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Not a patch on Under the Wire but still pretty solid
Bertaut27 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Telling the story of the last decade or so of Sunday Times' foreign affairs correspondent Marie Colvin, and based on Marie Brenner's 2012 Vanity Fair article, "Marie Colvin's Private War", the film is nowhere near the quality of Chris Martin's exceptional Under the Wire (2018), a documentary about Colvin's last assignment, and how her photographer, Paul Conroy, got out of Syria after her death. Wisely, screenwriter Arash Amel and director Matthew Heineman choose not to tell the same story as Martin, focusing more on Colvin's life in London and her previous assignments, and concluding with her death. This makes sense, as the story of how Conroy got out is a movie unto itself, complete with plot twists, heroism, sacrifice, a villain who turns out to be a hero, and against-the-odds survival, and it's a story that's definitively told in Martin's documentary.

With this in mind, A Private War has its own merits. Avoiding hagiography, Heineman doesn't shy away from some of the darker aspects of Colvin's character (her refusal to accept she was suffering from PTSD, her alcoholism, her acerbity, her appalling hygiene), with the film more interested in asking why she did what she did rather than simply showing what she did. Part-biopic, part-journalistic drama, part-war movie, if A Private War has a salient theme, it's that of The Truth and the price that some people are willing to pay to ensure that that Truth is known; in Colvin's case, she paid with her mental well-being, and, ultimately, her life. It's by no means perfect, with some awful dialogue, scenes so on-the-nose you might need rhinoplasty after watching them, a tendency to over-simplify complex socio-political elements as binary oppositions, and an uneven central performance. However, it's a respectfully told story, the material is treated in a suitably serious manner, and historical authenticity is always paramount. Which is more than I can say for Green Book (2018).

Opening in the Baba Amr neighbourhood of Homs, Syria during the 2012 Homs Offensive, the film then cuts to 2001. Colvin (Rosamund Pike) is embedded with a Tamil Tiger regiment in Sri Lanka, when she is hit by shrapnel from an RPG, losing the sight in her left eye, and forcing her to wear an eyepatch for the rest of her life. The film then gives us a summary of the next 11 years - her meeting with freelance photographer Paul Conroy (Jamie Dornan) in Iraq; the use of civilian digging equipment to unearth an unmarked mass grave of 600 Kuwaiti POWs in Fallujah; meeting and beginning a relationship with Tony Shaw (a criminally underused Stanley Tucci); an interview with Muammar Gaddafi (an unrecognisable Raad Rawi); and finally, her assignment (given to her at her own insistence) in Syria.

Although A Private War spends time showing us Colvin in Sri Lanka, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, it is just as interested in depicting the mental price she paid for her work. Examining how she processed the things she saw (or didn't process them, as the case may be), Heineman is more interested in the PTSD, the alcoholism, the bodily injury, and the loneliness. The film runs with the premise that Colvin was fundamentally correct when she argued that the real stories of war are not the socio-political causes of the conflict, or the military engagements, but the civilians caught in the crossfire ("it doesn't matter what type of plane just bombed a village. What is important is the human cost of the act"). Despite her honourable intentions, however, the film does suggest that Colvin was simply addicted to the adrenaline, doing what she did as much for her own personal needs as her commitment to a greater truth. Her insistence on going to the most dangerous places on Earth is depicted as a kind of vicious circle, with her inability to cope with the horrors she witnesses compelling her to seek out ever more harrowing subject matter. As she tells Conroy, "I hate being in a war zone. But I also feel compelled, compelled to see it for myself."

The film also spends time on Colvin's private life, attempting to humanise her and round out the character, showing her tempestuous relationship with her ex-husband, David Irens (Greg Wise), her frequent clashes with her editor Paul Ryan (Tom Hollander), her descent into alcoholism, her refusal to accept help from her best friend Rita Williams (Nikki Amuka-Bird), her mentoring of young journalist Kate Richardson (Faye Marsay), her tender final relationship with Shaw. An especially telling scene in this regard concerns her eye injury. After asserting that she is unconcerned about losing her eye, we see her alone, looking at the injury in a mirror, with Pike conveying her sense of loss brilliantly. In another scene, she stands in front of a full-length mirror, completely naked, looking at herself with a curious sense of wonder. These moments reveal as much about her as the more expositionary dialogue-heavy scenes, and Pike's performance in these wordless scenes is really quite extraordinary, doing a great deal with very little.

Elsewhere, however, the performance is a little uneven. Pike certainly captures Colvin's mannerisms, to a degree of authenticity comparable to Charlize Theron's depiction of Aileen Wuornos in Monster (2003). However, there are several scenes that don't ring emotionally true, with the performance coming across like a performance rather than something truly lived. In particular, a scene in which Colvin berates Ryan for his lack of trust in her has the feel of someone acting (and overacting at that), with little sense of psychological verisimilitude. Indeed, even though most of the other characters are one-note or no-note (Shaw, in particular, is poorly written), they often feel more natural than Colvin, more realistic, with the actor portraying them not quite as visible. Pike is certainly intense, and her impression of Colvin is uncanny, but it takes more than an intense impression to anchor a real-life character, and oftentimes, Pike's performance is more showboating than soulful.

From an aesthetic point of view, it's worth pointing out that this is Heineman's narrative feature film debut, with his previous work confined to documentaries. Especially important in relation to A Private War are Cartel Land (2015), in which he was embedded with a vigilante group facing off against Mexican drug cartels, and City of Ghosts (2017), in which he profiled the Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently citizen journalist group who report on human rights abuses in Raqqa by ISIS. These two films show his familiarity with danger, journalistic risk, and Syria itself. What's interesting, however, is that whereas these films saw him bring cinematic sensibilities to documentary filmmaking, in A Private War, he does the opposite, bringing documentary techniques to a narrative film, especially in relation to the battle scenes, which have a gritty intensity. Along the same lines, the interview with Gaddafi reminded me of the meticulous pseudo-documentarian opening scenes of Michael Mann's The Insider (1999), where Mike Wallace (Christopher Plummer) conducts a similar interview with Sheikh Muhammed Hussein Fadlallah (Cliff Curtis) in Lebanon.

Although the film adopts a realistic perspective for the most part, there are some terrific visuals. The opening shot, for example, is an aerial view of Homs, showing the devastation and the shattered buildings, as far as the eye can see, with not a sign of life anywhere. It's an immensely strong image with which to open the film, conveying so much without dialogue, in a similar manner to the extraordinary opening shot of José Padilha's masterful Ônibus 174 (2002). Legendary cinematographer Robert Richardson shoots the battle scenes in a cinéma vérité style, employing handheld cameras, loss of focus, shallow depth of field, and asymmetrical framing. These elements work together to create a strong sense of immediacy and authenticity. Additionally, Heineman allows the rubble, bodies, injured children, and wailing women bleed from one war zone into another, to such an extent that each conflict is interchangeable with all of the others. This isn't a criticism, however, it's a visual representation of one of the film's themes; every war is the same as every other war, especially in terms of the civilians wounded and killed during the fighting. In terms of representing Colvin's state of mind, Heineman employs disorientating scene transitions, flashbacks, dreams, and sudden temporal jumps. Editor Nick Fenton's work is also exemplary, increasing the pace of the editing depending on Colvin's mental state.

Although A Private War does suffer from the occasional clunky bit of dialogue and a slightly uneven central performance, it's a strong film. Telling a different story than Under the Wire, it doesn't shy away from the darker and less savoury aspects of Colvin's life, presenting her in a non-hagiographic manner, as someone fundamentally damaged by what she does. Unafraid of examining her careerism and setting it beside a more humanitarian and philanthropic interpretation of her work, Heineman and Amel also address the price that all war correspondents must risk paying, irrespective of why they are there in the first place. The film is deeply respectful of both the craft and the courage of such people, not the least of whom was Colvin herself. At one point in the film, she claims, "I see it so you don't have to". Heineman, however, suggests that she saw it so that the rest of could see it too.
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Solid but disjointed
maccas-563677 September 2019
"A Private War" is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, the "action" scenes are gripping, edge-of-the seat stuff. The theme of 'brave war reporting' is something of interest to me ever since seeing Damien Parer's WWII work. The importance of war correspondents is definitely highlighted here.

On the other hand, the whole thing just felt quite clunky and disjointed. I didn't really learn a whole lot about the conflicts Marie Colvin was reporting on. There was often context missing to scenes and this lead to a little confusion or waning interest on my behalf. Rosamund Pike delivers a strong performance though and it was enough to draw me back in.

There was also just a whole lot of stupidity going on. Sorry, but when one of Marie's colleagues said in the film: "You've got an amazing nose for a story. But you don't have a military brain" - I couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly. It was a frustrating watch at times.

It was a serviceable film though and there's enough here to hold any journalism students' attention. It's important to have journalists of Marie's calbire in our world today.
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A devastating film. Well done
latinfineart10 September 2020
This was a film that had a tremendous amount of power. Rosamund Pike's performance was great Jamie Dorman was outstanding, as was Stanley Tucci and many of the other performances in this film.

It was a very heartfelt film about the horrors of war, and the extent to which madmen despots like Gaddafi and Assad will go to maintain their power. I'm not sure why all the dissenting reviews on this thread, it seems like an awful lot of people that were naysayers were politically motivated. Sure, I don't agree with a lot of US foreign policy, but this movie wasn't really about foreign policy, this movie was about the horror of war, this movie was about the bravery and courage of a woman who in my opinion, was near deity, for performing the work that she performed. Let's get real here, how many of the naysayers on this thread would have the guts to actually go into combat territory like she did and do what she did? Probably 2, if that. It is easy to be brave from your living room.
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Rosamund Pike
Kirpianuscus28 August 2020
It is her film. Maybe, in few parts , more than Marie Colvin's. The role is generous, the story is well made and the message becomes clear. A film not about wars but about truth and cold idealism and passion and obsession of a war reporter . Realistic, interesting, subjective, off course. Short - just a good movie. And a beautiful demonstration of her artistic skills of Rosamund Pike.
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Rosamund Pike delivers a fantastic performance
kingsgrl201017 November 2018
A very different role for Rosamund Pike then Gone Girl or any other film she has made recently. She takes the care in embodiment of Marie Colven, trying to give her truth life. This is not an easy movie to watch, harsh scenes of war-torn countries and showing real people that have actually been effected by real tragedies. While watching I definitely felt that Matthew Heineman was trying to give the realest depiction of this story. I often felt a little underwelmed with the pacing of this movie, it flips back and forth to the past and present a little too much for me and not focusing long enough on either for the full character development. Rosamund Pike did give a great performance and Marie Colvin's story is worth watching.
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Wars are not supposed to be private
fx-2311231 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I doubt that what I just watched was the best example of good journalism. Marie Colvin as a person and reporter was obsessed, disturbed, and maybe suicidal. I think she was too sensitive for that job.

The Arab Spring turned to be an Arab Nightmare but it took 3 years to the mainstream journalists to start spelling it. The revolution in Syria ended as a proxy world war that even today we cannot be sure of its outcomes. The story was way much bigger than the simplistic version of an evil Assad. And she missed it.

I think her death was in vain. RIP. The world is not insensitive as she thought. People cares. But things are a little more complicated than what she could understand.
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Heineman and Pike excel
ferguson-610 November 2018
Greetings again from the darkness. Marie Colvin was a (seemingly) fearless war correspondent obsessed with giving a voice to those forgotten during war. Were she alive today, she could not have hand-picked a better filmmaker than Matthew Heineman to tell her story. Director Heineman was Oscar nominated for CARTEL LAND (2014) and, combined with his CITY OF GHOSTS (2017), gives him two of the best ever documentaries that show what the front lines are like in both international wars and the equally dangerous wars being fought over drug territories. Heineman has carried his own camera directly into the center of those storms, while Ms. Colvin took her pen and pad. Simpatico.

Based on Marie Brenner's Vanity Fair article "Marie Colvin's Private War" (screenplay by Arash Amel), the film benefits from the extraordinary and courageous work of Ms. Colvin, and also a terrific performance from Rosamund Pike (words I've not previously written). Ms. Pike captures the extremes of Ms. Colvin's life - the atrocities of war and the self-prescribed treatment of her PTSD through vodka, and does so in a manner that always seems believable. She lets us in to a world most of us can't imagine.

As a war correspondent for Britain's Sunday Times (since 1986), Ms. Colvin told the stories we'd rather not know. In her words, "I saw it, so you don't have to." The film begins with a stunning overhead view of 2012 war-ravaged Homs Syria (destruction courtesy of Assad's soldiers) - a place that starts the film and later ends the story. We then flash back to 2001 London so we can witness Marie in society and struggling with a personal relationship. She then chooses, against her editor's (Tom Hollander) guidance to cover Sri Lanka. It's a decision that cost her an eye, while also providing her recognition as the eye-patch wearing female war reporter.

In 2003, a tip takes her to a previously undiscovered mass grave site in Fallujah. This is her first work alongside photographer Paul Conroy (played by Jamie Dornan). Having "seen more war than most soldiers", Ms. Colvin's severe alcoholism can't kill the nightmares, visions, and PTSD. After time in a clinic, she returns to work. We see her in 2009 Afghanistan and then pulling no punches when interviewing Libya's Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. During these assignments, we learn much about Ms. Colvin's personality and approach. She is rarely without a cigarette, admits to wearing Le Perla lingerie (and why), carries Martha Gellhorn's "The Face of War" as her field manual, and wins two British Foreign Journalist of the Year awards - though seeing her at the banquets is quite surreal.

Hollander's subtle performance as news editor Sean Ryan is also quite impressive. He fears for her safety (and even questions her sanity) but is in constant conflict with the need to sell newspapers - something Ms. Colvin's stories certainly did. Stanley Tucci has a role as Tony Shaw, her love interest, but despite her words, we never believe he and his sailboat are ever more than a distraction from her obsession with the front lines. The final sequence in 2012 Homs Syria is stunning, as is her final interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN.

Ms. Pike has altered her voice to mimic the deeper tone of Marie Colvin - her efforts confirmed in the final interview played at the film's end. It's quite a career boost for Ms. Pike, who has previously been known for playing ice queens in films like GONE GIRL. She captures the traumatized Marie, but also the obsession of someone whose DNA constantly drove her back to the stories that needed to be told.

Director Heineman's unique perspective combined with the cinematography of 3 time Oscar winner Robert Richardson (a favorite of Scorcese, Tarantino, and Oliver Stone) delivers a realism of war that we rarely see on screen. Mr. Richardson also shot SALVADOR (1986) and PLATOON (1986) and his work here surpasses both. The film gives us a glimpse at the psychological effects of such reporting, and a feel for the constant stress of being surrounded by tragedy and danger. This is fitting tribute to a courageous and very skilled woman, although I do wish the men weren't constantly helping her out of trucks and jeeps.
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Tentative drama about a not-so-tentative woman
PotassiumMan17 November 2018
Rosamund Pike delivers a fiery performance as Marie Colvin, a war correspondent who earned a reputation as iron-willed in her commitment to war reporting even in the face of grave danger throughout the 2000s. Unfortunately, her gravelly voice cannot carry the entire film which occasionally veers off into obvious Oscar-bait territory. A handful of gripping scenes do spring up, including when she meets with Muammar Gaddafi shortly before his regime is overthrown.

But all in all, I would call this a middle-of-road biopic, one that is likely to fly under the radar and be remembered only by news junkies and anti-war activists, if anyone at all. This despite, again, a terrific effort by Pike. Not recommended.
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A voice to the voiceless.
mpboylanjr-5403810 May 2019
This is not an action film or one that glorifies war. I don't understand a lot of reviews, and with all do respect a lot of you missed the point. It is not a political film either. It is the story of a women who joined the frontlines of major wars and battles from the late 80s until her demise. It is a human story of Marie , and the PTSD she later struggled with by seeing the horrors as well as being blown up herself. It is a character driven film. It does a fine job at giving a voice to the voiceless. Showing not the fighting, but the human interactions of oppressed people during major war time. This was very good, and Rosemund Pike shines with the rest of the cast in telling this deeply moving story of a true renegade women who decided to go and see for herself and report back the true horrors of warfare and it's toll on the human beings involved. The collateral damage if you will. Very good watch , see for yourself. Don't listen to these reviewers who missed the point or possibly didn't even watch the film.
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compelling life
SnoopyStyle11 March 2019
The movie begins in 2012 Homs where Marie Colvin (Rosamund Pike) faces her mortality. As the premier foreign war correspondent for London's The Sunday Times, she travels to Sri Lanka in 2001 to do a story on the besieged Tamil Tigers where she loses her left eye. In 2003 Iraq, she befriends freelance photographer Paul Conroy (Jamie Dornan) who would follow her in many of her reporting. She struggles with her personal life and is haunted by PTSD.

It's an admirable life and it's an admirable attempt at portraying that life by Pike. What it doesn't do is a couple of standard biopic tropes that could have helped to give her life context. It doesn't have her childhood. It doesn't have her family other than lovers and friends. It doesn't have the start of her career. It doesn't show how she got into war correspondence in the first place. Normally, a biopic would have early defining experiences which would drive that person to her journey and poetically her end. It's standard operating procedure and this movie is missing that. It does have a good sense of her PTSD. It's probably the best part of the movie. The devastation faced by the civilians is just as compelling. Her relationship with Paul could have been used as the central nexus. There is some unspoken reality between them that is left out. This biopic has its compelling moments but it's not going to be one of the greats.
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Do not be easily deceived
mwpowellhtx27 January 2019
If you watched this Prima Facie and did no background research into the "conflict" in Lybia, Syria... No mention whatsoever of the US and HRC's involvement in Gaddafi's assassination, "we came, we saw, he died" were her very words during one interview, and not with anything even remotely resembling sobriety. You also need to understand the "topple seven nations in five years" the US agreed to. Lybia, Syria, Iran, etc. Or how the US and NATO forces back ISIS, shelled Assad's people. Some 500,000+ killed by the US weapons, etc. Not anything I want to be associated with, but that was my tax dollars, and yours if you are a tax paying citizen of the US. Taking nothing away from Marie Colvin's work as a journalist, but let's be clear. Assuming the film is accurate, she received awards from her company alone; it's not like they were industry awards, recognition, etc. No, I think this was more propagandist than factual.
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Thank you
rays-9010610 November 2018
When i left my country I decide to not remember any thing from that hell, But today i cried like i just lost every thing, it's an amazing movie
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asommgerhi9 February 2019
A private war so you can't tell if it was real or not, but about libyan event i don't think all of it was real because i'm libyan person, but the other story it seems real because there is evidence. as a movie it was boring it's not something massive as the name of the movie.
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Good acting/production, terrible propaganda
aroxysimon6 July 2019
The FSA are literally ISIS. There's a reason why no non-Sunni in the country supported them.
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War correspondent obsessed with being where the action is.
TxMike14 March 2019
My wife and I watched this movie at home on DVD from our public library.

Marie Colvin was a real 21st century war correspondent, an American journalist working for a British news agency. She seemingly had no fear, or if she did overcame it to seek out the hottest of the hot spots and when she could, interview dictators with very pointed questions.

Rosamund (pronounced "Rozz-mund") Pike is totally terrific as Marie Colvin, pirate's eye patch and all after she lost her left eye during a raid. Unless we have been in a cave the past 20 or so years we know all the stories, all the big battles, so this movie gives us nothing new there. What it gives us is a glimpse at a driven war correspondent.

The title is significant, "my private war" is a reference to what is going on inside Colvin, what drives her, what makes her put herself and her photographer in the middle of dangerous war zones? We don't quite get the answer clearly but that is what we should be focused on.

Good movie, Pike is very believable. The very end of the movie has a clip of the real Marie Colvin.
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Gritty, Unflinching... Rosamund Pike is superb
samabc-3195212 December 2021
"War is the quiet bravery of the civilians who would endure far more than I ever will"
  • Marie Colvin, the most celebrated war correspondent
The trauma that she witnesses, the personal toll that it takes, a high society elite who has the audacity to stand tall and beard the most notorious dictators, who constantly faces her own personal demons and still sets new limits to bravery and being tested for bravado. Whether it's Sri Lanka or Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria.. the war counts the ones at the front but sometimes casts aside the civilians ... the peaceful uprising in Syria that turned into a genocide as President Assad ordered bombing innocent civilians tagging them as terrorists!!! How could one at such inhumane times continue believing in humanity!!!! True story, biopic of a combat-journalism rock star. Hard reporting infused with humanity that would tug your heartstrings. . A gritty unflinching screenplay. Commendable performance by Rosamund Pike.
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Watch it for Rosamund Pike's possibly Oscar-contending performance
paul-allaer19 November 2018
"A Private War" (2018 release; 110 min.) is a bio-pic about war correspondent Marie Colvin. As the movie opens, we are informed that Colvin began her career as a war correspondent for the Sunday Times in 1986. We then shift to "London, England 200" where she is seen fooling around, and then arguing, with her once (and future) husband. It's not long before Colvin is off to Sri Lanka to investigate an "unreported" war. In an unfortunate incident, Colvin is badly hurt and she loses sight in her left eye altogether, leaving her to wear an eye patch going forward, "just like a pirate" she mocks. Then by 2003, Colvin is off to Iraq... At this point we are 15 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing area, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: this is the latest movie from director Matthew Heineman, best known for his outstanding (and Oscar-nominated) documentaries "Cartel Land" and "City of Ghosts". While "A Private War" is not a documentary, it certainly has the feel of one, as Heineman brings us, matter of factly, what is was like to be a woman reporting on the worst of mankind, going in war zones where she was not wanted. "I am compelled", she remarks more than once when asked why she is doing what she's doing. She focuses on the true victims: women and children, the sick and the poor, the homeless and the starving. The movie is staged impressively as we witness many battle scenes and look in astonishment as Colvin dodges bullets buzzing by. But none of that would matter if it weren't for the convincing performance by Rosamund Pike, who looks quite a bit older in this role as compared to her actual age. This is the type of role that Hollywood typically loves to embrace and recognize, and I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that Pike will get an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. Last but not least, couldn't help but notice the wonderful new tune "Requiem for a Private War", by Annie Lennox (it plays over the movie's closing credits).

"A Private War" premiered at this year's Toronto International Film Festival to positive acclaim. The Sunday matinee screening where I saw this at this weekend was attended poorly (3 people, including myself). Frankly, I don't see this playing in theaters very long. For that, the movie is simply too heavy and downbeat, even with Rosamund Pike's wonderful lead performance. But that doesn't mean this is not a good movie, far from it. I quite enjoyed it (insofar one can really "enjoy" heavy dramas like this). If you have an interest in what life is like for war correspondents in this day and age, I'd readily suggest you check this out, be it in the theater, on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray, and draw your own conclusion.
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Pike Miscast
The_Boxing_Cat30 January 2019
Colvin's story was compelling, but Pike's performance didn't feel authentic. It was forced and at times she struggled with her attempts at an American accent.

In every other film she has shined, just not with this one.
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A Private War (2018)
rockman18210 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't know a whole lot about this film before going in, but alas living in NYC means we get to see all the films in theaters! Furthermore, I finally feel like Rosamund Pike is getting the recognition she deserves. She's been in the film game for a while but only recently is getting consistent work and showing her talents. I think Pike drives this film. I really enjoyed this film, its an informative biopic that has harrowing moments and is a career high from Pike.

The film is a biopic about the life of American journalist Marie Colvin. Colvin instantly recognizable because of the eye patch she wore because of an injury she suffered after a blast in Sri Lanka. Marie is an over commited journalist who goes to extremely dangerous locations to get the truth and the whole story about the horrors that go on in warring countries, unfortunately, Colvin was killed in an explosion in the Siege of Homs in Syria but the film shows her legacy.

This is the best thing Rosamund Pike has ever been in. She's fantastic and completely becomes Colvin. Compare the way she talks to the footage of the real Colvin in the end, it felt like a dead ringer. Her character has so much story and emotion and yet Colvin remains hard hearted, strong and stern throughout the most fearful of times. I found this film to be a really satisfying work mostly through Pike being so commited

Its a really sad story. Not just what happens to civilians in other countries during battle, but also the final moments of Colvin. That's what makes this work really strong for me. It doesn't shy away from showing the violence. Its war. Nothing is off limits then. Not hearing enough people talking about this film but I definitely recommend it.

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A powerful war
TheLittleSongbird17 July 2019
Marie Colvin was a truly courageous and inspirational person, one of the most courageous and inspirational people of her time perhaps, with a story that should be known and told more. It's one that resonated with me reading of it and despite not going through anywhere near as much as Colvin did (despite having a lifelong rough time myself) it was very easy to relate to her and root for her cause all the way. The trailer also looked great and Rosamund Pike has impressed me a number of times previous.

Despite 'A Private War' being critically well received and Pike's performance being pretty much universally acclaimed, when finally released in my country it was criminally and shamefully underseen with hardly any advertising and a limited cinema release (the few cinemas that did show it had screenings at inaccessible times). Much more than this incredible woman and her story deserved and for the film to get this treatment is an injustice. Finally seeing it a few days ago, it was well worth the wait because while not perfect 'A Private War' was a powerful experience. Actually felt it treated Colvin and her story with respect and subjectively feel that some of the criticisms it's garnered here are unfair and over-the-top to the point of disrespect.

'A Private War' is not perfect. There are time jumps back and forth that can feel rather jumpy and rushed, so it's a little disjointed at times.

Stanley Tucci is far too underused in a very underwritten part, Tucci plays it well and gives it a good bash but it is hard to do more with limited screen time, a sketchily developed character and some of the film's more clunky dialogue.

However, 'A Private War' has a lot working in its favour. The production values are both beautiful and grittily unforgiving, with editing that really adds to the increasingly hard-hitting authenticity and a striking wide variety of camera shots that don't give the impression of being too clever or showing off, instead doing what the editing excels in. Matthew Heinemann directs with enough momentum and breathing space with no visual self-indulgence at the same time, especially good in the latter stages. The music is used in the appropriate places, recorded without being too loud and has the right amount of unsettlement. Am surprised that hardly anybody has mentioned Annie Lennox's Golden Globe-nominated original song "Requiem for a Private War", truly haunting stuff.

Other than some melodramatic moments, the script is thought-probing and poignant and one feels constant admiration for Colvin. While the back and forth structure was flawed, the story still continued to grip and the film does deserve credit for not trivialising the subject. It actually pulls no punches and is not an easy watch (both her bleak personal life and the job), doing so in a harrowing way and it had me emotionally drained by the end, more so than most films seen recently. Did not feel 'A Private War' glorified Colvin or villified anybody else, and thought a difficult story was treated with respect.

Have a lot of praise for the cast too. Jamie Dornan shows that in the right role with good writing he can be good, a very deeply felt performance, while Tom Hollander is also very good. 'A Private War' though belongs to Pike, who is absolutely exceptional as Colvin, one of the best of the year in my view, and it is a mystery that she didn't get more awards attention. Giving a lead performance as fearless and intensely committed as Colvin herself, doing it while disappearing into the role and becoming her and not being an impersonation, have always liked her a lot but her performance is is on the same level as her unforgettable turn in 'Gone Girl' in its own way.

In conclusion, very well done film though a hard watch. To be seen mainly for Pike. 8/10
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chadshaines21 July 2019
The life and writings of Marie Colvin are powerful insights into the experiences of the trauma of war, particularly for the voiceless victims who suffer daily unimaginable horrors. Unfortunately, the film fails to fully draw us into either the stories of the silent victims of war or the psychological battles that Colvin herself went through.

While Rosamund Pike does a decent job portraying the troubled Colvin, ultimate the script and directing leave many gaps, stories unfinished, lives not fully portrayed. Worst yet is the simple, one-sided politics of the portrayal of the wars Colvin covers. Just as with too much un-critical journalism, the portrayal of the wars are one-sided and superficial, no historical context, no global political maneuvering is presented, rather we are left with black and white villains and victims.

The movie could have been so much more, but rather reproduces a journalistic superficiality.
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The finest propaganda
bariskuzu-339919 April 2020
For people with no previous knowledge, this film is just another brainwashing of the American government. For people who have dealt with the wars of the Americans and know why the Americans invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, this film is just a joke. This film deserves at most one star and that because it shows the suffering that was going on in the countries, but only the bad dictators of the countries are to blame for these acts. The American soldiers are of course always friends and helpers of the people and we continue to believe in Santa Claus.
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Praiseworthy piece of cinema
KarenYVR12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Produced by Charlize Theron, A Private War is an excellent biopic that manages to capture the actual character, spirit and strength of the person the film is about. Marie Colvin, an American reporter working for a British newspaper, hailed by many of her peers as the greatest war correspondent of her generation. She was killed in Syria fighting for people to find out the truth behind the war, the undeniable tragedy that breaks down on thousands of innocent civilians living around war zones.This is a powerful example of a biopic, it never misses its strong point that the journalists out there that die every day or try to survive is not for fake news, but for the news corrupt governments try to hide. And that is the strongest message the film delivers. Rosamund Pike, who portrays late Miss Colvin, steals every single scene she is in, in a most convincing way. Her performance is raw, rough and on point. Rarely do actors achieve this level of craftsmanship with duplicating the looks, voice and the spirit of the original person. This role should undoubtedly land Rosamund Pike her second Academy Award nomination, and hopefully win. In the hands of a well praised documentary filmmaker Matthew Heineman, A Private War achieves a high level of narrative storytelling that keeps viewers interest and fascinates with extraordinary performances and pitch perfect cinematography.
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A Private War
evanston_dad26 March 2019
I can't decide whether Rosamund Pike is really good in this movie or whether she's overacting to the high heavens.

At the end of the film, there's some brief footage of the real Marie Colvin, the war correspondent who Pike plays and who serves as the focus of this film about her career and eventual death in Syria. Whatever else might be said about Pike, she certainly looks and sounds like the real woman. As for her performance, Pike tears into the role as if she's daring someone to not nominate her for an Oscar. She goes at it hard in every single scene, playing Colvin as a high strung disaster, which maybe she was. The result is a pretty decent film, but one that's exhausting, since Pike is in virtually every scene and one can only take so much of someone else's mental disintegration. It's also an oddly detached film. I found myself unmoved by Colvin's story or her fate.

The film also stars Jamie Dornan, who manages to keep his clothes on and hides behind a big lumberjack beard to boot.

Grade: B+
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Not such a Private War
mplynch-301908 February 2019
This film looks into the Wars in the Middle East in a biased way and doesn't seem to tell the full story. Did not enjoy this film at all.
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