Luckiest Girl Alive (2022) Poster

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A disturbing plot executed in such a way that makes you truly understand trauma. Don't read reviews! Go into the movie with no expectation!
katiebugg-499715 November 2022
My advice is to go into this movie with no expectation... in other words, stop reading the reviews! Lol! I think the lack of expectations makes this movie the masterpiece that it is. -- Luckiest Girl Alive, what a great movie!!! The third person dialogue really nudges this movie beyond great in my opinion. Couldn't have chosen a better actress for this role. Mila is amazing as always! The mystery of "what happened" is executed so well. Revealing small pieces of the puzzle without revealing the full plot was executed wonderfully. I truly wasn't sure what direction the movie was going to go in. The direction it did end up going was unexpected and dark, and it was done so well. Sadly it's very relatable being a young woman. The trauma she lives with and the person she turns herself into is exactly what survivors go through every day. And the "villain" in this movie, is so typical... I highly recommend this movie, and if you're able to watch it with a boyfriend or a brother, even better!
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Read the warnings before watching
jasminn_tan9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was very nuanced; it deals with sexual assault against the backdrop of gun violence. The sexual assault scenes weren't too explicit but even so, they were difficult for me to watch. The actress who played young Ani was exceptional. The school shooting seemed like a plot device to me meant to make the entire story more mysterious.

As Ani's past was gradually revealed, I felt myself understanding why she did what she did. She wasn't wrong, nor was she right. She simply did the best she could given the circumstances. Any viewer or outsider can look at her situation and say whatever they want to, but really, no one can truly know what they would do until they actually face it. She went through A LOT during her time in high school and it's no surprise that she hadn't properly taken the time to heal from her trauma.

Although I did catch myself thinking, "Why didn't she get a therapist?" I quickly realised that I was being unfair to her. It was probably much easier for her to keep being in denial. She was so brave for sharing her story in the end though and I would say that everyone got the ending they deserved.
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Mila Kunis earns an extra star for this one
dfloro7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was adapted for the screen by the author of the novel of the same title, as befits something that's clearly based on an all-too-true story. As it's star and producer, Mila Kunis, has said: we've all got terribly messy junk in our pasts so we can relate. Of course, that messy junk isn't usually multiple capital felonies and horrific school shootings, but nevertheless I know what she means. A lot of us just choose to block it all out and even deny it ever happened. This movie is a powerful demonstration of why that won't work in the long term, and we must stand and face it. Ms. Kunis, as well as the young actress playing her character in school-age flashbacks, make this movie worth an extra star in my ratings.
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Something is wrong with this movie
rammvier11 October 2022
I cannot put my finger on what was wrong with this movie. The story was good. I am not sure where it went wrong. It could have been Mila's performance, the perfect rich unicorn boyfriend, the one dimensional characters or the editing. First of all, the movie could have been much shorter. Second of all, it failed to make me care much about Mila's character. I don't know why. She had a good story and I understood what she went through. I think it's how she acted, it was a bit off, one dimensional. Actually all the characters were one dimensional. It was annoying in a sense, same stereotypes and say exactly what you expect them to say. And the boyfriend was just so patient and perfect it makes one nauseous. It felt unrealistic. It's one of those movies, that I am not sure if I am happy I watched or not.
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Decent movie but book better served as a series
epbut7 October 2022
The book was a million times more (not better; apples and oranges) than the movie. I don't think it's fair to expect 1.5 hours to do it justice. I can't give an unbiased review if the movie after reading the book so the movie was decent but the depth and development in the book deserves a mini series. Without the buildup, background, and character development some of the story seems incomplete and really paints a better picture of surviving/victimhood. I worry that it became more of a message than a quality story. That being said, the casting for Ani and Luke (especially) was great! I think it's a movie worth watching if you haven't read the book.
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Made just well enough that it doesn't trivilalize it's serious subject matter
Ken_ZomgWtfBbq7 October 2022
Film is an interesting blend.

A "boss girl" type film, the protagonist even has the typical sassy inner monologue.

However the movie has an incredibly nuanced portrayal of a woman who has suffered serious trauma.

Many films portray victims as weathered survivors.

This film shows the victim as extremely put-together and successful.

It's a take I haven't seen before, and it's definitely one that is good to see.

The movie uses two incredibly sensitive topics as plot devices, if the movie was any lesser, it would have trivilalized those topics.

But the unrelenting nature of the portrayals of those topics only adds to the movie to show what the protagonist has overcome.
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Perfect cast, that ending though?
empressive10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert

It's like the Babadook of SA.

I love the Babadook movie so that's a good thing.

For those that don't know the scary film, it's about how trauma manifests itself until you deal with it, in order to control it.

Back to Luckiest Girl Alive, It was an amazing cast and well paced.

The part where she destroys her chance at a good marriage because she hasn't fought her demons yet was VERY real.

Here's my issue- the ending.

An op-ed really?

And I get it, this was probably written before the JD/AH trial but even before then the whole Op-Ed route has been played out by frauds grifting on the #metoo movement.

For that reason, I wish it had been something else like her own thing- launching her own substack/blog and used the recording of Deans confession as the hook.

Or play the confession on a loudspeaker during one of his stupid book signings and film it so it goes viral.

Like anything , literally ANYTHING other than an Op-Ed.

Also, total side note: no idea why she stabbed her friend who was getting revenge for her.

He wasn't going to hurt her, that seemed confusing and was probably the biggest shock moment of the whole movie.
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Almost gave up...,
craiglesuk-116 October 2022
The 1st 30 minutes of this movie is almost unbearable. I'm not a fan of voice overs at the best of times but this was overkill beyond belief. Just when I was thinking I can't stand having every scene described to me in detail like I'm a complete imbecile, the voice over narrative backed off a bit and allowed the story to tell itself. Apparently the Novelist adapted her own book. Big mistake. She's clearly just lifted chunks from her Novel and used as voice over to set the scene rather than use dialogue. As I say, once the story got going and the writer didn't feel so compelled to have a voice over explain everything, the story became quite compelling. It's a pity someone didn't step in and re write at least the 1st half of the film. Could have been so much better. If you can get past the 1st 30 mins, it's worth a watch.
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If you've not dealt with trauma, you won't get this movie
Frankiesupafly24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm one of those people who rarely comments on IMDB threads, but for this movie, I HAD to "write up". As someone who did experience a traumatic event, and like Ani, it hardened me and made me appear indifferent and calculating (when I was seething within), I can honestly state that this is the most honest and raw depiction of how someone can deal with multiple traumatic events by "armouring" themselves.

To those who claim that Ani's character was one-dimsensional and unlikeable (you didn't care for her), consider what you're asking from a rape and gun violence survivor?! She doesn't need your "approval" to be worthy of justice and of speaking her truth! Just because she didn't break down for the viewers or turn into a warm fuzzy person doesn't make her less deserving of your compassion, that's just what Hollywood has imprinted on you.

Mila Kunis was superb, bravo!
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Not a Thriller but Still Worthwhile
catfanatic88810 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am frequently disappointed by movies tagged as thrillers that are not. This is more of a drama about a sensitive subject, Ani is a good protagonist for this story. She is beautiful, intelligent, highly professional at work who is trying to run from her past tragedy that she has not emotionally dealt with. Some don't believe her. Others are compassionate but nobody really SEES ANI. They don't feel her pain or see that she's really suffering even though it seems like her life is a success. Mila Kunis is very talented and shines in this dark role. The one thing that is irritating is all the back and forth between her past experiences with the younger actors playing the same roles and the current storyline. Ani is a survivor though with a dark past.
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Boring and predictable
Gepunktetefrau9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie started really well, but after one hour I completely lost my interest. Acting was so bad that in the last scene when Tiffany spoke with one of her rapist I was rolling my eyes out. Her character is badly scripted, I just couldn't believe her.

It lasts almost two hours and we do not find out anything new or not said before in the movies that describe this theme. This movie could have been a lot better if the story was presented through the eyes of high school students as they were better actors in my opinion.

Overall, if you don't watch this movie you are definitely not missing much.
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Yasss, Mila!!! YES!!! Warning: Spoilers
I can't tell you how many women I know, myself included, who has survived sexual abuse and in just about every case there is shame, loss and silencing. I was molested by a family member as a child, and I carried that with me for years. I still carry it with me and it's totally molded me into a different version of myself I always imagined I could have been had that not been the start of the downhill snowball effect in my life. My family swept it under the rug for the most part, and I saw my molester on a regular basis after that as if nothing ever happened. It was a family member, you see. All's fair in family and abuse, right?

In any case, I am so, so glad that this movie was made and my hope is that it somehow becomes similar to a balm or loving blanket of acceptance to every single person that has ever been the victim of sexual abuse. Mila was perfectly cast in this role. She brought so much strength, vulnerability, and realness to Ani as she went through all the lows and highs we were taken through over the course of the film.

I certainly love that last "pow" we got to experience at the end. Though it was a great way to end the movie, keep in mind this is a movie after all so it was necessary to kind of bring a sense of closure and triumph to our hero, Ani. Keep in mind though that in life, there are always naysayers, non-believers of your truth and people that question if what happened was really as bad as what you say it was/is. Unfortunately, in real life you don't always get that vindication at the end like Ani did. There won't always be a "moment."
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A missed opportunity that needed much better writing and directing.
Top_Dawg_Critic9 October 2022
Knoll should stick to writing books, not screenplays. In the convoluted, incohesive and dragged out 113 minute runtime, the story is all over the place, with poorly placed timeline tidbits, and ridiculous and mostly unnecessary scenes and dialogue.

The entire film felt one hour too long and failed to maintain any fluidity to the sensitive nature of its content. It lacked the consistency, depth and tone to be a suspenseful narrative, and instead, chose pretentious shock value trauma in a misguided self-serving fantasy theme.

And that's too bad, because the casting and performances were spot-on, especially Kunis who shined. Had any seasoned filmmaker made some much needed edits, they would've have gone a long way to make this a great watch, instead of getting impatient, frustrated and uninterested in what was going to happen next in the bender-mixed writing and directing. It's a generous 6/10 mainly for the performances.
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Disappointed in Mila Kunis Warning: Spoilers
I can see where the writers were going with this but nothing connected. I was disappointed in Mila Kunis for this disjointed performance - she was all over the place. Is she angry? Not really? Is she broken? Kind of? Is she trying to forget the past? I...don't know? I understand that everyone reacts to trauma differently and no one should be shoe boxed but she didn't really feel like a person at all. Mila Kunis is a strong personality and I think her real self outshone whatever role she was trying to portray.

Plot-wise...nothing really happens? There isn't even much character growth - it's just one long movie about her coming to a decision and going through with it. Her mother and Dean are also almost comically villainous. The "rich best friend who adopts lost poor girl at college" trope is getting really old. The fiancé was an empty character - trying to be the perfect guy but having fundamental icks.

Also the school shooting felt like it was put in just for shock value and not properly addressed at all. Very insensitive and should not have been added at all.
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I have a bone to pick with the ending...
Rdz9169 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great overall film however it's a little too long like others have mentioned. I have a bone to pick with the ending. I was sexually abused by a family member when I was a child and didn't say anything until I was 33 years old. So for her to break off the wedding and leave him when he was a good person makes no sense after she came out. She didn't open up to him, but opened up to the newspaper lol. She just used him. With the length of the film, they should have evolved her previous relationships and then it would have made sense. The big picture is this film is going to help a lot of people to speak out and keep your head up.
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Worth a watch for the performances of Chiara Aurelia and Mila Kunis! [+62%]
arungeorge137 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When we first see Ani (Mila Kunis), we gather that she's harboring some kind of childhood trauma. She's always having these highly absurd visions where she's attacking someone, drawing blood, or putting someone in their place (in an offensive way) through voiceovers that only we can hear. For those who haven't read the plot, it takes a good while to understand and acknowledge the root cause of her trauma and why she's forced to internalize it. Her work isn't exactly reaching the heights she's aspiring for, but she knows she'll get there. Her healing response is to not be seen as a victim, but as a woman that exudes power, confidence, and charisma in a bustling cosmopolitan city. She also wants to make her relationship with her fiancé Luke (Finn Wittrock) work, though he often gets the short end of the stick. Or so we initially believe.

The film effectively portrays the traumatic incidents in Ani's high-school days. It's shown through a fragmented flashback which often intercuts with the present, and Chiara Aurelia (playing Ani's younger version - TifAni) is fantastic in these portions. I may have to agree with most reviewers on the notion that the book is appropriate material for an episodic mini-series, more so because of the way the proceedings play out. There's also the question of Ani and TifAni coming across as two distinct characters altogether, but cut from the same cloth. The present-day Ani is a darkly funny, often-sarcastic version who gets a steady supply of voiceovers. The high-school version, however, gets a more brutal and vicious take. Aurelia is burdened with all the heavy-lifting in these scenes, but she rises to the occasion.

TW: There's gangrape, followed by a school shooting, which literally shatters Ani's life. When Ani's complicity in the shooting is questioned in the present because an indie film-maker decides to make a true-crime documentary on the incident, it almost felt like a meta moment for (distributor) Netflix which is neck-deep into that kind of stuff. At one point, I wanted to enter this universe myself and ask Ani's fiance if he knew anything about her other than her designation, especially when it's apparent that she hasn't fully recovered from her high-school trauma.

There isn't any mind-blowing twist awaiting you at the end either (in the style of a Gillian Flynn thriller), and it simply advocates speaking out. Oh, how I wish those discussions were more in-your-face. Ani deserves a better series of bossgirl moments, if you ask me. It's still worth a watch for Aurelia's and Kunis' performances.
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Stuck somewhere between a trashy/soapy mystery and a serious commentary on societal attitudes towards rape and victim blaming
IonicBreezeMachine8 October 2022
In 2015, TiffAni "Ani" Fanelli (Adult: Mila Kunis, Teen Chiara Aurella) seemingly is the picture of success as she's writing for widely circulated periodical The Women's Bible writing the most provocative and shared articles and shopping at Sak's Fifth Avenue in New York in preparation for her wedding to wealthy heir Luke Harrison (Finn Wittrock), however when documentarian Aaron Wickersham (Dalmar Abuzeid) starts prepping a true crime documentary about an incident that Ani experienced in 1999 at her school, old accusations from classmate Dean Barton (adult: Alex Barone, teen: Carson MacCormac) re-emerge as Dean asserts Ani was culpable in the incident, but the real truth has haunted Ani and now threatens to unravel her life.

Luckiest Girl Alive is an adaptation of the 2015 novel of the same name by author Jessica Knoll who also writes the screenplay. Plans to adapt the novel to feature film stretch as far back as the book's 2015 release when Lionsgate acquired the film rights with Reese Witherspoon set to produce the film, but this iteration ultimately never came to be. The adaptation regained traction in 2021 when it was announced Mila Kunis would star in and produce the film in association with Netflix with Mike Barker directing his first feature since 2007's Butterfly on a wheel having focused primarily on TV work such as Broadchurch, Outlander, and The Handmaid's Tale. With the premise and marketing as presented audiences are probably expecting something in the vain of The Girl on the Train, Gillian Flynn, or The Woman in the Window, and to a degree I suppose it's kind of part of that same sub-genre of thrillers, but it's also massively exploitative in its delivery as it tackles very charge thematic issues with the same glib attitude you typically see in an ABC prime time soap opera.

If there's anything to complement in terms of the movie, it would be in the performances of Mila Kunis and Chiara Aurella who play the adult and teen versions of Ani Fanelli respectively. You buy them as differently aged versions of the same character and they both give committed performances of this character, especially Kunis who has to play into the psychological instability of her character with a number of reality blurring scenes. I also enjoyed Jennifer Beals' portrayal as Ani's boss Lolo, but she also seems like she's playing in a different movie than this is as she has a delivery similar to what Calista Flockhart did in her role on the Supergirl TV show which is a big part of the underlying issues of tonal consistency throughout this movie.

Without getting into spoils, the marketing of this movie leaves out a crucial element of this story ripped from a real life tragedy (a school shooting just so you're fully aware) and let's just say the fact the flashbacks are set in 1999 is one of only a few details they take from this real world tragedy which when played side by side with some of the more glibly delivered socialite wine drinking scenes that feel like they escaped from Revenge or Desperate Housewives leaves you with the tonal feeling of somewhat sitting on the remote and shifting between mid-2000s prime-time ABC and the Oxygen network. The movie tackles issues related to lasting trauma, victim blaming, rape and various other topics but the handling of these subjects isn't done with the greatest of care especially since they're used as building blocks of what's at its core a very pulpy revenge-tinged thriller. With something like this the trashiness is inherently part of the appeal and I know the book and the movie share the same screenwriter Jessica Knoll and the book did receive reasonably positive reviews so I'm not quite sure what differences (if any) exists between source material and adaptation. Assuming you can get past the very on the nose references to that real life event I mentioned you can maybe enjoy this on a pulpy level, because unlike last year's Woman in the Window which was competent but dull, I was never bored by Luckiest Girl Alive as there was a certain "bad taste" factor to the events unfolding on screen that kept me watching to the end.

Given I've given something of a pass to things like 1974's Death Wish, it'd be hypocritical of me to give Luckiest Girl Alive less than I gave that film (and frankly this is better made and more entertaining so it's got that). I don't know if there was a way to do this material respectfully because I don't think that was on the movie's mind when it was being made and it was more interested in just being disposable pulp with a real world connection. This even comes through to the ending which is a lot cleaner than you see this situation in real life (see the excellent miniseries Unbelievable for proof for that) so this does fall into more of a "wish fulfillment" type fantasy than any serious discussion of the topic. Take that for what you will, you can probably guess whether this movie's for you.
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Seemed more compelling,in the previews..
ts-00007 October 2022
Thought it would be a movie about a past situation catching up to someone & all that unravels,but it was anything versus that.

The lead honestly didn't come across lucky or living a charmed life,but instead bitter from the past & never seeming authentic.

The soon to be husband seemed snobbish & no better than the,school boys that felt entitled to attack her.

Her mother seemed more concerned with status,than what her daughter needed.

It was lackluster & frankly dragged in spots.

Was cast ok,acting average & cinematography rather underwhelming.. Even the locations & so forth,didn't make you feel invested into her life.

As mentioned in my title it came across more "preview compelling"like a mystery,but missed the mark on the overall movie vibe.

Not something would exactly recommend,but if bored worth seeing or if you like any of the actors.
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Everything that is wrong with "modern" society
jaguapaw-849768 October 2022
We are so obsessed with public opinion that people lose themself in the process where everyone should like me. Because of that urge mentally weak people, do things they wouldn't normally do. Such actions cause enormous psychological and physical damage, which cannot be undone. This turn of events should be a warning for all future generations. "The past is never dead. It's not even past." Every action has its consequence.

The saddest part of the whole story is punishing people that are close to us.

When something bad happened, we should speak up and punish those who are responsible. But it is much more effective to do everything in our power to prevent unwanted consequences. For something like that, we must find ourselves first, respect yourself and love yourself.
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A beautiful approach to sensitive matters
Phantasma_the_Black7 October 2022
I have to say, I had my fair share of the doubt during the first 30 minutes or so, because it started off as a typical rom com with a quirky protagonist.

But I'm glad I gave it a chance, because once it picks up, it's done masterfully. I was afraid at some point it would slide to "who done it" kind of a thriller, but fortunately that never happened.

That is not to say there isn't mystery. It's just properly balanced, so it never feels over the top. Characters are believable and much more nuanced than you typically get in this type of dramas.

We all heard a stories like this, but they are rarely explored respectfully and without going over the top. However, this movie manages to do it.

I'm glad the writers didn't go for twists and turns, but stayed true to the message they wanted to deliver. And it is a message we all need to hear.
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Could Have Been A lot Better
StellaGibson-197-60628525 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Too bad this movie is full of designer fashion and privilege only the top 1% of the population on earth have any experience with!

The movie dealt with PTSD experienced through the eyes of Mila Kunis character who had been gang raped and shamed since high school. On top of all this soon after being raped and shamed her friend goes on a shooting rampage in their high school and kills several of her classmates. She witnesses the brutal killings and in turn stops her friend from killing anymore people by stabbing him to death with a knife.

Fast forward 15 years later and the trauma punches her in the gut right before her planned marriage to Mr. Rich guy of her dreams.

I think many movies have handled this issue with great respect; just to name a few: The Deerhunter; Homecoming; Born on the Fourth of July; American Sniper. Many of these movies have to do with war and how it devastates those who survive war.

There are not many movies about women and post traumatic stress syndrome. I thought this movie was tolerable, but it angered me. I thought all the bells and whistles of watching how the upper crust of society decorated their homes, the fashions they wore and the housing they lived in was distracting and unnecessary. I think it took away from the gut punch the movie should have had.

I am looking forward to more movies which handle the topic of PTSD. And I also hope that writers of these stories will tell women's stories more often than not.
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Am i missing something here?
Greendayhero19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was all over the place. I kept looking at how much time it had left because there was no connection between the scenes. There was zero resemblance between the young and adult Ani on emotional level. I had to remind myself from time to time these two were the same person. I don't know why but I had a hard time rooting for anyone. Also, I don't understand why Arthur became an accomplice of Ben. What was his motive? To make them pay for what they did to Ani? But Ani and him weren't even that close. I can't wrap my head around this honestly. Why did they put a scene where adult Ani meets her teacher? It served nothing. So many plot holes. Weak script, bad actors being overdramatic and fake. Do not recommend.
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Open your eyes.
thestateisgreen8 October 2022
Luckiest Girl Alive provides us an insight into the complicated reality that survivors endure on a daily basis. Flippant comments made by friends, family members, and strangers, rooted in their own fear and bias, become obvious when we view them through a victim's lens. The way this movie offers nearly every single nuanced judgment that people place on SA survivors is both dark and brilliant. My sincere hope with this film is that laypeople will wake-up to the realities of how our society continues to re-victimize SA victims. Due to the stigma, many people will not watch this movie, which sucks. It's such a necessary film.

Mila Kunis and Chiara Aurelia are truly incredible at their craft. 10/10.
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It did not fully reach its potential
Cookiejar5522 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't agree with the idea that Ben was getting revenge for Tiff, it was clearly a lot of pent up anger he himself had. Not really happy with his generic portrayal either, it's not really hinted he had any violent tendencies before, it was just so confusing. Like there was no build up for it.

I did empathize with Ani/Tiff by the end of the film however. Everyone around her seems to constantly gaslight her: the documentary producer, Dean, her db fiancee and his snobby family, her mother, Ben, my God, did this poor girl ever have a good person in her life apart from Nell? As a result of so many people breaking her trust she is now an overachiever and desperate to show the world she has overcome her circumstances at all times. It must be genuinely exhausting to live with that kind of pressure whilst dealing with CPTSD.

I did enjoy the scene between Ani and Dean, Mila really did a fantastic job, probably the best scene in the film.

The overall message is a good one but the school shooting was really NOT needed.
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Eh, pretty disappointing
h22238 October 2022
I was excited about a bit of a glossy film with a dark, slightly complicated plot that might include a twist (that's how the trailer seemed to portray the film).

Instead, we get a story that is obviously one of those "lowest common denominator" NYT bestseller type stories (I hadn't realized it was adapted from a NYT bestseller written by a Cosmo writer/editor -- but I'm not at all surprised after watching). The problem with storytelling like this is that it's so amateurish. The characters are not deep -- they're more like caricatures. They act like "characters" -- not PEOPLE. They don't have any subtle nuances. They just do what they've been brought into the story to do. It makes the story uninteresting and flat.

And I'm not sure how the book rolls out, but the movie isn't sequenced in a way that keeps the interest going. It drags far too much in the beginning, and while it's dragging, it doesn't put together the pieces of what actually happened in the main character's past very well at all. There are a lot of characters, and not enough context around any of them to bring them together into a story worth paying attention to.

And when the story finally gets told, it's sad and disturbing, yes -- but it's not really told through a lens where the viewer can learn anything meaningful about life or humanity. It's just... sad and disturbing. The "resolution" at the end isn't even triumphant. It's just... an ending.

Good acting from Mila Kunis (I didn't care for her narrating, though), and Jennifer Beals shone in her small role. A nice movie to look at for the most part, too -- but overall pretty boring and disappointing.
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