"Obi-Wan Kenobi" Part VI (TV Episode 2022) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Beautiful ending to a missed opportunity
Dannyboi9422 June 2022
Part 6 of this very short series is the best in the entry by far. I have enjoyed every episode of the series so far, but like everyone else, I felt very underwhelmed by it. There were so many missed opportunities here it's almost insulting. From the very limited screen time of Hayden and Joel, to the over use of Reva. (don't blame the actress, it's not her fault). We only got one flashback and not much story. Those are the issues I've had with the series.

On the plus side, Ewan and the little girl who plays Leia did a brilliant job. You cannot fault them. I liked seeing old places and Vader was truly a scary, intimidating 'secondary' villain. He should have been the center of the show along with Kenobi. The show really does have some breathtaking scenes, and if you are a true Star Wars fan, I dare you not to get weepy during a couple of scenes in Part 6. Even if you didn't like the show, you can't deny how emotional that Vader and Kenobi scene was, especially coming off ep2-3 and Clone Wars.

The music in part 6 was also very good, despite it being pretty poor during the previous 5 episodes. It stood out and hearing Williams' themes was the cherry on top.

Overall part 6 was the best of the series, by a large margin, and it's a shame the series isn't doing well among fans, since this is the show we have all wanted. This was more hyped than the previous shows and even the more recent movies, and yet they missed the mark.

Good series, just not a great one.
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Doesn't fulfill its potential, yet shows flashes of brilliance
tristan_1922 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nobody can ignore the flaws of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The show is shaky and uneven, while presenting some aspects of retconning or some ideas that makes us shake our head. Some of the stuff is also really well done, on the other hand.

With Part VI, there is elements to love. I did however feel a severe lack of emotion during the duel between Vader and Kenobi. This shouldn't be allowed in the Star Wars Universe. What emotion the duel lacks tho, it is well portrayed in the relationship between Obi-Wan and Leia. The duel was shorter than expected, like Grievous. But the levitating scene was elite.

Reva's storyline is just okay. How would she be on her A Game and fighting seemlessly after her injuries in the last episode ? Why the hell would she pursue Luke in the first place ? You would think she would stop working for Vader altogether after he left her to die. It just forces drama for the sake of adding tension. At the end of the day, it completes her journey and give a close to her story arc, which is what you want for your characters.

Her introduction and whole story was clumsy. I could've done without it. Why play the game at all, when Vader could've just got rid of her and put her in Fortress Inquisitorius with the other dead Jedi ? Once again, adding drama and tension for the sake of.

The detail of Obi-Wan being the one leaving the scar on Vader's head was absolutely marvelous, and probably the highlight of the episode. That was fantastic. Owen letting Obi-Wan approach Luke was great, and a classic 'Hello There' offered the beginning of a truly wonderful relationship and clued us in into how Luke knew 'Old Ben Kenobi'.

Sidious and Qui-Gon were well inserted into the story, and it made sense. Two spot on cameos. Loved it. And the music completed scenes of Part VI really well.

Overall, good episode. It could've been better of course. Some lack of emotion when it was required, a lackluster and shaky B plot. But also some good relationships, plus the cameos and the music were good. Obi-Wan is finally ready to see and move on with his life and Qui-Gon. He got the required closure.
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Came to soon.
specialbobby22 June 2022
This episode reached its climax way to early, then hung around and tidied up after itself until the uncredited cameo.

The show on the whole hasn't been perfect by any stretch but the images of Darth/Anakin after the event (you know the one) is one of the greatest images in Star Wars ever, that moment was an absolute knockout and worth the journey.

Just a shame there was so much redemption to ponder after all the excitement.
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Missed the point of Vader
tinlittlenerd23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This finale showed out far better than the previous episodes of the series, however I still feel that the conclusion completely missed the mark on what the story is actually trying to tell.

The Clone Wars was able to build on Anakin's character by showing how he was a caring and compassionate person and how he was manipulated to do what he did out of desperation because of how passionate he is about the things he loves. We understand his perspective when Anakin taps into the dark side because in TCW he does so in order to protect his friends, save his men from fighting needless battles, etc. Kenobi abandons all of that compassion on focuses only on Anakin's brashness and overconfidence. This is fine for the fight scenes, but in six episodes we didn't see any of Anakin's PTSD, no scenes of him visiting Padme's grave, no clone wars flashbacks, nothing. The wording of Vader's finale scene was also poorly executed as it doesn't show Palpatine's manipulative nature, but instead makes Vader out as his obedient lap dog.

It not only misrepresents Anakin as a character, but it also retells his story through Reva. After she brings back Luke, Obi-Wan tells her that she chose to not be like Vader and that she's now free. This is precisely Vader's conclusion when he saves Luke in ROTJ. When you already have one of the best redemption arcs in fiction, you don't need to retell different versions of it over and over. (Reva, Ben, Boba) Some characters need to be bad, and not just pure evil like Palpatine or the GI. Some people are just too far gone to be saved and that message is okay for the audience. At this rate we'll be trying to redeem Sidious in the next series.

The benefit of having an antagonist as powerful and layered as Vader is that the protagonist (in vaders case luke and obiwan) has to change and improve significantly in order to overcome that antagonist. In Kenobi though, the characters get by only due to the villain's negligence. The Grand Inquisitor survives because Reva doesn't finish him off, Reva survives because Vader doesn't finish her off, Kenobi survives because Vader doesn't finish him off. (and vader can't feel kenobi's force energy either apparently??) If your villains consistently let people live, there is no stakes in their actions. In some cases no finish the job works, like Obi-Wan being unable to kill Anakin due to their history together. However, all of these examples are just lazy writing that aim to create an intense moment without that moment having any consequences. So having Obi-Wan overwhelm Vader thanks to his strength gained by a flashback is the pinnacle of this sloppy writing. Obi-Wan did not defeat Anakin because he's stronger in the force, he beat Anakin because he outsmarted him. In no world should Obi-Wan be able to bombard Vader the way he did. Having him get that power boost from a flashback is also contradictory to the power system because using emotion in combat is a path to the dark side, and since this isn't expanded on at all, it's clearly not intentional. Regardless, even if Obi-Wan gets an emotional power boost, the boost Vader gets from his trauma trumps anything Obi-Wan can muster for Luke and Leia. No stakes and abandoning the power system leads to a cheap victory with no fulfillment at the end.

I thought the actors did an incredible job. Ewan was great, Hayden was phenomenal in the finale, and even Reva was a compelling character in the last two episodes. However, these actors were failed by the writing and directing crew that gave them absolutely nothing to work with. I hope this is a lesson to Disney that you can just slap a fan favorite's name on a product and just throw out whatever. It's lazy and it's a disservice to those who play the characters we already know and love.
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Makes me love Revenge of the Sith even more
moviesfilmsreviewsinc22 June 2022
"You are the future," Obi-Wan pointedly tells Leia early on in the Kenobi finale. The show's place on the Star Wars timeline, tucked in-between the prequels and the original trilogy, always ran the risk of leaving Ewan McGregor's return handcuffed - and that timely reminder to Leia was liable to cause some concern. But there was never any need to worry. Obi-Wan Kenobi signs off with a rousing concluding episode, one packed with an abundance of fan service, well-earned emotional interactions, and a lightsaber battle that will live long in the memory. The episode begins with Vader chasing down Obi-Wan and the Path refugees as they head to Tessen. Obi-Wan quickly concocts a plan to distract Vader and get Leia to safety. To stall for time, Obi-Wan takes off to a nearby planet and - inevitably - the Sith gives chase. While there can be no complaints on getting straight to the action, it does leave Leia feeling like a little bit of an afterthought after the show spent a considerable amount of energy on her. If Obi-Wan and Vader's lightsaber battle in the third episode was a rehearsal, then this is showtime; a main event that's worth the wait - and then some. Obi-Wan is close to the peak of his powers and Vader matches him at every turn. Whisper it, but their showdown might just top Phantom Menace's Duel of the Fates-backed Maul fight. In terms of emotion, that's without question. The choreography is on-point and by far the strongest yet seen in the show (if Obi-Wan was holding back before, you get the impression director Deborah Chow was too), but it's the dialogue shared between the pair that hits hardest. In a pair of scenes that will surely give goosebumps for years to come, Obi-Wan says goodbye to Leia - not without giving her Tala's holster first - and says 'hello there' to Luke before departing into the dunes of Tatooine. While the latter stretches canon a little too much, the scene with Leia is pitch-perfect, acting as a celebration of a relationship few thought possible, as well as newcomer Vivien Lyra Blair's talents as young Leia. In one last piece of fan-service, Obi-Wan is met with one final surpris: Qui-Gon Jinn. In Liam Neeson's best cameo this year - with apologies to Derry Girls - he marks the first step forward for Obi-Wan's inner peace, and gives the show one last chance to showcase Ewan McGregor's incredible facial acting as he tearfully glimpses the Force ghost of his former master. Does that journey involve a second season? Who knows - but if we don't see Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan again, the finale was a fitting send-off.
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This finale was amazing!!!!
ringedseals22 June 2022
Okay, this series have not been perfect, but this finale was perfect to me. I love it. So good. Last two episodes was both great and this was even better than the last one. I hope we are gonna see season 2, but this was pretty much perfect ending. So i'm happy right now. Even the music was really good on this last episode. What can I say, i love it. I give the whole series solid 8/10 and this episode alone 10/10. It was that good. It really was. Lots of emotions right now. I'm sad it's over, but also happy. I'm happy that the ending was so good and pleasing. Thank you! <3.
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They managed to stick the landing.
pjtnaever23 June 2022
Despite how indifferent I felt about Reeva's storyline and the episode where Leia gets captured again, I think this episode nicely adds subtext to A New Hope regarding Leia and Obi-Wan's relationship. This helped me appreciate their dynamic more in the show. Also, the big fight scene we've been waiting for is great and furthet develops Vader's imperfections to make his return in A New Hope more meaningful. I'm no Star Wars super-fan but they managed to set things up nicely.

Although I still think this would have been better as a movie.
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First episode in the series that felt like Star Wars
RustyBoyz22 June 2022
Episodes 1-5 have had varying degrees of good and bad, with Episode 4 having the most bad. Even the good parts of the previous episodes never really felt like they were part of the Star Wars universe. This final episode finally makes up for that and is the only one that truly belongs. If this series (or a full-length movie of Obi-Wan) goes forward, hopefully the creators remember what went right from this final episode and so much of what went wrong in the previous episodes. Good - Ewan McGregor, Joel Edgerton, use of the force in ep 6, tying up ends left from Revenge of the Sith. Bad - Reva, kidnappers chasing Leia, gaping plot holes, illogical behavior & choices.
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Strong finish to an enjoyable show
snoozejonc22 June 2022
Obi-Wan faces Darth Vader as Reva searches for Luke.

This is at times a nerdgasm finish to the series with some excellent character moments and fan service.

When the main events are shown they are as good as they can possibly be when you consider the constraints placed on the writers by continuity and the fact that we already know the outcome for most of the characters.

The major points for me are the great emotional connections made to all the movies and characters by the scenes involving Obi-Wan. This episode feels part of the Star Wars universe and further bridges the gap between the original and prequel trilogies. Ewan McGregor is excellent, particularly with his physical performance and facial expressions. Vivien Lyra Blair is also very good as she has been throughout the show.

What I like most is that it fixes a 17 year psychological issue I had with the prequel trilogy. I never accepted Hayden Christiansen as Darth Vader. He was fine as young Anakin, but I could never truly suspend the disbelief that it was him inside that suit, even after what Lucas showed us in 'Revenge of the Sith'. Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI has finally got me to accept it and appreciate Christiansen as the character. So for that I say well done to him for a strong performance and the filmmakers for how they presented him.

I appreciate the outcome for the character Reva, as the series needed an arc for someone not known from the movies. For me it generates some intrigue based on the unknown factors associated with the character. Although it feels somewhat unnecessary. Moses Ingram gives a strong performance in my opinion.

The visuals are as great as you would expect from a Star Wars production, but what particularly enhances they key moments in this episode is the music.
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Holy sh.. what an great episode
anhyll22 June 2022
This is what this series should have been all along! I also truly believe that this episode shows that we should have had a movie instead, remove all the stupid sub-plot of the early episodes and focus on the relationships and struggles of Darth Vader and Obi Wan - that is where the greatness of this lies!
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An okay ending to a poorly written and rushed experience.
ronniewhitedx22 June 2022
I don't really know what else to say. This show really needed some more tender, love, and care. The writing was almost 100% a miss for me... There are a lot of exceptional examples of great writing in star wars especially in the animated series and its really unfortunate that they weren't able to get all there ducks in a row for this series. This show at the end of the day really shouldn't have existed unless the A++ team was involved and it feels like we got the C team at best. It's unfortunate. This was heartbreaking to watch as a long time fan. Absolutely zero hate to the actors I thought they all did as good as they could with the material they were given...
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Giving this a 10 because of the duel
parkerviale22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The fight between Vader and Obi-Wan was incredible! Hats off. Obi-Wan has his powers back and can now stand up to Vader. We get to see Emperor Palpatine (played by the OG Ian McDiarmid) which was awesome! Just before the end, we see Qui Gon Jinn as a force ghost (of course played by Liam Neeson). I definitely freaked out when I saw him. The episode was brilliant, except for the scenes with Reva. I think her character is cool and all, but the writers did a horrible job with her character. I feel like this episode didn't need Reva at all. She should have died at the end of episode V.
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These Writers Shouldn't Be Allowed To Work in this Industry Again
spasek23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before I started watching this series--and with great anticipation--I thought that six episodes weren't enough. And now that the series is over, it couldn't have ended quickly enough. It's like prolonging the agony.

Much like most of the rest of the episodes, it was lackluster, forced, and a slap in the face of the films. I guess writers today think they can simply undo what has already taken place; that they can simply re-write what has already been written. This shows a lack of respect and it dishonors George Lucas's original scripts.

So, we end up with Obi-Wan vs. Vader --Round III. So much for, "The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but a learner. Now I am the master."

Obi-Wan had also stated in A New Hope that he hadn't heard his true name being used since before Luke was born.

We have Reva heading to Tatooine to kill Luke with Owen and Beru laughingly putting up a fight. I guess we'll have to overlook Luke's complete ignorance of lightsabers and the Force, which was clearly demonstrated in A New Hope. Maybe that fall from the rocks caused a memory reset. I mean, if the writers can make up this stuff as they go, why can't we?! Reva--one of the worst Star Wars characters ever devised--ends up crying like a baby in front of Obi-Wan. Let's just hope and pray that she never makes another appearance. Moses Ingram was beyond deplorable in this series, and easily the worst actor.

Gee, I guess Leia should have been more broken up over Obi-Wan's death in A New Hope. Who knew that she knew him better than Luke ever did? So much for, "Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars." Change that to, "Years ago, you saved me, remember?"

And who knew that a Jedi Master's powers could go away and come back like a light switch. Didn't happen to Yoda or Luke. A guess using the Force isn't like riding a bicycle. You just might forget!

Disney, and much of Hollywood, is bereft of good writers. Maybe it's a generational thing and many of today's so-called "writers" just don't know how. It would explain a lot. It would explain why most Hollywood films are remakes and rehashes of previous writers' works. And those few original works are so badly done that they are laughable, as though an 8th grader put it together. Disney should have hired the team who had done Rogue One for this project and given it the creative intelligence that it deserved.

I wouldn't hire any of the writers who worked on this series to write a school play for a 4th-grade class.

The only bright spot of this series was seeing Ewan McGregor turning in a fabulous job, as he always does. It's just too bad that was a wasted effort. Looks like Mandalorian is literally the only Star Wars series worth watching. I'll pass on anything else that Disney comes up with.
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Part VI
Prismark1023 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Obi-Wan Kenobi was always a problematic series as it was set in-between two fixed points of time.

We all know all the main characters will be safe for a A New Hope. Despite the fascinating lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader.

So there was no high stakes even when Obi-Wan was entombed as Vader walks away.

The plot involving Reva was even more problematic. She manages to recover completely and get over to Tatooine when there was no ship in that hangar.

All so she can kill a little boy. Why does Bail Organa send such a risky message anywhere!

In the end this was a disappointing series. No high stakes with Obi-Wan relegated to a minor character in a series that bears his name.
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Strange Case of Master Kenobi and Lord Vader
Muromets22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The tragedy of these series and of this final is quite simple - lazy and bad writing. Ancient curse, that killed Game of Thrones, came for the Kenobi-show from the get-go and poisoned it. The show was dead already - it just did not know it yet.

Now, were there good - hell, really good! - moments in the 6th episode?


Ewan McGregor acting was sincere and powerful, "You did not kill Anakin. I did!" line was clever enough (you are more than welcome to disagree, dear reader, and call it a fanservice), duel between Obi and Darth was well done and two cameos were a suprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Both Emperor and Qui-Gon Jinn paid us a visit.

The rest... was bad. Or mediocre, at least.

Are we suppose to feel sympathy for Reeva. Sorry, i can not. Now, besides her amazing healing abilities and the divine gift of teleportation, she is rather predictable and poorly-written character. Good thing that actress finaly has a chance to, actually, you know, act at the very end of the show, but... Too little - too late.

Force ghost of master Qui-Gon should have been used as a motivator and propper reason why Obi all of a sudden regained his skills and force abilities.

There are oher "small things" (no tie-fighters in pursuit, "escape vessel" that is like 1/5th sieze of the ship it is escaping from, Reeva's ability to get to the Tatooine while Vader still pursuits rebels rust bucket... e.t.c) but i will stop.

Master Kenobi, you deserved better.

We all did.
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SHU_Movies22 June 2022
The rematch we've been waiting for, and it didn't disappoint! Choreography was amazing, VFX were amazing, and performances were amazing. The episode as a whole was just fantastic, and there's not much more that I could've asked for!
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That was amazing
kamsmith-7154322 June 2022
I don't think there was anything they could have done to make this better. I cried so much and was filled with such happiness just wow really amazing! I would give just about anything to forget this and watch it again :))))))))
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Call the police!
ohroonoko22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hayden Christensen stole the show! What a spectacular performance for such an iconic character. He brought new depths to Darth Vader: made him darker, angrier, more hateful, more sinister and more powerful than ever before. Thank you, Hayden!

Overall I enjoyed these last two episodes. However, the writers completely skipped over showing how Obi Wan restored his strength - and that's par for the course as this series has had some amazing blunders and oversights in the script. It would have been appropriate if Qui-Gon helped Obi-Wan in this regard, imparting some wisdom and teaching him how to regain his focus. But instead the writers cheaped-out and used Qui-Gon like a party trick as a way to close out the series, and that's just sad. I have to say, not a deeply talented writing team here.
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Best episode ever
fortnitegamerk22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was really good. The fight between Obi Wan and Darth Vader was the best. I enjoyed this episode a lot. I would recommend it a lot. Everyone will love how good the episode it.
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Best of the season but that's not saying much!
and_mikkelsen22 June 2022
This episode was the best, largely due to the duel! The conclusion here actually made my heart stop for a moment. Gave me "Twilight of the aprentice" vibes. Unfortuanaly the emotional build up to this confrontation wasn't good enough, otherwise this would have been even better. We got what we wanted, it just could have been better executed. Everything about Reva was devolved of any tension and was very predictable. There really was NO reason to have her in this story. The ending also dragged a little bit too much. The dumb stuff is still here, but it is more watchable than the other episodes. Unfortuanally it doesn't redeem the show for me.

Overall this show was a massive letdown! So many missed opportunities that i can't even count! The writing was bad from the start and it is obvious that it was supposed to be a movie! To many inconsistencies and stuff that straight up doesn't make sense and almost ruin the show. While there were some cool moments, the story and narrative just felt hollow, as there were no clear focus. Obi Wan barely got any characterization other than him learning to be a jedi again. No emotional connection with him and Vader. I can't even say the show was about Obi Wan. Instead it just featured Obi Wan.

Overall i would rather have a better version of this season, instead of a season 2. It feels like quantity over quality at this point. My excitement for any future Star Wars projects is not high. I might check them out, but i keep my expectations low.
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dylanjakepritchard22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has to be the best, just from the Darth Vader and Kenobi scenes. That lighrsaber battle took me back and was so nostalgic I got excited like I was a kid again watching revenge of the sith.
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Arguably best episode of the series with beautiful moments, but can't give it higher than a 6 because of Reva and the plot holes..
frankiesilver-9183624 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So this finale splits itself into two plots: Obi-Wan vs Vader and Reva vs Owen & Beru.

Reva's story is insufferably stupid as per usual. It makes no sense how she is completely fine after being stabbed a second time or why she's trying to kill Luke. Reva hunting Luke and him never recalling this is nuts to believe. He's not that young. Either way in the end her story ends predictably and she lives to see another day. I just hope I never see her again personally.

The big selling point and best part of the episode is Obi-Wan vs Vader and while it is pretty cool it's not the best. No where near the level of the prequel lightsaber battles and the shaky cam directing doesn't do the choreography any justice. Plus the over-the-top force powers felt like something out of a shonen anime.

But a big issue with this battle and the series throughout is the sense nothing matters in the end. Obi-Wan talks about how this ends today regardless of who dies, but neither dies and nothing "ends" obviously.

The only point where this fight had some substance that really made it feel important is when Vader's helmet is cut. Hearing the voice shift between Hayden as Anakin and Jones as Vader was gut-wrenchingly emotional. These few minutes was the strongest part of the show. A level of depth the rest is missing.

The cameos were also pretty great. Seeing Palpatine and Vader interact again was nice and Force Ghost Qui-Gon was enough to make one teary-eyed. There should've been more of him than just one scene. Also the "hello there" was enjoyable but also a "no way that's real" moment.

Ultimately though we get a decent and hopeful ending with clever use of classic themes. It's held down by the writing, but the best episode of the series despite its hiccups.
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It was all about the past.
gaktiger22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This part snatched my heart and I went super imotional, the tranfer of the suite's voice when Anakin and/or Vader talk was graet and I loved it, it was remarkable and to let be known who speaks when voice changes, when met Luke 😭, it was very imotional and kinda funny when Obi said "hello there", that iconic considerable line 😂❤.

I and every TRUE Star Wars fan wishe and hope that there will be a second season for this greatness to continue the voyage of the great Jedai Obi Wan.
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A great finale to a badly written show
John9424 June 2022
This show could have been so much better, if they had cut Leia's story to 50%, cut the Reva entirely, and focused on the things that matters most. They needed to focus on Obi Wan-Vader dynamic, show more flashbacks, daily routine of Vader like his training/meditating/pain/plans and Obi wan PTSD and how he found himself again. Having the empire with Vader leading hunt Obi Wan, Vader hunting the last surviving Jedi the show would have been great. But for some reason they needed to include so much screen time in a repetitive plot with 2 hostages of Leia, uninteresting and one dimensional characters in the resistance, and Reva.
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obe-4693828 June 2022
6 episodes with characters that really struggle with a poorly written screenplay...including how to survive getting a light saber through you, and then you are ready for the next episode (just an example of the poor script) - guees it is not as dangerous after all.
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