Mass Effect 2 (Video Game 2010) Poster

(2010 Video Game)

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Come to the Dark Side, Shepard
ltadams224717 May 2010
I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I shook my head in disbelieve. This is not a game, it's an experience!

BioWare is known for creating large, well thought out universes, this one right at the top. I have not seen a game that is as balanced in everything that makes a great game. Sound design (especially tricky for scifi), visual design, soundtrack, cinematic direction, game play and most of all (a thing that many games neglect) outstanding story telling.

All this had me hooked from about ten minutes into playing the first game and they did not tune it down for this one. On the contrary.

The changes made however were all too obvious. I read a great many reviews of the first one and noticed certain recurring complaints. "the MAKO sucks" "the side missions all look the same" "the elevator rides are too long" "too much talking, not enough action" "the inventory system is confusing"

While I personally only agree with the first one of those complaints (I actually liked the inventory system and tuning my weapons and armor just the way I liked them and the talking was what made the depth of the game), BioWare certainly took the wished of their gamers to heart.

The MAKO is gone and replaced with a shuttle. After you land, you're on foot (not a problem since there's no more far distances to travel on planet surfaces).

The elevator rides were replaced by loading screens. The long rides were used to load the next segment of a large map, i personally found it to be a creative solution. But if people are more comfortable with a loading screen, that's fine by me and fine by BioWare apparently ;-)

Every planet that contains a side mission now has a unique map and task to fulfill. That of course means that there's a lot less of them than in the first which in turn means you'll get to finish the game sooner. If this is a good thing, decide for yourself. I personally thought it was a shame (even though I understand the need to turn down the number of side quests if you have to actually design an entire map from scratch for them).

A shame also that it was sort of dumbed down in the RPG department. A less complex inventory and character developing system that leaves little room for customization. I loved that about the first. However the crowd wants it (it will indeed be more accessible for the more casual gamer) I don't object. I'm in it for the story more than anything else.

Which brings us to the main appeal this game brings to the table, what makes it unique. It's story telling. It is sooo guuuuud. I sound like a junkie ;-)

I want to give my congratulations to the writers of this game who created a universe that is as deep as it is diverse. As innocent as it is rotten. Outstanding dialogs and character development of each one of the many people one meets. You will hear their stories, you will help them through their trial and when the time comes to face the Big Bad, you will NOT want them to die (Jack in particular I found to be an exceptionally well written character). Moral dilemmas of the tough variety will jump at you again and again, though not as heart wrenching as in the first (i.e. the Ashley/Kaidan decision which was just nasty - means I loved it).

In the second part you will find yourself exploring places that were only talked about in the first, expanding the universe even further. And while part one was concentrating on the brighter, more civilized aspects of this galactic society (the Citadel, the Council, the Alliance) you will crawl through the darkest corners of the galactic civilization, getting a good look at criminals, crooks, and many unfortunates who have fallen through the cracks. If you like to play your character as rogue (making the morally questionable decisions to strengthen your intimidation skills) you'll probably feel more at home in this game than in the first. It's easier to loose your temper with these here folks, far away from the council or the alliance.

My last shout out goes to whoever directed the cinematic sequences. At times I was thinking "that guy should be in the movies" but then I realized he is right where he's supposed to be, making outstanding games like this one. Cuts, camera angles, voice acting, all extraordinary in a way that you get sucked into the action unlike anything else I have seen. Even casual conversations (and there still is a significant amount) are put together in a way that it is always fluid and pleasing to the eye.

This is the kind of game that I pay the extra buck for if the give out a collectors edition (got it) just to show the developers and their sales graphics that this is the way games are done. And for the love of *enter deity of your choice* make a third part.

Here's my wishes for part three: don't water down the RPG elements any further and make the moral choices more painful (like in the first). I love it when things are gray and I have to either think twice OR regret a choice made, compelling me to begin a new round after I'm done. That's all the criticism I have to offer ;-)

As you can see, a game of this magnitude can not be summarized in three words. Wait. It can.

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The Magnificent Seven in space
petra_ste4 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The second chapter of the Mass Effect trilogy is a triumphant achievement by Bioware and, along with Dragon Age: Origins, one of their best games since Baldur's Gate 2.

I enjoyed the quality of the writing, the phenomenal voice acting, the huge cast of memorable characters, visiting distinctive locations on different planets, facing interesting side quests (a step forward from the "go to planet XYZ, find the bunker and kill everyone" of ME1), dealing with an intriguing morality system (with the Paragon/Renegade choices). Also worth noting: if you import a character from the first game using the final savegame, some decisions you made suddenly become relevant, showing the consequences of your actions - what happened to characters or groups you saved or ruined, spared or sacrificed. This creates the feeling of continuity of the best epic sagas.

So, what doesn't work? Well, while the sidequests / loyalty missions are stellar, the whole Cerberus plot feels kind of meandering. Some moments (the final boss fight...) are pure schlock compared to the cosmic horror foreshadowed by the first game. The micro-management of the inventory has been simplified to the point of becoming shallow. And, although I am glad the Mako is gone (I hated its mechanical guts), exploring whole planets instead of just landing sites can be fun - put it back in ME3, only without the awful physics of the Mako, please.
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gstrongheart-2215815 June 2019
Wow! At 50 years old my son introduced me to it, and it's my first xbox game since playing Mario Nintendo years ago. Its my favourite game. Completed it and now I'm playing Mass Effect 2. Lovely game for any age.
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Best Video Game Ever
stearny121014 December 2015
When I first played this game, I had never heard of the Mass Effect series, I wasn't expecting much. How wrong I was. Within about an hour, I couldn't believe how good this game was. The story, the game-play, the graphics, the voice cast, character development, it has it all. When I wasn't playing the game, I was imagining playing the game. One of the few games these days that I was able to go back to and complete multiple times. I retrospectively bought the first Mass Effect, which is more of a standard RPG, still great but just not quite as perfect as this game. Mass Effect 3 was immense as well, but I still feel this one was the pinnacle. The only downside is that since I played this game, all other games seem inferior, some come close (Dragon Age, Skyrim), but nothing has gripped me as much as this one. I'm expecting big things from the next installment for the next generation of consoles, hopefully, I will have a new favorite game in ME4.
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The spiritual sucessor to KOTOR... just shy of perfect, but one of my favorite games ever
TheEtherWalk26 August 2010
Bioware have really outdone themselves this time. Mass Effect 2 is just awesome on so many levels. There's the cinematic feel of the cutscenes, to the fast-paced action, and of course, the character interactions and moral options. Everything has been expanded in this one, including the romantic relationships, and full loyalty missions for each recruit. Nearly every one of these is played out brilliantly and you really develop connections with the characters, and each one has some moral decisions you need to make. The overall plot may seem a little simplistic, but it forces you to play the game patiently and not rush through the story missions. It's also hugely replayable, with different moral paths for virtually every mission. I spent the majority of the game doing side missions, exploring locations and wandering the ship talking to people. I'm a huge fan of Knight of the Old Republic, and unfortunately they didn't go all the way with the character developments in Mass Effect 1 like they did in that series. Mass Effect 1 was a good game, but it had some fairly obvious flaws. Nearly every one has been fixed for this installment, and this game now feels truly rewarding from an action standpoint and an edifying one. The inventory system has been made way more manageable, but maybe too much, as it sometimes feels like there isn't enough variety of weaponry. I was also confused by the key bindings screen, which promised some sort of vehicle combat, not like the clunky mako, but something, then there were no vehicles in the game. Why have key bindings for them then? Also the hacking puzzles were way too easy in this game. They should come up with some different ones. Anyways, I am eagerly awaiting the 3rd installment in this series. They have the potential for this series to go down as an all-time gaming classic. Every race has a story arc that has things unfulfilled in it. There's a lot to do in part 3 besides just the defeating reapers. The krogans have to defeat the genophage, the quarians have to retake their homeworld or make peace with the geth, the geth have to break free of the reapers, and of course the different individual character arcs. Maybe they could delve deeper into who Sheperd is as well. The potential for the finale is palpable. If you haven't played the first game, it's not really a requirement, but you need to play this second one if you haven't. The only game I can say I've enjoyed more is Fallout 3.
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One of the deepest sci-fi universes ever created
cadillac2027 February 2010
When the original Mass Effect came out, Bioware established a very typical sci-fi universe, complete with massive orbital cities, foreign planets, and plenty of alien creatures. What separated this universe from others was the plethora of individuals and relatable issues that came with them. This was a sci-fi universe that was relatable and deep. You could get to know those around you and, even more than the most well known sci-fi universes, you could really explore the world the universe you lived in.

Mass Effect 2 ups that. Shepherd returns, this time working for a faction known as Cerebrus, one that few seem to trust. As they have done you a great favor, they are now tasking you with saving the universe once again. The game is a direct sequel in what is a proposed trilogy. And it's an effective chapter in the saga. You once again have choices to make, some difficult. Do you let a colony of people die because you want the loyalty of a team member, or do you stand by your principles and save them. These are the kinds of choices you have to make, and this ultimately affects your relations with the universe around you. The aforementioned scenario is also an example of how directly you affect your new team as well. The characters who comprise your team of warriors now give you a direct glimpse into their lives by tasking you with missions that directly affect them. At several points you will have to make tough decisions, and these will, once again, affect the rest of the game.

But, even without directly helping these characters, they're still a fairly interesting bunch. You have a variety of characters, all multifaceted. Some who seem to be bitter and hard have good reason to be so, while others who seem too nice can show a side that is as dark as any villain. As the commander of this crowd, you have to make the choices that will affect their outlook on you and ultimately affect their performance during the mission. Act too harshly, and you may lose some support. Act too naively, and you may let a criminal slip loose.

Gameplay, in my opinion, takes a backseat. My issues with the first game were also gameplay related, and while a few things have improved, the primary issues remain. I always found gameplay in the original to be a tad dull. Here, gameplay remains as dull. While there are several options, it's also quite formulaic. You run, take cover, and play shooting gallery with enemies. Occasionally you run into some hacking minigames, but those lose their charm after a little while. It would have been nice if Bioware could have included some variety, but the lack of truly exciting gameplay moments leaves the game lacking. And with so many games out there these days that contain a plethora of cinematic gameplay moments, one has to wonder why Bioware has settled for a more mundane formula of gameplay. However, the gameplay keeps the game moving, and it's not so bad where you dread having to shoot more bad guys.

Thankfully, the makers of the game listened to players and did away with certain annoyances. Gone is the Mako, which took up a chunk of time in the original having to explore planets. Gone, also, are the long and unnecessary elevator sequences and the plethora of backtracking to get back to the Normandy. Everything is streamlined to put you right where you want to be. It's nice to see a company that cares enough for what its gamers want to cut out the bs and get to the good stuff.

Mass Effect 2 isn't a giant leap for the series. But, with a game as good as the first chapter, the sequel doesn't have to be. It's another fantastic game that continues a rich and exciting universe full of life to explore. And, that alone, makes it a worthwhile purchase.
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Mass Effect 2 Review
Moviememmer31 December 2021
  • Amazing story & characters
  • Gunplay feels tighter than original
  • Great voice acting
  • Good customisation
  • Good level progression
  • Improved side quest level design
  • A lot to do
  • No Mako!

  • Movement can still be abit clunky
  • RPG options are more limited

Verdict: In comparison to the original Mass Effect, the sequel is an improvement in almost every single way from the story, characters, and gameplay. Mass Effect 2 is indeed one of the best sci-fi epics of all time.

9 /10.
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The question you should ask yourself is this: Why not?
loua9418 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Mass Effect, which was released in 2007, blew my mind away with its integration of RPG elements into a shooter. Despite its flaws, I still crowned it as my favorite game of all time. Mass Effect 2 has become Macbeth; he's the new guy, he put ME1 out of the picture, and took its place as king.

There's four elements that need reviewing individually: the shooter aspect, the RPG aspect, the campaign itself, and the presentation.

The game feels and looks like a shooter no doubt. It seems to have a mix of a feel of Gears of War 2 and Uncharted 2, with some of its own elements for good measure. There are six weapon classes in the game: heavy pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and heavy weapons. Depending on which class you choose for your character in the beginning of the game, you'll be able to use different weapon classes. The actual combat is phenomenal, and it's always fun to try new things. What makes this game most unique in combat, however, is the military, biotic, and tech powers. Biotic powers are kind of like Force powers in Star Wars, and tech powers are technological abilities you can use to aid you in combat. Military abilities give you access to different ammo types. Depending on your character class, you will have different biotic, tech, and military abilities to use. This variation gives a great tactical and intense feel to the battlefield, and also makes your initial class choice a very important one (if I had to recommend a class for your first play-through, I'd recommend the vanguard).

The second basic element in the game is the roleplaying. The entire system has been revamped to fit the game like a glove, and it may feel like the RPG elements are a bit weak at first. However, as you play through, you'll figure out that they are without fault. The inventory, armor, and skill systems in particular, have been streamlined, not cut down, to work in favor of the game's combat elements. In time, you learn to love it. There's a system which tells you if you are acting like a righteous and heroic paragon, or as a ruthless and determined renegade. What I love even more, however, is this: I won't reveal too much due to too much spoiling, but your appearance will change in a way depending on how much of a paragon or renegade you are. The conversation system in the best I've ever seen in any game. There's the usual heroic, neutral, or bad*** comment you can say, and the potential charming and intimidating conversation options. The best part of the new system, however, is the interruption system. Ever have someone talking to you, and you really just want to punch him in the face, tell him how much of a jerk he's being, go out of your way to offer help, etc? That's what the interruption system allows you to do. You will have the option to do a paragon or renegade option while someone is talking, and if you choose to, you will...interrupt.

The campaign itself is a symbol in itself that hard work pays off. The story is outstanding, has a whole lot of suspense and twists in the plot, and is all in all presented in an unparalleled way. The characters and potential crew/squad members you will meet are all multifaceted, lovable, and diverse. You are going to have the opportunities to make each one of these people loyal to you throughout the game, and you will not want to miss out on those opportunities when they come up. The rest of the campaign sub-elements are listed with the combat and RPG elements.

This game has a nearly flawless presentation. You may encounter a game crash or sound cutting out once or twice when playing, but in a 40 hour campaign, its nothing you should be worried about in the least bit. Everything in the presentation of the game is great. The artistic design is unparalleled (actually, it's around equal to Bioshock's, so yes, unparalleled :)). The graphics, lighting, and attention to detail cannot be better. The character models look as close to real life as possible. A few people have seen me during dialog segments and have actually thought I was watching a movie. It wasn't until I told them that they realized it was a game. There are a few people (ahem, Martin Sheen playing the Illusive Man) who stand out above the rest, but either way, there is nary a bad note in the voice acting for the game. On that note, Mass Effect 2 has integrated dramatic camera angles into the dialogs at points. Alongside everything else, they fit in very well. You'll be hard pressed to find another game that has a presentation as good as this. And please, don't mention Uncharted 2. This game has either equal or better presentation.

All in all, Mass Effect 2 is a brilliant work of art that has no match. Every aspect of the game is great; roleplaying, shooter aspects, cinematic experiences, art style, character design, graphical presentation, and voice acting are all here. At the same time, all these aspects are presented with flying colors! It's also a 40 hour campaign that you will want to play a second, third, and maybe fourth time around! If you have an XBox 360 or a PC, you should go out to the store right now and buy this game! It's an experience you don't want to miss!
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lilliangordiana30 May 2018
This game left me speechless with its story and the gameplay. Definitely deserves its rating. Brilliant, just brilliant.
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Mass Effect 2: An Experience to Remember.
Mass Effect has become one of the most iconic franchises in the growing field of gaming, and it's easy to see why: it feels like a franchise that's always been there and it has a self-constructed history that we buy, just like the worlds of Star Wars, Star Trek and Doctor Who. However, Mass Effect 2 is debate-ably more ambitious than those franchises combined. And dare I say it: Mass Effect leaves the Halo franchise for dead (but that's just my opinion).

This game is one of the most phenomenal experiences I've ever seen play out before my eyes, and I'm happily replaying it now. The whole series is immersive, deep in character development and freedom of player-choice: I can't fault this game if I tried. It's gorgeous, fun, exciting, and it's got an engrossing story that can take you on so many side-quests that are necessary to your choices as the player.

The characters are three-dimensional, graphically and figuratively speaking, and they don't bore you; they compliment the world of Mass Effect even more with their presence. No character is a carbon copy of the other; they're all their own persons, something that a lot of developers wish they could say; but most cannot.

Mass Effect 2 is a masterpiece of the video game medium and I think it's even suitable for non-gamers who want to try something new in the world of sci-fi.
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Absolutely amazing! Such a great story, characters are interesting. Well done
nrwautoelectrical2 July 2023
This game in 2023 is still in my all time favourite five The storyline is absolutely thrilling interesting and emotional.

An amazing line-up of characters with their own quests actually make you emotionally attached.

The combat system is very good easy-to-understand.

Voice acting is on point The DLC a really immersive ID like taking time out and spending time with the crew members after every mission.

The team at bioware really have done a number on this game.

The world's are fun to explore.

Resource gathering to upgrade your ship had some funny little perks and quirks.

Well done bioware.

It's not pay to win or anything. It's just a genuine good all round game.
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The best one in the Trilogy!
kobemackenzie26 June 2022
Mass effect 2 is the best one out of all 3 games!

Everything has been improved from graphics to the combat System! There are tons of side quests to do so your never bored! And the story is the best one out of the 3 games! You're introduced to so many loveable characters and returning characters come back as well from the first game! The writing is at its Peak in this game! Over all amazing game! Would recommend!
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Good, but even less RPG and more -fi instead of sci-
MDealer5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, ME1 was a view to behold. With some flaws (that Bioware forgot to learn from developing KOTOR), but, in overall, worthy of the title.

Now, here in ME2 we get similar production standards, but absolute disregard to the original. Mere title and some cameos is all that a true fan of the original would appreciate.

The change of pacing is a laughable attempt at action - not enough variety; everything boils down to tight corridors, linear paths, cover, shooting, shooting from cover, getting stuck in cover (clunky consolized minimalistic controls).

The talking sequences are well executed, but the writers clearly fell asleep and didn't pay attention to the slightest detail of how the universe was set up previously. This brings us to the various changes in story that make no sense: thermal clips, armor, inventory, exploration, mission goals, overall story.

Talking about story, a complete disregard to previously set up conflicts is the dumbest of them all - Shepard, and working for Cerberus? That's just something that would never happen! This is just one of the big amounts of railroading and lack of weight in the story. Not to mention Shepard's resurrection. ANY survival of tissue after planetary collision is borderline impossible. Not to mention preserving the brain. On this note, the game disregards as to what is possible in reality even more than ever. That is not what the first game was about.

Talking about characters who were supposed to be the focus. Seriously, you gain loyalty BEFORE someone joins your team. Whose idea was it that Shepard could just come up to them and literally say a line or two to convince the guys to join him. Not to mention that the surprise of potential character revelations were spoiled by having the full list of crew mates before you even do the first step.

Seriously, I thought Reapers need stopping; not laws of the world need bending or daddy issues solving. The amounts of rage to what they did to a game that felt so authentic and turned it into another GoW clone with elements of Mass Effect are unspeakably large.

Btw, the very first scene with the death of main character is one of the worst cases of railroading the story. No context, no nothing. Just Shepard's death. It's not the way how to build up tension... Why couldn't the planet be a mission. Why couldn't he land when it turns out it is under attack, this time by a different enemy. The whole "working for the bad guys" plot is redundant and takes away all the surprise.
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A bit boring.
Pingo-223 January 2011
I don't know what I expected, but I felt ME2 was a bit boring. It felt like I've already played through this. Story is very straight forward and narrow.

Overall, everything is very competent done, and voice-acting is extremely good, graphics are good, music nice etc. But it feels like something is lacking.

It felt like someone else was controlling Shepard. I didn't have enough choices, everything was already there. Not like filling blanks, but more like following a drawing-by-numbers.

In 2011, we actually expect more from a super-high-budget game than this.
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probably the best sci-fi video game ever!!
omaga_932 September 2020
What makes this game very special is not only the gameplay and graphics are superior to the first one but the story is also amazing & i am not talking about the main story only but the side missions is very enjoyable that made this the first game i finish all of it's side missions ... the characters are unique & the story is emotional

this game is a must play of you liked the first one or you like sci-fi in general , it can't get any better
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I cannot help but review this epic masterpiece...(CONTAINS SPOILERS)
Ryo728 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? I shall format this like any fair game review and give my honest opinion.

Graphics 9/10: To start off I can say I have seen better...but not by much...the details of which has no bearing at all on the amazing detail of which Bioware paid to faces, expressions, voices, movements, etc. Despite it not being THE BEST like so much else in this game is still comparable and then some. I only recall one time Shepard smiled in ME1 and that was his half cocked smile at the end crawling over the corpse of Sovereign...I think he earned that smile, but only on certain faces did it look right.

Sound 10/10: I've rarely EVER had a game with such an epic sound track that it gets into my blood and causes my soul to soar...I'd quote Morinth here on her love of music but I can't honestly remember what she said word for word so I won't put it to shame. But that's what this sound track does to me. I wanted to cry when I heard Jack Wall jumped ship for ME3...but when I heard that Composer Master Clint Mansell took over (Requiem for a Dream) I knew the franchise was in good hands. I am sad to see Wall go, but am confident in Mansell's ability to retain what Wall delivered and add his own touch in an equally artistic manner. Voiceovers were the other real treat here. I really can't say male or female shepards were voiced better...I think both excel enough when having to be tough or soft and are really more your average joes forced into hard situations than anything.

Gameplay 9/10: Definitely simplified over ME1 and in all ways that are good. I can't say I was fond of the watering down of RPG elements...but the fact that I didn't need to re-equip and customize the crap out of my squad members and character and could roll out and kick ass was totally fine by me. It is not something that took away from gameplay. I didn't know if having Use/Sprint/Cover in the same button would be a good idea...but it worked...I might have had 1 instance where he used something instead of took cover and I died...something I can easily deal with for it's simplicity over 1 and driving shep into walls to make him cover, or telling him to duck with the out of the way CTRL key so he doesn't get his head shot off his shoulders. Vaulting over walls and mowing down Collectors or Geth with the Revenant machine gun was so awesome I can't resist but to do it over and over.

Replay Value 10/10: I have not had a game with the replay value of this since the days of Diablos 1 and 2...and it may even beat out those...Storyline composes such a compelling tale of heroism that you can't help but see all the ways it can play out. I played through this game 17 times. I'm a fanboy and damn proud of it.

Storyline 10/10: Now for the best part of any Bioware game. Storyline. What makes this story grand is not only the fact that it is awesome in and of itself...You are a lone man with allies of all races taking on the greatest threat the Galaxy has ever known...Majority wants to deny anything is really going on more so than they must so you are mostly alone...forcing yourself to take alliances with questionable organizations (Cerberus!) and undertaking missions that everyone says are impossible or will get you killed...But what makes this great is that there are choices you can make that impact the entire game. Choices from 1 take direct impact on outcomes in 2 and 2 into 3 and so forth...and the story NEVER suffers for it...It is like God will use Shepard to accomplish fate no matter how he acts...Paragon, Renegade, or my personal favorite Paragade/Renegon! Sometimes situations call for different actions. The merc who's been commanding his units to fire on me and gets cornered at gun point on the top floor of a tower refusing to tell me any info gets shoved out the window every time. 'I got nothing more to say to you...' *smash and falls screaming* 'How bout good-bye?' Gets me every time...Seeing old crew mates, seeing decisions you made reflect on you as a character, and the moral fiber of which you stand for or stand's all so deep...I feel like as if this game is a Second Life more than it is a game...Is this obsession? I feel it is a gift from God. Mass Effect is the Star Wars of the new Millennium...and is far better than anything to come out in the Star Wars Universe lately with maybe the sole exception of Knights of the Old Republic, which was by Bioware! Now I'd like to Honor Bioware with the title of my favorite all time gaming company. I was never a sci fi fan of anything until I got my hands on KOTOR and this...and I haven't turned back since.

Well...I guess it's time to work on time number 3 months til 3 comes out {March 6th if I am not mistaken}...and oh this wait is killing me...I got mercs to stab in the back with welding torches, or throw out of top floor tower windows! Mass Effect, Bioware, and everyone who worked on these titles...thank you for Blessing us all with your Talents and Creativity. It is a privilege to play these games and the experience of a life time. I have never been so happy to pay full price for these titles.
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Mass Effect 2 I love a lot!
kenyae-cagle27 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This game was awesome from start to finish. I loved how you could build personal relationships with certain characters in this game I loved Miranda and Samara. I think Yvonne Strahovski is just as beautiful as the character she voiced acted as. I also, loved how the game really gave me a comfortable feeling as if I were in the future and the game allowed you to say responses whether they were good or bad. I really loved the different choices of weapons you could use in the game and the certain power upgrades. I wish I could play more games like this in this nature of the future. I loved the friendship between the character as I played as male Shepard and Garrus. Those two seemed like a really good team. I enjoyed all the boss battles as well between Shepard and Reapers. I really enjoyed the game. Finally, I just wish in the game I could have developed an actual relationship with Samara and I thought Legion was pretty cool and possibly my favorite teammate.
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Legendary, Epic, Masterpiece
Kop_Reaz25 December 2014
There're a lot to do in this game. Fighting bad guys, forming team, collecting resources, making tough choices, choosing sides, and of course saving the galaxy.

You start the game few months after the ending of the first game. Humanity's place in the galaxy has never been stronger before. As commander Sheppard you can start the same game you left in Mass Effect 1. The graphic details are improved, specially the character designs. You can travel to the furthest system in the Milkyway with your new and improved Normandy. You can romance few of your crews. You meet most some new characters.

The combats system is linear and not much exciting, easier than the previous game. Level designs are silly. But the all the battles are super bad-ass.
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One of the Best Game I've Played
MamadNobari9715 July 2021
I never played the original and recently started playing the Legendary Edition, so I don't know anything about the gameplay of the original, but I loved the gameplay in this one, it's much more improved from the first one.

And the story! Oh the story is great, and there are lots of great characters in here too. I think this is the first game with multiple and long dialogue sequences that I've actually paid attention to and didn't skip anything, I usually just skip dialogues and don't pay attention to the story if they're just shoving paragraphs of dialogues into your face at a time, like AC Odyssey and Horizon Zero Dawn, because it's boring, but this one has just the right amount of dialogue, and they are all interesting coming from the mouths of interesting characters.

The world and the characters are so rich and well-written that I you will fall in love with them and you want to learn more about them and their backstories.

The world-building in these series are second to none, and I applaud the writers for their work and how they made me fall in love with all these characters and their amazing backstories. Mass Effect has one of the most fascinating and detailed plot I've ever seen.

One of the most addicting games I've ever played, wasn't much fan of the first one's gameplay and played it only for the story, but this one, everything is perfect, well maybe not perfect, but still most of it were minor inconveniences and the game is a 10/10 for me, enjoyed every mission and side quest. Don't miss it!
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jotafracchia27 January 2016
Mass Effect must be the most perfect Sci-fi series ever made in history, i dare to said that's even greater than Star Wars. The history it's brilliant, it's a bit complicated but once you get it, you are in the Mass Effect galaxy and you probably want come out of there till you finish the trilogy.

I wasn't sure what to expect about Mass Effect at first. But all i heard about was that it's a great game. I didn't buy the game until last year, i bought the trilogy pack. The first of the three, Mass Effect 1, was incredibly, besides the old graphics and the 10000 bugs the game have, the story, the music, the characters, makes a really good game.

The genius behind this game, make perfectly done at first, they knew it was gonna be a trilogy, so when you finish the first game you could export your character to Mass Effect 2, and when you finish Mass Effect 2 you do the same for Mass Effect 3. This is perfect, cause every action you make, makes repercussions in the other games as well. So if you make a decision in the first Mass Effect, it will affect Mass Effect 2 and 3, this make you doubt at every moment while you play.

Mass Effect 2 (My favorite), it's more powerful than Mass Effect 1 in every aspect, the graphics are better, the story, the characters, the Normandy, it's definitely a "Must have" in your collection. I don't want to say anything more of, just, you are gonna be surprise. Play this game, you want regret at all.
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A truly perfect game
nrshultz-6644615 June 2023
This game stole my heart and never gave it back. Even after beating the game, it still hasn't returned it. This game has a most compelling narrative that you will get lost into. This game constantly throw situations at you that will have a lasting impact for the remainder of the game in one way or another. The gunplay is refined and perfected compared to its predecessor, this one has a level of challenge as you will have to conserve ammo with the new addition of ammo capacity. This game requires you to think long and hard on your descisions to understand if it will affect you positively or negatively. And like the first game, romance is avalible if you choose to engage with your team in that way. This one has more romance options and each relationship actually feels impactful for you and your partner (no offense to the first game). Overall, this game is perfect for its narrative, gameplay, and character development which seems to be biowares strong suit. Do not dare turn the other cheek on this game, you will regret it.
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Magnificent, Brilliant video game!!
rasoolyfarhad6 March 2022
One of the best adventures in gaming, Mass effect 2 is a perfectly-crafted game that amazes you with its characters, plot twists, enjoyable game play. You would be wise to choose carefully because There WILL be consequences and the fate of the galaxy depends on you, and That final mission is as epic as a mission can get, a climax that is very well developed and it does pay off.
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A terrific game with some minor and major drawbacks. 7.5/10
dfle326 July 2011
Console: Playstation 3 Genre: Role playing game/3rd person shooter

Setting: The Milky Way Galaxy in the future & selected planets & spaceships in there.

Story: You play an elite human soldier (Shepard) who must save the universe from a monstrous alien attack. This soldier commands an advanced spaceship & must recruit various humans, aliens & androids to take on a fearsome adversary which is attacking human colonies & leaving no one left behind to tell the tale.

Graphics: Excellent. Has a quality science fiction/fantasy art book look to it, but not as lush/realistic as, say, "Uncharted 2".

The good:

* You can upgrade the skills, weaponry & powers of those you recruit by gaining their loyalty. However, on first play through, it seems that sometimes you have to choose who to support…which means you may alienate other recruits. The system does have some depth, in that you can lose the loyalty of someone. Nobody on your team starts out as loyal, but that's not to say they are hostile to you. At times, if you make a lot of alternative save spots in the game, you can go back to a point in time & try to gain a different outcome as far as interaction with your ship's crew goes…but that can make no difference at times…which is a strength of the game (unless some game trophies require things be different).

* The gameplay & cinematic element is brilliantly executed in the mission concerning the sniper recruit trying to find someone he believes betrayed his squad: it's like watching a movie which you are creating right there.

* There are side missions which can increase the strength of your squad members…or they may just be a bit of fun…or perhaps there will be serious consequences to them in Mass Effect 3? * There is a sense of fun to the game, should you care to explore. E.g. some of the interactive advertising billboards are amusing. Conversations you have with team members can be intriguing too. I did find amusing some of the information on planets near the Krogan's home world, as well as what some of your crew were reading, according to secret dossiers on them.


* The PS3 version of the game has one glaring omission…you start in the middle of the trilogy. The whole point of the game is the story element, & the main gimmick of the game is that the choices you make in one game carry over into the next game, when you play that. It's for this reason I am not marking this game as highly as I could.

* The PS3 version of the game does not have a booklet with game information in it. There is such a guide on the disc, but it is not accessible when you are actually playing the game, I don't think. I would have appreciated having a booklet to glance at to familiarise or re-familiarise myself with gameplay or gameworld information.

* There is a bug in the game whereby if you get to close to something the game won't let you walk over (like a hole or incline) your character is lodged in the air, unable to move…so you have to reboot the game! Other characters may float next to you by way of solidarity with your predicament.

* Unfortunately, I had an undesirable outcome once I accepted one mission…which is why I think I'll replay the game…i.e. even though you have to save the universe, there's no rush UNLESS you choose to take on a particular mission (IFF mission). The game does warn you that you can't go back once you start the Omega 4 Relay mission, but I think that the IFF mission warranted such a warning itself…found myself sans nearly all of my crew after I dilly-dallied rescuing them. Since I read a cheat book, I know that it was possible to rescue more than I did by delaying their rescue.

* The AI can be up and down...early in the game when I was hopeless at times, the female thief was brilliant in allowing me to complete a mission, or so too the Krogan character in another mission…I don't think that I had the right equipment on me, so without my squad's help I doubt if I could have progressed. The flipside of this AI is that on some missions they are nowhere to be seen…they abandon you to face enemies alone…e.g. in a room on a spaceship I was fighting a team of enemies and my 2 squad mates were outside. It would be good if they could help you defeat your enemies without needlessly getting themselves killed too…take cover, for God's sake! * Oddly, I did find it awkward when one crewmate pointed out that I had asked the same thing before. Another crewmate complained that I was having too many personal chats with him…when I hadn't spoken to him in a while! On the flipside, I liked that you could ask the same question again without such awkward comments being made to you, i.e. if you missed the import of something that was said, you could go back to take it in better.

General observations:

This is a quality game with an engaging story. The major drawback with the PS3 version of the game is that the gimmick available on other platforms (Xbox, PC) aren't available to you (the element of your choices counting in later games). Replaying the game (you can get bonuses after completing the game a 1st time, as well as change your character's gender), I found I had a sense of familiarity with the characters, not unlike those on other platforms get, who have played the 1st in the series. Although the game does have some bugs, it doesn't significantly detract from the pleasure of the experience. High replay value. Potentially a 8.5+/10 game on other platforms.
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A story that I will never forget.
0imagination22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What does perfection mean in the realm of video games? For me, it's about the lasting impact a game has on your memory. The Mass Effect trilogy stands as a true masterpiece, an experience that every gamer should immerse themselves in at least once in their lifetime. Within this epic narrative, you'll discover a rich tapestry of action, hatred, revenge, heartbreak, laughter, surprise, camaraderie, and love. It's a comprehensive package that defies categorization.

Mass Effect 2, in particular, stands as a pinnacle of gaming excellence. It offers an unforgettable journey through its most remarkable and heart-pounding quests, with the 'Suicide Mission' standing out as an unparalleled gaming achievement. The desire to revisit this exceptional game is so strong that I almost wish for a device capable of wiping my memory clean just to experience it all over again.
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Reap the Rewards of Playing This Game
megan_chatterton23 July 2022
The Mass Effect story is one of the industry's best. This installment fixes all the little flaws of the first one to provide a thoroughly enjoyable, immersive and customizable gameplay experience. Commander Shepard is one of the most memorable main characters I've played to date. The team is also very unique and feel like real people. Graphics, voice acting, and gameplay are all pros of the game. A bit repetitive in places, but a truly special series.
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