Looking Glass (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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The potential was there
jtindahouse18 February 2018
I will always remember the film 'Vacancy' because I went into it with zero expectations and ended up having one of the best film experiences I can remember. Really the only similarity that 'Looking Glass' has to that film is that it was set in a motel in the middle of nowhere. Still though, a part of me had hopes of another hidden gem. It wasn't to be though. The film starts off with some potentially exciting plot points and mysterious goings on, but can never live up to them and provide any pay off.

There's also a serious lack of suspense in the film. At no point are you ever on the edge of your set needing to know what is going to happen next. The film just kind of drifts along and even when something that's supposed to be exciting is happening, it really isn't that captivating. The one bright point for me was Nicolas Cage. Even though his career has been in serious decline for over a decade now, he can still act the pants off most people in the industry when he tries. Sadly though, he's far from enough to save this forgettable film that I wouldn't recommend spending your hard-earned on.
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Looking Glass is not a complete bore, but lacks.....
dejavuicutooo22 February 2018
I have to say that I don't think it was as bad as some of the other reviews say, I kept watching it till the end. However, it wasn't a movie I'd say "Hey, go out and see Looking Glass!" to someone. It is a slow movie that's definitely missing a lot of explanations, along with many plot themes that are plain unrealistic and things don't really add up at times. Many actions are unnecessary and make you wonder why they even threw them into the movie at all. Like I said, the movie wasn't great but it wasn't a complete waste of time, it was free and I was bored so it gave me something to do. If you just want something to occupy your time and it's free, check it out.
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He always shines
tin-B24 July 2018
It's one of those movies that, when you are clicking through 572 channels of useless brain numbing odd cooking, weird sporting, reality programming, infomercials, you suddenly land on a movie ... you watch for a few seconds and realize it's one you've seen 6 times already so you keep clicking, then land on THIS movie and you watch for a few seconds, and settle in and enjoy the whole darn thing because, even though it's a bit odd and melodramatic, i't's GOOD! And then you go on imdb and talk about how everyone dissing it is wrong because you just really enjoyed it.

The next day you realize it was 2am and you always enjoy whatever you finally find to watch after clicking through 572 channels.

But it isn't too bad. Nic is always entertaining if nothing else, and usually he adds something else.. oh ya, great acting because no matter how bad the movie is he always shines.

I give it a 5 because when combing through bad movies to get through a few hours, this is a good bad movie to watch.
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slhma-8618223 February 2018
Why did they release this film? Despite Nicholas Cage being in it,the movie is blatantly incomplete.Its a turd. I was disturbed by the creepiness of the film but there were no explanations,no closure,not even a climactic revealing scene. When I saw it say "the end" i was confused.Did someone pull a hoax and release this movie incomplete? NOTHING is explained...i get it-some things are mystery and should be but wtf...this movie is one giant plothole.Its not worth watching unless you don't mind plotholes and well.lack of a plot...the biggest mystery is why this film was released.I've NEVER seen a movie with so many plotholes,misleading scenes seemingly deliberate..only to end abruptly as if the makers ran out of time.
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Looking Glass: Another average Cage "Thriller"
Platypuschow2 May 2019
Oh Mr Cage you've done it again. I have no idea what Nicolas Cage's agent is smoking, but it must be strong stuff. I'm starting to think I was mistaken about Cage retaining his AAA star status but still doing independent/art films and think he might just have fallen from grace after all.

Yet another straight to DVD distinctly average thriller see's Cage play a man who alongside his wife has bought a motel. However things gradually start to seem amiss, as if something just isn't quite right about the place.

Also starring Robin "Prison Break" Tunney and Marc "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Blucas it at least has a competent cast. I've always disliked Blucas but even he did a good job here so at least the movie has that going for it.

I was frustrated by the tone, frequently it has a real 1980's vibe about it but that comes and goes which seems like a weird call. The pacing is flawed, the script is hit and miss and nothing about Looking Glass exactly flows.

Points for effort certainly but the whole thing comes across rushed. If Cage wants to return to his former spot in Hollywood he needs to turn his back on movies like this once and for all.

The Good:

Robin Tunney

Interesting premise

The Bad:

Rushed finale

Nothing flows
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If the actors made a living then there was SOMETHING worthwhile about this movie.
S_Soma24 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Opening Scenes Preview:

As LOOKING GLASS opens we see the opening titles intermixed with scenes of a less than late-model pickup truck, laden with personal belongings, making its way down a two-lane highway in the middle of wide open, scrubby desert. Ray and Maggie, played by Nicholas Cage and Robin Tunney, are obviously on their way somewhere to "start over". This is conveyed by close-up images of their strained expressions, a small collection of "traveling cross-country" sequences (stopping to pee, daytime driving, nighttime driving) and half-transparent flashback images letting us know they have suffered the tragedy of the accidental death of their toddler child.

They eventually arrive at their destination, The Motorway Motel. But Ray and Maggie are not here to stay as guests; they're to be the new owners and operators. Strangely, the motel office is dark as Ray bangs on the door. Then he notices an envelope on the ground, and in it he finds the key to the door of the office. Apparently, the previous owner, Ben, has just turned out the lights, locked up, carelessly put the key in an envelope, and left. Exploring their new living quarters they find a sloppy, terse note, "She's all yours", which apparently covers everything since it appears that even all of Ben's personal belongings are still here. There's even a bit of dirty clothes lying around.

Ray unloads the pickup truck and does a quick survey of The Motorway Motel. It's one of those little strip motels, rather nondescript, but the rooms appear to be neat and tidy. Like all such high-quality establishments, everything is either screwed or nailed down. Even a very crooked picture is solidly secured to the wall. Crookedly.

Ray receives an odd call from Ben, who appears to be a very weatherbeaten old man. But the call is rushed and peculiar, full of obviously insincere encouragement from Ben to Ray about running their new motel. Wherever Ben is, he's clearly apprehensive about something, rushes the call, and leaves.

The next morning, the motel "cleaning crew", a primarily Spanish speaking woman and her nephew, arrive and proceed to go about their business, falling just short of ignoring Ray completely in the process. They're here to do their thing, not to be friends. The Kafkaesque sensation increases.

Ray and Maggie settle into their first day and start to do the never-ending collection of chores that constitute the daily routine of running a cheap motel. Fixing plumbing, hanging pictures, getting the pool ready for guests. When they can, Ray and Maggie try to inject a little fun with each other while doing their work. Ray finds a door labeled, "PRIVATE KEEP OUT PUMP ROOM" which, oddly enough, is not merely locked. It's secured with a chain and padlock, to which Ray does not seem to have a key.

Ray goes to the store and picks up a few supplies, one of which is a bolt cutter for that room. Breaking in, Ray finds it's not just a pump room. There's actually several spaces within, mostly filled with a lot of junkie stuff one needs to run a low rent motel.

Ray returns to his maintenance and notices that Maggie has checked in their first guest, who Ray sees closing her room curtains while half naked. Later that evening, their second guest arrives, a rather peculiar truck driver, Tommy, who insists on room 10 amongst his other collection of odd behaviors. There's a lot of pregnant pauses in the conversation between Ray and Tommy.

The next day, Ray goes to the downstairs part of the "pump room" to retrieve some caulking he saw there, and notices a large framed opening in the basement wall that's been covered over by some junk cloth and a few fiberboard panels. Removing the blockage, he finds a large crawlspace. Going into it, he follows a walkway to a ladder that leads to a hidy space, a secret room on the other side of a one-way mirror that permits spying on the occupants of room 10.

As it turns out, room 10 is special in a lot of ways.


LOOKING GLASS is a well-made movie with at least a handful of reputable actors which, as seems to happen so often in the movies I review, makes me lament how difficult it must be to achieve storylines with a degree of quality commensurate with the rest of the technical aspects of a movie. Skillful moviemakers can accomplish good music, good cinematography, satisfactory acting and etc. almost at will like turning a crank. Coming up with a story that's worth making into a movie appears to be a much more difficult problem.

In order to achieve its sense of "mystery", LOOKING GLASS relies upon tedious trickery in the apparent hope you won't notice the utter lack of a finished plot line.

To confuse you into thinking that there is a "mystery unfolding", most of the dialogue is deliberately stilted. This reads to your mind as if something is going on whether or not it actually is. No one ever seems to really communicate with anyone else, and what conversations occur are deliberately stilted and uncomfortable. Most of the unusual feeling one gets about the movie stems from how oddly the conversations play out, just going across your tongue wrong like desalinated water. Every single character is an "odd duck", invariably acting peculiar and subtly hostile. Conversations are sprinkled with periods of silence as the characters stare at each other without speaking. We are instinctively tuned to be uncomfortable in the presence of conversations that are awkward or make no sense. Collectively, this is just verbal spackle to cover up for the fact that what you have here is a movie with no reason for being.

Here's a couple of examples:

Review the conversation that Ray has with Ben in the desert. No information is actually conveyed from Ben to Ray. There is even Ben using a Geiger counter on Ray that makes no sense whatsoever and has nothing to do with anything. Ben reveals no secrets or insights to Ray that illuminates anything. It's content-less gibberish.

Review the fight scene between Howard and Ray. Howard makes a comment about finally understanding how "Ben knew" what Howard had done but there is no other indication in the movie that Howard had any reason to think that Ben knew anything. But if we don't just SAY that, then we won't have any reason for Howard's behavior.

And at the end of the movie, with a dead Sheriff in one of their hotel rooms with bullet wounds that have to look more like an execution than anything else, Ray and Maggie just... drive away. Yep... That'll work. Certainly makes as much sense as anything else in LOOKING GLASS.

As many others have commented upon it, so must I: while perhaps not the greatest actor in the world, it somehow feels surprising to find Nicholas Cage in such a picture. I've come across two potential explanations why Cage would be involved in such a movie. Cage himself says that always working is a life choice of his and that when not keeping busy he has a tendency toward self-destruction. Others have commented that he may have as much as a $14 million debt he has to work off with the IRS and movies such as this is just what that looks like.

Whatever the case, I hope he gets that debt paid off soon. For our sake as well as his.
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Pretty good 90s throwback thriller
Erwin-67 November 2020
Don't believe the "worst movie ever" reviewers (hey.... there can't be many worst movies ever anyway right)

This is a pretty entertaining thriller like they made lots in the 90s.

Yes, a bit pulpy, but there's nothing wrong with that.

And indeed (as some worst movie ever reviewers note) it doesn't have a typical storyline or cliché finale and closure.

But why should every movie follow that boring pattern?

So if you're up for something a bit different yet still in a pulpy thriller entertainment mode you can't go wrong with Looking Glass.
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Look at a glass for an hour
chumgriffin17 February 2018
Just do the above for an hour and avoid watching this complete mish mash of a nonsense script. It has lots of holes and character choices that make no sense. One thing I can absolutely guarantee you is that if you don't take my advice and choose to endure viewing this silly tat, then once you get to The End credits you will say to yourself dammit, I should have taken heed of that harsh review.
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I felt suitably entertained
r96sk15 October 2020
Nothing anywhere near perfect, or even super logical, but I still enjoyed watching 'Looking Glass'.

It builds up the tension and darkness well, with the ghost town feel to everything. The cinematography, particularly the lighting, is rather nice. The premise and its execution, while intriguing, does have problems, but the two leads are fun to watch.

Nicolas Cage (Ray) and Robin Tunney (Maggie) make for a good pairing, both give satisfactory performances. Marc Blucas is, I thought anyway, pretty decent in his role as Howard; though the writing does let his character down. Other negatives for the film include the average music and crappy opening credits.

Overall though, I felt suitably entertained by this.
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Boring and incomplete
molliethompson16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was a 'slow-burner' anyway, but you expect some kind of explanation at the end to make it worth the wait. There was no explanation... why did Ben send people to room 10? Why did Ben make access to watch room 10 aside from being perverted? What was the relevance of the pig in the pool and the dead girl? Such a waste of time, don't even bother watching.
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Cage keeps the acting level High
louiethepitt2 March 2018
There was a Time Nicolas Cage was an acting God... then he got older and the movies he chose were not that great.... but now he has come to terms with his age and the acting is back guys... great level acting...good movies... this are not the super blockbusters he used to make nor he is that Hollywood God... but everything has a season... and this Nicolas Cage season is like a good old Wine... as for this movie... good suspense... great acting... and a very good premise... great quality... simply put...cage is Back and the B grade movies are long behind.
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Cage Hotel
kosmasp20 March 2021
What would you expect from a Hotel that Nicolas Cage is overseeing? Madness, pure madness ... actually it is not even as mad as one might expect. It has some colorful and interesting characters ... and some storylines that do not accumulate to anything. It was nice seeing Robin Tunney again .. especially because I did a revisit to the original Craft movie she was part of. I was surprised that she got naked for this - not sure if that bothers or enlightens you, that is up to you to decide.

The movie generally speaking has some sexual undertones and depravities - depending on your moral viewpoint of course. Characters may not always be who they seem to be, but I don't think the twist here is very surprising. Still and even if you got fed up with Cage in movies like this one, it is not that bad (or maybe I'm being too nice again)
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Impressively Senseless, Weird and Awful
claudio_carvalho11 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Looking Glass" is an impressively senseless, weird and awful film with the cult-actor Nicolas Cage, the gorgeous Robin Tunney and Marc Blucas in the lead roles. The story of a troubled couple that buys a motel in the desert to leave their past behind has a promising premise. However the peeping Tom Ray is a messy unlikable character and the snoopy Sheriff Howard is easy to know what he is from the very beginning. The scenes with Maggie is the only part that worth watching since Robin Tunney is very beautiful despite her age and looks like Nicolas Cage´s daughter. The conclusion is one of the most illogical ever made, with Ray and Maggie leaving the motel covered in blood driving away in their truck. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Looking Glass"
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Like a really bad ripoff of Vacancy (2007)
pete1-211 November 2018
This film has everything you expect from a typical Nicolas "I'll take anything as long as I'm the protagonist" Cage film. Bad acting. Unoriginal, often boring script. Non-believable characters that you want bad things to happen to because they say do stupid things. And finally, there's a fatally incoherent plotline full of holes. This was a thoroughly dull experience from beginning to end. Even the voyeuristic erotica was poorly done. Unbelievablely amateurish.
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Another lame Cage movie
wlevyiii5 January 2021
This movies is so full of holes it's Swiss cheese! All they ever do the whole movie is half develop plot lines and characters. There is never any understanding provided about anything except for the trucker.

It's just a bunch of supposed to be mystery plot lines after another pasted together in a disjointed MESS!

Only redeeming aspect is a good cast and it's well acted. Beyond that the movie doesn't know if it's a snuff film, sadomasochist eroticism, voyerism, film noir or what!

Could have been a good flick but ends up Being an annoying waste of time as you wait minute after minute for the understanding to unfold.
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Bit of a head scratcher
Dragonborn647 May 2020
The loss of a child drives a couple to buy an old motel and escape their former life. The dead child theme is very familiar though it has little to do with this muddled movie which will leave some wondering what it was about and why. It did for me. Nicholas Cage is good as the bewildered husband, in face the casting is good all round but the story is thin and something got lost in the editing
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No more....please!!
llewellin5 March 2018
As a Nicolas Cage fan I was expecting good things with this film. The write up sounded right up my street. Sadly I was to be bitterly disappointed. The actors were not engaging, convincing or believable, and they all had a permanent look of confusion on their faces throughout the film - they were not the only ones! While the plot was imaginative, it lacked the intrigue and suspense and offered very little answer to many burning questions. On the whole it seems that this was not a well thought out film and had more holes in it than an old fisherman's net. The last few films of Cage's have been poor in comparison to his earlier work such as Face-Off, Con Air or Gone in 60 Seconds to name a few. This is as poor as his previous film Left Behind. I think personally they should have left this one behind too - on the cutting room floor!
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Slow burn but good
deelolazjourney3 March 2018
This one had me questioning whether I was done with Cage movies. He's usually pretty weird but he was more so in this one, but it paid off to stick with the movie until the end. Don't pay attention to slhma-86182's review of this movie. There are answers if you understand English and you're not bitter for some reason. I was left with a few unanswered questions but chalked it up to people just being plain old strange. The whole story and its plot work well enough to give this one a minimum of 7 out of 10.
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Has a great setup, but doesn't know what to do with it
Wizard-89 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This week's Nicolas Cage movie (well, it does at times seem he appears in a new direct to video release every week!) actually had a lot of potential. It's well produced, and right from the start it starts to put one plot element or new mystery after another. For a lot of the running time, I was thinking, "This is shaping up to be a terrific movie!" However, the movie ultimately blows it. The long running time is definitely one factor; you eventually will be yelling at the movie to get on with it and reveal some meat concerning what is going on. Which leads to the second big problem of the movie - it ends on a note where a LOT of plot threads and character motivations are never answered! (SPOILERS AHEAD) Who killed the former motel owner, and why? What do those people hanging out across the street from the motel know about the situation? How did the killer at one point (dressed head to toe in black) gain access to an occupied motel room? What was the point in throwing the pig carcass into the pool, as well as throwing blood or red paint on the motel? Why was the killer killing people in the first place? These and other questions are never answered satisfactory - or at all, for that matter. It's incredible that apparently nobody connected to this movie saw all of these unanswered questions. While this movie is marginally better than some other recent Nicolas Cage movies, that doesn't mean it's worth investing 103 minutes of your time to watch it.
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Good Nicholas Cage movie.
stangpt-720738 April 2018
Excellent movie. Recommended. Kept my attention throughout. Not a fast moving flick but made up for it with a little more character development. Almost didn't watch due to some negative reviews. I should have known better. Unfortunately there is a large portion of today's movie audience always expecting lots of CGI which for me are movies akin to soulless software programs. Nicholas Cage does an excellent job displaying his internal struggle to fight temptation vs. doing the right thing.
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Good, creepy fun
fosterd8929 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a creepy, atmospheric psychological thriller! It's somewhat slow-moving plot-wise, but the weirdness, the atmosphere, and the character interactions kept me engaged the entire time. Nicolas Cage and Robin Tunney play a couple who are looking to start over after the accidental death of their young daughter. So naturally they buy a run-down motel in a creepy town. Ha! While Cage's character Ray is exploring the motel, he discovers a crawl space that leads to a two-way mirror where he can see what is happening (e.g. prostitute sex) in one of the rooms. Does he call the cops? Does he dismantle it? Nope, not exactly. This is a weird little thriller with mystery, a little suspense, and some laughs (the kind of laughs where the people are so weird that you can't help but laugh). That's part of what makes it work though. Entertaining.
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loueysmith3 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was just boring and pretty much a pointless movie! I love Nic Cage and Robin Tunney...and I even like Marc Blucas (back to the Buffy days)...but good lord they were picked for such a dull flick! I watched this thing till the end, hoping that something would make this worth the watch and there was just hardly any story at all to it.

Some dude put a perverts double sided mirror in a motel room...watched the ongoings in that room for however long, and as a result saw a murder. There was like no story on why this murder happened or exactly what happened really...and that is ultimately why you hang on till the end in this. There's nothing scary or creepy (I mean obviously the double sided mirror is sick, but it's nothing we haven't seen before) and just a plot so full of holes, it could be a golf course. I do not recommend another person waste over an hour on this...and as for the Actors, pick better roles! It gets the 4/10 purely because I usually like the main Actors in it.
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The more you watch, the less you feel.
nogodnomasters28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Following the death of their six year old daughter, handyman Ray (Nicolas Cage) and Maggie (Robin Tunney) buy a motel in a small town from an ad on Craig's List. After the transaction, the old owner doesn't want to be found. Ray discovers the small town doesn't like newcomers. He also discovers a crawl way with a two way mirror in room 10 and that his motel is frequently used for prostitution.

The problems mount as the body count goes up. Deputy Howard (Marc Blucas) has his eye on Ray.

This is a run of the mill Cage film. The voyeur aspect was just a small aspect of the film and not as exploited as most "b" films. We had to settle for the multifaceted facial expression of Nicolas Cage for entertainment.

Guide: F-word. Implied sex. No nudity.
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Zero wasn't an option.
kellyreid-924-49568022 October 2018
Like most people I seen Nicholas Cage was starring in it and thought it would be worth watching. Oh! how wrong was I. Couldn't tell you how it ends, switched it off halfway through. The acting was terrible, the storyline was boring and the background music was louder than the actors speaking.
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