Space Truckers (1996) Poster

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Cheesy and wonderful space hauling adventure...
paul_haakonsen22 May 2021
Right, well I had the opportunity to sit down and watch the 1996 movie "Space Truckers" for the first time ever here in 2021. I didn't even know about the movie prior to now.

So of course, I was somewhat surprised to see the likes of Dennis Hopper and Charles Dance in a movie such as this. Needless to say, of course, that I just had to sit down and watch it.

And yeah, "Space Truckers" was every bit as corny and campy as the title suggest. But it was actually an enjoyable and watchable movie. I found the movie, as written by Stuart Gordon and Ted Mann, to actually be rather entertaining. There was just something truly unique about the whole cheesy feel of the movie.

"Space Truckers" is a lean-back-and-munch-on-popcorn kind of movie. It is not a movie that you should take overly serious, though it does provide good entertainment.

Visually then "Space Truckers" was actually rather interesting. There were lots of nice designs and concept ideas. Sure, the effects weren't always up there to match the ideas, but they worked as intended. And I do love the scenes where you see the harnesses suspending the actors floating around. It seemed like the post-production people didn't even bother to cut them out of the scenes.

This 1996 sci-fi adventure comedy has a pretty interesting cast ensemble, with the likes of Dennis Hopper, Charles Dance, Debi Mazar, Sean Lawlor, George Wendt and Barbara Crampton.

I can warmly recommend that you sit down to watch "Space Truckers", should you get the chance to do so. Especially if you enjoy light sci-fi movies that don't really take themselves overly serious.

My rating of director Stuart Gordon's 1996 "Space Truckers" lands on a six out of ten stars. You haven't seen everything before you've seen a square pig.
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B-Movie Plus
DoctorC11 June 1999
Space Truckers is a perfect B-Movie. It has a title which makes anyone cringe, and a lightweight plot with no originality, except perhaps the concept of a square pig. That said, as long as you watch it with no expectations you will be pleasantly surprised. The quality of acting is generally good, with a competent cast (particularly Charles Dance) managing to avoid laughing their way through the script. The ending however is almost unwatchable, yet I can't escape from the feeling that this film is entertaining, which is all that any movie should aim to do.
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Offbeat sci-fier carries a different truckload of fun.
emm16 February 1999
What an unusual, but never before thought of idea! It gets big points for originality by reviving the old days of 70s "truckin' man" flicks and updating the genre into a sci-fi visual feast that compares closely to STARSHIP TROOPERS! Imagine if Bo and Luke Duke were flying around in their orange coaster without jumping over obstacles, and avoiding capture by Sheriff Roscoe! There has to be a good sense of fantasy surrounding this old fad. Well, I'm not gonna get all hyped up about SPACE TRUCKERS, which is mainly your regular dosage of outer space mayhem. The simple action looks as good as the rich visual quality, but don't take it too hard. It plunges into the offbeat stage, and loses its sci-fi luster to some needless "hot" sexuality (added by the lack of gravity), and a captivity scene. I can tell that the minds of script writers skirted around the explicit subject matter, just to prevent any further boiling on the offensive side. You know, the two lovebirds running and floating around in their undies. And could it be that there are two different endings? Campy as it will sound, there is reason to have fun with it after all. Okay by me.
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A 4.9 rating just doesn't make sense!
go_titans30 July 2011
This is a good B-Grade film, and there are many reasons to watch it.

First, and the reason I watched it: Debi Mazar is gorgeous and gets plenty of quality screen time.

Second: the story line is interesting and imaginative.

Third: the special effects are more than decent when one considers the mid-range success this film's creators would have been aiming for.

Fourth: the acting from the main pair (Charles Dance & Dennis Hopper) was spot on - considering this film was meant to be a space adventure/comedy.

Fifth: the design of ships and cargo carriers was very good.

Sixth: almost all of the dialogue was well written.

Seventh: the film should provide many laughs all the way through.

So why the terrible 4.9 rating? Is the film badly edited and hard to follow? Absolutely not. On the contrary this side of things was very well handled, and the film is very easy to follow with no errors of continuance.

Did the film suffer from bad casting? Definitely not, and both Charles and Dennis would be irreplaceable in my opinion. Remember Dennis Hopper's terrific one liners in Water World? Well, he repeats that performance here in Space Truckers. Besides, we get to see Dennis play a heroic character for a change!

Does the film suffer from a lack of character development like some reviewers have said? Utter rubbish! I can't say much here that would not give elements of the outcome of the story away, but I will say that if you miss character development in this movie then you didn't watch it properly.

And one last thing; this movie is close to the mark as far as the reality of our world is concerned. Technology has created power for some people that we should all be very concerned about, and while Space Truckers is a comedy, I felt it hit very close to home on a few fronts.
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Star Wars meets Billy Ray Cyrus
ANelson24 January 1999
What would happen if Star Wars was rewritten to focus only on Han, Luke, and a girl, only Han was older and Luke was snottier, and the director was a crazed cowboy redneck? It would suck, that's what. But it would also be damn entertaining.
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great campy 90's film
nublingnoob5 August 2021
Watched for the 1st time in 2021, and will all the rubbish coming out the last few years, it was so refreshing to see this fun and dumb film.

Yes its cheesey yes the effects are from the 70's

the cast is great, i cant beleive they got charles dance to say one of the funniest most ridiculous lines i ever heard, you'l know when you hear it.

Great film.
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*Prometheus*22 February 1999
You've got to be kidding. This movie sucked for the sci-fi fans. I would only recommend watching this only if you think Armageddon was good.
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Liked it well enough
Leofwine_draca30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A fun sci-fi flick from B-movie purveyor Stuart Gordon. Not as good as his previous one, FORTRESS, but worth a look all the same. Follows a group of space truckers carrying a load of cargo across the galaxy and the chance encounters that occur en route. Plays better these days with the likes of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY familiarising ourselves to this concept. The cast is decent with Dennis Hopper in a nice big role and Stephen Dorff transitioning to adult fare. Good supporting roles from Charles Dance, George Wendt and Vernon Wells. Noticeably comic book in tone and a lot tamer than Gordon's '80s efforts, but I liked it well enough.
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You have got to see this!!
tcastano14 April 1999

I realize that there are some doubting Thomas's out there...I was one of them...but then I saw this masterpiece of celluloid.

All I can say is that the scene in which George Wendt gets sucked out of the spaceship BY HIS A** left me trembling. I sometimes sit bolt upright in my bed, screaming like an old man on a proctologist's table thinking about it. If the director is reading this... I would pay to be an extra in the sequel.
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A goofy space adventure
siderite13 July 2021
OK, this is not the best movie in the world, but it's pretty funny. It's clearly tongue in cheek and doesn't take itself seriously at all. You just have to watch it and enjoy its cheesiness. I mean, before this, Stuart Gordon wrote Body Snatchers, Castle Freak and The Dentist. You would probably expect some sort of body horror extravaganza, not the pastel colored corporate world of space transportation in the near future. But the thing is fun. It's like Super Mario Brothers mixed with Hardware.

Bottom line: it's not good, but it's not bad either. And it's silly fun.
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"Ice Pirates" melted, not cubed
dinky-419 November 2002
This is one of those hybrid movies, grafting together a sci-fi space movie and a blue-collar trucker movie. Actually, it's not all that bad a concept but that's all it is -- a concept in search of a plot. The better-than-expected cast helps even though most of them appear to be slumming it.

Stephen Dorff spends the central part of the movie stripped down and squeezed into a pair of tight black undershorts while he's bound in chains with his arms stretched above his head. These scenes should please those fraternity house guys who really, really enjoyed being Pledgemaster during Hell Week.

And isn't it heartening that Mr. Dorff hasn't been talked into shaving his chest?
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Stupidly awesome
krachtm30 December 2012
The plot: Space truckers run into problems with space pirates, space politicians, and killer robots (who, technically, are not space robots).

Space Truckers is essentially a low budget, B movie space opera that's a parody of low budget, B movie space operas. It's full of cheesy lines, cheesy set design, and cheesy special effects. In fact, it's such a cheesy movie that it sometimes makes The Rocky Horror Picture Show look like The Godfather. At its heart, this movie is stupid, pointless, mindless, and has nothing to say about the human condition, except that it's funny to laugh at bad movies. If you're a Stuart Gordon fan, that's probably enough for you to enjoy this. As an added bonus, it's got a great cast, including many B movie veterans.

It can be enjoyed as either a so-bad-it's-good B movie or a clever parody. Like most Stuart Gordon films, it has rather narrow demographic appeal, and people who are not genre fans (or Stuart Gordon fans) are likely to hate it. I love Stanley Kubrick as much as the next film snob, but the world also needs ridiculous movies like Space Truckers and The Toxic Avenger. In fact, this movie is something of a marriage between Troma and New World Pictures. If you're unfamiliar with those studios -- or you dislike their copious output -- I'd strongly warn you away from this film. Space Truckers was reviled by the critics, rejected by audiences, and thought to be unintentionally funny by B movie fans. Well, for the true believers, this is an awesome movie, and nothing will ever convince us otherwise. Such is the cult of Stuart Gordon!
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questl-185928 July 2021
B-Movie GOLD! A ridiculous story about truckers in space dealing with super deathbots and a cybernetic warlord with a pull start penis that may as well have been a modified weed whacker that he threatens Mazar with. It is absolutely nuts, the effects are crazy, the story barely even tries to make sense and you get bad space effects and super visible wire work all over the place.

If that sounds like a fun time, then this is the movie for you! Personally, I couldn't stop laughing at it.
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Absolute Yeeeccch
michael_steinbach29 May 2001
I must admit that this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I thought Dennis Hopper had a little more taste than to appear in this kind of yeeeecchh. If this is supposed to be funny then I gotta look around for a new sense of humor. If you're thinking of buying this movie you'd better think again.
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WizardX19 July 1999
I have to respect movies which promise something and deliver exactly that. When I rented this (I was bored tonight) I had absolutely no expectations for some great piece of art, another Star Wars or Aliens. It was, however, a very cute and often amusing piece of sci-fi satire. (probably my favorite bit was how the truck's voice was a redneck woman, instead of the usual authoritative british guy) If you try to take it seriously, of course you'll hate it. But if you rent it because you want to see a beer & popcorn B-movie, then it's a REALLY good B-movie. I may have lost 90 minutes of my life and gained no new insights on the meaning of the universe, but I did have a good time.
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DoctorSkyTower13 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear! ohdear!ohdear!ohdear!

I love science fiction but this... er... 'movie' just puts space flicks to shame. Every sci fi film I've seen over the last YEAR has been disappointing to some degree, and I'm now seriously reconsidering what genre of movies I actually like in future!! (Maybe I'll watch romance flicks from now on!)

SPOILERS ALERT! (And thats not saying much!)

This flick is so insipidly dumb it rivals Battlefield Earth and Baby Geniuses in sheer badness. The special effects are obviously fake, the Big Mac Truck looked stoopid with its roller coaster seat restraints, the killer robots looked like a more idiotic version of the Power Rangers, a huge fat guy is sucked out of a port hole window butt first and... Space Truck School??? WTF?

Mr Hopper can do better than this. What really stunk were the two good-looking young things who accompany him and run around in nothing but their underpants (??) for an entire two thirds of the flick! The obligatory 'sex scene' (snicker!) between our young heroes was so poorly performed I nearly choked on my tonsils laughing at the TV screen.

The only character worth mentioning is the pirate ship captain/cyborg/mad scientist. He oozed the word grotesque and was predictably sleazy, but I believe he could've been much more menacing. He does and says things which are quite funny (all the best scenes involve him!) so for the captain I give this movie an extra point.

But this flick is so bad it'll make you want to hurl abuse at the TV or maybe throw your TV out the window! It may even kill off a few brain cells and put you into a catatonic state.

CONCLUSION? I like the way the captain struggles to walk around on his peg leg when its obviously a fake peg leg!! I would've given it 0 out of 10, but since he cracks me up with his stoopid antics... this flick gets 1/10!
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High camp
notcarlos23 September 2001
Gloriously insipid, it's a wonder to think that /this/ movie was Ireland's big chance at making big-budget films. It looks just like a real movie, but it's not. It's ridiculous. If you liked Spaceballs, here's a movie just like it, only different. See it.
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Science Fiction Extravaganza!
Coventry5 March 2004
If you're one of those people who doesn't really like Sci-fi because of their sometimes far-fetched ideas and surreal world perspectives, you better stay away as far as you can from Stuart Gordon's Space Truckers! It truly is an absurd space adventure, stuffed with eccentric characters, colorful kitsch and ludicrous plot-twists. In all honesty…I probably never would have cared for this film, if it wasn't for Gordon's name on the credits. This guy comes pretty close to being a genius in the horror genre, with undeniable milestones like ‘From Beyond' and ‘Re-Animator' on his résumé. Apparently, Stuart Gordon likes his humor as twisted as possible! He already went completely over the comedy-top once (with Re-Animator) but, with the slight difference that the bizarre humor was effective there. Something that isn't really the case for Space Truckers…most of the gags lead nowhere and the entirely exaggerated atmosphere only works in small doses. In the end, all that remains is an occasionally amusing but completely unnecessary mess. Dennis Hopper and Charles Dance (or at least a semi Charles Dance) are always a joy to look at and the still stunning Barbara Crampton has a small role near the end of the film. Crampton was Stuart Gordon's regular heroine in previous horror films. The story of Space Truckers is as silly as they come. Dennis Hopper plays the self-made loner who's fed up with his job. Who wouldn't be when you're transporting pigs across the galaxy for a company named Interpork? He sees his change to flee while bringing his muse to earth. They float into Space-pirates and find out their cargo is meant to wipe out half the universe! Stuart Gordon wisely returned to making horror again after this little escapade. Since Space Truckers, he already made the sublime `King of the Ants' and the absolutely brilliant `Dagon'
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roller coaster seats are perfect for space travel.
webhead-9755310 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Space Truckers: Fun Sci-Fi schlock.

I saw Space Truckers years ago and remember it fondly. Just rewatched it (Dec. 2023) and find that I forgot enough that it is still fun. It holds up well.

Cheap but fun and creative. Like 'square pigs' geneticly altered to save space during shipping. And 180 degrees of curved floor to fake centrifical 'gravety'.

Watch for diner patrons tightly gripping the tables to avoid slipping off the benches. The floating line of mustard splashing onto the hot dog was a nice effect.

I haven't thought about it before but roller coaster seats are perfect for space travel.
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Not worth your time......
merklekranz22 January 2008
Square pigs as a way of efficiently utilizing cargo space is the one and only clever moment in "Space Truckers". Believe it or not, Dennis Hopper has done worse, see "The American Way", but this movie is way up there on the "cream of the crap" scale. I think the best way to describe the viewing experience is that "Space Truckers" will please no one. Too cartoon-like too be taken seriously, an almost total lack of humor, and poor character development, virtually assures disappointment. The beer and popcorn crowd might tolerate one viewing, but all others have been warned to avoid "Space Truckers" for all of the above reasons. - MERK
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Hopper loses at cards
Quicksand29 December 1999
The only thing that makes this movie funny is the fact that they actually got Dennis Hopper and Stephen Dorff to be in it. They must have lost a bet with somebody, and a pretty big one.

The script is so/so. The dialogue is so/so. The special effects are cheesy, but unintentionally, so. In Gordon's "Fortress" or "Robot Jox," the special effects were pulled off quite well and looked really great. But why on earth would he opt to go for realism, in a movie titled, "Space Truckers?!"

The production design was intentionally cheesy, and that's the part of the movie I loved. "Square Pigs." "Zero Gravity Beer." That, friends, is comedy.

Not quite self-aware enough. But good for an afternoon rent when you think all straight-to-video is garbage. 6 of 10.
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angelo-arifi21 October 2002
K, one day my father picked up a movie with a 'neat' cover. Got home with my mom and we were like yay lets watch this new movie we never saw before! .. Ok so it started ... interesting start, cool robots and disgusting gore (eek) on a strange planet (actually it was Pluto wasn't it?)... Blablabla I could tell the whole story but I rather not point, WTF NEVER EVER pick up a movie with a lame ass name, and seriously don't EVER I mean EVER judge a book by its cover (err tape..) it looked like an interesting movie HOWEVER it was a slap to the face for sci-fi movies, its DISGUSTING. I mean it was so bad I just started laughing (I swear it tryed to be serious) I CANT DESCRIBE THE STUPIDITY! It killed more then a million brain cells of mine I can't even write a descent critique. ITS THAT BAD! Argh and I wana prepare you for something "strange' *COUGH COUGH* mechanical p3n1$ *COUGH COUGH* Sorry just had to say it, its so funny, think of it as a commedy or a parody of sorts for sci-fi movies. Its classic batman laughs but in a new packaging. What the hell was this director thinking?
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Gonzo Space Opera,
raegan_butcher13 April 2006
Like Stuart Gordon's other venture into science fiction territory, the underrated and ill-fated ROBOT JOX, this is a nifty little film that was plagued by production difficulties and failed to find a theatrical distributor, which is a shame because its quite an enjoyable viewing experience. Everyone in the cast has fun in this , with Dennis Hopper delivering some unexpected and funny bits of dialog, Debi Mazar and Stephen Dorff providing reliable 2nd banana support and Charles Dance having the time of his life with his horny half-metal madman. This Excellent DVD offers a chance to see this little sleeper in a great looking print with a fascinating and funny commentary by the Director. This film delivers exactly what its titles proclaims.
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Movies like this just don't get made anymore.
njrmbm6 May 2023
Stuart Gordon was a a singular director who made unique gems you won't see anywhere else. Space Truckers is about as ridiculous as its title suggests, but that's a big part of its charm. Dennis Hopper plays a freelance hauler on a space freighter that closely resembles modern semi trucks. When he gets stiffed by an unscrupulous company man, he accepts a clandestine shipment that brings him nothing but trouble. The cast is great in this, particularly Charles Dance, but he's one of those actors who could entertain by reading a shopping list. Great makeup work, great models, bad CGI, and lots of fun.
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Strings attached
blizz-045633 July 2021
My favorite is when he punches the guy jacki in zero gravity and you can see the strings as he flips backwards.
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