Over Her Dead Body (2008) Poster

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Entertaining. Isn't that what these films are meant to be?
filmbuff207 May 2008
By now, we all know the formula of a romantic comedy. The basic framework revolves around a guy meeting a girl, a love triangle, a little white lie and an event that causes them to split before the soggy finale where they kiss and make up, living happily ever after. If you go into a rom-com expecting much more or something that deviates from that path, you'll probably be disappointed. After bar setting movies like When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless In Seattle and Four Weddings and a Funeral, the constant stream of lazy efforts in recent years can cause one to be seriously jaded by the genre. So it is with this skepticism and desire to switch off my brain, that I pop Over Her Dead Body into my DVD player. It is apparent from a mere glance at the synopsis that this film will not last long in my memory, change my life or be any kind of profound filmic experience for me, but I was entertained. The script was amusing, the delivery from the four leads (Bell, Rudd, Biggs, Longoria) precise and well timed. The premise was an interesting spin on an oft used plot device.

So what's not to like? An entertaining, funny and endearing romantic comedy. At best, a competent entry into the genre, quite a way ahead of most of it's type and at worst, a movie that feels like a sitcom without a laughter track. As someone who likes sitcoms, that isn't a particularly bad thing. In a nutshell, you could do a lot worse.
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It starts out a bit boring, but picks up pace though, kind of
Dragoneyed36317 May 2008
Over Her Dead Body was a nice little movie, in general, that wasn't meant to be a masterpiece, but is just for enjoyment when you have nothing better to do, or are going to watch/see a so-so movie with your significant other. It was decent and entertaining, and pretty funny, and by pretty funny I mean there were some little giggles here and there.

There were a few clichés, but I don't really care about that. I found most stuff fresh. At first, I didn't think it was going to be good at all, when it started out. If you can get past the first twenty minutes though, the movie starts getting more interesting. This film wasn't burst out in laughter hilarious, like I said, and wasn't "oh my gosh" wonderful. It was just a movie that you can sit down and enjoy for how enjoyable it was meant to be.

I could understand why some may hate it and think it is very mediocre, but as the lenient movie reviewer I am, I found myself lightening up on it and just having fun, mild fun, but still, fun. There was nothing horrible enough about it to give it a 1/10, in my honest opinion, which that is what a lot of people gave it.
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It's alright
Smells_Like_Cheese9 May 2008
I have to admit that Over Her Dead Body actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting, my mom wanted to see it, so I rented it. I figured just to go ahead and see the horror before my eyes, but actually this wasn't too bad. I was just expecting this horrific movie, but it seems like the writers meant no harm, but the casting of Eva Longoria(Parker, sorry), she seems a little off set for the movie. I think I may have found it to be a little better without her, just she does annoy me. But Paul Rudd and Lake Bell had a decent chemistry that made the film somewhat likable. But you have to admit, there was no point to this movie, it was one of those quick paychecks for the actor type of thing. The movie could've been funnier if someone had really paid attention to it and had a better cast.

Henry just lost his bride to be, Kate, who was killed by an ice sculpture on their wedding day. But when his sister takes him to a psychic, Ashley, Henry falls for her, but Kate is haunting her from beyond the grave. Kate is jealous and doesn't want Henry to move on so quickly and she will make sure that Ashley doesn't get him by torturing her day and night with her rambles, believe me, with Kate's voice, that's scary.

Over Her Dead Body is an alright movie, not sure if it's worth the money, but I'd give it a rental for you if you want to see it or are curious. Eva Longoria just doesn't have enough star power to make the film work, no offense to those who love her, she just belongs on the small screen over the silver screen. Not to mention the character of Ashley, she seems still not too likable with everything she pulls, or her "gay" friend, Dan, just again, not really likable. Just with some re-writing and proper attention, this film could have been better, but instead we get the average predictable romantic comedy that will leave with with an empty feeling.

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About This Dead Movie
Chrysanthepop13 September 2008
Okay, it's not that terrible a movie but it felt pretty dead. There is just no soul and no chemistry (two very important ingredients for rom-coms). Moreover the story fails to stay focused as it wonders whether to focus on Eva and Lake's battle or Lake and Paul's love story. As someone mentioned, it tires to combine 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days' and 'Just Like Heaven' (both movies which I enjoyed) but fails to reach that level. None of the characters are likable. I found them to be quite irritating. The only bright light here is some of the comedy which manages to get some chuckles. Eva Longoria repeats her Gabrielle Solis act (of 'Desperate Housewives') except that this time her character is dead. She does provide some eye candy and is funny in some sequences. Paul Rudd looks careless throughout the entire movie. Lake Bell, though she doesn't act bad, there is something missing. Jason Biggs does well with what he's given. 'Over Her Dead Body' is just a weak and forgettable movie.
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Glimpses of superb talent
The_Duke_of_Dunstable16 January 2009
I wasn't overly impressed by this movie, mostly because of the script. Hollywood is not very imaginative when it comes to think outside the box, thus all films follow the magic and boring formula of "a beginning, a middle and an end". And when Hollywood decides to go wild and add something else to that concept, it usually ends up spoiling the movie. They did it in this flick. I'm not about to reveal anything but it has to do with Jason Biggs character.

Still, the movie has it's moments. All ghost movies has that in common that there comes a time when a medium or similar relates what the ghost is saying to a loved one who can't see it. We saw it done better in "Ghost" with Demi More, Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg, and more recently in much funnier movie "Ghosttown", with Ricky Gervais. This movie has that scene too, but the disappointing script passes over it too quickly and with not much result for the plot.

The highlight of the movie is the acting of two leads; Paul Rudd and the surprisingly funny Lake Bell.

I've long had a growing admiration for Rudd, who has developed a style similar to that of Chevy Chase at his best. If ever a serious production of sequels to the Fletch movies gets a green light, the casting agent would do wisely in considering Rudd.

Lake Bell is rather new to me, and I was severely impressed by her comedy talent. She could easily be pictured in over-the-top comedy things and take on a female lead over Jim Carreys character in "Dumb & dumber" or Ben Stillers in "There's something about Mary". The Farrelly brothers could have a new star in her.

In conclusion, this film was watchable. "Ghosttown" is a better movie in all considerations, but Rudd and Bell are a joy.
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Eva Longoria, the best of the movie.
craftercool16 January 2009
Actually my vote is a 7.5. Anyway, the movie was good, it has those funny parts that make it deserve to see it, don't misunderstand me, is not the funniest movie of the world, and its not even original because its a idea that we have seen before in other movies, but this one has its own taste, a friend of mine told me that this was a film for boyfriends... I think that not exactly but who cares? Also there is another movie that show us almost the same topic, Chris Rock appears in it, the name is Down to Earth, men, that one its a very funny movie, see both if you want and I know that you will agree that Mr. Rock won with his movie. I would liked that the protagonist male character were given to Ashton Kutcher, however, the film is good.
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Not really interesting
chrichtonsworld4 May 2008
With movies like this you know you are going to get the usual jokes concerning ghosts. Eva as a ghost is pretty funny. And the other actors also do a good job. It is the direction and the story that is lacking. That could have been overlooked had the jokes worked better. The problem only is that there aren't many jokes. Sure I laughed a couple of times. Apart from the talking parrot there wasn't an ounce of creativity to be noticed in the movie. I blame the director not using the premise to it's full potential. Eva certainly has the comedic skill to show more but did not get the opportunity to do so. Overall this movie is ideal for a Sunday afternoon. Other than that it can be skipped completely.
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a decent movie with your gf or significant other, nothing more
shawn_too_hotty30 January 2008
i wasn't a fan of seeing this movie at all, but when my gf called me and said she had a free advanced screening pass i tagged along only for the sake of seeing eva longoria and laughing at jason biggs antics.

overall it was actually better then i expected but not by much. this was like a hybrid of how to lose a guy in 10 days and just like heaven. a typical romantic comedy with its moments i guess. the movie was quite short though (around 85 min.) but it was enough to tell the whole story, build some character development and have a decent happy ending. the whole idea of a ghost haunting its former husband was a interesting plot to follow. eva did a good job of keeping up the sarcasm and paul rudd and the rest of the supporting cast (especially jason biggs) kept the laughs coming at a smooth pace.

overall i liked the movie only because it had a good amount of laughs to keep me going otherwise i would have given this movie a lower rating. hey its a chick flick and i'm reviewing this movie from a guy's persepctive alright, it would be more of a fair fight if females reviewied this movie and gave there thoughts about it.
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This Movie is So Bad
alan-10111 February 2008
I gave it a 1 only because I couldn't figure out how to rate it what it deserves - a ZERO!

Contrived, ridiculous, and incredibly stupid, this is the front-runner for worst film of 2008.

It makes Eva Longoria unattractive, Paul Rudd unfunny, and Jason Biggs even more annoying than usual.

The ghost returns to ruin the guy she "loves' chance a future happiness because she loves him so much?

There's no chemistry, no humor, and no reason for this film to exist other than to pay for the summer homes of these stars.

I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out of the audience and tell us we'd all been Punk'd!

You can read my full review for the "film" at RazorFine Review.
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So pleasantly surprised
thekarmicnomad20 March 2010
This is a great film.

I agreed to watch a chick flick and some how ended up with this. I had never heard of it or anyone in it (excpet Mike from Friends).

But it is great! Eva, Lake and Paul give amazing performances. The humour is consistently dry and witty.

Paul Rudd pretty much plays the mike character from Friends (which works great). The other characters are stereotypes and the plot is formulaic (I mean we are not talking 'Apocalypse Now' here) But the characters are likable, the story is engaging, the soundtrack, production and direction all work well.

In all a great feel-good film that really deserves a lot more credit than it gets.

Everyone has their own tastes but I really don't understand the one star reviews for this.

*Watched again in 2022* This is still great!

Eva Longoria still steals the show and I still chuckled all the way through.
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See it at the matinée!
Mamaof45 March 2008
Was this the greatest movie that I have ever seen? No. Was it the worst? No.

As a mother of four kids, it is nice to watch something that was light and amusing. It was great, but it was cute.

I think that it definitely had some room to improve, but it tried.

I am not sure if this movie deserves the extreme level of abuse from the other reviewer. They obviously do not care for Eva Longoria. I think that she was better in this than in The Sentinel. I think that movies are a matter of opinion. The actors play a huge role in whether it is a hit or a flop.

Maybe the cast did not work out. Maybe there were too many things going on.

I just wanted to speak up for an average movie, not a terrible one. It could just be a chick flick. Kind of like the movie The Split-Up or French Kiss. My husband still talks about those. :)
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I did like it
joelsallee4 February 2008
Look it's Eva Longoria and Paul Rudd in a movie about a dead girlfriend haunting the new girlfriend. It's Gabrielle from Desperate Housewives and the guy who wore "sex Panther cologne" in Anchorman. If you are expecting a Golden Globe nominated movie then you need to rethink how you look at movies. However, if you are willing to suspend reality for 90 minutes and want to watch a funny movie then you've come to the right place. The characters are all funny. They work together very well. The real match up is Paul Rudd and Lake Bell. He's as funny as he was on Friends and she was funny and good looking all at the same time. I went with my wife, she enjoyed it and so did I.
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Some very original humour. 7/10
rdsf-11 February 2008
I went into this film thinking it would be a crappy b-rated movie. I came out surprised and very amused. Eva was good, but Lake Bell stole the show. She had amazing comedic timing. The jokes in this film were surprisingly original and really funny with one or two flat jokes in between. The plot was enough to tie it all together, a woman (Eva) dies on her wedding day and comes back to haunt the woman that is going out with her was-to-be husband, its sounds far-fetched but it actually works quite well.

7/10 - Overall its a worthwhile cinema watch, if not get it on DVD when it comes out.
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Ugh! Spoilers
noirtype2 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is shoddily-made, unoriginal garbage. I like romantic comedies sometimes. Watching a good one is like eating ice cream for dinner. It's not something you are going to do all the time, but the experience is so pleasurable that you can ignore how unwise you are being. This movie made me think about how stupid I was for continuing to remain seated for its entire running time. Everything about it screamed made on the cheap. It actually looks like they overexposed the film at certain points it is so washed out. It boasts cheesy CGI and lame sets, too.

The writing was clunky. I know that you can usually expect some plot problems in a screwball comedy, but you usually don't really care because you are laughing. This movie is so unfunny that you actually sit there and wonder about the unlikely series of coincidences and completely unbelievable behavior involved. Events were placed in the film just to move the characters from one scene to the next or to provide exposition. Sure, this is how all movies work, but you shouldn't notice that it's happening. Inelegant. That's the term I should use.

There was almost no one in the movie who was really likable. I didn't care who ended up with whom, as long as they all stayed the hell away from me, and I didn't have to listen to them talk about it anymore. Why would the only really cool character in the movie, the Paul Rudd character, want to have anything to do with the completely bitchy, condescending, control freak played by Eva Longoria? Also, almost all of the characters involved consistently picked the sleaziest solution to any situation. A straight man pretends to be gay for five years just to hang out (and bathe with) with a woman he is attracted to? The best feel-good moment they could come up with was to tack on a happy ending for the same schmoe where he gets together with Rudd's equally annoying lying, kleptomaniac sister? Lake Bell and Eva Longoria are very attractive, appealing women. Maybe they will find something better to appear in down the road.
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Based on previous work - not original
havebanks9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is similar to the play entitled 'Blithe Spirit' written by Noel Coward. The plot of a ghost wife and a medium are strongly linked to Coward's writing. I'm surprised that movies of this nature don't acknowledge the original writer's concept. I realize that the public may not be aware that this is a knockoff but it is.

Sad. These movies are so expensive to produce. I do perk up when a screenplay is original. I even perk up when it's an innovative way to produce a work that was previously released. There were some samples mentioned (such as Topper, etc.).

I realize that movies are still a comparatively affordable form of entertainment. However, I'm not please when the public's taste is taken for granted. In this situation, the public's taste is overlooked.

I look forward to better produced movie entertainment.

In this case. I rather see the play.
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Not bad, not great
m-ormesher1 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on an 8 hour flight and (presumably because of the pressure and the altitude) I actually found it mildly entertaining (emphasis on the "mild").

The actual idea behind the film was brilliant: a woman dies, her fiancé falls in love with someone else, she decided to make sure they don't get together, but eventually she lets them do it. Sadly the actual film wasn't as good. OK, there were a few laughs and the actors all worked well. But from the beginning the plot was about as predictable as the destination of the flight I was on. I think the whole gay-but-not-gay friend part of the story could have been worked a lot better. The talking parrot was a nice idea but to be honest: it wasn't really very funny.

In summary the film was more interesting than staring at the seat in front of me, but it was a close call.
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Don't Watch It Over You're Dead Body!
rom_sade1 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There have been some funny movies about spirits to come out of Hollywood. Cary Grant was an angel in "The Bishop's Wife" (1947). Of course the best were the Topper movies in the late '30s-early '40s. And, more recently, Warren Beatty's "Heaven Can Wait" (1978), which was a remake of 1941's "Here Comes Mr. Jordan." These were well-written, funny, entertaining comedies, all of which centered around supernatural creatures like ghosts and angels.

Now comes writer-director Jeff Lowell, making his feature film debut with a story of an unlikable, bitchy young woman, Kate (Eva Longoria Parker), who gets killed on her wedding day and then comes back to harass the fledgling spiritualist, Ashley (Lake Bell) who is falling for Kate's fiancé, Henry (Paul Rudd). One thing that is clear at the outset: Longoria Parker is no Constance Bennett (Marion Kerby in the first two "Topper" films), who is the standard against whom all female ghosts are measured.

There is a line right at the beginning when Henry's sister, Chloe (Lindsay Sloane) tells Henry, "You don't smile." That aptly described my situation throughout this film.

The main problem with the film is that the script just isn't very funny. But it's made worse by Longoria Parker's presence that just rubbed me the wrong way every time she appeared on the screen. Just to start out with, compounding her lack of comedic talent, she is covered with so much pancake makeup, who knows what she really looks like? Kate gets killed while setting up for her wedding by a falling frozen statue. She's so unreasonable that the angel who instructs her about what her afterlife is about walks out on her (well, she actually just fades out), so Kate finds herself back on earth as a ghost without knowing what her mission is.

Chloe wants Henry to snap out of the funk into which he has naturally descended after Kate's death (from what I saw of Kate, he should have felt a wonderful relief), so she introduces him to Ashley, who really doesn't know what she's doing as a spiritualist (she is also a cateress to make ends meet), to see if she can get Henry back in touch with Kate. There's a lot of meshugaas that goes on.

The vacuity of the film is epitomized by a "B" story revolving around Ashley's assistant, Dan (Jason Biggs). This is thrown in near the end, but the way Ashley handles it indicates that she's as much of a boob as Kate. Since Dan is apparently attracted to both of these severely flawed women, he deserves whatever he gets.

Eventually Kate appears to Ashley and the fun should begin. It doesn't, and more's the pity because in other hands this could have been pretty funny. As it is, Norman Z. McLeod, Constance Bennett, Roland Young, Alan Mowbray, and Co. must be turning over in their graves to see this is what their brilliance in the first two "Topper" films has wrought.
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If it were a TV movie, I'd rate it higher
toddeverett27 March 2009
Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart Katharine Hepburn, Caludette Colbert, etc. have nothing to worry about (let alone Howard Hawks or George Cukor), but the screwball genre they worked so well in definitely inspires "Over Her Dead Body."\

Beware Eva Langoria Parker's top billing -- Lake Bell is at least as important (and, in my mind, more appealing) in the film. That said, it's 90 minutes of harmless fun, with a nice little cameo by Stephen Root (from NewsRadio and Office Space, among other credits). The whole supporting cast, mostly unfamiliar to me, is quite good.

My favorite scene is between the Bell character's assistant and another guy toward the end of the film, with repercussions that carry on.
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another lame romantic fantasy
Buddy-5120 July 2008
"So there's this bride, you see, and she gets crushed to death by this statue that falls on her on the day of her wedding. Then, get this, a year later, her former fiancé falls in love with a beautiful psychic… and then, that beautiful psychic gets haunted by the ghost of the disgruntled dead bride who wants to keep her from stealing her boyfriend…he he…it'll be hilarious!." Polite chuckling.

This, I like to envision, is how Jeff Lowell, the man who dreamed up "Over Her Dead Body," presented his concept to the studio execs over there at New Line Cinema. The big mystery is how those very same corporate bigwigs could then turn right around and green light the project, allowing Lowell to direct the film as well as write the screenplay.

For if you think that no movie could ever possibly be as bad as this original premise sounds, then clearly you have another think coming. The only way in which it might have worked is if the writer had simply gone crazy with it and turned it into a no-holds-barred satirical farce. Instead, wanting to ensure that he delivered a fuzzy, inoffensive and warmhearted romantic comedy, Lowell engages in boring half-measures every step of the way, tamping down the absurdity in favor of drab conventionality. Indeed, "Over Her Dead Body" is so thoroughly inept and unfunny that it's hard to know where exactly Lowell thought he was going with it. Virtually every set-up, joke and sight gag in the film is flat-footed and poorly executed, with even the actors themselves seemingly aware of their predicament. How else to explain the halfhearted, lifeless performances of Paul Rudd, Eva Langoria Parker, Lake Bell and Jason Biggs in their various roles?

I choose not to blame the actors, some of whom have proved their talents in better vehicles in the past (that is particularly the case with Rudd). But Lowell and those studio execs sure have some 'splainin' to do.
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About this very enjoyable, satisfying fantasy rom-com
alexcmorosan14 May 2021
Well, it hit the spot so good that I just had to write about it.

I rarely felt so unambiguous about a movie, there's always something that bugs me but not at all with this one, not for a moment, from start to finish it made me forget about myself and anything else; the story flows softly, the acting is perfect, so natural and the shots are luminous, warm, beautiful. It was a funny and sweet experience that I really needed.
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This just plain sucks....
finewoman1 February 2008
You have got to be kidding. I cannot believe that Eva agreed to do a film like this. I know that there is a need for money but some people need to really make sure that the choices of films they act in are worthy. And the title tells it all. There is too much silliness, too much overacting and repetitive lines. The entire plot is something for a child to watch. Even the movie Jack frost was more worthy than this one. Eva need to stick to and improve on Desperate Housewives. I hope that this isn't a trend amongst the actresses from DH...because if it is, we are surely in for horrible summer.

This is a no brainer. Save your money and your time for something worthwhile.
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Surprisingly good
faith_hope_trick1 February 2008
In complete contrast to the opinions of the other review, this film actually was surprisingly good! I reluctantly went to see it and expected to be bored by clichés, obvious jokes and overacting, all of which the trailer had promised.

However, after 5 minutes in I found myself genuinely laughing and enjoying the refreshing acting. With only one 'toilet humour' gag, Over Her Dead Body manages to actually come up with realistically funny scenarios and, without spoiling anything too much, some of the moments involving animals are hilarious.

The staple ingredients of a good film are all there; script, director and actors and compared some other recent attempts at romantic comedy, this film stands tall.

Sure, you aren't going to learn anything or have a spiritual awakening, but if you go with an open mind you will more than likely have a good time!
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Only just makes it to funny when the premise was so good
andrew-80514 January 2021
The screenplay is so important in a comedy. There is no comedic timing and the not that bad actors gabble their lines, probably as they are so cringeworthy in the first part of the movie Maybe someone will re-do the premise - however - Only when Henry sees the diary is there any real depth, and humour to emerge. The actors slow up as their lines have some meaning. It becomes funny when it turns sad. Th. Parrot is a funny cameo though. There is a neat ending if a bit awkward in the airport. Anyway, the wife liked it and didn't fall asleep. A lockdown when there's nothing else much good on TV 4/10
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Seriously Bad Movie
bmerrett15 September 2014
I watched this stinker to see how the ghost was handled. The answer is very badly. Eva Longoria is a horrible actress and brings all her wooden skills to bear in this mess of a movie. The writing was terrible as was the direction. No surprise it was the same person doing both jobs badly. Lake Bell is not able to deliver a line with any kind of real emotion and this makes it painful to watch her act. I hope she had some success as a model as that is what she should be doing, not acting. This film left me feeling that the entire crew were all getting their 1st job in the business in this movie. It surprises me that Paul Rudd agreed to be in this. He must have been paying off a bet and didn't get to read the screenplay first. I watch a lot of movies and worked in the business for years so do have a good handle on what works and what doesn't. I can't say enough about how bad this is. Do not torture yourself with this nightmare.
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A near-death experience, and not in a good way, a total waste of talent and time
inkblot115 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Henry, a veterinarian (Paul Rudd), and his bossy fiancé, Kate (Eva Longoria) are looking over the last minute arrangements for their reception. It is the morning of their wedding and Kate is in a frenzy, giving the caterers an earful about her demands for food presentation. But, horror of horrors, the "angel" ice sculpture, ordered by Kate, arrives without wings. In an ensuing fight with the sculptor, the heavy "ice" maiden falls on Kate and sends her to the hereafter. Now, one year later, Henry's sister arranges for a psychic to tell the young vet that Kate would have wanted him to starting dating other ladies and move forward. Yet, the lovely medium, Ashley (Lake Bell) becomes interested in Henry herself, much to the chagrin of her catering partner (Jason Biggs). More importantly, Kate returns from the other side to create havoc for Ashley, as she has no intentions of letting another woman get her hands on Henry. Can anything be done to return Kate into heaven for good? This is an abysmal romantic comedy, one of the worst this dedicated fan has ever seen. No, its not the cast, as they try gamely to make things work. Longoria is beautiful and funny as the overbearing fiancé and Bell has an offbeat style and humor that is likewise infectious. Biggs, a funny thespian, too, is totally wasted. As for Rudd, a very gifted performer (see Anchorman, Knocked Up, or Clueless, please) he tries hardest of all and, in truth, is the main reason to see this clunker. His charm, looks, and easy wit go a long way in making the film bearable. But, nothing can turn a mindless script and terrible direction into a winner, absolutely nothing. So, if you are a dyed-in-the-wool fan of romantic comedy, think long and hard before you fork over any money for this one. Even were free tickets to fall into your lap, be warned that this movie is a near-death experience for those who adore love-and-laugh cinema.
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