Wreck-It Ralph (2012) Poster

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A lot better than expected, and made for gamers
FairlyAnonymous3 November 2012
Side note: The animated short Paper Man was very good. The animation was a unique blend of CGI but made to look like hand drawn animation. The only slight issue I had with it is that the short got crazy at the end and became unbelievable. Still cute.

Being a gamer, I decided to go to this movie. I knew the movie was going to be good, but I didn't expect it to be really good. The action, humor, voice-acting, plot, and animation are all great. Since this movie is aimed towards gamers, I feel like a lot of the cameos and jokes are going to fly over most people's heads, such as "All your base are belong to us" written on a subway wall or "Leroy Jenkins was here". Thankfully, the movie doesn't rely on cameos to be successful.

The animation in Wreck-It Ralph is very beautiful, and is great at expressing the video game world. I did not see it in 3D, but just from watching it in 2D I can tell that this movie would look amazing in 3D. The animators did really good in this movie because each video game world looks vastly different from another. Each world feels like an actual video game that I've played. If there is one problem that I can pick out in this movie (and many others have noted this as well) is that the plot focuses on the Sugar Rush world a bit too much. Most of the other worlds are revealed at the beginning mainly for the sake of reference, with only a few actually being important.

The humor in Wreck-It Ralph is good because it hits a very large audience. A lot of the cameos and jokes are related to video games but there are also a lot of movie references as well, puns, slapstick jokes, and some crude humor. Some people complained at the crude humor but honestly it didn't bother me because it was coming from a character who looks like she is five, so it actually made sense.

The interesting thing about Wreck-It Ralph's plot is that it has very little to do with an external conflict, but more with an internal one (which is a pun in itself because they are inside of video games). There is a main bad guy, and a huge disaster, and all of these other conflicts but these elements are back seat to the character development. I thought it was neat since most animated movies do the opposite. The voices for all of the characters were really well done. There weren't any annoying characters which adds to the movie. Another nice thing about the plot is that main bad guy is not revealed until the very end of the movie which focuses the plot on the characters, not the action or the villain.

Overall a really great movie. Spectacular animation, great voice work, emotional and even touching at times, and overall humorous. While the Sugar Rush world might get slightly stale after awhile, it is still excellent movie. Gamers, this goes to you, WATCH THIS MOVIE!
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A wonderful, nostalgic, and artful cinematic experience~
manuscriptna2 November 2012
It's all fun and games at Litwak's Fun Center, until someone gets hurt. While this cliché'd line seems to reflect the simple plot in most movies (while the moral outcome does, too), the setting makes Wreck-it Ralph a wonderful, refreshing, and unique pleasure. Inside a family arcade, all the game characters (both old and new) are real, and travel among the other games when the doors have locked. Ralph, from Fix-it Felix Jr., desperately wished to be a good guy, and be rewarded, so he sets off in search of a medal. By doing this, he sets off a chain of events that puts multiple games at risk, and unveils a hidden threat.

Disney has made this film equally accessible by both parents and children, and I find that wondrous. At times, Vanellope sounded quite mature, and at others, just like a tod. Soon, kids will squeal in excitement when they find a Fix-it Felix Jr. game, along with other last-gen arcade delights. In this way, the film has rendered itself timeless, if only in that small way. Although it doesn't feature many of the games themselves, you are able to see many characters, including retired ones.

Being inside a game world gave the artists a great deal of freedom, but they didn't waste it. At every new turn, another extremely creative point would grab your attention, and I'm sure I missed many (which would enhance a second viewing). Another big enhancement is the 3D atmosphere. I doubted I would ever say this, but I urge you to see this in 3D, or turn around and go home. Because of all the pixel-related artwork, and 3D modeling, it is natural to have such a dimension added on. It's the perfect film to have it for!

Now, for all the extra material surrounding the movie. Similar to Pixar, Disney has included an animated short right before, called "The Paperman". It doesn't feature any voice acting, but it's hilarious, and very well-made. I am sure you'll enjoy it. Second, the end credits are worth watching through, but not because there's an extra scene (there isn't one). It's only worth it for the visuals during the credits themselves, in 3D.

In conclusion, Wreck-it Ralph is family-safe, and highly enjoyable. See it in 3D as soon as you can!
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Even better than I hoped....
jediguitarguy26 October 2012
Got to see an advances screening of Wreck-it Ralph today. I had been waiting for at least a year for this film and it did not disappoint.

I am a hardcore Disney fanboy and was before I even played my first video game. But I have to be honest, sometimes Disney doesn't get it. They see something is trending and an instant money maker and jump head first even if they don't understand the topic they're tackling.

So it does make you wonder if they could really do justice to a film dedicated to something they really don't excel in. Video games are not Disney's strong suit(except for the rare cases like Kingdom Hearts, which really only succeeds, because they have little to nothing to do with the production). Trust me I've played enough cheap marketing/movie tie in/ buy it for your kid because of the characters on the box Disney games to know what I'm talking about.

But Wreck-it Ralph nailed it. Start to Finish it is a love letter to gaming, made by people who understand games(and I highly suspect John Lasseter's role as Executive Producer greatly contributed to it's excellence).

It really reminded me of why we love games. It's not the technology or the graphics or the marketing hype. It's what they make us feel. The broad range of emotions they extract from us as we immerse ourselves in their world. The joy of victory, the stinging pain of loss, laughter and even tears. I felt all of those in this movie.

The world has become an ugly place and personally, my faith is what gets me through. But when you experience a game or a movie that takes you to an imaginative world where anything is possible, things start to seem a little brighter. Those stacks of paperwork you're facing seem smaller. The grisly news headlines get a little further away. That's what art and beauty do. They heal; help us see things in a better light. And I thank God for them.

I didn't expect for the movie to get me waxing philosophical, but that's the kind of hairpin I am.

Side notes: I was a little disappointed that they lingered SO long in one environment and I, frankly, find the crude humor tiresome. I thought the 3D was excellent, providing a nice immersive depth and texture without ever seeming gimicky( and I'm not a die hard 3D fan). Also, be sure to get there in time for the short at the beginning, Paper Man. Reminded me of classic Disney animated shorts, and that is not a bad thing.

A few weeks ago I was leaving California Adventure Park and overheard a little boy talking to his father about Wreck-it Ralph. With the wide eyed enthusiasm of youth he said to his father, "It's a movie about video games....who doesn't like that?" Well said, kid, well said.
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Red_Identity2 November 2012
I was supposed to be be seeing either Flight or Argo today, but to my disappointment I missed both showtimes, and I was in a tight time frame where I could see anything. So my friend really convinced me to check this one out. Boy, what a great time it was.

Wreck-It Ralph is really wonderfully created. Its visual design is brilliant and its action pieces pretty amazing. The world it builds, and all of the little details from various video games, is pretty wonderful to look at and experience. Even some characters move in the precise way they actually do in video games. But what makes this gloriously colorful spectacle of a world work is the screenplay. The jokes hit all the right places, the characters are all lively and written with skill that goes beyond what we have come to expect from a simple kids' film like this. The few commercials and trailers I saw had been sure to let audiences know just how "pretty" this film looked, but what makes it a truly great film is that it has a great story and great dialogue to back up the visuals. The voice performances are pretty incredible, and perhaps because I recognized such people like Reily, Silverman, McBrayer, and Lynch, but even others did wonders with their characters.

Overall, the film follows a clear pattern and formula for kids, but the real surprise is that none of it made me roll my eyes or cringe. It's incredibly entertaining and enjoyable for anyone. Pretty much everything is done in a very respectable manner, and the film hits greatness in the writing, direction, voice performances, and visual design. The only real flaw in it that I gathered was the inclusion of a Rihanna song, which really took me out of the world the film created and kinda put a plaster on it from pop culture. Or maybe it's because I hate the song... Still, this is another truly great animated film that does stand out from others this year in its own way, and one that's admirable and satisfying in all the best ways. I loved it. Highly recommended.
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Even better than I'd hoped
peteer012 November 2012
Let me start by saying this: I am the ideal demographic for this movie. I am in my early/mid 30s, I grew up with videos games starting with the ColecoVision 30 years ago, which is, in the movie, when Wreck-It Ralph was released. I still play games. I have a four-year-old son who plays games. He knows who Pac-Man, Zangief and Sonic are, and you can bet that on top of that I know who Sheng Long, Tapper, Q*Bert and Burger Time are.

That's what makes me nervous about blanketly recommending this movie to everyone...not just that I'm obviously going to catch more references, in-jokes and cameos than the average movie goer, but that I'm going to recognize the archetypes they're playing off of and the mechanics they're referencing as the stories progresses.

It feels a bit like Mallrats, in that I'm so ideally in the target demographic for the movie's release that I'm not sure I can accurately gauge how it will be received by people outside of that demographic.

That said, I don't think you need to be a video game fan to enjoy this movie. It's a very well crafted movie with characters that are more Pixar than Disney. I was concerned that this was a "Disney" movie as I haven't seen a 3D CG "Disney" movie that can hold a candle to the Pixar and Dreamworks hits that I'm a huge fan of. And yet, for me, this movie was better than recent Pixar movies and better than Dreamworks movies, with characters and a story that felt worthy of of the Pixar name.

I even greatly enjoyed the animated short at the beginning. Again, something I would expect more from a Pixar film than a Disney film. The whole theater experience for this film was a delight, all the way through to the very, very brief bonus scene at the end of a credits, which is something you really, really need to be a gaming nerd to get. (Gamers who have seen The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters will definitely get it.) I went into this film with high hopes and expectations, and I was blown away. My wife, who is not a gamer at all, enjoyed the film, and when my four-year-old son was asked by her what his favorite part was, he replied, "Um... Every part! I liked the whole movie!" That he was able to talk to her and I in great detail about the plot and characters while I was able to appreciate the whole film to the level I did as an adult speaks volumes to me about how well this story was told.

If you played in arcades in the 1980s, if the games Q*Bert, Burgertime, Pac-Man, Street Fighter II and Sonic all mean something to you: You're enough of a gamer to appreciate all the references. If you have a youngster who's played video games, they're enough of a gamer to get the movie. And even if you aren't, while you may not relate to the subject matter the way I did, you're still in for an enjoyable story, with great characters, masterfully told.

Highly recommended, and a 10 out of 10 for me, as I expect this will be on both my son's and my short list of favorite movies for years to come.
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Best animated film of 2012? Absolutely!
TheLittleSongbird9 February 2013
I think 2012 has been a very good, even great, year for animation in that I don't think I have seen an animated film I've disliked. Wreck It Ralph for me was the best animated film from 2012(although it only came out yesterday in the UK I still class it as a 2012 film), tying with Tangled as the best Disney has done since The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It has something for children and adults alike, and I don't think you have to be a video game fan to like it(I'm not exactly, more of Disney myself, but am very familiar with them through my brother). The animation is wonderful, the characters move with no problem at all, the colours look gorgeous and the backgrounds are detailed, very like the very best of Pixar actually. The music, right from the tempos, rhythms, melodies, chord progressions and instrumentation, is full of energy and the songs are incredibly catchy. The writing is a perfect blend of humour and heart, the film is often hilarious and witty as well as heartfelt and touching in equal measures and the story is fast-paced and much more original than you'd think complete with energetic-but not too frantic- action. I like the Be Youself message, it is an important one and I personally didn't think it was heavy-handed. And of course any video game fan will love spotting the video game characters and references, there's plenty of them and all are colourfully evoked. I found it very easy to relate to Ralph, Fix-it Felix Jr is an amusing character and Vanellope is cute without being annoying or mawkish. The voice work is terrific, with the standout being the gruff vulnerability that John C Reilly brings to Ralph. In conclusion, a wonderful film and the best animated film of the year. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Games people play: 'Wreck-It' is a nostalgically fun look back
gregeichelberger4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
With a mix of "Alien," "Toy Story" and a bit of originality, Walt Disney Studios has created a wonderfully fun and nostalgic effort sure to put a smile on the faces of young and old, alike.

And while a bit long in the tooth for an animated film (108 minutes), "Wreck-It Ralph" nevertheless is one of the better productions of this genre in 2012, at least.

For those who grew up in the video game world, say post 1978, the sights and sounds of this movie will no doubt have many viewers pointing at the screen in recognition of the many, many classic arcade characters and machines (and even some of the newer systems, as well).

Much of the charm of "Wreck-It Ralph" is based upon these recollections as characters from Street Fighter, Q-Bert, Sonic, Frogger, Dig-Dug, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Brothers, Halo, Mortal Kombat, Ms. Pac-Man, among many others abound in their own world when the neighborhood arcade closes for the night.

Plotwise, the hulking but sensitive title character (voiced by John C. Reilly, "Step Brothers") has been destroying the same apartment building for more than 30 years in an older than old school game entitled "Fix-It Felix, Jr.," but all he has to show for it is constantly being thrown off a roof and living a lonely, depressing life in a huge pile of bricks.

The game's perpetually perky hero, Felix, Jr. (voiced by Jack McBrayer, "30 Rock"), however, is forever honored with shiny medals and feted by the structure's residents for repairing Ralph's damage with his magic golden hammer.

Having had enough, Ralph confesses the desire to be a good guy — for a change — to members of his bad guy support group. Here, various villains led by a ghost from Pac-Man spout AA and Narcano platitudes, such as "Good is not bad, Ralph, and bad is good," but he is determined to be the hero and win a medal for himself — even just once.

And so his adventure through the games of Litwik's Fun Center begins.

First, after removing the armor-plating of an inebriated soldier, Ralph enters the world of "Hero's Duty" to kill bugs and climb buildings. Although petrified and frustrated, he still manages to swipe a huge medal by trickery and brute force.

Then, upon escaping in a space pod (with a virus bug stowaway), he crash lands in the sickeningly sweet world of "Sugar Rush," where cute-as-a-button racers drive home-baked go-karts in a land ruled by King Candy (voice of Alan Tudyk, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," doing his best Ed Wynn).

Here, Ralph also meets the pixilated "glitch" Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman, "The School of Rock"), who steals his unearned medal as an entry fee for the race she is never allowed to participate in. The two form a reluctant alliance based upon the fact the winner will get a medal. She promises to win and he wrecks a bakery to make her a candy-coated race car.

Meanwhile, Felix, Jr. and the leader from "Hero's Duty," Calhoun (Jane Lynch, "The 40-Year Old Virgin," "Glee"), are frantically searching for the AWOL Ralph. If they cannot find him, "Fix-It Felix, Jr." will be disconnected and the characters forced to live on the streets of Game Central Station.

The duo are also trying to fight off an invasion of huge deadly bugs who are trying to take over "Sugar Rush," as well. There's a lot of gunfire, explosions, last-minute rescues, a big auto race and derring-do. There is also a little romance and even a lot of heart in this story of trying to improve oneselves all the while attempting to maintain one's core personality and individualism.

Things are not always as they seem, but the overall look and feel of Wreck-It Ralph is a bright, splashing, colorful world that draws laughs and "Ohhhs" from parents as well as their children.

Although do be warned, very young children may be frightened by some of the darker moments — the movie is rated PG for a reason.

Gamers, teens, twenty-somethings and many others will also enjoy most of this film, although it tends to sag a bit in the middle and could have used a bit more judicious editing (maybe 10 minutes could have been shorn).

Nonetheless, director Rich Moore (some "Futurama" and "Drawn Together" episodes) exhibits a deft hand in his animated lexicon and "Wreck-It Ralph" certainly showcases that ability.
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With an emotional story, lots of nostalgic references, and nice development, Wreck-It Ralph wins the game! Warning: Spoilers
When I have heard that Disney was going to make a new movie this time about a video game arcade with some of the 80s greatest video games ever made, I was really excited and wanted to see this with lots of expectations. I started to like the premise: A bad-guy named Ralph from a video game called "Fix-It Felix" who wants to be a hero instead of being the villain all the time and goes to both games to receive a medal. So, he goes to Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush where there he meets a girl named Vannellope and makes a friendship with her as she tries to win a race so she can become a racer before they make a deal to win and give Ralph a medal. It's kind of like Toy Story but instead of toys, it takes place in a video game arcade.

With that said, I saw this on the opening weekend starting from last night and was blown away. It succeeded what it had set out to do and delivered what the trailers had promised. Before I can get to the redeeming qualities, there is one flaw that I would like to point out. There is some nice messaging, but there are some really dark moments that could frighten kids ages 8-10 especially the tragic back-story of Calhoun, one of the characters of the movie.

Flaw aside, everything else exceeded my expectations towards this wonderful movie. The story is very original with some really happy moments, some sad moments, and like I said before, some dark moments that I've already stated and has a very nice concept that would not only remind the adults of the 80s video game references (especially some nice cameos including: Bowser, Dr. Eggman, the ghost from Pac-Man, some Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter characters, and Sonic), but will entertain them as well as the kids young and old. The characters, like the story, are also original with lots of help from a great voice cast including John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, Dennis Haysbert, and Alan Tudyk. Wreck-It Ralph is a determined protagonist who changes his life and tries to achieve it be becoming what he wants to be and his development between him and Vanellope, an adorable girl from Sugar Rush who wants to become the best race-car driver, is well-thought out. Some of the characters like, Fix-It Felix, Calhoun, whose tragic back-story made me felt sorry for her, and several of the video game characters are also likable, but the most memorable character goes to the main villain, King Candy. He reminds me of Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland except he's not only menacing, but unbelievably over-the-top it's hard not to forget this villain.

The pacing for this movie is very brisk and moves along very nicely and I like the music from Henry Jackman. It has some nice 80s video game music and the orchestra for several moments of the movie is beautifully well-made. The strongest aspect, however, goes to the animation and boy was it so amazing. The character animation on the Wreck-It Ralph and several of the video game characters are creative and look exactly like the ones from the 80s video games, but what stands out most about the animation is it's visuals. Everything you see in just blows you away. The bright colors, the set ups and the environments of the video games which makes it look completely gorgeous especially the Game Central Station and it's some of the greatest visuals I've ever seen in an animated feature film since Dreamwork's "How To Train Your Dragon", "Kung Fu Panda" and several of Pixar's films including the "Toy Story" trilogy, "Finding Nemo", "The Incredibles", and "Cars".

Overall, Wreck-It Ralph delivered what it had promised: an emotional story, lots of great nostalgic references, and nice development from the characters which makes this, in my opinion, one of the best movies of the year and the most anticipated movie next to "The Hunger Games" and "John Carter" My advice: Go see it! It is really *that* good!
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"Monsters Inc." Set In a Video Game World
3xHCCH17 December 2012
I did not really plan to watch "Wreck It Ralph" at all because I do not really like the recent Disney output. I am unfamiliar with the characters and the title and poster did not look attractive to me. However, with consistently good word-of-mouth reviews, I felt I had to give it a shot. And yes, "Wreck It Ralph" deserves its good reputation, and I am glad I got to see it.

"Wreck It Ralph" is the brutish gorilla-of-a-man villain of a arcade video game called "Fix It Felix". After thirty years of being thrown off the side of the building, Ralph feels he wanted to be the hero for a change. So he ventures outside his game to neighboring combat game "Hero's Duty" to earn his very own medal (as he sees Felix get a medal after each game).

When he does get his medal, Ralph accidentally triggers a virus which attacks him and brings him into the Technicolor world of the racing game "Sugar Rush". There he meets the cute little glitch Vanellope who earnestly wants to join and win a race, but is not allowed to because of her imperfections. Can Ralph help Vanellope achieve her dream, save his video arcade world from viral destruction and be a real hero?

While everything in "Wreck It Ralph" seemed new and original, I could not help but feel the spirit of "Monsters Inc." all throughout the film. It had the same basic story of a lonely but despised "bad" guy who does good and becomes a hero for a change. Even the interconnected world behind the video arcade (where all the characters had a life after the arcade closes for the night) is reminiscent of the labyrinthine world behind the closet doors in "Monsters Inc."

Overall though, "Wreck It Ralph" remains to be fun and happy, with just the right dose of drama and action here and there to entertain viewers of all ages. The artwork of the characters and the settings is very colorful and visually arresting. This is definitely a contender for best animated feature film of the year.
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BRILLIANT! The best animated film of the year!
DrSaintDDS2 November 2012
Disney has made some really good animated movies, but they had never done a lot of movies that are as bright and original as Wreck-it Ralph, the new animated film from Disney. The movie centers on Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly), the villain in the "Fix-it Felix" arcade game, who decides to become a hero. Because he doesn't like being a bad guy, he goes into some of the video games in order to learn what it's like to become a good guy. He also befriends a character known as Vanellope von Schweetz (voiced by Sarah Silverman) from a candy-coated racing game called "Sugar Rush". When Ralph accidentally unleashes a threat in the arcade, he tries his best to save the day and become a true hero.

I had extremely high expectations for this movie. I had the feeling that this will turn out to be an excellent animated film. I thought the premise to this sounded really cool and clever – a love letter to video games. I really love the voice cast.

So, did Wreck-it Ralph met my expectations? Absolutely! This was such a fun animated movie for all ages, and better than Disney/PIXAR's Brave (which was also very good).

John C. Reilly delivered a strong performance as the title character, who wants to make a change in his life, achieve it, and become what he wants to be. That's what a great movie character is about. Sarah Silverman provides most of the movie's funny moments as one of the "Sugar Rush" characters who Ralph befriends, and is a "glitch" (a character who faults the game). She tries to get Ralph for help to become a racer once again. Jack McBrayer (from the hit-show, 30 Rock) has an amusing supporting role as Fix-it Felix, the main hero in the "Fix-it Felix" arcade game, who sets out to find Ralph and get him back to where he belongs. Jane Lynch does a great job playing the main character in a first-person shooter game known as "Hero's Duty", who tries to find Ralph, alongside Felix.

I didn't see the movie in 3D; which I must say it does look pretty darn good in 3D, but I decided to stick with the 2D because of the sharp, pristine screen.

The animation is simply wonderful; the bright colors, the set-ups, the environments, the characters all look fantastic. At times, the movie is very gorgeous to look at on the big screen.

The characters in this were likable and funny. It was awesome to see some video game characters making cameos (like Bowser, Pac-Man, Sonic, etc.). The story to the movie is well-thought out and genuinely clever. It's always nice to see something new to the table. I really liked the themes to the movie: What does it mean to be a true hero? How can the main character's goal become a success? And so forth.

Generally, movies from Disney and/or PIXAR give a lot heart into their stories, which makes the tone of the movie become very sweet. Wreck-it Ralph has enough heart to make it that way. From start to finish, this movie is a lot of fun, and when families bring their kids to see this movie, they're going to fall in love with it.

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Wreck-It Ralph: A Villain's Destructive Path to Heroism
the_grand_lebowski4 November 2012
It isn't easy being the bad guy, especially when you are the villain in a video game forced to repeat your destructive tendencies on a daily basis. The title character of Wreck-It Ralph faces this particular dilemma. Ralph is tired of being the "bad guy" in the game: Fix-It Felix Jr. Ralph's role puts him at odds with his adversary, Felix Jr., who garners all the praise and adoration from the townspeople after he fixes Ralph's destruction. Ralph's jealousy of Felix comes to a head on the thirtieth anniversary party for Fix-It Felix Jr. Upon being shunned from the party, Ralph decides that the only obstacle keeping him from achieving the rank of hero is a golden medal. Determined to win the respect of his fellow game characters, Ralph sets out to accomplish something that is forbidden in the arcade world: stealing an item from another game.

Wreck-It Ralph beautifully combines animation that audiences have come to love with a nostalgic look at the wonders of the arcade world. In a time when arcades are rapidly waning in popularity, Ralph revitalizes characters from classic games, and introduces unique new characters into the Disney pantheon. Pac-Man, Q*bert, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bowser, and numerous other characters from arcade classics have cameos in this movie. Whether you are a hardcore video game aficionado, or someone who has spent little-to-zero time in an arcade, Wreck-It Ralph is a film that you are sure to enjoy.

Disney sans Pixar has had some difficulty creating films that entice both children and parents. After a long string of pandering sequels, and weak features, Disney Animation Studios appears to have their formula down. 2010's Tangled was a welcomed surprise, and Wreck-It Ralph is equally enjoyable. Director Rich Moore does an excellent job blending a morality play into the video game world. Screenwriters Phil Johnston (Cedar Rapids) and Jennifer Lee compose a script that is packed with references to video games, candy, and classic cinema. One of the funniest segments in the film involves Ralph attending "Bad-anon", a support group for video game villains (think AA, but with a Pac-Man ghost and Zangief from Street Fighter). When Ralph enters the game "Sugar Rush", Johnston and Lee inundate the dialogue with references to candy and sweets, which grows stale as time progresses, but carries a sugary taste in the beginning. The talents of the director and writers are on full capacity during the majority of this feature.

John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, Sarah Silverman, and Alan Tudyk all lend their voice talents to this production. John C. Reilly (Ralph) continues to be one of my favorite actors, voicing Ralph so fluidly that one can't help but think this role was written precisely for him. Jack McBrayer is lovable as always, playing an overeager Felix, whose charm lies in his quirky euphemisms and doe-eyed stares. Felix, swooning for Jane Lynch's Calhoun, delivers one of the greatest lines in the movie: "Oh, that's not from blunt force trauma ma'am. That's just the honey glow in my cheeks." Sarah Silverman (Vanellope) plays a character ostracized in her game due to being a "glitch". She is the annoying sidekick who demeans Ralph constantly, but still manages to earn his adoration. The role was developed with Silverman in mind, and her raspy voice compliments her character's brashness perfectly. Alan Tudyk plays one of the most divisive roles in the film. His character, King Candy, is a bubbling buffoon, who has dark motives, and an inexplicable drive to see Ralph and Vanellope fail. Moore himself supplies the voices of a number of characters in the film—his turn as Sour Bill is delightfully droll.

Wreck-It Ralph is currently the highest-grossing film of the weekend, and is sure to remain among the top features of this season because of its dynamic appeal and heartening story. Although the second portion of the film seems hustled, and several scenes in "Sugar Rush" are clichéd and lazily scripted, the film as a whole exceeds. The ending is very satisfying, and features a plot manipulation that is brilliant. Ralph is sure to become one of the prized characters in the Disney catalog. Wreck-It Ralph is anything but a disaster.
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By far one of their greatest work in quite some time
perfectdark4012 November 2012
I have to say that I was a bit surprised to see how well this was thought out, the director and the animators put their hearts and souls into making this movie with their special effects and amazing plot line laced with funny humor for both ages (young with the new-gen gaming and the old with retro-gaming). But not only is it funny, but very well thought out and well played.

The characters were very well thought out and planned to show how it would be if a old-styled video game character would do in the after-hours when no one was around, they opened the door to a untapped imagination that blew me away. The originality behind the video game characters brings the term nostalgic to a whole new level.

They also did an amazing job with the little girl named Vanellope and how her story unfolded, with surprising twists and turns to keep things rather interesting. Not only did they did a great job on the plot but also on the aesthetics of visual effects and gestures as well; Vanellope's character really blossomed because of this (as well as the other characters too).

Ralph is one of those characters that you kinda hate being around with and shows that off by his enormous size (and his ape-like hands), he's a bad guy by code but he shows that when there's a will there's a way and Ralph eventually figures it out sprinkled with laughs along his crazy journey to save the day.

An amazing job on the visuals, the story line, the character development, the overall plot, and most of all is how they managed to weave all these threads together into a solid movie for everyone. One of Disney's greatest works to be produced in a rather long time and really worth seeing again and again.
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Fresh Story full of Familiar Flavor, Wreck-It Ralph is nostalgically entertaining
diac2282 November 2012
Wreck-it Ralph is Hollywood's latest foray in to the subculture world of gaming---a world that Hollywood essentially knows nothing about, with examples I refuse to mention so I don't have the sensation of throwing up. Except this time its Disney turning on the nostalgia while delivering a fresh story that involves a mixing of classic-style arcade games with the new-school arcade hits that we currently see. So what we have is a pure gamer movie, right?

Not quite. It is not a gamer's movie, it is really an animated movie with many, many nods to the world of arcade and console gaming. There is a major difference. You don't have the pacing, style, mood, and tone of a video game here unlike the visually stimulating whirlwind of a trip we experienced in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Instead you have a movie with a major Disney touch and essentially becoming the modern-day version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit---a new cast of characters being joined by dozens of cameos from old-school favorites.

Don't let this statement deter you, just let it allow you to hover your mind around the fact that the cameos you saw in the trailer was not a sample, it was a display of the entire menu. Luckily for this movie, the cast of characters featured are very likable, have their moments to shine, and do propel the movie forward when the plot (and amount of references) gets stuck in the mud. From the lovable baddie Wreck-It Ralph to the adorably filthy and sarcastic Vannelope (brilliantly executed by Sarah Silverman, an underrated comedic gem), you will feel for the characters much like when you immerse yourself in a gigantic video game. You will root for the two as they both fight for a place in gaming society, in a world that mistreats the outcasts, gaming villains, and anything too retro.

In a sort of ironic twist, Disney and Nintendo (the current gaming leader) are very alike in mannerisms, and also very similar in how their audience reach prevents them from fulfilling their true potential. With Nintendo they aim to remain looking hardcore while attempting to reach out into the mainstream. With Wreck-It Ralph, it was a kids movie full of sight and verbal gags that will giggle the children and tweens while severely pushing heavy and subtle gaming references to the 80s, 90s, and gamers of today even. There is a Leroy Jenkins reference for crying out loud. Surely everyone gets their spoonful of fun, but it prevents the movie from truly pushing towards something edgy, something more.

But what they do deliver, is a delightful movie that is chock full of nostalgia and originality. This awkward mix works for the company that saved the gaming industry, and works for the film that celebrates it.
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"I'm not a glitch!"
UniqueParticle21 August 2019
Love this adorable movie so much I have seen Wreck-It Ralph at least 25 times since it released. So endearing and memorable! Even as an adult this movie is perfect! My mom says "People who judge don't matter and people that matter don't judge", it's very true.
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Virtual Joys
billygoat10719 November 2012
Wreck-It Ralph imagines a world where arcade game characters have their own lives. It's like a video game version of Toy Story and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but this one is much more appealing to the viewers. As expected, it has an endless amount of enjoyment, a big scale of adventure, and really fun characters. The filmmakers poured their love of these games to the film thus made this a wonderful nostalgic delight.

The story doesn't sound quite fresh at some point, especially for an animated film, but the main attraction here is the theme. It sets in a magnificent arcade world. It's fun when it captures the prominent video game mannerism like the freezy movements in retro games, an out of control game character walking against the wall in 3D games, and the glitching. It's easy to know what the central games are inspired from. Many would root for the cameos of iconic game characters and each of their appearance are splendid. The movie is filled with action set pieces that are undeniably exciting. By its grand scale and references, the experience is gloriously extraordinary.

Another charms of the film is the characters. We don't usually see films with well developed characters in blockbusters these days but this one has plenty of it. They all have their own pathos, but in a comical way. And the voice performances were great. John C. Reily gives Ralph an acceptably nice personality. Sarah Silverman makes Vanellope adorable enough. Jack McBrayer is quite charming as the always positive Fix-It Felix Jr. and Alan Tudyk is delightful as the goofy King Candy.

The animation is wonderful. Like what I said, they really capture the elements of every video game. The game "Sugar Rush" has the most colorful(and product placed) visuals of the film. The rest is thoroughly inspired. 3D is usually unnecessary but here is just fine. It's kind of worth it by its large adventures. There is no scene after the credits but it's better to stay during it to listen to the theme songs of "Sugar Rush" and "Fix-It Felix Jr.".

There isn't much groundbreaking about Wreck-It Ralph but what makes this special is its tribute to the classic video games. It also serves an over the top fun and sweetness(no Sugar Rush pun intended). It's so fun, it's easy to ignore its little flaws. There are some things that could have been better, but the film is already good enough. To those who love playing video-games will enjoy this a lot more. It's just full of life and nostalgia. Wreck-It Ralph is a great virtual ride!
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Today i felt such a warmness in my heart that i have not felt in years...
arshia_ma21 March 2013
first of all i'm a 29 years old guy and everyone consider me a very logical person (and not an emotional one). today i saw Wreck It Ralph. During the movie when i heard each laughter of Venelope or her excitements ,it was just like i saw my own baby girl doing it(BTW i do not have a child) and i could not stop my tears (even right now that i'm think of it) and She was so sweet and full of life that i have not seen in anyone for a long time... And about Ralph,he was just what i call a true friend and true human being(even if he is just an animation character). what more do i need to learn from an animation movie???

Thanks Disney for giving me all this GREAT WARM FEELINGS that i have not experienced it for a long time... Thanks.
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Wreck-It Ralph is a familiar story for children, but it's still a colorful adventure film.
toqtaqiya26 December 2012
Wreck-It Ralph is a film for children though even adults will enjoy it because of its smart humor and clever references to the arcade. The story is simple, with Wreck-It Ralph representing adults with a mid-life crisis and Vanellope von Schweetz representing children outside of the pack. The film starts slow but it builds to a thrilling ending which can easily compel viewers to see it again. The influence of Japanese animation on the story and the animation is obvious. One of the songs on the soundtrack is Sugar Rush by the Japanese girl group AKB48. Another nice tune in the film is When Can I See You Again? by Owl City. An excellent voice cast was assembled to bring the likable characters to life, including John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch and Alan Tudyk. Wreck-It Ralph was produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and not by Pixar. It doesn't reach the level of excellence of Pixar's best releases but it's still better than Pixar's worst, and even Pixar's worst are quite good. In conclusion Wreck-It Ralph, by director Rich Moore, is a good piece of entertainment, however I have to mention that it doesn't make good use of 3D. It's the 52nd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. I recommend seeing it.
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Great movie
NotASmartCritic28 December 2018
Dang i watched this movie so much times now and i still enjoy it, really recommend this movie and was one of the best movies :)))
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An arcade version of "Toy Story" (1995)
FilmFanatic0316 December 2012
Disney are amazing. Over the past 80 or so years they have brought us endless classics and memorable characters and stories. But when they break away from their traditional fairy tales or from their traditional cel-animation (eg. "Meet the Robinsons" (2007) and "Bold" (2008)) they aren't as beloved as a Pixar CGI animation is. In my opinion "Wreck-It Ralph" follows the patters of the two films mentioned above, so I was hoping that Disney could make a really enjoyable CGI animation solo. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed "Meet The Robinsons" and "Bolt" but they didn't live up to the likes of "Aladdin" (1992, "The Little Mermaid" (1989), "Tarzan" (1999) etc. However, with "Wreck-It Ralph" they have produced one of their best solo CGI animation to date.

This film reminded me of an arcade version of "Toy Story" (1995) which is a compliment. It was sheer genius how they translated an arcade gaming world into a film world, and how the arcade gaming characters would occupy themselves after playing hours. Also how the depicted the good and bad characters was really interesting and enjoyable to watch. Disney allows us to feel sympathy for the villain which is interesting, because as it is mentioned in the film, the "bad guy" is just a label, it doesn't make them bad people. It's hard to explain without giving any spoilers, but I can say the message of the film is really ironic and clever how they used a traditional message and altered it in a unique way.

The story is decent enough. Bad guy wanting to break out of the mould and be the hero and win a medal for once. But his encounter with Vanellope von Schweetz is really special. Her character is so adorable and is very easy to relate to. It kept you watching because it is a unique film so you didn't know entirely where the film was heading, and it came with many thrills and surprises.

Despite it's interesting and enjoyable characters, I wish they did feature more of Sonic and characters from his universe. I didn't know the majority of the gaming characters so I was really excited when seeing Sonic on the posters, so was a little saddened at the 1% you see of him within the film, but it didn't hinder the enjoyment of the film. Also, despite the story being really unique and enjoyable, I wish they included more arcade gaming worlds. This is just a minuscule criticism.

Overall, an enjoyable family film with a fresh story and fun characters.
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Disney headed in the right di-WRECK-tion!
misterembryo2 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer alone, garnered much buzz for Disney's latest 3D adventure. Seeing some of'the great video game villains of all time assembled in one room was just too good to be true. The hype was elevated to even greater heights given its ubiquitous presence at San Diego Comic Con. In the back of mind I kept thinking, "THEY'RE GONNA WRECK IT!"

Thankfully, the movie succeeds in creating a heartfelt tribute to the golden era of the 80's arcade, decorated here and there with familiar cameos that are both nostalgic and laugh out loud hilarious. The actual video game characters and their respective worlds don't play as big a role in the movie as I imagined. My wishful, nerdy brain hoped Ralph would be jumping through pipes in Mushroom Kingdom, riding horseback through Hyrule and blasting away at baddies alongside Mega Man and who knows who else. This didn't happen, and may have to do with the price of buying the rights to some of these iconic images. But the new world Disney Animation Studios created is rich with surprises, and rivals that of Monstropolis, Toy Story, and the Kingdom of Far and Far Away.

Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by the incomparable John C. Reilly) is the Donkey Kong to Fix-It Felix, Jr.'s Mario in a fictional 80's arcade game. The game itself is believable enough to have existed during the era. Ralph, along with other villains in various games throughout the ages, share the same plight of feeling under-appreciated by gamers and other citizens of the video game world.

The breaking point for Ralph was the 30th Anniversary for the "Fix-it Felix, Jr." arcade. To commemorate the event, Felix throws a party in the penthouse of the game's high-rise apartment complex, a party that Ralph wasn't invited to. (The DJ of this party offered another cameo I really wasn't expecting and left me in awe of this tribute to electronic art.)

What sets Ralph apart from all the other villains is that he is determined to actually do something about the unfortunate role of "Bad Guy" he was programmed to assume. He intends to jump to different arcades in order to become a hero in another game. This act of invading a game other than your own is mysteriously referred to as "Going Turbo" by the other inhabitants of the video game world. It's considered taboo, especially since it runs the risk of permanent death: dying outside your own game makes it impossible to regenerate.

After a series of unfortunate events, Ralph eventually crash lands into Sugar Rush, a cross between the worlds of Candy Land and Mario Kart. There he befriends the adorable Vanellope (voiced by the lovely Sarah Silverman), who like Ralph is seen as an outcast in her game. In her case, she is considered a freak due to her tendency to glitch out. To Vanellope, racing runs deep within her code, but the only thing stopping her is the candy land's ruler the Candy King, who is adamant on keeping her out of the race.

Ralph's spontaneous hero's journey spells trouble for the rest of the video game world. Due to Ralph's disappearance, the "Fix-it Felix, Jr." game is in danger of being unplugged, leaving Felix with the hefty responsibility of retrieving his clumsy counterpart. Ralph's brief stint in a Halo-esque game called "Hero's Duty" is also a big nuisance to the foxy Sgt. Calhoun (Jane Lynch). She must now track down and exterminate a Cybug that Ralph mistakenly helped escape from the game. If the bug goes viral, it could destroy every game in Mr. Litwak's entire arcade for good.

The video game setting offers awesome moments of creativity for the Disney animators, from the way the characters are drawn and animated, to the way their lives are portrayed outside of their own game. The voice talent is also really impressive across the board. While the movie isn't the all-out Smash Brothers brawl many were expecting, the movie comes with loads of surprises that are sure to delight and entertain a wide audience, gamers and non-gamers alike.

The movie could not have come at a better time. People who grew up during the era of the arcade are now starting to have families of their own, and are very likely to laugh along with the children they bring to the theaters. This same video game generation also witnessed the Disney Renaissance of the early 90's: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and the Lion King. With Wreck-It Ralph destined to be an instant classic, following the success of the equally impressive Tangled, we are in for a new Disney Renaissance for a whole new generation.

Note: Get there early enough for an excellent animated short, and stay to watch the credits roll if you haven't yet satisfied your nerdy gamer fix.
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Fun and Well-Animated
jjgooner1 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wreck-It Ralph

*** (out of 4)

108 mins/PG

Cast: John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, Alan Tudyk, Ed O'Neill, Dennis Haysbert

Director: Rich Moore

Plot: Ralph, the villain of the hugely popular arcade game 'Fix it Felix Jr.', is fed up with being the bad guy so he sets out to become the hero, causing wreckage wherever he goes.

JJ's Verdict: 'Wreck-It Ralph' is the best animation from Disney in years. Set in an arcade, the animation brings the whole video-game theme to life. Each game's characters can travel through the wires in the plug socket, which leads to a version of Grand Central Station in which characters from different games can mingle. The whole universe created inside the arcade is subject to unlimited scope and artwork, which is presented beautifully. This being a video-game film of course has hundreds of cameos from famous characters such as Bowser, Sonic the Hedgehog and Pac-man and enthusiasts could literally watch this film just to pick out every single homage and reference to real games and their characters. The film's main character is Ralph (John C. Reilly well voice-casted). Ralph is bigger than everyone else which means everyone is scared of him, which of course means he has no friends. To make matters even worse, being a villain, he always loses. Determined to stop this, he seeks out other games to find a gold medal that would find him accepted as a hero. While looking for his medal he finds an unlikely friend in Vanellope, a glitch. However because Ralph has been away from his game, it stops working, so together the two have to save the arcade from game over. The film really makes you sympathise with Ralph, and although some scenes with him and Vanellope drag on, 'Wreck-It Ralph' is super fun for all the family.
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I liked it more than the kids
thekarmicnomad14 February 2013
This is a great movie.

For someone who grew up with computer games from their conception, I found lots of little nuggets in here to make me smile.

The story is surprisingly sophisticated for a cartoon and the characters are quite fleshed out considering its target audience.

I saw this at the pictures and I was glued. The child we took to see it (and some others in the cinema) didn't seem as gripped.

I would have liked it if they had visited a few more games.

I would recommend this, especially if you like computer games and want something you can enjoy as well as the kids.
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A Solid Entry by Disney
nonprofitgnome14 August 2013
After a couple of years without a great, non Pixar, Disney animated movie, it seems like Disney is back on track. We first got Tangled and now this, Wreck-It Ralph. This movie was clearly made with young and old gamers alike in mind. There is a little something to like for everyone with this one.

The most obvious thing this movie has going for it is the nostalgia. For anyone who has been gaming, there are little easter eggs and nods to some of gaming's greatest all throughout the movie. There is one scene in particular where Ralph is at a Villains Annonymous meeting and it was great seeing the others in attendance (I will let you see for yourself).

I also enjoyed the fictional game worlds. Ralph was in three different game worlds, a "Donkey Kong" type game, a "Call of Duty" type game, and an arcade racing game. My personal favorite game world was the Call of Duty one. The soundtrack kicked in nicely and it was great to see Ralph frantically trying to survive. I did however think they spent too much time in the racing game "Sugar Rush". I know it was necessary for the plot points but I would have loved to see additional games (One can only hope for a sequel).

Aside from all the spectacle, the movie had a great story with an interesting theme. We get to see Ralph grow as a person as at first he is selfish and disregards others feelings in order to get his medal. He later realizes that the medal doesn't mean as much as he thought. We also get to see how the characters from his home game go from shunning him to realizing they need him. Ralph was treated poorly and no one cared until they realized without him, there is no game for them to live in. You really get to see that everyone has value as well as the importance of teamwork.

I don't think Wreck-It Ralph is on the same level as some Pixar movies but it should please gamers and anyone looking for a visually appealing animated movie with heart.
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A Fundamentally Flawed and Badly Written Piece of Celluloid
jintanyarou25 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When my friend and I came out of the cinema having just watched this, neither of us knew where to start to make sense of what we'd just been put through. Both being long-time video game fans, I'd recommended that we go and see it on the strength of the trailer. But beyond the visual references to various games of the past thirty years, there's really nothing here to hold the interest of older gamers like us. There's actually very little to hold the interest of *anyone*, so confused is this mish-mash of seemingly good ideas.

The film starts out well enough, with the Fix-it Felix Jr. game rendered faithfully as though it were a real coin-op from the 80s, and the initial look into Game Central colourful and awe-inspiring. But after Ralph decides to get himself a hero's medal to prove to everyone in the Fix-it Felix game that he's not just a badguy, things take a turn for the worse. The Hero's Duty game environment is that of a generic sci-fi-inspired modern first-person shooter, and feels like it was put in the movie to appease the fans of such games, rather than because it was beneficial to the plot.

Nevertheless, Ralph gets his coveted medal, but ends up accidentally activating one of the deadly and voracious robotic bugs from that game, and stumbles into an escape pod that eventually takes him to the kart-racing game known as Sugar Rush. It's here that the plot flits and meanders between so many different plot points that it becomes almost impossible to follow (Ralph wants to get his medal back/Vanellope is a glitch/wants to be a real kart racer but doesn't know how to drive/Ralph isn't in his own game so it's declared out of order and might be taken away/King Candy has his own dastardly plans, as he is actually an embittered game character from years ago whose back story is thrown in at the eleventh hour/As Vanellope is a glitch, she needs to cross the finish line in a race, otherwise she can't leave the game/Bug from Hero's Duty has multiplied exponentially and poses serious threat to Sugar Rush world).

It ends up trying to cover too many characters and needing to tie up too many loose ends. That these are seemingly neatly tied up at the end doesn't vindicate it. Also, the fact that the entire second half of the film is set in the Sugar Rush game is a big weakness. With its retina-searing colours and endless depictions of sweet-like landscapes, it doesn't feel game-like in any way, and it's here that the movie lapses into bog-standard CGI animation territory. I was very interested to learn that the production had been in development hell for so long, as it has the feel of having been cobbled together with bits and pieces from various writers who've come and gone over a long period of time.

But the thing that really struck me was the terrible characters. Ralph and Felix are fairly likable, and their voice actors' respective performances suit the characters perfectly, but the film is ruined entirely by the two main female characters. Sergeant Calhoun has obviously been shoehorned in to provide relief from the ubiquitous and generic male space marine type, but is utterly objectionable. Bitter and sadistic, she freely smashes Ralph and Felix with her helmet/rifle butt/fists multiple times and fires on sight at Felix the first time they meet. There's even a particularly uncomfortable scene where Felix begs her to hit him so that they'll be saved from quicksand by some candy-vines that find the violence funny(???) and her inflicting injuries on him is seen as OK, as he can heal himself with his magic hammer. Honestly, what madman came up with that?! There's an attempt at back story and explaining why she's so callous, but she's devoid of any redeeming qualities, so it all falls flat. There's also a complete mismatch between her face and her voice; she looks like a girl in her twenties, but sounds like a middle-aged woman.

Then there's Vanellope. In the scene in which she first appears, she steals Ralph's medal and uses it for her own ends. Then, after witnessing her getting bullied by her peers, Ralph agrees to help her to get back what she stole from him(!). There's a 'cute' scene where Vanellope makes a replacement medal for him out of sweets, but she never apologises for stealing it in the first place. Yet she makes Ralph repeatedly apologise and demean himself for smashing her kart and stopping her entering the race, even though he did it on the knowledge that it might save her life! These are not the actions of a protagonist. She is irritating, brattish, selfish and entitled, yet when she's feeling depressed or being picked on, the viewer is supposed to feel sorry for her. She deserves nothing, yet ends up with everything, her disability becoming a super-power and the denizens of candy land suddenly remembering that she used to be their princess.

Modern films are full of characters like this, and this particular film left me once again lamenting Hollywood's fundamental inability to come up with characters that the audience cares about. Without such characters, no amount of rainbow-coloured gloss will make any movie anything other than ultimately worthless.

So the movie fails on all counts. Video game fans will inevitably be left disappointed, as beyond the visual cues to games past and present, there's very little to keep them interested. It's too convoluted for younger viewers, and not well written or funny enough for older audiences. What a shame.
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"The selfish man is like a mangy dog chasing a cautionary tale" (dialog)
A_Different_Drummer15 February 2017
OK OK I get it.

This may not be the overall "best" animated film of all time but, now that I have seen it six or seven times, I think it is not only ONE OF THE BEST but also it excels at the following:

* best use of video games as a metaphor for an action story.

* best atmosphere -- just when you think you are comfortable with the interior of one game, they introduce another. It is like a 3D film without the actual need for the glasses.

* best matchup of voice actor and personality -- every animated film, now, in the past, and yet to come, strives for this. Many die-hard fans will say that Ellen Degeneres as a fish nailed it. Well, I don't think so. The voice acting of Sarah Silverman matched with the animated character (which I swear seems to be just Sarah herself when she was maybe 5 or 6 years old) is the most perfect meshing of the two I have seen.

The story, the acting, the direction, all perfect -- this is an amazing movie that really did not get the attention it deserved.
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