Love Hina (TV Series 2000–2001) Poster


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One of the most popular anime series here in Brazil
Lady_Targaryen24 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know in other places, but here in Brazil, ''LOVE HINA'' is a big success. I personally find it funny, but not awesome: I had a good time laughing with some scenes and situations, but there is not any kind of innovation in this anime that makes it special like Evangelion, for example.

It is a romantic comedy, but it is full of provocative scenes, where Keitaro always get problems with his clumsy and shy personality. And to be honest, it is hard to find any character who have received more punches than he, because of those problems. I read basically the whole manga, but I didn't see all the anime episodes to say all the differences between then both.

Keitaro is a 20 year old guy who dreams to be accepted in the excellent University of Tokyo in order to fulfill a childhood promise. He also becomes the manager of the Hinata House, a kind of a dormitory only for girls, that is a property of his family. OF course, being a manager for a place like that, he will start to meet all the girls that are going to be part of the plot in special Naru, the girl he has more feelings for, but as any Japanese romantic comedy, they only will declare to each other their true feelings close to the end.
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Okay for what it is
dave13-110 February 2012
Clearly following up on the success of such manga / anime projects as Ranma 1/2 and Maison Ikkoku, this series re-uses many of the same gags - misunderstandings, ill-timed intrusions, super-punches throwing characters absurd distances - to tell the story of a teen romance that follows a rocky road. It just isn't as good. The story line is less ambitious, the action animation is sloppy and takes a lot of shortcuts, the characters are pretty one-dimensional and the overall look of the piece is not particularly imaginative or memorable, except for the aging apartment house the characters dwell in, and which is in itself given a well-thought out look. Still, there are worse anime teen romance shows out there, and grading on a curve makes this above average entertainment.
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Just like the manga, minus ending, plus color.
xamtaro27 December 2010
Poor Keitaro Urashima, the dude just cannot catch a break. Having Failed the Tokyo university exam twice, Keitaro was kicked out of his home and forced to take up residence at an inn run by his grandmother. Little does he know that the inn has been converted into an all-girls dormitory and that his grandmother has left him as the dorm manager. As expected, the girls are not too happy with the arrangement, but they get a teeny bit more sympathetic once they discover the poor bugger's plight. Madcap wacky boy-meets-girls adventure with a sweet romantic twist follows in one of the better romance comedy anime series out there.

More an ensemble piece than other shows of this genre, its main selling point is definitely the characters. Each of them is given a unique and multi-layered personality making them both easy to relate to and incredibly lovable. Keitaro is THE guy that the intended target audience (single male who wastes his life either studying or watching anime like this) would die to be. He is a bumbling idiot, a complete loser, yet his tenacity and optimistic outlook would either inspire or disgust you; one would not be blamed for wanting to slap some sense into Keitaro. But give the guy a break, he has got a promise to fulfill a promise to a forgotten childhood sweetheart and get into Tokyo university.

Naru Narusegawa is the "main" female protagonist here. Her fierce demeanor toward Keitaro and hot headed attitude (not to mention, hot body) belies a secretly insecure neurotic looking for her place in the world. You see, the girl is studying to get into Tokyo university too. And the fact that she bears a startling resemblance to Keitaro's childhood sweetheart causes some inevitable sparks to fly. It is the "unlikely couple" scenario seen in so many romance shows: he likes her, she hates his guts, she cracks and shows her vulnerable side, he so happens to be there for her. etc. We all know where this goes. But no romance would be right without a proper love triangle and we get that in the form of Mutsumi Otohime, a simple but adorable ditz introduced later, who claims to be Keitaro's childhood friend.

Though the central story is sort of a coming of age thing for Keitaro and the surreal love story, each of the other girls are given ample development of their very own character arcs. Timid little Shinobu learns the value of trust and how to assert herself, carefree Kitsune gets a lesson in responsibility, the icy Motoko learns to open up her heart and even the wild and sprightly Kaolla Su learns to grow up. As said before, all very lovable, all easy to relate to.

Created at the turn of the 21st century, Love Hina was among the first shows to be colored by computer. The result is some beautiful artwork and beautifully cute, albeit slightly simplified, designs with a color scheme that uses the vivid unlimited palette offered by software without looking overly bright and colorful unlike other series made around the same time. The animation is pretty standard anime stuff; it has its decent share of animation short cuts, lazy scene panning, some stiff character motions, but they only crop up occasionally per episode. On a whole, the quality is slightly better than the typical TV series with more attention given to maintaining a consistent high level of detail in the artwork.

In contrast, the voice acting is superb throughout. Veterans like Megumi Hayashibara, Yui Horie, Yuji Ueda, among others, totally sell their characters, playing them with the same diversity that fits their personality. A bit over the top at times, but it fits in with the over the top nature of the show. A Chinese dub and a USA English dub were released as well but neither can hold a candle to the original language. Though, in comparison, one might favor the English version over the Chinese version purely for the superior acting standard; at least the English version is not downright terrible or miscast like the Chinese one.

The more conservative types would be glad to know that fan-service is only teased and not blatantly tasteless like many recent anime. Comedy is well written, jokes are timely and in good taste with only a twinge if innuendo. Its shortcomings in its animation is forgivable but a hastily written and seemingly lower quality final few episodes earns it a couple of demerits. Definitely "cleaner" than other shows of similar genre, Love Hina is a fun filled gem of a series filled with drama, romance and crazy comedy complete with giant robot turtles, mysterious island kingdoms and a little bit of magic.
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Please read the manga first!
Y-u-n-i-e7 December 2008
I've read several Japanese manga's but none has managed to capture my heart like 'Love Hina' did. The series was made into an anime series, which is good, but nothing compared to the manga. The story is as follows: Keitaro is about to become a third year Ronin and wants to get into a high class university called Tokyo U, but he has failed so many times before he doesn't think he has a chance... until he moves into his grandmother's former hotel, which unfortunately for Keitaro has now been turned into a girls' dormitory. After several mishaps with the girls they finally allow Keitaro to stay with them. Upon learning the truth that he is not really a Tokyo U student, they begin to contemplate kicking him out. However, when Keitaro announces to them that he wishes to take the exams again in order to get into Tokyo U and escape becoming a third year Ronin, they let his little lie slide and allow him to stay. However, he neglects to tell them the real reason for why he wants to go to Tokyo U: years ago Keitaro made a promise to an anonymous girl that both of them would get into the university together. He wants to discover the girl's identity, but how can he after all these years?

Keitaro becomes close with each and every one of the girl characters. There's Naru, the heroine of the story, who becomes Keitaro's best friend and begins to harbour a crush for him, which is mutual; Kitsune, the sly fox who often gets into trouble by getting wasted or gambling far too much; Motoko, the verging-on-psycho kendo girl who is forever trying to kill Keitaro (she, however, also has a crush on him); Shinobu, the sweet, shy and caring young girl who unlike Naru and Motoko falls in love with Keitaro almost at once, and Su the eccentric yet lovable Indian girl. Each one has an effect on Keitaro and he becomes very good friends with all of them. Along the way Keitaro meets other new friends, such as Mutsumi Otohime, the clumsy yet carefree girl who could be a link with Keitaro's past.

Together both Keitaro and Naru vow to study hard in order to get into Tokyo U together, but they both know it won't be an easy ride.

So, why should you read the manga first? Because simply put it's one of the best manga series' ever created. In short it's a sweet, fun, hysterical masterpiece. The main problem with the anime is that it's only twenty six episodes long, while the manga lasts for a whopping fourteen volumes. Therefore not everything could be packed into each twenty minute episode of the show. Not to mention that the manga is a hundred times better and funnier then the anime. Still, the anime is great too, and you can hardly beat that catchy ass theme tune. So please read the manga first, I beg of you! You really will not regret it. Also if you are considering watching the anime please watch the Japanese dub as the English dub is beyond awful.
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Bizarre! Violent! Perverted! Addictive! AMAZING!
Torgo_Approves14 March 2007
Ever since his first love disappeared from his life when he was a small child, geeky Keitaro has striven to be accepted at Tokyo University, where he strongly believes he will find his long-lost love again. Unfortunately, Keitaro's strongest assets (if he has any) aren't his grades, and he ends up being the student with the 27th worst grades on the school. Looking for a job and a place to live, he ends up at the all-girls dorm Hinata Inn where he quickly becomes the caretaker, despite the protests of Naru Narusegawa, who, to put it mildly, isn't Keitaro's biggest fan. Violent and hilarious comedy ensues as Keitaro must deal with his own extreme bad luck, angry girls, and an ever increasing sense that the world is against him.

This is in no way fine art, but that doesn't stop the show from being absolutely impossible to stop watching. This adaptation faithfully brings the essence of the manga to the TV screen: horny teens accidentally getting into awkward situations, lots of goofy humour, lots of violence (in 99% of the case directed towards poor Keitaro), lots of hot girls, a heart of gold and a generally surreal atmosphere. It's over the top, absurd and repetitive at times, but never boring. Some minor changes have been made from the source material but the show never suffers from it. In my opinion, this is as great as an adaptation of the wonderful manga can possibly be. I love it.
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One of the most beautiful animes I have ever seen....
highflying_falcon29 December 2004
Before I saw this anime I thought it was another attempt by an anime director to make people laugh, but after watching the first episode alone I could not turn away.

This anime series is a beautiful adaptation of the original manga, although the characters all look slightly different to the way they were portrayed in the manga I must say they do look a bit batter in the series than in the manga.

I particularly enjoyed episode 20 (the episode that featured the doll Moe)which made me realise just how important it is to keep the promises you make to friends and to keep them.

The series also has a fantastic soundtrack which really broadens the atmosphere of the series and makes you feel part of the show.

To those who have not yet seen it, you don't know what you are really missing out on. So go out and buy it or rent it if you can.
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Love hina is an unbelievable series
jud52613 September 2006
I have not been into manga and anime that long but I've been so bored lately that i decided to delve deeper into the anime abyss and i had always heard of love hina. so i shoveled my pride and downloaded it and i was hooked. It's funny in the beginning and it develops beautifully. I watched the entire anime in one sitting and then immediately downloaded the manga. I watched the end of the anime and was heartbroken because i had to know if there was more. I don't feel the same anymore. This story changes you. Its well worth the shot or two in my pride and i'd do it again. Check it out and then buy the DVD. I plan to go tomorrow and buy it so that maybe the money will open up a new series!! Try it, its the newest guilty pleasure. :)
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The poor kid must be a STARVING glutton for punishment!
Tsubahi11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible spoilers ahead.)

He not only worked himself to death trying to get into some elite university just because of some kiddie "promise" he made with some little girl way back in kindergarten, but he also relentlessly chased after the same girl (or not?) even after she kept physically abusing him for endless sexual harassment that he never meant in the first place.

Yes, the anime is certainly pretty to look at, but I just CAN'T stand the characters who all live comfortably in a gigantic cathouse - oh, I mean an ancient Japanese inn originally ran by the boy's grandmother who cheerfully gave it away to him so he can become the puppet for falling into unfunny "fanservice" traps as well as becoming an overworked slave to the female bevy, which isn't as funny, either.

The "eye candy" assortment seems to consist of a manipulative man-eater, a sword-brandishing "tough girl" who is really a fainting damsel in distress, a half-animal waif who seemed to come from a Southeastern Asian jungle, another waif who is more demure and doe-eyed, and of course, that abusive wench our hero is doomed to marry (if he ever makes it into that fancy school with her, that is.)

And the whole idea isn't really new to anime, either. In fact, it has been done over and over again, like an otaku's wistful fantasy. In fact, it also speaks loudly of a young Japanese man's insecurity about getting a date - as well as getting into a good school so he could get a good job - mainly to SUPPORT that stuck-up princess he's supposed to win, of course.

And naturally, it will never be resolved by an accidental peek at the panties or the painful blow to the face by the poor, "violated" little sexpot, of course.
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Once you have start watched it, you will have seriously problems stop watching it.
kristian_boyzen5 January 2007
Love Hina was first officially released as a Japanese comic. It made great success, and got lots of fans in Japan and the US. Ken Akamatsu was the creator, and he was simply fantastic. So, it was hard making a animé, just as good as the comic. Fortunately, the the result is just fantastic. It may not be as good as the comic, but it's one of the most entertaining animé I've ever seen.

As you may already know, Love Hina is a romantic, slapstick-comedy, drama. It is all combined very well, and ends up truly amazing. Love Hina is well made in every aspect. The drama sequences may be kind of silly for someone. Still, is is easy to ignore, since the rest is so good.

I recommend this to those who likes Japanese animé, and to people who likes romance, combined with drama and slapstick-comedy.
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The greatest load of hogwash I have ever seen in my life
akira_21085 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Anime has been corrupted. There's no doubt about that. Feminism and Political correctness is like a virus spread from the west. And its totally insidious. Love Hina is the Trojan horse that carries this virus and nearly everyone who has seen it has found the predominant male-bashing to be extremely funny and entertaining. They don't know they are infected and will probably never realise how much this wicked anime has corrupted them until its too late. This anime is a prime example of how worthless weak, spineless 'nice' guys are and how cruel the world is to them. I suppose thats a good thing seeing how half the male population can relate to him in some way and the anime does show in great realism - with the exception of throwing men miles into the air - how domestically violent women can be. I am of course one of those men who from the moment of watching it till the last episode have felt dangerously enraged and angry and downright depressed at what is definitely the furthest Anime has ever gone in tormenting the male gender - dismissing them as inferior, lazy and incompetent perverts who lack any spine or masculinity whatsoever. I am sure this anime will find a rightful place in the Men's Movement which is not far off in showing just how corrupting feminism and hence anime has really become. This anime is pitiful
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Not to be redundant, but...
illjwamh19 March 2003
The manga was better. Now this is not to say that the anime was not good. It was hysterical. It's just that the manga is that much better, and fans who have read it first should not expect to be blown away. However, if you haven't read the manga, you will be beside yourself with laughter for the first several episodes, and you will find yourself pulling for the characters throughout the series. And then when you read the manga (you won't be able to resist), you can repeat these feelings all over again.

However, there are some downsides. This series is crammed full of filler, and can only be matched in that aspect by Dragonball Z (which, by the way, is 291 episodes long). Also, if you're going to watch this, subtitles are a must. This is one of the worst - if not the absolute worst - dubs I have ever seen. Kitsune for the most part sounds like a drunk Dixie Chick, and Su has some sort of accent that sounds like an unnatural blend of Russian and Indian. Motoko sounds like "Izzy" from the Digimon dub, and Shinobu and Naru, while having voices that relatively fit their characters, are acted adequately at best. All this is amplified one hundred times when you take into account that the original had such a stellar voice cast, in fact one of the BEST in anime. Keitaro is probably the best in the English cast, but still can't hold a candle to Ueda Yuji. No one can squeal like this guy!

So all in all, I highly recommend this series to anyone, anime fan or just a fan of good laughs. Just make sure you read fast.
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Love Hina
Tweekums2 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Protagonist Keitaro is determined to get into the prestigious Tokyo University no matter how many times he has to re-sit the entrance exam because of a promise he made to a girl when he was a child… even though he hasn't seen her in years and can't even remember her name. After failing yet again he gets a job managing his grandmother's hot spring inn; unfortunately nobody told him it is now a women only establishment! The residents aren't too pleased to have a man in the building; especially as he got off to a bad start by bathing in the hot spring and startling Naru Narusegawa; a girl who is also trying to qualify for Tokyo University… inevitably they are convinced that he is a pervert!

What follows is a fairly madcap comedy with plenty of misunderstandings between Keitaro and the girls… most of which end up with him being punched so hard he flies hundreds of feet into the air! As the story progresses it grows clear that Keitaro has feelings for Naru, but he is far too shy to tell her, and she starts to like him too, although she refuses to admit it; even to herself. As well as these two characters we have sword wielding Motoko, shy schoolgirl Shinobu, hyper-energetic Pacific Islander Kaolla and Mitsune AKA Kitsune (The Fox). It might sound like a standard harem comedy but the only characters Keitaro shows any interest in are Naru and late arrival Mutsumi… and that is only because he believes the latter to be the girl he made the promise to.

I suspect this will be a love it or loathe it series; personally I loved it. I can however see how some people may get fed up of seeing poor Keitaro being misunderstood and then punched into the middle of next week by Naru several times each episode… I laughed every time though. I found the whole cast to be a lot of fun; especially Kaolla and occasional guest Seta; a man Naru once had feelings for, who has hilariously bad driving skills. After the opening episode where Keitaro trips and lands with his head in Naru's cleavage I thought it might be a show with lots of fan service but it turned out to be quite tame for the most part. Overall I'd recommend this to anybody looking for a funny, fairly light hearted series.

These Comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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"Love" "Love Hina" - A happy-go-lucky romantic comedy series!
dee.reid15 December 2011
"Love Hina" is one of the greatest stories ever told in Anime' (Japanese animation, for the uninitiated). This series is bright, charming and full of wonderful emotions, characters, and situations. It's a great mix of teen comedy and romance, which is pretty far removed from the usual science fiction, horror, and fantasy trappings of the Anime' I'm usually accustomed to watching on a regular basis.

The series concerns Keitaro Urashima, who unexpectedly becomes the manager of an all-girls dormitory after failing the entrance exam to get into Tokyo University twice. His desire to get into Tokyo University is spurred on by a promise Keitaro made to his childhood sweetheart: they would both enter Tokyo University upon their graduation from high school and live happily ever after afterward, but the problem is that the young girl moved away and he forgot what her name was and what she looked like (I find it hard to imagine forgetting the name/face of your one true love, but please just bear with the series).

He goes to his grandmother's apartment building to try to cram for the upcoming entrance exam, but unfortunately he doesn't realize until the last minute that he's been hired out to be the manager of the apartment building (which also simultaneously takes care of his housing and employment problems, since he no longer has to worry about finding a job and paying any rent), which is now a hotel and is also now an all-girls dormitory. Hilarity ensues as he adjusts to rooming with five other beautiful teenage girls, taking care of their every need, cramming for the university entrance exam, and also trying to find his long-lost first love.

Keitaro Urashima is one of my newfound heroes in Japanese Anime'. As a shy nerdy guy myself, it's easy to relate to his social ineptitude and having to adjust to his new surroundings. Such romantically-impaired shy-guys such as Keitaro are such a common staple in Japanese animation that they can become a dime a dozen, but this kid is different. His social awkwardness is only heightened in the presence of the other five women, which is where most of this show's humor arises from. Sure, some of it is forced (it usually involves Keitaro being assumed as a pervert or peeping Tom by the other five women, and they often beat him up as a result), but damn, is it funny to see some of the physical abuse he's forced to endure as this series progresses. So yeah, he may be a wuss but he's also a genuinely nice human being who truly loves his job and genuinely cares about the other women living with him in the hotel. "Love Hina" is just utterly hilarious with a truly believable and three-dimensional lead character such as Keitaro Urashima.

The other five women are also quite colorful, and, of course, very beautiful; Naru Narusegawa, the chief female resident who also aspires to enter into Tokyo University, seems to secretly have the hots for Keitaro (while also inflicting the worst physical punishment upon him); another, Kaolla Su, is a hyper-active toy-collecting obsessive/inventor who always walks around the apartments barefoot all the time; Motoko Aoyama is an insecure, yet tough-as-nails man-hating Kendo master; Mitsune Konno seems to be the highly flirtatious Japanese equivalent of a Southern belle; and the shy, quiet junior high school student Shinobu Maehara - the youngest female of the bunch - also happens to be an excellent cook. Unlike a lot of similar-themed Anime', there is no explicit nudity in this show from the presence of these female characters, but if it was released in the United States as a live-action movie, it would definitely get a "PG-13" rating (and a "TV-14" rating if it were ever aired on U.S. cable television).

Based upon the hugely popular Manga series by Ken Akamatsu, "Love Hina" is a welcome delight for any Anime' fan, especially for those looking for something different from the usual run-of-the-mill sci-fi, fantasy, and horror stuff. I highly recommend it to any true fan of Japanese animation.

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No way in hell
residentgrigo13 July 2015
Here is my mangaupdates review for the original manga. The anime is identical, has filler episodes and no ending: Both the anime (i just glanced at it for confirmation) and manga are bad but the manga is a bit better done and just listen to me and Bennett the Sage as his Love Hina reviews are very funny and insightful. We both sure hate Akamatsu equally but dislike his Negima (3/10) more than this circle jerk so me and ecchi/harem will never be friends. No character development, no romance, no dating, no sex, thus no service i always say. I actually started to dislike the series half way through when i read it more than 10 years ago as a teenager so the art and the very first stories are the only saving grace. To think i actually played my own money for this. Ah the sins of youth but i learned and the harem genre has been dead to me ever since so thank you Love Hina for that. A good series about an actual harm would be Ooku (8,5/10) and the deconstructive Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei (9/10) should be the final word on the genre. At least this series isn't porn in disguise but Akamatsu does yuri/loli hentai on the side too. Sigh.
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a male can't necessarily experience a lot of annoying females
erminahotmail12 December 2023
Then this anime series radu hina ball of a boy named Keitaro. Some time ago a little girl made a promise to enter the university of Tokyo. But he has failed several times and his parents are unable to keep him inside but his grandmother leftThe legacy of a center in the mountains But that house is inhabited only by such females but Keitaro becomes their guardian So the reason that I didn't like Keitaro at all He is truly a loser Because all things happen only to him the worst moments is this character really doesSirio of Saint Seiya seems luckier than a fortune elf in comparison Because all the females he finds only give them punches, punches, paccheri and everything else You can know that it was written these things are not nice things that a male receives everything this from a lot offemales and annoying and also unpleasant but let's hope it has less of what it will be like in the manga because everyone says that manga It's all different from the anime Fingers crossed But I'm not a great comics editor to conclude I vote 2.
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one of the top ten anime series
gjhong3 January 2003
I've seen a lot of anime at various university clubs and rented a lot from local video stores and I rank Love Hina among the best shows. The artwork is good and the stories are varied and clever. It can be argued that the situation of a geeky guy who somehow ends up living with a household of girls has been used before but what matters is whether you care about the characters. With a show like Vandread that is supposed to be good I didn't feel much for people in it. With a show like Cowboy Bebop it wasn't long before I grew to enjoy the oddball characters living in that world. That is also true for Love Hina. We are introduced to the supporting characters and learn their backgrounds gradually. The way they interact with the lead actor Keitaro reveals his personality. It didn't take too many episodes before I realized how good the show was. For example the episode about the forgotten automaton Mo-e was a big surprise. It told a touching story on the importance of keeping promises which is one of the main themes of the series.

I've just seen the TV series and Christmas special released in English and the actors do a very good job on the voices. Matoko sounds serious, Shinobu sounds shy and Kaolla sounds playful just like the Japanese version. This show is well worth watching because the plot advances unlike shows like Ranma where it will take forever for the two leads to confess their love. Warning: Keitaro always blunders into fan-service situations where girls are undressed but Naru is always there to punish him for his transgressions.
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Greatest of the modern-day animes!
diamondasboy9 December 2004
You cannot say anything bad about Love Hina without first proving yourself a liar. It's part of one of the greatest modern artforms and is definitely worth buying. The series is, without a word of a lie, one of the most moving, sweet and beautiful series I have ever seen. It has definitely brought many people (myself included) much closer together, which is a testament to its emotional power. It's also one of the most accessible of the new series, being available for the princely sum of £20 (animation) on eBay, or available from many good book shops (in manga form). It's won awards for reasons. I implore anyone reading this to go forth and become a Love Hina fan! Go NOW!! NOW!!!!
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its easy to give good reputation even if its not deserved. This really deserves it.
trond-gjeset9 January 2006
What can you say about the show that contains some of the best combinations of romance, humor and slapstick humor imaginable by my opinion. An animeshow has to be real good to surpass this one.

I gotta say, i'm a sucker for romantic comedies and i have seen a lot of them, but none really matches the level of this one. The seemingly endless almost-gonna-happen-but-never-does mood of this show has on more than one occasion made me bang my head against the keyboard until i had to get my backup keyboard. You gotta love slapstick to love this show though as much of it is based around that kinda situation, just don't do the mistake i did when watching it. Watch the episodes in the way they came, not the last one first or you won't be a "headbanger"
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One of my all-time favorites
swinne_vl18 May 2005
I saw this anime right after the big series like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy bebop and movies like Akira, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell and End of Evangelion.

Those aren't the most happy series and movies out there so when I saw Love Hina, this was like a relief. It made me laugh, cheered me up, brought up so much different emotions. Its serious and cheerful at once. It kept me hooked for the entire series, the specials and the sequel Love Hina Again. And another very important thing: the soundtracks and music are amazing. they make the images so much greater when its needed, they never irritated me once.

If you like cheerful love stories, this sure is a recommendation. It goes right up there with the Ah! My Goddess OVAs, even tough Ah! My Goddess is a little better in my opinion.

At first Love Hina may look like some crazy kids show (unlike the manga) but there's so much more to it. I watched it several times now, and it gets better and better. You live along with the characters, you see their life, their evolution in the story and the series finish this just so perfectly in the end. Even tough it's completely unreal, it all looks so possible and constantly goes up towards that one big climax: what about Keitaro and Narusegawa? Still, it's a pity they didn't completely end it. The manga goes on for a few more chapters and clears even more things up. But that doesn't change a thing about how good the series is.

This went straight into my top 5 of best anime ever. 10/10
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What can i say......
evil_blanka29 January 2004
I am a very huge anime/manga fan. since i was a little child i loved watching cartoons. One day I realised Manga existed, my brother use to bring in lots of Manga, and i watched all of them, 18 rated or not. But never have i seen a cartoon series that i have been into so much, love hina is my favourite of all time, and it will stay that way. At my current age, action and destruction isnt all that for me, i need something more. and live hina has it, action, suspence, comedy, love etc...

Anybody who reads this i advise u go out and get urself the collection, u wont regret it, i didnt.
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Hilarious romantic comedy series
oodus3477 April 2001
I saw every episode of Love Hina subbed, and it was very entertaining. It's about a 20-year old loser named Keitaro who is a 2nd year ronin (meaning he failed to get into college after high school twice). Keitaro's grades are not good enough to get into Tokyo University, which is the only college he wants to get accepted to. When Keitaro was little, he promised to get into Tokyo U with a girl. She was the only girl that liked Keitaro, so he's dying to keep his promise and see her again...although he can't remember her name.

Keitaro's parents refuse to support him any longer, so he gets a job at his grandma's inn, which recently became an all-girls dormitory. Keitaro becomes the kanrinin (manager) and for the first time in his life, he is surrounded by women. The residents, ranging from a shy junior high girl to a sword wielding kendo master, either like or dislike Keitaro at first, but he soon gains their friendship, despite the fact they think he's a pervert and they kick the living crap out of him at least once each episode. There's also a romantic relationship that evolves between Keitaro and Naru, who deep inside really likes the guy (she kicks the most crap out of him, by the way).

Later in the series, a love triangle develops between Keitaro, Naru, and another girl...and she might be the girl from Keitaro's past! It's very funny and the story is interesting. If you liked the romance aspect of Tenchi Muyo!, I highly suggest Love Hina.
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On its own, good, but does the comic no justice
cbarley13 February 2005
What can I say, I'm a writer. Don't get me wrong, I love Love Hina; it's quickly become one of favorites - but in comic form. Like I said, the show is respectable, but taking a 14-volume comic and turning into a 26 to 36 episode TV show really doesn't work for me. Ken Akamatsu's writing is incredible - each chapter is religiously 18 pages long, save for about 5 here and there, and his style is such that each of those chapters could easily be turned into a 23 minute TV episode. Admitadly, you could probably cut out a good portion of volumes 10 through 14, considering that the comic started to lose it around there, but that still leaves over 100 chapters available, meaning there could have easily been over 100 episodes. I love anime, but my one complaint with most is that they are too short. Most animes are about 26 episodes; this, most of the time, leaves very little room for character and story development as it should be (this isn't the case with a select few, like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun); this especially applies for shows based on comics, where the characters develop slowly over time, and you enjoy every minute of it.

I still recommend seeing the show, but I also, even more strongly, recommend reading the comics; the show's for laughs, the comics are for everything else.
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Excellent Anime......Not Bad
conradz583 March 2006
Wow, this is a very good anime, this anime has lots of comedy, lots of love and relationship, lots of beautiful characters, and lots of breath-taking scenes.

I got interested of watching this anime last year, because the way the story goes, gives you a very good story and explanation, so I had to get a try watching it, although I didn't know what channel has this program and when will it be on, so I just read the story about it. Until I found out that you can watch episode by the internet, so I gave it a try,i've only watched episode 21 and it got me laughing badly because of the guy Keitaro always gets smashed by his love Naru.....Yep, funny story. When I finished watching the 21st episode of Love Hina, my brain just wanted me to watch it again and again and again or watch a different episode.

This love anime isn't just about 5 girls and 1 boy working in a Hotel and studying at Japan Uni, its about how we can love one another and be one another, well a bit of smack in the bum though, but not only the series of love-hina 2000 TV series, people who have very difficult relationships like men or women, well, this anime can give you a very good example of how you can take care of your lovelife and (how you can smash each other if your lovelife is going to go way off the line. - Hehe, nah I'm just joking.) Anyways thats why I put the brackets so you know I'm just joking.

I recommend that this Show "Love Hina" is one of best animes I've seen, its super addictive, and super cool.

If you haven't seen Love Hina, watch it now or rent it on DVD so it will make you keep laughing at home all day, if not, mate, your missing whats there. So give it a try now - Even though if your a man and you think this is like a girls anime, mate, ITS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS! Don't get embarrassed, just sit and enjoy it. Simple is that.
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zero_butterfly11 December 2003
I liked Love Hina , I watched the 24 episodes in the original japanese with subtitles and the voice acting is great, the story (though not incredibly original) is engaging and full of twists. The characters are strongly defined, the animation is slick and the music suitably cute and bubbly.

The only complaint I have is that in the middle of the series the writers seemed to completely forget about the storyline and added "zany" (and pointless) episodes to flesh out the show. Though these episodes are good, they detract from the overall emotional nature of the series.

I have yet to watch the series dubbed, but I have a feeling it would lose a lot through translation. If you really want to enjoy Love Hina, I suggest switching on the subtitles and turning the american voices OFF.

Overall, if you like cute anime with strong emotional overtones and a slightly geeky guy getting kicked about by girls, this one's for you. Worth watching if only for Kitsune's tricks and irresponsible drinking. It's a sweet, involving anime where you really sympathise with the characters and situations.

*note* Listen to Sara Mcdougal's voice in the japanese version. Her accent is something resembling GERMAN, even though shes meant to be an american girl. Maybe japanese voice actors shouldn't try and pull off western accents...Asuka in Evangelion was terrible too.
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This is a great romanitc comady series.
goomage28 June 2003
I will keep this short and sweet. This series follows the exploits of a clumsy boy who inadvertently becomes the manager of an all-girl apartment building. Laugh-riots ensue as he trys repeatedly to manage the girls and get into college, often finding himself in sticky situations. It really hits on that period of life (in and around those high school years, at least for me)when alot of your time is spent daydreaming of the pretty girls that you have crushes on and encounter in your day to day activities. Anyway, it is a very fun story and I don't think it should be missed.
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