Code 8: Part II (2024) Poster

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At this point make it into a TV show.
rdelangel-9651529 February 2024
It has been about 4 years since Code 8 Part 1 came out, and now we have this potential going to waste.

Honestly, I like Part 1 better than Part 2. Part 2 was, and I hate to say this, disappointing... I was really hoping for more. At this point, the way Part 2 was made makes it feel more like a TV show episode than an actual movie. Code 8, in general, has a lot of potential to grow, but you really need to put in investment in this. Lastly, the Code 8 universe has the potential to be much more, and it possesses an impactful charm that draws you in, unlike other superpower-based movies or shows.
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FlickeryGems10 March 2024
Following the sequel to the first part of the 'Code 8' led by the Amell cousins (Robbie Amell and Stephen Amell) progresses the story of the previous film while also giving a new plot to look at.

While the overall dynamic and gist of the movie remains the same throughout, if you were a fan of the previous part, you may find this one a bit underwhelming or lackluster. With that being said, this movie is still worth a watch if you have some free time to kill. Towards the end the story does get a bit tense and the villain Sergeant 'King' Kingston while portrayed as your typical manipulative villain, was still enjoyable.

With that being said, this sequel doesn't build too much upon the already existing movie and doesn't bring anything brand new to the table. Overall it's an enjoyable movie with a decent plot, although the character writing could've been a bit better.
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Not bad at all
rynrox5 March 2024
People are complaining about how long it took, but I think they are forgetting that this was an Indiegogo funded movie that had COVID interfere.

The Amells thought up this movie as a brainchild and it was regular people like us who paid to have it made. It's not going to have all of the parts of a regular Hollywood movie, but considering that - it's super impressive. The effects were awesome. I don't think they will be winning any awards for story writing anytime soon, but it was still an interesting plot that held my interest and even went a few different directions than expected.

If we want movies made for the people, we have to consider the background. This wasn't some art student's crazy idea. It's good entertainment and an enjoyable watch that is worthwhile. Plus, seeing the Amells star in a movie together is totally worth it.
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Why should anyone care about these characters?
aftermidnight0428 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great special effects, for a realism trying cgi movie. But, the constant question I found asking is, if almost every decision made by every character is the wrong one, and the 2 main characters screw up every chance, why do I care what they do? Found the gang leader was actually likable, he talked to everyone, made his intentions clear, and even when the calelion character screws up tries to let him save some face. But, the brothers plan is to rob the head honco, he leaves his backpack, forgets to zip up the money bag, makes noise everywhere, and generally is a terrible character to try to relate to outside of taking care of his sister. The sister, after waiting for 2hrs, does not use a phone and decides to go outside first thing, I'm not going to even get into her messing with the K9 unit right off the bat (why didn't that flag through the handler immediately). She impulsive, mean, and demonstrates 0 want to try to overall help the situation. I know the Cardinal rule is, don't put a kid in a movie for any reason outside of the kid drives the movie, but this is the point where the kid drives the movie, and I could care less about the kid. This character makes elle from last of us seem like a genius comedian, and I get it a sad movie. But, that doesn't mean all the characters have to be sad beaten people. If you've been in a sad life place you learn pretty quick that being upset and mad all the time only alienates people. They don't need or want to care about you, and the same is true for this movie. First one was pretty good, this not so much, but I hope they get it better with the 3rd if they make it.
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Code 8 : Who Let The Dogs Out?
cahidi8 March 2024
Just like its predecessor, this second movie is just as dark and as full of tragedy as the first one. Connor is still trying to survive in a merciless world. But this time, he's up against something worse. Just like the first movie, it's well acted with a straight plot line. There's a teeny tiny plot twist that's insignificant to the whole story. And just like the first movie, don't expect to see something grand like superhero scenes in X-Men movies. Cause the super powers in this movie were kinda limited. Honestly it's still as pitiful as the first movie. But nonetheless, it's not a bad choice of movie to spend time with your loved ones.
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Why do they always make the kid thoughly unlikeable?
ppaul-425122 March 2024
Very much enjoyed the first Code 8 film. However this one really missed the mark. Why did they reduce the main character Conner into useless moron who is incapable of making any decent decisions. The girl was ungrateful, sullen and throughly unlikeble. Again the writers followed the trend of creating young female characters as some sort of highly intellegent boss girl (of course) but they come across as arrogant, moody, and completely unworthy of the viewers support or empathy. Elle in the Last of Us, or that really annoying girl in Halo. Just plain obnoxious.

40mins in and I really couldn't care if she lived or died. There was nothing redeeming about her at all.
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A decent sequel to a decent average superhero movie
siderite29 February 2024
I was reviewing the first film in 2019 and noted that I liked the acting, but the story was formulaic. This one is... exactly the same. It doesn't expand the world of the superhero hating police state any more than it has to and pits the Amell brothers against each other and an evil cop. You can see that the two have huge chemistry and at this time I wonder if their TV career didn't hurt their chances to do more, like Hollywood blockbuster more.

Part II is a perfect sequel to the first film, so perfect as to feel a bit of a clone, all except the Amell brothers who felt to me like they've grown as actors, at least when working together. Could this be turned into a successful franchise, using the talent they have available, the lore they have established and the Netflix resources? I hope so, because all dark superhero stories: Tomorrow People, Powers, Bright, Hancock, etc. Just went nowhere. This is their chance to establish an X-Men style long term franchise, with multiple stories in the same universe, nothing epic, just grounded stuff that is somewhere between the Marvel mania and the DC depression.
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Can someone ask Netflix to stop making movies, thanks
Mary1337hax28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix bought the rights to this movie, created a drama movie set in the future with few sci-fi elements. The powers look good.

The story is very meh. Girl loses brother, girl is in danger. I don't really get to know anything about these two characters during the whole movie so I don't really feel WITH their sadness? AND she is literally the main character here. The Amell brothers' roles are at best the side story. There isn't any subtance.

The script is "No. Please. No. NOOOOOO!!! RUN!!!!!!!!"-type.

My recommendation is to watch this while doing something else (sharing attention), it's not really the movie you sit down with snacks and friends.
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Not that bad, but could have been so much better.
vithiet1 April 2024
I had really liked Part 1, especially after waiting 3 long years for it after the Amell cousins dropped their short. I was really hoping with this one they would keep building on this original world they created, adding some more layers of complexity to it. Alas, they went the easy route and just did "more of the same" but with even less substance. It's basically one long chase with characters that are not explored at all; basically a waste of great potential. It is still fairly entertaining as a whole so I disagree with the really bad reviews that call it boring, but it's definitely not as good as the first one.
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Bored out of my mind
Otte11 March 2024
How can a sci fi about people with powers be boring?? But here we are.

The first one was actually engaging, and aactually offered something different than the usual mutant power people. It was low budget, yet was able to craft a decent story with very good effects.

So what happened? It felt like this story had nothing in it. If felt very formulaic, no tension, no emotional The characters were one-dimensional, there was no story, and EVERY SINGLE person is making the worst decision ever. Everyone just stares at the threat until it is too late, no one knows how to hide and I cannot really remember any one showing a real one.

This is a hard pass. I can almost pick the movies that was written by AI, and this was one or them.
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Ready for part III
stole8626 March 2024
Code 8 is one of the few examples where the sequel is as good as the original. I had almost forgotten about the first part and was surprised when I noticed the second available, maybe not take too long for other sequels yeah?

While the original seemed like made on a limited budget, albeit quite believably, it did a great world building and an engagind story. Part two extends the universe for a teeny tiny bit with another meaningful storyline.

I can safely say ewe are ready for part III except this time make it sooner while the memory is still fresh. Oh and a bigger budget with more action would do it justice.
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Enjoyable and ok, but was expecting better since Netflix was making it.
destroyerwod29 February 2024
The first movie came out as a surprise to me. I found it in a video store selling bing among the extra copies they want to get rid of or sometimes just low budget movies that didn't rent anymore so they sell the few copies they had. In Quebec we had video stores longer than in the USA due to our french language. They kinda got away around 2020 with a few remaining to this day.

Anyway, found this for 2 bucks, the cover looked like a generic sci fi movie but seeing both Amell were in it, i had to pick it up especially with the low price since im a huge fan of the Arrowverse.

It was a pretty cool surprise. Some low budget sci fi movie turning out to be pretty enjoyable. For 2$ i couldn't complain at all, especially since i was expecting much less.

Netflix picked the liscence and after 5 years release a sequel. I would had expected something "bigger". Like the budget being risen up, more "mutants" and different powers, bigger action set pieces. Turn out the movie is very close in tone and budget to the first one and well..its fine. Its enjoyable. Its just i was expecting more...

The story is pretty simple and i will admit its been a while since i saw the first one so outside of the Amells i kinda forgot the other characters roles. The rest follow the text book basic script you would expect in a direct to video.

Its a safe movie. Low budget, similar to the first one, not any risk at all. Peoples who enjoyed the first will likely enjoy this one too, but it does not bring anything new at all, neither it try to improve on the first or be bigger in scale.

Its your typical streaming service movie. It did its job. Its FINE. In an "all you can watch buffet" type of service its definately good enough. But i feel it could had been a lot bigger.

That said im not gonna be too harsh on it because i did had fun and i always enjoy seeing Stephen Amell (especially him but i like his cousin too) in new stuff.
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Pretty boring
bjornrhein28 February 2024
Its not so much to say about this one ,,, and perhaps its a part of the problem, its just nothing to say because nothing is actually happends either , even when something is happends its just boring

Not sure how many of these series there is out there , freaks and mutants with superpowers who needs to escape the cruel society who doesnt understands them , the concept is tired and weak now , everyone knows that except Netflix who just reinvent the wheel over and over again

You can slow watch this serie with one eye , its not a disaster, but actually I cant see any reason why to do it , perhaps if this is the only serie left you havnt seen.
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Not a copy kind of the original one something different
jkb20125 March 2024
They have done it yet again this film is absolutely not a copycat of the original one it's something new and different and it does what I want sequels to normally do is to not be a direct copycat or be predictable and at least try something different and I feel like this film does that I enjoyed it a lot better than the original and I absolutely think it is worth your time the two leads yet again are good the new characters are great and yes some of the characters in the first movie I wish were in this film but whatever I absolutely hope if they can figure out a way to make another one and make sense so be it.
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Didn't realize part 1 had a sequel, glad it did.
jgreggs-880234 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think the story is a classic but done in an interesting dilemma, typical archetypes and twists but ultimately it made me cheer and jeer for characters so how can i complain. I think the dilemma of safe streets at the cost of corruption has been explored but this is the first time where I genuinely sided with the villain. It left me conflicted for most of the movie and even at the end when we are all supposed to side with the Protagonist and his companions I genuinely thought I think they're wrong, the system the main villain had was honestly better. Again, typical action movie but I wish they delved into the villain motivation more but it got me emotional and conflicted so how can you not say job well done. Worth a watch for sure.
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Good idea, terrible writing
danpinder-708821 March 2024
I love sci-fi and like the general concept... I like the world this story lives in.. What I hate is the plot, writing... Oh the writing. It's atrocious.

Ok so one example... Homeboy needs help to remove a bullet... It's meant to be a big moment where they decide to help him.... And what help exactly does he need to remove the bullet? Pull my shirt down while I pull the bullet out myself. Lmao 🤣 Who wrote this nonsense? Does nobody proof read this stuff?

The characters? You won't care about them much. The lead acts like a spoiled brat for the entirety of the film.

Special effects are good... But the sound of the robot dogs? Sounds like a robot elephant walking around... Not exactly great for sneaking around.

There are moments where the characters forget they have powers when they are in precarious situations.

As much as I want to like this ... It's garbage. Good idea... Terrible execution.
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Part II Leans Into Action More Than Part 1
chukkacabra4 May 2024
You will have to watch the first Code 8 to understand the main characters and where Part II starts, but there is a several year gap in between movies. Part II is primarily a drama movie like the first, has more action, and explores corruption within the police.

Most of what I have to say is the same as in my review of the previous film: most of the movie explores a dystopian sci-fi world following the drama and struggle of a protagonist with super powers finding his place.

In terms of overall quality, Part II was equally as interesting and entertaining as the first (for good or for worse), and I would loosely recommend it to sci-fi fans.
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Wasted potential, why make a sequel with a poor story?
Xavier_Stone29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After the first Code 8 was largely disappointing I was hoping for a better outcome with this one, especially since it has been 5 years.

I would think with that much time a good coherent story would be possible, especially with the foundation already set. Nope.

Here we have multiple mutant characters vs the evil police force and we can't seem to get anything going. Some little girl has powers and of course needs to be saved. Nothing new at all here. Bad mutants vs good mutants, as usual.

So many possibilities and they resort to an X-men story that's been done over and over? Even with the attempting to save a wounded mutant, self sacrifice mutant and good and bad mutants joining up.

You can watch the movie at 4x speed as the dialogue isn't needed. The writers and the director have only really done 4-6 films, 2 of them this Code 8 stuff so their lack of experience is obvious.

Absolutely paint by numbers, abc movie. 2/10 for some good robots and CGI. Nothing more. Bland second half, lame ending.
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Not bad, but still a bit of a let-down
overlydramaticpanda1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While the original 'Code 8' movie (as well as the original short film) certainly wasn't perfect, its biggest strength was in its storytelling and being able to accomplish a lot with very little. This is best exemplified by the montage that plays over the opening credits of that film of fake documentary clips and news reports detailing the history of the fictional Lincoln City and how those with powers went from being exploited by the "normal" population to build the city to being feared by them when they were no longer considered useful, and thus being largely forced into degrading menial work that pays pitifully or else turn to various avenues of criminality in order to make ends meet. This set up not only the world of the movie but the central conflict for the main character perfectly in the span of about 5 minutes. By contrast, the sequel tries doing the exact same thing (producing a condensed version of the previous opening with added exposition about the "guardian" robots of the last film being replaced with supposedly safer "K9s" in this one) bur it ultimately falls flat since very little in the film actually follows up on the issues presented in this opening montage.

It's almost as though the film couldn't quite decide whether it wanted to be a direct continuation of the first one, dealing with the fallout of everything that happened between Garrett and Connor, or a completely new story set in the same universe; in the end, it winds up being an extremely awkward combination of the two. The Garrett/Connor conflict is, at least to me, the far more interesting storyline that we're presented with, largely due to the Amell cousins inevitably having great chemistry as actors and it actually justifying the movie being a sequel rather than a spinoff, but even that has its share of issues as the film has Connor deciding to put his trust in Garrett far too times and far too easily despite the very first scene demonstrating that he had already learned his lesson on that front.

As for the main storyline of the girl, her brother and the cop...I'll be honest, it's very difficult to care about any of them. The girl especially is clearly supposed to function as the emotional core of the movie but she's ultimately little more than a living McGuffin (i.e. A filmmaking term to describe a thing that everyone wants but is never fully explored beyond that). We learn next to nothing about either her or her brother except that...they're poor, he's Garrett's latest betrayal-minded protégé (you'd think after Connor and the first movie he'd have learned to be at least a bit more careful on that front) and she's apparently supposed to be clever. And she's special because she has a one-in-a-million power that does very little but serve as a plot device and only becomes somewhat useful in the last few minutes of the film. The cop is a little more interesting, though he falls a bit too quickly into all-out comic-book villain territory for my taste. The other new characters that are introduced either don't make much of an impact either way and/or are copies of characters from the first movie (Garrett's even got himself an all-new and almost completely identical gang, right down to their powers).

Overall, it's a film with good acting, decent effects (though to my mind, they're not as seamless as the first one), good cinematography for the most part, but is let down tremendously by the writing and general plotting of the story. Ideally, you want events in a story to move seamlessly from one thing to another based on the decisions of the characters...which in turn are derived from their personalities; here, it's more like events jumping from one to another with very little connecting them (for example, Connor finds the girl at the community centre where he works and she clearly doesn't trust him...then in the space of a jump cut, he's somehow got her inside and she's happy to go with him based on a mostly-offscreen conversation with a character she's never met before - at least onscreen - and the audience barely knows). And talking of events not naturally appearing to follow on from each other, the ending is just...bad.

If you liked the first one, I'd say it's worth watching this one if only for the majority of the Connor/Garrett storyline but it's not necessarily a film to go out of your way to see.
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5 years to make a part 2 and this was the best they could do
byakuya-6051529 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well they used the poor sibling looking after the other younger sibling and doing it tough sob story like the short from 2016. Even added the grilled cheese and brushing teeth scene.

Still managed to ruin it though. You would think they would at least get Tarak to ask Garret for some extra cash to buy books for his sister. Or at least Garrett to ask a bit more questions when Tarek was asking for more work. Then they switched to stupid robot dogs...really.

But come on, this was the best the writers could do. The short from 2016 showed that Connor had so much potential, that he would become the saviour for mutants, that being a class 5 electric would make him an unstoppable force. Nope. He hardly used his powers in this movie and when he did, it was a yawn event. The short had so much potential but in the end you regurgitated this kaka.
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Enjoyed but had questions
angelalana28 February 2024
I was really looking forward to another Code 8 and would love to see them making and putting out a third. I wasn't disappointed by most of what I saw in Part Two but the special effects in the first were done far better and it would of been good to see more progression with the powers or variety. However as much as I was really looking forward to this for many reasons I was disappointed that some things from the first movie were unanswered, like what happened to the cop and his daughter with powers.

It would of also of been nice to of seen the Nia character again, but I do love seeing the Amell lads again and working together.
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More codes
kosmasp29 April 2024
No pun intended - actually this is just one other one, but I could imagine that there will be at least another one of those. The story (set in the future) goes from where the first movie left off. If you think the two main actors look a bit alike ... well you are not really wrong. They are cousins - I thought they were brothers, close enough I reckon.

The effects take it up a notch, when you look back at the first movie. But it seems they had a bit more money for this one, so it makes sense. And as with the first movie, this may be set in the future, but it does deal with stuff we have going on at the present. Society always goes through stuff ... and how people will react to that ... well will be a testament of time and history ... bring on the next one I guess ...
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Yeah, well...
marika_wenzel28 February 2024
The first part had a certain charme because they did well with the low budget, and the idea was a bit different from the usual mutant, people with power and so on stuff. But the second part looks as cheap as the first one and is just a repetition with no new thrill. And this elevator background music makes everything worse.

I think the biggest problem is the director and editor. Despite a good idea and good actors this movie just doesn´t buzz. It is just average, the cuts, the action scenes, the camera and so on. I know that at least the lead actors are capable of much better. With a capable director this could have been a rather good movie.
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[6.4] Pretty cool - part II
cjonesas22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A slightly better movie than the original with basic though emotional storyline plots, awe-inducing robotic special effects as well as their (people with powers) limited use of their respective powers which always held bright thrilling moments and seconds nevertheless.

Every time I saw those impressive, mean, ruthless robotic dogs, I sat super-straight back and followed the events with a sense of fear and big anticipation. That goes too to those robotic super soldiers that were quite scary, their magnet jumping off the drones, their synchronized movements and flawless shootings.

In retrospect, that's a better movie than the first one and I hope they'd make a third installment.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 6
  • Production value/impact: 6
  • Development: 7.5
  • Realism: 7.5
  • Entertainment: 7.5
  • Acting: 6.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 6.5
  • VFX: 8.5
  • Music/score/sound: 6
  • Depth: 6.5
  • Logic: 3
  • Flow: 6.5
  • Action/crime/drama: 6.5
  • Ending: 5.5.
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Could be better
moviesfilmsreviewsinc17 April 2024
Netflix's Code 8: Part II follows the story of the cousin duo, Stephen and Robbie Amell, who return to the sci-fi world after a few years from the original film. The sequel follows the story of Connor Reed, who goes on the run after being involved in an incident that led to the deaths of cops. The film also intertwines Connor's world with Garrett Kelton, who has taken over Lincoln City's drug trade. The film introduces 14-year-old Pav, a teen girl, into both characters' lives, which disrupts Connor's plan to stay out of trouble. The sequel comes after a planned spinoff on Quibi fizzled when the streaming service closed down. Code 8: Part II is a sequel to the popular franchise, where 4% of the population has powers. The police closely monitor these superpowered individuals, rather than becoming heroes. Director Jeff Chan and his crew deliver strong visuals, adding new powers and a small budget. The sequel features the Lincoln City police department using drones and humanoid robots, Guardians, to keep Powers, the franchise's marginalized superpowered community, in check. The sci-fi elements have been improved in the sequel, with a side-by-side comparison showcasing the franchise's sci-fi elements. The Lincoln City police department replaces Guardians with new robotic K9s, providing kinetic action sequences and a suspenseful moment early in the film. Meanwhile, Robbie Amell's Connor is impossible not to root for. After letting his mom die in order not to take someone else's life in Code 8, Connor puts himself back in danger when he doesn't need to so that he can save a scared girl. While Amell does not tap into the humor he excels at in the hit series Upload, the actor makes Connor a kindhearted lead. Amell is at the top of his game for the movie's most emotional moments, anchoring the sequel's energetic action sequences with hard-hitting drama. Code 8: Part II does a great job with the franchise's returning characters, though they're not the only ones to shine in the sequel. The movie has an easy-to-hate villain in Alex Mallari Jr.'s Sergeant "King" Kingston. Mallari played a minor role in Code 8, with the actor returning to show his skill set in the sequel, making King charismatic at times and utterly evil when the curtain is pulled back. Sirena Gulamgaus also plays a key role as Pav, who is both charming and fierce. The character, who is crucial to Code 8: Part II's story, never disappoints.
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