Twisted (2004) Poster

(I) (2004)

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Okay, Not Bad....Certainly Doesn't 'Stink'
ccthemovieman-14 September 2006
I had heard several people say, "Don't rent this movie; it stinks," but took a shot anyway because Ashley Judd is appealing to me. Well, I wouldn't buy the film but it worth the rental. It wasn't bad at all. It was a decent "serial killer movie" except for the ending which went on too long and got a bit sappy, but a lot of movies are know for that. However, by the end, all the characters (including Judd's "Jessica Shepard") had worn thin and I was glad to see it end.

I also had heard that the ending was easy to figure out but I didn't find that. Actually, I thought I, but I guessed wrong and I assume others did as well. So, don't believe everything you hear; it's a decent film. Nothing to spend a lot of money on, but you could do a lot worse. With Judd, Andy Garcia, Samuel L. Jackson and David Strathairn, the same could be said about the cast
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It has all Of the elements but......
bsmith555225 September 2004
To hear Director Philip Kaufman tell it, "Twisted" was supposed to be the best film noire picture since the classics of the 40s. Not so. It has most of the elements of film noire..the dark lighting, the darkened streets and a murder mystery. But it doesn't quite work.

Officer Jessica Shepard (Ashley Judd) is a kick ass police officer who has just been promoted to Homicide Inspector. Now it seems that the comely young officer also has a penchant for violent behavior and one night stands. Her mentor is none other than Police Commissioner John Mills (Samuel L. Jackson) who has raised her and nurtured her career following the tragic deaths of her parents some years earlier.

Shepard's new partner turns out to be Mike Delmarco (Andy Garcia) whom she had unknowingly met the previous evening during a party at a bar in her honor. Suddenly, Jessica's one night lovers begin turning up dead, brutally beaten. At the same time, she has been experiencing blackouts immediately before the murders. She then begins to suspect that she may be responsible.

Sounds good huh? I though so too but on watching it I guessed who the murderer was almost right away. This took away any suspense the director was trying to build by placing suspicion on other characters. We do get some nice shots of San Francisco though.

The petite Ashley Judd is just not convincing as a tough love 'em and leave 'em cop. She does her best work in the psychological scenes where she comes unraveled at the thought that she may be murdering these men. Jackson does the best he can with limited material. He is off screen more than he is on. I thought that his character could have been fleshed out a little more. Garcia, playing an Italian again, does what he can with his role. TV's Camryn Manheim puts in a appearance as the forensic examiner Lisa.

Not nearly as good as Director Philip Kaufman would have you believe.
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Ashley needs a new genre
christian12320 November 2004
Ashley Judd plays police detective Jessica Shepard, on the hunt for a serial killer who is murdering the men she recently dated. When Jessica starts blacking out before each murder, the police commissioner (Samuel Jackson) and her partner (Andy Garcia) begin to suspect that she may be more directly involved with the murders.

Twisted may boast an impressive cast but that's about all it has going for it. The story is pretty unoriginal as this is just a female version of Tightrope. While having a tough female cop in the lead role is a little interesting, it doesn't save the film from being really bad. The film tries to trick the audience offering some twists and turns but they all fail. Twisted is a poorly written thriller lacking twists. If you really think about it, you could probably figure out the ending before the thirty minute mark. It's just so obvious that you wonder why they even bothered making it in the first place.

Ashley Judd stars in this movie and she really needs to move on to a different genre. High Crimes, Eye of the Beholder, Kiss the Girls, Double Jeopardy and now Twisted have all starred Ashley Judd and I think audiences are getting bored watching her in the same role in every movie. In Twisted, she gives her usual performance though she looked a little bored throughout the film. You would think having Andy Garcia and Samuel L Jackson would help but apparently no talented actor can save the movie. Jackson also appears bored throughout the movie and this a paycheck movie for him. Andy Garcia gives an okay performance. It was just a little over the top.

It's a by the numbers thriller and if you pay close attention to the film you can figure out the killer five minutes into the movie. If you sit back and relax you may enjoy it more but they could have hidden the identity of the killer a little better. All of the three main actors in this movie are way above this material and I was surprised to see all of them in this. In the end, Twisted is another dull entry into the genre and it's only worth watching if you're a die-hard fan of anyone involved. Rating 4/10.
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A high-caliber cast slumming in "made for TV" material.
Li-121 September 2004
* ½ out of ****

I've mentioned it before and I'll say it again; I'm a sucker for mystery thrillers, especially when they involve methodical serial killers. So despite the fact that Twisted was clearly one of the worst reviewed films of the year, I still rented it based on both my preference for the genre and for the film's cast, as I am huge fans of Samuel L. Jackson and Ashley Judd. Andy Garcia, Russell Wong, and Leland Orser are in the film, too, and that's definitely not a shabby supporting cast.

The film stars Judd as San Francisco patrol officer Tess Shepard. After busting a murderer, she's promoted to inspector by the commissioner (Samuel L. Jackson), who also happens to be her legal guardian thanks to a rather sordid past. Tess' new partner is Del Marco (Andy Garcia), and they're quickly assigned to their first case when a corpse is discovered by the shore. The crime is murder but there's a catch; Tess recognizes the dead man, a mere stranger she picked up at a bar a month ago. Another murder occurs, and it's yet another man Tess slept with. And considering she keeps blacking out the night each of the men is killed, she begins to suspect if she's the very own killer they're looking for.

For all that's very wrong with this film, Twisted isn't nearly as bad as I though it'd be. Don't take that as high praise, because the movie's still bad, just not horrible enough that I'd put it on any personal bottom 10 lists.

Because I saw this film just a day after Taking Lives, there was the occasional bit of déjà vu. Remember how I mentioned that film introduced us to the heroine by showing how clever and resourceful she was? Pretty much the same case here, except we also see that Judd's Tess Shepard can kick ass. Her cleverness is displayed through her ability to perfectly describe people and objects she's seen after a brief glance; a fine ability, no doubt, but not something that really impresses in terms of plot and characterization.

The movie's various attempts at building a sense of mystery are suspense are quite pathetic. Examples? Judd keeps hearing a metallic clinking outside her apartment every night before the murders, and she keeps drinking alcohol on those same nights and consequently blacks out. This is a repeated process, so you'd think it take her more than the majority of the film's running time to figure out her drink might be tainted with a drug or that whoever's making that noise might somehow be associated with her blackouts.

Figuring out the identity of the killer is almost too easy. Just follow Roger Ebert's little movie rule about how the culprit is almost always the person who has no other reason to be in the picture and you'll be able to narrow it down real fast.

Twisted is blessed with a surprisingly high-profile cast, and while most everyone is nothing less than decent, it's a bit of a surprise actors of such high-caliber would choose a script that plays out more like 'TV movie of the week' material. I can maybe see the appeal to Ashley Judd in playing a tortured but tough heroine, but Samuel L. Jackson has arguably the film's most thankless role, and he's barely in the picture for more than fifteen minutes. Competent acting is always a great plus in the genre, but it also takes plot and suspense to actually make a thriller with thrills and this movie has absolutely zilch in that department.
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Why does Ashley Judd keep making these awful movies?
anhedonia10 April 2004
Why does someone as talented as Ashley Judd keep making such rotten movies?

Does she read the scripts before she commits to them?

There was a time when Ms. Judd made terrific films - "Ruby in Paradise" and "Smoke" - she has a cameo and what a superb performance it is.

"Twisted" is just a mess of a movie. Not only is this film dreadfully paced, for a suspense thriller it is surprisingly devoid of suspense and thrills.

The story is utterly predictable. There are no plot twists and if you cannot figure out who the villain is about 10 minutes into the film, find yourself another hobby. The material is so beneath the talents of Ms. Judd, Samuel L. Jackson, Andy Garcia and director Philip Kaufman.

I can only hope that this film will finally prove to Ms. Judd that it's time to give this genre a break - for good - and sink her teeth into better roles.
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Not so bad as many negative critics written here
Luigi Di Pilla4 December 2004
My expectations were fulfilled. I mean I knew that this one was not a top thriller but at least it was much more better than the last ones I see. I spent an entertaining evening with my wife that didn't fall asleep this time. This movie kept your attention from beginning and during all the time you are asking who the real murder is. The performance of Ashley Judd in her psycho role was very good and for all fans of her this is a must see. Yeah, it's a good psycho-thriller with a surprisingly end. I am wondering why so many critics are negative here. There are no doubt more movies who deserved less good votes than Twisted. IN THE CUT is another thriller you shouldn't miss if you liked this one. My rating with my wife: 6.5/10. Too underrated on IMDb!!
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Awful movie
nides112 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I never post on these kind of message boards but if this stops one person from seeing this movie, it's worth the time.

By the time I reached the end of this movie (yes, I should have turned it off earlier but it was like coming upon the scene of an accident, you can't help but look) I was beginning to believe it was one of those comedies that make fun of a genre (like Airplane! or Scary Movie), but it wasn't...

Everyone in the movie is truly awful, particularly Ashley Judd.

(Spoilers) The storyline makes no sense at all. I think that anyone who drank one or two glasses of wine, blacked out and woke up to find out the person that had recently slept with was murdered, might quit drinking or seek some help, if not after the first time it happens, surely after the second or third time.

This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, although I maintain it has value if you like laughing at movies that are true stinkers.
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A good, but not very original thriller.
philip_vanderveken25 October 2004
Different people, different opinions I guess. Everybody seems to hate this movie. I think it wasn't too bad. I admit that this was a typical Hollywood product about a tough female cop partnered with a tough male cop. It isn't better than the other movies in this genre, but it isn't worse either. In the end I quite liked it for what it was, a good, but not very original thriller.

I went to the cinema without knowing much about the movie. All I knew was that Samuel L. Jackson, one of my favorite actors, acted in it. Well, in my opinion this is a good thriller with a lot of twists and good acting (especially by Jackson, who gives the strongest performance of the movie). As prescribed for this kind of movies, Twisted steers you in the wrong direction as to who the bad guy and who the hero is. Some say it is obvious who the bad guy is, just by watching the credits. I guess these people should try to enjoy a movie and not analyze it to death even before they have actually seen it.

All in all this movie deserves better than what most people say about it. I reward it with a 7/10.
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You've seen this already.
DamRho13 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Before I start commenting on this film let me tell you that although I won't reveal any spoilers it really wouldn't matter if I did since you already saw this movie. The reason you already saw this movie it's because the movie is generic and predictable. This movie has every possible and imaginable cliché a "who done it" movie could have: there's the disturbed hero that had an unfortunate childhood trauma and happens to be the prime suspect of the slaughter, there's the unrevealing partner who seems to be too nice to be true, there's the mentor who took over the hero's guardianship when her parents died, there's the ex-love interest who's far from the perfect date, there's the jealous co-worker who's trying to take the hero down, and there's the predictable plot twist at the end. Does this remind you of something? If you're thinking "A Time To Kill", "Eye Of The Beholder", "High Crimes" or "Double Jeopardy" you've got it! Ashley Judd only takes part in generic "who done it" films. What's even funnier is that the posters for these films look exactly alike. The acting itself has its highs and lows. Sam Jackson is, of course, the star of the company alongside Andy Garcia and both eventually have to carry the whole movie since Ashley Judd can't even wake up convincingly. Some moments in this film I thought I was watching and amateur group. Filmmaker Philip Kaufman seems to like going ups and downs in his career and create generic and bad movies (Henry & June, Rising Sun, Twisted) after brilliant movies (The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Right Stuff) so this seems to be yet another low point in his career thought he can't be blamed that the plot is so generic. A movie with this cast should have done a lot better, and Ashley Judd's career needs better scripts. She's not totally untalented, she just doesn't do these sorts of rules any justice. She's definitely not suited to be wear the "tough girl" gimmick. Only watch this movie if you have nothing else to do since you've already watched it anyway. Too generic.
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Do you know any good pick up lines?
dkonidis7 March 2004
In this movie Ashley Judd plays a sexy cop who picks up guys at a bar then sleeps with them before they surprisingly end up dead. At one point Judd asks a male police officer if he's ever picked up a girl at a bar. His reply: "Only in my fantasies". The movie is filled with such funny, but cliched exchanges and becomes very predictable at some points. Almost all the men in this movie have a crush on Judd which makes it easy to guess who's next on the victim list. A strong ending though saves it from being another direct to video production. Samuel L. Jackson barely appears in the movie, but makes his presence felt whenever he's on screen. All in all, because I've diminished my standards of late, it's worth a look.
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I went to the theater, and all I saw was this lousy movie. **SPOILERS**
vertigo_1425 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
There is one word to describe Twisted: formulaic. This movie, without much direction and hardly any substance, tries to manufacture a story based on nearly every serial killer/profiler thriller that's been out. It's a bunch of pieces put together, but the final product is completely forgettable, particularly the ending which was not only uninteresting, but also somewhat confusing as to helping you understand motive, essentially acting as an anti-climax to a dull movie.

The movie starts out with about a half hour of boring dialogue and interactions as we are introduced to our characters, one as inconsequential as the next. The story is about that of patrolwoman, Jessica Shepard, (Judd) who gets promoted to investigator, thanks to her keen eye for detail. But, with her promotion follows a gruesome chain of mutders of guys that she's been permiscuous with. We are briefly shown one murder after the next. This is not even a psychological tempter where the detectives get so insanely into their work as they try to figure out who the killer is and his moda operandi and all of that the way other serial killer/profiler movies do. It took Morgan Freeman quite a few murders in 'Seven' and a deep dig in the library before he could formulate some theory about the killer. In 'Taking Lives,' Angelina Jolie became so engrossed in the murders that she used to have the pictures spread all over her floor while she slept and bathed. We can see the nervewracking positions of the detectives and it adds to our own assumptions as to who we think the killer is and why he does those brutal crimes.

But, in 'Twisted,' there is almost nothing compelling about the murders as they are introduced so quickly, and with hardly many details other than that of a killer who marks his victims with a cigarette burn on the hand. In fact, the story only seems to drop these murders in our lap so as to eliminate possible murder suspects. That weird guy in the bar with the strange tattoo or Jessica's violent ex-boyfriend quickly become knocked out of the picture and thus, struck from our list of possible killers. In part, too,this is because we are supposed to believe that Judd is the killer, but even that is still unconvincing as we see her blackout all the time and are even shown her strange dreams.

Jessica becomes one of the suspects because of the coincidental closeness she has to each of the victims, and because of her suspicious violent tendencies, something she supposes is a genetic trait as her father had a reputation for violence. But, as well as Jessica pays attention to detail, she can't be sure whether she is the killer. 'Twisted' doen'st even offer much development here and that is partly because the situation is too repetetive. Viewers are pretty much given the same bag of tricks, with little to throw their attention or interest.

Every night is the same thing, she comes home to to wave at the old neighbor woman staring at her from the building across the way, and then after a tall glass of Cabernet, she blacks out and her dreams of violent and sexual encounters, all of which make her even more confused. You'd think that she'd back track and at least stop drinking the same wine every night, knowing that that is exactly the moment she passes out.

But Jessica is up for a rude awakening when she realizes the truth. Not only is the ending predictable as the killer goes for that "let's make this finale death scene look like 'the serial killer' that you're looking for did it." The killer's motives and explanation for committing the crimes are even as textbook as the finale.

'Twisted' was a pretty bad movie, and one that proves how ridiculously formulaic the serial killer/profiler movies have become. Writers are running out of steam, trying to ride on the popularity of a thriller, but not offering much by way of story development, particularly the endings. The ending to this movie is about as illogical and uninteresting as 'Gothika.'
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Great Noir!
weefers15272 June 2005
I just saw a great film noir called TWISTED. I saw some negative comment on your site saying that the film was not a film noir by someone who is obviously unfamiliar with the meaning of the expression. Here's a great definition that a friend of mine who is a noir expert dug up: "...Film noir is a crime story in which characters in the grip of urgent appetites (sex, money and revenge are the most popular) are driven to perform extremely dangerous, complicated and often morally dubious acts, and in which the prevailing mood--a mixture of fear, desire and desperation--is intensified by both a single-minded economy of narrative and almost oppressive formality of graphic design..." TWISTED stars Ashley Judd as a tough cop who picks up guys in bars and has wild sex with them. The only problem is, the guys she sleeps with end up dead! I guess some of the guys are a little uptight about sex and /or women being cops, but that's their problem. What is different about this film from say, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, is that in TWISTED, Jess (Ashley's character) comes to believe that she might be the killer she is looking for. This is her best role ever and I think there's something liberating about seeing a woman cop kick some ass and be truly feminine at the same time. She is strugggling with her capacity to kill. At the end, the film answers the question of "whodunit' in a truly shocking and unexpected way.

If pressed, I would say that this film is a noir thriller, though it's so much more. There's a great love story here too (actually there are many kinds of love stories in the film and one really twisted one-thus the title). The direction, the camera-work and acting are all great.
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good to watch
jeanalmira17 October 2005
I agree, that this movie is a good thriller movie to be watched. I was entertained by this movie, and I kinda guessed wrongly in the beginning. I thought that it was kind of predictable movie, and started to think that it was related to Jessica's sanity. Moreover, by adding the psychiatric treatment and her traumatic child background. But I was wrong! Although it was kind of obvious when the plot started to point at Delmarco (Andy Garcia). I quite believed that Delmarco was the murderer though.But again it's too obvious guess. It led to suspect John, especially when he seems to eager to save Jessica. And how he related to her dad. The interesting part of this movie is, this movie duration is kinda short, but indeed challenging to think about the plot during the show. I give this movie 7/10.
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Clumpy Crime Drama
romanorum112 December 2016
Jessica Shepard (Ashley Judd), a San Francisco police officer just promoted to homicide inspector (detective), is searching for a serial killer of men. She is ordered to see the department psychiatrist because of excessive force used in subduing a vicious and creepy rapist who held her at knife-point at film's beginning. She is a troubled character with an attitude. Her late father George, also a police officer, supposedly went berserk and killed his promiscuous wife, Jessica's mother, before turning his gun on himself. Jessica suffers from a series of violent dreams. Her shrink is Dr. Melvin Frank (David Strathairn); during sessions she often slams her unlit cigarette against a table. Jessica is a tad resistant to revealing too much information to Dr. Frank.

With Jessica's promotion, she is partnered with Mike Delmarco (Andy Garcia). Jessica's job mentor is the man who raised her after her father's death, John Mills (Samuel L. Jackson). Mills is of high rank in the SFPD. Jessica's pastimes include drinking copious amounts of cabaret sauvignon and engaging in a series of one-night stands. She picks up good-looking but strange men in bars and has rough sex with them (But she does not return to the same guy twice.). Before long, each man is found dead; the one identifying fact with each is the cigarette burn on the back of a hand. The crime scenes reveal neither weapons nor signs of struggle. Obviously, suspicions are raised against Jessica.

Is Jessica committing murders and then blacking out? She certainly has no memory of them. As Jessica tries to uncover the truth, the realization strikes her that perhaps she is indeed the serial killer. Then again you might believe that anyone who has sexual relations with Jessica gets dispatched. Hmm, wonder who could be doing that? Lt. Tong (Russell Wong) wants to pull her off the case, but Mills asks if he has any evidence against her. "No, of course not," Tong replies. Mills' response is that using bad judgment is not the same as committing a crime, so Jessica stays on the assignment. Later a lab test of Jessica's blood reveals that someone is drugging her sauvignon with Rohypnol ("roofies"), a tranquilizer far more potent than Valium. But how is this action possible? Why doesn't Jessica catch on? No spoilers are provided here, but the denouement leaves a plot hole among others.

Although on location shooting is usually a positive, the lack of story development plus plot holes make this feature no better than formulaic. The viewer does not really see any detective, including Ms. Shepard, wracking his/her brain in attempting to figure out the profile or motives (modus operandi) of the killer. Others may be turned off by the inconsistent length of Ms. Judd's cropped hair style. Now as she is an attractive woman and is no skank, one may also have a difficult time believing her dangerous liaisons. The self-described "Sicilian Hillbilly" (at birth her last name was Ciminella) has done better work, like "Ruby in Paradise" (1993), a superior character study.
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Not nearly as bad as reviewers say
Grant738 March 2004
Seeing one popular site with a verdict of 101 bad reviews to just 2 good ones, I almost didn't go, but my S.O. likes some pretty so-so movies if they are exciting or suspenseful, so I took her. I did not find the plot so obvious. I actually enjoyed it a lot--a bit raunchy of course, but "normal" for this kind of flick. I actually recommend it as a thriller. Reviewers are really a bunch of whole assets, arent they? They probably are not too good at acting, screenwriting, directing or producing (though they might do okay as continuity persons!). Jackson, Garcia, Judd and several lesser players are just fine. Reviewers write to keep themselves working for a living, and that requires them to diss a goodly percentage of the movies they review.
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Days of wine and corpses
jotix10030 March 2004
Phillip Kaufman's better judgment must be impaired very badly. What attracted him to this material? Given the talent involved in the film, and the director, a better movie could have been done. It was not meant to be in this case. Mr. Kaufman has to be forgiven because of his excellent body of work. Obviously, this film is to be forgotten, the sooner, the better!

I have no inkling as what has the screen writer, Sarah Thorp, written before, but an intense immersion in mystery novels would be in order. Even the corpses are ugly!

As far as the story goes, it feels phony from beginning to end. Let it be a warning for would be swingers never to drink the way this Jessica does, and please, be a bit more choosy in partners for the sack!

Ashley Judd is badly miscast as Jessica. Samuel L. Jackson, as her mentor, is totally wasted and so is Andy Garcia as Jessica's partner. Better luck next time to all involved. And remember stick to mineral water. Better yet, don't mix drinks with acting.
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Not as bad as I expected...
lotus_chief3 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Twisted is by NO means perfect, and it's pretty clichéd...but it's not as bad as I expected it to be. When this was first released in theaters, I would've been the first in line to see it, until I read all of the horrible reviews. I felt Samuel L Jackson's performance was wasted here....he's capable of SO MUCH more, as we know. Andy Garcia was OK, and Judd was her usual self. Her performance reminded me a lot, almost too much, of Jolie's performance in the TERRIBLE 'Taking Lives' had the same premise. Judd's character is a very troubled, extremely promiscuous woman....that came across as tasteless to me. The 'twist' at the end was totally predictable to me...I was the only one between all my friends who guessed who the bad guy was, they all had someone else as the killer.

This movie wasn't straight out 'Taking Lives' or 'In The Cut' bad. It had a lot of potential, and its by no means great. It's a mediocre film that had me entertained for about 2 hours; a typical whodunit, and I didn't mind playing the game. Not too bad, not too good.

**1/2 out of **** stars.
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Pile of Hog-wash!
Spaceygirl5 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is deplorable, the script nonsensical and the characterisation offensive in the extreme. Ashley Judd portrays a female cop (Strike one), who is a heavy drinker (strike two) and is a grade-one slut. (Three strikes, you're out!) Not to mention that there are plot-holes big enough to drive a bus through. First of all, if red wine makes you pass out so badly, wouldn't you switch to white? And how does the killer manage to spike EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE of red wine that she drinks????? Also, the use of TV's Camryn Mannheim does not help. If there was a 0 voting system I would use it because even 1 (awful) is to good to describe this pigs swill!
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A Woman Sloot Shamed
Dragonborn6424 March 2021
On the surface this is a tv level movie about a serial killer but it's the metaphorical issue about women's sexuality that is the real story. A single female enjoys casual decor with strangers and is judged, gaslighted and punished by men - father figures, work colleagues, society in general. Some men are worse than others but there is always tte genersl conspiracy to ensure a woman's sex life is monitored and controlled.
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This is a bad movie, period. (mild spoilers)
jdgratz27 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When you come up with an idea for a decent plot twist for a surprising ending, it's better to work backwards. It seems more like this movie came up with an ending and decided to see where it all would have started. With this format, you're never going to get the movement you're looking for. There will be too many points where the plot must be forced. To a watchful eye, the end of the movie can be predicted in the first 5 minutes.

The performances were not so dandy, either. Ashley Judd is now, officially, type-cast (if she wasn't already before). Sam Jackson comes across as attempting to be more Mr. Entertainment than to be his character. When his character has to become very serious to maximize the twist, it feels almost awkward to watch. Andy Garcia has had roles that I have appreciated in the past, but this one was not for him. It's almost the exact same character as Pacino in the Recruit with a bit more mystery. Except that the 'mystery' here is why he would take the part.

I've always taken pride in the fact that I can appreciate even a bad movie if it was put together well and a sufficient point is put across. But, if you're point is that both of your parents are dead and you have an insatiable appetite for casual, yet brutal, sex, don't be a detective. Not to mention that you should go ahead and suppose that anyone who doesn't notice that you're hungover (or should be) every single day probably isn't the best boss.
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Not bad, shaky plot kinda spoils it
stuff2delete17 August 2004
This is one of those clear cut police vs serial killer films, and it starts out pretty promising. The lead character, played by Ashly Judd, is not an all-round hero, she has her problems. And when she is linked to the murders she's supposed to be investigating, that gives the story a nice twist. There is no steady buildup off suspense, but the occasional tense moments keep you on your toes, and more importantly, obfuscate the way the story is going. This film is very successful in leaving the audience a bit paranoid half way through.

But that's where the trouble starts. To induce paranoia, a couple of characters close to Judds are clearly nominated as probable badguy by subtle (and sometimes very unsubtle) clues you get as a viewer. So now the film becomes a simple whodunit, and as any smart moviegoer will tell you, a good whodunit depends heavily on a solid plot. This is where "twisted" fails spectacularly. In an attempt to make the plot as surprising as possible, they produced something truly incomprehensible. You would expect all the clues and all the different characters behaviour and preceding actions to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle into this great big logical sequence, but your left with just a badguy who did it for reasons passing understanding.

So, this movie is not big on suspense, although it is quite skillfully used. It doesn't work as an action film or as a psychological drama. Yet somehow it's not really bad. Cinematography is very good, acting is OK, not the best dialog Iv'e ever heard, but it's not really bad either. And although it's by no means a fast paced story, there's just a lot of little distractions to keep it interesting. It won't be to everyone's taste but I still give it 6/10.
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Another terrible mainstream film with a big budget and a once "great" director.
Captain_Couth16 August 2005
Twisted (2004) was another movie that was justly panned and forgotten by the critics and the viewing public. Why are films like this and BASIC are even green lighted for release. When I found out Phillip Kaufman directed this mess I was deeply disappointed with the man. He needs to redeem his good name. But I'm afraid the damage that this movie did to his reputation is damaged beyond repair.

The usual story about a cop who has a dark past and there coming to accept facts that they can never change it. Filled with several plot twists (covering up the lame story line). I can't still understand for the life of me why Phillip Kaufman was pleased with this wanna be film noir. When he was interviewed on the D.V.D. features he bragged about how great this movie was. The man should be sent out to pasture with the other once great directors. Maybe he should just cash it in. We'll always have his older films to fall back on.

Not recommended at all.
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nice little crime drama/murder mystery
disdressed1228 January 2008
pretty good for the has suspense,plot twists,a nice creepy,dark drop some nice tantalizing clues as to who the killer may be.Ashley Judd make a real kick ass heroine.she's certainly credible in he role,as a new homicide inspector with a more than a little baggage.Sam Jackson is great(once again,as her mentor,as well as the commissioner.Andy Garcia plays her new partner.he was OK,but i didn't really feel he completely fit the movie.there was just something...i really liked David Strathairn,as a police shrink.his role wasn't that big,but i thought he was impressive,none the less.i also liked the great Jazz soundtrack.despite all the good things about this movie,i wouldn't call it great.for one thing,it lacks any intense action,it's not really riveting or i wouldn't classify it as a thriller,but more a straight crime drama/murder mystery.i would have preferred it to be a bit more exciting.for me,Twisted is a 7.5/10
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Not too taxing on the brain!
Majikat7623 March 2018
Ashley Judd did a fair few of these crime thrillers and all of them easy watching, this one is no different.
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Filling Plot Holes with Red Herrings
wes-connors12 October 2009
Brutal police officer Ashley Judd (as Jessica Shepard) has a taste for not only alcohol, but also rough sex with hunky young strangers, like handsome tattooed Joe Duer (as Lawrence Geber). Ms. Judd likes to take charge, in and out of the sack. When prowling studs become a serial killer's favorite target, Judd wonders if she may spending her "blackout" time as a psychopathic murderer. Believe it or not, that can be considered as a possibility - albeit only in the "Twisted" universe making up this film...

Partner Andy Garcia (as Mike Delmarco), superior Samuel L. Jackson (as John Mills), ex-boyfriend Mark Pellegrino (as Jimmy Schmidt), and psychiatrist David Strathairn (as Melvin Frank) are among those you may think are either suspects, or victims. Camryn Manheim is one of the smaller stars shining, in her role as "Lisa" the crime lab worker. And, Peter Deming's San Francisco location photography is nice. But, because it's so dumb, "Twisted" may keep you guessing even after the final revelation.

***** Twisted (2/23/04) Philip Kaufman ~ Ashley Judd, Andy Garcia, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Pellegrino
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