Alien Armageddon (2011) Poster

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One of the 5 worst movies I ever saw
carajo-250-47344928 December 2011
Thank God I rented it instead of paying money to the movie theater. There is nothing about this movie that was worth watching. From the Story line to the acting to the special effects it was all cheesy. I love good sci-fi but this was not unfortunately. The box said it was a follow-up to Battlefield LA but they weren't even slightly the same. This movie suffered from budget problems obviously as most of the scenes must have been in an abandoned building of some kind. The acting, for the most part, was not any better than any high school production. The special effects weren't all that special and looked very amateurish.
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Schlock of the Gods
zardoz-1323 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Battlespace" writer & director Neil Johnson's derivative, low-budget, science fiction actioneer "Alien Armageddon" chronicles a breed of Martian invaders, 'the Nephilim,' who subjugate planet Earth for a little more than three months. These hostile intruders establish their headquarters in Los Angeles. They rely on our own scientists to modify our DNA so that we serve as fodder for these ravenous monsters who had to abandon their famine-stricken world. Actually, the Nephilim have been quietly infiltrating Earth for many decades, acquiring knowledge about our character and culture. The cardboard, computer generated special effects in the first ten minutes look like something out of a black & white graphic novel. The spacecraft and alien army outfits resemble a schlocky synthesis of a SyFy made-for-cable feature and a knock-off Asylum made-for-video epic. An armada of spacecraft with submarine-shaped hulls sans conning towers which are equipped with tridents mounted on their bows hover over like vultures every major city. The alien soldiers look like distant cousins of the "Star War" robot C3PO. Decked out football regalia bristling with hoses, they bear deadly automatic weapons. Predictably, the earthlings capitulate in the first half-hour as these nefarious extraterrestrials conquer and incarcerate humanity. Some of the humans, desperate to survive long enough to escape, turn into quislings, and the jailed humans are fed contaminated food which makes them edible to the aliens.

Our protagonist is a feisty Jewish red-head, Jodie Elliot (British actress Katharine McEwan of "Sinners"), who operates a print shop in contemporary Los Angeles. She is contending with a disgruntled customer who wants a discount when the alien ships arrive over the city. After the aliens dominate the planet, Jodie joins the resistance, but she is captured and ends up with two guys in cramped prison quarters with an electronic force field substituting for iron bars. The inmates dine from black plastic buckets on unsavory slop, while they relieve themselves into a small foot locker. The food is so disgusting that they wind up puking it up not long after digesting it. Nevertheless, this is all that they are allowed to devour. Jodie shares a cell with a disillusioned African-American, Markus (Benjamin J. Cain Jr.) and a Caucasian military bomber pilot, Sheen (William David Tulin), who blasted Chicago. Jodie wants desperately to escape and rejoin her daughter who lives in the nearby small town of Little Rock, California. She watches in horror as her cell mates are hauled off to become brunch. At one point, Jodie escapes briefly and witnesses a harrowing scene where a pregnant woman excretes chunks of flesh.

The other character of some prominence is a murderous miscreant named 'Cowboy' (Don Scribner) who has been locked up at Folsom State Prison from the get-go for killing his son during an awful bus crash. Cowboy wears his hair long, talks through a grizzled beard, and dresses in a duster with a Stetson riding low on his eyebrows. He manages to escape but is captured by the aliens not long afterward and thrown in the same cell with Jodie. Meantime, two scientists Franci (Rochelle Vallese) and Dr. Brenna (Julia Parker) are collaborating with the Nephilim to make humanity palatable for the aliens. Once the Nephilim have used Franci, they put her into the same cell with our heroes. The Nephilim take Markus and feed him to a flesh eating zombie like creature. Jodie, Franci, and Cowboy escape when Jodie fakes a bout of illness. The girls head for Little Rock, but Jodie doesn't find her daughter. Cowboy later rejoins them.

Meantime, Franci injects Jodie with some strange serum so that she becomes a bio-medical weapon against the Nephilim. Franci rhapsodizes about the pleasures of masquerading as a human and all the feelings that life evokes for her. Predictably, she dies. Eventually, humanity triumphs over the Martian invaders. Before this occurs, we get to see revolting shots of giant, beady, orange slugs with pincers gnawing on the flesh and bones of decaying humans. Franci dispatches Jodie on her sacrificial mission to save mankind with a lingering lesbian lip-lock. Jodie neither pukes nor repels Franci. The characters spout loads of profanity.

Little about the humdrum "Alien Armageddon" is compelling, exciting, or humorous. A few firefight scenes between Nephilim troops and earthlings enliven the predominantly exposition-laden narrative, but there are no revelations in this derivative, standard-issue invasion flick. The Nephilim chieftain looks menacing with is zombie-like complexion, but Johnson doesn't give him adequate screen time to create more than a fleeting impression. "Alien Armageddon" qualifies an abominable opus with one-dimensional characters, shoddy storytelling, second-rate special effects, forgettable dialogue, and nondescript acting. Pretentiously enough, Johnson inserts a preamble and a postscript where he quotes from the Book of Enoch. Clocking in at 95 interminable minutes, "Alien Armageddon" makes "Battlefield Earth" look like "Star Wars."
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Oh dear, oh dear
markleachsa-118 September 2012
I used to think that "Tomorrow When The War Began" was the crappiest film ever. But now there is a new contender. In fact it's no contest.

Who the hell... How the hell... What the hell... made this rubbish?

I'm trying to imagine the pitch to investors in this movie and I can only believe it was by the smoothest, slickest conman ever, to the most naive, gullible idiot ever. A match made in hell ... for the rest of us.

I'm speechless while writing. Think of the advert that annoys you most and then make that advert 90 minutes long. Tadah! Here it is!

Must rest now. My brain has been severely damaged. Must press zero ... on the ... rating button... before I pass... out...

(OK - enough ellipses already!)
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Nice ideas in combination .. poorly executed
tanweth21 December 2011
I didn't go into watching this movie with high expectations .. just hope. And sadly .. my hope was dashed to the ground. At least the boot didn't grind the hope into the ground.

The story line is not bad. Nothing new but a new way of combining various facets of the sci-fi universe the movie has made for our entertainment. (Yes .. boys and girls .. every idea in this movie has been used in print or TV or movies at least 50 years ago.) However .. the acting was leaden .. the special effects I could have done better on my desktop computer (ok .. I admit some of it wasn't bad) .. the dialogue ranged from okay to horrible (mainly just bad).

One good thing .. was the soundtrack and foley effects which weren't bad at all. One other good thing .. was the story progression. (Sorry that some people seemed to get confused over a relatively straight forward denouement of "the secret" behind the invasion.) That .. at least .. was the "something" that actually kept my attention enough to rate this turkey a 4.

Boys and girls .. this story was laid out like a detective story. Clues and information sprinkled along the way leading to the penultimate clarity of understanding. (P.S. That's also why the "troops" wore full head covers and botched up speech .. to keep you from figuring out a major part of "the secret" too soon.)

Never have figured out why shoestring budget sci-fi movies make a hand weapon that looks like it should weigh 50 lbs but is no different than an AK-47. (Suddenly remembers the tiny cricket from MIB and laughs to himself.)

The saddest part of all .. is that sci-fi does incorporate every type of story .. with sci-fi twists. But in the movies .. it seems the only sci-fi you get is the "action packed" drama. (Bug hunts) And that makes this movie a bit on the remarkable side. The detective sci-fi storyline is not commonly used in movies. (YOU are the detective.)

If you enjoy a movie that doesn't need to keep you on the edge of your seat or reaching for your weapon of choice to join the fight .. but instead like to be given things that make you scratch your head and wonder "what does that have to do with anything" .. you might enjoy this. Well .. if you can get past all the other bad parts .. then maybe.
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Seriously awful!
kings_07727 August 2012
This movie gave me the shits, and if you saw it you'd know what I'm talking about. I can't believe they wasted over $800,000 on this. That money could have been better spent helping out the indigent. I got suckered into watching this because of some flashy CGI, but once I got it running on my television, I wasn't 25 minutes into the movie where I shut the TV off and went back to my computer. I figure, if a movie can't hold my interest in the first 15 minutes, then it isn't worth watching the next 60 minutes or whatever. And this is coming from a guy who's watched every Godzilla movie ever made. So if I'm saying this is a bad movie, then you know it's bad.
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After seeing this movie, I really wished I was abducted by aliens instead!
TheLittleSongbird24 February 2012
I admit I wasn't expecting much despite some decent ideas. This is the second awful movie in a row that I watched, the other being Super Tanker, and both are in the top 15 list of bottom-of-the-barrel movies. The whole film looks slipshod, with some of the most amateurish special effects I have ever seen, and a soundtrack that was so obtrusive at times that it gave me a headache at the end. The script is not just forgettable, it is very cheesy and just atrociously written in general, even 6 year olds have written better, and while the ideas were good the story itself was tired and very dully paced, there was never anything exciting or thought-provoking and if there was anything that aimed to hit hard sorry but the only thing that disturbed me was how badly made Alien Armageddon was. The characters are not just stereotypical and some of the most one-dimensional and most irritating of any movie, and in all honesty I would rather sit through the worst high school production than see acting this atrocious and unprepared again. All in all, one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time, maybe I am taking Alien Armageddon too seriously but I do love movies when they're good and this movie doesn't live up to my criteria of good. 0-1/10 Bethany Cox
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Not bad
tawlite9 December 2011
The special effects are not that brilliant, and neither is the acting. It had an interesting story although at times it was very confusing and convoluted and difficult to follow. It did have some good scenes however, I do think the film would have worked better had it been shorter and not so much screen time wasted in one room. (Budget constraints I guess) When things are being explained in the movie the explanation is not sufficient enough to quite hold it together.

I can't say I'd ever watch it again, but I'm not going to say it was a total waste of time. Alien Armegeddon is one of those films were there is a lot going on, and lot more gone on, but you don't see much. It would have made a better, say 6 episode series.
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Was the Earth ever in any danger?
paul_haakonsen4 August 2013
For a Sci-Fi movie, then "Alien Armageddon" wasn't particularly impressive. However, I will say that I have seen worse movies than this one.

The story is about a race known as the Nephilim (very original, eh?) who come to Earth and invade the planet to harvest resources from this planet (again, very original). But humanity does not just roll over and surrender, a small group of resistance fighters take up arms to fight back the invading alien force.

Well, the storyline is fairly generic and right off the "let's make a Sci-Fi movie storyboard", as there is nothing new here whatsoever. It is all stuff that has been done countless times in other Sci-Fi movies. So don't get your hopes up.

As for the characters in the movie, well you don't really bother much to form any kind of association or bond with any of them, as they are fairly two-dimensional and lacking characteristics.

Effects-wise, then "Alien Armageddon" wasn't great. Sure, there was an effort put into it and they tried. I will give them as much as saying that the armors of the Nephilim was actually looking good, and the make-up effects on the hybrid (which looked a lot like a zombie) was actually quite cool. But the explosions and destructions of cities and such was lacking proper CGI effects to be believable. And for some reason people's heads kept exploding in a burst of liquid (without any meat or bones) whenever they got hit by the Nephilim weapons, yet, their weapons didn't leave marks on vehicles when they struck them. Odd. Very odd. There were some nice enough effects on some of the creatures, but nothing impressive.

As for the resistance, it was said that they had an army waiting, but you never got to see this army, only a handful of people at the most. So it wasn't really as if you bought into the whole concept and the fact that humanity was actually struggling against a superior race from beyond the stars.

In overall, then "Alien Armageddon" was below average and mediocrity. It was entertaining at times, but at other times it just took forever to get nowhere. So it wasn't an all together enjoyable experience.
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nogodnomasters9 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I include some plot explanations which some people consider spoilers, but not the ending. Considering the film, it is hard to spoil a movie of this caliber. For you Neil Johnson fan(s), this movie is the prequel to Humanity's End. The film runs with a few subplots and is not really that hard to follow. The premise of the film is based on the biblical tale of the Watchers (Angels) who breed with humanity to produce the Nephilim. They were a race of giants (not giants in this film) who were destroyed in the Great Flood.

Don Scribner is about the finest actor in this film, so keep the expectations low. Of course it doesn't help that Neil Johnson, who by no coincidence also wrote the script, didn't write one decent line for the actors. The aliens come to earth and gas the cities and shoot people with guns that cause bodies to explode (the cool part.) The gun nozzle flames was noticeably CG generated, but they did manage to match the gun sounds with the flames- kudos to your behind the scenes people.

I liked the fact that the goof balls at "Coast to Coast AM" are broadcasting for people to resist, but were later toasted. People with AB negative blood are spared, (apparently something the aliens can sense) so they can be used in DNA experiments. Don Scribner plays someone who was in prison for killing a bus load of people...later we find out he really wasn't a psychotic killer after all. Katharine McEwan is our Jewish female hero, if you recall this was a biblical story where Jewish women were defiled by angels with matching human DNA...(hint!)

The people exploding on screen looked like a CG special effect.

The aliens set up base in LA, the last remaining city and build a fortress around it. There are groups of pocket resistance that exist outside. Too much of the film takes place in a prison cell, where we get to experience the disgusting effect of having only one open toilet.

The deleted and extended scenes add some explanation to the film such as, "What was the relationship of the disconnected father-daughter scenes to the main characters." There is a prison love scene with Katherine McEwan that takes place, which counters her near lesbian scene we have later. We also have an introduction scene of the 2 human scientist who were aiding the aliens, who likewise just pop on the screen.

If they needed to cut film they could have taken out some of the toilet scenes and replaced them with ones that helped with story continuity. Poor editing was the final nail that killed this film.

No f-bombs that I recall, no sex or nudity.
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It's like a potluck of movie ideas.
rushknight11 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***May contain lite spoilers***

The overall plot line of the film is a very familiar one, incorporating several well known and much used sci-fi ideas: alien invasion, body snatching, high technology, genetic superiority of species, depletion of natural resources, and of course the ever popular lone star hero.

THEN there are the other well known movie archetypes that usually just make me laugh, cry, vomit uncontrollably or even worse, turn the TV off. These include: woman warriors, sudden lesbian moments that blindside you out of nowhere, "humanity isn't so bad/weak/stupid/destructive/useless after all" realizations, and finally, the ever popular lone star hero.

I know, I mentioned him already.

For the first half of the film, there was no clear direction to lead the viewer along. I felt like it was just turning pages of a book at random, reading selections and expecting me to piece together what was happening. Granted the overall story was clearly, "OMG! We're being invaded by aliens!!!" but the smaller details were left rather unstated. I was left with many questions like, "Does this film have a main character?" Also, a large portion of the film took place in a prison "facility" that recycled a lot of space and just really didn't work well.

I also got the distinct feeling like we were supposed to be in awe of certain elements. The lone star hero for instance calmly walks into the scene and saves the day. Am I supposed to be impressed? Female characters randomly kiss each other. Is that supposed to be hot? The plot is explained. Am I supposed to be sympathetic to the other side? One of the characters is revealed to be an alien who simply just finds humans to be too interesting and.. pleasurable.. to kill. How positively Roddenberry-ish, I'm having Star Trek flashbacks.

But bad acting and poor filming just get in the way, I just couldn't get into any of the "dramatic" moments of the feature. If you like sci-fi and just can't bare to not watch this, then go ahead, but really you're not missing out on anything by not watching it.
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Was surprised....
info-1091213 August 2011
I have to say, it is better than the SyFy movie of the week fare. I thought this was another film rip-off, but it seemed pretty original in concept.

The acting is quite good compared to most low budget movies. Ben Cain and Katharine McEwan impress me the most, but all are solid. Rochelle Vallese is mesmerizing to watch. Interesting how his character face changes during the film.

The ending was a real shock, and very brave of the film-makers to attempt.

cannot say too much. I have seen Humanity's End, the director's other film and these 2 films book end each other. They take place in the same universe but are 1000 years apart.

Watch with an open mind. Don't think the budget was too large.

Don't expect a blockbuster.
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Entertaining Original for an LBM Night
AxiumCog16 December 2011
While not at all what I was expecting, this movie made for an entertaining night. The plot is original and the cinematic style is unique. While the special effects are far below what we've come to expect in today's movie industry, they add a good deal of charm to the film.

The concept is original, which is a greatly appreciated quality in the days of comic book movie after comic book movie, and remake after remake.

This movie has commonly been placed by companies such as RedBox in the Action category. However, I believe it falls more under the SciFi/Psy-Thriller category as the story focused more on the micro-interaction of several small character groups, rather than explosions and gunfights.

I give it a 7/10 for entertainment value. This is an excellent choice for a fun low-budget movie night.

As a final note purely for the benefit of those who worked on this film: This story concept really made my gears turn with ideas. Loved it.
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troy-cartwright23 December 2011
Anyone who says this C rated movie is any good is promoting this movie. Very low budget and digital effects. Poor plot, script. I think I made this movie up in my head when I was 8 but it was better then. Not as smart as a Woody Allen movie but definitely as bad don't waste your money it will probably be on one of those crappy movie t.v. stations in a month.

Well it says I have to write ten lines to submit a review so I could have written the script for this movie on here.

I want my four dollars back for this movie.

Seen this movie in many different versions of the same plot.

Anti-climatic: don't know where this movie peaks.
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Worst movie of all time?
lucaspursell12 June 2013
When I was at home with nothing to do on a Saturday, I decided to give this movie a try. I never watch a movie without watching the trailer, but I guess thats not enough. The creators of this movie did something very smart; They put all the action packed scenes in the trailer with some pumped up music, and made it look like it was "worth the money". So I paid, and within the first 10 minutes of the movie I knew I had made a huge mistake. So the movie has a bunch of actors in it you have probably never heard of, and I was "ok" with that knowing from past experience you cant judge a movie by its actors. So the first thing I noticed about the movie within the first 10 minutes that the actors were not completely bad but it just didn't seem like the actors were putting much effort into the movie and some of the actors just seemed like they didn't know what they were doing. I had a smirk on my face but proceeded to keep watching the movie. After about 20 minutes I noticed something that really got me upset; The special effects were terrible. I kind of laughed at the fact that I could probably make a movie with better effects than this one.

After about 20-30 minutes into the movie I noticed that the lighting was bad, the set was bad, and the actors were just terrible. It reminded me of some of the short films I sometimes make with my friends. I just shut off the television by that point and got on my computer to see some of the IMDb reviews. This is how I discovered IMDb, and from that day k on I checked the IMDb reviews before watching a movie since the reviews on this site are very accurate. As much as I am tempted to rate this movie a 1, im rating it a 2 for the following reasons: The producers were smart enough to trick the people into thinking this movie was worth it with the trailers and plot, and if it weren't for this movie, I wouldn't know what IMDb is. The fact of the matter is, don't waste your money on this movie, you will regret it.
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Trying to find something good...
JoeB13119 February 2012
Well, I liked it when the aliens "cancelled" George Noory's show...

NOt much else.

This film was okay in the Special effects department, given a budget of less than six figures.

Of course, there were a few interesting bits, like the women who were turned into "Hens" producing food. But mostly, the movie was incoherent nonsense, with scenes in the prison taking up way too much of its running time. Especially scenes involving body functions.

But most of the ideas were tired and other people did them better. Symbiot worms that took people over? The Trill, the Hidden, the Puppet Masters. Aliens who succumb to a disease? That's original- when H.G Welles did it 100 years ago! So if you don't have original ideas, you should at least have interesting characters.

Characters were introduced and then vanish for no good reason, other than I suspect someone promised them they could be in this movie. Saddest of all was Virginia Hey (The ROad Warrior, Farscape) clearly too old to be doing these kinds of roles anymore.

Final insult- the cover art. Yup, if you compare the cover art for this turkey that Red Box used, you will notice a strange similarity to "Cowboys and Aliens" cover art. Well, I guess someone was fooled somewhere.
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See Battle:Los Angeles instead.
braley-christopher6 April 2013
Imagine if you shot a movie about aliens without leaving a public restroom. This is that movie.

Set design is bland, consists of either a concrete room or a desert road. CGI is corny, watch a person's head photshopped away to be replaced by blood spatter clip art. UFOs kind of look like adult novelty products, and the terrifying alien technology we face? Machine guns. Cast is completely made up of unknowns who are cast into uninteresting character roles such as "suicidal pilot with uncomfortably acidic feces" who do nothing but soak up screen time until their unrealistic deaths.

If you are considering this movie, I recommend Battle: Los Angeles, which this movie started out with a very similar title to. That movie opens with a strong show of special effects and the slightly less than unheard of Aaron Eckhart. Battle: Los Angeles will also not ever subject you to 5 minutes of watching someone vomit and defecate into a bucket while begging for death. This low budget "thriller" will not only show you that scene, it may even make you mimic it.
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aj-sigmaprojects2 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Why a 9 and not a 10? Because I couldn't watch it on the big screen. I mean the special effects were so amazing, acting spot on, script was Shakespeare worth. I mean come on, there is no better movie out there that captures LA through the eyes of a homeless drug addict.

Watch it high, on shrooms acid or a grip Robitussin PM, won't regret it!

And the jews in this movie are awesome, always asking for a discount and neglecting customers. Gun fights from 10 feet away are pure win. I think this movie could only be improved on if it had vampires and demon gummy bears.
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The worst film ever actually released to a live human audience.
porovaara15 December 2013
My quest for finding the worst film someone could possibly make and then have the gall to subject others to is done. Because my friends, "ALIEN Armageddon" easily destroys all challengers to this magnificent throne, almost in the garish opening credits alone!

You, you are sitting there thinking this can't be worse than that time uncle Berny tried to make a film in the old woodshed before they tore it down. You, you are thinking that there is always a bright spot, a silver lining to help you escape the refuse, but alas there is none.

"ALIEN Armageddon" comes at you with gusto, unaware of how tawdry and trite the effects are. This movie takes itself completely seriously, as do all the actors (bless their souls) and presents you with a terrible main plot line and just throws things at it. Within some of the scenes it is possible to wonder, "was this shot even for this movie in the first place?" The cuts between the "scenic" desert and prison (hgfasghhj) are just... there are no words. I... I can't even continue.

They not only made this movie. But felt confident enough to subject others to it. I don't understand this world anymore.
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If I could give it negative numbers, I would - spoilers
mischellyann22 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers - not like it matters The absolutely worst movie of all time. The plot made 0 sense. The acting was horrid. Sets from my high school drama dept were done better. What really happened in this movie? Why did the one doctor turn into a zombie if other people were infected and looked like normal folks? How could worm creatures that needed to feed on flesh of their own kind and require host organisms ever develop space ships and robots? Wouldn't a species that only exists by feeding on itself not be evolutionarily viable anyway? And then the nephilim scientist kissed the other chic at the end because they apparently "fell in love" while running from the bad guys, even though the scientist was a bad guy and half-breed human worm person who experimented on humans and fed them to each other? WHAT!!!!!
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Not just bad, I would have LOVED to be water boarded instead!
jabber-1527 May 2013
I cant begin to describe how bad this is. I'll try but I don't think I convey it with any more passion than I have. In saying that, its WORSE than I can possibly describe.

It wasn't just bad, it was offensively bad. I actually feel angry! I want to find the person who made this and ask: Why , oh god, WHY!?!?!!! Im surprised no actor/actress walked out on this movie or threatened to sue if any footage of them was put into this movie.

Id made no sense, AT ALL, the acting was bad but the script was horrific. And yes, seemingly made in a couple of public restrooms with a few fluorescent lights.

If you are recovering from alcoholism do not see this movie. It will make you want to drink, fast and in vast amounts, in an attempt to forget it, as this ... is what I'm going to go do now.
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People are mean
DownScale228 December 2012
Sure it didn't have the biggest budget. But it wasn't that bad. See for yourself instead of judging by reviews of people warped by multimillion dollar budget films. The story being based around the Nephilim, and the Book of Enoch was a nice touch. Plus Katherine (Jodie) is a babe! I would definitely place it in the "Horror Film" section due to the nature of a majority of the scenes. The effects are similar to that of what you would see from After Effects, and not your traditional Hollywood blockbusters. It's not as terrible as everyone says if you aren't trying to compare it to some Michael Bay film.

All people care about anymore is gigantic graphics. Don't allow yourself to be persuaded by a bunch of people that live in a country that considers "The Real House Wives of (Where ever)", "The Jersey Shore", and "Honey Boo Boo" to be entertainment worthy of more than a Pilot Episode.

George Noory cameo....need I say more? :D
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Angels flying too close to the ground
MaeBeaBaeBea16 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Characters disappearing and then appearing, wooden acting, poor effects, so disjointed at times I wasn't sure if the movie was out of order, or the editing sucked big time. I could never be sure it wasn't a made for TV movie, what with the fade to blacks and then picking up right where it left off.

The scene with the woman preparing meat for the guests both sickened me and made me laugh. "Many more, they keep on coming, many more"!! And how did half these characters get from where they were to where they are now? Did they all know about that back door that the Nephilim were too "thick as bricks" to see RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM? I did love the homage to George Noory however, it added a necessary touch of class and whimsy to the entire thing. Way to go George!!
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ideal present for someone you neither like nor respect.
peterpicture10 February 2013
For anyone wondering if any film can be as bad as the reviews say, the answer is a loud YES - in fact it's worse.

I was given a copy of this, and am so glad that I didn't pay for it. As it stands, it's space on my hard drive that i will reclaim very soon.

The only way to endure this... stuff is to skip 9 seconds in 10. At one stage, I saw what I thought to be a half-decent zombie, but it was only the director trying to evade capture.

The actors weren't trying, and should not do so again. In fact the whole crew should try and find something they are good at, because it certainly isn't film-making.

I do feel that there must be something to be said for this thing, and it's this - ideal present for someone you neither like, nor respect.

The lowest-rated film I've yet found on IMDb, and justly so. Avoid.
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Don't waste a moment of your life
shawncpederson6 February 2014
To be completely honest, My review on this film will only be based on the first 20 minutes, and even that was very hard to get through. As a writer, I can appreciate the story the writer wanted to tell but there were too many problems with the movie. From the poor acting to the even poorer dialogue, I was left with the desire to run away from my computer screaming. Even the opening sequence, which i will say was entertaining as I do love chaos and scenes with the world being reborn, seemed to be there more for the director than for the sake of the movie.

Sure, the movie might be fabulous after this, which I obviously doubt, but I will not waste another minute on this movie to find out.
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My eyes!!!!!
mp-520-6518324 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So awful....worse than "Gigli", an unbelievable mess, exacerbated by kindergarten level special effects, and the aliens are from some ET special ed. class.

"Look behind you".......thump with a 2X4......

And why in the name of any God does some bimbo offer the alien a can of Spam? If this had devolved at some point into early 80's bestiality porn, it would give it some redeeming artistic value. This is the kind of stuff Hollywood people go into porn for, out of pure shame.My brain actually tried to vomit.

I will now submit myself to the discipline of a monastary somewhere in Tibet, one of the ones involving silence and marathon vomiting.

Then I will watch the second 10 minutes.

Yes, that's right, this is based in 10 minutes.

Think about that.


It was like finding pubic hair in your soup, after the first spoonful. You just stop.

As you love your eternal soul, avoid this mess.
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