Jackass: The Movie (2002) Poster

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Watching it again after more than 15 years
MichalMizrachi8 November 2019
Really brings back memories. I remember when I was 14 years old I used to watch this on MTV on random videos, I love it so much, it was funny and entertaining.

Then I saw this movie with my brother and we couldn't stop laughing at these idiots. This is not a movie for everyone but is for lovers of the show and such.
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Purely for true fans and those with iron stomachs
Agent1010 November 2002
Quite simply, the scariest movie ever made. This includes the likes of the Seventh Seal and Working Out with Zsa Zsa Gabor. What our fellow man will do to himself to get a cheap laugh is beyond me, but it tends to work in multiple fashions. Johnny, Steve-O, Wee Man, Party Boy, Bam, Preston Lacy, Dave, Ehren and all the other fellas in this film will never win anything but my self respect. It takes guts to get hit by a tidal wave machine, go up against Butterbean and eat a urine-soaked sno-cone. While many will attribute this as a factor to the continuing downfall of society, at least it was damn funny (even with multiple viewings). Never has a film actually induced me to nearly vomit. Not for the tasteful and high faluting type.
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No Brakes
alexklatt-285188 August 2019
This is unironically a really good movie. It's dumb, pointless entertainment, and one of the best comedy films around. It's not edgy and gross for the sake of being edgy and gross, but for the sake of being funny. Which it is. Very funny. It's cringe-inducing and weird at times, but it's a classic.
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Being a jackass looks fun...
MovieAddict201620 August 2003
"Jackass the Movie" defies just about every set law of film-making. It is rude, it is crude, and it is doggone hilarious. I can't really think of words to describe this film as none do so adequately. It is, of course, based upon the popular television show on MTV of the same name (except there's no "the Movie" on the end of it). Basically it is "Candid Camera" meets the X-Games meets drunkards. Its cast are a bunch of jackasses: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Chris Pontius, Wee Man the Midget, Ryan Dunn, and Steve-O. They go around pulling various pranks, and sometimes - or most of the time - injuring themselves.

The humor is very selective - some will hate it and others (mainly stoned teens) will love it. Take, for instance, a gag where one of the men walks into a plumbing store and relieves himself into a display toilet. Things such as this have been insinuated before on a commercial I remember for Best Buy, but this movie shows everything - in detail - including the feces inside the toilet bowl.

Sound disgusting? Well it is. But some of the gags - for I can think of no other word to describe them - are just downright hilarious. For example, the co-creator of the TV series, Johnny Knoxville, borrows a car from a rental lot, takes it to a garage, has all the gears messed up and windows smashed, spray paints it, and then enters it into a car derby. He takes it back to the lot all smashed up and refuses to pay for the damage. He admits that he was drinking before it happened. He says they must help them pay for the damage to the vehicle. They point out that he signed a contract declaring that he would pay for all responsible damage, and he says, "Yeah, but I had a little to drink when I signed that, too."

The cast and crew seem to have not grown past the age of 13 in terms of maturity. One of the best gags involves about four men on a golf course blasting air horns during tee-offs. One golfer gets so angered that he throws a golf club at them and starts to actually tee off at the men (who are hiding behind trees on the course).

I've never quite witnessed something like "Jackass the Movie" before. It is like a giant unedited TV show stretched out to a full 80 + minutes, and let me say that this is the first time in history I have seen a TV-show-based film that I thought was too short. (Movies like "Night at the Roxbury" seem to go on forever.) "Jackass the Movie" is lots of fun - it isn't deep or intellectual, but it's fun.

This film is definitely going to gross-out certain people, and enthuse the more wacky crowds out there. But it is one of the most "technically" entertaining films of the year. It isn't a masterpiece but it is very fun to watch. Maybe I'm an immature sicko, but I liked this movie.

Before the film starts, there is a warning which reads something like "the stunts performed herein are executed by trained professionals." Let me ask: How does one train to be a jackass? This film doesn't tell us, but it sure does show us what trained jackasses are like. And you know what? Being a jackass looks fun.
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Not for everybody, but I found it entertaining enough
kingofdanerds19 February 2021
Jackass started life as a TV show on MTV that ran for three seasons. Once the show was cancelled, there was an idea to make a sort of farewell for Jackass and that would be this movie. Jackass: The Movie was released in 2002 and bring new life to Jackass instead of being the intended farewell. The film stars the regular Jackass crew consisting of Johnny Knoxville, Wee Man, Ryan Dunn, Dave England, Preston Lacy, Bam Margera, Ehren McGhehey, Chris Pontius, and Steve-O. Critics were mixed on this film upon release which really comes as no surprise. The film was a commercial success as it mad around $79 million against a $5 million budget.

This film has no plot. Basically a bunch of guys go around and doing pranks and stunts that will either make you laugh, make you cringe, or make you vomit.

I get it, Jackass is not for everybody. It is incredibly stupid and crude. There is nothing really smart about the humor but that is not what this film was trying to do. What this film promised on, it most certainly delivered. Jackass is not trying to appeal to a new crowd but trying to give fans even more. The concept of putting the show on TV has possbilities. (For the record, I have not seen the TV show). That being, putting stuff in the movie that you typically would not see on TV. Now I have a really strange DVD of this film in that it has this backwards type of case and what not and upon doing research on this oddity, I could find nothing on it. Strange. Honestly, reviewing a film like this is really different for me because, well it just is. There is nothing bad that I can find about this film to be honest so it is like I have to give this film a ten star rating. First off, yes, I laughed when a stunt warranted a laugh. Do I feel bad about laughing at people in pain? Not really to be honest. I mean, they are doing it for laughs and stuff. Did I cringe in the stunts that might have been too painful to watch? Yes I did. Did I want to throw up at the really gross stuff? Not as much as others, but yes. That is what Jackass does really well here. The cast is memorable and you can either see them as a bunch of no name idiots or a group of friends with names doing stupid stuff to make us all laugh. I do sense the friendship and the camaraderie amongst these people at the end of the day. With that being said, I just cannot seriously give this film a ten star rating. Even if I did I am missing out on the opportunity to at least address a flaw that somewhat bothered me in this film. There is a stunt or prank that was filmed in Tokyo, Japan. One stunt involves the cast dressing up as panda bears. Which at first I was like, Pandas do not live in Japan. That is not entirely PC. But upon doing research, there are in fact pandas in Japan but they are not native. Hoping that clears things up.

Jackass: The Movie is not for everybody. But if you are like me, you will find it entertaining enough. It is one of those, love it or hate it type of movies. There is no in between. I cannot bring myself to give this film a ten star rating so how about a seven.
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Raunchy, Stupid and Borderline Evil, and I Mean That in a Good Way
drqshadow-reviews7 July 2014
I can still remember enjoying this one in the theater, surrounded by a crowd who knew what they were in for and delighted in every minute of it. That's still probably the best environment for this movie, though it also serves decently enough as a solo adventure. Wonderfully self-aware, it doesn't change a thing about what made the Jackass TV show so wildly successful, apart from upping the ante and lowering itself to a sick new standard of profanity. This crew is like a squad of old friends, gross and fun to be around, but also heavily influential in how you see yourself. I'd shake my head and click away if I stumbled across half of these stunts on YouTube today, but because it feels like I know these guys, and they're so clearly having the time of their lives cashing those fifteen minutes, it's absurdly easy to buy in and let the belly laughs sail. Repeat viewings are probably best staggered at seven-to-ten year intervals.
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Jackass, maybe.... Hilarious, YES!
winged_loner3 August 2006
When Jackass scraped across the screens of MTV viewers, people were both disgusted and left rolling on the floor laughing... at the same time. Never before has a show gone so far to make us laugh with experimental slapstick comedy that goes there. Then the film came out... and its non-stop, laugh-till-your-throat-hurts, vomit-till-your-stomach's-dry comedy. There are no stunt-men, no stand-ins... not even a high-tech camera... THIS is Jackass, and it still manages to make us 'ooh' and 'oh my god' plus 'HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!' without tire or wear.... Cheers, you Jackass... you earned it.
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The early 2000s teenager dream life
happytoms24 August 2019
Timing when the movie came out was perfect. The TV show was a hit and the next logical thing to do was to create à movie. The thing is I don't think Jackass would have taken off in these times. It came out excatly at the perfect time in the early 2000s and surprised everyone with it's absurdity and they became known all over the world for many years and reached success which no one could replicate on their level.

I recently read Steve-O's book in which he tells everything about his life and jackass so I wanted to see the movie which began it all and I have mixed feelings about it. You can see the early days, the not so mature cast and what have they become over time. It really feels like a different time in which you could get away with the stunts they performed. I enjoyed some but others felt like they are being too much of a jerk to people. Anyway it's not the best and it's not the worst. But you can't take away it's legacy which will live forever.
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Speaks For itself. Insane Genius.
Sir_Clint_Eastwood24 February 2003
No plot whatsoever, no real content, to be honest, this film has absolutely nothing that would make you wanna see it, except the Jackass crew!

So what if it is basically one long episode of Jackass! It's the best Jackass you will ever see.

Just about every skit is funny, you will be cracking up for the whole 90mins.

There will be those out there who can't see past the humour, but for those of us who can, long live Knoxville and the rest!

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Possibly the 5th Best Comedy I've Ever Seen
sethmlanders8 August 2013
Holy toledo, too many closed-minded and moronic pessimistic haters saying false things about this movie!

It's not your typical movie. Of course there's a minimal story, it's an 85 minute "Jackass" episode. The characters are the cast from the infamous hit MTV show.

So many laughs during this movie. A bunch of brave men, I'd say. Doing heroic things that most people don't even have the guts to do. Sure, there are disgusting scenes in it, some painful comic violence, and the stunts they do can be completely absurd at times. The whole point is that it's for your entertainment, that's why they are so appealing to watch!

Henry Rollins, Tony Hawk, Eric Esch, Bam Margera's friends & parents, George Hruska, Naoko Kumagai, and Mat Hoffman make wonderful cameo appearances in the process of their production.

I completely respect Jeff Tremaine, Johnny Knoxville, Ryan Dunn (R.I.P.), Chris Pontius, and all the other Jackass cast & crew. Never has a documentary full of brilliant people attempting to do dumb stuff been so experimental that it ironically succeeds.

This movie has high replay value and I feel honored to own a copy of it on DVD. Don't take it seriously, laugh, enjoy the Jackass cast, and you'll have a fun night!
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runbtrun28 March 2003
I am astounded that some studio executive actually bankrolled this. This is one of most asinine, childish, and just plain stupid thing I've ever seen. Basically the premise is, if you hurt yourself, it must be funny. When did physical pain become such fun? What a total waste of time.
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Great comedy
masonsaul24 December 2021
Jackass makes the transition from TV to film extremely well with Jackass: The Movie, a great comedy that's extremely funny and painful to watch in the best ways. All of the cast are extremely committed with strong chemistry. The stunts are almost all really inventive and funny, even if some are more gross than they are funny. Jeff Tremaine's direction is excellent, always managing to show the set pieces in all their painful glory.
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Jackass: The Movie 10 Years Later
butterflywars16 May 2012
I watched Jackass: The Movie 10 years ago and I remember LOVING it. I was a 16 year old kid just as immature as the next. Ten years later, I watched it again and I still LOVED it! Either I've never matured or the stuff the Jackasses pull off is just hilarious. I'll go for the latter.

This movie is impossible to review without giving away spoilers since it's so completely random and void of a plot. So what I can say is that you'll laugh (either at least chuckle or urinate in your pants), cringe, wonder why they did that stunt, (gag, almost gag, or want to gag) and wonder how the hell these guys had the guts to do what they did.

I have a feeling that everyone likes this movie, whether they admit it or not.
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Digusting, distasteful
avansant200726 October 2002
It is sad to see a low budget movie go down the drain, but Jackass, that is another story. Jackass is just another way to get hurt or killed while you are on camera and have everyone in the movie theater laughing their butts off.

Stupid, losing, and distasteful.
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hilarious, not for the faint hearted
duncthepunk27 September 2004
belly laughs and occasional cringing from start to finish, people who don't find this film funny are kidding themselves. we've all seen the MTV series, this is more outrageous.

Anyone who would voluntarily:

1. eat their own urine mixed with snow 2. give themselves paper-cuts between their fingers and toes 3. fire rockets from body parts which shouldn't have rockets fired from them 4. shove toy cars where toy cars should not be shoved 5. attempt to make their mother swear on camera by going to the great length of placing a live alligator in her kitchen 6. attach muscle stimulators to tender glands

Deserve all the plaudits they receive.

It's not big, it's not clever but my god is it funny.....
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Brain-dead Fun
xiaoli737728 April 2022
It's the most low-brow stuff. It's crass and childish. But boy is it completely unpredictable and wildly entertaining. The personalities of Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, and the rest of the "Jackass" crew are what elevate this film high above YouTube videos of other morons doing the same type of stuff. It's the level of glee that they have when they're tightrope walking over a pool of alligators with chicken in their underwear, or shooting fireworks out of their butts, that make this movie wildly entertaining and laugh out loud hysterical.

Not for prudes or "mature" people. I'm a kid at heart and this movie is comedy at its most raw and barbaric level, and I love the film for it.
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Better than a kick in the nuts
matthewssilverhammer3 December 2019
I realized watching this first movie that what I love most about this franchise is the hangout time between all the guys, and this has the least of that. Instead, it plays more like a long, unedited episode of the show, with stunts that are much darker and meaner being performed separately. Still...I laughed...a whole lot.
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Funniest Movie Ever
gimmergimmer26 October 2002
Some may say that this movie is sick and wrong... well, they are right, and that is what makes it sooo damn funny. I cant recall when i have laughed as hard as i did when i was at this movie. I dont recommend it for anyone with a weak stomach, but if you can handle it, I would say its the funniest movie of the year!
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Calicodreamin1 May 2022
The start of the jackass movie franchise and as expected it's hilarious. The stunts are wild and the boys just goof off nonstop. The car X-ray? Awesome.
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absolutely freakin hysterical!
mrsebastian26 October 2002
if you like the show, then you will love the movie! i'm still laughing my *ss off!! pure entertainment! be warned though, the movie has a lot of hand held shots, much like blaire witch and my girlfriend was getting a little green around the gills by the end.
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Classic, basically a 1,5 hour Season 4 of the TV show.
FKDZ12 May 2022
Again quite the nostalgia trip from the first time I've ever seen the movie. Full of memorable scenes and some fantastic skits here and there. Though not everything works. In my opinion the TV Shows feels more diverse and tries more. Also if you watched the series there seem to almost be duplicate skits (like boxing in the department store) which where a bit of a letdown after having already seen that type of skit.

That said though. It's great.
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What a sham. The MTV-version is much more entertaining.
djnate7721 February 2003
This cinematic version has no added value or entertainment whatsoever over the regular episodes on MTV. They had an opportunity here to make an unprecented reality-film but they kept it at a mere montage of some uninspiring and bland clips to cash in on the Jackass-concept.

Had they continued the film in the style of the first 10 minutes and added something like a plot or story, this could have been a lot more fun.
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People With a Shared Sense of Humor Will Laugh Harder Than Ever Before. But That's It.
bradleyluke799 November 2013
I'm giving it an 8, not because it's a good movie, but because it is one of the most entertaining films I've ever seen in my entire life.

Before watching this movie, you've got to ask yourself : Do you enjoy crude, unintelligent, slapstick humor? For example, do you think a man getting run over by a buffalo herd is funny? Does idiots doing crazy **** and getting themselves half killed in the process amuse you? I understand that a lot of people will find this incredibly stupid and unfunny. Those people have no reason to watch this film.

Although, the majority will find the sheer craziness of this film hilarious. Yes, I enjoy well thought out, intelligent humor but let's face it, sometimes we all just want to laugh at something completely ridiculous. And that's what Jackass is. Whether you're watching a an midget bar fight or a guy being assaulted by a goat whilst playing a trumpet, this film will keep you laughing throughout the entire 84 minutes.

To what I say to you critics : Lay off. This wasn't supposed to a movie with great plot, outstanding acting(No acting is involved, it's all real) with great special effects and suspense. No, this film was supposed to be completely insane and ridiculous. And that it is. And it appeals to the majority of the public who enjoy this humor.

In conclusion. This movie lacks plot, effects and is completely insane. And that's what will appeal to majority. Some of you will hate this film but a lot of you will laugh your ass off. Jackass : You've got to love it or hate it!
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Most certainly not for all tastes.
Hey_Sweden5 July 2020
The maniacal gang of pranksters from the popular MTV series got their first feature film with this 89 minute exercise in "I can't believe I'm seeing this" lunacy. Suffice it to say, "Jackass: The Movie" is NOT for the squeamish, as these filmmakers are determined to show you just about everything, from excrement (one of the crew relieves himself in a toilet in a plumbing supplies store) to vomit (a dude attempts to "snort" wasabi, and immediately gets sick).

Also among the ridiculous escapades: a hysterical highlight where Ms. Margera (Bams' mother) comes home to find a live gator in her kitchen, Johnny Knoxville trying out his "rocket skates", and our bunch of merry men raising Hell in Japan. Which only prompts this viewer to be amused at what onlookers must think of the team as they enact all sorts of 'Candid Camera' hijinks. Some clearly look amused themselves, while others get understandably upset or downright angry. For one thing, Knoxville and buddies blow air horns at a golf course every time somebody is teeing off. That's one good way to truly annoy your fellow man.

As disgusting and absurd as this kind of lowbrow, anything-for-a-cheap-laugh sort of entertainment can be, it *does* admittedly generate some real chuckles. Granted, part of that is derived from the fact that it takes some real balls for these guys to so willingly subject themselves to all this self-abuse.

Some folks may bemoan the idea of this kind of thing constituting as entertainment nowadays. But if you just want something goofy to watch while you get drunk or high with buddies, this viewer is sure that this amiable nonsense will fill the bill.

Some of the brightest moments involve the gang donning makeup and outfits to pass themselves off as senior citizens, prompting bystanders to try to be good samaritans.

Six out of 10.
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The most stupid absolute crap ever made
chairman-218 June 2005
If you have the mental age and attitude of an eight year old boy (a stupid eight year old boy), and think vomit, urine, excrement, and sticking foreign objects up your anus is hilariously funny, you will like this movie.

The segments which did not include any of the above, usually involved some sort of vandalism or destruction of property, again the kind of thing only a complete moron could find funny. To reinforce this, the segments usually involve various slack-jawed members of the cast laughing hysterically at the pain, degradation, or destruction involved.

If your IQ is anywhere above 80 or so, don't even bother with this. I was forced to watch this piece of unparalleled stupidity by an acquaintance who I have lost all respect for as a result.

Appalling stuff. Not shocking. Not daring. Not innovative. Just really stupid.
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