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'A Teacher', is a disturbing film that has a brilliant performance from Lindsay Burdge.
bryank-048442 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Hannah Fidell's directorial feature debut, 'A Teacher', is a disturbing film that has a brilliant performance from Lindsay Burdge. From the sulking score, to the long camera shots, this forbidden and illegal sexual tale spins out of control fast, but has a heavy psychological tone as we watch our main character descend into a steep downward spiral of madness and obsession.

Burdge plays Diana, a high school teacher who seems to be a loner outside the classroom, but once in class, she opens up and is very charismatic. We are thrown into the middle of Diana's illicit relationship with one of her students, Eric (Will Brittain). We do not see how it all started, and we see scene after scene of the two having sex in different places whether it be in a car at night, Diana's house when her roommate is out for the night, or at Eric's parent's ranch house near Austin, TX.

The pair seem to have the same feelings for one another, however the only thing we really see is a sexual relationship, though we clearly see that Diana is emotionally stunted and needs to have some gap filled in with this torrid affair. She even allows Eric to take control in the bedroom. soon we see that Eric is her whole life as she becomes very distant from her roommate and colleagues at school and when her brother comes into town, she quickly shuts down and leaves him sitting at the restaurant. It's evident that her affair isn't the first of its kind. When her roommate invites her to a party of people their own age, she wants to leave as soon as she gets there and spends the little time there texting Eric and looking at his pictures. It's become an unhealthy obsession now.

After an exposing photo makes the rounds at school of a freshman girl posing topless, Diana becomes scared and asks Eric to delete all of the photos from his phone that she has sent. Once this happens, she begins to question herself and her actions, but still continues on. When an employee of Eric's ranch house almost catches the two of them in the deed, Diana calls the relationship off, but her unnatural obsession and sickness cannot be controlled, which leads to some very unfavorable moments, making the audience scream out "Nooo."

Fidell's camera-work is impressive and reminded me of Darren Aronofsky's 'The Wrestler' as we see the steady-cam shot from the back of Diana as she walks through the school and on her jogs completely alone. It's very unsettling. Brittain plays the student lover very well as we never see him brag to his friends of his conquest, nor is he at all an annoying teenager or obnoxious. He is actually quite charming, level-headed, and always plays it cool, even when things spiral out of control. And then there is Burdge who does a phenomenal job in her role as she tries to box up her unnatural feelings all the while she seems wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to her young lover.

What keeps this film from being great is its repetitiveness. It's a slow descent into a psychotic obsession that shows the same thing scene after scene of the two character having sex, only in different locations. If there was a bit more character exploration, then 'A Teacher' would have received an A. But due to its inconsistencies a flaws it receives a C for effort and acting.
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Skims the surface of a deeply complex and interesting issue...and skimming it makes it worse
secondtake2 May 2014
A Teacher (2013)

A maddening movie that has some gutsy aspects. But there is so much depending on credibility in the character's motivations, you can't quite ever buy the plot.

Which is this: a high school teacher gets involved with one of her students. I know this happens now and then, often to national headlines, so that much I like. But we want to see the psychology of a teacher who would do that, and it isn't here. What the director and writer (and leading actress, to some extent) give us is a young woman who takes risks and is obsessed with the young man she begins having sex with. Big risks. Risks so absurd (like kissing him in the classroom after the other students have left) that you wonder if the movie makers had information that this was true, or if they were winging it with no good instincts about how people would act in this situation.

Not that it needs to be terribly rational. Obviously here is a case of a teacher losing track of her place in her job, in her life, and of the consequences ahead. The student we believe, just enjoying a good ride with a nutty teacher, somewhat sincere in his liking her but a little baffled by her obsession. I mean he's only a high schooler, and as much as they know a lot about a lot, they don't know about the convolutions of older people's ability to love, and the complications of that.

Anyway, there is a lot offered here and very little achieved. To some extent the last scene of the teacher lying on a borrowed bed sums up all of our feelings. Kind of, oh my god, oh my god. Yeah, of course. But with so much dangling and unexplored, this could have been a powerful, valuable, must see drama.
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All in all, it's worth the 75 minutes, but nothing more.
JustinBell418 February 2013
Coming in at 75 minutes, if it were any shorter it would have been a TV Pilot, but if it were any longer I would have hated it.

An interesting dive into the mind and emotion of a female teacher who has a sexual relationship with one of her students. Lindsay Burdge, the actress playing the teacher, did an excellent job for most of the movie at being seemingly normal, but obviously mentally unstable. Near the last third of the movie however, she seemed to cross the line of believable and over the top a few too many times for me.

The approach of the movie was interesting in that we start well into their relationship, as the teacher's life starts to unravel. The time span of when the movie took place was relatively short, and the movie focused more on her and her emotions than it did on the relationship, which I really liked.
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What did I just watch
mballa-1136028 November 2019
So I guess instead of a real script, it's easier to have 4 intimate scenes in 20 minutes?! So much pointless filler, like her family issues. Then there was the soundtrack... It's difficult for this subject matter to be really boring, But they pulled it off.
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Lifetime movie without Acts I & III
douglasfactor5 December 2018
Step 1: Turn on any Lifetime movie with "Teacher" or "Student" in the title. Step 2: Start watching around the 15 minute mark. Step 3: Turn it off 20 minutes before the ending.

You have now seen "A Teacher". No character development, no resolution.

Not worth the time.
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Disappointing as a "character study" (quote from the announcement), missing all the opportunities offered by the plot and thus offering no new insights
JvH4821 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at Film Fest Ghent (Belgium) 2013. Though announced on the festival website as a "character study", the first 45 minutes were nothing but repeats of the same sex-riddled meetings, each time in different settings and varied locations, but always at places where no one could see them together. We had to wait for a badly needed turning event, which came only after 45 minutes, a long overdue moment for the teacher to start realizing which risks she was taking. She immediately decided to put their regular meetings on hold, which seemed to be taken seriously by both for a while. Suddenly, however, she cannot resist the urge (we thought that only men think about sex many times a day), she arranges a new secret bed-meeting. For some unclear reason she suddenly breaks it off halfway, and he leaves the house without much ado.

After only a very short while she rushes after him, parks near his house (where also his parents live), and desperately tries to phone and text him, and finally walks towards his house. It has all the looks of stalking. We see the boy's father interfere, but no actual confrontation. The film ends with her all alone in a motel room, where a voice mail from her school director tells her about a "situation". Apparently, the cat is out of the bag, but this is where the story ends.

All in all, the plot had much more opportunities than the script did use effectively. As it is presented to us now, it offers not that much new about the issue, being rehashed many times before in similar or other settings. I could have inferred all this from the 75 minutes running time, indeed not very much for a "character study". We also have no idea what it is that attracts them to each other, apart from the apparent sex. The audience award ranked this movie a lowly 71th place out of 83.
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Serviceable, but an entirely lukewarm focus
StevePulaski21 August 2013
This is a film in A Teacher that is nudging itself, trying to be set free from the restraints and the shortcomings of the finished product. The film trying to break free is a deep, involved character study on a teacher-student relationship that functions because of deep conversation and a mutual understanding between parties. The film we get is an interesting albeit mostly flat examination of an unremarkable teacher-student affair that strides along with sporadic hardships and ends in predictable calamity.

Hannah Fidell wanders into mumblecore territory here, as she directors and pens the film about Diana Watts (Lindsay Burdge), a high school English teacher, in her thirties or so, who has been flirting and hanging around with student Eric Tull (Will Brittain). The two hang out frequently - mostly in each others homes so being spotted in public isn't possible - and both enjoy each others company, personality, and intimacy. It doesn't take long, however, for Diana's paranoia to nearly get the best of her, as she tries to keep their relationship closeted, even as Eric begins to turn the other cheek to her at some points.

Immediately, this is a story that needs to be told, and this film ostensibly will humanize and maybe justify a teacher-student relationship. However, Fidell unfortunately keeps things too heavily nuanced to be insightful and too subtle to evoke much commentary or humanity. There isn't much to Diana or Eric, and their relationship seems more existent because it's a taboo and it's not normative. There's no real indicator on why they're together in the first place. We don't see why Eric has captured her eye, as he is just a typical, faceless high school teenager that comes to class everyday, does his work, and is quietly anxious sexually. There's no justification as to why Diana would want to date a student, or Eric in particular, seeing as if someone found out it could irreparably scar her reputation and put her out of a job.

The film I was hoping A Tacher would be featured extensive dialog to develop each character, dialog in the way of both of them talking about why they like each other enough to carry out a dangerous relationship under the noses of classmates and the school administration, and had deeply intimate, satisfying sex. This would be a four star film. The film we have here is one with minimal dialog in the way of characters, a shallow, limited view on why these two would want to be together, and relatively simple sex scenes captured by a grim camera that knows no color scheme other than black or very, very gray.

Having said all this, the film does in fact feature a strong lead performance by Lindsay Burdge, whose teacher character is made a sympathetic character, even with out much develop towards her. We can see that she thinks something of this relationship - whatever that may be - and she would be pained deeply if something wrong were to happen with it. If the film didn't have Burdge at the center, at least trying to provide some sort of clarity the character's motivations in this relationship, this would've been a complete misfire.

A Teacher is a serviceable, but overly-simple look at a subject that needs strong care and attention to be made human. The characters should've been more identifiable, the sex should've been more powerful and shocking considering the age gap, and the drama should've been thicker. The only thing I thought A Teacher was doing, by the end of it, was simply trying to push transgressive boundaries for the sake of doing so; not because it had something genuinely enlightening or strong to say.

Starring: Lindsay Burdge and Will Brittain. Directed by: Hannah Fidell.
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Terrible ride through nothingness
maros6128 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing this movie was a terrible, excruciating experience, but since I'm very hopeful and optimistic person, I watched it all the way through, hoping until the very end it's just about to provide something. Anything. It didn't. This completely failed as a showcase of character study. If anything, it's a perfect study of how movies should not be made. Ever! First of all, the story practically didn't have any development. The teacher-student relationship is a given thing from the get go and the only observation you can safely make is that she's a lot into him, but his motivation is completely ignored. Is it flattering for him? Does he prefer older girls? Is he happy? Is it only physical/fun for him? Temporary, even? Well, I have nothing against unorthodox film-making, but just because a film aspires to be fancy-shmancy artsy-fartsy all-independent, it may not - and doesn't - serve an excuse for boring the audience to sleep with a completely flat story and shortage of content. In fact, this feels like a shopping spree with empty shopping cart leaving past cash-desk. Boo-hoo, an end of a terrible ride. Finally!
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A sad movie on a sickening subject.
maxtshea2 January 2016
We don't get to know the characters in this film. Hannah Fidell gives us no back story and no resolution. If you feel as nervous about the epidemic of teacher-student sexual abuse as I do, "A Teacher" won't leave you feeling any better.

"A Teacher" is not the cheap outrage movie I thought it might be. It is not full of raunchy sex. There is no violence to. The director attempted a psychological treatment of the perpetrator. She succeeds, but she doesn't surprise me.

Lindsay Burdge plays Diana Watts, a 30-ish high school English teacher with a lost lamb demeanor and a family crisis she is trying to avoid. Diana is not the Pam Smart sultry seductress with wicked intentions. She girl-next-door attractive, but she is depressed. I empathized. I wanted to help her find her way.

Diana has roommates and friends who ask her out to parties where she has the opportunity to meet guys, but she's so insecure she cannot really connect with her peers. Diana's ex-husband and her brother try to get her attention about issues in the family, but Diana is too confused deal with them.

How did a nice girl like Diana end up with that creep? Hidell leaves it up to us to guess.

Will Brittain plays Eric Tull, a hot high school jock from a rich family. Eric is the dominant one in the relationship. Eric decides he is going to take Diana to his father's ranch. Eric decides when they are going to have sex.

The sex depicted is not explicit, but Hidell makes it plain it is joyless for Diana. Eric is a bonehead. He doesn't read when Diana is feeling sad an anxious. He doesn't care. Eric's job is stud service. He could get any girl in school he wanted. It seems he thinks Diana should be grateful to HIM for a quickie in the parking lot!

Eric comes across as a bit old for high school. This often happens when directors cast 25-year-old hunks to play high school students. However, Hidell does a deft job in show us how Eric is not quite a man yet. Diana isn't able to convey to Eric the high risk of their relationship. Eric is not able to see the situation as an adult and exercise good judgment. He's just an over privileged Texas boy playing with daddy's toys and diddling his English teacher.

I wanted to see something bad happen to Eric. I wanted to see something good happen to Diana. I wanted a comforting answer as to why so many pretty, young teachers have sex with their students. However, Hidell does't just come out and give me what I want.

Apart from awkward camera work and the stop-and-go jumpiness from one seen to the next, Hidell does a good job with what she has. She doesn't try to emulate the Hollywood blockbusters. She doesn't make her actors punch above their weight, which steers the film away from b-movie movie ham.

I felt voyeuristic. It might have been me and my camera following Diana around. The absence of backstory or subplots gave me an undiluted taste of a perilous episode in Diana Watts' life.

The drawback of Hidell's cinema vérité is I found no redemption for Eric. I just hated him. However, Eric is the victim. Not Diana. Diana is the adult. Diana is the one breaking her contract, lying to her employers, and eroding society's trust. Yet, Hidell is telling me I must empathize with Diana, and I do. Perhaps Hidell is saving the tears of Eric for "A Teacher II."
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Incomplete Film With Some Good Acting
FilmMan4728 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
this subject is not new its been done on TV and films more then many times we all know but this time director Hannah Fidell takes tries one more shot to tell the story in a different way but sadly it fails only delivers good performances as the characters and the plot is not well written the actors did there best to save this project.

the plot:a high school teacher Diana and her student have an affair no one knows about them they slowly try to fall for each other but is it love,infatuation,lust or something else that is driving this relationship.

the characters,story & almost everything is half written to be honest here i have to say this film is incomplete its done on purpose only to show emotions of Diana through the film what she is going through but what about the guy and a Little story off course id does have few smooching scenes but please it wont be enough.

the cast:OK Lindsay Burdge is the only leading lady who was acting rest actors were in for the money only.

overall my rating for A Teacher 2013 is 3/10 its a film worth watching only for some good acting as the script is written badly,so see it only if you like Lindsay Burdge otherwise stay away and Skipp it.
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Teacher's Pet
abcvision19 March 2013
Director Hannah Fidell got the idea of the movie Teacher while she worked at a restaurant waitress and was attracted to a young patron. She wondered how this would happen to a teacher. We often hear of older men and younger women, but how about the older woman, younger man? In A Teacher, Diana is a teacher at a suburban Texas high school. She has a strain relationship with her family and has few intimate friends. She crosses the lines and begins a sexual affair with a student Eric. In it, she is taken away to reignite the excitement of youthful lust and adapts to the world of quickies, sexting, and fantasy of her young suitor. Besides the ethical dilemma, she is carried away to continue this fantasy to a point of no return. This movie does a good job to show the humanity of Diana who simply craves emotional intimacy that she blocks from the thick wall around her. I saw this film as part of the Atlanta Film Festival.
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Captivating sexy little gem..it is NOT bad...
kimbg-909-81807625 October 2017
I am not sure where the bad reviews come from unless they are from people upset with the subject matter. It is Hollywood people get over it. If people voted on movies based on moral compass than many would get a 4/10.

The Hot teacher thing is a double standard. This kid is a senior, 17+ which is the age of consent in many states. Let's not dwell on the possible criminal element of the movie. I don't know of any 17 year old horny males that would feel violated by a hot young female teacher. NONE. OK so enough of that.

These 2 have a hot fling. Obviously if anyone finds out about it her career would be over. He seems mature for his age and I thought the acting was well done and these 2 actors did a great job of pretending to be into each other.

Things start to go a little astray when she realizes she is really infatuated with this kid.

I thought the film and story was beautiful and artistically well done. The dialogue was real and I understand much of it was improvised.

It is short only about 1hr 15 min but it is worth a watch.
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Worst Movie I've Ever Seen.
eifertlaura23 January 2016
I waited the whole thing through to see if the plot would develop any depth..... and then it ended. This was a terrible terrible movie. So extremely boring. You never even got to know ANY of the characters. Ugh so bland! I love movies and I know that there lies some type of beauty in each of them, even if it is not my cup of tea, but this one. Wow. Can I ever get that 1hr plus time back? Yes there is room for growth, but this movie has been produced, we can't go back in time. I am surprised Netflix took this one on. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. I know some will beg to differ, but holy cow don't waste your time!
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Where do I even Begin
CourtneyBW19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
HORRIBLE!! Horrible acting, Horrible Script, Horrible Plot! I ALWAYS check ratings before I watch a movie, IMDb hasn't let me down yet! & Normally I don't waste my time if a movie isn't AT LEAST a 6, but I thought, "I do love a good student/teacher affair". Oh my lord was I wrong! I didn't even expect much coming into it as it was clearly low budget, so to disappoint my already low expectations.

This was SOOOO very clearly actors, from the lack of chemistry, the robotic way they spoke, and the unrealism of it ALL, such as a bad ass high school student that sleeps with his teacher saying the phrase "Oh Fudge". I have been disappointed by a fair share of movies, but this has just made it to my top ten let downs. I wouldn't waste your time with it. What a shame.
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Honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen
aprilsfriendorin22 November 2020
I watched this because I recently got into the new TV series on Hulu of the same name. That series is engaging, makes you care about the characters, and actually delivers some important messages on grooming. This movie does none of that. There is absolutely no build-up or character development whatsoever. Like seriously, an unseasoned chicken leg at Susan's backyard barbecue has more flavor than these characters. I think it tries to give you the whole "predatory teacher" message, but it kind of just gets jumbled up in weird sex scenes, unnecessary family drama, and unexplained breakdowns. Also, the soundtrack at the beginning is one of the most horrendous things I've ever heard. I only gave it two stars instead of one because the scenes have some parallels to the TV show, which just made me appreciate how much better the show is. Anyway, don't waste your time.
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Worst soundtrack ever and pointless plot
seronjaa-797-31312412 February 2017
I usually really don't care much about the soundtrack in a movie, but in this one I noticed how bad it is. It was like from a horror movie. I usually like slow movies and movies with only 2 characters, but this one was just pointless. The story was going nowhere, we didn't learn anything about the characters, their motives, and so on. There was also not much chemistry between the main characters, which for me is probably the most important part in a romantic movie. What's up with that family scene? It lead us nowhere. What's up with all those unnecessary running scenes? They are just a filler. How about some dialogue or a plot? Character development? Anything? If you want to see a good romantic movie with low budged, but that is emotional and interesting, go watch "Blue Jay" and skip this one.
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Bad teacher?
tomsview18 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie quite compelling. Like watching an accident about to happen, it's hard to avert your eyes.

A teacher is having an affair with one of her students. The movie doesn't really set anything up for us; we join the drama as the affair is in full flight. The couple tryst secretly in his house when his parents are out, and in her place when her flatmate is out or simply in a car, despite the fact that no matter the claims of manufacturers for the performance of their vehicles, automobiles have never been designed for comfortable sex.

It's an odd affair, but we sense that the teacher, Diana Watts, played by Lindsay Burdge, doesn't handle responsibility well – the responsibility of having a proper grown-up affair with its attendant commitment, and she certainly isn't facing up to her responsibilities as a teacher. We learn that she is also abandoning some responsibility regarding her mother – a pattern of behaviour emerges.

Diana has such an attractive and grounded look that it comes as a surprise when the relationship unravels and so does she. It's a very believable performance and we feel her pain – self-induced though it is.

The student, Eric Tull, played by Will Brittain, seems such a callow and somewhat fickle youth that his appeal to Diana obviously lay just outside the frame; she seems so much more mature and self-possessed. I think the real shock in the film comes in the role reversal about three quarters of the way through.

In the beginning, Diana controls the pace of the affair, with Eric always left wanting more, but by the end he is over her, and she can't handle the rejection. The movie ends without a definite resolution, but we suspect that Diana's career in teaching is also about to end.

I don't mind a movie that leaves things a bit obscure, and refuses to spoon feed the audience with obvious answers and situations – as long as it is done with style. "A Teacher" takes a fresh approach to a subject that has featured before; it gets you in, and doesn't overstay its welcome.
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Pointless, lazy, random-background music-having terrible movie Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the negative posters so far, that this was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is 75 minutes, and could have been five minutes. Before the movie, I figured the most interesting part would be learning how the two started to hook up. Well, you have no idea and they are just hooking up from the second scene in the movie. Then, what is up with the scene about her family? Early in the movie there is the short scene with her brother and he mentions that her Mom clearly has some sort of illness that has affected her brain. Diana just gets this terrified look on her face and leaves. She had also mentioned her Mom in the first "hook up" scene, so you figure this will be a second story line. Nope. It is like the writer had that idea and then said, "Nah. Let's just forget about the family part." The rest of the movie is basically the same thing over and over again. With some completely random background music that would be more fitting for a B horror film. Then at the end she laughs, cries, and officially goes crazy. That could have happened in scene 1 and the reason I said it could have been five minutes long. The only reason I gave this a 2 and not a 1 is the Ms. English teacher had a good body and there is slight nudity.
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In some ways better than the series
williams-bruce21 April 2022
What it does better is capture the joylessness of abuse. I liked that Diana's homelife was a share house rather than a marriage gone stale (as in the series). Also less glamourised.
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A Immature attempt for a sensitive subject
sauravjoshi855 September 2020
A Teacher is a drama movie directed by Hannah Fidell and stars Lindsay Burdge and Will Brittain.

The concept of the movie is indeed not the fresh but we have seen many decent movies on the same subject but this movie fails to impress. In acting department it seems that apart from Burdge no-one was very keen to put in their efforts, screenplay was slow rather uneven and can't has the gripping power to hold the viewers, direction is average.

It seems that this is an half-hearted attempt to make a movie on one of the disturbing and sensitive subject, there is nothing much impressive in the movie and the movie could be avoided.
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Captivating subtlety in both performance and script
leilajane949 July 2014
I have just read some of the above reviews and feel as though they have no emotional integrity whatsoever. When I watch a movie, I do not want to be spoon-fed information and told what to think. These are obviously the kind of films the above reviewers are accustomed to watching which is a great shame because they are missing out on something more beautiful and pure. By not being obvious, this film engages the mind of the viewer to look more closely at the subtext and form a unique opinion. Life is not black and white; there are many mysteries. A film that captures a truthful aspect of life is one that I always find interesting.

Firstly, 'A Teacher' is one of the few movies I have actually seen where a female character's point of view takes the main focus. A very credible character with many human flaws instantly captivates me as I want to read into her actions and form an opinion based on what I notice about her behaviour. To me, she is an adult who, for some reason, is unable to move past her adolescence. There are a couple of clues in the text of the film that highlight her incapability to face the truth like a grown up- one being her refusing to talk about a serious matter regarding her mother when her brother brings it up in conversation. She is living in a fantasy and the relationship with her student allows her to hold on to this dream world in which she lives. The whole way through the film, you are waiting for the moment when reality finally hits home and this creates a beautiful suspense.

The soundtrack is also very carefully placed and just hits the right moments. As soon as the film begins we are instantly drawn to this woman's state of mind from the unusually unsettling opening music. I think that each song in the movie has been specifically used to enhance the moods felt by this emotionally unstable schoolteacher.

The film begins and ends. It is emotionally engaging and allows us to empathise with the characters as well as reprove them. The unpredictability of the film and the excellent performances held my attention throughout. There is no need to say there was a lack of storyline on screen. Get a heart and a mind and an attention to detail. A story can be told with no words at all. In fact, a thousand words can be portrayed in one simple action. This film has much more substance and desire than a film that needs a heavy script to portray intention. Definitely a thumbs up from me. It has been a while since I've seen a film as good as this.
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A Teacher
veronikastehr9 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A Teacher

The film focuses primarily on the personality of a teacher having an affair with one of her students. In a noninvasive manner, the story gradually reveals her anxiety, loneliness and psychical fragility. The excitement brought to her by the love affair with a young person that for a brief moment fills out empty places in her existence is lost again to result, as we can see near the end of the film, in her complete psychical crumble.

A young film director, Hannah Fidell has an interesting approach to the exploration of this delicate thematic. The clichés are avoided in the construction of an immoral teacher, otherwise often structured as constantly sexually aroused sensuous women, or miserable women with cold husbands. Fidell's teacher (Lindsay Burdge) is a shy, young woman typical for educational milieu. She distances herself from her environment - often trivial and burdensome – searching for intensity in an illicit affair. Her young lover, Eric stays two dimensional in a thought out manner as this is how she sees him. Her obsessions are connected to him as to an intensity carrier and not as to a person. Only at the end of the film, with the appearance of boy's father, we understand how young Eric is unprepared to be entangled into such an exhausting relationship.

The film's deficiency, besides arid visuals, is its wobbling development. It is flirting with possible culmination or with the stagnation in a painfully slow and intensity-lacking world of the teacher. When the film ends with the culmination it seems forced, the development of plot and characters did not give space for expressive pathos. An anticlimax would end the work with more naturalness as inner turmoil that induces teacher's breakdown and young boy to confide their secret to his father stayed unknown to the spectator closed in a gloomy inner world where moral and spiritual questions stay covered in shadows.
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teddy_pooh1226 January 2014
One of the dumbest movies I have ever seen, I wouldn't waste your time if I were you. There's really no beginning or end. The plot was good, but there were no details, just when it started getting good it was over! I didn't even know if this was a high school student for starters because all they say is freshmen, I was thinking college. They don't explain anything regarding the teacher, how the affair even came about, or anything useful for that matter. This movie could have had potential, but it went nowhere. The only thing I would have to say about it that's good is the directing. Good camera quality. Lets hope they come up with something better!
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Do Not Believe The Fake Reviews
One_slice_of_pizza2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The production company, the screenwriter and anybody else who approved this meaningless piece of garbage should be barred from the movie industry. I am that serious! This is beyond ridiculous. Very few movies made me angry this much I am warning you, do not watch this movie if you don't want to feel sorry for wasting 90 minutes of your life when the movie ends.

There's absolutely zero character development. Nada. Zilch. Story does not progress at all. Actually, there is no story. The characters are extremely boring, and all there's to it is a little bit of skin here and there with the most absurd and ridiculous sound track. It is unbelievable how trashy the score is. I would get it if this was a thriller or a horror movie but hearing the music while a couple is having... makes you say what the...?

Do yourself a favor. Do not even think about watching this crap. Trust me, you will be glad you didn't.
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rdoubleoc8 March 2021
This one sucks. Tired of garbage. Hollywood needs to learn some lessons.
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