Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (2004) Poster

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poptartsgurl7 September 2004
This 2.5 hour long movie was wonderful! As a Korean, this movie was very emotionally moving and touching. Some people (mainly Westerners) think this movie was "over-dramatic", but it's actually a part of korean custom, culture and history. If you do not speak or understand Korean, a lot of the "meaning" is lost and cannot be portrayed in subtitles. That is a true shame. The story-line between the two brothers was heart-felt and emotional. Korea has remained divided for decades since and is subject to the possibility of a new war at any time. It was considered one of the most destructive and bloodiest wars of the 20th century with over 4 million koreans dead (2/3 of them were civilian). The Korean War will always be remembered as the "Forgotten War" since it came on the heels of World War II and was overshadowed by the Vietnam War.
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A tragic story in Korea's war
Lady_Targaryen24 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The year is 1950, and we are introduced to a happy Korean family: Lee Jin-tae, the older brother who owns a small shoeshine stand in Seoul, his younger brother Lee Jin-seok, who is an excellent student and wants to go to the university,Jin tae's and Jin Seok's mother Yeong-ran Lee, Jin-tae's fiancée Young-shin and her little sisters. Everything goes fine with the family, who is poor, but very united: Jin-tae has plans to marry Young-shin, and he and his mother saves all their money to send Jin-seok to college. But when the Korea War starts and North Korea invades the South, The family see the need to abandon everything they own to try to join their uncle, in the country. The problem is that during their plan to scape, Jin-Seok's is forcibly conscripted into the South Korean army. Jin-tae tries to save him without any success, and then is also drafted into the army by his own wish, trying to protect his young brother. Without any kind of experience and few training, both brothers are sent to the front lines, where they witness the horrors of war. Jin-tae wants to release his brother, trying to be the best soldier and receive a medal of honor to send him back home. The problem is that many terrible things happens in a war, and even the brother's relationship becomes little by little to deteriorate.

''Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo'' is a sad and tragic story about North's and South's Korea war. I am not Korean, so I cannot say the general feeling that Korean people had when they watched this movie, or if everything was exactly how it happened, but in my personal opinion as an outsider, this movie is very good and well recreated, showing what I imagined when I read about the Korean war. (It cannot be a bad movie, if it became one of the biggest successes in Korean film history, eh?) I can only imagine how painful it was for brothers, sisters,mothers and fathers to be separated during and after the War, and watching movies like this one, makes you think about how pointless and horrible a war really is.
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One of the Best Movie About War
qfb110 December 2004
It started out like so many other movies, a short clip of the present and then a long flashback. And then it blew me away with its depiction of war and all of its complexities. The changes in the attitudes of the two brothers as the Korean War progresses helps us understand that war is not merely about good and evil. The most well intentioned soldier or commander can go astray. The Korean War turned brother against brother based on little more than time and place, conviction, or happenstance.

Take Guk Gi is the best antiwar movie that I have seen since Johnny Got His Gun.

It reminded me of the beginning of Saving Private Ryan, which I thought captured some of the reality of war while avoiding the pitfalls that Saving Private Ryan fell.

If the DC crowd watched the Battle of Algiers but missed the message, All Americans should see Tae Guk Gi to better understand the horror and tragedy of war.
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A 'Brotherhood' For The Ages
ncc120526 November 2004
Nations do not fight wars. Citizens fight them, and these citizens are honorable men and women who serve their country willingly or, as history shows, by decree of a desperate government.

As a result, patriotism has become the unlikeliest casualty. Once welcomed in the trenches of battle, patriotism has lost its limbs, fought back from life support, and suffered shell shock. Once easily recognized, patriotism has become a bit of a chimera, an ideal more easily attached to definable characteristics than it is any single soldier. However, in the bitter end, patriotism is defined by the actions of these individuals who serve; it is rewarded by the nations who sponsor this service; and, more often than not, it is measured in hardships endured.

Such is the complex, ever-changing battleground of writer/director Kang Je-Gyu's 'Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War.'

In 1950's Seoul, Jin-Seok (Won Bin) and his older brother Jin-Tae (Jang Dong-gun) are enjoying a strong family life of perfect happiness. Suddenly, they find their lives turned upside down as soldiers of the South Korean government seize them – all men aged 18 to 30 are taken – and they are forced to take up arms – despite their lack of training – against the approaching North Koreans. On one brutal battlefield after another, the bonds of family are put to increasingly demanding tests as Jin-Tae – originally driven by his responsibility to protect his younger brother – continues to further exhaust his physical and emotional prowess despite the protests of Jin-Seok. He learns that he is a good soldier, one with a talent for inspiring others as well as an unanticipated thirst for killing the enemy. Eventually, these two brothers – once bound by a love for family – find themselves at odds within this new brotherhood of war, and the pressures to prove one another continue to exact heavier and heavier tolls as the war escalates. As circumstances evolve, the brothers inevitably find themselves on opposite sides of a losing conflict … but can either find a path to redemption or reconciliation that can save both of them?

There are many elements of 'Taegukgi' that elevate the film from the status of standard war film to a message of hope set against the backdrop of war. The film's scope is grand, dealing with the far more intimate themes of family, brotherhood, and personal responsibility when Director Kang Je-Gyu could have easily opted for banging the drum of nationalism. At its core, 'Taegukgi' is the story of two brothers, a strikingly poignant analogy for the entire North Korea / South Korea dilemma. While the battlefield choreography is as frenetic as it is harrowing, it never takes the film's center: this picture is founded on relationships – the human perspective to the world outside – and it never falters. Instead of focusing on history, Kang Je-Gyu crafts every scene to highlight the thoughts, actions, and emotions of the participants of history, and, for that, 'Taegukgi' deserves countless accolades.

Much like exploring the heart of darkness as depicted in American classics as Francis Ford Coppola's 'Apocalypse Now' and Oliver Stone's 'Platoon,' Kang Je-Gyu forces Jin-tae to explore his own budding evil, and this journey is not without its own relative scars. Once a man has crossed over and embraced wartime madness, can he ever truly find a way out? Arguably, if 'Taegukgi' suffers from any setback, it is that perhaps Jin-tae goes too far for an audience to accept his madness: believing his brother to have been killed by North Koreans, Jin-tae turns traitor once he is captured and seeks to wipe out every soldier serving South Korea. While the story offers the motivation for so drastic a change, it's hard to believe that the man who once fought so valiantly against the spread of Communism would suddenly choose to embrace it.

Still, it's a small diversion … but it's necessary to bring the aspect of brotherhood full circle, to have these two unique men face their darkest hour, and to make one final statement on the role that family inevitably plays in every man's life.

Recently, thanks to the worldwide success of 'Taegukgi' and 1999's blockbuster 'Shiri,' Director Kang Je-Gyu has signed an agreement with Hollywood's own powerhouse, CAA, to produce his next film in America. Only time will tell whether or not this agreement will afford some of the 'Korean sensibility' to American films, but certainly having one of South Korea's premier directors breaking into the Hollywood film system is a tremendous advantage for fans of international film.

Only the passage of time will earn 'Taegukgi' its rightful spot alongside the other great films dealing with the consequences of war.
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Better than any Hollywood production
chris_santner17 November 2004
I have watched Taegukgi for the first time just yesterday, so my impressions of the movie are still fresh. I have not known much about the Korean War that took place at the beginning of the 1950's, but that was a history lesson I will not easily forget. Taegukgi is really the best (anti-)war movie I have ever seen. And believe me, I have seen a lot. But no movie ever before has impressed me so much. In most Hollywood productions there is only one perspective, the winners view. Many directors tried to make a movie that shows both sides of the conflict, but all of them failed. Until now: Taegugki is showing the situation mostly from the south korean view too, but it is the first movie which shows also the "other side". I was very surprised, that the director showed also the crime that his own government committed to their own people at this time. That movie is the first war movie that is not glorifying war - it's horrifying, terrifying, scary - like in reality.
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Harry's Top Ten Movies of 2004 - No.1
wldbest3 January 2005
That's what this movie is. Pure hell. If you're that person that screamed in agony when Shakespeare IN LOVE beat SAVING PRIVATE RYAN – find this movie and realize just how much better TAE GUK GI: BROTHERHOOD OF WAR is than just about every war film ever made. A story of two brothers during the Korean War. The movie is spectacle larger than any film made this year, but as intimate as a tale of brothers could ever be. I grew up with Sam Fuller, Peckinpah, Spielberg and the war films of Hollywood. This thing… it's just amazing. I went to see it on "Can Day" here in Austin… where you donate 3 cans of food to the homeless and see any movie you want. I saw 4 films that day, this was the 3rd – and it just completely blew me away. I instantly got the Korean Box Set – and have seen it many times since… Unfortunately – the day I saw it in the theater was the last day it was showing in Austin. A BRILLIANT FILM. The film will just shake you to the core. The South Koreans are making brutally brilliant films. Amazing. Should be re-released with a major advertising campaign. The trailers you could cut of this thing… my god. Stunning film and my pick for the best film of 2004 ! Check the site - http://aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=19054
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Some Personal Opinions Why This Film is so Beloved...
dennisyoon17 December 2004
Possible Spoilers*** First of all, major praise goes to Jang Dong Gun's riveting performance. He captured the essence of a nation divided, the immorality of war as your own folks become your enemies, and love for your brother regardless of the situation of the world and/or personal vendetta. The transformation he undergoes and the madness of war he evokes and invokes leaves quite an impact garnering notice.

I knew I was in for something as soon as I saw the archaeological dig of a battlefield starting the film as a grandfather's story is slowly drawn out. The flashback sequence between two brothers is heartwarming as you see the elder brother watching over and sacrificing for his younger sibling and the bond that they have. Being an only child, I wish I had a brother like that. Then the war hits and everything turns upside down as the gut wrenching begins.

The haunting thing about this movie is that the enemy is your own people and they speak your own language and share the same ancestors and genetics. What's more you kill your own kin because of circumstance in a situation of kill or be killed. The simmering conflict between the two brothers deserves special attention because it will hit home as the core message of the movie is made by it. The film made me think of what my parents and grandparents lived through.

-About Saving Private Ryan. To me they were worlds apart in situation, meaning and focus but similar in execution and structure. Just as Saving Private Ryan spoke so resounding to its audience, Taegukgi does the same for its own.
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Impressive war film from Korea
simon_booth11 December 2004
I'm not a big fan of war films, unless the war in question was at least a couple hundred years ago or somewhere in the future, or the stars - but I did enjoy SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, if "enjoy" is the best word to use for such an experience. Apparently, director Kang Je-Gyu (SHIRI) enjoyed SPR too, as its influence on his Korean war film TAEGUKGI is impossible to deny. SHIRI was the South Korean film that probably did more than any other to bring the country's cinematic new wave into being, and especially into the field of view of the rest of the world at large. Its main accomplishment was, arguably, demonstrating that Korea could make a film that competed head on with Hollywood product, in terms of slick production values but also perhaps in terms of vacuous scripts Although it is rather shallow compared to other Korean films, though, I think it's safe to say that SHIRI had more depth than Hollywood would have injected into a similar story.

TAEGUKGI is his first film since SHIRI, and he's definitely playing the Hollywood game again - tackling Spielberg head on this time. Like SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, TAEGUKGI attempts to humanise war by giving us some specific characters to focus on (in this case, two brothers played by Won Bin and Jang Dong-Kun) - and then uses our personal connection to show us that war is actually a dehumanising experience. The film also spares no effort in showing us the ability of bullets, knives and bombs to turn human beings into squishy piles of gore.

There's a fairly obvious political symbolism in the story of two brothers and the effects the Korean war has on their lives and relationship - I don't know if it would be fair to read the ending as a view about the conditions under which Korean reunification might occur though. The ending of the film won't come as much of a surprise, since it's basically foretold at the start with a scene set in the present day. The exact details might be a little unexpected though.

If you like your modern-ish day war films, and specifically if you liked SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, then there's very little doubt that TaeGukGi will impress. It's big, slick and well put together. Since it's not my favourite genre or topic of interest, I can't say I loved it like a brother, but was sufficiently satisfied with it given what it is.
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Brothers. At War. In Korea.
The_Void14 August 2005
I have become so dismayed at the recent crop of Asian films that I have taken to going into them expecting to be disappointed. You can imagine my surprise, then, when this film; Brotherhood, actually turned out to be quite good! Despite an opening that massively rips off Saving Private Ryan, and more than it's fair share of clichés throughout the running time, the film is an emotional account of war that works more because of the relationship of it's characters than the plot itself. The film centres around the Korean war, which sets it apart from other war dramas almost immediately because there aren't many that focus on this particular war. The main theme of the movie is relationship between the two characters (hence the title). We have this central brotherhood, which is surrounded by the horrors of the Korean War. The way that the film plugs you into their plight is skilfully handled, and despite the fact that sometimes the film goes over the top a little with the sentiment; it's usually well meaning, and since the character actions are well explained, it's easy to care for them.

Despite, essentially, being a war film; the actual war takes a back seat to the 'brotherhood'. However, that doesn't stop director Je-gyu Kang from adequately showing the horrors of war. The action in the film is gritty and realistic, with some of the violent sequences actually managing to be out and out disturbing. Scenes that see prisoners of war brutally slaughtered stand out among the top of the disturbing sequences. The acting from the support cast is genuine and feels real, which helps to add to the overall realism of the picture. Of the two leads, Dong-Kun Jang stands out the most. He looks the part throughout his character ark, and his range of emotions impresses throughout the movie. Bin Won stars opposite him and gives a far more one-note performance. Of course, this could be blamed on the writing and the character; but he overacts every emotion and, at times, it brings the movie down a peg or two. Most war films profess the horrors of war, but this film only does that in an indirect way. Brotherhood is more about how war changes people than the actual 'horror' of it, and it's nice to see a different take. I wont close this review with any clichéd comments like "better than anything Hollywood have done, ever" or anything; but I will say that it's good.
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SEE IT: Superior to "Saving Private Ryan"
Akzidenz_Grotesk18 November 2004
Whereas Saving Private Ryan's plot was a "situation" rather than a story--it's fatal flaw in my opinion)-- this harrowing film of the Korean War is a well paced and heart-wrenching tale of two brothers caught up in one of the twentieth century's most vicious conflicts.

The superbly realistic battle scenes are more brutal than any war movie I've ever seen...it makes you realize that combat is one of the most horrifying of all human experiences. In film it is a good thing; It is necessary to communicate and teach the horror of war.

By the way, "Tae Guk Gi" is the name of the South Korean flag. I give this movie ten out of ten stars.
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TAE GUK GI: The Yin and Yang of Movie-making
imxo1 June 2008
TAE GUK GI: The Brotherhood of War contains not only some of the most effective images of war over filmed, but also some of the most stereotypical elements of movie-making.

First, the positive elements in this film. The scenes of combat are absolutely extraordinary. This is not your typical Hollywood sanitization of mutilation, death, and destruction. In this film the flesh and bone explode, metal fragments rip to pieces anything they touch, and dirt and rock fragments cover and lacerate everyone and everything. The realism of these scenes is astonishing.

It is also unique that the film depicts the horrors that both sides perpetrate on each other; both the North Koreans and South Koreans execute even their own civilians. Men, women, (and maybe children, too) are summarily murdered for politics, even if those politics were forced upon the populace by the enemy. This is total war between political ideologies; war without mercy. I can almost guarantee that this film could not have been made in South Korea during the years of the Pak Chung Hee dictatorship of the 1970's.

This film also portrays the heroism and fear of the infantry soldiers who must run into a storm of fire, metal, and explosive death, sometimes willingly, but often because their own officers and sergeants will kill them if they don't. This may be the Korean War of the 1950's, but it could just as easily have been the trench warfare of World War I. Just as bad, the film reveals that the military on both sides sanctions, tolerates, and even encourages the brutalization and murder of Prisoners of War, civilian hostages, and just ordinary people. (Sound familiar? Ever hear of someone on the winning side of a war ever being charged with a war crime? It wasn't likely then and, as we know, it isn't likely now.)

However, in contrast to the stunning battle scenes and the film's exposure of the horrors of war, the film also contains some really lackluster elements, especially in the musical score. The music is just Hollywood-style, manipulative, tearjerker stuff. The movie would have benefited from less music and by music that was more subdued and transparent. The movie also suffers from - at least to my western eyes - a soap opera quality in the relationship between the two brothers who are the main protagonists of the film. In the first place, I think the actor Won Bin was too "mature" (in his mid-20's or so) to play the 18-year old schoolboy younger brother. This is somewhat mitigated later in the film, as the horrors of war tend to age everyone involved. Secondly, there was too much speechifying between the brothers. Every one of their meetings seemed too dramatic, if not histrionic. Toward the end of the movie the histrionics bled over from the merely verbal and spread into the previously excellent action scenes. There seemed to be a palpable shift from the very plausible to the rather unlikely.

All in all, though, this is a very worthwhile film. It's eye-opening about war, provides insights into brutality that many of the powers that be would rather we not have, and evokes in us feelings of anger and sadness. This Korean-made film is a very fine effort.
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Damning indictment of the cost of war
dbborroughs4 December 2004
When North Korea invades the South, two brothers are forcibly drafted into the army. The older of the two, hoping to win a medal and ticket home for his younger brother, begins going on every suicide mission offered. This, however, puts a strain on his relationship with his brother and those in the platoon. Worse the course of the war has several nasty turns waiting for them...

I'm of two minds about this film. Despite the fact this is a graphic example of both the physical and psychic effects of war, the narrative is more than a bit disjointed. The film is loosely connected snapshots of the course of the war, beginning right before the invasion, then several weeks later before jumping about a month at a time to certain key events. I'm sure that had I better grasp of the history of the war I would have understood the events better. I felt lost and wished there had been more explanation. The lack of a narrative that follows all the way from start to finish hurts the film since we're moved a bit too much from place to place and situation to situation

But the course of the war is not the purpose of the film, rather its the relationship between two brothers. How war changes them and everything in and around them except the love they have for each other. Its a bit hokey but its dead on, just ask anyone who's ever loved their sibling unquestioningly. You understand how one brother would spend 50 years trying to find the other.

And then there are the battle scenes which are wonderful and frightening and seem to be the total chaos that war really is. People die horribly and the experience is far from fun.

Is the movie worth seeing?

Yes. Its not perfect but its a kick in the pants.

8 out of 10.
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Good and Bad
JoeytheBrit23 May 2008
As others have duly noted – and it's a point I'll try not to belabour – Brotherhood is clearly influenced by Saving Private Ryan and, while at times its ferocious battle scenes surpass even the equivalent scenes that shocked us all so much back in '98, overall I don't believe Je-gyu Kang has succeeded in the way that Spielberg did.

Brotherhood is really two films in one. Separate the battle scenes from everything else and you have one very good film and one very bad. The brothers' everyday life prior to being essentially press-ganged into the South Korean army is shamefully over-sentimentalised, and the overwrought departure scene in which their mother tearfully chases their train as they head for battle is something that even Griffith might have though twice about back in 1916.

The battle scenes are powerful stuff though, planting the viewer right in the thick of the action and creating a violently deranged landscape that reeks with the stench of spilled guts, blood, severed limbs and gunpowder. That one brother can repeatedly skip unharmed past a heavy barrage of bombs, guns and bayonets

in his pursuit of the medal of honour he believes will return his brother to the safety of their mother's bosom is just one of a number of inconsistencies that we have to swallow in the midst of these insane conflicts.

Although they are good, the battle scenes number too many so that, despite their rawness, a kind of insensitivity begins to set in. Everything – even the most incredible – becomes ordinary if you're exposed to it too often, and that's what happens here. As a result, the story has to fall back on the (weaker) strand of the decaying relationship between the two brothers and, at times, the conversations between them descend into overwrought melodrama. In this respect, it's difficult to understand who would be entirely satisfied with what we have here (although its rating on this site suggests most would disagree): fans of bloody war films will be dismayed by the regular injections of sentimentality and overwrought emotion while those looking for some depth to the brothers' relationship and the stresses placed upon it by the extremest of situations will also come away feeling short-changed.
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Disappointing about Korean war
poodel13 February 2005
Inspired by the high rating (8.5 at the time of writing) and some rather enthusiastic user comments, I went on to see this movie. I should probably just have seen it without any expectations at all.

It felt like watching a Korean remake of Saving Private Ryan, on a budget, shrunk to fit into 2:20. Apart from some splatter, realism is clearly not a priority. I would have expected to see some UN forces, but that didn't seem to be covered by the budget. The plot skips forward jerkily.

Consider this a South Korean movie about a conflict that's still not resolved. Probably a bit emotional for the Korean voters, which would explain the undeserved rating.
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An amazing war movie---9/10
Sfpsycho4157 May 2005
South Korea puts Saving Private Ryan to shame with this amazing war movie. Taegukgi (or Brotherhood of War) is probably the best traditional war movie i have ever seen. The battle scenes are intense and brutal, even more so then Spielberg's classic film (which is a movie i really like, too.) They also kick in at unexpected places. They are sitting around eating and suddenly bombs are exploding and limbs are flying. The acting is incredible and emotional even though i watched it in subtitles (dubbed English voices are horrible). The facial expressions said it all. The story is a heartbreaking tale of two brothers who are drafted into the Korean conflict in 1950. By the end, i came this close to tearing up. And i am a tough guy. Or so i think.

Now i know a lot of people in America tend to overlook foreign movies because their afraid of reading, or can't read, but i am finding more and more that foreign flicks are a lot better than recent Hollywood movies. Hollywood needs to take a lesson and make more creative stories.

This is truly a masterpiece of modern cinema, a milestone in war movies, and one of the best films i have seen in a long time. Incredible.---9/10
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One of the Most Spectacular Movies of War Ever (if not the Best)
claudio_carvalho29 March 2007
In 1950, in South Korea, the shoe-shiner Jin-tae Lee (Dong-Kun Jang) and his eighteen years old student brother Jin-seok Lee (Bin Won) form a poor but happy family with their mother (Yeong-ran Lee), Jin-tae's fiancé Young-shin Kim (Eun-ju Lee) and her young sisters. Jin-tae and his mother are tough workers, who sacrifice themselves to send Jin-seok to the university. When North Korea invades the South, the family escapes to a relative's house in the country, but along their journey, Jin-seok is forced to join the army to fight in the front, and Jin-tae enlists too to protect his young brother. The commander promises Jin-tae that if he gets a medal he would release his brother, and Jin-tae becomes the braver soldier in the company. Along the bloody war between brothers, the relationship of Jin-seok with his older brother deteriorates leading to a dramatic and tragic end.

I have just watched one of the most spectacular movies of war of the cinema industry, if not the best. The stunning and overwhelming "Taegukgi Hwinalrimyeo" is impressive and the brilliant direction of Je-gyu Kang and his crew is among the most perfect I have ever seen, with realistic and gore battles and fights. The cinematography is amazing and the camera work in most of the moments seems to be a documentary, so realistic it is. The sad and dramatic story shakes the emotions of the viewer, with another stupid war, and worst, between brothers. Probably this is the best and most visceral anti-war movie ever made. Dong-Kun Jang and Bin Won are amazing and I felt deeply sorrow with the fate of the character performed by the gorgeous Eun-ju Lee. How can this movie be not nominated to the Oscar? My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "A Irmandade da Guerra" ("The Brotherhood of the War")
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Simply Stunning
seventhsamurai19543 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I would like to state that war films are probably my favorite genre of film. I have seen all the greats, from Paths of Glory to Platoon to Apocalypse Now and many in between. However, this movie takes the spot as number 1. Never before have I been so moved by a film in my entire life. It was the only film along with Ikriu (1952) that brought me to tears. To call this a film is a travesty, it is more of an epic journey of two brothers drafted and the tolls that war have on them. This movie makes you feel like your on the battlefield with these soldiers. It's harsh realism only heightens the emotion. It is undoubtedly a masterpiece. Without giving too much away I truly can't see somebody not being affected by this movie. Just remember to keep the tissues close by for this one.
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Brilliant Blockbuster!
gorgonite19 September 2008
Brotherhood really deserves a 10, but a more accurate rating imo would be 9.8

War films do not usually appeal to me. However this film is exceptional because it is beautifully shot, has magnificent performances from the two lead characters and also encapsulates past and present issues concerning North and South Korea.

The plot consists of two South Korean brothers from the 1950's who are drafted into the army to fight against the North Korean communists. The elder brother tries to protect the younger brother from danger, whilst simultaneously leading the unit to victory.

The film has many brilliantly shot battle scenes and also an underlying theme of melodrama throughout concerning the relationship between the two brothers. This ultimately provides the film with an identity and portrays the true meaning and costs of war. Some war movie fans may see this melodrama as unnecessary, however I see it as absolutely necessary and indeed found the film very moving.

Pros - Cinematography, Score, Magnificent acting, graphic battle scenes

Cons - Film is somewhat formulaic in the beginning

Overall - One of the best blockbusters
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An education for younger people on why wars are bad things.
mbyrne-327 July 2004
My summary is no reflection on the current state of affairs in the world. More, that it shows my feeling that films like Taegukgi and Saving Private Ryan should be shown to young people in their early teens as part of the school curciullum, history perhaps, to show them what real close combat, death, destruction, disruption, loss, hatred, emotion, blood, guts, limbs, tears, sweat, fear and sadness is generated by wars. The UK schools shows films for sex education and even films showing animal slaughter, which drove my sister, and I'm sure a lot of other young people to stop eating meat. This film does the job very, very, well for illustrating the immeasurable 'pain' of war.

This was my first Korean film and I was extremely impressed. I completely agree with the comments of Phillip Brander, posted 2 Feb 2004. And am glad to report that the subtitles, to me at least, appeared to be a lot better when I saw it in July 2004.

I would hope maybe that this goes onto get some more international recognition. And in turn get more recognition for the war.

8.25/10 (with better editing I would go up to 9)

I can't wait to see what the next epic will be....
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Brothers At War
Siamois29 November 2011
As the conflict between North and South Korea reaches a new high in 1950, two brothers are conscripted and forced to abandon the rest of their family in order to defend their country. The younger, Jin-seok, is the pride of his family, a peaceful, quiet student. His older brother, Jin-tae, has a good heart but a more fiery temper and is willing go to any length to protect Jin-seok and send him on his way home as soon as possible. The trials that this war inflicts on both men will transform each of them in different ways.

This above would be Tae Guk Gi in a nutshell, although the film covers a lot of ground and is quite epic in its scale. Many reviewers have mentioned the influence Saving Private Ryan may have had on this movie and although I this this has been exaggerated, I can understand where they are coming from. The battle scenes do seem to borrow stylistically from SVP. They are quite intense, very big yet intensely up close and personal at times. They plunge the viewers right in the middle of all this chaos and can be quite gruesome. There are quite a few battles throughout the movie, and they unfortunately make less of an impact as time goes by due to some repetitiveness.

Having said that, despite the epic scale and quite a few characters being depicted, the bulk of Tae Guk Gi focuses on the two brothers and how war affects them. It is here that the movie scores its better points but also where it fails at times. The changes they both go through are well depicted but unfortunately, from beginning to end the movie is wrapped in melodramatic overtones that make for an awkward viewing at times. Cheesy dialog, overacting and a downright silly score that accentuates it all are all part of the experience.

The movie is nonetheless an intense experience, features likable if flawed protagonists. The characters surrounding them are also interesting and you wish you got to know some of them a little better. The movie gets props for portraying evils done by both sides during a conflict. Around the midway point of the movie, things start becoming interesting as it becomes evident nothing is black and white in war but unfortunately, the script doesn't make the best of this.

This is a recommended war movie as well as a fine film on blood ties and how they cope when everything is on the line.
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A hugely affecting, moving, brutal war film
andyrookjohnson1 August 2008
I hadn't seen a Korean film before, but Brotherhood has proved to be a brilliant, if harrowing, introduction. The plot is epic, and incredibly moving throughout. The acting is superb, and one of the most striking things is the realism of the costumes, weapons and pryotechnics - Kang Je-gyu has an amazing eye for detail which shines throughout the film. Even though it is quite long, Brotherhood doesn't drag but rather continues to soar throughout its length - this is a hugely impressive film that should be seen by more people - another example of how Asian cinema continues to be innovative, thought-provoking and well-crafted. I shall definitely be looking out for more films by Kang Je-gyu as well as more Korean films generally. Seeing Brotherhood has been an inspiring experience.
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The effect of War
tkeane-115 March 2006
This movie gives a historical and very human account of the Korean war. I am no expert on this (or any) war and so found some details difficult to follow. I am, however, a big fan of War films. This annoys my girlfriend no end but, she enjoyed this one as much as me.

The human side is represented by the story of two brothers who are drafted to fight for the south. The personalities of these two are very different even though they are family. As a result, the effect that the war has on each one is very different. Despite the differences that grow between them they remain dedicated to protecting one another.

The gruesomeness that other comments have slated was something I rejoiced in. Not because I enjoy seeing blood and guts but, because I hate when realism is glossed over for the sake of mass appeal. It is true that not everything in the film was realistic but it beats a Hollywood blockbuster hands down.

Be warned that you'll need over 2 hours to spare but it is very engaging once it gets going. Highly recommended!!!
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A powerful epic from South Korea. It's a tear-jerker for me, through and through, from the very start.
ruby_fff10 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The nostalgic sepia-toned segment of Seoul 1950, depicting pre-draft happy moments the two brothers shared with friends and family, is touching and heartwarming. But director does not linger there - in fact, the pace of the storyline of "Taegukgi" (South Korean name for their national flag) is more than tight, it's one event after another, never stops. We see the characters, main and supporting cast, managing the situations as they come. Korean filmmaker, Kang Je-gyu (of "Shiri") provided a powerful epic film experience. The war scenes of soldiers at camp, in combat, on the move, literally covered a lot of grounds, physically and historically timeline-wise.

Yes, it's quite melodramatic. Very much like a Korean opera. An emotional wringer we go through watching the changing situations between big brother Jin-tae and younger brother Jin-seok, the sad tragic scene of Young-shin, Jin-tae's fiancée caught between the political muddle of Koreans killing Koreans over suspecting communists involvement (she did nothing wrong other than getting food for family members' survival). Big brother was too sad and furious to continue gloriously fighting for 'country' as he felt the impact of lives loss, went over to the North Korean army, contradictorily fought for the enemy side. Fate did play a hand at every turn. Young brother escaped burning fate, as he's about to get back home to mother and family, he learned of his brother at the opposing war front. He realized how much he has wrongly alienated his big brother. Sigh! No one should be judged for what they do during war - circumstances in war time can change one's psyche and outlook.

From "The Power of Myth" PBS series, in his conversations with Bill Moyers, scholar and teacher Joseph Campbell talked about the [ritual of] people joining the army, putting on a uniform, giving up personal life and accepting a socially determined manner of life in the service of one's society. In times of war, they're acting not as individuals, they're acting as agents of something above them to which they've given themselves. "To judge them as though they were individual human beings is totally improper." To all soldiers, defensive or offensive, they are courageous souls who sacrificed their precious family ties and all, risking their lives coping with the unknown. It is humane to respect both the living and the dead.

The two leads are engaging: Jang Dong-gun is the big brother (he was detective Kim in "Nowhere To Hide" 1999) and Won Bin is the younger brother (he's a young popular TV star in South Korea). The multitude of extras for the battle scenes is part of a grand production with effective cinematography, score and sound effects enabling the film depictions being devastatingly real. The layers of plot and the 'all encompassing' facets/effects of war included in the mix may be too much for some - somehow, 2 hours 20 mins. of "Taegukgi" just came and absorbed. I understand the release of this film in South Korea coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the country's truce with North Korea. The film was very well received (a blockbuster) at home.

Other noteworthy war-related films: "Sergeant York" (directed by Howard Hawks 1941), with Gary Cooper's incomparable portrayal of WWI American hero Alvin C. York. "Hong Kong 1941" (aka "Dang doi lai ming" directed by Leong Po Chi 1984) the Chow Yun-Fat movie of the indelible friendship of three during Japanese occupation, how people react and act due to wartime situations for the sake of survival, saving a dear friend - it's dramatic, gutsy and romantic, too. "Grave of the Fireflies" (aka "Hotaru no haka" directed by Isao Takahata 1988), the impressive Japanese animated film which is very much about the effects of war - a beautiful story, nevertheless, through the eyes of a young boy and his little sister - however difficult a situation, there is magic in life and in death.
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flawed but effective portrayal of the corrosive effects of war
cherold2 September 2004
There are a fair number of movies out there about the horrors of war, but they often portray war as a necessary evil. That's why a movie like Saving Private Ryan isn't an anti-war film; they are presumably fighting the good fight. But Taegukgi portrays war as an evil that poisons everything it touches. War is not noble, both sides do awful things. War twists soldiers into monsters and leaves only the peace of death.

While often searing, with jittery, suspenseful scenes of battle, the movie can be a little hokey. The two brothers fighting together is a bit too pat. The swelling orchestral score is a bit too emotional. Worst, towards the end both brothers have the sort of superhero fighting skills common in old war movies, where someone like John Wayne could singlehandedly take out a regiment. This is so utterly ridiculous that I found myself growing impatient with the movie by the end, and a little puzzled by the lack of criticism at this site for such obvious flaws. It's an effective, absorbing, powerful movie, although there's nothing in it as stunning as the opening sequence of Private Ryan, but even though it is Korean, it is too found of hokey Hollywood devices to be a truly great film.
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Not Oldboy, not Saving Private Ryan, not very good...
dmots4210 October 2005
I have to admit, I went into this film with very high expectations. I had just watched Oldboy, another film from South Korea, which blew my freakin' mind. It was incredible. I went looking all around for another South Korean film, but for months couldn't find one. And then this, a Top 250 movie, pops up on the shelf at Blockbuster. Boy, was I excited.

It's too bad, then, that the movie should turn out to be so painfully simple. The film makers assume you, the viewers, are idiots. There is an annoying abundance of authorial shots (a shot where your eye is lead to something so you don't miss it). These shots are okay when they are used to clear up a confusing part of a movie, but if you can't keep up with (if not get ahead of) the storyline of this film, well you, my friend, need help. The use of authorial shots is to make sure that you understand the theme; that good and bad are not so simple in war. A good theme for a film, which is ironically oversimplified.

I have heard many people say that this film depicts war in a realistic way that has never been seen before. Really? Like in the many Rambo scenes where Jin-tae takes on an entire army, miraculously dodging the cross hairs of, oh, so many soldiers? I have also heard that the North Koreans were, for the first time, depicted as humans. After watching this movie, I have to assume that movies before this depicted North Koreans as hamsters.

This movie mostly disappointed me because it was so Hollywood. It's everything I've come to expect from bad American movies, not from Top 250 foreign films. Go see Saving Private Ryan if you want a good war movie. Go see Oldboy if you want a good South Korean movie.
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