"24" Day 7: 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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A great ending to a truly phenomenal season
squirtsquirt720 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start? After waiting for season 7 to grace our television screens for 20 months, it is gone by already. I enjoyed this season so much and I believe it was one of the greatest seasons 24 has ever had. The plot lines were great, and the acting was outstanding, Kiefer really showed us everything he had this year, Carlos Bernard showed us new acting depths when Tony turned evil, he played it so awesome, Annie Wersching was fantastic(and hot I might add) and I can't wait to see what they do with Renee next season. Cherry Jones really made the female President work. The finale was great going with more drama then action, any scene between Jack and Tony was amazing and has been all year, the scene where Tony confronts Alan Wilson was the best scene of the entire episode. And the end where Kim comes in to save a dying Jack, just great stuff, the only complaint I have is that I have to wait until January for Day 8. I hope this show and it's actors get some recognition at the Emmys this year!!
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Season Seven
zkonedog4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In contrast to most critical and fan reviews of this show, I thoroughly enjoyed the sixth season of "24", yet did not get into "Redemption" at all. Thus, as I began the Seventh Season of perhaps the greatest TV show on TV today (LOST is about the only thing that probably beats it), I was a bit concerned about the quality of a season that would be building on the events that transpired in "Redemption".

Of course, in typical "24" style, I should have never doubter the writers and actors...I was blown away!

The seventh season opens with Jack Bauer in front of a Congressional Committee and on trial for torture. This provides the perfect transition into what would become a season of change for the show. Once Bauer finishes his business in front of the Senators who seem to be out to get him, he is called away to help an F.B.I. investigation in Washington. At this point in the show's timeline, CTU has been shut down for its reckless procedures, so the entire show has a bit of a different feel to it.

Of course, Jack Bauer's task eventually leads him into the thick of a terrorist plot against the United States, and thus once again he is "on point" most of the time, with action scenes and surprising cliffhangers that rival any previous season.

The true success of this season, though, was its ability to move the show into a new locale while still giving subtle nods to old friends. Renee Walker (played by Annie Wersching) and Larry Moss (Jeffrey Nordling) morph into very interesting F.B.I. agents over the course of the show, while Madame President Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones) more than holds her own in the tradition of David Palmer, Charles Logan, Wayne Palmer, and Noah Daniels.

Plus, old friends such as Bill Buchanon, Chloe O'Brien, and Kim Bauer (in perhaps the most emotional story-arc of the season) make return appearances, as does Tony Almeida (although his status as friend or enemy is tough to decipher).

Yet, as usual, the show really needs to be judged on the intensity/emotions of the Jack Bauer character, and the ability of the writers to inject genuine, thought-provoking political situations into each episode, and on both accounts this season succeeds with flying colors!

Thus, even if (unlike me) you found Season Six to be a major disappointment, have no fear about purchasing the next installment of the show, as even I will admit that it was probably the best season in a few years. The only other TV show I have ever given 5-star ratings to in every season has been LOST, and that's some pretty fine company.
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A Shocking Stuff!! It Could Be The Perfect End To The Whole Series (after viewing the eight season, yeah)
jigsaw-911 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have left this site two years ago and I left incomplete this near perfect season of this amazing show. Now that I came back, I wanted to end my job despite too much time have past and my view of the things have changed drastically.

If in the previous review I claimed that this season was turning off in a spectacular note, this final episode climbed up to the perfection and added more drama and more caracther development in order to complete the circle and the story arc of the main stars.

Jack is about to die and he recaps almost every decision that he had to do in his life. He gives Renee advices and a final goodbye. The menace is over. Tony arrested and Renee is in a dangerous mode which is the logical next step in her role after all her experiences in this day.

Season 7 gives the best ending it could. Truly perfect!. Without the (at sometimes) disappointing eight and final season, this could be the perfect end to the series. Drama, action and emotion collide nicely.

One of the best seasons of the show EVER! AND REALLY UNDERRATED!! 10/10.

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A "rookie" becomes MVP of the season... And we will miss her
Nixie224-72-33467414 March 2023
This is for Season Seven which introduced most of the world to the beautiful talented redhead known as Annie Wersching. Her first prime time role that wasn't a one shot and she went through the emotional roller coaster of playing an FBI agent who had to deal with a complex terrorist plot (or several). Among the returning crowd (Sutherland, Bernard, Rayskub, Morrison, etc) and some very talented newcomers(like Cherry Jones, Bob Gunton and Jon Voight to name three), the "rookie" not only held her own but gave a performance that deserved an Emmy. Annie however was not nominated and never was during her too short 20 year career. She by all rights should have had 20 more years. We will miss you forever Annie.
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Overall, Very Good Ending
Hitchcoc4 July 2019
Everything plays out as it should. The President has to deal with the miscues of her overly ambitious daughter who has done a terrible thing. Parenting 101, right? The conclusion has two unanswered questions. One is what is going to happen to Jack, who has a medical procedure. And Renee puts down her badge, closes the door of the interrogation, room and apparently takes care of business Will she appear again? I already know there is a Season 8. What will we see?
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Season 7: A strong and entertaining season that excises the memory of season 6 despite some problems of its own (MASSIVE SPOILERS)
bob the moo6 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Can we all now just agree that season 6 was poor? I struggled to finish it and it did worry me because when successful shows start to fade it can be hard to get them back on the rails of what made them successful in the first place – many resort to endless guest stars, adding characters or other temporary fixes that are meant to make an old fish smell fresh simply by coating it in perfume. Credit to 24 then because season 7 is a massive improvement that recaptures what made the show good and manages to undo a lot of the excesses and aspects that damaged season 6 so badly. Of course I am not saying that the show has become perfect, because it never was a serious drama with lots of character development or logic, only that it has returned to what it does well. It is of course still a big, dumb drama that relies heavily on pace, with frequent race-against-time scenarios and anyone who has disliked it before will probably continue to do so. However for those that love the formula the good news is that everything is pretty much back in place and is made to work. We have lots of running, lots of immediate dramas, lots of big threats and a bigger picture that is overblown perhaps but is built to in a way that feels logical (at least by way of the show's internal logic).

Things start well as the most immediately ridiculous aspect (Tony being alive) is moved past well without it doing much damage as a plot device. From here the plot moves consistently with almost no weak or dull episodes but, at the same time, none that feel like they were forced to be bigger or louder than they should be simply to make something happen (as was frequently the case in season 6). It is all daft of course but it delivers with such pace and force that it is hard not to be held by the internal logic and the thrill of it all. The final five or so episodes are a bit of a backwards step though. The twists with Tony don't work and I agree that such a popular character should have been treated better – it sort of resolves itself a little but it is a big reveal to come essentially from nowhere and make very little sense when you think back over the previous 18-odd episodes. Similarly, bringing Kim back into the mix again just didn't work for me and again her predicament, while exciting, felt like the writers doing the obvious thing – be honest, everyone watching thought to themselves "here comes a kidnapping/hostage situation" as soon as she appeared on screen. However the plot does work apart from this and for all its unlikeliness it keeps things moving well.

As before we get the writers trying to do a bit of character development and thematic discussion – something that was terribly clunky in S6 with Jack declaring "I can't do this anymore" in one scene and then torturing someone without pause the next! S7 has not become thoughtful but it is better in this regard as at least the damage done to Jack is clear and the writers use Renee as another way of showing how hard it is. Of course on the torture issue the show is still very much a right-wing affair and for all the discussions and challenges made to Jack's methods, he is still more or less allowed to be "right" in what he does and the viewer is left with little opinion but to agree (although I stress that this is within the internal logic of the show – and yes it is a shame that some viewers will not be able to split that from a real-world opinion) and at times this "justification" is crass and badly done (particularly the Muslim cleric drafted in to befriend Jack at the end – as if to suggest that he represents that community!) The cast are stronger than season 6. Sutherland delivers his usual shouting/whispering combos well but also benefits from having more of a consistent character and doesn't have to be "broken" one minute and "superman" the next. Wersching is good alongside him and aids him by way of how her character admires him. Nordling is perhaps a bit too much of the ineffectual boss and is used as a point-prover but his performance is still good. Rajskub, Morrison, Rota and a few others are welcome returns while the Whitehouse are stronger than last season with Jones, Gunton and others being impressive – not so sure about Grayden but more because of her character than her performance. Garofalo was not as good as I would have liked her to be (and also undermines her own politics by being in 24 in my opinion – but its money I guess) but she does produce some nice geek-off moments with Rajskub.

Season 7 of 24 has not transformed it into something that will win over those that haven't liked it so far because the "problems" of lack of reality, overblown plots, tonnes of twists etc are all still in place. For fans though it is a merciful return to form with the mess of season 6 put to the back of the mind. The writing is better, the plots flow better, the excitement is constant and it mostly stays within its own logic. It is not without its own problems but they are less evident than before and, while the final 4 or 5 episodes don't quite work that well it is still a strong and entertaining season that excises the memory of season 6.
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New 24
This is a season review and not just the episode

Many changes were made so it was not a repeat of day-1 for the seventh time. New music at various scenes was good which was not previously. Now what are the repeated 1. Mole in agency 2. Jack's trusted is not to be trusted 3. Kim is always surrounded by danger 4. Terrorists in government

So with these things in common and getting out of that 6 season CTU office, overall the season is SECOND BEST after season 5 according to me.

Ending was little less than expected.... A new conspirator came out of nowhere but I can forgive that as a fan of 24

So now chloe,Jack, Aaron, Tony(doubtful) and kim are the only ones from the very starting seasons.

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Another season goes out on an ellipsis
Mr-Fusion22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As finales go, the requisite deceptions, plot twists and shootouts are present and accounted for. But it's at its best during the quieter moments that occupy the back half. In particular, an exchange between Kiefer Sutherland and Annie Wersching on where the line is drawn in this business (it's a great scene, further driving home the point that nothing is black and white), as well as the image of Renee laying down her badge before interrogating the enemy. Jack and Renee are locked in a battler for their own souls and I though that was a nice way to end it.

But as a whole, this season has really been hit or miss, and some of the blunders are real face-palms. Take the main villain, for instance, the bad guy that they retconned as the mastermind behind the deaths of David Palmer, Tony and Michelle way back in season 5. Who'd they get to play him? Will Patton, who's way too kindly to pull off that level of sinister. Especially when they just had Jon Voight and killed him off (now *that's* an actor for this role!). The character of Alan Wilson is just too vanilla on which to hang such a far-reaching narrative arc.

But that doesn't even touch the dead horse that is Tony Almeida. He's bad - no, wait, he's just undercover - nah, he's been bad the whole time! The mechanics of bringing him back to life just don't hold water (does "missed the artery" qualify as "jumped the shark" here?). It's beyond lazy and they really should've left this character alone.

Outside of the torture moralizing, there was some bad writing this season.

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