The Novice (2021) Poster


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A film that doesn't know what it's meant to be
b-o114 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was totally sold on the trailers for this film, and went to the cinema really wanting to love it. It looked like the kind of thing i'm into. But I was disappointed. I think fundamentally the film just didn't know what it was meant to be. Tonally it felt like 3 films in one.

I didn't understand what the motivations of the main character were. She's meant to be this obsessive, narcissist type, who will go to extremes and even hurt herself to achieve greatness. The problem in this film is that there wasn't any credible background to the character to convince me of the legitimacy of her obsessive nature. Maybe a bad parent or sibling relationship resulting in her seeking approval elsewhere would've been a more convincing story. There's meant to be tension between the main character and an antagonist character, but I didn't really pick up on that until the last 3rd of the film.

At the start of the film the main character is shown to be broody, dark, quiet, super obsessive. But then in the next scenes she's having booksmart-esq banter with her friend. It just felt contrived and weird. There were a bunch of scenes where her character felt totally inconsistent. I feel like it's okay for stories to have characters who exhibit challenging or unexpected behaviours, but in the case of this lead, the weird erratic behaviour just didn't make any sense. It's almost as if the writer didn't do the old test of sitting back and thinking, "would someone actually do or say this in real life"? No-one asked that question at any point during the making of this movie. The self-harm scenes particularly were totally contrived and almost gratuitous on the part of the filmmakers, which I found pretty insulting frankly.

I also didn't know who any of the characters were. There were a couple of occasions in the film when characters were audibly named with the intention of provoking an emotional response - but I didn't know who those names corresponded to on screen, so any impact was completely lost. There were three blonde stereotypical white girl characters that ALL LOOKED THE SAME. They weren't introduced and I didn't understand what part any of them played in the story. The 'Coach Edwards', 'Groundman', and 'Erin' characters might as well have been the same person as far as I was concerned. Utterly confusing. There's also a character at the start called 'Winona' (I only know that thanks to IMDb) who basically disappears and has nothing to do with the story past the 20 minute mark.

I feel like the film fundamentally was telling the story from the point of view of the wrong character. The Brill character was far more compelling and had something to lose by not being the best rower. Dall had nothing to lose and no motivation, so I just didn't buy her. A much more interesting story would've been a girl who had a lot to lose by failing in competition with a girl who had nothing to lose, but was obsessive out of spite. There were hints of that but it wasn't really fully explored.

The climax wasn't really a climax. There wasn't really any resolution. They did a race in the lightning and not a lot really happened. The main character didn't change or transform in any way.

The editing was pretty weird. Not in a kind of cool, arthouse kind of weird, in a more - 'was this intentional?' - kind of weird. The 'stylistic' editing choices killed the story flow in many scenes. The pacing was way off. It felt contrived and uncomfortable. The sound design did this also. The trick of 'character becomes distant and detached from reality so let's low pass everything and cut in a tinnitus sound' was used no less than about 20 times. Fun and interesting the first time, I can buy it the second, but after that it just becomes tiresome. In parts it intentionally detaches the audience from the story, which is just confusing and unhelpful, especially when the story needed all the help it could get. The music was tired and unoriginal. Again - play an old soul tune to juxtapose the harsh imagery once, and I'll dig it. Twice and it's fine. Beyond that it's tired and unoriginal. This film entertained that trope about 5 times.

But what was good about it? SURELY something. The performances weren't awful. I loved the Dani character and felt that relationship subplot was more compelling that the main storyline. The cinematography was pretty cool in places. That's about all I've got for positives. It felt like a first draft screenplay turned into a feature.
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The Loneliness of the Long Distance Rower...
Xstal22 June 2022
Legs, body, arms, so many things to harm, when you're obsessive and compulsive and you're not close to being calm.

Turbulent times for an overly dedicated student who's pinned her hopes to the varsity mast, intent on going solo, to hell with the personal cost as she swims against the tide.
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not-so--merrily down the stream
ferguson-615 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. The debut feature film from writer-director Lauren Hadaway is not the inspirational sports movie we've come to expect. There are no last second heroics. No Gatorade showers. No coaches being hoisted on the players' shoulders. In fact, despite being centered on a college rowing team, this is much more of a disturbing psychological thriller than a sports movie. And it's a pretty darn good one at that.

Isabelle Fuhrman (ORPHAN, 2009) stars as Alex Dall, a college freshman who, despite no athletic background, decides to join the novice rowing team run by Coach Pete (Jonathan Cherry). We immediately recognize that Alex falls on the obsessive side of personality types, as she immerses herself in techniques, record times, and relentless practice. But this trait isn't limited to rowing, as Alex milks every possible second on Physics exams by going over and over her answers until Dani (Dilone), the Teaching Assistant, annoyingly calls 'time'. Alex lives her life by checking boxes: exhaustive rowing, studying, one night stand, etc. She must defeat each day, and is the definition of perpetual motion, albeit a bit skittish.

Even though Alex makes no effort to bond with her teammates, we initially find ourselves rooting for her simply because of her determination and commitment. Our rooting soon turns to concern and ultimately shock as we watch Alex push herself to extreme limits both physically and mentally. With the possibility of things settling down a bit as Alex and Dani find comfort in each other, the hope is short-lived as Alex dives right back into obsessive training that results in shredded hands and mental anguish. We hear the voices from inside her head and realize this goes way beyond someone pushing themselves to succeed. Self-harm and isolation take over from Alex's chant of "legs-body-arms". As an actor, Ms. Fuhrman never backs down - it's quite a performance.

Filmmaker Hadaway farms her time as a college rower, and includes the character of Jamie Brill (an excellent Amy Forsyth, CODA) so that we have a legitimate comparison to an athlete pursuing excellence in a more acceptable manner. Alex's obsession is nightmarish and carries a horror film vibe. This makes an insightful statement on society's unhealthy drive for excellence and perfection in all things. Ms. Hadaway uses quick edits, sound, and color tones as the film shifts moods. WHIPLASH (Hadaway served as Sound Editor) and BLACK SWAN may be the best comparisons for obsessive drive to achieve a goal, but Alex takes it even more extreme. She never once merrily rows down the stream. A terrific opening drone shot of a boat on the water appears to be serene, but when it reoccurs later, context is provided. Here's hoping Lauren Hadaway has more oars in her cinematic boat.

In select theaters and On Demand beginning December 17, 2021.
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When Drive & Determination Turns Into An Unhealthy Obsession
CinemaClown21 December 2021
Channeling a bit of Whiplash in its tale of obsession & compulsion, The Novice is raw, intense & gripping when it gets the combination right and is propelled by a thoroughly committed act from its leading lady. It is competently crafted & expertly shot yet what prevents the film from soaring to better heights is its lack of restraint, for it overdoes style to a point that it becomes overbearing.

Written & directed by Lauren Hadaway in her directorial debut, the film's damp & darkly lit set pieces provide a grittiness & perspiring feel to the story and the drizzly atmosphere & piercing score only amp it up further. Through her protagonist, Hadaway deftly captures the danger of ambition turning into obsession but being a novice at feature filmmaking herself, she does get carried away a few times.

What at first seemed like a motivational story of drive, determination & endurance paving way for success soon turns into a physical & psychological nightmare as our lead character goes to extreme lengths in pursuit of her goals. And Isabelle Fuhrman's strenuous & stressful input renders her inner anguish & unhealthy fixation with startling fidelity. It sure is disturbing & worrisome to watch but it's also the film's highlight.

Overall, The Novice makes for a riveting, thrilling & cold-hearted portrait of a young woman's all-consuming journey to the top and despite a few shortcomings of its own makings, it starts the debutant director's filmmaking career on a promising note. Fuhrman really gets under the skin of her neurotic character to deliver an impressive performance that steers this story past the finish line. And she single-handedly makes it worth the price of admission.
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OMG!! This Was Very Good and Made me HATE LORI LOUGHLIN even MORE!!!
midnitepantera24 December 2021
I didn't know much about the sport of rowing and this depiction of the Ginormous amount of blood, sweat, tears, dedication and sacrifice of these athletes left me awestruck!! :O It was a well done story, that cuts to the bone and sad to see the extreme obsession of the main character and a trip and stumble down the rabbit hole into crazytown.

Half way thru watching I remembered what that B*TCH that played Aunt Becky on Full House did to get her daughter into a college that the kid didn't even want to go to. Photo shopping her into rowing equipment and such. Stealing a spot from a REAL and DESERVING Athlete, who loves the sport and maybe needing a scholarship to be able to even go to college. MAkes me SICK!!! Sorry, but her and her husband shoulda got WAY MORE JAIL time.

I tip my hat to the REAL women athletes that compete in this sport, because it sure ain't for Sissys!! :O I felt sore and out of breath just watching them!

Definitely worth a watch!!
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Doesn't work so well as a narrative, however it works for inspiration
jtindahouse22 December 2021
I like films about people becoming obsessed with something. I think there's something fascinating about the concept of putting every bit of energy you have into achieving or obtaining something. 'The Novice' takes a topic that has zero interest to me, rowing, and made me interested in it. That's no easy task and something the film should be commended for.

The biggest problem the film has is that it feels very flat. There aren't the usual ups and downs most films have. The highs and the lows. There are little annoyances or triumphs here and there but they are fleeting and don't really have an impact. Also isn't always a clear narrative to the film. Where we are going and what is trying to be achieved isn't always clear. It can create a sense of pointlessness.

What I liked about the film though was that it felt motivational. It was inspiring and it got me interested in something I wasn't before. I'm a little torn on where I stand with this one. I'll settle on a generous 7/10.
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Refreshing Thriller. Love at first time
portal179018 December 2021
There are films that sometimes only take 1 or 2 minutes for us to realize that we are in the presence of a different film. And when we dedicate a few years of our life to an activity that is at the base of the complexity of the main character, all the surroundings become more accessible for us. And "Rowing", for those who followed the entire learning process, is as good for "Dall" as "Dall" for "Rowing". A film as beautiful as it is intense.
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A sport that everyone can play, but only numerical competition can truly challenge.
noshouse25 September 2023
Every country has a different growth pattern and environment, and even family backgrounds can shape different personalities. In Taiwan's old college entrance exam system, it was essentially about training everyone to compete and outperform others, striving for better universities and opportunities. In the past, success and social status were often determined by these exam quotas. This led many people to be like Alice in the movie, unable to truly relax and have genuine friends among their peers. Instead, they engaged in constant comparisons of abilities, focusing on who's winning and who's losing. Although I wasn't a top student, the pursuit of excellence and this mindset really prove the saying that 'success requires hard work.
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It's the rowing edition of Black Swan
Airman8712 January 2022
This is a dark thriller about the plunge into darkness caused by an incessant fortitude to be the best at all costs. Director Lauren Hadaway does a terrific job balancing the competing conflicts of the story, giving a movie that paces well and keeps viewers invested in the film. Lead actor Isabelle Fuhrman delivers an sensational performance, convincing in all the right ways. This film has several thematics very similar to Black Swan, from psychosexual to self-harm; thus would absolutely recommend The Novice to anyone who enjoyed Black Swan.
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Nuevo classic tale of athletic obsession.
MongoLloyd24 December 2021
This is the kind of film that you can't watch in parts. It's the cinematic equivalent of a page-turner with a fully determined protagonist making the heart rending journey from absolute beginner to record breaker. The performances, cinematography, and direction are perfect and Isabelle Fuhrman should get multiple awards for her work in this.
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Never mind the rowlocks
rupcousens3 April 2022
There's no doubting Isabelle Fuhrman's commitment in the lead, but the material is thin and the film soon becomes a tiresome grind. Her character is so rebarbative that I had as much desire to spend time with her as most of her crewmates. Yes, there's some dramatic potential in the 'effortless achiever' vs 'obsessive striver' tropes, but The Novice finds little nuance to chew over, and the film seems about half an hour longer than its running time.
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andrewchristianjr7 January 2022
This film authentically illustrates the struggles that rowers experience and that obsession and perfection, can sink the the boat before you cross the finish line. Isabelle's performance is elevated by her dedication and believability as the novice.
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Intense and captivating, a rowing drama with glipses of Whiplash, or Black Swan
viky7121127 June 2023
Alex is a college freshman who joins her university's rowing team and undertakes an obsessive physical and psychological journey to make it to the top varsity boat, no matter the cost.

'The Novice' is an incredibly engrossing film, I would compare it to stories set on obsession, search for perfection, and competition, like Black Swan or Wihiplash.

Lauren Hadaway did a great job with this directorial debut creating a very tense and engrossing environment for the story to develop. Alex clearly shows signs of OCD, with actions that depict her intrusive thoughts, her obsessions which drive her to compulsion in her sport, and Hadaway captures it in a hectic and intense ways, you really feel like you are in her brain. The cinemanography is fantastic, the landscapes and the close-ups are some of my favourite elements of it capturing both the isolation and the overwhelming nature of Alex's compulsion.

Isabelle Fuhrman is great as the lead, she an actress I haven't follow as much since her debut in Orphan, but I will definitely check out what she has been up to in the last few years. Her characters is complex, you feel sorry for her, you cheer for her as you meet other characters because you empathize with the story she is telling you, even understanding the destructive nature of her behaviour... but there is a lot more to more to it than you expect from the start.

Maybe I expected a more tragic or explosive ending for the type of story, but I am glad the writer took a more realistic approach to the story.

Highly recommend this film.
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All Oars and Fury, Signifying Nothing
MogwaiMovieReviews18 December 2021
This opens with a lot of energy and promise, with an intriguing if unlikeable protagonist obsessively pushing herself to succeed at rowing, of all things. But why?

Well, we never get to learn. There's no twist, no surprises, no big reveal, just a self-harming student behaving like a crazy lady for an hour and a half and then the credits roll. There's no exploration of how she got to such a pathetic state or what is driving her to do any of what she does. All that is rejected in favour of endless aerial shots of slow motion canoes, so I can only conclude the filmmakers didn't know what they were doing or what they wanted to say. By the end this all becomes terribly annoying, pointless, empty and dull. The talented lead actress deserved much better.
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Loved Isabelle, the movie, not so much
smoke04 September 2022
Isabelle is wonderful as usual; I will watch any movie she's in no matter how bad it may be, because she always manages to elevate her character above the material and does so in this case as well.

The film is more reminiscent to me of Personal Best (1982) than Black Swan (always amazing how one person will mention a film everyone has seen and then they all have to mention it as well, no matter how wrong it is).

What did not work for me was not that the usual tropes were unusually absent but that the total affect of the film was a bit flat. Not the actors' faults, every performance was effective, but I feel the director let them all down because any tension, conflict or even continuity wasn't followed through to any natural conclusions.

An interesting film, but ultimately not satisfying despite the performances.
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Great character
HypnoticPoison724 February 2024
Whoever wrote this movie watched a lot of Black Swan. It's very close to that movie except this was better in my opinion. It was more mature, more realistic and far more believable. I'm not sure everyone would get it or relate to it without having a similar personality type to Dall. Only other Dall's know the ending with a certainty and understand what drove her in the first place, let alone what drove her to madness. If you've ever had to excel at something you know you're not good at, this is the movie for you.

I wish the other characters in the movie had more background, but in a way the movie was as obsessive about Dall as she was about succeeding. She was a complex character that was fully fleshed out, yet fickle. I would appreciate more female roles like this in the future where you don't even notice the entire movie essentially had no male presence, and without making a thing about it.
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Variation on "Whiplash"
pc951 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With some deja-vu of "Whiplash", "the Novice" is not as interesting or focused, and isn't propelled by an outstanding Oscar Winning performance.

Still it has some things going for it - enough that it holds its own. Lead Isabelle Fuhrman does a sold job and her obsessive character is driven to a fault of some destructiveness. Her character is sometimes self-loathing, ultra-focused, and impatient. The romance adds some depth. The movie is around high-6 or 7/10.
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More Music Than Dialogue
pyodell98825 December 2021
A very cool psychological thriller - and I can see how Black Swan inspired the intensity and overall aesthetic of the film. However, it felt like a drawn out movie trailer or music video - the musical score was pretty great but it was definitely overplayed. I felt like it was in every single scene! Overall, enjoyable... I just wish there was more dialogue.
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Tricky film to review
A_Different_Drummer20 December 2021
Consider how many movies have been done about female amateurs who wanted to compete in a specific form of artistic expression (like dancing) or a specific form of competition (the recent releases on chess and MMA come to mind). How many of those are there? Hundreds. Now narrow down that list to movies about rowing. Suddenly the list gets a heck of a lot smaller. Now narrow it down one more time to movies about a female rowing wannabee who, like the character in 1993's RUDY, is undersized for the sport but wants to succeed anyway. Now you are down to a very small list indeed. The good news is that Lauren Hadaway's THE NOVICE easily makes the top of that list, boasting direction and editing that easily punch above the film's own weight class. (Editing in particular is astonishing). The bad news that, for many viewers, those accomplishments may not be enough. At the end of the day, THE NOVICE itself makes the team but fails to take the audience to the finish line.
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The Endless Bounds of Ambition
tributarystu19 December 2021
Lauren Hadaway's debut feature is what you'd expect to see if you zoomed into those rowing scenes during The Social Network and applied the Black Swan treatment to them.

Inspired by Hadaway's own experiences as a rower, the movie tells the story of Alex Dall, a college student who is driven close to self-destruction by her boundless ambition to gain a spot on the varsity rowing team. There's only drips of who Alex is beyond her all-consuming desire for improvement, a frame of mind that leaves little room for social niceties and personal growth.

It's going to feel like your being beaten to a pulp, while traversing flurries of intense montages, frequently contrasted by sweet tunes of the 60s. Hadaway's experience in the sound department goes a long way to articulate the inner life of the movie and its lead, the latter so vicariously portrayed by Isabelle Fuhrman.

There is this ultimate sense that Alex is not fighting against herself, or even against her teammates, but rather against the whole world - one where however good you are, there's bound to be many, many people who are simply better. A fight you can (almost never) win.

Definitely one of the best debuts of the year.
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The Black Swan of 2021
hasetzer29 December 2021
The Novice was an interesting film. Any film or movie that shows the downfall of a character intrigues me cause it makes you wonder why it happened. The only problem i had with The Novice was that the plot was rather stagnant. Right off the bat you can see the main character start to get obsessed and while not a terrible thing, having some sort of build up would've been good. Without spoiling anything else, the last thing i'll say is that the ending completely caugth me off guard and left me kind of disappointed becuase i feel like nothing got resolved or nothing got answered. Overall not that bad of a film.
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Rowing goes artsy
Xavier_Stone17 December 2021
I got tired really fast of the obsessive little girl trying too hard to be good at everything, the writer/director just shoves it down your throat, over and over. Cut scenes and we hear a mantra repeated over and over as it goes on in this character's head. Ok, we get it. That doesn't mean making the audience hear endless chants makes for a good film.

All in all we never really see her actually row that much, it's all close ups of faces full of beading sweat, before and after scenes and mindfulness with OCD.

Not much action, a few lesbian scenes which is almost a requirement for films featuring athletic women, and a piss poor ending.

When a writer becomes the director is usually turns into a vanity project and this is no different. There is no point and no character arc to the story, more like a day in the life stretched to a full year.
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A dark character study, beautifully crafted
G_top9 January 2022
The craftmanship of this film is truly commendable. The camera work and sound design create an immersive experience that plunges the viewer into the protagonist's psyche, producing a potent blend of fear and fascination. In terms of both style and subject matter, it evokes the films of Darren Aronofsky, particularly Pi and Black Swan. If you are a fan of those movies, it is highly likely that you will find this one equally compelling.
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Obsession to be the Best!!!
li090442617 March 2022
"The Novice" asks how far do we wanna go to reach the number one spot without becoming an obsession? What is the point in always exceeding our goals in life? To what cost should we get to become number one? Director Lauren Hadaway manages through the excellent cinematography and soundtrack to mix the raw rigidity of rowing training with the lightness of the water and paddle movements. Right and accurate dialogues in a good script. Also an excellent and courageous performance by Isabelle Fuhrman as Alex Dall.
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This movie isn't about rowing boats, t's about a crazy girl
Neptune16519 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this (because of the reviews) and I seriously don't get what the fuss was about. Zero character building of anyone in it, and no real semblance of a plot. To call this a horror/thriller is to call Rambo a comedy. It just ain't what it says on the label. Too much background instruments and lots of boring scenes one of the worst sportsman movie I have ever watch. I slept for almost all the scenes in between not worth it. The Novice had potential and completely trashed it. Rowing is a total team sport more than almost any other, and there is nothing remotely "team" about Isabelle's portrayal. Hard work is a virtue. In The Novice, it's shown to be a waste of time, and Isabelle gives up in the end. Rowing can be lethal, especially if one violates rules like rowing in lightning storms or in sub-freezing conditions without a support launch. The movie is powerfully intense for sure and conveys some gripping but inaccurately frequent results of working out hard and often. It portrayed mostly dismal coaching and disrespectful upper-classman behavior. Rowing can be a difficult mind game let alone physical challenge for the committed athlete, and Isabelle took that to the hilt to the point of cutting herself. The movie is the worst possible for any young person who aspires to rowing.
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