat. Decisions, decisions...
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I can't believe I sat through it to the very end.
BigAl-1218 August 1999
Really bad movie. Maybe the worst I've ever seen. Alien invasion, a la The Blob, without the acting. Meteorite turns beautiful woman into a host body for nasty tongue. Bad plot, bad fake tongue. Absurd comedy worth missing. Wash your hair or take out the trash.
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SykkBoy28 July 2001
Wow, what a movie!

This is strictly for the b-movie lovers only. All you namby pamby Julia Roberts movie going public should just stick to renting that piece of trash "Steel Magnolias" again while the rest of us enjoy great flciks like this.

I get a kick out of reviewers that rented this and expected high cinema...hello McFly, it's a movie called "The Killer Tongue"

Anyways, the movie concerns a hot chickie played by the always gorgeous Mindy Clark (billed here as Melinda Clark) who was a standout in "Return Of The Living Dead 3" who eats some alien infested soup and becomes a chickie with a mutant, talking tongue.

Her poodles eat the soup and POOF they become drag queens.

Anyways, I don't want to spoil the twists and turns and fun stuff.

I got a huge kick out of Robert Englund (who plays Freddy Kreuger) and Doug Bradley (who plays Pinhead in the "Hellraiser" movies) towards the end when Robert tells Doug "I like you better with the natural look" a great inside reference about the Pinhead makeup.

So, if you want something different then by all means check this out. If you haven't even seen a NightMare On Elm Street or Hellraiser movie, please proceed to the Julia Roberts aisl of the video store. ;)
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Not a bad movie if you have time. Also called Killer Tongue
Anyanwu7 January 2000
If you have time to kill this isn't a bad movie to do it with. That is if you HAVE time. Mindy Clarke is the best in an over the top performance with her Tongue who sounds like that gay actor guy with the hoarse deep voice. The first 30 minutes are a bit slow and hard to follow. I would liked to seen more of Mindy(Candy in the movie) and the Tongue do more stuff together. They are kind of comical. The video box does not give you much of a hint that this is a comedy. But there are a couple of laughs. This Spanish production could have been better if it were given more of stylishness of a Pedro Almodovar but, take it as it is. A class C movie good enough to pass the time with.
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A handful of amusing scenes can't salvage this mediocre sci fi comedy.
Infofreak25 May 2002
Maybe I set my self up for a fall by believing the mini-hype around 'The Killer Tongue', but whatever the reason I found this movie for the most part to be tedious, and generally unfunny. It's equal parts early Almodovar and Peter Jackson without being as inventive or entertaining as either. It also reminded me in places of the underrated 'Accion Mutante', another zany Spanish sci fi comedy, though it was nowhere near as good. The premise of this movie is promising but the execution fails to realize its comic and surreal potential. Melinda Clarke ('Spawn') shows a lot more screen appeal than the mundane script she has to work with, and is easily the best thing about this. Genre fans will also get a kick out of seeing "Freddy" (Robert Englund) and "Pinhead" (Doug Bradley). Personally I was more chuffed to see Eddie Tudor-Pole, a guy who knows the answer to "Who Killed Bambi?".
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linda-3714 March 2001
Impenetrable rubbish. This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The dialogue is ghastly, the horror effects are laughable. The only thing that kept me watching was the ever-splendid and totally underrated Michael Cule.
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There's no female nudity here, enough said.
edgein1521 September 2001
Can A-Pix ever, ever, ever do anything right? This movie was meant to be seen on TV in a letterbox format. Since A-Pix doesn't even believe in pan and scan, we see whole scenes where a shoulder on the left side of the screen talks to a shoulder on the right side. Of course, not that you are missing much. This movie is incredibly bad. It's very hard to enjoy a film where characters are screaming at the top of their lungs during 80% of the movie for no reason.
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Unwatchable splatter flick
JohnSeal9 February 2001
One of the worst films I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through, Killer Tongue is a horrible melange of the worst elements of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Brain Damage, and Pulp Fiction. Designed primarily to offend, apparently, but so inane that only the most hidebound conservatives would be taken in by it.
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Dumb Spanish cult comedy
Leofwine_draca13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
An odd one, this. Following in the footsteps of other recent Spanish flicks like ACCION MUTANTE and DAY OF THE BEAST, KILLER TONGUE strives for all out comedy of the Troma variety. There are many strange things in this film which you'll see and then afterwards wish you didn't see. It's definitely unique, but whether it's good or not is another question...

All of the elements required for a cult film are here. Perverse sex? Check. Gory violence? Check. Cheesy special effects? Check. Poodles who transform into annoying transvestites? Check (okay, maybe not the last one). Unfortunately, as is nearly always the case these days, much of the comedy in this film just isn't funny, and not a lot really happens until the last twenty minutes or so. It's just people walking/driving about in the desert, which isn't really that interesting. This feels like the idea of a killer tongue was invented first by some drunk, and then a plot loosely constructed around it. Which is a shame, as the potential was there for it to be something interesting.

The cast, too, are wasted in useless roles. Everybody shouts at each other and acts in an offbeat way, but this isn't what I'd call acting of any sort. Another shame, because there are quite a few cult/exploitation actors and actresses involved. Firstly, the heroine, Melinda Clarke, more familiar to red-blooded males for her piercing eyes (amongst other things) in RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 3, here looking a lot like a goth. Her performance is at best poor. The male lead, Jason Durr, is uniformly bland, and manages to survive despite being shot, stabbed in the chest, and having many other injuries inflicted upon him. Plenty of scope for some wisecracks a la Bruce Willis but it came to nothing.

Ed Tudor-Pole turns up too, although for what reason I can't quite say - perhaps to up the ante in terms of weirdness. Then there's Doug Bradley, who's never really been in anything good apart from the HELLRAISER series (he played Pinhead), which is yet another shame as he's quite an interesting actor. It turns out, then, that the most memorable actor in the show is in fact Robert Englund, who steals every scene he's in as a sadistic prison officer. Englund's acting is completely over the top, appropriate for the tone of this film, and frankly he's a delight. It's just a shame that his role isn't bigger. With Englund and Bradley involved, the film was begging for some 'Freddy vs. Pinhead' in jokes, but we get none.

The special effects won awards but it's hard to see why. The only impressive thing is that they were achieved on quite a low budget, but the mixture of CGI and rubber is easy to spot. It's difficult to see who would like this film. Most of the characters are obnoxious. There's a lot of crudity (aiming for a teen audience perhaps?). The gore isn't plentiful enough to make the film a hit, like BRAINDEAD, yet despite all this the film never becomes an all out comedy. Perhaps if your idea of a good time is watching an actress run around in a PVC suit, then this film is for you, but otherwise give it a miss. I'm sure there are more important things to do. The only good thing about this film? I only had to pay a couple of quid for it, in the January sales.
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Wannabe cult flick; epic fail
Wuchakk26 April 2017
Released in 1996, "Killer Tongue" stars Melinda Clarke as a woman hiding out with her four poodles in the desert of the Southwest USA with the cash from a bank robbery while her boyfriend (Jason Durr) is released from a nearby prison. When a meteorite crashes, her pastel-colored poodles morph into four drag queens while her tongue becomes an elongated separate entity that she must learn to control or somehow kill. A mute Nun (Mapi Galán) is also exposed to the meteorite and is converted into a racy majorette. Robert Englund is on hand as a gay prison guard.

The movie plays like a mish-mash of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," "Rocky Horror," "Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" and "Pulp Fiction," but with a micro-budget. If that sounds like it'd be good; think again. The plot's creative, to say the least, but the writing is more tedious than amusing and the filmmaking is all-around subpar. By the hour-mark I was seriously tempted to stop (or, at least, fast-forward through the rest), but I forced myself to finish it. Thankfully, the last act perks up a bit.

On the positive side, there are about four genuinely funny moments. Both Clarke and Galán are easy-on-the-eyes; the former ultra-sharp with her amazing eyes running around in a skintight PVC suit and the latter donning an alluring outfit à la Marvel's White Queen. There are 2-3 quality songs on the soundtrack/score and the tongue F/X were excellent for 1996 and hold up quite well.

But it's all for naught because the movie's generally incoherent and tries too hard to be a bizarre cult flick with an overabundance of fruity twaddle.

The film runs 94 minutes was shot in Almería, Andalucía, Spain, with studio stuff done in Madrid.

GRADE: D (2.5/10)
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John Waters meets P. Almodovar meets Troma in tasteless Sci-Fi comedy
Jens-2812 May 1999
"Killer Tongue" is an absurd tale about alien invasion..and we ain't talkin' your average boring X-files nonsense here. A young woman (who's lover is in jail for highway robbery they committed together) is "invaded" by an alien in her soup. This leads to a weird transformation of her tongue!?! It suddenly grows to 10 feet and has now got a taste for human flesh. The tongue also starts to talk! Her 4 poodles also eat the soup and are transformed into homosexuals/drag queens! While this happens, her boyfriend is workin' in a prison camp lead by a sadistic and dovelovin' Robert Englund (in an amusin' over-the-top part). This gory black Sci-Fi comedy properly tries too hard to make it as a gross-out cultfilm but, still, I was highly entertained by the insane scenes of death by tongue. The FX are excellent (it won prices) and the acting is pretty good so check it out. Viewers easily offended should stay clear of this freakish flick.
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"Tongue lashing " of the worst kind..............."TERRIBLE"
merklekranz19 August 2008
Not totally off the wall in a good way, but just totally stupid. "Killer Tongue" is an uneasy mixture of sci-fi, horror, and supposed comedy. What this equates to is a mindless and totally incoherent film. There is very little dialog, mainly due to the fact that the script, if there was one, is complete "pond scum". I wouldn't even call it strange, more like just "total nonsense". This movie is certain to disappoint, and you have been warned. There is absolutely no reason to waste time on this, and if you do, the pungent smell will linger like rotten fish............................................................... MERK
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Great gore, crazy plot
sysware-56 November 2000
Man you really can't imagine what this movie is before you see it. Well to start with the plot: a girl lives in a convent, waiting for her boyfriend to get out of jail. Something like a pink meteor falls in earth and a piece of it goes inside her soup. Then she turns into this weird woman in black tight clothes, with a 10 feet killer tongue. To complete this nonsense her poodles are transformed in three really strange gay men, all this while her boyfriend tries to escape from the mad sadistic guy in prison. A must see if you enjoy B horror movies!
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A waste of time
pumaye31 December 2002
What a terrible mess: a possible good idea (a sort of alien creature shaped like a tongue enter inside a beautiful woman, trying to get a child from her) is ruined by a crap of a story, involving a bank robbery and a lot of homosexuals, dressed like drag queens in a New Mexican village. Yes, there also nuns that run a gas station. How Mindy Clarke and Robert Englund have finished in this Spanish production I cannot say, but I had the best expectations for this movie and after seeing it, they are all gone like bubbles of hope.
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Cultish, Whimsical Horror
Shub-Niggurath22 October 2001
A wacky saga for those fans of early Sam Raimi/Coen brothers movies, this movie has a great blend of rollicking humor and horror! The makeup effects are terrific on such a low budget, and the acting is zealous! Overall, the film has that flavor of late-night cable movies that can damage you in your formative years!

It's quite a cast, with Mapi Galan, from "The City of Lost Children" and numerous other Spanish films, as well as Freddie and Pinhead, and even a cast member from "Straight to Hell"!

Mind you, if you're here at Killer Tongue, you're a fan of the genre (or at least of those bizarre independent flicks that bring a smile to your face), and can appreciate the movie on those grounds.

Beware, while having a strange, childlike nature, it's most certainly not Disney, and not for children (or for most grown-ups). However, if you like movies that appeal to your sense of absurdity like "Liquid Sky", "Greaser's Palace", "An American Werewolf in London", or the LEXX series, then rent this if you can find it. It's one of those obscure flicks that puts a smile on your face.
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Lick It Up
NoDakTatum28 September 2023
Looking at the video box or movie poster, you might think this is going to be another spoof of those silly 1950's horror films involving radiation poisoned giant animals. You are so wrong. In a nutshell, a meteor crashes to earth and a chunk is ingested by a former nun waiting for her boyfriend to be released from prison. Her tongue grows to about ten feet long, and eventually talks to her. Hijinks of the most offensive order ensue.

This is such an off-the-wall surreal nightmare that you must see it to believe it. So many scenes can only be mentioned by their generic names but watch out for the port-a-potty scene, the bathtub scene, the confessional scene, and the super glue scene. This somehow escaped with an (R) rating. It has a lot of material that kids should not see, but this is also one of the funniest films out there. Robert Englund, as the prison director, gives a better performance here than in all the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" films combined. He shows that his acting genius does not have to include fright makeup, and he should have been allowed to do more of these over-the-top horror comedies. The entire cast looks like they were having a lot of fun here, and it rubs off on the viewer in the right mood.
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Could not believe what I was watching.
ibhoppin16 December 2000
Flipping through the stations the other night and came upon this movie. started watching it and was hooked. This is a melding of a sci-fi horror flick and all of the "Evil Dead" movies. The writing was a little below par but that was more than made up by the effects and the acting. Robert Englund was great. When it was over I still couldn't believe I had watched the whole thing. If you got the time and you are an "evil Dead" fan you will love this one.
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