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Very simple, cute, simple and romantic...
RosanaBotafogo20 November 2021
What a cute, very realistic, dramatic comedy of people like us, making mistakes like us, very passionate, the characters, the little girls are cute, simple and clumsy, but good and with good will, in the desire to get it right, loves and love affairs, doubts about relationships, a complex and well-translated atmosphere, making everything very simple, cute, simple and romantic...
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An unwaveringly funny crowdpleaser
tinybirds17 June 2015
Charmingly every-day and cynically sweet, James Strouse's People, Places, Things (2015) is a playful illustration of the struggles of heartsick, 40-something nice-guys. We all know them: divorced and a bit adrift with a couple of kids, trying to understand the gap between where their life is and where they imagined it would be. This film is absolutely for the faint of heart; lightweight and quippy, it keeps a pretty steady comedic roll and is definitely not lacking in its share of flimsy sitcom-style tropes. Cutesy jokes about grown men being unable to dress well and efficiently care for themselves and their kids abound. Idiot students invariably disrupt class and make jokes about masturbation. Crazy wives are crazy. The impeccable comedic execution of main character Will, played by Jemaine Clement, as well as supporting cast members Stephanie Allynne, Regina Hall, and Jessica Williams, definitely elevate this film from just a pleasant and heartwarming flick to a cleverly executed, if light, comedic experience. What this film lacks in profundity, it makes up for in relatability and spirit raising adorableness that has the potential to appeal to a wide audience.

Will is a graphic novelist and professor in New York, who separates from his partner Charlie (Allynne) within the first five minutes of the film after he stumbles upon her alone with another man, and in his t-shirt, upstairs at their twin daughters' birthday party. He then finds himself relegated to a lonely apartment in Astoria, suddenly thrown off course and missing Charlie and his daughters. Seeing his thinly veiled gloom in class, college student Kat (Williams) invites him to her home for dinner with the intention of fixing him up with her mother Diane, a quick witted Columbia University professor played by Hall. A guarded romance ensues while Will struggles over the increasing complexity of his dynamic with Charlie, as well as his new life, fatherhood, and just general inability to pull himself together. Close camera-work connects us intimately to each defeated response and hilariously mumbling reproach Will dishes out to those around him. Comedy strongman Clement flawlessly carries the timing and tone of this amusingly reflective film. The musical score by Mark Orton is gently bright and upbeat, appropriately unobtrusive for its lightweight context. Will's own comics charmingly serve as a secondary source for connectivity with the backstory and not-so-underlying narrative of detached loneliness for a character that had seemingly always desired to be a touch farther removed from those around him that he managed to be - until now.

Will's comics are a good symbol for the film itself - quirky, cute, superficially grazing the human condition and leaving little work to the viewer in decoding Will's underlying emotions. We don't have to think too much - just as when reading a comic the thoughts and sentiment are right there in plain sight. There's not much to be done beyond minding the "gap" between your comic's panels, as Will covers in class, riding close to the line of obviating the weightiest symbolism this film has to offer, while its main man searches for what was missed in the in-between spaces he may not have been giving the necessary attention. Still, the film manages to toe that line effectively, maintaining its romantic comedy air while staying equally rooted in realistic emotions and resolutions.

While Clement played a significant role in helping to elevate this film, for me, his presence also detracted oddly. As pleasant and consistent as this film was, I found myself continually expecting the disarming peculiarity and heart of the directorial influence of Clement's usual partner in film Taika Waititi (What We Do in The Shadows, and Eagle vs. Shark). It's quirky and very personal air seemed to nod to the same stylistic motivations, but failed to deliver that level of uniqueness and sentiment that really makes films like Waititi's sink into your pores and stay there. Yet, much of the charm of People, Places, Things may be found in its ordinariness. A pleasantly accessible film with ample charisma and comedic talent, People, Places, Things is nothing more (or less!) than an effortlessly funny, easy to watch and easy to like crowdpleaser.
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What a mess! It's glorious!
mekjd22 July 2020
Kind of like The Florida Project for divorcing and dating and remarrying couples. Everything falls apart, but kids maintain the center. The center of pizza, the center of needing to go, the center of cello and French lessons. Dad dawdles over his drawings and manages to bump into the feelings of everyone he encounters. Emotionally clumsy, he, and helpless and hapless to boot.

But it was ever this way. Anyone who has ever been in love knows what a glorious mess it is.
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A film about real life people
Gordon-1122 August 2015
This film tells the story of a newly divorced graphic novelist, and his life that juggles between work, his two daughters and sorting out his emotions for his ex-wife.

"People Places Things" is a natural story about real life people and real life events. Though people say they go to the cinemas to see what isn't ordinary, it's refreshing to see something real. The lead character, Will, is clearly surprised to see his wife in bed with another man. Interestingly, he doesn't show much emotions on the spot. Instead, he spends the next year working through his emotions, and be an even better father to his two young daughters. I enjoyed watching this film.
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Funny enough, good for Jemaine Clement fans
Jalow5475 December 2016
This movie attracted me due simply to the fact that it stars Jemaine Clement. I think the guy is hilarious, even when he's not supposed to be, due mostly to his awkward demeanor, funny accent, and spot-on delivery. I'm a big fan of Flight of the Conchords and I love his movie Eagle vs Shark, so I knew I had to watch this one.

It's a bit of a romantic comedy, which I've never been a huge fan of, but I've seen a few that were really well done. This one is not particularly well done and feels sloppy and cheesy throughout. It won't make you cry or contemplate life or leave you thinking about it for long after the credits roll, but it's still entertaining enough to keep you watching, and Jemaine, as always, is hilarious and fun to watch.
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Clement is a very likable, and quirky actor.
Hellmant13 October 2015
'PEOPLE PLACES THINGS': Three Stars (Out of Five)

Another comedy-drama flick; about an unconventional dad, learning to be a good parent. This one stars Jemaine Clement, and it was written and directed by James C. Strouse. The film costars Regina Hall, Jessica Williams, Stephanie Allynne, Michael Chernus, Aundrea Gadsby and Gia Gadsby. I found the movie to be funny, and very sweet, but nothing too memorable.

Clement plays a teacher, and aspiring graphic novelist, named Will Henry; who recently separated from his wife, Charlie (Allynne), on their daughters' (Aundrea and Gia Gadsby) fifth birthday. After explaining his recent divorce to his class; a student named Kat (Williams), sets him up on a blind date with her mother (Hall). The two don't immediately hit it off, but they slowly learn to like each other. Will tries to cope with this new relationship, while also getting over his failed one, and trying to be a better dad. He also learns to be a better teacher, and artist, in the process (of course).

It seems like we've seen this movie dozens of times before, but Clement is a very likable, and quirky, actor; so he's able to breathe new life into the material (to a certain extent). The rest of the cast is decent (Chernus is especially a scene-stealer) and the directing is adequate. The writing definitely could have been a little better though; most of the really good scenes seem mostly improvised (but I could be wrong). The film is pleasant, and humorous enough; for at least one viewing, I'd say.

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An Aussie sense of humour...
jimbostap10 September 2021
If you like dry humour you will love this film. Worth a watch, some heart warming and funny scenes.
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A relatably realist romcom? You bet!
Desrio1 August 2021
Will (Jermaine Clement), a somewhat introverted and pessimistic graphic novelist walks in on his partner, Charlie (Stephanie Allynne), having sex with another man while, downstairs, friends are enjoying a party to celebrate the fifth birthday of the couple's twin girls.

Fast forward a year and we find Will still coming to terms with his single status. However, following an awkward and initially misunderstood conversation with Kat (Jessica Williams), one of the students at the college where Will scrapes together a living as a part-time teacher, he finds himself set up on a dinner date with Kat's mother, Diane (Regina Hall). The date does not go well and Diane, herself a teacher at the prestigious Columbia University, is dismissive of Will's line of work both in literary terms, and as an art form.

The date, and the news that the now-pregnant Charlie is marrying her lover, leave Will contemplating both the possibilities for the future and the realisation that he still has feelings for Charlie, but he's unsure exactly what those feelings are.

Writer/director, Jim Strouse has written a sparky, quotable script which showcases Clement's comic timing, his understated acting style and his ability to show an entire confused train of thought with a fleeting facial expression. Allyne plays Charlie as a likeable woman and a good mother, but her self-focus ensures that our sympathies stay with Will. The twin girls (Aundrea and Gia Gadsby) quietly steal every scene they're in.

Strouse has a sure but light hand on the directorial tiller, and keeps the film on a course of relatable realism. We can understand Will being baffled by life at times and we feel his shock when reality bites him on the bum. None of the characters are larger than life, but all have ample substance to maintain our interest in them, and the fate of Will's on/off relationship with Diane keeps the audience curious about what the next act will bring.

Chris Teague's cinematography has a fresh, bright look to it, although when combined with the art direction and score, every frame leaves you in no doubt that you are watching an indie rom-com.

The story is told in such a way that not everything is spelled out for us and we must join the dots ourselves, just as when Will tells his students that the gaps between the panels in a comic can contain as much information as the panels themselves. The scenes in the classroom, along with Wills drawings (by artist Gray Williams), are used to illustrate Will's state of mind, with the students acting as a quasi-Greek-chorus to help the narrative along.

This sweet, good-hearted film is perhaps underserved by a wistfully equivocal ending, but Mark Orton's score over the final scene tells us that perhaps everything might just turn out all right after all.
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Jemaine Clement is always fun to watch
deloudelouvain10 January 2016
It might not be the funniest movie I have ever seen and if it wasn't that Jemaine Clement plays in it I probably would not even have watched it. But since I saw Flight of the Conchords I have a weak spot for Jemaine Clement. That show was so funny to watch that I just looked him up on here and then I fell on People Places Things. It's an easy movie to watch, nothing complicated apart of his life in the movie then. Jemaine Clement has one of those faces that makes you laugh. And certainly with his deep New-Zealand accent. So to me it was just a fun movie to watch. Maybe not the kind of movie I would have gone for because it's more dramatic then funny but nevertheless it's worth a watch. If you like Jemaine Clement and you like silly humor then you should definitely watch Flight of the Conchords though.
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A romantic comedy for adults
siderite26 February 2016
Jemaine carried the film, that's the truth. Otherwise it would have been yet another New York dialogue based neurotic script. The story is heart warming and acted with a candor that is both funny and tragic. Real characters, real people, that is what the plot was trying to portray and it pretty much manages to do so. There are some bits that are a bit forced and kind of show that the writer is also the director, but overall a good movie.

The thing is that without Jemaine Clement as the lead, I am not sure I would have rated this more than average, while the jokes are funny, but pretty spaced out. Not a lot of romance in it either - well, it is, but real stuff, not butterfly in the stomach and people meant for each other. It's just ... life.
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Perhaps stilted at times, it's still endearingly funny with a good heart.
Sergeant_Tibbs1 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
People Places Things isn't really about people, places or things. That's a grand statement. It's much more specific. It's about the romantic relationships of a 40 year old single father of two little girls, Will Henry played by Jemaine Clement. Writer and director James C. Strouse's autobiographical touch brings a freshness to that type of used protagonist. Will is lost, uneasy, and despite passive aggression with his predicament, he's a grounded and sensitive character. Add that to Will's graphic novel drawing vocation and People Places Things is like Mike Mills' Beginners but less tragic and more self-pitying to many endearing degrees.

On his daughter's 5th birthday, Will catches his wife Charlie (Stephanie Allynne) cheating on him with the most insultingly least likely suspect; a pale, overweight and sheepish man, Gary (Michael Chernus). Jump to the next birthday a year later and they're long since split up. Will gets his two daughters on weekends, wrestling for as much time with them as possible whilst juggling his graphic novel teaching job. Life never felt more unfair to Will as Charlie's announcement that she's pregnant with Gary's baby and they're about to get married.

At class, his student Kat (Jessica Williams) tries to set Will up with her mom Diane (Regina Hall), despite the fact that she's dating other people. Their awkward dinner is an ideal example of his ineptitude with relationships in light of his split. Meanwhile, he gets his wish as Charlie dumps his daughters on his schedule while she goes through various strains in her life. However, in a bind as he lives an hour away from their school, he elicits the help of Kat as an emergency babysitter and thus a relationship blossoms between him and Diane. Life gets complicated as Charlie's stressful life brings her closer to Will and he must make a choice between the two women.

Fans of Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords and his recent brilliant vamp-moc What We Do In The Shadows will certainly be drawn to this and will be surprised to find him more dramatic than before. Like his comedy he handles it with a dry simplicity. Strouse's direction isn't as strong as his script and you often find the cast hesitating at lines as if they want to alter the words to feel more natural. Fortunately those moments are outweighed by the odd comedic jab, some you can clearly see Clement relish in, enjoying the details of his character and situation. He brings the bulk of the film's appealing whimsy and solemnity.

The supporting cast is a mixed bag. On the one hand you have the superb Regina Hall who nails her exasperated role. I remember her mostly from Scary Movie so it's odd to see her in a role like this. On the other hand you have Stephanie Allynne whose conviction never once lands as sincere. It kind of works since her character is a struggling actress but that didn't need to spill into other areas of her performance. She's supposed to be the one these men are fighting over and she hardly gives us a reason. The film unwisely leaves most of her scenes offscreen as that's where the biggest drama of its story lies, but Allynne's weakness as an actress makes it a blessing in disguise that she doesn't have more scenes.

The photography suffers from its low budget and doesn't feel well planned out as if it's hastily on autopilot most of the time. It's made up by its lovely score with a quirky lushness that elevates the richness of every scene. It's a very lighthearted film, but at its most thoughtful it ponders success and failure in relationships. It acknowledges how all relationships have an end, but does that make them a mistake? How do you measure success? It's an easy film to connect to if you come from a family disjointed by divorce, but not to the point of complete fracture. People Places Things suffers from being obvious and stilted in a lot of places but it has a genuine heart at its core and a great sense of humor that makes it worth watching.


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Calm and melancholic movie, sad things depicted in a light-hearted style.
AristarchosTheArchivist8 December 2021
No matter what genre, I would always watch a movie that stars Jemaine Clement, and I will most likely enjoy it.

This movie is no exception. It's not a laugh-out loud comedy, but a sad little movie about life, presented in an off-beat and quirky way, cleverly exploiting the intense, nerdy presence of Clement's understated acting.

A heartfelt movie that may not only appeal to people who lived through similar problems, but also for people who may after watching this feel relieved that life spared them those complications, a cautionary tale to make sure you are on track with your own feelings.

I liked it very much.
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Simple but decent
DogePelis201511 July 2021
It is a movie with a very simple and generic plot; it is not bad, but it is too forgettable.
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Disconnected and Passionless
themissingpatient8 September 2015
Jemaine Clement plays a soft-spoken, passive, naive graphic novelist, university teacher and newly single father of two young girls. People, Places, Things is about the struggles of learning to let go and move forward after having your heart broken. That's pretty much it. Jemaine Clement plays his role somewhat passionless. It's hard to tell if it was a lack of dedication on his part or how writer/director James C. Strouse chose to make the character. The heart of the film is the character as a fun father but it doesn't seem like he is comfortable showing his daughters much affection. There is a very clear disconnection between him and the other characters in the film, which kind of leaves us feeling indifferent to him and his situation.

Though the film follows Clement's character, all the female characters act circles around him and steal the show. Regina Hall, Jessica Williams, Stephanie Allynne, Aundrea Gadsby and Gia Gadsby all have much more interesting characters and are outstanding in their roles. It's a shame we didn't get to spend more time with them.

This is suppose to be a heart-felt dramatic comedy but it's not funny and the heart is on auto-pilot, just slowly going through the motions, not fully present. The most insight we get from the main character is through his art, which was clever and needed, as through-out most of the film he seems bored and stale.
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He's as charming as a nerd could be. Great film for people.
JohnDeSando13 August 2015
Having seen Mark Ruffalo take pieces of the scenery as a bipolar dad in Infinitely Polar Bear, I was happy to settle down with a slower, more-measured, drier dad with Jermaine Clement as Will Henry in the charming People Places Things. Both dads face fatherhood with good intentions and occasionally laughs, but it's Will's good will and unassuming persona that won my heart.

A recently-single graphic novelist, Will is not an aggressive dad, and yet, with the two sweetest cello playing twins (Aundrea and Gia Gadsby—watch for these two to become bigger than the Olsens) this side of Disneyland, it's not difficult just to let them play at your heartstrings, as he does. His illustrating helps us get inside the head of this brainy introvert, who otherwise would be just a nice guy.

His ex, Charlie (Stephanie Allynne), is sweet and warm but has had enough of his passivity and is ready to wed bulbous Gary (Michael Chernus), who takes passive to a new level. Both men are starving artists while she is from a wealthy family, elements that give richness to what could have been a clichéd character.

In the Seinfeld tradition, nothing much happens, a sure sign that everything is happening. In this Sundance Grand-Jury-Prize-nominated film, Charlie is conflicted about Will just as Will connects with his student Kat's (Jessica Williams) mom, Diane (Regina Hall), another warm character who makes you think about switching to writing comic books to get girls.

To be fair to Will, he's as charming as a nerd could be, well meaning, a great dad, and shyly clueless about the battle of the sexes.
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I watched it for the t**ts but stayed for the feels.
koshdegr813 October 2015
Really a special movie depend on the mood your on when you hit play from start you gona have great to f**king amazing time. The humour is fresh the script feel great backed up by some great acting.Jemaine Clement is beautiful these days no matter what he plays and i am growing more an more fond of him. I might take a hit for this next statement by am gona say it anyway. The story is more sportive from a male perspective rather than a female and due to that there be more fan of this film on male side than the female. The lead is male i do take that into account but its just that the amount simphty they made you show for Will and from his side i feel they left a lot of room to dewell from his ex wife perspective. Give this lovely movie a try a good short flick for the lonely hearts.
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Jemaine Clement's best role
TheDome8110 August 2023
Just about everyone knows the most famous gem from Australia is the opal. Fewer people know what New Zealand's real gem is: It's the brilliant actor Jemaine Clement. Okay, that was a bit corny, but I'm serious. I first discovered him in the hilarious 2007 TV series "Flight of the Conchords." The show is an offbeat comedy about two Kiwi musicians and their quest to hit the big time. If you've never seen it, I highly recommend it. It had a cult following and is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen.

Clement has been in numerous films since then including the award-winning "What We Do in the Shadows." He almost always plays a lovable, intelligent nerd-he really has the role down pat. In "People Places Things," he takes his acting to the next level. Here he's not just a goofball delivering funny lines, but is far more multidimensional, and nuanced. It's nice to see him mature as an actor.

The film was written and directed by Jim Strouse who also brought us the powerful film "Grace is Gone." Here he presents us with a delightful rom-com that has a very realistic and natural feel to it. From the opening credits and interspersed throughout the movie, we're treated with light-hearted doodles and sketches, which add a bit of whimsy to the story.

We first encounter Will Henry (Clement) at his twin daughters' fifth birthday party. Everything is going smoothly until he catches his girlfriend and the girls' mother Charlie (Stephanie Allynne), in bed with their friend Gary (Michael Chemus). Needless to say, Will is absolutely devastated. Flash-forward a year and the couple is now separated. In the meantime, Will has morphed into the "fun" dad. He totally spoils his two girls and gives them everything they want. He flies kites with them. Takes them camping. He even fights with Charlie to spend more time with them. Naturally he isn't prepared to be a responsible parent. He never has food in the apartment. Relies on the pizza delivery guy for their meals. Misses their French lessons. And routinely delivers them late for school.

Will is a talented artist who dreams of publishing a graphic novel, which he labors over in his spare time. He teaches at a local college, directing his students to dig deeper into their storytelling, and encouraging them to create works that have real meaning to them and their audience. It's there that he interacts with one of his talented young pupils Kat (Jessica Williams). I immediately said to myself, please don't have an affair with her. Luckily, that's not what transpires. Kat is an observant kid and can sense his loneliness and decides to play matchmaker. She sets Will up with her divorced mother Diane (Regina Hall) who makes it clear right from the start that she's had a difficult time with relationships and she expects complete honesty from him.

There's an easy chemistry between them and they're both cautious about getting too serious. All the leads in the film worked together well. The storyline and dialogue felt totally natural, never forced. So many films of this ilk have a sitcom aura about them. "People Places Things" is definitely a cut above most of these movies. If you're looking for a refreshingly different take on the rom-com, don't miss this delightful film.

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slater-9251821 July 2020
Very rarely does a movie convey real life with all of its quirks and complexities like this one...It had real depth, emotion and intelligence..The story was seamless and compelling...Cant get this movie out of my head....
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A film that dedicated to the tender-hearted fathers.
Reno-Rangan24 October 2016
My first reaction was it is another version of 'Infinitely Polr Bear'. There are some similarities, but that does not mean they are same. Interestingly, I liked them both, loved from my heart. I thought they were sweet little gems that families must see. Yes, in these two titles, a father struggles between his personal character and raising his two daughters. I don't know this, but the other one starred by Mark Ruffalo was inspired by its director's real life. So when I heard about this, I started to expect a big.

From the director of 'Grace is Gone' which is another fine family film. This film tells the story of a middle aged graphic novel teacher with a character issue. Nothing like a temper person or a psychologically affected, but more like a childlike behaviour who lacks the seriousness around. When he loses his love of life, he now focused to take good care of his twin daughters. Meanwhile, he tries to move on, but the trouble follows when he thinks his feelings for his ex is not over. Overcoming all the obstacles and finding a right path for the future is the remaining film to tell us.

Firstly, I'm glad it was being different, despite dealt with the same theme as the film I mentioned before. The Kiwi actor, Jemaine Clement played a most important character and he alone took this film to the heights with his phenomenal act. The supporting cast was good as well, his wife and twin daughter characters did the perfect jobs. I don't think anybody would dislike this cute film. Totally a heartwarming drama, only the sentiments is missing, but it was not required and so it managed without that so well. According to me, this is a must see, but the target audience is mostly the grown ups, particularly families with kids.

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Not great
dskywalker029 July 2021
The main character is supposed to be a "good guy", but more than once he's seen making choices based on misogynistic premises. The way the story is told is interesting, but it's also a little bit uneventful. I think we should have more films on fatherhood, but this was just not the best example of it IMO.
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An enjoyable and witty movie, Jemaine Clement makes it all happen.
TxMike28 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know who Jemaine Clement was until I saw this movie, which I found on Netflix streaming. He is a New Zealander with a very interesting history. Some of the youtube videos give a good idea who he is. His acting style is definitely understated but he has a very funny way of getting through scenes. Set and filmed in New York City.

He is Will Henry, a cartoonist, married with young twin girls. As the movie starts, on the girls' birthday turning 5 he goes upstairs to find his wife and a "friend" in the bedroom. He is devastated, she needs her space. So he becomes a part-time dad, a situation which creates many interesting situations.

He also teaches and one of his students approaches him to meet her mother, who is Regina Hall as Diane. The daughter is Jessica Williams as 19-yr-old Kat. Will's wife is played well by Stephanie Allynne as Charlie.

The twins are played by real twins Aundrea and Gia Gadsby. Looking at a few photos of them together it seems they are identical twins.

Overall a nicely entertaining movie.
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An excellent movie in it's genre
kkostova18 February 2022
I did not understand what 'dramady' was before seeing this movie but it was perfect. A good movie with enough depth, good acting, smooth real drama without it being dramatic and subtile humor. It is an excellent movie in it's genre!
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A very charming movie
azzacoventry4 October 2015
This morning a quite charming on my factors although I had some great laughs in it but I found that I didn't laugh a lot and I found I was backing and loved the character development of Will Henry. You can really feel his frustrations but you also feel sorry for him as his character goes through the pain. There are some "Noooo don't do that moments" especially when it comes to his ex-Girlfriend and in fact I found that I hated her character in all the best ways. Great cast! I also loved the use of the drawings as a passive way of telling the story. The art work was great and I loved! the scene where he looses his cool and in a very innocent way draws on his ex-Girlfriends current boyfriend's advertisement on the wall. All in All a very charming movie and I felt like it had abit of a Woody Allen feel to it.
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A funny, heartfelt comedy/drama
blakelockett4513 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Jemaine Clement turns in a great performance as Will Henry, a comic book artist and teacher in People Places Things. The story revolves around his struggle to maintain his family life and be a stable parent to his two young daughters when a split causes imbalance. Jemaine Clement is definitely the driving force here and writer/director James C. Strouse creates a very realistic, yet entertaining portrait of life. Clement's performance is star turning and we should be expecting to see him as a leading man much more often, he proves not only his acting ability and range, but also that he can keep up his trademark quirky comedy style at the same time. The film provides a funny, heartfelt and realistic portrait of family life. Eight out of ten stars.
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A reflection of life...
thepaezette28 December 2017
While I like intense romantic movies, the thrills, passion, heart soar moments, this movie is more a reflection of going through the motions of a break-up. I throughly enjoyed the all it's parts...and Jermaine just makes the character of Will seem real.
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