3 Days to Kill (2014) Poster

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Decent enough action thriller, it grew on me by the end.
juneebuggy28 October 2016
This movie tries to be many things; its mostly an action film but also plays heavily into the family drama while throwing in some dark comedy too, all with mixed results.

The somewhat recycled story follows Kevin Costner as a gruff ex secret service agent who after being told has just 3 months to live sets out on that infamous "one last mission" in exchange for an experimental drug that will save his life. This last job just happens to take place with he also tasked with looking after his estranged teenage daughter (Hailee Steinfeld) after his ex wife (conveniently) has to leave town.

The action storyline is quite good though thanks to Luc Besson; decent stunts, tons of broken glass and bullet riddled bodies, and Costner gets the job done -Liam Neeson style-. The ending sequence was also refreshing as all along I had been assuming a cliché kidnapping, so nice twist there.

I did find the amount of perfect English being spoken and understood in France and especially Serbia a little convenient but whatever, this was mindless but still worth a watch.
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Good but could have been much better
muamba_eats_toast9 June 2020
It seemed in limbo between being a comedy action and a serious action. For me the comedy section was hit and miss and it excelled when it was more serious and the action as a whole was very good. Unfortunately Amber Heard's character optimised this and her whacky appearance seemed out of sync with the rest of the film and the comedy didn't particular work and just felt more strange than anything else. Overall though an easy and enjoyable watch.
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One Of The Most Action Packed Movies Of Costner's Career
slightlymad222 November 2016
Continuing my plan to watch every movie in Kevin Costner's filmography in order I come to 2014's three days to kill.

Plot In A Paragraph: Ethan Renner (KC) an estranged father, with limited time to live, desperately tries to reconnect with his estranged wife and daughter before his death. Oh and he is a C.I.A. field agent, that is promised an experimental drug if he agrees to one last job.

3 Days To Kill was marketed as an action film like Taken. I guess, that is a fair description. But there is more to it than that!! It is also an melodrama mixed in with foreign intrigue, assassination plots, kidnappings, and murders. There is plenty going on. Maybe it would have been better in Luc Besson's directed his own script, as it seems uneven at times.

Ridiculously implausible, but that doesn't take away from its entertainment value at times. There is a silly sub-plot about a squatting family of immigrants who have taken shelter in KC's flat, but the distraction is minimal. The annoying daughters bratty attitude grows tiresome early on (I actually wanted several horrible fates to befall her) but she is worth protection by the ended the movie.

With the exception of 3000 Miles To Graceland, 3 Days To Kill is without doubt the most action packed/violent movie in KC's filmography.
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Exciting and funny action flick
HotToastyRag22 June 2017
A terminally ill former CIA agent is given one last assignment in exchange for an experimental hallucinogenic drug that may extend his life, and he struggles to reconnect with his teenage daughter with the time he has left.

I know what you're thinking: this is a Nicolas Cage action movie. You're right. In Matchstick Men, Stolen, and Rage, Nicolas Cage has to bond with/rescue his teenage daughter. In Gone in Sixty Seconds, Stolen, and Rage, Nicolas Cage comes back for "just one more job". In Bringing Out the Dead, Nicolas Cage hallucinates over the course of three days. And in Dying of the Light, Nicolas Cage plays a CIA agent dying of a terminal illness.

One more: In Drive Angry, Cage's costar is Amber Heard, and he has three days to "complete his mission". Kevin Costner's costar in 3 Days to Kill is Amber Heard. And as is evident by the title, he has three days to complete his assignment.

So, yes, you've seen this movie before. And during every since scene, you're keenly aware that Nicky Cage could have played the Kevin Costner role. However, with the well-known plot and without Nicky Cage, this is still a very entertaining movie! Kevin Costner is very likable, and there are several hilarious scenes in which he's torturing someone or about to kill someone but is interrupted by his daughter's embarrassing "I Don't Care" ringtone and has to juggle playing Daddy and being an assassin. The action scenes are exciting and sometimes cringe-worthy (in a "She's going to get decapitated; I can't look!" way), but thankfully the movie stays away from blood and guts. It's really very good, and I recommend it for those who like a little humor in their action flicks. Amber Heard got on my nerves a little, but only because she had a major attitude problem and wore black leather corsets for absolutely no reason. But all in all, her part is small, and Kevin Costner's parental charm more than made up for it.
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josantoddi1 October 2021
I enjoyed this movie. A lot of action & some entertaining dialogue. Costner was convincing as the lead. He's consistently good in everything he does.

Unfortunately, Amber Heard was miscast. Although she's lovely to look at, she didn't pull off her character.

Paris was the backdrop for this film. I have a special link to that city as it's where I met the love of my life 36 yrs ago. Just another reason to like this flick.
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Pretty entertaining
drpainters22 October 2021
It's not as entertaining as criminal, but it's still pretty decent. Some cheesy father/daughter scenes that extend out the movie, but whatever. Plenty of action and some good random actors. I'd say worth the watch for a random b movie, better then most Netflix action movies they make.
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Very Luc Besson-esque!
gumperman21 February 2014
From seeing the trailers, I expected a different kind of action film then what I saw. It doesn't make the film bad by any means, just as I said, not what I was expecting. You could very well tell the Luc Besson influence, who wrote the story, co-wrote the screenplay & produced the film, from the odd pacing / editing of the film. A lot of the dialogue also seemed foreign, and weirdly placed. Again, I'm not saying this is a bad film, just ya know. I envisioned a more action heavy / bare knuckles kind of film and it did have more of a character driven story then I expected, so it still was a nice entertaining film and I loved Costner in this. I kinda feel he's making a strong comeback, that I'm excited for. I say if you like Costner, you love Besson, then this is a film for you! :)
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Take your chances. You have a 50/50 shot.
Nanosecond10 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I should have seen it coming with the 50/50 poster. Maybe I should have seen it with the 50/50 writing credits. This movie has 50/50 written all over it and, no, I'm not talking about the 2011 film starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen but 3 Days To Kill could have learned a thing or two from that film considering the dark subject matter and light- hearted jokes.

--Spoilers past this point--

Kevin Costner stars as an over-the-hill but still bad-to-the-bone CIA operative with a stuffy nose and light cough that lands him on his back nearly the entire film (wow, after a certain age Hollywood really kicks you when you're down). He is told by his doctor he is suffering from brain cancer which has now spread to his lungs and he only has 3 months to live. To pile it on even more, a CIA representative passes along the news that they no longer need his services. What else can a sick and retired Jack Bauer-esque type man do at such a low point in his life? Ah, yes! Reconnect with your ex-wife and estranged teenage daughter before you kick the bucket. When his ex leaves town for work for 3 days, Costner's character has time to spend, or kill, with his daughter hence the movie title's pun.

So far, so good, right? Well, it would have been had the film focused on picking its tone instead of Amber Heard's next crotch shot. (tangent alert) Yes, I am a red-blooded male and this film made even me roll my eyes at the over-the-top sultriness of Heard's character. She is supposed to be a covert CIA operative in Paris but stands out like a sore thumb...a thumb with Victoria Secret catwalk-ready hair, fire truck red lipstick, and tight, black leather (sometimes latex) dresses. We're never informed why she dresses this way, or why she talks and walks like Jessica Rabbit with a cigarette in hand, especially when the first scene of her in the movie has her looking like Clarice Starling's younger sister. Is she a double agent working with the bad guys? Does she have an incurable shopping addiction? Is she moonlighting at the Red Light District? Your guess is as good as mine. (tangent ended)

We're never quite sure how to feel about this film since the mood is all over the place. Is the film supposed to be a raucous comedy where the bumbling action hero dad goes through every tired cliché of bonding with his hormone-raging teenage daughter? Or is it an action thriller where the aging Rambo goes after the not-so-mysterious-after-all generic terrorists named The Albino and The Wolf? The writers never seem to mesh the two ideas/genres together cleanly and it shows. Did they work separately and then staple their two different scripts together? Something clearly got lost in the shuffle because we shouldn't be laughing during what are meant to be tense, action sequences nor should we be scratching our heads after a joke is uttered unless we know from the start what type of movie this is...which we don't and, clearly, neither do the filmmakers.

At least the main cast knew what time it was and brought their A game. Costner was in fine form as an American cowboy (the reference is thrown around numerous times throughout the film) but he is completely upstaged by the young Hailee Steinfeld who, given her age, is easily able to tap into an honest teenager's feelings of insecurity and resentment. Watching her grow as an actress will be an amazing thing to see in the next couple of years. Connie Nielsen was great but her character was lost in the background. What place can a character who is a mother over 40 have in a quasi action/comedy/thriller piece? Absolutely none so off the screen she goes and she doesn't come back until the climax. Typical.

Bottom line, you're either going to love this movie or hate it. The vague ending sort of leaves room (just a small ray of light) for a sequel so I guess if enough people love it the writers can get to work and start stapling up the next script.
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Taken 2 Meets 3 Days Of Stupidity **
paris_whitney_hilton_nyc23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
3 Days To Kill is your typical run of the mill action movies you've probably seen hundreds of times before . CIA agent Kevin Costner is chasing the Wolf who possesses some dirty nuclear bombs he would love to sell to some very naughty terrorists . The movie begins with the now too familiar shootouts, explosions, chase, and fight scenes . And then comes the idiotic subplots . Costner is dying from brain cancer and has only months to live . Not to worry because a beautiful, fast driving, platinum blonde, leather clad, CIA boss, Amber Heard comes along in the nick of time . She pulls a hypodermic needle the size of a football pump out of her handbag . It contains a not yet FDA approved anti brain cancer drug . This gives Costner a temporary new lease on life . So he goes back to his rundown tenement house located in the shabbiest part of Paris . Well guess what ? A large homeless North African Black family decided to move in to his dilapidated apartment during his absence . They have even taken the liberty of painting his bedroom an awful shade of yellow ! Don't worry, Costner's arsenal of handguns and assault rifles have been well cared for by the older gentleman squatter who now resides there . Subplot number 3 is next as the dying Costner decides to look up his ex wife and rebellious 16 year old daughter he hasn't seen in about 10 years . Predictably, the movie goes from Costner being a complete stranger to the most annoying hands-on, know it all dad, and of course the most merciless cold blooded killer the CIA has ever had . Unfortunately, seductive Amber Heard's sexy scenes are few and far between . I enjoyed seeing her various hair styles and leather dominatrix outfits in this otherwise tedious and imbecilic movie . The ending is similar to that of Taken 2 . All the bad guys, I guess about one hundred , are dead . His wife and daughter love and idolize him dearly , and for Christmas he receives not a necktie but another giant hypodermic horse needle filled with the magic potion to keep him alive a little longer . Hopefully, it's not to make a sequel ! I would rather spend 3 days in the dentist's chair getting a root canal than having to watch 3 Days To Kill again .

I gave 3 Days To Kill a generous 2 ** stars out of a possible 10 . Pass this awful mess up . You will thank me later . Not Hot ! ............. PWH
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Fun, quirky and different
TreasureHunterGirl3 June 2019
This movie was surprising. It was actually quite funny. I laughed out loud a few times. It had some cool fight scenes. Kevin Costner was awesome as usual. I really liked his character and the quirky humour. Don't take it too seriously. Give it a go. You might be pleasantly surprised.
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Solid cast, but a ridiculous storyline
estebangonzalez1012 May 2014
"The wolf is the most dangerous terrorist this world has ever faced. Only you can stop him."

Despite not having a great tracking record, there have been a few of McG's movies that I shamelessly found slightly entertaining. 3 Days to Kill began with some promise and I was enjoying Kevin Costner's lead action role, but that feeling didn't last too long once the action scenes and comedy became repetitive. Luc Besson has directed some of my favorite films, but as a screenwriter he hasn't had much success with his latest films. I do have to admit he is trying something different by mixing genres, which partially worked for me in The Family, but it fell flat in 3 Days to Kill. The screenplay was weak, Costner's character kept on having ridiculous blackouts during every climactic scene, the father daughter relationship problems that tried to play out as a comedy were repetitive, and the villains never felt menacing. The only positive thing about 3 Days to Kill were the action scenes and Kevin Costner's star power. It's what he have come to expect from Luc Besson over the past years, some strong actions scenes but poorly written dialogues. 3 Days to Kill feels might have been directed by McG, but it feels much more like a lesser Besson film.

3 Days to Kill opens with a scene at the CIA headquarters where Agent Vivi (Amber Heard) is given an assignment to hunt down a terrorist known as The Wolf (Richard Sammel). No one has actually seen him before, but his associate, The Albino (Tomas Lemarquis) is supposedly going to meet up with him at an international hotel. They also mention to Vivi that they have an agent on the ground named Ethan (Kevin Costner) whose only mission is to take down The Albino. The film then focuses on Ethan as he is getting the job done, but all of a sudden one of the agents is compromised and things get out of control. Ethan saves the day but just as he is about to capture his target he suffers a blackout and wakes up in a hospital where he is told that he has cancer and only a few months to live. He decides to spend his last months in Paris where his ex-wife, Tina (Connie Nielsen), and his teenage daughter, Zooey (Hailee Steinfeld) live. He always had trouble balancing work with family and that eventually led to him losing them, but with only a few months to live he wants to make amends. Right after he arrives in Paris, Vivi shows up with an experimental drug that could save his life with the only condition that he finish the job by hunting down The Wolf and The Albino. In order to spend more time with his family, he accepts, but balancing out work and family proves to be a very difficult task.

I was glad that Kevin Costner got a lead action role and I thought he was pretty solid despite the weak character he was given. He might not be as menacing as Liam Neeson, but he is very charismatic. He had a smaller action role at the beginning of the year in Jack Ryan where he was also solid. Amber Heard gave a strange performance, but she looked great nonetheless. The cast was quite solid with Hailee Steinfeld also delivering, but my major issue had to do with the repetitive storyline and the way the final third of the film played out.
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Don't take it seriously!
bodnarhd21 February 2014
It is a lot like " True Lies" in that a lot of the movie is played for laughs. Amber Heard fits her role very well. Kevin Costner is great as a man who has spent too much time on work and not enough time on his personal life. That is something most of us can relate too. I see people complain about the subplots but they are what make the movie fun. The character actors are great. Not a miss among them. The chase scenes are good with out going over the top. There were only a couple of times where the movie goes to big explosive special effects that take away from the story. The Daughter, played by Hailee Steinfeld, is excellent. Haiee played Mattie Ross in "True Grit". It will be a great loss to the screen if she goes into directing like she wants.

Get some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the fun.
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Taken for a Ride
drjgardner21 February 2014
There's not much to recommend this film. Neither the acting, direction, script, music, or photography offer anything new to the genre, and in some cases, it is far below average. Among the actors, only 18 year old Hailee Steinfeld (she plays Costner's daughter) stands out. You'll remember her from "Enders Game" and "True Grit" and I thought this was her best performance to date. Costner has played this role so many times before he's obviously bored with it, and it doesn't even begin to approach his work in "The Bodyguard". Amber Heard is completely miscast, and even if she weren't, the dialog and the crazy costume changes would be difficult to overcome. Indeed Heard's costume changes are a metaphor for the film itself, which doesn't seem to know whether it is a comedy (in which case it fails), an action thriller (which is far too long and not too thrilling), a romance (without much spark by anyone), or just a plain family adventure (with too much violence).

Luc Besson provided the story and the screenplay. Besson is a gifted writer with such marvelous credits as "La Femme Nikita", "Leon" (aka "The Professional"), "The Fifth Element", and "Columbiana". He also wrote "Taken", "The Transporter", and "Kiss of the Dragon" which weren't as good as the first group, but still well above average. This film has elements from many of his previous works, but the stitching comes loose in this one. Most of Besson's best films he also directed, so perhaps the problem lies there. Or perhaps it lies with director McG who is primarily a TV director and producer. Indeed, the film's uneven tone was clearly one of the major problems with his "Chuck" series.

Give this one a miss. Apart from the many on location shots of Paris, there's not much to recommend it.
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A film lost in itself
jamesjabbawalden10 May 2014
I'm not quite sure what this movie set out to be - a serious CIA thriller, another Bourne/Reacher/Ryan attempt to achieve what James Bond achieved and spawn a remarkable franchise, or a slapstick comedy that didn't take itself too seriously, but enjoyed the thrill of action and explosions in the manner that films such as Die Hard, Mr and Mrs Smith or by Mcg himself, This Means War did. But whatever it's intention was, it failed.

Starting off as a set up to what could be a serious albeit cliqued film - the journeyman agent, the one evil genius still at large, that one last job before calling it a day - the film quickly loses itself in a way that it never quite recovers from. With a wooden performance by Amber Heard, and scenes and dialogue that belong in a Robert Rodriguez film, 3 Days to Kill never lives up to the potential of what it could've been. Not quite action, not quite spy thriller, not quite comedy, and so many botched attempts at sentimentality that it becomes almost soap operaish in it's execution.

A solid performance by Kevin Costner, who's gone along the lines of Liam Neeson in perfecting the senior bad ass role, but even Costner wasn't enough to give this film plausability. I've watched it once, I couldn't see myself enduring it again.
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Relatively good, worth watching
gunshots3818 October 2014
When I heard of 3 Days To Kill coming out I wasn't to sure

of how good or bad it was going to be,

I heard Costner was playing the lead role as a CIA agent not exactly his normal role as we all know.

But do not let that turn you away from a good action film Costner portrays his character brilliantly its far from the worst film I have ever seen, its not the best either.

Its worth watching it is enjoyable.

If you like Action or Spy genre movies you will like this have a look you may be surprised.
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Does enough relatively well and covers many bases
RageQuitLeigh20 February 2021
3 days to kill is a somewhat dumb movie for a number of reasons but is still highly entertaining with a number of bright spots to enjoy.

The premise is that of an aging secret agent who whilst still clearly at the exceptional at his job is looking to call it a day. However he is dragged back into the business in exchange for potentially life extending experimental drugs to cure an illness, which is attractive to him so that he can attempt to spend time with his estranged daughter.

The casting of the movie is really good, Kevin Costner as the protagonist and Haliee Steinfeld as his daughter do excellent work here. Costner undertakes the action scenes exceptionally well portraying a formidable assassin who is not only weary but sick. The relationship or lack of between father and daughter provides some of the highlights throughout the movie with well created chemistry.

Whilst Amber Herd is a great casting choice I struggled with the character itself, both visually and the character's motive, none of which was explained at any point and seemed alien completely to the movie.

It's written by Luc Besson and the screenplay and story are filled with trademarks of Besson's style however generally it's all been done better elsewhere by himself. Scattered throughout we have scenes that are more fitting in some kind of light heart comedy and whilst they most land ok, seem slightly out of place with the movie and the Costner casting.

Overall it is lacking, but it is one of those movies that does enough relatively well and covers many bases. Good casting, decent performances, interesting locations (Paris), nice action and is well paced. And it is this overall feeling you are left with, even if it is somewhat forgettable. I gave this a 7 but for me its more like 6.7 i.e not enough to get a 6.
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Good movie
tinabugvi22 May 2021
The movie is pretty good, story was interesting, keeps your focus. I thought the acting was terrific except Amber Heard is TERRIBLE!
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Decent enough Spy/Family movie. Worth watching
huguespt27 January 2017
Quite a few reviewers bag this movie, I just don't know what people expect these days. I guess they expect every single movie made to be in their taste and a Billion Dollar AAA+++ movie. Anyway, as a spy movie, it is not a 10/10 but it is also a good family movie (8) above, you know your own children. Normal violence you would expect from a Spy Thriller but not as bad as the XXX movies. There is a lot of family values and struggles that many families can relate too and I believe the writers portrayed that very well. Costner's acting in this was about an 8/10 as were the others excluding his on screen daughter who I thought was superb. Costner delivers a believable performance/character, just not his best. The action is frequent enough to keep you entertained along with the Costner on Screen family and another On Screen Family who have lessons for us all. The filming and angles I thought where great and in some cases extremely difficult, although in this day and age, anything can be done on a computer.

All in all this will appeal to those who like a Spy Thriller, a Family movie, bit do not expect this to be XXX or one of the latest James Bond movies. Worth watching, an 8/10 overall and I would watch it gain. I guess if they threw more millions at it, it could have been better received by some of the harsher critics on here.
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Father knows best.
Bernie444417 April 2021
A CIA agent (Kevin Costner) is forced to retire after acquiring an exotic illness. Now with the short time left on this mortal coil, he turns to the family that he neglected. But wait there's an experimental drug that may change the situation. The cost to him is to get back into the game. Oh did I mention they're hallucinatory side effects that may gum up the works?

There is a wide range of opinions from people viewing this movie. Yes, it is a formula; some people like the formula and some people don't. It's predictable; some people like predictability and some people don't.

The fun in the movie is not the story but the interaction between the characters in the story. Instead of the simple shoot-em-up, we learned a little about parenting skills. Both shoot them up and parenting skills can be fun. This film is well worth watching. Do not let naysayers sway you from what might be an entertaining presentation.

FYI I only saw this on Blu-ray and the filming was well done. The music was a tad loud and overdone in some places.
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So Contrived, So Uninteresting
Hitchcoc24 September 2014
Once again we go to the old well: Dad who has not been there for child because of what he does/Child rejects him at first/he has a terminal illness/wife still loves him but can't accept what he does/still loves wife/and on and on and on. Throw in some really bad guys who have no redeeming qualities. Throw in a mysterious twenty-something knockout blond who is made of ice, orchestrating things for the CIA, and on and on and on. Also the terrible shooting by the bad guys. This is just a plain old, unbelievable (even in its own setting) malarkey. Costner reminded me of Greg House (Hugh Laurie) from the popular TV show. All disheveled and looking like he is going to drop any minute, which he does frequently (unless he can get a few shots of vodka). Here is Kevin Costner whom I think is a respected actor doing this kind of stuff. For me, it was a waste of time. I saw it as I was traveling on a plane from Istanbul and had trouble keeping awake.
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Felt real enough for the moment.
jeefray30 May 2014
It's always a bit difficult to mix genres and this film certainly had to overcome some major element mixing. I believe that most pure action fans will have a fast forwarding feel for this movie. Many of the scenes stretch the film watchers ability to suspend disbelief. This kind of movie could have more easily been less serious and it would have worked better on a comedic level but I still enjoyed watching.

Kevin Costner has a way of playing a burnt out person that makes his character human and the subplots are pleasant as well. I had to roll my eyes at some of the characters interactions and the difference between what he wants from his life and what his life really is are startling at times.

Overall I passed a good time watching this movie but it's not getting any Oscar nominations. It made me smile, laugh and had some tension as well.
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Costner makes the most of what he is given in this rather forgettable action/drama/comedy
Auth116 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The premise itself looks rather familiar. An elderly killer that tries to bond with his long neglected daughter, but his job comes in his way, so he has to make use of his skills again. With the plot set in Paris and Luc Besson involved, one might think this is "Taken 3" starring Kevin Costner.

This is not the case with "3 Days to Kill". There are few action sequences and when they happen, they are rather short and uninvolving. The film instead focuses on the relationship between Ethan Renner (Costner) and his teenage daughter (Hailee Steinfeld). Having not seen her in years because of his job, he wants to connect with her while he obligated to do one last job.

There is great potential in this premise: An agent who hides his real life from his loved ones and has to coordinate his job and his relationships worked great in "True Lies". Instead of action the focus here lies on the comedy aspect, which is perfectly fine, if it is indeed funny. Unfortunately this is not the case here. The script is too clichéd, the humor stale, there is a lack of chemistry between Costner and Steinfeld and the antagonists fail to leave any lasting impression, so there is not a sense of threat throughout the entire film.

Its constant shifts of tone and many flaws make "3 Days to Kill" a forgettable flick in which Kevin Costner gives a solid performance but cannot outweigh the shortcomings of the script. If you are a die-hard Costner fan you might consider renting this one, everyone else should not bother.
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Really Great movie - why such low rating????
robinrid2 December 2017
We can't understand why this movie has such a low rating – it's Luc Besson writing & humour at its most entertaining and Costner – like fine wine – gets better with age – is just great – no flab – it's kinda like Taken but with a few home truths (which came later with Taken….) If you want a bit of thriller entertainment of an evening, this does it for us.
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Not conceptual, but definitely above average thriller
BeneCumb7 March 2014
A separated/divorced (ex-)agent with personal issues, his teenage child, messy interaction of his work and family life - not an unknown topic, isn't it? Even many really famous actors have participated in such movies; now it is the turn of Kevin Costner, whose recent movie acting has been rather modest or even bad, with multiple Razzie Awards. Also in 3 Days to Kill, he gives no catchy or distinct performance, he is rather arid at times, on the other hand, he does not become annoying or ridiculous. Far better performances are given by Hailee Steinfeld as Zoey Renner and Tómas Lemarquis as The Albino.

The script is okay, with clichés and predictable moments, but thanks to Luc Besson, it is mostly catchy to watch, particularly chases and shootings which are much more successful than the romantic parent line in the story. Big proportion of the latter provides several unrealistic scenes which yet get some satisfactory explanation when the events progress. The ending could have been less trivial as well.

All in all, an endurable, above-average entertainment, definitely no flop.
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A Real Stinker
donaldthane30 May 2014
Cliché after cliché, all of them done horribly wrong. This movie feels like it was pasted together from the scraps and additional scenes of a movie that never made it to the screen because it was so bad. If your car felt as retooled as this movie, it would jump from drive to reverse as you're going down the road. It would shock you (with actual electricity) when you try to turn on the radio, the washer fluid nozzles would be mounted on the INSIDE of the windshield and when you put on your left turn signal the entire vehicle would explode. I don't know what Kevin Costner was thinking, or how Luc Besson's name got attached to this movie. It's as if Luc got drunk and accidentally sold a story to a bartender and a coked-up producer, and the two of them fell out and fought their way to making a crap story into the worst movie possible. The female CIA agent who recruits Costner is one of the worst screen characters I have ever seen. The attempts at making her unique and interesting are so amateurish that I couldn't even make out the intent of the filmmakers. That character alone would ruin a good movie, and this stinker is the furthest thing from a good movie. It doesn't even qualify as a movie if your definition of such includes a coherent story line.
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