Dog (2022) Poster

(I) (2022)

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A Journey of Searching & Healing....
PerryAtTheMovies16 February 2022

This film officially releases on Friday, but my local Cineplex had an early showing that I took advantage of.

I must say that this film actually exceeded my expectations. This trailer didn't come across as very emotional, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. There were a lot of offsetting funny and serious parts throughout with just enough emotional tension to finish the film off as expected.

I liked Channing Tatum here because he was able to express those funny and serious tones with his interactions coming mainly between himself and the dog, Lulu. The few interactions he had with people were spot on. Some military humour was thrown in there that not everyone found tasteful, but I found hilarious.

Although it had a military vibe to it. I don't think one would have to support the military to enjoy this one. If you care about dogs, and especially dogs finding their place in one's life and vice-versa, then I would definitely recommend giving this one a try.

I thought it was longer, but 90 minutes was perfect timing for the film. Although some of the fluff pieces felt just that. Fluff. I would've liked to have seen more silent, emotional moments such as flashbacks to show background to the trauma, but overall the film had good pacing and the story was told in its structured setting.

Overall, truly a good film that I came out of emotionally touched and happy to have seen. Good acting by Channing Tatum and the story was relatable and enjoyable.

Until next time.... Enjoy the show!
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At times, it's excellent
pmtelefon18 February 2022
Co-director and star Channing Tatum does a nice job with "Dog". It is a great looking movie filled with nice performances. The story does take a few unexpected turns but it never loses focus. The movie has a nice pace and packs more emotion than one might expect. Also, the dog is great. "Dog" is a well done, emotional movie. Honorable mention: the soundtrack. (I saw "Dog" at Regal, Westbury, NY.)
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It's a drama, not a comedy.
Horror_Flick_Fanatic13 March 2022
This film's trailer and classification might lead you to believe it's a comedy and although it has some humor in it, it is primary a drama. I was expecting lots of laughs based on the trailer, but I realized the editing on the trailer doesn't match the type of editing style of the actual film.

The film is about two post-war veteran army rangers. Both have unresolved issues. One of the veterans is Army Ranger, Jackson Briggs (Channing Tatum). The second is a K-9 Army Ranger by the name of Lulu.

After Lulu's master death, Briggs is charged with the task of delivering the K-9 to its former master's funeral for a last goodbye. The two rangers are reluctantly paired together on a long road trip to the funeral. While on their journey there, the two eventually find comfort and solace in each other. But there are plenty of hiccups along the way.

The film doesn't spell out what Briggs and Lulu are going through. The story is carefully explained through the nuances in their acting and body language. So, this is a read between the lines type of movie. The film is a bit slow but that's probably a good thing considering what the intent of the film is meant to be. Briggs also has domestic issues, but the true nature of the issues aren't disclosed. But based on the fact he wants to leave on another rotation to active duty, it seems he is trying to escape problems with his daughter's mother. Can't tell if he is married to her or just a girlfriend.

It's a good film but probably not a film children will enjoy but empathic adults will understand. Particularly military families.
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Very touching movie
ilovefoodcoma18 February 2022
A movie about K-9 & the interaction with human. Very touching movie. Animal has memories & emotion as well. They need time & love to overcome those traumas. It is very touching to see how human helping her to get well.
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Compelling Story About Two Warriors That Rescue Each Other In Their Odyssey Of Self-Discovery
rannynm21 February 2022
Dog is a thought-provoking film about an important subject. This movie tells a compelling story about a former Army Ranger and his journey to bring a canine hero to the funeral of his previous comrade and handler. In the end, the two warriors rescue each other in their odyssey of self-discovery.

Army Ranger Briggs (Channing Tatum) and Lulu (a Belgian Malinois K-9 Working Dog) are joined together against their will to honor the service and sacrifice of Sergeant Riley Rodriguez (Eric Urbiztondo) at his distant funeral. Along the way, they drive each other crazy, exhibit self-destructive and bad behavior while also escaping dangerous situations. They begin to bond on their journey and heal the wounds they both experienced from combat situations which makes them realize that life can move forward in unexpected ways.

Channing Tatum (Army Ranger Briggs) adds a lot of humor in his character's dialogue and in the physical comedy between Lulu and him. Tatum also co-directs this movie along with Reid Carolin who wrote the screenplay as well. My favorite scene is when Briggs coaxes Lulu into taking a bath-and there are many other funny physical interaction scenes between the two of them when they are fighting or at odds. There are some touching scenes together as well, such as when Lulu is comforting him after a severe headache.

The message of Dog is that life typically unfolds in unexpected ways and embracing change can bring about unexpected happiness. Both Army Ranger Briggs and Lulu are wounded warriors and together they experience this journey of healing. Parents need to be aware that this film has some mature elements involving language, drugs and sexual material. Younger audiences may also be frightened by some of the dog's aggressive behavior.

I give Dog 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 14 to 18, plus adults. By Selene W., KIDS FIRST!
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Darker tone than expected
neil-47624 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Briggs, Riley, and Lulu, were all Army Rangers in Afghanistan, and suffered a variety of physical and, especially mental, traumas. Briggs' PTSD saw him invalided out, while Riley drove into a tree ar 120mph. This left Lulu, Riley's highly trained Ranger dog, suffering both PTSD and bereavement. Briggs, wanting official endorsement for future employment despite his handicap, is tasked with transporting Lulu (or Dog, as he calls her) down the Pacific coast to Riley's funeral. All does not go smoothly.

This film, which features, essentially, Channing Tatum and a dog, follows assorted other movies about military and similar dogs trying to find their way post-services. Despite the drama which drives them, these have tended to be genial affairs, with heartwarming, tearjerking endings.

This is not the case here. Both Briggs and Lulu are clearly quite badly damaged,mand that damage means that neither of them is ver likeable. Yes, of course, they catalyse a process of healing in each other, and some of the rough edges are worn off as the film goes along, but the ending is merely hopeful rather than throat-chokingly emotional. It was altogether darker, lower key, and not obviously going for emotional manipulation, and I liked it all the more for that. This is not going to have the Marley And Me audience leaving the cinema with mascara streaks down their cheeks.
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Surprisingly, Almost a CaNine our of 10
bob-the-movie-man22 February 2022
  • As a 'road movie' featuring a man and a dog, this one has genuine heart. It's not gooey and gelatinous like a "Marley and Me" dog story: it actually has a moderately hard edge to it. This is helped along by Channing Tatum who delivers a really nice and believable performance as the injured vet.

  • Given this is the directorial debut of writer Reid Carolin and Channing Tatum (sharing the seat), it has a really nice pace to it. At 100 minutes long it doesn't outstay its welcome. And any time that the pace does slacken off, it's for meaningful relationship-building between Briggs and Lulu. (A stormy interlude in a barn is particularly engaging).

  • The cinematography by Newton Thomas Sigel is gorgeous, making full use of California's wonderful golden light and with some impressive drone footage along Highway 1.

  • Given the low-budget cast (Tatum is the only big name), they've wisely invested in a scoring master (Thomas Newman) to write the music. And its lovely: understated, but when it does come through it adds considerably to the pictures.

  • There's a lot of "thank you for your service" type messaging in here, which might cloy a bit with non-American audiences.

  • It's also worth saying that this is a 12A for a reason, and parents thinking to take little ones along to see this in half term as a 'happy clappy dog movie' might want to check the BBFC comments on their web site. I attended an afternoon showing, with a number of parents and kids in the 8 to 10 sort of age-range. The parental squirming evident during the "threesome scene" (nothing actually proceeds) was self-evident, as a portent for those questions in the car home!

Summary Thoughts on "Dog": A solid and enjoyable tale that - and there is no one more surprised at this than me - I would recommend.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on the web or Facebook. Thanks.)
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Very difficult movie to make.
javiergarcon24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If half the reviewers knew how hard it was to make this movie maybe they would make this a 10. That is the negative about reviewers they do not have the experience or education in movie making. I for one work in the industry, and I have to say wow! So much detail went into this movie that so many other reviewers missed. I am also a Combat Veteran that has a Service animal. So to say that I have experience, I am not lying! When Lulu made it to the funeral I about lost it! I couldn't hold it in and I broke down in tears! A flood of sadness and tears of all my brothers that have died from suicide rushed into my senses, I felt so much dread and pain because I miss them. This movie touched my heart to the point I turned to my Service dog "Chase" and he looked up at me and I said "Thank you for saving my life" and then he closed his eyes and went back to bed acknowledging what I just said. Dogs know when you are grateful.
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Fine, fun movie
benbearcroley16 February 2022
Dog is a fun movie that knows what it is: a cute dog and a charming lead going on a road trip together while having some misadventures.

I still don't why some movies decide to put CGI dogs in a movie like The Call of The Wild remake. People go see dog movies to see dogs.
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chriscupo12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay movie and story which we've seen before with all the cliches and we know how it will end. The script really needed some work. It is advertised as a family movie but I really don't think it is. There are some parts and dialogue that was a little cringy. I would give it an okay rating but really nothing new here but a cute dog.
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More of a tearjerker than a comedy
UniqueParticle19 February 2022
To the person that said it's been done before sure but never this story I'm sure there's very few about a dog from the army. Channing Tatum was superb throughout I loved Dog (Lulu) the journey story and bonding was so lovely! So much wildness, charm, endearment, and great dialogue throughout; amazing movie I'd recommend to anyone!
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A ex army-ranger, a dog and two cases of PTSD!
frank-liesenborgs12 March 2022
This is a very straightforward movie about PTSD. Do not make the mistake that you are going to watch a comedy! The drama here is imbedded throughout the whole movie. The mental health of veterans. Two former Army Rangers are having a road trip of a lifetime. Briggs (Channing Tatum) and Lulu (a Belgian Malinois) race down the Pacific Coast to get to a fellow soldier's funeral on time. First time director Channing Tatum is apparently not only a good actor, but in this movie he proofs he can also direct. In this movie his acting is so good that you really start to think he has a brain injury. Despite the fact that the ending is predictable, it is a very good movie. No need to think too much about the story, just a movie you will enjoy. A solid 7/10.
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Not a comedy.
chris_rowe-881-16882021 February 2022
There are a couple of bits you will smirk at but this isn't a comedy, I'm a dog lover but for me this was just a played out cliche that just didn't work, it had two moments you properly felt the moment but the rest was just dull filler.

Dialogue was weak, the bond came to late into the movie, I just didn't feel much of the connection, I think the problem was it was so predictable that it was expected so when things happened you just thought... well yeah.

The dog was good, not a breed in familiar with but she was sweet. The bit at the funeral melted me.

It'll definitely choke you up in two places but for me it's just not enough to rate this higher. Was too slow, to devoid of substance and just too meh, I don't think it helps that seeing pictures and hearing a story doesn't help you connect with the dogs owner, for me an extra 15 minutes of that , that showed both Tatum and lulus bond with the guy would have made this far better.
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A Flawed Masterpiece
danielatkins-8493819 February 2022
Dog is a very charming, but also very heavy movie with an excellent ending.

It just has some really unnecessary parts and scenes that keep it from being a true masterpiece.

Still, I would recommend.
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A road trip that takes Jackson Briggs on an unexpected yet worthy journeys ending
Ed-Shullivan14 July 2023
Jackson Briggs (Channing Tatum) is a lifetime soldier who finds himself rudderless without a war to go to as he remains under doctor's care for head trauma he has suffered. When Jackson pleads with his commanding officer to clear him for active duty, his commanding officer tells Briggs he has one of those Mission Impossible assignments "Your mission Briggs should you choose to accept it......" and if he chooses the assignment and passes he will clear Briggs once again for active duty.

The assignment was to courier a dead soldier's dog Lulu (a Belgian Malinois) via a race down the Pacific Coast to get to a fellow soldier's funeral on time.

Some people are not impressed with stories about relationships between an animal and a person but Mrs. Shullivan and I like as well as need a break from the endless stream of Marvel action films and RomCom's being produced.

This is a nice little road trip film even if the ending is predictable as mom and apple pie. I still think it is worthy of a 7 out of 10 IMDb rating.
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Touching Movie
lynnschwartz-7486412 November 2023
This movie is one that I have personally been meaning to watch for a while. Although I am not the biggest war movie or military guy, I found that this movie was actually put together pretty well. I think I still have a lot of questions around some things that just simply aren't mentioned. I think I would also like to know more about the after, but I know most movies (and books) leave this as interpretational. I rated the movie a 7 because my eyes did water and it was sweet, but I wouldn't say that I loved this movie or would ever choose to watch it again. Channing Tatum did a good job and played his role well, I just also wish there was a little bit more from some of the other characters.
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Better than expected
northernpaladin25 September 2022
When my partner and I settled in to watch this we were expecting a road trip comedy of man bonding with dog (because that's how it's advertised!), what we got was way different but in a completely good way. What we have here is an observation of how mustered out veterans cease to people but totems for others agenda (good and bad), how they themselves are not equipped to move to the next stage and how ptsd isn't necessarily obvious. Now if that sounds a bit serious don't be put off, this is a charming film about a man and a dog both suffering from their experiences at war and healing each other over the course of a road trip. The plot is simple on the surface and the narrative flows with barely a bump but the glue that holds it together is Channing Tatum's performance, just the right amount of the light comedy touches we are used to plus some more reflective moments that get across the deeper message; it isn't Shakespeare but it doesn't need to be so well done him. Watch it, you'll be glad you did.
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Important film - unfortunately not everyone will get the humor but everyone seems to get the drama
OneAnjel18 September 2022
If you're male and/or had boots on the ground (or the spouse of such), you are likely to understand the humor here and why Comedy is included in the genre. Sure, the essence of the film is serious and profound. But I totally see why the writers and Director used the humor of one-track-mind Army Ranger (no, not sex) v loyal Malinois to offset the underlying message. A few reviews hit the mark - this is about 2 broken beings who helped heal each other (it's a process); both found that elusive 2nd chance. Some reviews claim a lot was left out. Well, if you have no background whatsoever, then you might just see the surface. But you also wouldn't know anything was missing because this film can be taken at face value and still deliver an important message. After all it's currently no 3 in America. Knowing all the nuances is for a very few, relatively speaking. God bless them. I really loved this film. And having Tatum to look at was a nice plus. I do hope our government can stop thinking of 'damaged' soldiers as expendable. The world is upside down right now - mocking the importance of a strong military. But to me, it's not unlike how Christianity is being beaten down by huge voices from a few trying to drown out the many -- it's the pendulum swinging into the dark... But eventually must swing back into the light. Hooah.
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'Dog' won me over
r96sk21 February 2023
'Dog' won me over by its end.

Across the first half of this film, I wasn't feeling it at all - the whole vibe of the film just felt off, with lead Channing Tatum not really doing anything for me. However, the second half does, in fairness, save it. By the conclusion, I actually felt invested in both characters - quite the turnaround!

/// s/o cast: Channing Tatum Jane Adams Kevin Nash Ethan Suplee Bill Burr Q'orianka Kilcher Amanda Booth Aqueela Zoll Ronnie Gene Blevins Cayden Boyd Nicole LaLiberte Emmy Raver-Lampman Skyler Joy Neraida Bega Trent Buxton Timothy Eulich Patricia Isaac Luke Forbes.
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Dog is an appropriate name for this Dog
gutnick21 February 2022
Sorry but this was one of the most boring films in years. The trailer has the only funny scenes, and the rest looks like they were stretching a 15 minute movie into 1:45. Some of the scenes looked like they didn't even have a script and just said anything to eat up the time. Not even worth watching on TV.
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Changed my mind
HumbleMensa27 August 2022
Okay. So, I am not really a Tatum Channing (Who? Stockard Channing? Carol Channing?) err, Channing Tatum aficionado. Kind of thought he was the beefy guy of the moment--yet here he still is. But, wow, he did a fabulous job in this flick. Absolutely a wonderful story and for sure this movie is an unexpected DRAMA. Channing's range has expanded. I mean, this is not an academy award movie, don't get me wrong, but it it is well done, emotive, tear jerker at times...totally impressed. Great scenery. Great lighting ---the production team did a good job. And the reality beneath this story, most of us don't have a clue. Well done across the board.
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Not Dogging You On This One
rgkarim19 February 2022

The Middle Pace -The movie's second act is the parts that people will most likely love, a steady progress towards the goal with enough detours to give time with the characters -The third act somewhat keeps this past in its first part, but the second part sort of ramps up to get to the ending quickly.

-Still, the fun is had at this pace and enough of the touching moments to make the trip worthwhile

The Realism, to an extent -Dog is a film with a much deeper dive into the human nature than just an interaction between man and canine. It instead dives into a lot of problems that sort of face the general, and particularly military population.

-Tatum's character does a nice job of mimicking the struggles his situation brings, especially some of the afflictions that haunt him every day.

-Lulu (the dog) also has a decent story built in that extends past the normal furry partner in crime who merely is there for comedic relief.

-It sheds some light on these subjects, with some decent respect and realism, to not only bring more character development, but make one realize the struggles some go through.

The Comedy: -The trailers have shown you a few good jokes and sequences that occur between the two main characters, which retain some of the charm despite being seen multiple times.

-However, there are even better moments still buried in the unknown parts of the film, many of them fitting quite well with the journey they take and helping to extend the relationship in a natural way.

-You'll find some of the humor very tasteful, and there may be a few that could be controversial depending on your sensitivity to certain subjects, but it all fits well into the fell of the movie.

The Plot's Sense: -I know there are plenty of gaps in logic and ethics, but the movie does a nice job of at least setting up the circumstances for the adventure at hand.

-Lulu and Briggs' dynamics have a fun means of connecting, with again organic challenges and writing that do primarily extend to what could happen in real life and aren't too big of a stretch.

-The plot again curtails more towards a realistic approach to the struggles they face, which again makes you appreciate the steps they did to tackle a difficult subject.

The Music -No Oscar winning symphonies, groundbreaking scores meant to elicit emotional tears or standing ovations in this movie.

-Dog takes the pride of the country/military boy, and brings with it the classics of the bygone eras to pull you into the mood and road trip atmosphere.

-Holy Drops, Kenny Rogers, The Tokens, and more will fill the theater and should bring a number of feelings and memories back depending on your experience with these moments.

The Acting/Dog Training -While not the award-winning, mind-blowing parts that we talk about years later, Dog's acting is still good given the approach they took.

-Tatum plays the role of the military man better than he did in G. I. Joe, and extends his repertoire to a level that shows a future of handling more emotionally complex roles and more serious roles.

-Kilcher is fine for the limited time she is on screen, but I'll need more time and movies with her to really give her acting quality a feel.

-The same with Lampman's character as well, strong opening, but still needing more screen time and involvement before I can really talk about the quality she brings.

-My favorite element and the most impressive actor are the dog known as Lulu and the extensive training she has had in following commands.

-She's got the motion and the look down that penetrates animal lover's hearts, alongside the spunk of an animal companion that pet owners are certain to know.

-With great camera work, and some other assistance from Hollywood magic, Lulu also manages to personify the human element as well, spooking to a degree in how well she fits in this world of humans.


Predictable: -You know what's coming, you know how it's going to be solved, and you can feel where the movie is going a mile away.

-While it does not dampen the feels this movie offers, the movie also is not the most exciting or adventurous road trip that other movies have done better, which diminishes the movie theater vibe.

-However, you can be sure to watch in peace knowing that there are few things to threaten the safety of our two guys, and still get to enjoy the incredible training of Lulu.

More Time with Other Characters -As you can see in my acting category, the limited time with two of the three top-billed actors/actresses makes for a limited run time with the movie.

-The acquaintances made do work, but for some of the characters that hold more bite in terms of story, it would have been nice to have them interacting via flashback, or phone calls to make them worth it.

-This also would have helped extend Channing's character more, rather than some of the sleazy shots we got midway through the movie.

The Trailer Reveals a lot -Not much I can say, but the movie has set up most of the movie for you and has revealed just a little too much given the short run time of the movie -Be cautious with how much you have seen, and try to block it from your mind to fully enjoy the experience.

The Slow Opening/Fast Ending: -The first act has the slower, darker, and scene array that makes you grimace at how they handled the scenes, despite it again fitting the state of mind the characters are in.

-This opening does set up for the great second act, but that opener is still a bit long winded and trudging through it can be difficult in the long run when you are going for more of the buddy comedy moments.

-Adding on to this, the fast wrap up at the end, while completing the story and delivering a complete focus, felt a little too skirted over for me, and could have used another five to ten minutes to close the tale out.

-After all the set-up, the finale does just the necessary work to finish the tale, but after all the other great things done in this film, justice was not fully dished out for it.

The Preachiness at Times/Hard to Watch Moments: -Dog's biggest thing for me, is how extreme they go sometimes in preaching the message of the moment that throws off the natural pace the movie was doing.

-Certain characters have monologues that are very Hollywood, and though inspirational and heartwarming, feels a bit in your face and off compared to again the organic stuff you see.

-In addition, there are a few of those moments where things are a bit too hard to watch, and though again driving the spike to illustrate the struggles, we could have had a little less in my opinion.


Dog is a fun buddy comedy that really accomplishes the goal of a road trip/buddy comedy, just with a furrier friend. It's heartwarming at times, it really does a great job of addressing issues, and it brings the humor that you expect from the trailers. Tatum and Lulu are a great combination, and that training the dog has with the cinematography is definitely the selling point of this tale. All the emotions are contained well in this realistic approach to a serious topic and another attempt to wake the folks up to the reality of this situation. While the tale is predictable, drags at times, and has some theatrics to get in the way of the organic pace the movie was holding. Still, the movie is worth a check out, and if you can make it through the harder scenes to watch... you'll have a good time with this one. While I always condone seeing in theaters, Dog is a movie I feel does better at home. My scores are:

Comedy: 7.5 Movie Overall: 7.0.
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Poorly Executed
wadesteru-626-39765721 February 2022
Unfortunately this was a really poorly executed attempt at drawing animal lovers into a unstructured, poorly-written plot. The movie wandered aimlessly at Channing Tatum trying to talk to his military rescue dog in a very hap-hazard manner. Very sad execution and delivery of a monologue that unfortunately indicated that Channing knew nothing about dogs, or how to talk to them. Save your money, for a better-written movie.
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A bit deeper than I expected from the trailer
coombsstephen19 February 2022
When its a dog film you sort of have an idea what to expect and from the trailer I didn't expect anything else from the film, cute dog, a few tears and a few laughs.

To be fair that's what the film delivered but it also added a deepness you don't normally see, which added an element to the film.

Not a bad feel good film, especially if you like dogs.
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Dog may be unimaginative and unsurprising, but it still offers a simple, lovely story, boasting enough authenticity and genuine emotion to captivate any viewer.
msbreviews17 February 2022
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free thoughts, please follow my blog to read my full review :)

"Dog may be unimaginative and unsurprising, but it still offers a simple, lovely story, boasting enough authenticity and genuine emotion to captivate any viewer. Bearing in mind the directorial debuts of Channing Tatum and Reid Carolin, it's worth highlighting the lack of extreme dramatizations or overly sophisticated shots, which helped keep the narrative quite natural.

Despite an odd plot point or two, Briggs and Lulu share emotionally impactful interactions that will generate a lot of smiles, a few laughs, and, who knows, a tear or two - Thomas Newman's fantastic score will surely cause that.

I couldn't recommend this film more for anyone who considers their pet as their best friend."

Rating: B-
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