Along the Way (2007) Poster


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An Interesting Watch
ibezdechi11 February 2007
Most people know talented actor and comedian Andrew Bowen from his short time on FOX-TV's sketch TV show, "Mad TV." Unfortunately they more than likely have not learned about him as the producer/director and head writer of a self-produced film from 2000 called "The Haven." "The Haven" is a loving and poignant story of four friends and the the trials and tribulations of what their "circle of life" has meted them from their chance meeting in grade school, the carefree days through high school and college, and that awkward time between late adolescence and the beginning of "the rest of their lives." The story also honestly depicts the not-so-fun underbelly of the realities of life and relationships when maturing personalities clash. While "The Haven" has many moments most audience members can relate to, the script has its moments of implausibility from a storytelling standpoint, and moments of way-over-the-top overracting especially as it relates to the four boys' relationships and conflicts to their outside world (parents, girlfriends, etc.). These moments unfortunately distract from the intent of the main storyline and are compounded by what some may view as totally unmotivated gratuitous violence and possibly mar what could have been a "great" movie into a "good" movie. Despite this, "The Haven" is an a notable artistic achievement from Andrew Bowen and one can only hope he will be able to capitalize on this milestone of a project in his future endeavors on his obvious talents as an actor "and" producer/director/writer.
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One of the greatest dramatic films I've ever seen.
ravencipher2 May 2004
I caught a screening of this film last night at a small film festival, The First Anual Desert Reel Festival in Odessa, TX, and was absolutely blown away. This film should not be reduced to scraping around at festivals trying to pick up attention. This film should be number one at the box office. Understand that this remark comes from a guy who is generally very hard on dramatic films. The emotions are usually overblown and the conclusions often ring false or forced. Not in THE HAVEN. All of the characters were well developed and completely believable. I haven't cried in a film since I was 7 or 8 years old watching ET, but let me tell you, there were several scenes in this one that nearly got me. I can't say enough about what a fabulous film this is, or even about the accessibility of those who made it. I met the writer/director, the editor, the producer and one of the stars at the festival and found them all to be really great guys. I wish them, and THE HAVEN all the luck in the world with this excellent film. And I urge any studio with any credibility at all to pick up this movie at the first opportunity. Stars or no, this is the best drama I've seen in years. Possibly ever.
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Horrible movie
jeffjett117 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know who wrote those good reviews,but I think it was family and friends of cast and crew.The first half was slow and pointless, the acting was horrible,the second half showed just how bad the writing was. Part of the movie we learn that one of the friends was responsible for an accident that killed his parents.. then we see how his friends are towards him, knowing that his parents are dead, don't know what jerks would treat a person like that, or what type of idiot sticks around to be treated bad by friends. But that is how I know this novi was a waste of time.There is a review on another site that it says this movie is generation X's Stand By Me, movie.. It is far from it. Boxofficemojo, doesn't even list this in the top 100 earners. Save your time..
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predictable, but thought provoking drama
ci03mak3 September 2005
I watched this one about a month ago. The VHS was lying around in the corner of my bedroom, and when i desperately needed to watch a movie, i reluctantly picked it off from the floor and jammed it into the video player. What i didn't realise was that this movie would keep me pinned to the couch for a couple of hours to the point where i wouldn't even want to go to the kitchen to make myself some coffee in case i missed any of the movie (im too lazy, so i couldn't even consider pressing the pause button on the video player. The remote control was lost so....). Anyway... The story behind the haven goes as follows: Four best friends grew up together. They were together since they were pre-teens and stuck together till after their college graduation. When they were kids, they discovered this ranch-like place called "the haven" and made it their special meeting point. The place was special to all 4 of them because it symbolized their brotherhood and soon became their protection. They had made it a customary practice to visit the place together and continued to do so until they were adults. Following their graduation from college, they continue to live their lives together under the assumption that they will always be together or will at least always be there for each other. However, as time goes by, things change. Their bond of brotherhood as sealed by the haven, slowly begins to crumble until disaster strikes into each of their lives. After the spine-chilling tragedies occur, the friends that remain live life in regret, thinking about how things could have turned out better if they had acted more responsively to their other 2 friends who lost their lives. They end up questioning themselves about the bond of brotherhood between the four of them and whether or not it became soo weak to the point where the haven stopped protecting them. This is a very good movie (if not spectacular)and i would recommend it to anyone regardless of what type of viewers they are. This one will fascinate anyone.

I give this a 7.5/10....
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not a very good movie
battagfv20 October 2002
Four friends facing their demons the summer after college graduation. This movie tries to be more than it is. It's characters are one dimensional parody's of what they could be. Situation are contrived.

The writing is hit and miss. mostly miss. Production values are mostly good, although you do see the boom microphone is a couple of scenes.

The acting is just a bit over the top. Something a good director could have fixed.

Bottom line. Save your money and go see something else.
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Should be at the Oscars
oscarwinner1 February 2005
I was fortunate to grow up in a time when films really had something of substance and magic. The problem with Hollywood is no one wants to risk their company BMW and expense account to take a chance on this film. This film moved me to the point of tears and inspired me to call my best friends to let them know how important they are to me. The film infected me much like The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo's Fire did when I was younger. Andrew Bowen is one of the most talented actors in the business and could win an Oscar for this performance if given a shot. The amazing part is he co-wrote and directed the film as well. This film will see theatrical distribution because someone out there is going to take a chance on the merits alone in this impactive drama. I hope that it will be marketed enough to get the word out. Hollywood may be out of touch but the public will always respond to a powerful story.
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I cry for Hollywood...
auzemoto3 May 2004
What has happened to make Hollywood so spineless? They will release Gigli because it has the name and nothing else. But The Haven has everything but name appeal, and can't get distributed. This film is a STAR MAKER. Andrew Bowen crafted an amazing story as both writer and director, and then personally gives one of the most electrifying performances I've seen in the last ten years. The power of Penn, the charisma of the Rock. The rest of the cast, from the 3 co- stars to the smallest bit part, turns in wonderfully crafted performances. The visuals are amazing, the music was perfectly chosen, the editing and pacing were seamless, hell, even the credits were a joy to watch.

This is a delicately crafted masterpiece of friendship, loss, and redemption. You won't escape this movie without sore ribs from laughing or damp cheeks from crying.

Okay, forget the flowery talk. This is Steel Magnolias for 20-something guys. Someone is Hollywood is eventually gonna figure that out and make a helluva lotta money distributing this film. Too bad they all seem to forget that here in the real world, we care an awful lot more about story than we do about tabloid friendly names. And if you are in Hollywood, I beg you to remember, once upon a time, none of us had ever heard of Frank Capra, Spencer Tracy, or even Steven Spielberg. Take a chance.
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This is a really good movie!
andrewbowen2 June 2002
I only wish every person could get a chance to experience what I have with this movie. Never In my life have I had total strangers spend 15 30 minutes talking to me about something with such passion. Never in my life have I had people tell me that this movie can save lives. Do yourself a favor and find a place that is showing this film, it is so worth your time and money. This has the kind of realizm and heart that doen't happen very often and is so desperately needed
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wonderful story
caramelali22 December 2008
this movie took you on a journey--and you absolutely can't stop thinking about it when it's over. you want the four of them to find their way and stay friends forever. the music is one of the most amazing aspects of this movie. it is beautifully written and perfectly coincides with the story so much that sometimes you don't even notice that it is the notes of the music that carry you from one scene to the next. i recommend this film to anyone looking to watch a story that affects you long after the movie is over. thank you for such a great effort towards making a quality film about the things that are the most important parts of life: friendship and loyalty
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Definitely on my list of favorite films
barbarella4231 October 2002
In September, I attended the Wilmington Independent Film Festival. Among the multitudes of features, shorts & documentaries was a film that, to this day, I can't stop talking about. Within minutes of the first scenes, "The Haven" held my attention and wouldn't let go until the very end. I have seen other movies with similar themes and "The Haven" more than holds up against any of them. This may be about four guys but it's not a "guy flick" by any stretch of the imagination. What I found while watching "The Haven" is that I could identify deeply with each one of the characters and with the situations they encounter. All the elements worked - directing, acting, cinematography, beautifully written story, well developed characters - to make "The Haven" a film worth seeing.
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great movie
tornadofreak1017 February 2008
This is the 5th best movie I have ever seen. It is the best movie in its genre. It is an extremely touching anti-drug movie, and the acting is amazing. Andrew Bowen did a spectacular job as Jocko, and his directing was fantastic. The movie does a great job of character development, and, when the movie got to its climax, really was amazingly moving. I saw this movie at a private pre-viewing, that is why it is possible that I am writing this before the movie is released. Although I've already seen it, I will go to the theaters when this fine movie comes out and see it on the big screen with some of my friends. This movie will make Andrew Bowen a well-known and respected actor, I am sure of it. This film is gold among the brass that is other drama movies.
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Utterly compelling and involving film. Well recommended!
lanilen3 October 2003
My expectations were incredibly low when I started watching this film for the first time. It came as a super-low-budget one-pound DVD that had horrible picture and sound quality, even for VHS standards, and absolutely no extras. Just the title, "The Haven", sounded naff to me.

It starts out as a rather unoriginal film, portraying the growing-up of four friends, and it tends to be rather superficial for the first quarter, but then... it really engulfs you.

25 minutes into the film, you have been introduced to the characters and you find yourself completely addicted to see how they solve their building conflict between eachother, their conflict with people around them and how they face the real world. You get so involved into the story and the characters that you eventually experience an emotional rollercoaster until the film ends. Despite being a tough, allegedly non-sensitive guy, it had me shedding a few tears and reflecting silently upon life a few minutes when the film had ended. The film just did not leave me. I still keep thinking about it now, months afterwards.

The most fascinating fact is that it boasts a group of terrific actors, and yet they are all more or less unknown. In my opinion, the strongest actor without doubt is Andrew Bowen, who portrays Jocko. His performance is simply brilliant, and gives the character a depth that I couldn't think possible. The other three actors are marvelous as well, but it was Bowen that captured my attention. When I then found out that Bowen also was the director and writer of the film, I gasped. Quite an undiscovered talent that deserves more recognition.

The most unbelievable thing about the film is that it seems so professionally construed yet has no decent DVD or video release anywhere. To later find out that it has not even reached the major cinemas and has no major distributor is shocking. As far as I'm concerned, the film could easily compete for Oscar or Academy Awards among the top films from major Hollywood studios.

Today, "the Haven" is one of my all-time favourite films. I recommend it to everyone, but they simply cannot get hold of it, which is a shame. I really hope a decent DVD studio gives it a proper worldwide release some day.

In any way, if you get the chance to see "The Haven", please do. It is truly rewarding and will in one way or another affect you - more than you think.
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ALONG THE WAY; When you leave this movie, this movie does not leave you.
jamurphy-19 November 2008
In every circle of friends, there is a dark cloud. Three of one's five close friends will be relatively sane, while one or two of them are seeded, and ready to storm. Falling to Earth, the pain swims around in the gathering waters outside, each person in the group poking at it with a pitchfork, until it ultimately expires, or breeds. But the guilt of surviving, while others perish, is a ghastly demon, dodging in and out of the corner of the eye; constantly shifting, changing… becoming transmogrified. These memory- ghosts serve false haven; they shelter; they revitalize; they lie. So in the mind's eye, those who were lost, are, and always will be, perfect. Regardless of what their faults were, or their inconsistencies; when people are stuck in time, they glow.

Such as it is for Trevor McCaffery (Briel DiCristafaro), a lone wolf in a pack of howling, post- adolescent, incompletes. His parents lay in cold graves, victims of a car wreck the gruesome details of which he witnessed while careening through a blood-soaked windshield. Now he is terrorized by the sound of his own heartbeat, and limps around seemingly with barely enough blood flow to make it around the body once. And while his friends try their best to reanimate him somehow, they are resigned to the fact that their best friend is a shell. Trevor has Howard-Hughes-ed himself into a jump-cut on one of his old home movies, surrounded by the fuzzy warmth of winter hats and comfortably worn friendships. Not even the attentions of a sexy, beautiful young co-worker (Missy Crider) can extract him from the glass-strewn back seat of his parent's car. In the dream, his father's winking, reassuring warmth and his mother's tender cooking- apron- gaze are as sweet as the cookies that she is most certainly preparing. How else can dead parents be imagined? For Trevor, it is in a montage of his father's stone-dead eyes. Within this hollow comes the added shock of the inevitable, wayward, tearing apart of boyhood bonds, which, under the circumstances, amounts to the final disintegration of his protective circle of "lies."

Like pain, great drama is often cloaked in a garment of steady humor. It's why when we tumble, we laugh. The lighthearted and funny camaraderie in this film is a spot-on example of those guileless post adolescent days, while being a reminder of why most of us walked around feeling like our insides were in the diametric center of a trash compactor.

Though it benefits from an interesting ensemble of young, unknown actors, (the best kind), the heart and soul of Along the Way bursts onto the screen in the character of Jocko, played with sound, fury, sincerity, and great charisma by the film's creator, writer and director Andrew Bowen. When Jocko's manic, hilarious, bravado occupies the scene, the magnetic quality of the film is greatly buoyed. Beyond the laughs, Jocko is a classic "crutch"; so useful and steady, but constructed of only the most brittle alloy. As long as the group is assembled, Jocko is king of the world, but take that away, and he is jelly; except when he can channel all that onto canvas (canvas…the great liberator and depository of demons). One of the hardest things to do is direct a movie while you are busy being brilliant in it. But Bowen, here in his first feature, creates a mood which is raw and innocent, yet edgy and sublime.

All of Jocko's polar energy is balanced by the steady, sometimes brilliant performance by Michael Cade, as Warren, the group's resident, nerdy, under-confident, introvert. Warren has an appropriately subverted reservoir of pain inflicted by his callous father, which he, unlike Jocko, has learned to keep from flying in his face with his protective eyeglasses. So typical of life, the dysfunctional lead the dysfunctional. And it becomes up to Warren to keep Jocko from caving in on himself, alone, with no one to prop up. In spite of these deficiencies and in spite of the self-destructive machismo asserted by Christian, the group's rock-n-roll, drug-hazed, maverick, (played scarily well by John McLoughlin) Jocko's winsome charm is able to make constantly elastic the boyhood bonds which should have broken already. At a time in his life when Christian's identity is filled with addictions, Jocko is there to give him a "hit" of what once was and what should have been. This is the thing about one's twenties; everything is reinvention, obscured by indulgence. Not unlike those patchwork days, the action of Jocko, Warren, Christian, and Trevor's pseudo-adulthood must necessarily come to its merciful conclusion. Bowen keeps the petal to the metal in the third act, which culminates in a heart-pounding, edge-of your-seat, crescendo. There's no sense giving anything away, but it's appropriate to say that "Along the Way captures your heart, but it doesn't let you off the hook."

And that's the thing about Along the Way; you just have to see it. It is a gripping and powerful drama. Yet within its yarn, giving it its heartbeat, are four very real characters, living and breathing in a natural and unquestionably human way. Characters that keep you vested to the end. This movie has a halo around it, and like its characters, is bathed in a "circle of light". A light which protects it from being fraudulent, ordinary, and heartless. The thing is; when you leave this movie, this movie does not leave you.
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Great Movie!!! Talented Actors!!! Touching Story!!!
CandyBlonde3 March 2002
Four Friends. One Summer. No Turning Back.

Trevor (Briel DiCristofaro) tells the story about him and his three childhood friends. The movie shows their growing friendships and the trials and tribulations of their lives.

The actors are incredible!!! They will bring you into their world. They will touch your hearts.

Check out the movie. You will not be disappointed.
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The Haven
purityglitter66610 April 2005
I have had this movie for around a year now, and i didn't really get around to watching it, and one sleepless night I put it on.

I was hooked from around the first 5 minutes of watching it. I fell in love with the character's & the story line, and at the end, I was in tears.

The movie is one of the greatest movie's that has not been publicised as much as any other. I was broken hearted like no other movie had made me feel. I love this movie dearly & i recommend it to ANYONE. I didn't think i would like it by the cover but don't let that deceive you.

This movie is excellent!.
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One of the best movies I've ever seen
gapp_738 February 2003
I am writing this for anyone who has not yet seen, or is questioning, The Haven.

I went to see this movie in a little bar in Park City, Utah, during Sundance. My best friend and I walked in about 20 minutes into it. and what I seen of it was totally gripping. They done another showing promptly after the first, so my buddy and I decided to stick around and see what we missed. We had full intensions on leaving after we seen what we had missed, but we were so ingulfed in it that we opted to finish the movie a second time.

The actors and writing were great, I could relate to each of the roles personally. I found this movie to be an amazingly powerful film. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but it's one of those movies that after you see it, you feel different, and you can't stop thinking about it.

I would strongly suggest anyone see this movie, and if you get the chance to talk to John (the writer) take the chance he is an extrememly down to earth guy. We were in Park City, with literally 1000's of people, we went back to see it again the second night, and John seen us, and remembered us by name. I find that pretty outstanding. After the film he asked us to give hime a testamony on film, which we were more than happy to do, for a film that contained such raw power and charisma. I'm no movie critic, but I would definately give this film 10 stars, on a 5 star rating system.

It's amazing, check it out.
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Does anyone know where to buy this film?
jmsignz4u21 September 2005
LOVED this film. I have had the pleasure of getting to know John McLoughlin (who wrote the original screenplay and portrayed of Christian).

Does anyone know where I can purchase this film? Those from the UK are in a different format and won't play on the equipment in the states, so John has told me. So, I am hoping someone can give me some great direction as to how I can get my hands on a copy for my own personal collection ... not to mention I want EVERYONE I know to see this movie. The movie, the actors, and writers deserve much recognition. What a talented bunch!

I am not only lucky to have been introduced to this movie, but fortunate to have met such a great guy (who loaned it to me) ... thanks John ... you're the best!
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The Haven - unspoken place of hope and dreams in hearts
imdb-357929 January 2006
I remember watching this film and it has been two years since I'd seen it... It has stuck in my mind, reminding me of my own years in high-school of companionship and reminded me of our "Cabin". The character development is wonderful and makes you feel like one of the friends yourself. It should be bigger than it is. everyone should see this once in their life. the producer put his blood sweat and tears and every last dollar he had into this film and I am grateful he did. All films should be done this way. This film, its story and characters embody the power of film. Thank GOD for i-films and their impact on Hollywood. sincerely,
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Fantastic Independent film. Great screenplay!
zerillj19 September 2005
I had no expectations going into watching this film and I would suggest everyone do the same. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the movie ... from the overall appearance and plot to the amazing job of the actors. I couldn't pull myself away from the t.v. and neither will you be able to. This not a gender specific movie, in other words it is not a chick-flick or a macho-movie and therefore would be the perfect date movie. Both parties will love this. This movie stirs emotion. I called someone I love immediately after watching it. My opinion? One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Too bad some of the crummy movies can't be pulled from the theater and be replaced with this one. Absolutely brilliant! Totally impressed with this movie!
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Stand by me for the Gen X'ers
Bankyman9 April 2002
We all saw Stand by Me, and thought it was a great movie.

This movie is kind of like that. It's about 4 very different friends: an aspiring writer, a very smart boy with an abusive father, a drug addicted musician, and an explosive cannon. These boys grew up togther and stayed best friends until the end of college.

It is very touching and the writing is superb. The movie was very well directed, acted and written by Andrew Bowen who made a very dramatic change from his comedy on MADtv to this powerhouse drama.

Though the main characters are very good, i must say that my favorite part of the film was in the first few moments of the film when it shows the boys as 6th graders. The three friends were brilliantly acted out, but the star of this scene was the child who played "Jocko" as a child. This kid should be nominated for an oscar, he just blew the whole theatre away. He should be cast in more films, but for now i guess hes not in anything...too bad

anyway, this was an excellent movie with excellent writing, and excellent casting. Andrew: MAKE MORE FILMS

my rating: **** (out of 5)
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